-.. w,-w--w.m.-wwwK.i-W''. , n ir--i .,n. , ,ir -ryrr a n . . m.4.1: .1 4.u.l. ..." uxl -ii-r-i-4 .jj... .oil gij ui.jriinim V n. -inr i.-jhIhU' V: 1-.. .: it Vh-"-ti - -r.lrv. 'I --, w--fl- n ---'' hMPrt-WW..' p. ..J .,f, . .jm-jt-Ufp, . , ' ' ;.n-. A i jv Id. - ' t l 1 "'' .., 1 ;,mn i'L i , ,III.,I,I'AI-I x.mii.fi ' . .. 1 1 ...fifi . . f r ml-t" .-. A 11 v..1 "T rTrr,"?"" " ' " 1 " ' : " " "' ' "! "'. . ""' . , . ,r j , k ? . : -'-j . ii,fii .ii.;s tnmstt f,..; ; . , J,,.,., .,($ .,1 ..:-.. , r ,,.CjtlAW.AM4N.. Vn IVft U yM AUUliDl" rlOtf.P.v-;' ;,,v. rv,, : fi!') till lit J I ' . )'!f M ili vi lu. i , tv (jTiiLjaiijf) f4REGULAT0-R Are you taking 8ntiioH3 Lvee Rbo u iilatob, tho f 'Kino of Liveb Mdi- oiNEs?" 'That is what out readers " Vaftt, and nothing but that ' It is the narno old friQijd to which the old folks Inned their faith and were never dis appointed. Butf another good recom - mendatiou for it is, that it is BETTER s tuan Pills, never gripes, never weak ens, but works in such aa easy and natural way, jnst like nature itself, that relief come quick and sure, and ono feels now ait- over. . It never ,' fails. , : Everybody needs take a liver remedy, .-; r nd everyone should' take only 8im ,j,it5V9nifI4yw Eegajpr.;!, smVr'.": . 1 JiCKivro you g, fc it, j ; J'ho Kca S5 ,r Moi, tb.e wrapper H, Zeiliu & ;J if.l' M. If I t II''M ' f ' .i icoii 'a. rJo rvcj , , , O.t'tH .-!,. ,11 . ' M.I'.:'; ; . . , , s , Attorri Qjrat-Law, 'BOBftlNGTON,' '" C. f rrcUoe In the' Plate' anil Fertorl courts. .OJtic over White, Moore & Co.'b store, Main Street, 'Phoiie No. a. - ' ',-. ATTORNEY AT LAW aoHURiy'Bvsrjii; W. V; 'bvkun, if.. , AtUriiPj-B ami Coansf'lors at Law, , , . GRKENSBOttO, K. C. I ,,; . ( j : l'rcrtoe rrsrulvrly Jo tins enrt of . Ala .( ir.iinyecoiMitl, ; SI. v, $lf Autf. 2, W if PitrRT.TNGTOX, N. "C.: Jijiid wtof titi li rir ivlJ . fetqleowu alu ?t. ovi Ii N. Wnlker iC6.'8 B)IC. ' " STABLE5, . , " ftfifjir j-a'iTiMinir'T! ORAILAM. N. C ttrr 5m ' (; 1 WkMrtot'nlfcti(lnii ! flol WJf ordoo ' Hfilniirii. Carge 'iiiodnraie. '2-aMlin 1 I am tho Nortlj .JJarolinji, Ag$nt for, Dr. White's Nw Hair Grower Treat- It prevents hair Turning grnv ana efitoro JTaif "onginal color, "and lirinn A NEW GROWTH OF 'r i - f w ' t t" ri - -i Vnxhlelthrl-Huk i i Testimonials and troatisq furnish- h1 on applifat'mn. , J Mr. John Jl l ot.lc is My agent at SEXDFORSAMPLECOPy. f in vn!la rgemcnty The yt h' Carolinian is the largest weekly pewspajicr jmblished in the State. intri all flit Pews, tndi trcm-tics I-..i .1... 1 T Vir and pet it for a whole vcar. A panrple copy will be mailed free on l.'ot.i.l, V ll .il U i ' it J It; The The North Carolinian and .ALAMAXC-E(il.KAXr ViU W Hllt $ r one year fir Two Pollar, C'afh yiadvaiice. Apply at The ti leaner , giuMw-1 ! ni bam. N. C t DradburjrPiahos. - roeurllrd for In nrlwinto and H- In nrrtnc nfliw lhl tutrmnuamttu. il Ileal of . llifir rfnVtfciarMtestDlscoverjf . jcoal has madfe le nehratt approach - It Twiirpemianently cure falling or the hain daodfjiff, sealy eruptions, J " largest inroada have been ;m(ulc "postufess or ajiv Bt-aliiUsease. i A urfthp'rorMy; there is no fear of t lift TtZ- ftl'v;? f'1 mil ftlmft liMr cent, of wl Coal and Iron and Silver. ' . ' 1 1 1 i ' :t ' Thrrb'isno ptountry in'lho world, says the Wilmington Star,, which ' eminl-i our du'n in Inn viutnnia . , nn variety of its natural resources pome countries hiay have large do ' fjosits of some tiS ffiif mineral,, fine fo estg, with lr rut i capahle of pro' .ducing in abundance certain cnijif, : but there is none that combines all these In any degree to compare with this i country. 1 hu is ono reason why,, we should ; fool muependanty and have tho courage to shaiei our own policies and pursuo our own course, without asking tho advice or yielding ' to ' the dictation of any other country. If wo were forced to it we could live and prosper absolutely cut off from other nations of tho earth, for we can and do raise everything nc' esaary to sustain Ife and enable oiiV people ,to live comfortably, the only difference brjrjtfthat. while 'the cessation of ' intercouse lasted , we wiiuld be depnyed" of the advalitages afisiiig from an interchange of our commodities for their commodities, which might result in some tempo rary inconvenience ;but in much more to them thari'it would t'o-fls.' ' - Coal is one of the - essenrial ele ments both of industry and comfort. No country;. can become ,a : great manufacturing country without :it, and where coal and iron are found in close proximity and in abundance, there, no, reason, why -that country, if if has the right kind of people in it, should not become a great niftntt fa6turing country '!s giying sotnc idlbeex ces we vhp the, following from a' re cent riUinbei! ofhfe I'hiladcllthiai Kx cord't1' :;"-;' J';-'-; v 4 '"flie (paljoratc sasca,' volurjie on ('lie coal industry which has lwcu jrcpared by Air. K. V. Parker, for tbo'Tj,. GeSoiricnLlSurvevri shows thaltliq procfudtioB of in this cWhfry in the mC 154 years has cached an apf?fcg'atu iif l,78.',t74, 284 gross tons. The authracite re gion in Eastern, I Vniuj which corcrs an area, of 480 scpiarc nnlqsi, yiciflcd. 319,370, 2CS tons or -nearly i30,,jit;r con,'., ot.thi total, and tho 0,(K)') scpiarc miles of bituminous coahiiea uininous and aj)u- racjlo goal I enii, Jias produced dur- ' ing ,.; llie past , .tiftqcn-, years $)0,P$,(titf .gfof-.Vtons., ; or over 55 per cent of the entire ;out- i 1)UA H fofm fl ifld et ' the coal fields of Pennsylvania, winch' Vfoducc Buch a large proKrtion of ' the total output, constitutes but lit' tic more than 4' per ,cent. of! the knovrn pea of coal , ; t,l)e.. United lum ,-, ty-en ip tbe smalL. anthra cite region in which the mining of nn eariv exliaustion of the denotuta. the calculation of Dr. H. II. Chance, o me t ennnyvaia ueoiocicai sur- $ lwitunf nous coal, m .Pennsylvania amounts to about of the Pennsylvania Geological sur- 33,547,000,000. gras ton?, 'The 470,807,779 tons of tfift coalwhich he , past npre3cat iat re- -maihs. ierate of production of tho past year the bituminous' coal supply of Pennsylvania would la.st neatly n thousand ytri; and .tliat is but a small fraction of the fuel resources upon which this country ran ilrar as iicc&Uy' may .dc- manJ.U i Jfi ljl'i ' 'vtlien the'OMW uarp mile of of coal in Pennsylvania shall begin to hhow signs jof aipniarbing ex ing great. resources UI , lUllMIIUlUUS fuvt to d!Ad MU 8q. Jlilca. Illinoij-.-. ;U. L.- 36,800 Mwsouri 2(5,700 Indian Ttrrilory- 20,000 Iowa 18,000 18,000 Kansas Wwt Virginj;.,- Kentuokr 17,000 19,000 15X00 turn is here'iiiadororily of thb- ritatcs' lij wuicu coat iiiiiuif.is jarnwj q aai industry, liut thofo . are )nrgo areas of coal in Virginia, North,Cnp olina, Tennessee, Arknnsus,1 Texas, ami alo in some' of ' tho ' paciftc states. The extent of thesq is not known bocaiiw tho.dissovcriei are rVepnt and they have booh only partially cxplbre.d, ' while; there- js sca,rcqiy a,wceK uairojoes ,noi aou some new discovery to thoso previ duxly made. : .. 5 . " There is ono notable" difference between tho coal deposifs of tho South, ond, those of .other , sections, in tho fact that the f deiwitS v jn the South as a: ' general 'thing lie nearer to the' surfaci and can' there'fore, be mined .to hette ad van- tago and much more economically than they. can- be' inn" some Sscctifuia of this country or in Europcf Vhy sjiould'a poUnlito'tlijswith dl these advantage, , Syi tli all this rich rio.. of , nat'iral resourQes, be nle.idin7'for Eurooaii capital . to . ; . - - . come and help us twin them td ac count,' and why souM wo.be fold that; wo, niiut confonn our.f mono tar)" .system to suit hurojioan ap probation lest ivo drive the' Er fiean money Fcndcrs,nway'(froin... us a,iiU they reiuse to. leij Tus titeir nionev? If our fathers,- had boon. actuated by that ' Spirit, and ,that IncW of independence Ihia country wrtiild ,stilL be a British, clcpenden cy in allegience as well 99 iinaiicpisl- Wo are not only the great coal , and iron producer of the wofld, 'but. also tho great silver pfodiiccrj but instead or availing oursclyqs;yf jtit,tadvan- tngo.and utilUing this silver, to develop our resources and btiild,.up our1 power, We1 have' rrtaricly pen nitctl ic'cohiripirire ';ty com bine against it, to.h'scrq(litand de grado it, and convert! it utfrom ' a money metal' of first ' dignity to -a hicrc commercial commodity, which soino of the 'gold standard r pwmiei sneer at as, r"junL'' j,' There, ir no finer country 111 ine worm wincn ij . . 1 .1. - 1 1 ; one-blow Bliikojdown wlwt.if prop1- efly tr.eated and appreciated,- would make it 'financially the1 strongest and . wealthie.it nation on. earin.f .ii'.'i' v ; 1 ''' it'.i'ifK . jj. , ,, With other resourct!?,bake.I,hy Otir silvw thorfiti 1)0 initios on earth that could compete wi'h ns J- .. . The Georgia Peach. Wilmington Star. 1,1 .. . . - '" The Georgia peach is lK-cpmihg even more 'celebrated tlian the Geor gia , watermelon. , and i t : is : said : is driving the -' Califorhiar' peach but of the Eastern markets. Vheth- I'r the Georgia peach ,'ia' n'atturjitly any better than tho California Tieach or not (and Gorgia ; growers ' con tend that it is), it has a decided ad ant age of itsv rival iri the shorter time required to reach the markcH The difference between one day and six days on the mad gives vast odds' to the Georgia peach, which is in coiw?cpjcnco j ermitted. to rjmain longer on the lree and reach a high er degree of maturity t before being plucked for shipment. It npens on the tree in the natural order and is thereforo more luscious . than the fruit picked in a. greener state,' and ripened so to Break, by the process of. decay.. MVith ih refrigerator cars tliat are flow famished ,by Jlio fruit trausj)orting railpxida and the lightening time made to the princi pal markets' ,tho 4Gergia J teach grower can put bU peaches in Phif adclphia New, York, fcfL Ixwjw and Chicago almost t frodi as it eainc ffotn the 4ro&. '' liut Gcvrgia has not thcmunojory of thepcacli growing territory in the Soulh 'although it nay haveThe advantage of the fniit maturing a weck.or two earlier tlian it docs in the tier of Ptntvs north of it South Carolina ooglit to be able to grow aa gnud a iat-h a can be grown' In (IcHirpLa and w know Nonh Carolina can fbr we niae not only a choice rari ty, but orar i kinds peculiar to thi State-,' and some as tin m cm be proem any- it had the 'silver suppliea bf - this coUjhtrj, would ever ;h;i'v(;iihown sucti stupidity .thai," and vjus,1 at fl V.flo . SoutlipV-n irTfcoiwda ofactw'ii MiMfeand f r iAHVilliftnwixJrtiMa8it' rorres-J hv Tutt's Liver Pills, an abso- B tat e' with tho young-.treps than they did -tegrowing the fruit, .- and some of ihoiH m:de a great ' ' deal of money jjy.uiis, UK)., ,ti 4 (J, ; ;SILVERENViON. . :, 1 ' . ' ' ' . Oinieltof VirtfMt rriMMetrltM the Choice . . '(orpretieeiiet xantew ueKiee nupior., l . . ...... V t .. KjV.f V ' 1 ' Special Corrcspondortse df The Glinnor, f.., t W a i 1 sgto n, , A liig. J 7 tlx, J 81)5. The j Silver Convention met here Angitst 14th and adjourned August 15th. :' Tweiiryflta'tes' wbro ropre scntpd, by .BS.'.nwmr),:.". Senator Jtaniulfnf, Yd; was. .'.chos in , perma nent Chairman.) -Va had the larg est delegation of any -state ropre- g0tcd, ' "N. C. ' 'sent as delegates ox-venatorr. J. Jaryis, Congress roan liOiikliart, and (Mrii JosephUs Daniels of the" -New and Observer. Senator Daniel-)' preiidcd with grat (Uniy.ncrinv coivuiii.iu(i ujnum ihI lie wakci. busy ijt the" deart mcuta for tho of his c:W3itutfnts who want offices.1 Ex-Senator Jarvia fcidrAmotijt tlio'clrf's of J)crsonf wjio'liad Mot b:rire,;any well-flefin-ed opinions and Another clas who Are dispose! to adopt tho views' of the! administiiition, thereiiave been a f)iya6c.0Ksio:is t6' thc'old side, b it he groat body of, the people ofNiJ C afe? jmt as decidedly in favor of the free ' coinage of silver as; they Were three or rottr inoqths agoV',1 Isliouht 'sa)' ttBat there .are no.raprethan piiefth of the dem ocrats iiii tlw! . aggregate on tho gold side to font-fifths- ort 'the sido of silver. . In Mn& bounties, the pro- pQrt.ipu(,iay qjpno, ,u ,weniyi . in. ; iOtliers; j m-fiOa iifc ,twp. I s was told -byintolligent oitieensxitf Row aivthiit Jfr. IVnltt Murphy's claim that (he, county was',aii'fi)t silver shows, that he knows .nothing alwut, the sentiment of the county. , J hose citizens say' that Kowhn is -for free silver. In some of the counties irt the Charlotte r?gioii there is more pf, thCj gold Jecliiig than, . elsewhere. N, C. na a whole u a strong free silver- state, and as ypu well know- is going to reihnirf so. "(3 are not I In Oj, .c'dftiou jtlicrcj if Ve felt litccj it, to abate an iota of zeal for free coinage. N.-C.'lomocnus were in. thclast'clrttlon tt ! minortty of the Pliers of th'eStRte!' 'A'tiifrtf that is so ntuatcd'V it lisflee'p Jdlrcngth" enj not Heakoo lfcjoJC lo adopt a gold standard oiv an ambignous plat form ahd noiirfna'tc a'" candidate for President who 'stands'' W ''such a phitform ts to ia yite j'ie, loaa;of votes in,N. C. when we have no:io to lose, We sliall hare hard iworkbut we thtnit ni'll iroiricfct for , free silver we 'sliall wiij ,the fight. This conference is to malio a plan by which ! the party . throughout the country 'can5 be' Bved next year. I do not kow; what; that plan will be, I corn'c as an observer of ei-cnts, to see, to listen artel to learn. Ilep rcsentative Iockliart wasoqually em phatic in declaring that there had been io substantial gains to the op ppncnls'pf silver. ,, In ibif Blr. Jo. cphua Daniel fully concurred.. In response to a question he said ; ''Un questionably silver has." not kwt en-mind in North fanifTha. Th jicople by a very large majority are for free coinage of adver.' lion. Win. R. Morrison sccmoil to be the tavorito for the' Presidential noiirimtion iiKmg the silver demo-et'eVw- ; -.:.: .i t A good many politicians here fig ure out that the, nitt-t ' liktl m-ttle-incnt. between 'the nulkal, sound money knucrnt ;u( Urn-east and tho rlical Mirer nicu of the south and weat -will be fouetd in the nomi nation, of cotibcn'atird sound money man, wfiovljarty aMfK-iation and pkice of abode more d w ly al ly him with vitlicr the wtUh or tlie wertt. '. : - : ' -' I Minister Itamiirt niost mepliali caKy tlenientlie rumor palCiIieI ia th iA liViiHirrat tht b had ever nflcrted in any way on the Mexican olnciaU. No one T-ho kaow.i Gen. KaniMim LeUeved the report for an instant. "? . ftn toii i.c fine stationerr ? If Southern States are being seeded : to Crimson eluver which w, creating ta much excitement ; as - alfalfa . has raised in the centml wi-st, while ex pcrfmnts with crimson clovef are being niwlo in ' fTew,. England nd also, in ..the Ccntralj and estern States. As.il hav foraao I have never found anvthing to equal it, ihilc'lie"8'd yields as high as 12 tp. 15 bujhcls jtp tho' acre, , though fiveto.ten vi a fair avemger. It is found to U ono of the beat crops to usc in Connection with! orcharding, trilckihg or tferry growihg.,It fills the rotation , exactly. . . , , r or , instance plant pen jn the spring,' and follow tomatoes for the cannery as soon ns the peas aro' off." ' Whon you .lay toinotocs hv, seed, with, mmson Ciover. i, Thus the jgroutid )9 joecU; pied with ine croj all the itum- and in the following' Mayif soil and seasort hive been favorable, you will have m crop of closer' two tor three feet Iiigh to cut for hay or en- silige, and .a giod crop of stubble-i and roots to turn under ! to ' enrich the" soil.' yCojh; 1 potatoes or any other cron may follow. Of course this I onl y one . instance. , Many orchards are settled with tho clover, either to plow under as a fertilizer, or to bo cut for hay. " ' - - I prefer "not to seed the entire ground jn tin orchard, The ground should lo will broken, then a smoothing lwrrow or drag run over it; foUpweid With the seeder, one strip, (if fiturteen feet ' between a each tree rpvy being enough. Then harrow again and ; roll. hero a large quantity bf land in to be seed ed it is best to have all these opera titits to go on at once, for if the ground is moist the seed will sprout in a few ilajd, and pn seed loft un rolled or wnliarrowcd the sprouts will be broken off from many of them) thos reducing tho chances for a exKXl stand. By all means put thp seetl in the ground an I not oi it. J bave tried jusl; .roHing the ficetl ; on . frehly . kim weit ground, and while much of the seed sprouts and take) rwnt, not :hno half will' grow. : If ?owh previoUj-i to August loth in thin, latitude, the chances are that thes liot sun will kill it, al thoutih eady scling ' is no -doubt liest'if yoti in get' a; ?stad. ' Hav ing-lot"flry"eiti iwedinj once ' or twice, I Bill ' cautious now not to g&belit -have known gooc).taiid3 as hue as Octo ber 1, but the euances arc that the clover will mot make much root be fore cold, weather sets in, yielding a poor :crop,;'A great deal is sown in, standing om at tlie List harrowing or cultivating. If tho work is well done; uiuJc-r Hat culture so tliat the field is loft smooth after ' the com is cut lit the bottom, the result is likely .to Ue 'vcry ttatHfactory, be cause tho com will shade the young clover ami permit it In get a fine staivl. Mairiy farmcn hare made tho , mitaTce7 of mnriqgy crimson clover in tl spring. It is only on annual, maturing seed with the first crop.5 ': The r.wt diai as soon oa need i inaturetb Amer ican Agriculturist. ,,. . ; A Seniifr from the fir west, new alike to congrcwional honors and the ways ficty, was invitwl to a very ewe-ll dinner given by. a wealthy iiian who wanted -iifiu encu". Jlrre U a part of the; letter the Senator wrote, hrmo the cliy lAort") wt",.'i-..f ' "It wai tlie fined house you ever saw and the finest folks. The table was set out ithong-up style 1-aeu on the Ub!ec-ioth aixl sui-li nvnrcrs i I never seed. -T.nt'jwt a thing; to cat on it. lut some candy, sonic littlo nuU N (dulled. and audi; llaogs. Uttt liyiucl liy nte'of tlw men tarrrirg arotiml brought me some of the finest soujr yVn e er c't. And ai I i ilri't ' anylhhiji, else j teat I hcul .smiie raore, anL, mmif more. Ami then- what ' do yeu. think?. llflng mef ' if thtuv men (Tblii't brfnij. oo ono of the micstj duire ra you ever Mh and Uiere I ot Ckc a fool chin k fuil of soup.' Blank Jwls and Mortjnpv ami itondent writes" ' the 3 following ,', !,Ih the village', of Pownin',', ' adjoin- mg mis. xoTvnT i an. . uw: wvuieicr., one ot tho efdest in the State1 of Ver riiont. ' Many of the stones, have ling since toppled over and are hi fjuvt concealed by hioss. audi oyer- grown grass. , un many .arcs, qnunt old inscription. : At thefacattofone grave is seen': ' it! ' "Here lion In Silent clar. " MhwAeBMlaltMweL. -Who, on tlie flst of Mr. i ' ' ! Begun to Itolc kr tongue." ( i Many are of a bunuirou nature as is shown by the following ? "ffcie lie the wife ofof Simon StoLes - Who lived ami died like-other fiHke. . Here I lie. and no wonder rte.deak' . t For wagon wheel paeeed over or Jumd." John Hill is referred to as 'fol ows : : i- , "Here Lies Jn!m Hrrf. 4 nmri of ikirt, ' ' HID are wu live time ten. ' j '- lie nevwrdid noo! dot never aroobl. ' i Bad be Ured ae long atalo." ; ! The Blaoaicr GlrL What next ? says the New ; York corresj)onlint of the IHttsburg- Dis patch. I he bloomer girl has atiuen a pistol pocket to her cloth-devour ing pantaloons, and carries a bullet ' hurlerin lL fbo authoiity for the j statement is none other than one off the oldest and most experienced cycling outflttcra in tlie country a man who has made mora plain and dublo skirts for. devotees of ,t he wheel than nny otbertailorof either ex. The new fod is m.f confined to the loldcr blooincritesr but in stead ba-4 been liooipcd by tlie weak and moderit wbceluises w1h , have been annoyed by recent acts of .ruf fians on the road. When pistol prac tice bccomei part and parcel of tlie wheeling course those who poke fun at the cyclimies in "knkka" will take desperate chances. It has Ice'n dv-monstratetl that a woman ran fire bullet straighter than she can throw a stone or skillet. . ' , Crushed Again, "Isn't it awful ? said Mrs. Jenks to her husband. 'Isn't what . awful ?" queried Jenks. . - Houston's Ixy was run over and received infernal injuries." . 'Internal von me.in,r "V "No I nu-aa infernal, ,1 know what! am talking about.". - After -a. quarrel of fire ' minntes Jenks produced ' a dictionary and with considerable trouble managed to find "infernal." . ' "There !" he exclaimed, "I told you so. Infernal means rrclaung to the 1wct regions." - ' "Well," replied Mrs. Jenks, and there was ajiug of triumph in her voice, "ain't that where he was in jured?" Truth. . Diy;Fooi rfr;(akaW ..' .'J .' t Tlie food br yeang chicks slionld never le sloppy. It will do no harm to moisten the giwmd grain a little, but no more water should be used or that purpew than to make a stiff, cmmbly dougli. It is lctterto feed even, ground food dry, if it can be done' con venientiy. 6ne thing to observe is never . to i leave any food over from the meal that has been moitered, as ft tnnentg and assistcs in causing gapes, as well as leading to bowel diseases. Scatter millet seed over the runs, for chicks and let them hunt and scratch for them. They will be all the better from the exercise and trill have more api e'.i'eat feedis-rimea. . Useful flints. A simple way to rcmore grrase sKts fnmt wall paper, caused by the head rest ing-against the waif, v to hold a piece tsf dean ' Hotting paper over, the ' spot and jrw a rpoiIeTately wanu flat imi over it Ipat ihn ojieratlon, until all the grease is out. - A ."' 4 ; i Com meal is one of the, best cosmetic- known.: Keep a jar nn. lire wasWand awl rob a handful well into the pkin after wasliing ,-witfc warm water; wasfc it orT, ihiMt out f-1 t .ii- . r ... ppgrour stomach, malaria, constipatioiv jaundice. feiUous Tiei knd nil kindled trouble?. Th RyWfcd of Ufc" Dr.Tutt;; Yoii tyht TJOls are the fly-Wheeloflife. 1 shall ever le grateful for,the cfient tht brought them to my notfce. I feci as if I had a new; lease of life. LFairleigh, Platte Cannon, CoL Tutts '.Liver, Pills MACHINIST- . Ani -.-.;. , ENGINEER,1 elack-smitii. h;or. rovsw. ffaTPipingsi, fiUingsj valves, tete. Barhin Oc t its.,". 1 vithfrver or cbaQcd wnti deep Cold, f i ae i jfoa-- f. CULLEN & NEWBAN. vj " V I J. C. SIMMON Sv Drojgrisi. aaaooo - A Webster's Intejmatioaai Dictionary . JWew tram rer CmtT "it 2 r. a. rti-- trcuCee.Tl . 6 SitjB;iBeoirm Q . mrtr - i ! n i km -- y Saj..de.ir ( Srhk3 ! Y anwiflwu maw- !. ft. 1. n Jbree( ke V. . O SufKHy Crwwt. wri.r ; - TW IrwuiV A. V l))cHnrT bar rnt.M fjwtwvs. C I rwsiaxK.1 l to li as Ihvwaa C4 wii- o ariaMlMrtt'' - ' ul -. f ' A Caar rnU.lia WHIae-t, -T X "mm wUh mmtttt the rr m4m tha O wrd Mackt. foe acu mmf ( Wk 1- V "tiam. Iter eSamUie awtlnda an X "mmUm aramadattM. far teeaajTM C com pyrin uTi l i utala mt trt. X "ad (or arwtlwl a a mrJi ft -auniiry. WrfcttJIaHMl J-' V -ttlttmrf-mrr alW olaaia " V S I tare tcoceeteooocsy MOHTAGEE'SGALE ! ftr Tii-toe of te r"nrla'eetia':t! i a i-ertjiln moncaee de rSroied la n ' rv Ci!. TVrrlrfft T;a ITf Arrll. I. t. i n WI 4r-d hi 4mt n-oidla lirk laitB 1 1 tie and 47. la Ik k 4 the rit r ( Upd fr In Wii m r ansetr, I wttl mril i tt.. t hrmm wr In hum, a. C to ! ha MOX DAY, SEPT. 2nd, IS. H f?W , nay teOnoilrai lia iilJ reel i." rlr tuan vt Crtuvtrnt A I irk . inmitf, h . C, in CralMia Vlr t, k.t lMuil tm K :h rilf or w a4 laaEn rarafp from roart how r. r-mMrlli h iMutm. on , , l v iirt o4 Jtrv.AitrU.r:i (ntiiirTvii. aS ea r.d r- h Intnof W. r. Jinf as3 wer ... tn wmt w, r. onca. ivn- at wr a r,e IukctxTC for feick bjtaChe. dys- HI t l i Far ZIWI . Wieeeirl SattwTaaea., ; , f tkn, but bamkx ttJOt, yet MUSS f lever, Wiiilif s euiel tfiwlU i Y bkocoocctstfae lrtaeaas- V eettfc.Mai.rH rid IwitMisi l'llT'u STaemsw 'r",JL eJ m v ,. 01 ho 10,00.1 j wcre in the wnrhL The only rea Ala)ma - 8,000 "by the indfc4ry Iws n at- - Tbti is only iTpartui tost of ths tned the j roportioas it baa ia ro. TTKiwill find it at The Uleaseb Mrv4mtt' bhuU for eahs at this .rr oUr r ,i. i.. I n,ToT L ,uu " i v I aatiny yjur lace feels. L aUMa .

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