The A- . ' 1 'AtV& HJo HUT mi I I II Jill 1 . 1 n A I .Vl -II a III 9 ,4 I A 5? -iff. .J . ,' J) n Are you taking Simmons Liver Reg ulator, the "King op Liveb Medi cines?" That Ia: what our readers ; want and nothing but that. It is tho sarao old friend to which the old folks pinned thoir faith and were never dis appointed. But another good recom mendation for it is, that it la better than Pills, never gripes, never weak ens, but works in such an easy and natural way, just like nature itself, that : roiicf comes quick and sure, and ono foe's . now all over. It never fails. Everybody needs take a liver remedy, .and everyone should take only Sim-' luons Liver Regulator. Be mire you get it. Tho Red S5 i on the wrapper. J.H. Zeiliu& Co., Philadelphia. PIIOESSIONALCARDS. J. A COli a.lo rv c , Attorncy-at-Law, BUKLIN'GTON, ----- N. C. rrnotloe In tho Stnro ami Foil oral cour's. OHice ovor While, Mooro & Co, 'a htoio, Main Street. 'Phone No. 1. .1. 1 . .lA.l21J.rW01 I .AC. A TtORNEY A T LA W , . OliVIIAM, - - - - N. C John Okay Uvniim. w. r. r.vxuM, J. UYMJM & BYKUM, Alt.oi'in'j' ami (Imnwlora ut Ijjw, GREENSHOllO, N. 0. T'laclire regularly mmiixooiiiily. In the ciirU of Aln AU4. i, !M ly. Dr. JohnR.Stockard, Jr., 0I PEST 1ST, liUIlLINGTOX, N. 0. rotid win of ti tii Jin per g"t, Ollicc on Main St. over I. N. Wjlker & Co.'s ?T SfiirAfVt ttolwA 'l7tirl 1 j i T J ? r :; ' o l rvo U.E.O. 0 AMOMiiiK.IllioW:. O HAH AM, N. r. Hack mcHitll tmlnsi. nnad lng le ordnu ble leaii A. t biii;eii inodoralc. 2-.S-iu I am the North Carolina Agent for Dr. WhltVs Nv Hair Grower Trt- mnt,th Greatest Discovery of the Age. It will iMTiiiaiicnily mro falling 01 the hair, (lnmlrtitf, scaly i rujilions, 1 A -Head of Hair ! .. ' jH'sHi'.e-t, 9,r any sculp li.jew. .V.Hjprevetsts liair turning $nxf jmjft restores hair to original' color, and 1 .rings A NEW CKOWTII OF Halr Qn, Any Bald Uiai On Earth. It .-is the only Ircatincnt tlia( tt j.rixiucc lhro n sullH. r 'i't.-stiniwtial and treatise Arn'sh- ;:donai4icatio ' U f f , Mr. John M. CoMuas mj agent at L1 Cintharh, r ' - ? Kespeelfullv, 15. T. LASH LEY, JUw RiTcr,N it. '' i Pee. U-tt Since its enlargement, Tlic North Carolinian is the largest witkly newspajier niMisliel in the State. It print all the news, ami prcache (lie tFiMrineof pure UenwK.'nu'jv It rentaia- eight uiges f iiiten-liiig . matter every week. Send one dd f lar ami g-t jt ir it whole year. - A Kiin.lii epj wil Ur inailca frw on i ' application to 1 1 " i t i f ,' ; JOSKl'Ill'S PANIEf-S, IClitor ' ILileigh, N. C. The North OinJinian and The Alamaxo: (Ji.E.tNKit will lie wnt , f r .rw yittr for Two TMLir-, 'a-h 1 - in advance.' 'AppfyatTnKtiultJiHt tilliv, (Jnihain, N. C Bradbury Pianos. Vtr14 Ut In una rrt. Knxt fr lllnainilnl niwbcar. Vrm-rhr tvnalt l Mi i'. HmiW, j'4IT VpltiM k Avr Wilnctn, l. , " wtio n I mmm4 rmr U U f r In murrliif rncUm tit adrentMrnatBl. . "carn.-tv.x., Umt IU '. . Waii!on, . C .vu-a. "'HUNT HIM DOWN. fin. good people of owry town, . - ilnro in it lirntluir; hunt hira dournl i iliour at bin hoilN llkci a rniilnK floodrr t'lnko your thiint with Ills ln ai1'H ml blood, Kor ho wnn ti'inpted hi Mnnixt, hp fi ll From tho hoigliU of hoarim la tho tlupths of FtiBltlve fioettiR th" saintly town, Bunt htm down! Hunt him dowul . IIo, Rood people of trerj town, Kivro nd alnnnr snd knnni and clown, , Bwi ll thu rnnkM with their storm and Rtrlfe In the ninddnnlng ruce for n human llful Pnane not ye for litis hwii nnd gronn , i iin tho arrow nuu hurl tho Htonel . ( at tho ytllupo and thronuh tho town 1 Unnt him down! Hunt him downl , Care not yo for tho (rrtof ho foobi. Li t thi' blixxUionndHhowl ntliutlmrnlnRlipnlii, Lt't tbo rolil. Hhnrp KtmiH of tho orni l utruot Piorco the wouihIk in hi" MiwliiiR foot, horl your hinjicS nnd llo-k hiH way. Till ho BtnnilN ut Inxt liknn lx iwt ot hnyl Kourch Iho villnnct nnd wick tho town Hunt htm down! Bunt him downl - ' ' i - i !, , . Flo, good pooplo of tivory town. Lot not yonr movcy your jurtlicn 'drmmt 'Tin Iminiui K;iiuc-.'tiH a mill of woi-, WbuM) whito Hiihtiinor dird lon(r ninil Hcourito htni-Kluy him I 'Tin littlo lews. A ninnor rlinRR to tho oriuiKon ornw, AkinR not fur your Rhintiiit crown. Dead iu tho darkmm huntiil dnwnl Frnnk L. Stanton. LOTTIE WALKED. Among my mnsio pnpils Lottio Walker, pretty and blond, occupied. ' tho (irst rank, botb in talont and in telligence. When I bogan to givo lessons at tho academy and when ' each of my pupils was trying to mako herself ngrooablo to nio, she had presorvcil a silent nnd serious demeanor nnd ! remained in Ibo background, nnd only at intervals I surprised her eyes ' nnnarontly ""watching mo with a closor interest. Sho bad nover given me a flower, and yot I had to confess to: mysolf fjejainst my will that I would havo cheerfully exohangod my entire floral collection for even a leaf from her. Sho soomed to regain her wonted animation only wheu tho lesson was in progross. Sho was se rious and assiduous in her studies, nnd often when latohi the evening I bnpponed to enter one of the lesson rooms I found her still hard at work studying hor musio at the piano. On such occasions! she would turn hor bead toward mo with a modest smile nnd oontinuo practicing without in terruption, i . One Saturday, tbo wookly holiday of tho school, Iontored tho hall after n' sliort stroll. 1 met hor, smiling nnd radiant, in n faultless, and fash ionable summer toilet, leaning affec tionately upon tbo arm of n young, gallant who was court net ins her to K- ruiKniiinn in TrniUnrr ff tlin iMVin . I door. 1 tiiousrht tlintholiad novor ! looked so loviily as in this airy elo- ganoo.and'a qujck.slvirp pam jnorcod my heart ns tsue , turnoci nor xaco from mo with an air of "inrtifrcroneo und raised it smilingly to bor com panion's. . For tho first timo I realized tho fnll scopo of tljo dangerous jwission 1 bad nursed, and with a fooling of ntter dejection I oponed tho parlor door and enterod tho room to take a farewell look at bor fronv the .seclu sion of the shutters. I saw hor pnuso irrespjutefyn!the jioinTTof stopping irtlo the carriagb.'anfl with a hastily nttorod remark to her esoort run back into tho honso. as if sho bad forgotton something. A moment later sho thrust, ber fnco in at tho door with a look of anxiety, and soo iiig me ynncel (roipkly. "Yon arb not' illj 'sir?" sho asked. "I believe not, " I replied, touched by her strange conduct "May I in qntro why yoq.ask?" . , ' ' ' , " nover saw yio look sopalo, nnd my reason for coming back was to Bpologizo for not bidding yort good by,'.' she replied, extending ber little flgved band. "I shall be alisont for jodays. ' ' ' tioJdby Miss nlkor," I sakl, agoriy on iur iaco ucspife a manim afEhrt to) ofitrol myself. "I bnpo yoo-wiU Jiisaa pleggant Sunday." "A visit which I cannot avoid, sir, is fill, V she said faintly. "1 should I would havo conducted her as far as the dooribut who was cono. I saw ber doclino the in-offered band of ber escort and step into tbo car- riage onassisttxL I half fancied 1 anwbareast a qnick, wondering (kioo tbo window behind wbieh .stood as tho horses started off, nnd fj.en tbo carriago passed out of sight. Utterly rointlh, I wont to my room in tho principal's honso, and leaning my head on my folded arms abandoned myself, to a sucoosxion of gloomy rettectkmi. A knock at tho dour recalled mo to my mrvtu. It was Mr. Johnston, the jirincipal,' woo laid a M&T fn tbo table and risked in if 1 StiwilL . ''Only itj ielaabo, sir," I said. It will noon pan away." "Yotj should have a caro bow yon fxpoco yourself t the snn. Yon ar not yet fully icelrntatcd," ho said j kindly, quitting tbo room with a be nevolent gesture of tbo hand.. "If boconM gnoH what sen bas j cansed my illness," I thought, opon- ing tbo Mter. It wan from a Jear i friend, who was detailing in mi nnte way bis enreer in the eo.f, ami whose aTrjeiyj hnmorona atyle exer eicd a wboJesotDO effect upon my spirits, can hi f rnu to sreilo anil lxngh in spite of myself. I was sad and gay Ly turns as I contrasted Lis GRAHAM, N, C, f fiositkin of hnrod comfort -ith niy own uncoi'Jain fate, ! i 1 1 , ' I lackotf tho door t oncl, threw my- toU.aixiaUio bod, nUornntoly ilronm-i ing soulo pliniiicr, froin my morry exploits as a wandcriug. bohoniian in the west or frnming somb plausi - bla iWottkict for r osignirlg Iny jwsition witbont embarrassing my clianoos, in tho sticcoss of sdmo future nndir- taking. !! Ah insidious feeling of ut- tor wretobodneKS took possession of mo, and I would havo sobbed had not shame restrained mo, I felt that it was useless to fight tbo inovita bio, nnd that my only recourse was to say farewell. So dotonHncd, I leaned back and closed my eyes. In this condition Lottie's image invol untarily roso before my vision, and finally abandoning1 mysolf to my haunting thoughts my mind soon lost itself inn grateful contempla tion of her beauty. Clearly I recalled tho stoady, unfathomablo look with wbioh sho had studied my faco. 1 imagined that sho returned my love ; that I might clasp her in my nrms nnd strain 'bor to my heart "Fooll" said a voico within mo, nnd I loapod to my feet Tho svm was sinking, and a cool broczo fanned my forehead. I resolved to try the tranquilizing inflnenco of a long walk. The surroundings offered so many points of interest whioli I bad hitherto observed only at n distance. I notified the principal by a colored servant that I would not return to supper and started on my journey ' to rid ms'self of tho somber thoughts that wcro haunting mo. She was duo for thq first lesson Monday morning. If sho did not re port, I could n void meeting her for several days, nnd yet every senti ment opposed itsolf to this deliberate onlculnlion, and a delicious longiny thrilled every fibor of my being as 1 thought sho might appear before mo at any moment. But sho dhl not come, and m vam I looked lor her among tho other 'pupils the morning after breakfast. At tho stroke of 8, I cntorod tho schoolroom, and , simultaneously a door opposiro loading into tho in terior of tho building was pushed open, end I found , mysolf faco to faco with Miss Walker, looking ns bright and rosy as tho now morning without.. "I should not havo returned qnite so soon, Mr Wnlters, "she said, with a siiiilo that nearly, drove tjio blood .out of my heart, "had I not been 'nnxloris to Inko my singing .lesson. 1 1 passed Sunday At-' homo pn the plantation, nnd I have brought you n curiosity, at least for this season of the year." i - . Sho laid a! magnolia,.' whito ns snow, upon tho piano, Which had hot in a long time boon favored with such on offering. : I ronlizod'thatescnpo was hnposni Llo nnd resist mice useless wbilo re mained. I took no account of nil the emotions thnt again.nssailcd me, but I wns keenly sensible of ono thing thnt I must save my honor at any sncrifJoo. i - "Miss Wnlkcr," I said, looking at her wiHi nn nssurnnco that cost mo a trnly lioroie effort, yet nnablo to withdraw my gaze from her refinod nnd beautiful fenturos, "1 am sure you do not realize what , strange in floenoo Snob n remembranoo may bavo upon, a poor fellow liko mo. I wiah yon wonld take it back and ex ense mo from giving you a lesson today. Yon woro porhnps right the other day in nssuming I wns ill.. fear I havo pot yet recovered, ami it will be advisable for mo to resign my position and , look for employ ment olsewhcro."':" Sho regarded me with a strango look. ' .- "Supposo X- .should bring you a flower when you aro in your now , position, would yon still Iki ill?" ( "Miss WalKor, ' I said, collecting all my strength, "if 1 have mudo myself intelligiblo I beg ya to exor oiso a littlo mercy. J hnvo endeavor ed to act liko an honorable man, nnd all I ask is nn honorablo defeat " "And, pray, U defeat so bitter?" sho said faintly. When I again raised my-eyes to herjnee, I observeil an expression of tender carnesTncssr and hor largo dreamy eyes were ob serving mo in a manner that stmt a norvoua thrill of commingled Joy and despair through my being. j "Do yon wish to compel mo to make a confession?" I oskod. "1 wonld havo preferred to go without speaking. I shall do something des perato because I daro not lovo you. Tlierwt-I havo ih1 it, and now faro wclh" , "Ono moment, Mr. Walters," sho said, looking, steadily at me. " In asmuch as 1 have not forbidden it, wbo says you may not dare?" "Loftier 1 cried in n choking voice, seizing ber too willing bands in sadden ecstasy. "Must I tell yon in order to save mysolf from being rendtTod bopo easly juiaeratile , by your extreme nie-ty Of rwmsclcrtre, " sho contin cod. a smile returning to ber 'aoo, "that I took an iuordinato interest in yoti from tle first? That I was determined tor Kae school, hot elutngrd my mind bea you came? That I wait jealnuaof tho others and compelled to lor k it all np in my broaat? That 1 only learned by do- THURSDAY AUGUST 29, .1895. green whatwna going on ln( your lioart and yot nfrnid yo betray (my. nelf? That I wa nearly jiorsnadtid , , tho .other, day to . abandon iny drive . .nnd'.remain bore, nnd shall I wiy movo?',', ; ; ' '' 1, , I could not 'speak to answer her, ?. last quostion. Vo stood with bands - clasped, looking each other in tlio, j faco.. What it would nil load to I did .j, not know. I was conscious only of nn ovornowerinsrhniminoss. nnd per. Jiaps sho saw it, for hor face mirror-i od the emotions of niy heart "And from this day beneo I shall call you Chnrles, ns it's written in your music hooks," sho began after a pauso, with a pleaded smile. "Wo shall determino what to do, nnd you'll stay for tho present, won't you?" . "I'll stay' Lottie, if I can," I said, grasping her hands moro firmly. "My love is so fervent it would shrink from no sacrifice, but loving yon so 1 Wish our lovo to bo kopt in violate from reproach no biddon. relationship, nor shall our oom pact bo cloaked by tho nppearanoo of n schoolroom intimacy" i; . ' "Adieu, Charles," sho exclaimed with beaming eyos. "Within ftn hour I'll bo nt my father's. Then when tho storm ' bursts I'll seo whether your looks deceived me when I gazod into your eyes tho first timo wo mot. Bo truo and depend on Lottio Walkor. " Sho raised my bands with a warm prcswa-o of bor owt took nnotbor good loik at nie nnd hastened out of tho rooni. I n'ni snro I stood fivo minutes on tho sjiot whwo wo had parted. It bad all cdmo so suddenly that I was at a losa whother to abandon myself to my happiness, nnd shout right out or yield to the feeling of inse curity which seemed to prophesy that, piy good fortuno would soon enough' disappear in air and leave rno on!' tbo bitter aftortnsto. Afternoon came, and with every step on tbo stairway to my room my heart boat tnmultuoasly, nnd I nerved myself to faco tbo storm that wns approaching. But evening came, tho sup)cr bell rang, and I still lay thoro in jwunful susponso. At last anothor ptep sounded on the stair, and tbo door opened. It proved to bo only the servant girl with my tea, nnd 1 was in the act of easting myself with anj nir of indifference again on my couch when I observed a young darky wormina himself through tho half open door behind tbo girl, cast' nn intelligent look at mo nnd then draw a slipof white paper from tho lining of hiH bat "From Missy Walkor, sab," , ho said, handing it to mo with a com ical bow. , I felt as if I bad suddenly ceased to breathe, lint controlling myself by a sujiremo effort I attempted to tako tbo lotter with a matter of fact airr- - , i"l will aoo what Miss Walker do sirea," I remarktxL "If there is tin answer, I will havo it ready in loss than ton minutes." Tho darky said "All right," and followed tho girl out of tho room. As soon ns the door closed I toro open tho envalojM. "Dear Charles," it said. I could havo kissed tho written words, yet it flashed npon mo wbnt if this let ter bad fallen into the wrong bands? I read on: Pn lintoncd to my ntntcmrnt of tho cawi ro tating to joojiud mo with a pntkuro that t.t Ort f!llM Bin with fiLimi, lilllifmph 1 have Mwt ki-pt s ini:l wlnh from blin snd know pvrfuctlr wi-11 hU mnnni r of trontinvnt to ward me. I will repast to jroo VorbaUm what ha mid la reply: "IIo la an riorllmt mnwirtan and donbtlon a Tiry xriH-ahl limtraRtor. lime it follow that a young inrl tray fall In lorn with bun. i am aim iIIhuhm-J In your caw to b llcru that hi h:-crt ran away with hi bond. 1 grant r.ll that, L.'ttlis bet I am by oo noun diMpowrd to rant Ibat nil thia niontload to sliMoluto in ai'.nity, oa yoa mvm to think. Kor tho pr"-nt yoa will at return to lbe aoatii-niy, and bi a It-w day 1 tiall nauvrt yon to ai-coripaiiy iuo to yocr rr-lntivf in Blrbmon'l. whom norm; matter of ImrinrM, roqnire aiy attention. Tuo rrat will arRnRv Hi lt." . My f.tb"r' acalty foaM rtfl"4 credit nnoa him in any ran whfati Ijottto Wallu r ia I sot r-fTNv-mod. Sho tlnnka aba kawa bur papa U-tti-r llu'i be known lilniwlf. Mow, bl Ibhs ilar t.Uarlrii: Thi nrlb-t train that Umvi fur Anvaata day artor tomor row will Dud ma at tho firxt atatlun. AwlKn a bort vlit a an air-twa for alw noc In orrt.-r to d-lay all )rrmaturi auwplriooa and m t Bio thorn. W will p fcmilr to CliwHunali nj be rrta. "Tb i rrmt wiU arraiiKo it If" wbi-u I inx-ck with on. Iu Iho o.ntliii"nry that w anonui ua nit i cpon anr own ri-armroii for awhile tbo iwmr aary far la hnv 1m. n provblrd. Bob, wbo ;o-Uvi-ri thia ia tron an lint. Two wurda, orall aummuaumUaL will anllb. Ixrrria. I Inid the letter down afftT a bisty perusal, my bund trcmbhxl so, and then read it again, word for worti My breast s-'t-med to re-echo with tho sounds of a triumphant wedding march, and I premtod Lottie's hand writing to niy lijMi until the tapping of tbo impatient darky's band on tbo door toro mo from my silent worship. As I opened tbo door I ob serveil him studying my faco with broad trrin. "Tell Miss Walker that I shall obey btr in every partioolar," I saiil, emphasizing enrU word and jiressii.g a dollar bill into bis hand, lie took his dnr.rtoro with a ludi crous strrnpe cf tho foot ami a know ine bxls. The next day I informed the prin cipal that tlve letter front my friend which hml parl through bis bands woobt oblige me to leave the insii tntioB for a short time. I packed niy things and rstcl tlceplcw nigbt . V ; "iC ;v l h',ri ,,i. i,i Tbo train wiisnot una to start rmtU 1 4 o clock in tuo morning, Dun J was t tlio station nt 3. ' After' ft long, '.; tirptpmo wait the trafn finally pnllod out Tho nearest station wha -only jfivorailosnwriy, and wo would reanb ! it before daylight.. In a fow mlnntos j I board the WhiHo of tbo looomotive nnd , ran out upon tho platform.1 Even bbforo tho train bad come to a '( stop I leaped off, and tho next in-, vtant found myself in tho embrace of ft veilod figure, who threw botb nrms 'around my neck.. Near nt band tbo trusty darky stood waiting by a light wagon containing two trunks. I boro rather than led the girl into tho dark carriago and then hastened back to attend to the bag gage .: " "Won't your mastor miss yon?" I nsked, 'addressing Bob nndfllling bis band witb Avbat looso chaugo I car riod. '' "Not mo, sah," ho said, laughing. "Ef dey don't miss Miss Lottio no moro dan dey doos mo, it's all right. " Tho train wns starting. I leaped aboard nnd hasteued to bor seat Tho passengers in tho coach wcro few and fast asleep, ns I judged by the gray light of breaking day. Lot tio nroso on seeing me approach and extended both hands, but winding my nrm nbout bor waist I gently forced ber back into ber scat, and thus wo passed, lip to lip, a moment of ecstasy such ns mortala expe rience onco in a lifetime Wo reached Cincinnati nnd wero married. Our first wedded kiss ox chnngod, wo sat down together nnd wrote to Mr. Walker. I do not know what Lottio wrote. It seemed an net of ordinary delicacy on my part to inclose her letter, unread, with mine, and hor face told nio that sho was grateful for it. As for' mo, I oponed my boart froely to tho man in whoao benevolent countenance I hnd reposed tho deepest confidonoo from our earliest meeting. I describ ed the struggle with mysolf nt tho academy, told him I should havo lie taken mysolf forovor from tho neigh borhood if our hearts bad not simul taneously botrayod us and rendered separation inipossiblo, but I added that wo wcro resigned to bis just in dignation; that I hnd no favor to ask Bavo his generous pardon, and that, this obtained, I should apply my brain and muselo to the ono en deavor of making his daughter's self elected lot nn ondurably happy nnd agreoabio one. 1 - ., ... The lotjteis woro mailed, biit wo wcro destined to w-n1t a long timo for a reply. , Lottio opposed my form ing any plans for the future until wo had news. 'Klib was sure that her father wonld write, bnt ho noodod time, sho thonght, to roach nn un derstanding with himself. Finally, after waiting two weeks, I saWmy name in tho advertised lotter list Who hut LotMo's father could possi bly know that I wns in Cincinnati? I took tho letter from thq hands of tho dolivery clerk with eager inter est It bord my address, traced in a characteristic hand, and tho post mark of my 1.1 fo placo of rosidonoo. With a sigh I thrust, it into my pocket and hastened back to tho ho tel, whoro wooould read it together. Her face tnmed pale as I bold the letter out to her. . She seemed to watch my faco for soma telltale evi dence, bui I showed her tbo un broken onvolopo. Then sitting down I drew her njion my kneo, and so, prepared for tho worst, deliberately broko tho seal anil read: Mr Dram Dytcnitrra-lf I woro to HI yoa that your aadb-n actios im-atly furpiiiwl nw, .... . .1 . ... .. II..... .. n.lp..ll a..t I - atlll mrprtM-d that th poMdltllity of anch a oonnw ft KIWIIU i- M .., ot.u mil m . ... did not anximt Itri-lf to on- afbT yonr t.ilo- Bient of tbfiviliiallon. conpli-d Willi my knowl nle" r-t yonr waya. Notwltlvrt.-iiidtiiK Mil you ham onuKrd iwi murs grirt tlun you think. Slid timo w 111 burn to beat llio wound yonr ar lion hu linlii ti U. Von arn my only rlilbl, and I bad m.Hli- otm-r pinna fi yonr futaru. Bat wbi.t U uMt l ivt. T' M yunr luUnid that f am atlll li-a offond od with bin. I t wi hrlx-d hia fntnira and tv-lbYH him t' bo KicOf nian and a man of vonor. 1 Bill UIHUI.I1H im nium wmi MTV lH-rmiado.1 yn hl yea sol lr.-n pt-rfn-tly wllllrir. Till bin. bowiT. r, ia btf ma-t mak' ni Ilia b;BiiiO h ha wriniKbt with Ma I.Mite and moim-bino to tho fnll r ttmt nt Mn kiirr. Ho moat l.rlnn yoa back to ma and try to bvc'ano a n-np-rtil.lo pl inlcr. 1 bavu no ffira to lire olonoln tbia sntit boivaf tn my (Wlluiar at. If bo will profit by mr InatroirttoBa and b-ara a frw tblnipi wbb-b b li not know. 1 oball prtbafw In timo forgo tlw diannpaSntmout hi baa nuiard ma. la lb silt 4ar. b lufoti b-.or.d to rmiptnmnf Mr. Johnston lor tnl:ibn rrurl kao by Ullnr hia pb-n with r. -nna4at maata tasebc-r, mia of ailvanoMi m prWMTi'd. I bir. krt !) affair a aocnrt, barinjt rm'.J rWon Mr. Jobnta I Ik-a. grmary Information Voo ran UMrrcbra retara without IVar of aramlaL . Jous U Wamc au. 1 finished and looked np into tho tear dinim.;d eyes of my wife. I'ost Hra. t.m Ratlawaa Hnv Hla4. Tommy Paw, what in an egotist? Mr. Figg IIoJs a man who think ho is smarter than any ono elaa Mrs. Figg -My dear, yoa have that wrong. Tbo egotist is the roon wbo says ho i smarter than any one else. All men think that way. In diauapoliii Journal. IMtrmry Itaoa. Wanagor (of book store) That new ckrk won't do. ProinrU-tor Why not? JJanager A lady called for a ftWr-n t.l.w V tliia ti.nmli.ff anil lua sbowetl tr tlM"Lity cf John L. j fcullivan.'' Texas fc'iftinga. Argentina Ims Its narrxj from tho silvery refluctioo ef its river. Jin '.j niit-'.i 7TT ''ti'.v. , UU, Jt. J5. IJrot'V. orAV'lSUxa- look1 uig uacKward ' almost a score oi lost years, gets off tins about a Press b !!, l- ... ' ' twin uiiuun; ' : The convention 'of the North Car olina Tress met jn "'Greensboro last ' . .... ., . . ; wck iiiki iiaa a most enjoyiUiii time, said to be the 'most cnjtfyablo that has ever been held durinj; the existehee of tho Assoeiatiiin. In a parenthesis' wc niti'st tib hlhnml to say that is e. ror.' The year' of tlie nieeiing at uoiusnoro' m loy,, avc think it was, when" the cim vention nfler its adjournment fit GoMshorp, accepted' aii' invitation tf) Glen Al pine Springs,' was the' most delight ful of all in the history of the Press Convention. That, including the delay ut Turkey Tail station w.w tho climax of earthly happiness. Perhaps tho present members of the gang were then babies in arms, f hut that meeting was the best : of nil ine nood nt JJeautort was a sorrow that changed the pin-pose of tin; Convention, but disastrous as it was, it Was a breeder of joy out of sorrow. Out of it came the happi ness of Glen Aljiinc nnd out of the accident and delay nt Turkey Tail came the joy of .that glorious and ncver-to-bc-forgottcn night "; Mc Diarniid, who yet lives, thank the good Iord, was in full feather, nnd the silver rattles of his laugh echoed through 'tho darkness ns a bugle call to mirth. Harrell, who was emphatically a dully, was provoked to wit by tho magnetic ripple of Mc's unrivaled laughter, whoso rcN serve fund furnished a supply of laughter for his own and others wit and humor. ' We had : thought we were a lucky man wheii we iound a soft cushion in an open head bar rel of wheat, Which was pleasant enough, but ns we slept nnd snored wo sank down in the yielding w heat until our nose nnd our toes were brought in contact, 'and then we en tered on a stentorian burst' of "nasuJ nnd laryngean melody that crtdaw-i gered tho rafters and shingles on the roof nnd completely threw Mr' side shoiv in the shade and made pretty Miss Mock, of Salisbury, .. to whom we hnd offered our hand and heart five several timo at Gloni Al pine, faint from pure exhaustion from laughter. We would have died nn inglorious death in that wheat barrel, drowned as it were in a band of cereal, had not old Mc, kind, dear old soul, stopped laugh ing long enough to dig tw out of that barrel of wheat which oar per-; spiration wns rapidly converting into fltarcn, oy putting and hauling sJ out by our nose and tow, laughing all the while as he, strango to say, had hcver laughed before. God blcsd old laughing Mc. W'c heir he has grown rich on the husks of thu Hobcioninn. Well, we havo often aid a Scott fiman could grow rich . . 01) less food than any Other .htUMatl who conltK'at dirt and go naketl. Well,: w rejoietr at the succw. of this Prem Ctsiventifni, and regret that .re can be witli them, only . in the spirit. PJiubarb fills a distinct want com i:ig as it docs at season when natnre craves green food, while its acidity stimulates the languid appetite. - It is surprising that it is not more gen era! ly p vown. Only a fJw dn'nbj are nectary fiir a fim'ly fnpply," ntid, once established little lalxir is therenfter required. l.liuharli rtssfifsiuM be set out early in a rHi and well-mnnu.-vd soil. Th jilairt ha. no insect ene-mi-s ami is snf.jectet to no dicnaj. Tho stu Ik is always dean a: id per feet ami rc-jonK to good crulturc by producing an ahuniLuice of fat stalks fr rears. When plants le pin to show sign of foiling they tdiouM lie taken up, divided and r -set into a vniiaiKiit patcli. ,. Phu lutrb may also lw grown fnmi m-l. Thin should bo sown like carrota, in a rit h and the plants thinn cil loa inches apart. In Uie fall or spring they can Ik? set out in a IKrmwticrrt patch. Xew Y ork World". blank fHT,d.' and MirrfgaprM ami M.igif-traUV lilanks r eile. at this fiice. Perfect Health."-, Ketp th syerttin perfodi or 4er;JtIi'tf .Occasional use oiF tilatc'te q$$$ ittid produce For sick headaAe,niaJanav biT WsmnifV$oTiM& kin !3f!tTftsea5raiiLsoIue cure TUTT'S Liver, PILLS V ! I -it; and ;' ENGINEER, r BTJRLlkOTOK,1" i - IT. C. MACHINE,' BLACKSMITH PrTOr, TOTTKVKY, ..L.U .(iEAK-ftrrTINCr. atS-Pipingsv. fittings, .jalvcs, cte. ran ainiwww vrwmm mn V ...,-,,.,,,, f. .... I KAfckYott' SicR A 1 i t'!;' iJ ' . Then let trs sukttedk ar ctrrov X... rV Ten to one the tioubla started .orilh vmir liver. ' A rnrnM liver 1 causes Rheumatism, Neuralgia, on8Unui(in,arspepiB,neau-' A echcaruladoienotbailaicata. fi w a aw K ' -knAaJoitralrfir. T" ' lw.-ls.,fi. a fj UeS'BUalgbt to work on tho p f fivt It rKsnsss tUSt organ; ''4 tnalces k active azain the acid Vi leaves you're blood sad ea're Wi f taredJ Tetiaaooi4clpwi ' T Inied'ki vffn M UNrtll of I ycairaMidlctaaafwrUi kwt Soutara V taflnclanatttaUattV . V area years ataatitax ay nu nna fj IBUOC1I ...... S.W. PABCKR. IV .V tomtml a.-. M-lnn-lf V 7 sat Tour DrajsJst ar rtnaati-er H. , UiJUXH acntiWOAII, a ' t Cob ProprtsMrs, ( V : KimuvUIsv Tcaa, t v. oJui oy L. lir Hy,T fe CO. J. (ft -SIMMONS,, PrnpBist. rOOl Intcnational Di6loraary Tarulamhto In Oflioc, Bchtol, mad Ban I I ftew trout Orcr to Cora 1: . LaabrUitO." Ktarrtar nf :h , It. S. Orw't lMlit- i 'lacOftirc.tsaU.K. i m.rainet.aariaiMi , of. naarly aU tba 6liooHnia. i i Vfarmfy eim- ' n-.mtm ny fUata 1 Boperlnranilaata 1 of School, awl 1 I1 UiarEliiestar(al-1 . aioat arttttoutc ,' las, f Tfi OrM ffreitf !innrtttrd Aattltrrttr ia. n. J. Bnvre. Jiwtlre af tba V. . i Supremo Court, wTtten: "Tba biteraattaiBl I i IHittonarylatliarrrretiUnaafilietkjBariM. i i irrT-'"' It to aU a tba aaa fciaat in nit-1 i am aumoruy. . A Calloso rreafiteii xrrttmt "Far , "taut with wkfcai thu aye 6n4s tka "vart aonfrtit, for aeaaracy of 4aSat- ' "flint, far tnTeaUra metboda In laaM- ( "aattng- iwoaaaolstloti, for toraa yat i "eomprehetnliro' tatetata of facta, ' "awf far sraotlrat aaa aa warklac , "Ucttoaary, 'WabaUtr'a latentatfanua' I "aasato aay other alng-la Tolanw." 0.&C. msBKlAXCO Publisher, , epriBglUM, JKaafc, U.SU. fjT tVM T its TinhT9 flft fW faMiMrt, f.lORTAGEE'S SALE! ' ' f ' I 4 II rtrrue. of tho power rl aale rontaise4 ha a i-ertaUi moripiao i)h4 exrrutnl to ax tv UlloaTfDntnoa '.Hi day of April. IMS, whtrta Mt-I tleeil Is duly n emt!e1 In rk Man4 pmt M sn4 417. tatha nVa4 I ha KriVr of Ilneda tow Atamaiiee roanty. I will aril at W omrt Imhiw tvr rn Mrahaaa, si. C. ta tk bigkaat bwilor for CASU, mm MONDAY, 2nd, 180... at 13 St.. tbo f'Slowlac iloVerlntd real fn rty tii Uie txn af Orahasi. Alaaiaae cmiitv. X. r to lirahaia f.wi.ihip. to-wli : fn- lot. ailiiateil us (th ahle of atrw-t In eai-i Hwn raiainaeaafnMa toort ttoaae.ant amrnMai norUi by fid rtreet. oa aart hv pit 1 Mn, Ann1St (cotnrril, anil oa laotia liwl wr--t brtiHaiif W.K.Jora suit art aliofa of mi4 W. fc. Jutitta. lyfaitr aaat f tbo tot a.a nlF,e dVvrSwMt. aaVi ooailainMnj tiBe-baUl at-ro mnntt luoa.. , , , . ,'sVul.. a, li Sntr. Jlortar. Subscribe for I iib j : rr. IjLEANEIL