Vill Li Villi! 1 "T -fir 7 -0 ' ii.i: , i ifii-'T 'Hi' f dm MOM ox l1 ;p VgtTGUUTOR7 siWioldld lrieniJ tat wluc, the. plot folks ".y Wiied fhojr faith iu4 Were ievpr fifi ! 1 ' "'!iated.BniaaotW good ifeoom; i in i uijentkitian'. for 'iff U, that 'BirrTBB) 'ILL Tf- ir-"rV'1 " (tno), , na'.nral way, Inst like natarejjglf. tpat, euer csmos fwcK ana sure, ca 'aoU niw allf over, rat nevir faiW. iverywSdy neids tatiia liver lemedy,' and eviryoneffehoalol late oil y gim- ons IJver fletulat.! I i K-ritJ Ucjulro yliZeretttl ThJlIetl IS it on tho wrapper. J. H. Zcilln 1 mi'-'-vtoKitb$Af;c&Rm ,,.ri, wy;'wvvvi.ivwriiwiiii4iww Attoriicy-at-JlaYi" , -n - BtJKLINGTON, - .,r. . ; , , t, ;iJt. C ,.,... fy--ii .. y-.;..uioH' ; Practice1- in the Rtnte nn4 ITfi.lerftl cOiirfs. ' f)'-e -t White, M(orc4 Ci.' store, Mala HtrftfttJ '"rThnrirt Nfi. H. '" .... . I. -1 . liC WllJVO!. ,i TJQ RNE YA T LA Wx i ' ' ORAIIA,,. -, :-,,- ,,,r..vX,.C. John Uuat Bykum;' ' w. . 1J lTUJttv& BYNUM, A ttornoyn and Qojuvsopr a Ijhwj if'W-l Prtiflcg reiHiliiHy' 'In" tl!c 'c'mi'rt'ii' of ' Ala- n.iiiiruciiiiitlv. Au. 2, 94 ly 'D.vJclmR.fixtard, Jr.', !ol KUJILINGTOX, X. C. ?.y5ooiVwtof4l;lt HO jw. Jf " -,, . OPtce oo MttlnSbortr 1. N. Wulker ft Co.'s felora. !- Livery ,iSal d52 Feed STABLES, hi ;,ir. 'Ml ....eii".; .. . ... 'K?, ' I am the North Carolina Agent for JLftfi-W.ttlu'i J1$W. Halt bVoiwrZeuit' -r '-""It wHlirrnianentlv-fufe fiilurigoi -pdstulesr any scalp jriWis'e;' ;. . i '.tx-Jt freventa hair turning graj'. 'nd 'rett6reif .haur id' original. c;ploTrBnd Half On Any 8id rV'JOrth. J fit i SDie: clytrtafmehf tUittyill I'rawdw ihes TCMilts.-? '",",'a M : i. Mr? John M Coble1 is njy .fjat .IrahaiiH N.'-C.:" :.' . . r .-n :: .iwecttoiiyv.;", ;..Ttedl4,t" i : IlawlUverc; it. . . JS iti inlargcniemi, TW'2Crth tminian tno iarcOTP! Wcklviu,fc.-- vi .t it Hrdinian "Aft ho JanrOTfi'Treckh i!3ie jnerlp3!t print all4 . the doctripe.of puro democracy. It $ v&iwfeHW'gt? ; uUcrcsting -nattr-C!rnF"wek. ' ehl wne'dbl- naho get ?t for a' 'wliole vcai-' .: A f iBrrplrf Wpyrjiflb4 inailcd" froa 'ip 4apf4aliiM ta' ' w JtOtjEIUiPS XIASIELS, EdiWr j 73S?.7. T? T ?' .KJeFgli,.- JC. f ul uil M1 r ; ji ' ,,JIbe,fortl Carolininn-i aivd 't'hk itjijrASrt OftcrrB' tvilT, Wwiit lor one year fcr Twa Jtoljar",' Cfish T3i idraoccT' . A p ply al Th k Gljb a keh ncf Graham, N. V ' - 3 ( mn -( -1'-5- la nMl-. .,. , ftli luol o i J Jw Un4.r II tn Xm4 VT Jv.'jR .- i i N I iw-nf Jon ni-d ,v iiiino- !.-;! ' - " f, -Vthlt 3 oi, wc;soiuncra. iiauwaj f-ChrnioBtinpota'iite'eht of "the Siatje4,ari(i 'internntibnili Ex'poaittBn which is to be fonnaHy,,'df)t;iiQ "a :iii-t.fijrL- 'r.'i ite"iQ".i'.3f cs.. r illlillllil. .UiV. Ull 1.4 1 u ia UMV Jl ovill the temerity. , to. .undeXtalcej almost .f. tango, lmndfd, Bn.pntprptlhei do wide in itu soope, bo niammrti.iit'itd p)'6- l'r! )? 111. VUllllifi i.i. CBrreHt' jeir S th eWihtfyJ'ftntl eS-' e&pfjcvily jo. tjsm.y and i.ThafciaSoiUhem-city of about 1 10' MO population' feliotify ftdvB tne' n 'h)orli((Hf aridirer(Ulrin,au'cH;' t ia it ; ""M'liiillaV'bf nil.'n'eB'-to' rii;lilv"enthk if ioj o.d'csiciali o,'ntpfnattonl ,aJ, 1'1 the.fiiccol the universal com mercial i depression"" and ' financial 'panic; ' and thai 'Atlanta,' ' t?ay utj -w:as left bui htHo'niore iKapa; hep-p of ashes owd qinouUipg rpifis, with itji. lyipula.tionjttf t.JO.OOO'iflcatttreJ is, hot surprising thatthe.firit bug i . i t. -. . - gestiona of iSHph, a.f eiliterpiiio t were receixied with general mif'ginngthat eren the Sbutlierrt Btafea l"arid" 'cities counselled' agiiihst itj- and were slow to come to .tbeiisustnnce of a sistyr city in im undertaking which at suuh i time was regarded W. f azar- dons 'in the extremb aii'd1 loo" mam--nibih to'tSromijc cveira 'irieasurarle (le.T(c ofaccompljshment.(,r .:, . , ., ,A, yisito J'iod'nont I'ark, '!iow eyer, iibout two-tiitesThorUi !f the center of A tlanta, Will dispel 1 bvei y doubt of the, realization, of a lcgreo of success surpaiiig the most san-J guitie expectations ot tlie projbttor. ofth5' Cotton; ; States and lntdrnar; tibnal Exposition. '' 'Frftili the' roof garden pf Uie . ;iow and ' niodern (. ' 'Aragoil J ; Jlxiti-l," wliii'haiccupka-tho highest hill in this! hill ifitV, a inagnjfit'cift pan oranlictTio' of the city and Its' 'sur rouhdintfrf Wnfforllwf.-71 All' around ' '.TJ? -' T - ''" '.'i-V :WV-fl, IX lit)' ' t- ;us lfficieiftly ppoujKd , , torilorl )lcasing ys?iety ta tboj toijography) is the compact, ' Well 'b'uil1 hurtling ChiCagrt of tne-SouthT'ttilta Cjty !of owcll-jiayeol ftreeta and fi venues ! kiid out rtpparohtJy irgardlesi of ntle.or''olftn. whichl; fofiif ith'oa- cadarrdzed roads' that'1 lead'' fhrouirh' iuid; honieless1 by? Shecmari -a arrny( trbeh it taok up'it.i fa'irio'u'3-!'iiarc 'to thr.'!eMuH''iI''i' i -. - - - the picturespjie. suburbs to the' richlast Sundayf cauisp by. a runaway iknldng lands beyond,'!.; f ':f'f i '.' jnulc. , 7 pH the.ams; day horse iThere-ikaii1 appearance'' of solid- piibUc uildhig, ' her hundred' churchcs iibef;. eeminaries, " colleges, numerous publio school houses,: her Henry C4rady ' Hospital,' !lief Btdres and ' private' housc" su'tie5' t( abundant Material near by, and, looking aWay tJ the?'.eiisf,r' fourteen milei;' acrcflsj U ibthlits, ,"hc liihfous.fon'eIounUin Iwnvi up, a soh.Ji niqunUin ( of, .granite, : where immense cpiarries are operated now, but, wjicrg, t thirty .pne. ago. grinvvjflrtgoiT'wa hell. swajj,' Mid thonsand were'' sla?n, arid ' their blootl . trickled ''"dvc '' the riiyLl. iranif Hiilii nf Slnno Mnnntoin In lookirig-over thksij lovely hills - rr-i a-" , MiWiril ie1ding abnnd jilvTo TTiap'flf tl hap py hujsbandnjamjt is difficult to realiwthat it was over the thctcrM dTaran4 lha.'lfie jlbil wsa'irbTsl- J5-oakrd Uitli-fratenVslhl.HMK'." 111 f rtfcb an undertaking di' rpies-' tion of transportation s onc'if, na tural promfnencc, and every person tqu4ny wise, inter cdod "in Ihw expom tiou7 c'vcr'jrson 'projxiii'iij; 'o lie comc jrh'cxhjiitby o.a visitor n'ai doubt Im pppou pdei'the.., jaqulry, whertifT the Houtheht 'fculiiwdiCare pH.yTgwy:prha'hitiagi the mnrmrnw travel0 ajid . Ift'ffie" io and fawn Atlanta d firing ii'pno& of the exiVwtin' This uesUou'of courw haa long since been answered Ui their ta'.ialjc.ljji by tLe Coin a, it-, .;,, i tup i uvi:d rd )', ;'iw r.f - tin nt 'i(-:"'f tiw !ftf. 'JLVUli ill Ir (ritaiV -J i'A tur I 11' ..-oil'iUinl iri'A '.jnf'iV.H (tiu i.m; nVh.'ti II ft "II !t ili;t tit -id IHfiil .ktvj fl'AiM P; vj'?i:yii -ml Mii-'n "' .I,,,;,!,:," laiiUt'Fii'rr ,,rtft t7dr l!1hJrtl.aieflfP lLlpriiJ iia i'wi!od i6f' tefti'or'pnech' war. veil logliw fcnrrtLlitoiul3. id; th'iSouth dftring-Jf-ithflt jpteriod, 'n'Ith!lfe j , Atlanta ip K&tiaJJjr,a rairoaii city ad a,; i ront ip railroad coiitro,' hnying. roads'a'iwt good "6hwf rndi l- ittiir td'tiveW secfion so7 the" couit- .11' "tu-W li"n ;!)(! S:J'. l!' ,f hq oIiorv thore,,W'tiW- &ysten? Xolly. .capaMe. tf hahdlingi eKjreili tiousl)',! i ctfrnfoitaUly," Irtiil "iStliilli-. ajijijfnihiepjiQn, irotul any anuievpry; uirepuop, iiinw wiai js .ipc great;; donibinatidiif djicnvted'' byfl single ritanngemch with h'chdtiaf- fcrs atWashington,' t. C. ( .under tlie ngme.'of 0pnthprn' Kailtrayir , Vne'0;,ita-)iiue3 nasi its nortnern terniintis at Washington; knd? chxr it is" operateil a fafff'through'sbrWce; iri '6pnneti6"ti' witl, the Whnsyvaua.'j fiaiarp.Kv'V.-Ai ' throwgh , Flmadclphtnf ;Baltimore,;i pshing t6hnd'tAtl;mta'o all "parts "of; the Rbuh' and SdUtfi wt, ' ! ihuiling ana, wnicn niiiKes iiptoun fvpia ssfsw lYofk.tQiAtlwta.ift'll' svimjrn !Not only so, Jmt its connections in other .i. i j. i. x. . ... . CUECCMOnS--CHftHlC lti -TO give t tlie . 'm r '. f sani fjjtfisa jor;jep tb passengers r. " iT....i 1 A"-...aI l T , Bp hnioiant is this great'riiiliyiad system to tlio Biwwfis of the ;e3cposi tipiijand so i hearty Ijos been;;ita !in tfjrest in the .uadtirtalcSiig ahd its do opera tion jfcit h Uh.o iriianhgora 'of th'fe; exposition, tbat if hiis., been .accord-' cd . pxecpljpj.iaA4fif iiflgeei and jifl be the only rci(r-'iiivliigj- tiaiks in j ljij dipoptJajrk,, which. ,.,wiM ; enable it, to laiyl passengenj, witftoui;chhngo of, cat' in the 6 Park Witt1 'the' ViWA " Hci lot in At antfl na ll ur. 4 tr. fil.k .? . . . ' T . rTlio i"otilhcrm"RaiWay httH'' al ways nWnifeul&MIid'm'ot generous; fnteriMt iii ivJfiAijipMrit-U to promote the wtlfiirc of the Soujlt, and Will !nVttW Ta ' tnost' ' Tj5 tc'rcst nig cihibit', i ' ix iji .m i J j ui 1.0 i yhic.Ii it,;hiis,.,qre(ftod jwilbf Falf grounds, consisting of sjiccinions i of tlje niHeral and ,otlior( products !oi tho JsoutliH and. ftiiustrawvo; otnttie lnarrelbu improvenieirts'Jn railroad constVuctioti, obnition'ahd' arcliK tctlurein VhU ;cbnW.': . 'T,. V bonftwest AlajDanije..1...M Irt .')licII-"' cL;'- ' ' "' i ,, U tit' ':! Cbrrcxpoaaenoe ' !-' 'MV.j Haiidy rayjipd liujoson of Th aliunnr. rea ivecl' come nainful ixiurlM on WloHiripg to Joe Cob1o.'of JIurling. tin,' broke' loosb in 'lh tf'crpwd at Mt. ; Ifetmon ; efiiircK' and''. r.cjiU0cd considerable ''exciicmcht and sonie rlnmiifffi'to VfthfcM.i -AVe ' Ynrfpr. stand Jl. : W'prtciji k ri, .r e retail iucr- i VhWl at " Ayard!sVlll, will-;inove' hi, stock JJurHngtou-i-Podi)le aro qnitediasy '.getting fbildel,i;jtrKl curing taliacco.- Some of tlfegood.. old' men ronnd Kmi'evilw are 'call-. li'foV police M id' .protebf' ;0ie good amf corw' th' id.TTPrpf. Rfs8 is getting ,pij,'(finoij ,wilh bis sdiool atOakdale; a ad tmw students come in -every weck Mr.- "Wni. Fowler's family have lwin 'called to bcoi fhcfr daugjitcr,' Xiy.,". Ilc'oon HugbcsalrhJon, t,ollcgCi: who , w not expected to Jive. -OM people say this is the hot.'irt weather 'they havtr ' e4cr knotrh;'for' Septemlicr. andjpry accordingly. -The.Alli- aTkr is. trying to; still, hold U?eir reg- ula ppuUtly meetings at -iJukdnte, bat riS fwijtics irt the plny htev r litor-he'next'lottfon' day'if (here shdulclcliancej ahy'nwe t1ioughtIc3Sj'yotrs ,thcy; b'epe to wprk the saaic,ol4 trick 'over again. No one Invest -io 'heor ' a Bell ring better thai Oilberf.' T-,,!' ' '' ' ;',r' i. Children Cry for Pitcher's Cat0fla.v:"" f ' r.nChlldren Cry for ! Children Cry tor . 1 Pitcher's CaStOrla .nif nt mid') 9ifT nOO.S Bri eW". ?Hlt'v.W r gni ' Mt.u on " inn. .qaln iM,loli"M aiif3-.- !f3 i'M !! lVnTJ ,"-''. ii 'el Imw ; vii,hifaisfiirtH;' : unrrf' r? m'-d; ; 1 V 7. vl't'Kl-i'lX'i 1i-rilTtTrfFrttl1if? 'JVM' 'L'o lint (. .(" P ri .M'."1! ''"'ii oapspiciyu jactiompanuMpni. t mjlilary itipr.a'anl fleiyicv .dignity, lending flwuiininehsecrbwd. of W ptoj rfnd 'honored f the !llrcs6nc6, W diitm'fifHliolWrcl! U' the of .foreign coun tries, fhe (ttonSWc. and Interna j ,tionaExpoflUioa was formally opfetif ed to th world this afteriiWuif ! Tho. parade '-as & lirilliiViit '.' one, ''lack') ng the 'fedi6us,'eS)Cun)tbri f grca1 mqc4iaifftua iiirwig.tjAktiW wui posed. .ntirXily.j f,l jnilitnryu btKlies and bands of music; headed ' bf Ihc' United Staffs;' FiftHirifaiitry ! and . h,.-. J,ift. t.'..i-Mi .t!!a,vi;ir u-Jn nne )yasmngt,Qn; Aiiicry, juy, ;Aeiy yjjioais,, jiuuowe, ; iiy,,Beyvw regr jumt of Gcorgiii State vrbops'.t j -wis" - (iTlie "pnmdu t s'tartcd " 1'romntly. iriim uie aiuruiu iioiiib ni mo, eeuter of the cjty andvwi abput jaii - hour in..trayersihg,thB distaivjoi -of jthree miles to..the cospositirav grounds, reaching tllfertf about '8:30 o'clock " VThc exercises at the Audiwritiiii were inpoauig and Miipressiva j It n;as v.iiiUfyiug!i8urpriso ithat ! the Hudtyariuirij ..though 'croWdcdy was Crtipahiti Viiif COpI ftujf tKe.acoiiritjc .-iLf,LiiJ.iL'I.''..'ri;:.'i Li-.j. Irijperues yeio? """'pi. , rfwi u. tiialj the, pciiera jCQuld bo , disithict ly hpnrd in all parts of the buililing. J're3ident Collier ' received ; a' f jgreat (,Thef, omtion by! Jndga i Ehiory Speer,'jof ;thov United Itates';'c'ourt,' was a profound utterance: ! J' ' ' i ' r,,,TJie ljothOajM made !by Booker T. -Washington, the rep" mifyiAf'ftH who. in I tt tw-nty jUicqch cA-pj!cd, greater ; apr, plans.tlya thcitliurs ,put to etbpf. ! lIfl-emcclto hiUHf tbei ear ioftHd' audieneCand pfcascd'bplh whltW and blnCkX '1' ' V " ,r . The exposition is much, near com-; i goswdnj From ticnsutional ropiirts sent out, tno impro.ision nnu heon "conveyed ' that thingf r'we?e in a 'lja6ft"B'tjtd;!f f)ullhq! , actual, pfp-' ' gj-css jqeycaicu,., tSOHcs,. of. ,uispiay ncircr,poinp!cU'nwu than -any rcr shown by an'expoBition ftt'tts foAen': higt ''"Tho Ooverhmeiif' ciliibit' i.V cwnph?te and is proiu)uncc4,hy,trj 'wlip.'ayA.anuiMlsiacxibit. ejsewhefe to ba Mwuncb ever got ten logethor. by tho SUnitbrt ' Sf ates, boeatisd Pf its'' fmpfchenstvenass apd,' .tljt 'greaV ,'ttrtistio ,!)ikiij ;itli WjPin fJnp,( iimiiiuiii, .iiii0.uevn made. ... The iish txWbituurpnscB everi the excellent one'at'ChicrtgdY r ' The exhibit' of 'fine' arts is : Xls8 cntireiy couipletcd.'1' 'Every jiictiirc f V)-,H8 Pc aod tho uildiPg is in perfect orderr Thore U A mughif iceat dwplay 'of sduiptUro and the exhibH of oil 'paintings' is pfonbunc: ed a'pbllccUbn of in'terpieccs. ', '.'pif agncpUprjt pxhipit prac tically' complete nnd is an excellent, interesting and attractive' display. Tli a exhibits fn'machln'efy 'halU. are hot fall 'in; j)lace7.V.!1WnyV.'?' FoVrn pf tlV sovente'en... engines. fcegan,,,'ta, pioya i;wficn, President Cleveland touched the button, i " -; i ii 'The minem!sand forestry cfiplay is c6tn"pTeteraid thakc t pn4 'of the inost coprehen.'ijvc , and beau(iful e'ihflta,' natural ; rceourcea ,vcj gotten tpgethcTi i -tn tr l ITheexhibilofthe ie Georgia nianu- vl at "behind, "as fhcturers it ''soniewr arc also tnc caniuiie in me electric ity building, but these (wjU,,bc1Jn sbaiie in a few days.! . , , n , '.' The exhibits .in tho hianufao tiircrs' .bujlding and the Irniwportn tion baiidlng are in good 0linic' and vcVy tier ' coriiplcticm. ' Tho ' Eu ropcan exnjbiU, .occupying half tbe big uiaiiuCictureri'.baJl, are nearly all jn'place and by to-morrow night will be complete. " ' ' "l , The Midway jroves o be a jlrto one. f,Th villagers, are genuine peo ple from. abroad. . DeUchmenta of Aral and North Americans have jusfarKred; completing the list. Now,' almost every racial tyio on earth U exhibited on the rounda. The lake is in fine ahape, aa .rlear an a crystal and it ip raJled.bAUAnU'a ex hiU'lV inasmuch aa it, is "furmah- 1"! wtr works from a filtered supply.. Theeleetric foun- 1 Jii. 1 j- " ovation wncn noarpso to speaKy as did ijrswcph Tjioinp'son prj?i dpn pf .the) ' wptnan's , fcqa rd. ' : : ' , ? )!SK''l fit t'.PlI n m;blfcd I ;.;5 f i i,-ii .1 i iiiiinranj ih v ;tnii. ii ii -ii.. J ii, ,t n. i i ... ..i i,i f ill i I li i i ' J. r- ' ; - i ! 'Iff..' '-.-Jir ' ' .-. : laVon tfee grounds.' pW4 I greatcsitlestno , r'8uYi i4s4il i,;";!! U . , ,i, ,! fc!evKha;Mr!lThu,r success. The parado started j pronfptly at 1101 at'the'eehtfe 'df the (St kitemm mm ft rct't. Arriving ai'he groundk.. , jexfwdi-' tion director, with! the- distinsluisn- Bd-sudsta.w4rb driven te'thenudit6-l o'! iwdanifis tcerV iiui,antlficiil thjaapcaken TjQrr" pptiqivj jjy, j JJuihopn Kiiihkh Nelson,of tho Episcopal disease of QpyexqorBulhick,; wJm iintrlueod ;PrcsWept (f3olli5ry' wboao soecl was listencdl to Jwithninrkod ' attbution lareiveouxpjni iulrotliiced! -Mrs JOsepfeiThompsdn, lireeideiit l( Hho AYonuwW Bohrfr-y Jf ahrfge.l As Mrs.' Thon1pst)H'aoso to deliyir! her arjwfa'd)jajt' p iiii'jjSYpnian'ii B'oavd arose lafid waved. theri(Jiand- kercJiiefsJ .This iviisia signal t ifon 'ft general ;i'detubnstrat56ti '! 4nd ' Mr. il" the qnd(Vj8iasV 6t thoi.inoui ::'.''''' ". I : '.' '. I.:.' .1.'. ' i moment; waved a .siirn tc bis . players who g.ive a-groat Outburst 'of musical p filaOBO. '"Mrs; Thompsbh Was list ened to' wfili 'nVarkinl pttUip VAd' receive.a.iong apmueprat,uie,eiui pi the speech. ,-! -i.l : ! '' i-Thonext BpeiikeT was''Cooke TV Was,hhigtbn,1 rcprcyijtativo' ot the negro fiyS;!IIp waa-jiptrnducefl 'hi- yeryjcpmpyroeniary jfrms ity , m" erpor J5uilock,"and whtin i he arose" Vai receivedwUh!'cht?cTsrby! fthe; great" 'mfdiencc'-'He: delivered his address in deetir and incisive Voice, rnvhieff wa hcarcl hyrrj'bths, in tho hitir Amfbst every senlehCe was applivudednpclhisBpeeli wits a great iiH,aM tlcivay uiroug), Tho next, sjieakpriiiwas; Ocorge Brown. ho .'rcpresciitil' ' fto'verndr' AtkinWIi! B ,Thtf eovcrdbr-'haiirig" receniiy.peen very jii was tpq woais IP uenviexan muirew. nim pau, ro quiste4 Wr. t Brp.wn. tit'take his place, t. -v -i '!" -i " ( ' .a Next 'cameylpn.'! Ehory Sp'ocfi flieonrtbr of tlie dsiy, wlp'dpliycred an j.falipxatpipmtuiiij'.jWlucU wa p plauded all the way! through. l r:!' ; Judge Spocr" W'irt ' f.dlnWed r. vy himself uhandsomo stylo and i was intompted ! by itho iboorn 'of ''the Prcsidciitin.1 ftilhte ' wliicii' begai, at 'b:W 6'ciKk,;''3ust, ''ph' .rKsjdjCnt itle,v,eiiiaalioiu'ut jnof,.unoiM n Gray Oabtue. i -j.u i u. biml : 1 'A gwaltlTowd rifiCPplrf.'galhcd in "jtl mnchfneTy ' hall licfore the cosorf thoixorpisv jn'ihe aulitori jnn,',', waiting to ,pcf .thp't lungic influc.ico of the touch tiiat cam over the wire for a tHohiaiid jnilps to set the; machinery; jn piotionv The' big Vrltk1 engine wai i in readi iicas and a. row of, batteries yes ted near the engineer. ,,;! -. i i i Just at :f):M!'20,; the. President tonchwi '' the"1" button, ibc' whistle ." ..... 'l . ... -i :' I 4 :' sounuea ana jhc; cnguio niovea ,011 ai'a'ilively,gaf npd all the, uia chincry. followed suit,. Th great crowd eont up a shout that ehook the roof.'1. Almost simultanwiuily iiurtdrils of arc Hgbis .'flashed out on the ptiza and niyriads of incan descent lights gltaincd and scintil latcd from the cornices and domes pt jlio building, ilt wns I just dusk and in the gathering dark pesa, the 'phonis of the crowds, fhe flash of thoughts' and'tfre 'noWjif the bombs of ih rcsiilcntial salute, umpbamzed the onnal, opening of the expoeition;' if r .,-. -: . -. iTlio tramportation fitrilitics prot' ed equal lo Ihc occasfpp; and tlierc wail no'confudmn.' '. Tlie terminal fa cilities were fully adequate and Uiore wna e'erjr '.ldlity for ingress and egress at the ;grounds. -" '' ' f '- "The apcnal wire waa'dismhnoctcd from th lekntph instrument .and for one minute the wire was left' open, and at tho-end of the next 20 second, Mr. Cleveland prcwvl the btitton.; ; This Was ' GM Vcloc;k. Ilia thnmi) Was'pn the aniiunciator hardly scropd and aa soon as Op eraior.Viiaa onald connect" -the keri word wa feceived; from "Atlanta that the "machinery' started splen-J 0rgtar,WBBf deHV'fer6d!'iirj;a ;clear tdiie'whlch yak .KvA'.VttiroMgttout thc'auditorfumu .Ue was foil(wt'd by 1 1 ti;; Porter' K ing'5 jayor r6t ;.:the wei,yojf(fJ'v?g apquitted' rtidly. In this reupe -t it was a de- J lower. It would be another al cided cuccesa. Thofe at the vantage to our fith dealers. 1 Vfftl awtwhil lw3 l90 pvitnl jv? -ffifi! f . -... ii n Tl r' ntf. mi(iP- i i r Ruth and Esther n.l "and 'Afthe'Utvnirrn Wc Preyaleht was'aked' ?g' iftt message ' oefory J''the '' tqf ton pressed !ri,pfd&:,lfiait,'n.Iglt'' be 'I !'.")ll t 'f 't'V '',! reaa to me vascr as8emuiage.y i ir. atVeland ' kindly1" donsented and wired ' thonotfingaCI) f.3Q "o'ciot'K! ; i Tb'ithe'PM'sfdenl d 8S At W rectorti ofthcCttPniStaWand 'Iii- twrPfVfional KxisitignlAtJaiita.-pi: .,f "uFiUlly .fcpprooiittihgi!tbeTahife and import-vnee wf the. exposition" inaug urated today I ajBi&pouriTy prtb flpdta. bprvJatd i'cihcp)tn aud progress os to participate ii if s opening, i; jtfefemoniesjf.'. iiiihc.'rijr congratulate thoserwhoi fentcrprie 1an1d;,ve;apcoiniliislj'c3 f"Uch! splehdid scsults .and'iliiuhtoy' Wish that'flie exttp3itionj they'haVo set on ( (foiaplatoly stKvksafpMn consnmiujiting nil theigrtoU 'reulta oontprtri)lteil by itai iron)ofer8.j .7; ..(Signed)!'; GiuiyEtt- Cwv:i;Akiv . ,-)' I ' .' ,"!! I" jl'.'ll" j . !t M,HckJiig OBt.Jjyew.'H i .fVoil JfUl .(frtrnr ivii't with Jlow.iuanv.iio.ultrvnMm earn tuck ow, many, npultrvmen ean 1 jie out a good laj'itighci (iropi s( range , ,Jfy? ipaiyr cat) do if;, ycit lit cijn.easily Je( dpq,. ller 0,;;biiort s'-'udj ;fof make-up; pn,d .cliaroctjris- tic3,( ilicrogoea.a hen , wwi tbick neck,Jarge head,;;il-ishaped, -ailks stlessjy alut, seemingly ;with no Hitg'no o;.pur6s& in, vV;w She does jiot, care ojKratphbut-teuigs around ,, the lienrlipuso, .evidently waiting for her next feed. ho gets np late in thd momiiur4ind..B'oeA 'k bed carJy'tttWhL ,Tbat-hp-inny i,JlS.VwWWlWllPWtl.ICT.,' jne cg.oi,.Homo ptboc.Jieiii go, to nc'p jwy, hec kecjm 7Hproi.omc there is ai eLticitjr, iijj hejjj niov$ rncnls wiqji 'ihowabp jh.iTpinc- nattj in np'caraice,,snllI, Jiead,. thin neck, nicujly KchodpnW al the day and(' may ,(be itopbusy11 conie lor net evenifigj ipeaL .jSlit' Is nt lie door in tliQ.nwjinuiir waif-' Ing to bo let put, Slf , fnatohe; a iew mouiiiruis 01 leeu and is .441 to tlio incadbw,. losing 08ects. vcfofo il io 18 out in, tie,-, morning' .?'H"y"W.AleiMex.aaiijJM 1nthd hest, or returns after .a-nlnirt ."'i ,a'v yi.'i i ''"ri iopige, one s neat, clcai) and tidy. .?.i ' - 1 . 1 ' ' . - . I " to the eye. " That j tbo ,W..thiA f f0 -year., ivupd. since boyhood and knows tliaL.thev trans any wan way in a fem , yeirs have a rne flwc.-Nortlircst Father. () "1 rGcacral New' 'J,1'v" ' ,' ... . ii ji"t , ' Kis dnligcpua to JtAl( jn. ' pur slcoprrf Arina; 'A, ninn! i'u Unit territory while aeW fold of atnur- dt.r which he said he liati eommiiipJ In reality Ti6 hwl not kUled ai)(y 8Be, bat 'lie narrowly cscaiwd jyiicbin!!. airtn'c same.' ' ' . ' 1.-111UH.-U iin prpm-ny, aseeasinciit from $01,000,000, to $ 140,000,000, jta , erj cnpiuii wean;roip i(JZ,,tpi$a41 ; its mrtnutacfuring inilustipps from a rahUom of .5p.j,0p0 to. f43,O00, 00' ' , .Tlw P?r',0" 1 -vs the South U' languishing ,ehpuld , cut these figriru-iut and rwistc.tJN m n the ruin tliaf waa tp bci wrought by lh'9 Wilson arid ia not vary ap parent in the. inm industry. And Kenalor Sherman protuadd to believe that the codntry wants' Io "go' baik to UcKinleylflnV Not rrluih; rP The only datv0'tr to ho'. Jro'ni'iiHluslt' n.?w'."M M'j hoCore i!.W .tbo manuactrcr8, (Crowding. 00 ! tho prices too fast .-They ha W till the protection they need, tut W tariff- can protect them from ; themselves. A aahuigtorf. Prrgrfss We learn that .efforta are being made to eon nect the road frmn Newbern'wfth the ftorfblk and Southern at Edtn bm rialMhington.' ;lt' .nil be a blessing to' obi people1 as" cpeti- tion always tends . td ''make . ratej -..ho?,. ,imt4i; itwyt jm.H wit 1 t.ff r w lr i mltri I fai')il m wiwi imtut .muMJjjiT- lout wens ? lra. riCU - r flnus 1C3U rb'efandlljltTOpthMyfAttlHlTsbave enable A s rA t A) Knowfir-rcct . kturt'(bm&, irTalafia'.coAtipa TJUTT,'5 Liver, WILLS TbA.:ABSCI.VTlv.CU hii iU i ENGINE ER; BLACKS jnT. , H0PJt FPPHDB Tf ajarPirmis,"fllliiigs, yajyes, ptp, ; qM'frj'ri tniww'yM ii p ."icu(o'AMiim,t'. .? - ; v9it 1 ! fit iff ' V1 B i," Greensboro, lUJelrfi ql 0H4Uro. ' imi i 'Wast, iE2i a. 11 Misod, iMIly, Hi" 1 Midi oiiSiie,.,i.i,i,a' Hi n If It I-... I M Lv KalelKh,..-Clayionu-Stlmii . ...... Ar (Jul.lnlxjro... iwir. XV () rKitwtxiro . f4 . . . . n ... .. . ., 4 SI 2v. linltiufJi ii J U i'.'ii: ji;i.f.. 'rtK Mixed Bx.8un. Ar RiUoIkIi. JO ft pro, a HI 111 K4(.4miail BukaiaiMM bonnMHoa at tTalvenitjr to od fnim Cil Hill ... -4. iTIHorq,H,,eyijEppLjft,rt f.'nSuuUii, sk' IMUy. iMtir. T.v WMhl 1 'n 'r ;i ObrllVlH ninun 11 USB, M lata Lynch bury.. n ivamonii.... lii6 i r 12(6 I It 10 M Ar G reaiMlHiri imoi'iiin a iKta WIiw'iibISuJ lain '.-- IMllli UMlflir ui AkIicvII1o..., Stttti lrHix ll I, . r'utt.io5J'ff ; . i'h..nt'7 11 u ;iain 12 I"' aiiumbiJ.r I , Auiruata xaismi 1 nu(ui..j :.f BovanlMhZZI Ill t H'lf tut (OanU-Hl l'(nMi daokWMnlilai. t.isii!f. l;lf t 1 1 ""KUftlnJ 'ill AUiU...Ui.J . Ilmnjn nt Mewiibi lllnnJiiKbainJ , 1201 woo n.Uriuira. Kortb jro. as. Iwlly. Xaaia Daily. -lisrkirai'lllai; iStl.n ... - iliHtrtttmmOU. 1 . I yMMUTlt....l , . V 1 it k IMt 111 M pot WW a in llunnrt .T rijriim)iri,.J 11 IPIW 1HIO eupm rip Ai-havlilM MntMpHAm.. AWI misvlila U ?( 1tattiioaJ rvivl , imrioi -a HI tiwomniairs.. Auaamn TMin' ! to"11-! 491 r Mu&a.1 r; Harannah....! (Oiitml Tlmf) Jckannvilla Kf.Auiratil Ly lllnnlmrham ta- 4 II 00 If a Memplil.,. 4dt f-1 ii .iMOaad Warn l&paa Prlaani. f JJn' BT'ltTHr ' Va'n'latlii and'tkth. Weotera UuiJtnrt, aMiip,a PttJi. man iura ; ulnlmuni ('oilman rats fa 00 : do KeTorknrt NaOrUnrTiar York an4 MrmphU.Neiri9rtaa4 Taalp ,ad Waky- InnCm, AihaVlUe and Hot Spring-it Ahcr. 2r to, alMylmr .car WtaaBi Jiam YkrWAUaaia and Montgomery; and Kew York and Jack- SAur' -r" .S !2P)n owiWk W KaialaK Plnir enf Bal.lh Io Gre-jiabTroT 1 broujrh Ileal' ta m aata, at mtnnl liaia llnna M all poi.iU. rFor ntoVuuJ! amjy 'to any avpntoltaaoaaiMnriaa ta t7. J. O'HKIEITJ'F.liJ.t lxt dlv t)nvill. .W'aruinctun. ; auutazar. ppevena blessing to tfe invalid. i fffw itr u-n ,-rfi(U ml 1 ' . . . nit k'l t.H l.iiit . I. - Bjl. San. tf4. ,"5fi J I 1 ia Fih.. 1 f 10 111 1 fwfir? ji JUL. JUL JL m HI iL ) j. Carcaia, and Tndilirk aauliMiL and afl Pa. At W.lnW. a .1.. a L. iTj wTT T7 ' and ar eaa trrzt loicnt iiiiaaa Lit nua taoaa Ova OMipr la 1 i i in m . ai.nT. L m , : MVUIRHI fill ttan. We paimmftta oi' ftW S? Caw OuaMaBtUpa(aat4afaraA,t7i a Pa)aHi.r- Hoa- to Obraia PMenM wlt ; Baaassaf artaaTcbVaia a jmh blalartMaW, Wa-at lme. AUdn-s "., r p;A.QnoivcOan fcaod model. aaaana a. ftW. ilii aataamnoav. 1 -..yr'l. .!;.. : Subscribe for' X tje (i LEANER. ' " - ' :. v if -.-. L' JlB" K m-vt' )-i -fi:.-' a -