0 .noKfnbvnoi) TCvhfriif fi " .ft.' . l-rfi ,l'rtw)0 Ma. !! Vr ti; inm Hi Jn.lt Jlui uifT - f n - ...... .. . . - 1 -A "1 T,i1-,!".Tf"'lJ' i rihfittt it I lad. if if. 4- A7fA. Kl liRA'fJiOITIirw ! linitVll 4 J V...' ' I. 11(111 ' 1 1 a i v i ' m t i i 4aN wirf i i a i . ffuv.. I .1 of fir.r jri-tvnt i 'rnoanafl- -Jl.l.'r t TYlii 'if 1 , h ti-.i'ilKl (')l 'it ""iifl'M! ilhi .W ff i n7iHt'Vn il- ffj; w rrl. !.-!l. n.' : . I.;.! LJ .. .. i -iu2 a'.n t- '"r.'Uf.awiarfaioiNiir v.iT. eru i; -'i ' ic 'pal! nt;PMaiHH"'0 'I'll i"' T I . irJJJ .' 'i. T T 4H9 .. 0.-( tCJTTTTi( VrtEfiJILATOIf craKst" . Tlwt to what oar mden wan, nd nothing but that. v It to th , . . naM old Wend to which tha old folks plaited f heir filth and iere nwtt dto . , appointed. , But another good jeoom-. ;"' mendatloa tat It to, that It to Bbtkbb Ticii Pn-ta, never grlpea, never weak ens, but works In euch an eatv and . .. natural wayJustUkaBatuMiteeii; that i rolief oomea quick and atum, and one roe iy new, an, oyer. It never fa.ua. Everybody needs take a liver remedy, , and; everyone should take oiUy Biat. mo.ia Liver Kegulator. '.i'.a'.V .t-.-i- 15q sore yoa pet.it. The tted Z : i on the wrapper. " J. II. Zellln A , Crt.,PhUadelpul. vf, r. ) .PIM'tFlSSSIOXAL CARDS. : tasWSISsWMMWsWSMWMWI JACOI1 A. LOJVdr, Attorney--at-Law, Prantiofl In tha ffMla iuUT Federal eourta. Mvorew Co.'s store, Main Street. 'Phone Xo. 8. J.. L. lEll.IV01L.l!:. , ATTORNBt'AT LAW GRAHAM. v - ; . K. John Ghat Btkpk. WVbm, Ja, 'j- 15 YNUAI ' & BYNUM, : Attornf yia ami dotilor ac Ldiw, Prsvtiee'. reifularl In mHiice county. "- the court of Ala- Dr. JolmR.Stockardf Jr.; BUBLOOTON, N. C. 1 iodd wt of twtb f 10 per . J. li. Oflloe od Main St. over Walker Co. I f Liver, Sdk4r? Feed STABLES.: I W Moore, Prop's, : ' GRAHAM, V. C. '" , ; Harks DMnt all train. Good doc I or Aon ble trama. Chartaa moderate. -. S-SBra 1 lid f Hair I am the North Carolina Agent for , Dr. White's New Hair Grower Treat "! enaat.thCretMtOiairwry .. .. v. '.r' It will permanently cure toiling oi the hair, - dandruff, scaly eruptions, poetulcs, or any scalp disease.' ' ' It prevents hair taming gray and restores hair to original color, and brings. A NEW GROWTH OF Hair ONt Any Bald Ha4 On Cartk'. It is the only treatment that will produce these results.' ' ;', Testimonials and treatise furuieh- ed on application. Kir. John M. Coble is my agent at B. T. LASHLEY,?' 11 Pec 14-tt Haw River, N; C iltr-.it " i . -ifjf '.-.if t,1!! rfotaetu-aUedarOmnatKindent, . J Washington. D. C. 8eptk 47,W. -T-Swsrry Olney ve nafutajlyj de clines to 'rfiseusf j iies ; of an early change in the attitude, ,of thto goyernmenjt toward the Cuban revolutionist ; out recent hapjieii"1 cubs ion junong those uamocrau icnay explrest their opinion without a breach of interwtiona) etiquette or of diplomatic i usage: fad theyre indicate the drift bf democrttte sen timent outside of WaBhington is.tEe frequency. ' with"' which;' 'democratic assemblages have oiiate been adopt ing resolutions &Vorf free Cuba, the latest and most .conspicuous h- stence beihi the ; Nbtr" York' state democratic, oonTentioru,,, It not ed also with pleasure thai 'Senator Grav".' of Delaware., was instrumtnt- al. as their chief couneel, in getting- tho Cnhi'itiifTTi near Wilmington, Delaware, as fillibust ens, 'released.' Of course, i , was in his capacity as a lawyer, and not as chairman of tbe!Senafe"cbTO,i&tio Foreiftn Relations,' that Senator Gray beiriendeil those CuWns,'1t W the same it has been taken' as straw indicating much."' It is argued that SenatoiGray would, not; hare be come the Counsel of those Cubans if he had not personally sympathised with ' them, and hit) , relations' with President Cleveland Are such that he'- would barttly i have engnged . in the case, even though., his personal sympathy had been with the accus ed men and the cause they represen ted, if he had not known the incli nations of the amlmstratioh to lea Bme wsyy sAgxoblic meet ing m favor oj tree uutja is ieing probably shotfly bb held. Many ?em'wWs fwfo to ee "tUldmiiv:s- tration act before the matter , comes up ;n Cbngreal, as, it if certttia fo do very early in the session-." " s ' ,r If, proof were needed that the Harrison boom is dead U is furnish ed by the frequency witn whuih re publicans ot prominence wno , come to; Washington give H ' kiplc, its latest kicking was adininistdred by Ex-Senator Sabln, - of Minn., ' who was once chairman of the republl win 1 1 iijrr r i b-jixib fntt - f-tammulrmiH HV??5 i-r-,. t .... -p... ' tit ii IHilI ' I ;:!! '- 1.'- jBudcrs would . be- treated at, adi- Trdnala. At thJ rwrth, howsTtr, it itfaioereM, nflendrrs are re- Ksrdd"s NbreMntatlT. Ohionow imong'democratslt'i Thsy arc a uhiC and ' thegultirrial rf, Jfr? f T. Ji . .!i ujjj-i). ,.. qnaatidn nas'been.put aaiae lor .tjie present by iOliiflderaoWatA t dof w pilr. bif.vei.reatjef . metal, fa ,they hava decide to aside trery oottsidtraiioR that ijify. inWrfeVe with s! derflottatio vitorr li the starel' Ui'it yea, tney I will day lis laioiHteiy wiuunt(9. warring element tointerfere with itr making a'irtrorta'flo-liLt,i'.w:'i' M n"a f o -,-o-- li 1 '(I'l :.:j nti ) n i l'ii 7:11 The following card appeared. in thecir York Stth of Afeeent date !"To the EditbV!of the SuhSirr I dayk)i a pretty ,ipcidnt which carredj oil theilHwsetcar which' plies between1 the tfationra't BArrow-onf the Sound ' Cit' Islaqa;;' jtbe' fashion , of , , cars : generally, , was crowded f to i its attnost i eapflcitv When' poorly dressed ' bolored ; wo man, ciii.lry fJnfarii; made an inefibctnal effort to' secure foothold fihthe' rear platform.. ; f. '' On the-inside sat a genteman.- Wid wept oyer tbw,rioklecT black : Jhcfli as i the u babbnrdoncl ncgrws said :5 'I guW Hl hafter Wait'fbtnextcar., ' !t ' ; r,w!Wn, fa , next' , eant the loss of an hour to..Jier...i The gentleman,-arose, and calling her back, , relinquished' his ' own seat wltKa'kindlyJstfaile. r'SVtt can : ; National committees. "Mr. Sabirt says he thinks Harrison ceas ed to ;be a Presidential - possibilify the moment-it was certain that Quay and Piatt would control the erthylvanitt and New Yortt dele gations to the republican national convention. He als4 thinks thai Reed is going to have a walkover for the nomination, or says he does. According to those who are usual-' ty posieq on innae repuoiican nap peniugs, Mr. Fcef, of Ohio, 'has with Gov. MeKirdeW consent made adirecJ,W4towinBo!.t over to the .support ofy McKinky's Pres idential aspirations, i It . i well known that Piatt was in 1888 prom- ised on behalf of Mr. Harrison, that he should be Secretary of the Treas ury, s place - that Piatt has been hankering after for many years, ' If he would support Harrison, and he was elected. Mr. Harrison re pudiated, that, promise, claiming that itjras mad without his knowl edge or consent, and thereby made ftvi lifetime) enemy TeicPJatt. Mr. Foraker has now made the : same promise for Gov. McKinley and has told Mr Piatt that MeKinlay would make.it a. person if , Mr. . Piatt would agree to swine the New York ninw its euuuvdueuu ine ngnn i detention to MCKfnie arier a com. Carolinian -u the aarreat weekly f m tt-.Tir-eB - '"i 1" 'Foiwhiehhe wa rewarded; by a most earnest look of thanks and. I does snbly thank yirarsjr.' 1 ' , ,!. WaVjuitMns'enh''iit the intiont t questibn the fentlentan;.. and was. not a little surprised ' td find thai ha Mi a 4Mittion', ' ----- --- v w .IIULI. ana an oiu smre owner."-- , 1 ' Thf kftidry Impnlse to w4 tbulLick woman was In him a mat ter of course, and but a piece of. the lifelODg fnendlineas.iexisting. be tween the two races','' of which we In the North knfVw nothing 'practically ... :L' ft! -.''! 'W .!! anu are saepucai oi in ineorv. ., VoaerTer.t 'New York, September 15.M j ThU card has calltid forth1 the gro'l conviction that the Whites aot hU friends; therHfrtonalfen-e'thatis ndiil ;w4Uy,iM! that tkth eonditiou do not tend ' fo mitorf sympathy 'and mutual ire- ijjgjjji 't ir.i Ji;r !...vhi Jll!J jij'j : "Mnwhiie: the' Wcldent nnrrflt- eti tytyKjjjijki. tm moral. 4.It,i IllBstrates r tho proposi tion so often and so Confidently' ad- 'Vaflced by,'thFost: That thd best aiuosCypptliwtJflj'adj most helpful Ihenda are to. be found In the old sUie) holding, class of the South' or their descendirttS).' '' ! 1 .!llJ-f Oil II) ll1flt:Vf ! eeViUf l t.'Jri- ltkUlnx "avm I Tbe vboeUr Cneai-ShlB 01ea.i . ..rt-11'! wf vi i waaw.i uaiiuuBi snssis siKistuuiK aaava pwvomw w. i r r, .j it i i . t i i . i . h -i r -. . . . in no .ne-1 tne wue is wis man or ue neuse,; ao aasat awaawtttae niaai wit's -w i ewwiwwi n,i..u,iW ,iKrtbera tni'husWridls )hrwomri 'brthf; Jr-?r.Tr--i:fi r,' dytafri. SWca'fcoOa fC iLli' V ;..wHk ' .'I ;' , -r.i"j H7i:-."i I - - - - - - . i'i:i in f ifivi-jHiii mti iTii:l t it . aiiwcuier i tiffntrui laaaeranin arnmnuner. i t""".tw.i i lvMneuK-nijawg, oroyspy .dftrltf aakeaWiW; I , of the Bttle leannesses' of J which M Vharliiaa:reaapaaMt l. ji " fenenTinaVbW ?r!lT?-!!r.iU I Irft -J Wn ''kl hhli. il following admTraTile cohihiehf's . from lhe'WashingtQii'Poslf '' f Vi ,4V6 do i.ot share 1 'ttbsclrr'aVa? .SEMlFOIt-SmCLECVl'V. newspaper published in the State. - It prints all .the news, and preaches L the doctrine of pure democracy. 1 . V contains eight pages , of interesting matter every week. -Send te doH tUprtoJVJrho k-ejeperafxjrwded l f - . i . r t. l - as Merely brevet eartaidate ,for the nomininon. j Fcerill ilso be forele rettrrfis to Ohio eidror to lar and eet it for a. whole, year. iL.L .vii rppSoto r-Ur- e-lttpportofBostusy for Me- j0SEPHU8 DANIELS, .Editor. RakN.-C. A' t .TheTciVCiroliniio Wd I Tm Alamaxo Gijuxrr willf be sent f.jr one year for Two DoHaxs, Cash ; in advance. Apply at TBsGixurt " irffice, Graham, N. C ' Bradbury Piano r7 frjeaamedSnr aee I B-r br mnatwana laKnUW. ilarrta. 1 W Veavoal an. Waabtaanaa, l. C, 'who baa ad amm of oar ptaaue Urn 11 rn " laweerlaa eacrnaa thta a4anaaaMaD nrfnT. a: 8riTH,- I2Sra.Am.W.W-I'ar-Il. aaMaataa,O.C Einley. ' Reed has been supposed a have a aortgaggnpon batfT Piatt and Quay, but they are very tricky individuals, and will both be found km (hi tide ' af ' ; the) oandidsW who often them the tnost.'1 '" - Ka-RpitdvaOaihwah,;;of Ufiio, brings checiful - news' from that State. Bejsays:jjJ have bean greatly surprised t- tba-way in trklek fke dcmtSe party in Ohio has" tallied snd ' Jjpt" fe1 'gh'mg condrfion. There is 'none of the forliitg that-prevailed last fall, in server $urpijijA ljil ,Sax,K, ajfthoiigh it e a . a a . .1. . migM w going too, mr , to say i that none t but " Southern gentleman would hare ' shown so much '.con sideration to a poof and humble negro, if is a', ct. fhat almost any Southerner pf the, arislocraiio class Would dd it instlnctivery and with oW second thotght '1; Incidents, of vtJ kl' li:.-hC -L'l'lL-L- 'a uii) biiiu ara iiwiieis pi course theT South; ' As f 0b8erver,;pay, they are a- piece -the life loh M a aaa .1U .1 . i i'T menduness exwting between the two racerA Sochi 'occurrences , may Tney wpuld not attract een . .T Ing attention in New Orieanav -r 'We are bound to admit that there Is ' some" Justification ' foV the hostile kttitude dflhe whiWlward the blackf in tnui part, of the . coun try. Unquestionably the negro is seen at. hie worst north of the Potoniae ' and' 'the' 'Ohio 1! rirera. Whether it is that he "feels ' himself among'people who neither k nor understand him, we do not pretend! to say. Tbe foci is, however, th$ here- in Washington, for , in stance, one . ehcounters more rudeness from eolored people in sihgJe.daxihan 1m would find in a whole year in ooatherrt teommuai- ty. ', ThereTare! negroes in thia'eity not. on r two bnt hundreda of (hem who make s ncini . whenever epportoaity offers of being- offen sive to, whU.withWhom they my eome in cemtact.- These are not of theT, pjtwr. rsggabd onfortunate class, hot of tne 'swart' well 4reW ed, and; In a aflwsjprcepefews Wriety. - la I thw street ean,"4n the parks, orr the .ridewalkshererer they find iW chaasco .they -wahibit qoaBtiee '"of rowdyisrq ' Voculence :j- t . . i.t M ua - aouiiasuy ijwnecn rataeaasanry eremte defp aiid lasting predj adice against their 'mctC " Atr that Srraih, wbere tbe'racee .know ej:Ii other, tl.ia would do little harm. The of- i;v U 1 17 f'"0'' uf II 1 tilj" 'M'.l'P'lf ! j; !;M-f.; ' I,'? ii r.'l l'?lf'JTir-. 7 Proai tbe isMoal tteaoiaer.1 " l, ' ! Wenafehtardnuch about 'Ilomfl rultffn pptia&f Dt,wniut(t ipoW less we ;ars, more, cpneernea, B-oaua home rule in, America The, bus- band Is head of thb fcurfly j knd be-r Irtg; prbclamnSi by both r nature1 anil revelatipn'ai i lee'rr'jDlsl'''ifthoritx should ;!bVreoogniiie4. J thwghout the home. Inasmuch as this is God's plan, it is, of course, the best plan. It is not1 ' asserted that the husband ' is :1he!"wife,srlmasterj Py MH; trnger1J(ievJ -to, protect the weaker, and iutho comT mon journey:' of life to i guide his equal pattnei. M! is. not1 to' role jiis nome. iwltti arbitrary flawav iand nenscnslcal7Wiims, ibqt.,tp consult. the interests of Jim wife, .- aubmkti ng in his governance to the teachings of the BibW; No sape'riOrity - to the wie is implied except that whudi arises from' the, position , in , which God has placed tha. heml ,of the housohojd. j He inay be inferior 1 i . M l.t - 1 !.f . ' ' in point n wcmuu bucim, poauion, tfUlture, ifttelteot 'still,' his headship ob uuunuuueu, iaiugnt,aasaifw' oy tore i ami . swor . and i , broomsticks. Every institution must have! tome ffWnized, bead. 'Take the'State 'as iliuBWib, ;;uij?f e jf :yer-J npri.Tbereiny heVwany men iii the common wealth, possessing' more statesmanship, more learning,;' more executives ability, yet these 1 men duties , of governor,.' nor , .resist ' his authority jibs such course would result in anarchy ; and A poor gov ernor is better 'than no goternor. Tbus,jVWorI opiy io too. position , ,e;; Ausoana bokis under God. ; Tbe. wife m ust render ofceerf al and lerimr obedience to' the bcVuse; oai', 'WJte toe' band; holding' 'the bouse ( together. U this tie be broken, every other tie of the fsmilyu endangered.. 1 1 If the husband -i incompetent, overbeering; " nnreasotiable) lilictav fcrlar, irlfe latest, embarrass ment wiU b not in obeying, but m having . such . r husband. ,Stjll, even in so sad a ease, the wife will should' direct tne 'kf&fnf his V The' home cannot ' be jrnl4c) ,by i JTHi; JPRCAICaHtfa " wfcea latWOfM tafaat lean. , rr ioaf we auoiucafauoe ! Aetawoibn WeraaeauMartbJ el Tuttt UterfiH kel 'C? tar- a :if"4 'mi f -'-iela rtlT I Droader. sympatnies wiu prerMi ) hW ier chamdeT Vm' sssrt it. stjlif;'W'1(1a1r;.'M ifi seal snartbw hpijflrny sfie,'1! jt'qtteitn, a Ha a husband Is a, cipher; the IhteHigeht we,wui oe iixeiy to regard mm ,a naught ana' il' he'W k sero .he Snows' he cgU'ltfy'fceWl' , it U aMcult to'disern 'tnaetail r iriIVJtCD. HMD ruie. ' 5 TrtrAtieiBJl V7K ?. a '?' - i ill f.i'tt !. , i- Il is when we go into u . smaller cities of our country! that Jwe find, tWreal American , lifij, ijthe.lruoet phases of American Jiting:. writes. Xdwaed W Bok inmn attiaJe on "Where M American Lifs t, Reatlj Exists;"'i in' the-' October iLidien' Home Journoh o One need only go into such charming and! delightful home cities as1 Albany,! Troy,. 8y re determine1 nbine at tin. It AM aoBMBe draatataaa aartt ttlr, . ia4KW rtatawtt UtjmtA- , !, Boaas are droaiaa af tha Aawa of (oya. , f at taaois aaafl yaaNi 1 r. OarloaaadpoorkUkahayralV' fiunl I . Alike oa nana and old- . I Briotnro MuartMrtrtna-aarW taet)ora J ! ,a4daBrawataMa..i.'iV; rif vi TwtrlaMUaatrattaUaaaeajaMlJa,! I lae deeds of adchtr men. WWWWftiiiiSkm .-i.it "'K Tkaktof ' ba'a barBMauo--- ,f ; Uta TbapaaiMrbaaklBV ' - ' ' .' ' - ' ? la thatrawasa wwiaaiwi .v.-v errf -no "ayC3at 3 tXi'a Cm a , It' Pi 8itCfc3egSttfgf Vile lsSs pSJfef J COtlli dai fwithofut ithti iutre ha4 Utct' tdbeasc irftr twenty ftxtt, tit ttSred, TiiitfSUlFllhJ 1 'i! jrii t Ml IT mm u.ij m a I 1.,-li 7- I . r..i I. if a a. - - - . . air, atawaaai jajfcaaaaaa.aMe aW a.ak'-aaUMaaa.ai ;TftarA)r auaaS am'"! V " Aaa hara la aam awttal paa H ) , ,.,!: j a Caa eolia thai artterr. . , HtiTvrmwin w iwamiai I.-Aawa tka aauMat atlas . Aataovsll H wera a oload, aairar iam a-Boiuj uraaa-enioaiea. i TWansab) wltk id'aTar erawas fWat aosaali lan ra .-",-.:: ' And aa easel wltha wiaataof rae . t ToaaatnUe dreama arar- ' , " ' KtrKjr rrken oootr idW M ..rn'-. fj tjtJT trl (AKPa Ut)l fl4(-n tliJKft Ottl rl viV, r. Southerti' Railwav. ' h ?! -V t-t-lrr,)l, jjij,, trlf.f u'l Dfli 'ataai'iates;''' GfivLex'w (-mtest.ii! - w : jft;-K h n'f'iw di;-tTi- -j A ,Kif hAtim tanntiM(MKaA.tnriianl 'WW is Bufblo in' New York Stat,.uchTkj.,. ,m k- a,it. 1 uliJ '-u fcpots of charming intiuTectualit ,.s w4rw Bpi4nrA who kaewGen,. Leet Mg ew rnoxo. - ,Tha Jnddent Kurr-4 PT.IirgK: -"Or i.i l 1 , liJDH neoticut, or Springfield, -Woroesfer t mAM , i; iirgoitJB& v- i orabam i hnar tor.mninvnl rmm .tha burnt - M-t-tf K"?"". - - - - . " r"- i r.i- nnnw nrtrl will A,liA . am T , 1 1.1 a. l ll-! it. f T t - I.AT Jlalelab. find that,' for the1 peace of the home, as well as 'for the social standing of the family, it i . wiseet , to be , gov- emed bjr the Bible and rwpect the authority of her of&dal half. - Sometimes the' husband' assumes the attitude V boss. ? lie tries to by, mere, force j buf, such , course produces friction, lend jn various ways todensaner the nar- mony of the 'home. The wires of such men obey, jnecatui 'they, fear. nc because they noTe. ,, Jhey. real ixe tbe fact that in the eyes of. their Imsbandf they have mo rights, are mlerior members of the home, ; and mere' Appendages of their' domineer , , 1There m, bowerer, another side to tbia qoestion, Inatead ; of bossing h lis beesed : the baaae rule is then reversed, and the" husband pentere that nnoonscioaii siaie-ibr he seems neTec ,o be, oopscioua, jiwlrieh we By, ;lata-lar-packsry Tne wiiysatrongarnaluMprevaik,' and ahe fills her husband's place as well M br own. !Thto uifbrtunate con dition of things js jfajoti- pa, gt ease of th bom yet, if Aba), man will nbi Jra-l, tbe womad dusC: Instinct teaches that the' 'man cr!LoweB in, llassaohutetts, to. see, mnning tery bigh. .r Athis Resort hoar faiMremoved fronn .the truest WBM aaaiiirtj, -hUa,nn ,1 aii and hapjiestrway eii .ara the m, nprthet9 gaMXalri WlT petmlaWthels;cifaes.;!Amemld- n C AOIB,ft life, ami eTeTythjnguthaf nnrtliri affiniliaa manoirad to h 1 1 "ala: " -I " ' '-T ... , VRTV , aull UnlAH OI ;lt... 1M llrfT I . ooinm rf 11-. I . 1 l L .-" i .IT .7 " natTator. noticipg tbis, mentioned it ?f,,Mllw?k t inthe,Wvenuon ha4,with tilleyt! Claveland -,u09 .Cincinnati. rM Lootlna nn in, anrnrimv . tha People lite in these, cities as i :(they kt(f Vid : I am irUd you told enjoy, nvmg. v 4 n .-very ,ex.renors of u T ,0 0nC8 rtat of homes in these, ctii;, breathe Aey fin4 'it Wre plessaiit.." With PiTr 'T;W,ir1T "y tUUyI kept his, premie, of tkeie cities. livss Uhf human jfiM cene'ral ain4'i tU being laAhpnn w.V were enaZde S 8hme-ywiUackaide.;of.,Ws,: bouse ; bebestowad ' unor thar: during a day,. For Jess , money he i Gene nad Ji fa rMnion: a bouse with ground around H I the young ladies were eoon apiong n7a. Wo. IS Mixed. Uailr.. aas . "". i i,e ' I sts w.iji..jii.i,. ,,, tr Tea :'"i i friIi'. -laffaaaaa. .n m J lo lieai - t ri'iia. i fi m arwowaopro,f.,..i, i ml In Meat 4aUr. Paily- tOranbjjrn laai Salaai , Kloo Oollaaa m Tel U . BarlliwrWwi 4 ,,it,,0u ml,i TM l;: 'i'ia1- V'- A d:h-n. .'4 U imi wSSm. ArWalHaeMiii i , ,i, -in T wmbbi tv Ouiabora t , ,:,. ial I SSS Lr'"1-. BMto eloa iiiiiaimaa aS tTalaaraltr SoaaS t aaOataal HUi. 4.,' j.i ; THkoora iimmaaim - ha a bou, with grqund around H ung ladies were eoon arnong than his. brotiiqr .o? gt-, the' most popular aTth hote anl wbojcs in alerger. city ,an4s has fa'Wtf only avbrewn-etone chest x)f drawers -'211 w;ini,.k friends. Rich, iiii'ip ma closely-built block, into which mond rpitch.' theun penetrates only through oris 'r ' ' . ' . .1.. ai i a x -a un i Ida of hia hanse. . The man of tha I riT-Ul.rB OOBrKSS M KUK. smeller communitw is. neeessarilr. I ' 1 r,f!f hamner with Such Uvina. and hU ' This common , trouble: at IhU Wifo aiid children ere the beaHh!etlimof mostly. -lue to for ft' ' Life means tbomethlng id a i-fccUon of the milk by f j add man'!iving la' this way ;' h means I of ' pwvioos i milkings adhering to " ' . . " . ': - '-t i',.. ...! it :i ai.. li cpntentment ana oomioru f.-,,r- "D" .:-ay; The quality of intellectuai Ufoofthe eauseaby ovefheatingof tha cows, sfnnf Ama! cities a.-tonishs 6tt.: rarely;! Tbe -most , common on no' finds it for the first 'time, eswsa is unegtect perfectly to clean Xnd the'secreioflt lies fit the.'sim- ftbo pails .J lot v milkpana.,! These feUu J I Z l.i A WaataeM-J - 1,-aarioi-svuie Hlnaained Lraeaban Ar Oreenabora'Ll I, Wlna'tHeaJeoU auueiaa . SaUaburr, AahevUla ! " CharloitaJ wfii , " 0antrl Time) I . Jaakaoa-lite-J BCaaaaUaa1 H Ate M i i "-'--h J lepaaA-J If.Orteaaa. Xortk pie fact that People in ! these cities shonW Oast be cleaned in coJd water hare more time ft the pultiratibn in which eonustm washing soda is Ar wtaftoa l - ..aa-ae. a a ! r nai aawas ' rl 1 1 of toind, for thw gratifloation "bf dissolved. -a A sub crust la used to mental tastes. " Literery ""tluba and clean the corners Uwronghly. l The neigbborbood' guilds here a deeper vessels am then rleeed wtth- hot meaning than in the" great clres. water twice,; then again with cold. A woman's aocial life is absolutely sod then turned botton upward on refreshing and stimulating in these stand in. a shady plaoe out of cities, and id direct contrast to the doors to drain for an hour or, two, exhaustion of ebdal gayeties of the when they, should be; remore4 to Utte VrftfeeV 'But people ' come the dairy room. Before being used ckW each, ptLer, and ; their thayehonid be rinaedwUh Wect amoaemcnU are more satisfying, ly cold, water. It. Is eegeo and more harmonious. .. .. .-. -Thetv ppbly with truth, that in the ma tool the church eomee closer In the jority of L-sUncce la which diseases ftilfUtoent-tJf -He mission in ; our 4 ka been , conveyed , q milk tbe smallfr ' American ' 'cosnnlunitiea, Icauseihas been the .use pf( impose The relnrious life te er than in I water 4 , riasing. tha the1 large centres.'' Thi'cmiTth is Ameticaa Farmer taken into 'the Bres of' Its people, n ' .TTZTTTj -.... . 1 CnaftoVsrlUeJ uoaaaoaa LvPreeinhoie J wmn s-ie-3 :' SaMeburiT , abavlll HHSprlisJ KnoaTtUe . I - 'SaMaaencaf .tawwua Colambia . aSefiSral TJbw) -Saekeaavtlla ' ; Athmta tvBtnalaa' MaajpMa N. Orteaaa., .rr f. la u as w !1 r.U $ i t 'jut ro.a Min ni Vo.K DoOrT ka.se IS Sal SUaai netaai tMaai BU.a- Sllaaa .. . !! 1 sat , tie -sat ass ! 33 X.I .S liS.Jtl al0ee JaJ Skfaai sir' sat val. a - . it 1-2 "f Tii .S"" mpm 2 USSaa. TUa'nJ mm le'K ?2' ?t?2 siaaa eaai tie y, ,, eusniiocAasuyicB. Woa. 17 and St, Waaalartoa and .aaaas eau-tr . -ilaia U Itad, eaaiM aaa aara ajmie iai n iiuaaa rale eiiaatrrB- and Us interests are their Interests, spiritual and material.; -if are. flpnl final as eaiajhalaeia tcnil.- N-i Jla. J. errU.MTw i I inaaoa. aaaavuie aaa atot aortafe, Vb eat Sa BTafl. -n- 'I i f sro aad k Mo-Standav If. deepttir ajiia a. a Jlew Terfc. Aliaaee Ctls Hibs tFjiai trim tie kdwns round , and I of sdvertiserocnts -t . at mil A1l' . I ' ' a ! 1 aMa aad ArIrT .T,tTT7) T , pre. ; ri ;r-i ? "-;" r.rrr"?!' Jfwa,.. iug -v.v. - iinuire , , Aa 1 tiT "a" fo 1 ine louowing rveTenca 10 tne rwurig i i -at artmtaal IVJUUItg I oa to all fo.i.ft. rav amtae or tatuwai IT ISM I t-M. J. o'P a-L w !-- - jrii "Hil l "H' . k ! .-.n. IW aaMisH will impreaVit Jt w. . i r ipV. IL7 MaaasoftU I aaaaafca. aad Tmmm j.,,.aa .... 1 a-i , .g . aad 4 . aad a . mm . Mae. m - .. u i m. aaaye. Oat aa a- k. a aa- " mm t . -aaMaa af a.-I i H ru . smooth, then take the following mix-1 good' sense of wb tore and tub ft on wUk' the hands elf upon every thoughtful reader andenaw-torahttonwell.' This averegaraader of the1 hot af eoame is rabbed onlr on the flesh newsMtecan sere many times -it sidle. ' ' !' ioaiV. . -I. I "J I twice inthe course of a yWby care- FotliX) 4)QUjd Of pork, extra C folly reading the adwartaatinenta. ot eagar fi.oat.) papper2 oa;setpetar; livsbckiness koatw By this ww mean lea3aKr lqnrt- -( v y - -; Ifat fa reader can eara mooey by TbahaartabxjaMrkbehttri bargains la tbe soon as the. curette put oil. Mi todsa It '. lf v' i.:a - I M.t. tii u b - IJi' ww vm aaru vg -wna m uimi I MMl aaa IS UN liaiunaui. a VOTTVCl. U to 48 boors and their' hung p I If ft to, "hArd tiaoas" i i kA j.r- ' J a. I . . . .-- -wl ana wuia ca-j ua, aaioe - , woea i fcr rxh mxim a noma paper. 4or 1: i cored iU any otbar rwpawFarm , ..ving ywa oonay whan yi nW ( C. A-' CII OVJ C OJ flr- ' '.; ''.'. '.' ! '", Itt-Kai,---''! 3 t- e'wam-4Mse. Vaaaaama-tw . . a-a at a Paa Maaa f a.-! i

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