' ..... , I i i .in. i i i i ' i i i ij if 1 II f ' 1 i I " t ii fc) t'lirir" ir 1 mow ft ; i.H dnO U. i'KV U U J: - - - ft I ' . . ' r. r i ... . . . w M.ij . .t II-'. X jifi B i V ' ' ; ,"' ': i' t o j , ' ;..,,,;,';.- - - , ', ; . ,, .,. ,,,.,.. . i ,...f.f7TT: VOL. XXI. - IT! " 'V f f-i,r. I fcrl ttfHftwirt-t- ShSW.HWaja IIIHUIIMIWIM 3 I ' 11 11 . I rrf r ! mhwimi lime mm&EG U LATO Rjm tgigjfk-'tttta. GRAHAM.VN;' CXHUBSDAYOCTOBeBI.J 0Vi89 ...... . I rwirt 'ii1!; it i.7 'irtK : Ijfiiii.w 'Kir i i ,n T i " 1 ' : ".' ' "L-l"'" t ii j..! i i ni 1 1 ... I " " " r"T- - r T 1 1 ;f wuvj.fH 4rf Ihn Ci w lot.'!. a.T"J If I. ington Letter. From Our Bogular Correspondent, i r, ,y , Washikcton. D. C. Oct. 4: 1,8?5 "Lots of senseless twaddle is , c-f ing indulged in about Cuba, by if Jugtt.rto knhw) better,'" rom&rcff ifgetitltfrnais ir6hnincntly connected with the administration, p"Une miiiht BUBDose trom tne con- i ...... ii . . ju.U.i'j- Are yon taking Simmons Liver Reo- uivatok, the "King of liver Medi- cisbsT" pfti is what our readei andfmiQfine bat that It Is tl towSWlhrMbl I teat anoAerirged leldfa. ens, bat works In each an easy and natural way, just like nature itself, that relief comes quick and sure, and cne JWla-jitjw 11 all over. - n 1 iiBvcr'tallg. 7ant, rHpesTn ETerybody needs take a liver remedy, and overyone should take only Sim i re ons Liver Regulator. t( is on the wrapper. J. U. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia, n IUUJ - 4 JU- Li PEOFESSIONAL UARH8. i.of ftKnivppapers tliat it' merely a question of sympathy to the position maintained by the sympathy is not a factor. Tlie gov ernment is contnJled by intcrna tional law ancl prdence.ta,tbr,,this. govern:, otution- Vai yy Witlieri location nor hafrifation, would bo equiViileht to declaring war against Spali"Qf piii-r. piling ( 'nfa n gain eume hjs .9anVp'ajf aut' the democrats were going to..eiecv.,MP staW ticiiet'an'a,'(be(l'tfr 'and that liia return to thoSewate was as sured nonai law ancpprHaence. wor-j tin governiiC4pgu3A tl jp govprr ment t'1! rVfl1!3!11! r' tior ists hatf etlihcl nj pi jier, 1 Y)i which hflsrlBlye Witner ldcatio .,,-. ?,!..!IV( ! "'I'. .( ,;!. .!' .,1. ,, , Fecrctary Carlisle told ExEep rcsentative ulwrspn, . of , f A., ' now Colltcttif1 of Custorns ' at 'New' Or leans, ,.,;whq.cal)ed to i see hi m ii.i behalf of 'the ' sugar planera, 'Suit " ' h'o" '"'could ,o;:;' , nothing except td expedite a hearing ofpir .clainiijbE )&aji0$ya, the ' Couit 'of ClaimSj m accordance witn tno uc cision of the Comptroller, which he &0rv pofsvlo orrulci V.or hoWrMonrfcWyifm claimants want to", fiftt before1 the Court bf Claiiti3.'J , While- nobody 'stems ' to know just what will be done, ,is p'robatlQlia't nothihg' will ' be done until' after ' Congress' meets tcl it (hall have been ascertained whether Congress will ct.j' "( ,. ";' . ..ill, "i 'ffTfl) '.') Prom Farm' NeB.'' its independence, or to opening or Treasury to demands for indemnity Spii wynfdmpilf wpud make upon us if we kept our hands off Land the revolt was put down. If assumed the right to openly as sist Cuba we should probably find BDBLIlGTjlM, - - - - N. Oitlco over White, Moore & Oo.'s store, Main Street. 'I'hone No. 8. GRAHAM, - -- - N. C. lnoi e1 r. I o lam men John Quay Byniim. 91 BYNM t&BY Dr. JohnR.Stockard, W. P. BYNUM, Jit. cT3 at Law, i. Htf i 17 i f, err., When Cuba sets up t, as did the Central Amcru colonies of Spain, at era- mencan the time the b Tfcas - uror. this government to recognize heh "in j)aia.)ic. It , ia.Msirhyl Fjceding Hot Butter. fri ' i ii. faifouswiqe Jsfilw & ini nonscn.se what doi torneys and GoutibpI ICJISllKWt, ID, raclloeS lieAilurlv Htt Uml crts of , Alai iicecoifcUr.S I t ii i ui. 294 ly! i DENTIST, thftce on Maiu St. over 1. K. Walker & Co. '8 Livery, Sale Feed to talk of recognizing not exist, iust lieaiiuse wo, sympatmze with Jjvhat is jpoxiglit ti 4 feitiblijhcd. "WtoVfltnts kh' itfbteS-unnn thJasi g ngland ?w yi,'bo,te iy;ircf ognizing the belligerency of the Southern Confederacy, which 'had nrmii'S, a navy and an establislied. government, and an intcrnathuvnl j". ' li'y """i j oaybwraJion made luigianu carlyff jhat recognition, iii STABLES. GICAHAM. ,N. O. , .. y ; IfaokF meet nil trnlnn. GoihI slug 1p ordnu bio it tintii .f iihijjok ao4oritc. i, , A Head of ' Hair lam the North Carolina Agent for Dr. WHIta's N.w HaiiGrowrTrt- mnt, the Greatest Discovery of the Age. It will per ftianentiy cure falling 61 the hair,' lajidrun, scaly eruptions liostules, or anv scalp disease, . .,-1 It prevents hair turning gray and restores hair to original color, and brings A NEW GROWTH OF Hair On Any Bald Head On Earth. It is the only treatment that will produce these results. Testimonials and treatise furnish ed on application. : '1 1 Hi Vi Mr. John M. Coble is my agent at Graham, N. C. Respectfully, , ... . .! .in lir-Ti-LASIILEY i Pec. 14-tf. Haw River, X..CV 11, 4 Since its enlargement, The North rawtiniarl 'itfc-tini- rnrptt4 w'eckry '"rSewsTfcpM" flisheti'lli the'Ptat "WpnnTk &hc fiePfl. nd JiriSichoB 7it,e fK'tjirie of pure1 aeinocray.' "J contains cighf jMige of interesting s.juattjirvpry reek . iVnd,.ne.dol nnla avd-4 .it fcr , iuie -ryeau A ramplc copy will be mailed free on s-jflioUion to r . ;., , J08EPHU8 DANIEJH, .Editor. -Raleigh, N. C. "The Nortli' Canfinian and The Alamance Glkaker will c wit ft ii nut' iuu for Two DiiUbwi (h4 ! The . Mftlnoi Experiment Station "fins proved by ',','a;' series of careful exporirricnts'1 tftat ,thoi quantity of butter" fat in the.milk of a civeri cow cannot be increased by feeding. Thatj ourselves involved in a war with h, that o, gaUon-jof such a, Cows TWTrfurrptKmerrr ' than milk will have only so much butter: what sho is led. ine quanutv ol nlk-may -bemtretwud by proper feeding aiwUiie number of )ounds ,of butter made from th.e vcpw may : be increased in this way,' but if a cow gives, what is .called "poor" fnilk, ho feeding can make it rich- . This matter js .w,eH )ndcrstpod. by tboe 'tihd ,pay attention to these things, but there ape ' ipumbcrs of farms, wbero ows are kept that are kept at a loss,' ' A cow may give a t. i 'll ' ' ' ' ' large me&iof milk and it may not make as much butter as the milk of one giving half as much milk. ' On moist of farms the milk of all I'the cows is etrained together and; at tempt is made to dct ermine which cow pays the best to keep, or which !onc: is'kclit at a; loss. As soon ns tiii'd ntctifod 'p'Vcvail;!. thWtffvill 'not be,very much improvement in the quality of the cows kept, on the farms of thi3.(,'ountn'. : ; In i ;the old countries, every pniiuj is , taken to deteriimic (the6 matters and ' the cow that docs not . pay. for keeping is rii)c6th'ly,diiposcd pf and as a con flCquehce a race of cows' has , grown up thatj;ay a good profit for the cost of th6m',', antl1 the cost of their kwping. It, ,it a rule in Europe that is. without cxc?pt irtn that the dairies nrof stocked with cows that return a profit, and ." ihe charac terislic is not confined to any parti cular, breeds In every country, the dairies jire stocked Srith cows whose milk is rich in butter fat, ' and this because! the best have been selected for many generations. , V.: , If the. same plan were followed in this country rt would not be many years until the dairies of this coun try would be worth millions of dol lars more than they now, 'and we would not hear o much of the ex cellence, of one brfced over tlif other. tnTUiffil elffh"That went to pay the Alabama claims. Had the Hiflith-: ern Confcderncv succeeded .thoMC dtrwis-wokt.i.oti...lwvav had- to be paid." Hon. D. I. Murphy, Depu'y Jfyihiifdrteif JT renjsions, w.liow taking partTn the Maryland tain? paign has knoekod the list Iank from the bottom of the silly lie about President Cleveland not wishing the democratic party to carry that state this year, takes a very sensible view'of'lhat' campaign. After ex jjrcgsjng tbg opinion that the; 'state would go democratic, Mr. Murphy said : "1 tininotf tiniTcrsfand how t ho : disaflected idemocrats can re fincile themselves to the position they' 'riate taken. They seeinta .thinki that if thoy , let ;the republi cans win tlua year; tljcy can oust them.noxt year, - They ' cannotcTo- anything of the kind. A republi can Victory this fall means that the state wilt be in, lbe hands of that larty , for years. Jf . the regular democracy is defeated this year does any one believe that next year i the tail will wag the dog and tbe!re gulars, who are in a large majority, will go to work to help the bolters ? It is hardly common sense to rely upon such a situation. No, sir ; the democrats if they want to .con trol Maryland, must not let it go out of their gtasp this year""" ,The.attempi Xo . siart a Lincoln boom, - by giving it .out that cx- in advance. Apply at The Gleaxeb Srabury Pianos. 7 j r 'rrf i Vtvl- T lAiatrmlnl eMlars. ,1 Vermont Are, hlncliia, 1. t, rhn ha mmut or 't our piano. t li Jfi In offering rnrlmw lhl MlTtnimHM un r. aw, x. Mar-U. Vaiiiiii.ni. u. C. up when h nvaa Secretary of Wr, and the verdict was unanimous that it was "away Wtow the'Tresidcnttai grade. J'llad liob Lipcol ii tecn a matt of one-tenth of tho ability of his father.' instead of the well-dres-" cd, well-fed, iiooentity he is," said a repuWican who lias helped, to make and unmake candiLites" Yf his party for more titan a gencra- TTon, ft.i(o(l 'it ; "' i . iTho dieti of i f(wls 'iniist be'Tre quentlnbhangca; djfth'c wi)l take on an; over fat- condition and , stop pyn-, 'While dti rng ; epld , wonth er heating; foods should, bo given, they should lie hsi studiously avoid ed, when , ,Um . wa na 'floasonji comes - - viti;t'i! .1 rt " !- 1 '!! I Egg shells iff a good for the fowls but they' should' ";, jbe J prushod ' very fine before ' fcwling tliem.; Other wise,' Voii, may int fbduce 'the egg eatr ing viceinto the jioultry yard. ,. L b,qn a hen uecomos lirowtly, due preparations for the event should be madyB,, ' A setting 'ber , , is , an idcal breetling place foT lice; and the , in vitation, is most readily iiccepted if war is not made- against their ad- vaucfi, ;Be sure to givo.tiieiii plaices for dust baths, Bind add a little sul phur i.ow and tjicn.; '., Thfblr'itmar;be' ripon, a small scale a .few dollairs spent in good pottltry.'ahd ft few mure in .'provid ing l.conuortable accorampilations, w'iJlrtittnj'libout th, largest inter est , off all . , yoiir hi vestments. . It adds to the; income in n .substantial and constant wa.y wlrich is most gratifying,"; 1 1 w t . Sliarp "grit, meat scraps and green food must be ilit lnded in the diet of allpoultry confined to runs. With out these articles hens cannot make eggs. , Feed all scraps to. the fowls while they are strictly fresh ; uoth ing will more quickly cause disease than decomposing food; .?... .What further proof do wo need; that poultry rawing is a : profitable industry than wo find great ntlni- bers, both in town and country, en gaged in it ? We are certainly with in bounds when we say, that this business is followed more universal ly than any other in this country. . Feather pulling in largely duo to idlenpss.f It is most liable to occur in active breeds that are kept con fined and have little exercises. Disease and disaster arc reason ably sure to follow when foods, par ticularly soft Bluffs, . are thrown down among the dirt and filth of the floor. It soon ours, and it ab sorbs a portion of, the surrounding filth ; on general irinciples it is :a bad practice. , ' . . ; n ; ; ' A well bred foirl will : lay more cp gs an grow to marketable eizo sjoiier. i thoretiirc, there, is nioro profit from it, and it is the fowl for yon to have. ' Grade up your stock with good males, sX least, and have a, better lot of chit-kens in the next generation.. ., ! , . cornfoddcr ora pUiv'of , boarils, has any valid excuso for not.ibanng a warm and tomfbrtabla place for ' his fowls to s!een.--Kxcrfartfire"5 ! mrc SciontUic Jots; Canlessnecs. Prsidt?nt Himison was in favor of the nonjfiiatlotlpf et-Secretary Lin rrtln fell verv flat in Vajhin'rton. Mtl T lnrolrj Welt known heW ! hat lnnlr, ""1 ne-gitt Vbilitics Vercthprouglily isurff 1 will inlT Capt. Bassett Won't Tell. New Orleans Plcayun. One pf the guides at the Capital Waahnigtori, irfe bt tier 'day said that "before Capt. Bassett, 'the watch dog of the Senate1 dies I hopo he will tell somebody which one of the desks there it (was. 'lybich, JefTernon Davis occupied when he was a mem ber of the Senate. I?asett is the 'hia nflftis mmlil hmg ' ,sgo Lave jnale him the Prcs-idcntial .l.i:..i....;.:J"3L.15 fTf Koator Blitkbtrnfiic j y;U to atlcn 'Jie msiTiae of hfs ugfttrV, lilulkUI) Mr. Thomas F. Law, of X. J., 14H i hi urn-d Tuesday, but he retunicl to Kcntuvky tho ttue niht to rc- Vplinters for sauvenira. During tins jwarkot pf oldkrs got into tlAi tciiatfifccr aril tuckWhoSr"tavorcts intoXWMiVkrvtl.L racltea tints. I thought Miywoaiw maac Kinuitng wood of it But old. Capt Bwsett goes to work and twitches it.ftlL up I with screws and putty and valnij, turn tootui liia aay oxuer omi mn in the chamber. -. I know itr certain that some mighty influential' Sena tors have tried to' get the secret out of the old nian..but niiht as well T.-iC . ....i.t ..:r 'e m --.. luiik wruiu iuuiwui wi 1.IWI11 ,uu top of the-cooae as to try to ftt him to.ftBrlu4i-U'4frDaTiljeat.-r 9Cf Yon honld hare a county ;uWrile la TueGleamjl ppir. An old farmer said to us not long ago, that carclesness was the worst disease" that inflicts live stock, and we think this is 'especially, true, of poultry. Other kinds of stock can be neglected, and lire and be profit able ajterwards. and tho effects of the catetessncs of i ts o wncn t U not so observable a to attract attention to it, but in- keeping poultryt tho question of profits rests entirely on its care. During the summer mos., poultry will manage pretty well with but little care as it will do a well sleeping in a tree?, as in a house, and much better, if the house is infect ed with lice.' In winter, however, if tho care is lacking, the profits cease at once and tho hens make no re turn at all for what they ' eat , It has beert proven many 'times that if proper conditions , are ' furnished, hn will lay. in, . winter enough to return pore profttthao-in sunirncr, hut this nas poica-ussu agreai many iKxiorct'ifurniHit tlieso cobditions thdbgh any one w bo ifk a farm twpeivhas seen Ootuun after column rk-voted Wthe sabjw, and vtry fow, wijt I fimnd to dwpute the fact earo is everything - with. . jioultry in winier. 'Now to tnotimOrhcn there is not great prcs of work that can not be delayed:-. H prJ sa& say that the nun who lcU winter come without having made projier preiar.iti'iis for Kjultry, will hard- eu his heart and let them do the beat the can fr aixilher year. It JecsTTsprniatlerjwiSctheT the poal try honxs - thifg Uauty or not", jilsI a it is comfortable, and no farmer a ho luis -iicjs tu straw : 1 i . i., ; 4 ' '' " : In portions of : Northern Siberia the ground is not merely-frozen but consists in part of layers of ice alter nating with layers of sandand these jce-inasscs niust be niaoy tjiourtnfls of years old., -, in. such regfons ice is as much a rock as' sandstone is. A TemarkaM invhtioh ' fbi( kill ing tne weeify along 'rilfqad tracks is ,now 5 in yce. , Electricity, ; as'' Is known,' will ! destroy vegeUvblo.i ,t j's- sue u " sirong euougn. jx car . is provided with' aft. bnginc, an' alter nating dynamo and induction coil.' The ojectrical current passes down toaTOefal strip' which is dragged over thfe track, the strip ' having many fine wires projecting from it inththe weeds .on each 'side, j .Everyweed is touched and instantly killed. ' ' Prof.! Cfooka thinks that if tho electric tights wert) ianiversat to-day, the cajidlpitsuddehly irjtjoduccd, would lie thought i a 'wonderful in ventian.'as it enables! a person to ob- tttn light ;'in its sirriplcsi1 and, most portable form and,'witfioujj' tle use of . cuuiberous maghincry , or 'the necessity of attaching tho lamp- to ariy fixed point by 'moans ofi wires beforp it can be lighted." ' ' ., -.Jtisa fact well ;knoivn to gold miners, but to few lothers, : that in the same river channels; tho smal ler jiieces of water-worn , gord arc purer than the larger, ones. . It is also true, that th exterior layer of the watcr-worrf nugget is purer than the inside. This is easily explain ed. Native gold always contains silver and, on the average about one tenth of a nugget .consists, of the white metal. This is much moro easily corroded than gold and is at tacked, for example, by sulphure tted hydrogen and by common salt, both ordinary ingredients of euafacc waters. Such substances act on the silver close to the surface of a nug get and dissolve it away or convert it into brittle compounds which wear away as th'o nugget is rolled forward beneath the heavy stoned at the bottom of a stream. - V'We' lately read:- in an i echahfie, 1 an account f 'i: ftock of p1otilryr j that ato salt ,tiiftila,(nll died, and ','.10 iba warning to keep salt entirely iaway frob poultry. '. This'was wrtiig'ad; vice, for pduUry needs salt as nuich ins any 'dther' sort :pf li vf stock i'does, and ' the flock ,111 qutjstipa ;wasr in-j jured, ;no doubts becanso it had peen deprived of salt i until wheat it got access to itenongh Avas eaten to prp-j duce iniuribuVeffects. All tho soft food gi feifl tWfeuItry'shouid bp.sa'ltr, ea about as hingu as. qr;(iinary ;iooci used on the table,,;" jand enough ;so!l foodshould bo given, to meet the demand for salt that nature ' makes 4 on every aiiimaL' If a flock of poultry is' given salt in tlIr; food regularly, Jiak'ta LotT r St1' Jii-wipwiut : notnn Tutt's-'Liver-Paisr an old and pylarityjAlys ( SICK HlmGlifc, 6ur 8toirarru, ,in.djges tiotii torpi44iver,).conpation and all bilious distastes Tjrnri;iver PILLS North Carolina News. .. 1;. ' 1 ' ,( ! ! Stanly Enterprise : Wo' recently .i heard of a case simlliar to the one in the old blueback spelling book about tho jaivycr's bull goring jbo fanner's ox. A dog broke into Mm G. T. Simpson's kitchen. One' of Simp son's neighltors told him ho. would lend him his gun to shoot tho dog, thinking tho dog belonged to one of their neighbors ; and when tho dog returned the second night Simpson shot and on examination hft found he had killed the dog belonging to the neighbor who had loaned him tho gun, ws hear and t: the ' neighbor Is very indignant over the matter. , Aflhdwro Courier : -, Several weeks ago tho little daughter of Mr. Thornburg; pf this county,- while eating watermelon swallowed a seed which lodged in the windpipe. The child suffered intensely and the fiithor was told that shf was likely to die at any lime. - On the 8th of U.lll IlllfUblt uv Vivultk lav. iw dleinan, and after being examined by Dr. j. W. Long it was found that nothing but art operation could save the childV life.- The 'operation known in' surgery as tracheotomy was performed by Dr. Long,' result ing in the rerpoval of tho seed , and the saving of the life of the child. The operation, tf course,' "was dan gerous, but - there was no other chance. :-. ' ' ' Fifty-one applicant were licensed Monday by the Supreme eiurt to practice law. . - D!patclii from different points in this State and Virginia say that frjut Tuesday nH.rviinjr ruined the Uauxo in the ficl Ja, " '..'...." '.Children Cry for Pitcher's CatorIa. Children Cry for Pitcher Caitona. . Children Cryfcr Pitcher's Caatorla. there , jsr no danger of their eating an over, supply than thero is'' in. eating? any btlier wholesbmo and necessary food: 'WA'klva'snli'ihfMfli 'food;. ot our poultry and nave never noon at all careful abput , throwing' out brino. or.wjiste salt. and haye tho $wi 8"y? Htm h ?awla p ' p more than - a few grains which pertpshcl apeti'ciilledjor.' We have-no doubt that poultry of ten suffer in health aaacl -productjveT ncss, "because tho- owners Tke) gait away from them, under the impress ion .that it is poison to jioultry of all' kinds.Exchangc.', ...1 . ' ' ' A IraoJBill. Preensboro HeconJ. ; ;, -, . ' 1." Whenever you hear a ' man find ing fault with Ji paper, opcii it, rnd , ten to one hp has no advertisement in it ; fiye to me he never gives it a job of printing to do ; three -itt one ho does not take the paper ; twV to ope he is delinquent if ft bubscriber ; evpn odds hat ho never fdoe3 apy thing that will assist the ' publisher to run the pajwr and four to one he has noiver succeeded at anything. i ' , . f--i. English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard,"!?rtft or Calloused Lumps arid Blemishes front horses ; i Blood Spavins, . Curbs, Splint . Sweeny, King-bouo, . Stiflnes, Strains., all Throats, Coughs, etc. Sayet'0 by two of one bottle. . Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. ,, Sold by T. A. Albright, ' Graliam, N.-C...., . DckJ 1 yr. Do yoii uso fine stationery ?' If soT vnu will tin 1 it at Tug Gu&axer a: t psr. .hill . MACHINE' N. C. BlVAppSWn, (OP;nE0XTNI)ItY, ;.C. ' ' Souther rt'Riay. FIRST eECPTlONS. Vt 1H Oiwjugwsu, llalHgli aad Ooldsboro. .1! t f ;T,' Ha. BS. tn. P-Daiiy-H Kton CuIIoks,.. iiumnircon . (iraaain ' Hlllstiuro L. -i Oarbam ,i ArJJil.Uii,.,-. Xv HalelTh..a.(i;...Y. fwlrri.. ... Ar Ooliuboro.. Wtaam jess ! Hut 11 ST IliS . uoaasi ,1M t .'! 'V 'I 14J . (U , No. IS Mixed. Dallr. 133am int SuS 31 4 at it', iw I'M MUred Ex. Sua. tCSam 1016 II 25 jzsopra T WfCoiind, Ar OrmiMAMN) Klon t'olluire.. IIurHiiirujio..i. urataaia Hlllsboro.. UntTersltjr . uuriuiBV Lv. Ualailw-. 1 f, ' ' .-:'. ill . Ai Ralcfdb. Ilarton Selna i- ,J ::; lt I It Uuld.boro.. K.SV. Sallr. B 11 . : iffl tSI:,. s . is o -. '! 410 1 aw too ' K. 11. Mixed IiaiJy. taim 14A IS TJ 6 45 6 31 III SOS Mixed Ex. Sun. lu 15 pm is 0 IS REDUCED-RVTCS. ;,. , Cd'Ioh Jiatw eri lijfeniallc Eipcclllcii : -v. ".c;:ituiTaiiL.,':, -' Septeaber 18--Oeoeaber 31, 1895. ' Tor tha iMn' oeoaakm ttia Southern Itall war. Co. will sell low-rata rouu14rlp tlckata to ATI. A NT A, OA., and return on tba follow iovbaaJar i NHS.S5 and 3S mka oliM0 coDnaetlon at TJlvrlty to and frotd Laapal Ula. T" : -nr BpuUl tit ,1 71.1 Jfa 86. Uaun Hi Lv wastilmrtort - (,'narlot'avllle lUtinmnnd.. lianvllle. Ar flruanalMa-D ' Wlna'n-Salemj AhovHJe.. Mot it flntinin. KnoxvUla-. ChnttanooaB'. CJhnrlotte ' Colanbla-.il . A iirnata..... i imhiim,.j (Central Tims) - . JaekauDTltla St. Auxuftlua Atlanta lllnuiiiKhajnJ i- MoDinhla - N.Orlcana I -. I. if -yi hiti; ti I bdt I '.-ni FKOM- B A xxanin. y a....: .bevlllr, N. 0.... nurllnirton. Iff. O... IlurkTillo,Va......pi.517.' Culpep. a ........ E !f H .M Ifl.U 12. WW .71M.7n rbarlotiwrlllsVa 1T.0V Cononrd. K.C. u toi... rharlnile.N.C 13 IN. .ya. ltanrllla. Pnrliain, N. C. tl4.00( .... B.TB .m . H.trt . IO.W. .lit. Iff .'M.ad 10.40 S.M .V a. SB .oni4.n.....iio.Bi.... .40 u.no IU.4Al..... Front lnral. Va I.M..,..I4.W ..... Ormnanoro. N. C 17.65 Iz W !...... (lollboro. N. O. m.'A U .....11.W..... IUndraon4lla,aW.dl.T0L I l.tS A..W...... ii.zn i ij. lu.no' 'is.a I . HowVmi. M O...... t20 40 .....10.4)1..... .rncnoura, va. u uita.v, ii.au... Ix1natnn, ff. O .... il fj , w ' . ... ... , i. rush point, a. e. Hw SptiiwnvN. C . oaoerwMi, n ... rxInatnn.N. O .... il.M 1I.K3 Murantra. a. u...... .I.w -.JI.n Marlon. N. O Il4. -....10.W Hrwtno,M.O :i.W.. Qraara. Va yxinro, n. HLelmmid. BMstI1I. K. C lUMlll. It. C South Urton, Va atrMTMiM. Va..... MMu7, K.C... StaMavlllr, K C. Of .... J 1M ....nt.w f J 'a.... ,K4.M ...,... U hT..... . C 00.4 W 0 Mt.49 I, Va Tl IT r.....,U 40..... iiiv.in M.fw.....; .... ceo. at it no..... w.4i ..... rri.uu.to Ki.sa... s.h ma u0 n.mM...u.a I fa i II .ZV .....I i a jlli Taflonvlila.M. O .... M JiM .... J 16 Trron. N.C iW.r f.t...J .) WaMlnotm. TK G .... ia.a..M.,i4.aa Wat I'oiot. Va....... ai l?.)B..... It A0... Wananton, Va..... M B la 14 0..... WlHiBtsm.M.C 0.tMjM...l.a. WtnioJaWiai,'K. C. ll.gll.S.,.J ...... UUt tram kMtTiilc aoinUla pcarortiua j ! .HiTin. t CMvaaA; TVafwiB tetoM Swr4aitt I ad IX, and daily fmai Mr, 4mBhr U to Uaraaa bar la, lata, taulwa. wua mtm la January . A" .law. iniaa TlrtfaawHI na anM d.flrfi ariMa.tvr m tim hr IV Maa taait iDl wm anal Itau6 twaaty UM day froat aaa laatra, lata as I MtM. data at? Onlnara Ct Tktkta rt ba anH aWlr fmat lnmW( li ul n SO, IMa naali vits anal Iibis aitsaa tut aarafmnt aaaa. F- MaBat to o laagst umU taaa daata- TVaoni wfB ba antd ea Tiwada ya smd Tk-aradara of aaob waak fiiai S.'1'tMnbar 17 ant I U anilm , 1M. kattualra, was aasd lartt tmt m day traas data of aala. Jotwaaa B: lioka wM ba s4d dairr fcU'wbft U to boofoalMr ao. lad, taotn w a aaal Mam arraa at aa aoatro. SOUTHERN RAILWAY IW oolf Boa aatoMno; tba Sxaoafttna MTWf a doui fwuro railway f rota tba eoavr of tba aaay q(. Al Iuu to Ua Kinrolooo tnxuxaa. , For UekoU and faU Infiaaal, ai adplr. tav waaamataaaa,OTaadraaa . - mccclf. : w.A-Trar. i TraaVi Miaaaw, Oaal Faaa. -0, f OB raaua. Arc, WaaUitaav lv& I Ar Waahltiaton i, lharlal svlllo Hlcbmond , r I.yochburr. Danrllle Lr flmensboro . Wlni-8alem , sialolith--. Sallnuurr Asherlllo. " " Mot Springs... Knox Ilia m ' Chattanooga- i uartotta .. - Oriombla Aninsta..J Havaimah ; (Oantrai Jlajal Jackaflll St. AiiaTMUnoj AU.nta .... M lUrmlii no. r.- Ial!y. Sz7 D 400 1 610 It hlUtro)10t3pm IU4BI 110 3T, 640 6;am II 4:. a nt 1 Hpni 811am 362pta 68 T4"l 1169 lain 1 Ou pia 4 as IH TOO nml Ittbtnl a.Vtntn 1101 pm' 10 -3 7 warn iS .. I 7; . I r.i 1. dbAt 10 Bp sol intu Mali Dally.' ro. a?. Dally. m r. '.T.ll; '.,!',: r : .1 J-.J fr.) ..o ' pn lit? am in S3 1,44 S !M 11 40aai! IziMnyt lull pai I0 4XSH 7iaai HHpiu 4l tm s 1! KM 6 wam 480 63upm 4M 140 TOO 6 Mam IS p in , TSO iio twata CLKKPrxO CAS SEBVICE. Kna. 6T Bad an, 'Waeblnirtna 'and "onth woMtera Uaattad. anaaaKd oatrraly of fuil Buaoarsiailnisaura PalUaaa ran fC-OI; no extra fare. Tbrnuaw elorpuur rara lMton Kow ror and Kew Otiaaaa. A'a, Tork and Mftanala. Kow Tork and Turcica and Wa.n Inrtoa. AshorUka and fciKprnino itlwnr rtr drM-riaaa mack netweaa Wa.-l.h'xtoa and Jarkaoarlllo fdntror car bttaoon UmNislmroand Moataonaei r. - - t Koa. at and Ml V. K fa-t KaO.' Pullman sloepliia wra batwooa Kow Tork. At.arta and Moalavtnery.aad Haw Tork and Jack sonrtlie. . Aio aloopuia rar betwtwo I bar. kutto and Aamutav , Ka. M.slMPlnacarOrrant,rorotA Raleigh. no-aK iiaapinaTaar aainia-a.sa atwiimra. irta en aula at Tbrouoh Ufk, ttnrn teaN awtnta. apply to any arit nt tbaeoraaany. ,r to lay-;. J, o'HWIKia. Mdir, l-anvi va. Forratea or taformatioa til., LlW. B. K7UIK.SUDt ZndBllCIirI.tt.: ft. A: W. d.TI'MK. OcBl 1'Klffin.r A.t SaXlfeurtoe. D..CJ W. H. UF.. Oenl aaaaor. (Kaatocp. ptr.l. Waaivrvo. It. C ;SUBSCItIDEvFOU :tiiEvGL6i!:En. 4 yf mm 7SBBT Canaa, aad Traa sl.ita slaakad.aad aU Fat at saila.ai tcorfaul few atooowTfj rsca. eu BTict to 9n.li ii o.a. wtrwooin aad m bb aeiv aatoak Im aaa tan taaa taoaa froa Woinrtoa. model. Baitrlrv waMa. wKb Iw llu- Wo eanaa, a paimsMa or aoc fna ef nw aa oor aao ou aaoBt aorn-ao. a Htrmr". ' Row to OJmM rwaata." w.ta nf arena) f-cn a yoat StaiC, ooaaty, oa oaatfroa. drtaan, i lit c.A.or.ovcco. Or. FaTic! Orrtas. ataaMiatartea. O. C