''a: ' : 1 vrfTTr S3r wed M,r . n i ,,.,,,,,, .,. ..,,... .ii.i , I , T- I.-..- ..- .4- ! . i' ; ....,.-1 . i,-... -i in i 71 A TVT .T ! k a 1 m i .i mm am i r aj m ar .mm mm mvm m m . . m . mmm mm mm mm I4,-.f .IKSCIM: 1-1HV I : II I ...f.T.l, A I.,. . A. IXX J I'i 1 loll II II .11.., ..'-( IIU ". I f. I ..il -i-.. I frt-i - . 4 . :ni.-v- rail i. !'-jiii:i'j:j;'"Tr:li.;'7 ; 7i''(ii i-n jii-'it. .! :;.! ..'. ii'-i,: ri i.i ... ..ii i a it ':' ': -l-i SI M mom a VREGUIATOH i It:"- Vftf ''i-is GOOD FOR EVERYBODY andevciyoneflfiwb Itat alf times of th i i yeai Mfj' is. Wwyi about, fd thn only preventive n(l relief, is to keq ,tho Liver active. You must heip tHe Liver a bit, and the beat helper Js theOId Frieiid, SlMi MONS Liver .REGULAfpR, the red Z, .? !i; Mr. C Wimrdd, of Lancaster, Ohio, says; .- SIMMONS LIVER" REGVLATOft broke a case of Malarial Fever of threq years' stvd(n'..jtr, .911,." one bottle did the jbusiness.''.,! shall i)3 It wlieiv in. need, recoijimend It;? '.:, ' , Be sure that you get it ,(Aiways lookfor the RED Z on the package. And don't forget. the word REGULATOR;, It is SIM MONS Liver regulator, and there is only one, and every one who takes it Is sure to' be . benefited.,';TH& BENERTT IS ; ALL TN THE REMEDYl Take it also t. Biliousness and Sick Headache;, both ara caused by a sluggish Liver; 1 ' ,', t J.H.ZeUla&CkMPtiil4elphi. !; KSSIO A Al. V AKi '. , A ttorn ey-nt-liaw, ; Ordinances of the of .GrahdmJvI; :v K' !iTl!(5. following irdinanccs Iiac Uen adopted for the government of the tovvin,ofiCiriilMiUiIlf.f4V; J.'itl ... ,.., 1 jnrr-t "-'r A i,t-n Section I. ( ' Any person placing any wood, stone or empty xc3, lum ber or Utter, "on my of the etn-ets of Ih9 i'pwri; W, hi any, way olwUuctinfl: tjits 8inc, ,further.than4)e tpfsakfjtj lor t he' trivnctioii "pi business, 'sliall be fined one dollar for each offense. ' ,4 " '." , ' I:-ti.,- -i-V"''.; V.,,,.: iiv-,VK'. Ui;KV:w-l W .i-J'1 i ;Sf(o4 II,' Any peroOrt who ishnll Tide, driye or, lead oi tho sidewalk, i or l)iti.;hr any .hor8c ;or.j)iule, .,o,or cows.tp any .of .the treea,;pn the .public square or sidi walk, or shall fasten any :cow so neir,to tho s'4efflk that she can get upon sapv' pr.shall.nllqni.any hbe to run at, largOj shall bo fined one doHar for each ofl'ense'.' , ,. ..,.., ; i . ';....., , .r toMi:.. 'ni.hi ,?t rip-i .' :' .'' :: r SEC.7III, r Any piraoil wh,o shall; Jii'ill down,' cut;!hail or fack signs 'or poiters to, or in any way injure any oF the trees on tho' streets," sidewalks or puni c sqnac or wan snan injur any propeny oeionging 10 xno iowij shiill 1 0 ' fined' twenty-fife dollivrs;;pr(nriUed, that the Mayor in his discre Uon nmv remit i part of: mid iiuiii,; '"7''1 ; ' ;:' ,; 'ni '-'"'i BURLI KGtON, N. C . Prnrtirfti In tl-.a fi(.ti and Ferternl'poOi 'a, -Oilieg orr While. Moore .CoiHj ttorer.Walb .. r i J : iirisi. try o t jUKy ' G i All At, : ' " - ": V. ! ' N: ' C : t ... - ,; '': . .-, .:.f.i . ii-: ivi-.-daEii.Msrfoiio'if.'c, A Til- feifttlorlji t- titv-.'in'nrtii of Ala-ir.niH'cft'iity.i;-'i4 -'- - i.. ' -AMifi i, :H4.).Vi f. :': n- .- - : . " -15 CRLIXHTOX, J? .X'r " (1ooi MM of ap til M(rtr yt. Cf omois on MiUn Pt. over I N.TIVii ke .- LiyerSalei!2 Feed C. Moore, Tkop'r, OKAIAM.NiO. JfsoliH muMnlHratnH. 'Bcort lngh- don blr leanis. Cliareex lnodcral. ' "ISt-ton ... ' . . . . .. i t am tho North Carolina Agent for White's N aW-H air Growsr Trat- mnt.th Greatest DiaeevWry y .y' ' .tai;-.of th i&g ... , i-v;: 6 ?It will pqn)iancntly cure falling 01 "the hair, dandruff ecaly eruptions, postulcs, nx any, scalp diseasa . . It prevents luur turning gray and restore hair to original ' color, and bnnjrs A KBW BKOVTH. OF Hair On" AfaysBaltf Hoftir On' Earth. lXSff fhe innly'freatmentthat will oduo these .resuly. Tjjjtiinoni:tTs and treatise funu'jjh- Graham, N7 I . v- ,el t? TMl5,vT.XSIH.EY, ... fXcs-ii-tLVA'i Ii JIr, IUtir,.Kra PInM its cnlarcemcnt. Tlie North Seo. IV' Ariv pcr3fth"'whr shairindocontlv . exhibit A stallion or jack in the corporation shiill he phcu fen dollars for oach ollonse. i 1 .it Sjjc .V. , ; Any person who shall retail spirituous, yinbiH or malt iiqnbrsj within the corporation,, without license, sliall pay a fine of filly dollars for each oilense. , 1 ' 1 Sec. VI. Every peddler liable to pav a public tat by the State law, wlijfl shall offer his articles tor silo in Graham, shall pay a tax of ontf hun dred dollars tor each year Any person ottering tor sale his goods wiUiouj brat ootaimng license, shall bo nneo live dollars lor each oilense. ,! ;Sbc;.VIL f Tach and every; exhibition for .reward of natural or nrti ncra'l tfMntiea'sHthinthe' coqiorat limits of tho town ahull be subject to a tax otthreo doflars.! .' ".'-, v7 ' . . . . . . ! Sec. Villi " it shall be unlawful for niiy person to deposit hieloiv rinds on anv ot the streets ot uraliam or on the public squaret j A hne' 01 one dollar shall be imposed for, violating this section. , i - j ; , c 1 1 ?, ' Skc.IXV' AH persons between the Kges of wenty-one and forty'years living withiiv the corporation-HhttllUpenorm police duty and it shiiil bo uie uuiy t)i uio poiice i)iiivr io give nonce wnnn sucn services aijc requir-cdj- and any citizen'failing to pe-rform such duty shall be fined five dollars. r' Sec, jX. It shall be the duty of the town constiil'de or police officer or either 01 them to rrcst all persons Jounrt intoxicated within thef corpo ration, or diaturluna tlie peace, by; loud-'liise,' cursing or: ewfaring r othehvise, and bring them before the ' Mayor as soon as practicable, and eaclrperaon so pffchdiiig shall be. fined fiVedollars.. 1 . 'Sec. XI. ' Any person failing to abate pr remove any nuisance pointed out; bythe iKiard of health brpolice' oflicer on his or herit,'or anv corpo rate coiiipany on its premises, "shall ,pay, a fine of five dollars for every. twelve hours such nuisance ahull remain unabated after notification., , ,;(f Sec iXII..K Should the town constable aft er bHng notified;, or inform ed, or knowins-M&the violation of anv law, 1 tefusb or hedect to enforce the Haute, he;sliiil upn conviction before the conimisibners be, fined ten dollars for 'every such" refusiil or neglect :''K ' ' ' ' 1 ;' -'' FeA XIII. Any bar-keciicr who shall sell spirituous Jinuors to minora or shall allow in- bin bar any female person whatsoever- or' any male ,per son under the age ol eighteen years, or alKnvitnnking at. his bar on the aWth,shaU bo fipetl five, dollars for each offense j and any!lfemal6 nr- stwv whatsoever arid any .-nralo person ! under thc.4age' df eighteen; years, who slwlt enter any bar m tho town'ot Oraham,. shall oe hned live dollars r each ofiense. ; ; v ;!'!:'! '. N -; . .-'; -,. ' :'',;'''' 'SecI' XIV.: Any person who" shall Ibed anv stock of any kind on' the sidewalk 'or public square jn the.coriorAtioii, or keep any hog or pig port vi,tbiii ten feet of any of iho tiitjrwalks, shall.be fined one dollar for each fTf.nM. Anv ncrson Ciiliii2't remove artv uci' hoi? or irti? nen. after :.le- ing noticed by the .poristabje to do, so, siiail bo-fined ono dolhjr ,Ar every weptywonr muuy such pen shall remain, r," .'-' , wn. 1, -,i'vf v,n r.4t Hec. XV,; All i)cr3irif(iilirig lo twy" or scciirid i thb' pftVmcn of such H lies and costs iiS nitty be impiwd upon them sh!U,be retained at' suclr liibWfes '4lie'5lav'orniViimpo!te upon them at a fair' compen'SatiOil "Until Mich finfesl;flnd;c"o8ts are paid.' r-w ;'':' .!,!.:. w-U t'.t' Si: !..?.'.;-: !f' t!.:-j!.(irri-" fP t'r: -(ii r '. fi-if '. '. u,l;:.-. .' ; Sec, XVI. ;Apy perscih wlw shall urinate nr. depoeit filth of Any kind in or against auy"'part ftf jUhe; court J)ouso, building shall pay a fina.'of two dollars foroaehofl'enso. J( , .; j,; t,l.-ii -yuA - il ' ,'':! i-'- , SEcVXyn?' Airy person AVhrt shall ring or toll ; the court hoju ie- bc'l, exix-pt fir, court, sales, ''jiui lic ' meetings, rcligio'us services. : mwtiiigs of tJood Templars, fires and fimerals.' without .permission of the Mayor; shall My a fine of five dollars toj1 each offense. . ", " '... j. , - . ; ' '.iji ; , 'i.i :;:.'s. " Sec. XVIII. - Tliat any person permitting any bitch to run at largo when in heat, shall be fined two dollars for each offense. ' y Sec.' XlX. No ncraon shah discharge or siiofit a gun, pistol or fire arms of a,ny description,, or, set fire or to explode any fireworks or other pjvc dollars yearly for tho space he cxplosivcstftf any description,or hoot any gravel, shot or .ptlier articlrai ,. .. . ; h , . , ; . , from what is known as a bean shooter or rubber sling within the limits of nllev of the 1 kA kind, lmirntcllo trtlilo of stand or place Many other game or play with or without name-, without first obtaining. license from the towncommissioners,- which shall bo ten dollars and any person or persons failing to comply with this seotion shall be hned. Ii v dollars lor cacn ouensc, Sec. XXIX. '. Tlint any person whom the Mayor shall adjudge, to be a tramp or vognint. refusing toleayo tho town upon notice from, (h. Mayor to do so, ?hall bp' fii.ipd oiio do'lar for every hour ho shall bo fouudlu towy .A '. ! i '.l.',.'.: I....' 1...a. i,v'm Viilrt anoeuiu poiiyc(iHw,uyv, 7; .Y. . . . V, t! m'i'w it !. i .!'':?," let i Sec; XXX. That every itioerftnt .denlist, medical practitioner, opti ciart, liglitniiig-rod agent,' portrait or miniature jMiinicr, daguerrean artist, photographer, and every person tnkiiv or enlarging likun.-sses of the hu man fn hAll nitv n hix of five' dollars annually to tlioowii ; and any X m . . . - 1 J I I f person who shall carry on anv ol me awvec monuoneu ounejwiM oewre 'paying said tax, shall pay A fine of two dollars for each offen-o. ; ( Sec.vXXXL ? That n,ny andean persons living wiinin me iown m Oniham. owning or keeping ft dog within the c.irporiito limits, shall be re quired to ray ft tiix of pno dollar por neati, ami upon reiusai w tin or give in ol.i.tM t.i-r Mt.iWII nilllMLillllO. 8I1UJ1 DO Illl'.Tl IIUvlUIU Vira liu iikiihiiwi. That any and nil dogs running at large in the town' of Cfmham; Nft; be and are hereby tieciarqu a nuwa;ic wui u.m wn n wisiuiv.-r n.iu..jr v., roctod to take- up and put all .such; tfs may not have oil the tax paid'' li cense tftA-iii pound, and if .not jfcclaimW in 36 hourSj-they shall booi- siroved';'.. . , h , ' , ;.' : ; : . ''v "l Sec! XXXII: That every itinerant auctioneer, selling any goods ,or wares or inerchandise, either lor himself or as agent, whether by ascend ing or descending bids or at public 'outcry, whotheron ;the afreet or, in routed hou-e for that purpose; shall pay five-dollars per day, subject to nU .the regulations and exemptions set forth , in chapter 3 4 in the (de of NokiLrolihai'oiultlod.Vauctiohc? .-. -. M a. v .v of -'s SBC.' XXXUI That nviy pern of firm flying business in-the town f - ' . i ii 1f.fi.. .1 i,,I.I'-iUa C!t.K.4l-U win cltAll ofany goods;, orw) enau sojicn, ojr inuuce ir i mot;u.ui "Y'01"",1 pay fine bf five dollars for each offense: Provided, that nothing 'in1' this ordinnnqe sliatl apply to druggists compciundinand selling' i merchants furnishiug burial clothes, i ;;'. ' "V. .r 5 f;.;j . Sec. XXXIv. "Any;. person w no mmu liuioccnuy expose uruusciii wr KAs.if 5n anv niftVft in the coroOration.' or Rnaii ninKo my oine iuiu-kb or drawings in any public place, shall pay a nne ol nve uouars- ior oaen Sfp XXXV. Anv ncrson riding ft bicyele on ', tho side-walks, named below shall bav ft'finb of ono doilar for ech ofionse, viz.: On South Mam Street froni Pine Street to Baptiit and Christian church lots oiV Jfdrtlt Main Street, and nh West Elm Street fronr Maple Street, totho intcrstci tion of Marshall Street with East Elm Street.' ; "; ; ,''.: I' ' o-.,. vYYvr ,: 'rii,( ior.Vwn(H klI he fen ui red to chno their nlacoa of business not later, tlian 10:30 p'cto.k each and every: night, and failing to comply with. this, section, ahoU pay a hne ot nvo aoiiars; ior eacn oi- aU'-YAJ wh:'' That anv person or -person, who shall: ride or'' drive through' tho s!troo(s 6f the town bf Orahain.at a reckless or mincccss'arily fast gait,1 shall b6 arrested and fined one dollar, for eae. offense, - aj;;,( . ;!.';.!!- -i i.. ti w'-i'fi' ' . . ' ' ...v;! ...v.i.-i,- JAMES lwiLirJVi mayor;; W. 11. HWLJIV A. 'I.. BAIN, ; ; ? -McBRIDE HOLT, ' ' W iis'MKBA&I., !), J. D. KEIINODLE, . even beautiful."1 i :Knowing some4 what of ihe almost' endless difficul ties that beset an executive oflicor in charge of a large institutibn, - and also somewhat 'of the 'exceedingly difficult probUnft of treating the iir aanei'I wiiS-ftmajd to ! find united in one man tsiicli' rare talents irtboth dirtctionsir' it- Commissioners. ' . ',' ' - :' ';:'',( awar ;:;;1 'X)riafrva Continual fretting js theoloom.r- grine of trouble, .; : ; j;;: In selecting a- wflo, bo, BUro.to seloet'ono that wilj yrajfl. r -ifi, - ),f mITIio fall erop of Republican is rer ported to be unusually large,!. . You cannot run : down a person unless you- follow ai hia heels, i 'A wise answer turhcth- away wrath,"1 biit it takes'ft big 'stick-to keep it turned away; ?-", more curses for wliat he does not rieconoplish- than praises for what he actually' ciek ' There are Hosts of people . who neyer lend except in their own fun- Secret ot :Beauty ,j is healtht The secr ofhealth i the powct'to digestand assim Hate a proper quanity of food! This 'k'hkvtif to -oho when thTTvef 'TIocs" not axtB's parC Doybuknbwtais? ? i Tutt'a Liver Pills arc; an, abso lute curd for sick headache, dys pepsia,' sour stomach', 'malaria, ?6npariorirdVer; piles, jaundiceT bllibus i fever; bnious ness and .kMidrea diseases. f Tutt's Liver Pills oral procession. Referred to Dcm - ' 4 -a 1 " n i ? i -wi i". '..) . ocratic leaders. ...iTahug a .lamp-post , or, a, fence, shows awful tight pr want of i'senso; to hug a girl and give offepse, abowa want of Jtact or want pf sense, ...j,, "-Thcre are a good many pious poo? pie who areas' careful of,. tbeip best service of china . only using, jt 'on holiday occasions forfenr it; should get chipped Or flawed in workingr day wear. -Orange (Va.) Obsm eri :?ai ' Items or News.y -1. n The Best i o! vodittmstf i You niay t'alje Mjbut 1 your posters . '. j.and your als'upon tlie Tcncc, But they, ain't the-kind 'of mediums ii'that appeal trti common sonso. Pr. Winston writes to the' Char lotte Observer a pleasanflctl tho Mnrirantnn Asvlurn.!.. Everywhere, he, saj's, .was. the atf nip of wise and skillful manage- But l.caleuifite they on't assist, an if!- advertiser much .;:ii;.?;'t,ViiiI i - i'.'u m'sytalk'- about ; your dorrgert meAt grounds,' bniklirigs,' wards, "-- 'LL.i ...... -U!-..! .'.wl 'nllAk'T' i . ' m ' - lJ.- - m-m'.-: mJi m , U j bams and gardens all toloy; Jtad J j never seen an, in.4anQ,'pert;ort .1 of f kit I jhsarto nh ium 1 would not ' Jiave And especially in winter, when tlie . known' that I was visiting ft hos' ; enow isn the ground, - ' ; ; ' ! I nl for tho treatmen oft tho nsanoi L wpnder where ydur imstrrs and Some' of the patients werO''sitringj.iii ; your dodgers can bo found ?,, But. within;; jho cozy;! homestead, groups nn thcgjroundyotliers w'ero workipg with whwlbarrow, shovels, "when the parlor stove's Jaglow, hoes or. picks, white, others were The heWspaj cr is read 'aloud ' to busy in the wards cither at work .or The farmer sees the painted signup on his lnm and grins ; Carohnian is tlic largest weekly nvpn4fr. pulied ii thfc Jtfate. fti i&UtmAhm news, anif preAhcx the dJctrine of pure democracy. ,It eontihis eight 'ages otC-lnVreWmg matter every dk. 'Send one dol lar ar.d cct it for a wholo year. A wmi rl epy will fee mailed frea r on spi lM-ation to'.ii i . ; ' JOSEPIIUS DAXIEIA The North Carrdinbui '- and ' The . ALAJiA.Ni- Pj.eam;b will be sent for one year f? Twtt JVllars, Cash ' In ad varM-o. 'A'pf'V al TS CfcEAXW ofiice, Graham, S. C ' " tho town, without perniissjon of .the Mayor. Any person violating this ordinatice sliall pay a fipe of, one dollar- lliis ordinance shall not extend to discharging firearrpa on days of ; public rejoicing nor. to soldiers or militiamen pu parade. -,,- f.-, ,?,,,(-: ' v.;--.-y;s "SecV XX;' - iUp pcrsph "shall washf his or her person; or wash or 'rinse clothes, ntensibi,1 bottles, or vessels ofany description, ice or tegctablea on. the platform of in the trough,' water cattle ot horses or other stock up on the platforms df the town pumpi Neither shall anyperon lie allow ed to wash off horces,1 buggies or "other vehicle vHJiin ;ono hundred fi ct of said lUmps. Any tjcrson violating this section jn'any particuLir shall hi fined two doltars for-ich offense. . i ;. ':: .-. : . - , . , , - Sec. XXI;,- jAoy tavern keeper or other, pmorl selling spirituals liquors--whe-hall permit a druukeu man to lie in his piazza or on "his ateps shall JvXllJ 'PrbprieaiM of jpifcuses, ahall be required to pay A of y)llw. 111 jujigk d$i of band performers a .tax of five dollars t.the torn before, tboy re permitted to exhibit within tne limits ot the cyryoratiou; t aruL fo .oonccrts and lecturej, and all other exhibi Uons "where the of)iecl is "to. make mono v. except-for churches and LbtWr chafitabrbk61jects U of i wo, dollars shall bo paid, and tho town euiMaiie la nerepy ayuionea anu rciiircu u cuiiix. bbiui-. rcry ihcii ifgerirHbe 8Utn-df-rwilyfrrVl6llira. - On eacli pool or billiard table for pubbp use ten dollars a yonr. -i '.:'! FrcrXXIIL Any-pernon-in any war or.manner interfering with the town constable, Policeir Boanl of IlealLh. in. the lawful dischargo of their dulips, i-lia:l1)C fuifd "dollars for each offense. . . .Sec.. XXIV. Any person butchorinff within the town limits, failiuir to r$itor.'te offal out of the corporation, shall be fined (wo dollars for each offense. if Ij.-i- Sec XXV. , It sliall be unlawful to plav ot ball or marbles on the pub- h'c eouarc, pr on any of the Bteets of Orahaai. Violations of this section Editor. Subject toa fine of one doilar. .-..j-.r ..;.,'. ; . , -. ' . ? ifcrlf, . 'Ci SKjfHti who shall play at il game pf cards or an game oC'&anft" Tfwr, Tor mouey or property or anything of value, whethrt the same be in stake or not, br engage in any other specie of gam bling, shall pay a fine uf fire dollars for ca- h offeiwc, . . Srxv' XXVII Any person or prmai, when aWut to meet any other person or fterjona on the plank walk, chall take the right hand plank, and n !nfntiinol tllv fj'lin In f Mti-i'r v!S lhi i vlinn n!nTl n fin t n a! t --is. v ; "A : r J thio itt f -roTrt iiwm.r i Fxu XXV I IL -It ahall le unlawful for anv person or pennns to esUb w"ooTtV.VtX Wi r sot u; ot oin for public u-e a.iy, sbooiins gallcrr, bowling alley or Uti,lw lUlrllWprHaofl.- ' . - ----- m f, ' usual! v wins, And tliere his interest in his ad. bo . .:. gins and there. it ends, ;. ; ,!f And the same is trud of nearly all his neighbors aiid his friends ; But they read the JoeaT paper every ,day Qt. every week,' .,... : , And in its welcome columns all their - information seek, .- And you may be quite certain that : the ads therein displayed Are also read with interest arid aro :.: sure to make some trade. It s'ands to reason, anyhow, , that what a fellow buys ;j . -He's going to read and get his '-' money's worth, if he be wise: ! Hie father, mother, uncle, aunt, the . daughter and the son," : , ' Are going to read the newspaper, r f and so is .every one. -(;!' So it all stands to reason that a local . merchant . ad. " y '' Vill there attract attention, be' it 'either g:ood or bad,'' 'f u And the newspajc-r as' medium leads ' 'all other kinds with case. For that in wlk-ro the multitodo the ' advertisement acca." i .'-1 . . v- 4iJrjntcrs' Ink. in self amusement. Not a shriek or cry was made during the morn ing of my visit; . not an . Improper act or word marked Any -of. the hunr dred patients that .1 aaw I did not go Into the most violent warls, for f did not m-lsh ta' ' In' the' laundry were insanq 'patients working by the sido of sane cniploj ees, and scarcely distingu wlinblc. ' Everywhere tliat work was going on the insane soem ed to hnvoan equal Hand in it' and ah cquftl interest in it. They were trcatel as far" as' possible as .if they were not insane, but ; sane. Em ployment, ' employnicnt i employ ment; that is tho great "secret ' of health, both mental' and physical. Maximutn oX. employment, ,', mini mum of drugs, and-, pleasant envi ronment is the wonderful wise rule of the State Hospital. 1 visited the parlor and sjtting roohi in' a'- fcinale ward, ' TImjj:, were, as, iastcful, 're fined and genteel as the beet hotels. The patients were reading,, sewing, knitting, playing tho piano. . The. decorum was perfect. t"; I 'saw 'a squad of patients1 coming from field labor, ail clad in laboring clothes. They luul ,mething -.to live . for, something to doj something to take an, intereit In; somtjng to prevei t introspection, that baleful bsLiis 'tf mwery. -s ,,' . ,-, . .; It was a great 'pleasure io see op- j plied in an asylum . for tlie unane the great common sense' principles that regulate humanity in its daily life: to aee the iasane treated, as far si poaaible. like the sane; their phys- Chlldren ClV for ical el" employed in physical You should bare a coun J rapcr; ' Subscribe to The Gleam. J . i "VI Children Cry for PItcher'e Catorla. ' The' Duke of Marlborough.; : who married Miss Consuelo Vand rbilt4' daughter of Vm, Ki.Vanderbilt,, in Now Yorl. on 6th inst., ?h an inter view, 6a.ys ho was no fortune hunter,' bat married the girl he loved.4' Martin Von .Burcn Stevens,' aged 70 years,- Is a law atadenf at the KunsnS ' University, r Ho dias been soldier,- preacher,; and i professor, of phrenology. ..b -'"X - ttivjfr h Trade' between : New York'-nn Cuba has fullen, off . 81,0'J0.t;00. a month by, reason of the disturbance in iimi, cyuiui jr. 'i:'.t ; :'! .-.ii.: ;',! .' -I' ' .'. !i'tt;''t .Arizona, pays the women teachers fiV her public schools the highest avi erage hionlhly wages 'of any -State in the UniOn 474. 4.Vv fMassacha- scttes.PnJhe other liandt: pays Jier men teachers an average of. I119.U7 m.onthly., ... , .t t, Taylor Fields stablicd and killed George Crabtretf. The trouble was about 'ft ' wagon. '. Tne'-1 JohcsbofO Ingress says Pielils,1 who is .. at largo, and his wife,: werc the only witnesses,, save the deceased. The wife saj's that Crabtreo had knocked her ,husland down several times with a board and was on him beat ing him when Cnbtree was stubbed. 1 inil'lJfpmn nnin :t :' ..r MACHINIST.. ENGINEER, ''?rr-f!4'i:'lMA'erttsE,(''-i' ' iaf f ipingg; fittings, Vabres, 'Sue. .- : SoutherciRailway. - to! tpfeDMoAiBfaf. " Flft-ST - AXR KCpNIJ DIV1SIOX& qV ibi effect ite. It, nav-i , , Oceeosboro, Rdelrti and Ooklalxm. Eaxt Bound ' LV Oraeushom' KIpn Colipjfe.. unmam. lliltttonira,. t- Dlverali y " v' J ' Wnieijn.i. ii . )ilmit .... Ar Giilditlwro. Kn.SS. Bally. Ha. a LMIaea Daily. 11 ail Ii4a Wis - 1144 Umtbmi 1- t tt ui- lata tm ic - IB f It) t, - !' Ta Mix !Kx- San. : 'yrtmtBoaasrlt At O -ensbura ... Klon Oollmre..-- . UUr1llt4a. :; Um tini.iL: ii linlventty - Durham ... iiwiBnc '' '', i,rtt.-tl l: At nnlelBh.l., reima . '.tii tit. i ; THE BEST ' Baa Xm rmt Tnem, Wordi ol fralaa toai a Saw Tork JMj tot f t .. . X would Ilka to add tnj tentlaiony to , tbat of pthera who liara uaed 'Ay'er't Pilla, and to My tbat I hai-a taken tbem for nan yean, and at waya dorired tba beat raaalta trom their u. . For tom ach and liver trouble', and for the cure of beadaeha canaed lif theae deraogw feMata, Ayer'a nila caoaot bf fUaied. , Pitcher's Costona. ' , ' Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoricu labor; their thought diverted from uuhappy clianneU by constant and even laborious, occupation; their surrca-din&s rtunud, tonafortiiblc, Wbea aiy frteadi aak tne wliat la tka Wat reatedy far (liaorilera af tba atona . aca, lirea, or baweV, wly lararlabJa anawer la, Ayer' Pllla. Take ia aea aoa, thef wlA break Op a cold, prerfat la grippe; eberk fever, aad regiriate tb , ' lfeetire argaaa,: .They .ara eaay. to take, aad are. Indeed, the beat alUroaad famflr nwalldne 1 bare Wer kaown.'- Mra.1T JomMtom, JCS Bid or Avaaaa, :0wTerkc,,3r;.. xt ; n,.: , Lv euloborq a v at-Jn .t,.:-ff: a:'i tataai Mixed .Pally. SSBaaa TM TSf fai . at MboM' Kz.8ua. MUpai tu . I is 4SJ ' W"! and 9S tnaka clre roaneetlea M Unlnity to antrum CbapeiuUL . . T TBKOlTOa aclIBDOXlV . ""ll , i Ln WaaklfHrta..il - i narioi-vlue namoiM. V l.ync(U)iinr. -; iMnvlllo,. Ar Oreanahnrrt ' WkiCaaoJ " iSalidturv. : Arhvllln .1 MoWlprluaalli n.wxuiie.l - Clmttoiionaa J i Cohwi!ia uruia.... ' Bawmnali v (Central 'iimai . Jaokebnviile J , AaminlOB Auwita.. RirmliicbaaL. Manipbla J' l.' . '.I;:'! ,r.i '.-"j J.. 9 it p-..'J: ?- .- .' Ar Waain(raaaJ nar .. Klo ' ' I-yn J. P.inrtl'e Lr Oroanabom x. Wln'nalafD4 SalUiury . Aibeill Snrlra. , Knoi.1ile.J mattanooira- ' .vnanorre ColuiHliia ; AoKwta... Sa-aanah . (Cential Tlrni) . Jaeteennvllla'. Lr IHrmliMrbaia J i.'mpni Orleana.J (..a ; , 'i ' .1 -'t1 ; .- -''-t 'i.J.'W v Dally-.' -riUaad sbdb ta'aaji taJ ; J ul taiaatl k)ai .am Snrl 1301 DBI iu Wo. ST. ladly. f Jam . - . ('am IS'" Ta irw-H' san 18" am tat " roe fie! in lSSiiy . satp-u mmm a tut II 7 Urn tf.;t ''i .i-.y r-.-Ii toati MM. w IU - Ilia eo H4ay HUpaalWWaaa usaa ! - tia ' uu warn ao TUau tataaji l,ta mat pay ij uaieai fta t aW' Him ; SLEBPIHO CAB SKSTKaV ?-'. - Koe. ST-and-M, 'WaMntOfl and Pontk-' weon lioilted.imumaed eaOraly of nU man ears l Blniiii . - ' T.'".0"'r5."'M,l-4 "an tWra Memptala, Kew Terk and Tmmita aaa wi liurtofi. AakevUle and Met HnriaaiTa laocan ad. JacKaBv1lla Wia, . w 0 -vaehora awl tnHM,ry. - V? I f omllla. Alto '- --- ... . Hrtte a ul Auciitta. ... ..,777. . tK. io an ri.. "rrtrriA,; 5iST ; . WauaiMton.. IX W. H. O n X, 6il ' I OMor. ead Va4e--rt nhj a4 al fa. ' eat elaf ritilar- far ai na.. Ov. ocr -a ..unn v , a f, .tOiwiI and - ao c-a mj la aa h UMa u aa : WNia awa WaMi.ya. and iaadH mh4 aa aWa wHk A,i'ir ' Tiom. W adrlac, ii winiat ar e4. aa i-ya. Oar aa a e , l aaiaa( la am 4. - A mu).w Sm tmm rin iv Ma ol artr-Ic-' la yuai to .au.t vma, k I tret, a it a , - . - it . AYER'S: PILLS HlghMt Mofiors at World' Fair. iiSo5:: C.A.GriOVVLiCO. Ayar'i bruatrBa Carta

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