) aw . iWw.wB.iff "' ' -i warn tr-mwmmHw.m.mm'k. sajis.MsiiM.,4,. V'i'i''Vr..-.'4r. A-w.-.! .4lLjvVf.Wn'fl' - ft,.'". f 1 .-' 4 , if Vt.. NO; 4,4- f - . - --. . . . , l-.-j 1 . , rnnn rnn cu rnvRnnv 1 K"ie"'i v of .men, . ircr. , assent GOOD FOM tvp YUOOY b C(, for a ?iniiliir p ; ; and everyone needs It at all times W the , m T , , . 1 v, ' , "7 year. Malaria Is always, about, .nd the . Award- o( the cpo' only preventive and relief Is to keep the i s;10,n. "hofly eoino -ed 'of the moHt Liver active. Vou must help the Liver abhV , .dirttinguifltictl men In' AmOrica, " isl and the best helper Is the Old Friend, SIM-. HU(H nXT their siifnatures a istronc MONS LIVER. PECULATOR, the RED Z. ind(n of tho CXI)9itiont; Mr. 'C.Hhnrod,. of: Lancaster, Ohio,: , t . ' 1 V, vss "Simmons. Liver Regulator ThiB jury vis .compcised of'tho broke a case of Malarial Fever of three rnamncn oi ine yanoua sniw'om years' standing . for me, and less thaft niitle.i of the Jury,, of. 'AwarIn,"'-of one bottle did the business, I shall use 5 wlii.-h Jr. T). ' (iilinnii' 'nn.' It wnen in neea, anu ictunuiiciiu iu D .m frfif vaii irfr It. AlunvclnnLffAT the RED i-he- wkaaev-And dont - forget MONS only JACOB A.. I j( VJ BURLINGTON, ----- N. C I'rartU'eo'lr v Pluto ri'1 Fci'n( courts. Oim-e uvi-k V h . Moore 4 t'i:.Vtoie,Iuin ft' (itnr. 'I'H.i i a. .i. itT:itvoii.i2. ' ATTORNEY AT LAW GRAHAM, - - . - - N. C. Jons Okay BvsrM.f I'.Vfirii, Jk BVNUM & KYNUBIj Attorneys ni"l onnwloreat ljiw, OHBKNSII'B0, N. . Priipili. rtun'nrly In ilii- wurln c.f Dr. John Stockard,. Jr., iK DENTIST. . . .. nc : flood of, M'frJtli fa!'.!'i"C' " ,i 1 ! onicr on Mat M. A(T 17; W er i- ro. 8tor. rj' " , 1 .! PVt LiveryvSHleF W. C. Mooke, riior'K, Ilarki" mo. t nil tmlnp. J.od ulnpli--r ! a . ble li ali K. (. luirtoMixxlrrr.lc. l'-Jv- lii I. of liir! I am the North Carolina Agent foi Dr.Wmts'a Nw Hal-G-owsr Treat' menttheGreatostDiseovery Of ty S'"-; yjf V It will pennancntiy cure tidling'oj the hair, dandruff,- scaly eruptions' jxistuhs, oranysli dii-tfl.'C. It prevents hair tinning pniy' nnd restores hairdo' origin'.'.! itdor, aijd brings A (iKt)WTH :()F t: .. ... J 1l" : u-. r.-.' Iti the onlv tm.ln.cnt that will produce Ihcse n-sulls. j Testimonials and treatise furnish-,, cdon applS-st'ioti? f v iti? ? Mr. JohiJM.JlVbTc Is Uiy aftnt at Pec. 14-tf. . . ... - r i liaw ltiVtT, . ". j SEfi Sirn-r its enlanrtincnt. Tlie Xorth nnJininn--iTntiriaTFr-wrTk contains eight iagr- of interesting matter every week. KitmI snc' !ol-. lnr mini nt it fiir a rb(ib rear. A the xvordflBeULATORIt Is SIM- aeiupvtl grmjWhrpm jparr litj Llvll5REOULATOR,and there 1$ -.otreat endeavor'. iAdintTtfnv -ofj one n.rfimma ?K ii am. in the remeSD Take' also-for j At hft,,6 ? & KJVn Biliousnessd ckachf both causedbyaslugfiXlVef. f.4 inenf MHn. 'W'riM Kyrir P!yPJ34lONArii:AKt'H.; f-i J "SnMPi; llW.l'urpose of .us.-uuiK..,,. I Ilia Himf lecoj(v will l.iailt-tl free cn ; application to'j ' - - , ' . JCfcKI III S EAMFI r1, 1 i.!t-r. i C Uy The Xorth l amhnian .j ; Ti'K AlamaxcrCij:am-r will le sent fir one.f eat for Two . DolbrA, lash i.i advance.- Apnly at Thb Uleaxeb efiicc, Graham, X. C ;" 5- VVANTELV-AM ID'lASSSl. thin tmwmttratt J-rotrt ToorWW.; ifcfjnur . 9 . . w . . t j ar w f f ii tuns taaatf IVotact roar kV;Owt mar it 1.- .lk IHu JOHN WIODE El- BUtJir CO tMnt tnir, TTaduoetoa, -ww jus tw aAingl", IX O, er UkIt pttm ut. y v . "i ' v , THE ATLANTA EXMSlflOX. . .- , . i . , ..i t.. J EMIKENT MEN OF THE JURY OF AWARDS IN THE ATLANTA EXPOSITION ' GIVE IT ETROKft EN- AOIti Ef Stevenson tdrfi kit amis lo fte HIgh Endowment., ' i Tli tiitie.ot indorsiDcjit tliat the exposilidn I'liorf 'Vet !ro'eivwi-i-thc highest he fact i'an:J,eCc'' wiia given jt by one of the hiost' tliMin- dent ' The men on it arciiDeu of .P - llt,onaL ""'Cj ,. "'". wh( have. the people of the V'nited fstntcs an address conccrniiif; ilit-.' exp)Hition TrHra(T(lross7ii)iairsT()rTfSilt" TfT i as follow.": VT Tim, ron.K oV . JrnA vVsiTEf) I i Sj-ATi-ffc f J ' j V I ''Cotton Stales .and : International ,'r. Exposition, ? J- .' T, w i:Alanta, Ga 021, lif. "Tlic undersigned, jurors and memlxT.i of tho hiirheft Loanl of ftwarj jiavin -isjtt(l h prjuqipal chnMirtniciits oflhj K'tlaWta vKtpldsf tion and harii Imd the advantage Ai'jaiUSjSf-'g'-stions fr nn the most qualified experts tliink it important tu conimunicate. our inn pri-iohrf'tolhe puhlie thnitit-rfdui' the country y . .ihf r j agency of tlie newHiaier j)ref in advance of xuch M!ort.Mjijs ni8V le hercaf:cr made 1o the constituted authorities. We tie-' sire to call attention .to the educa- ' tfonal value of the1 Atlanta' Esposi t'J tion its important relations to in- tins! ry and its manifold indications of tie progress of thcif UMiful. and,. lihi-jnij ans. i -.Kut in . thi ;;brici )ia.i lor Reran only indicate' a' - few- (of the moHt Kignithwit' t-harat-teriAhu' Thii exhibits bPthe' hationaf gov'cninicnt' "cVinsthute l't ' unlqiii;. c v i pt et o a i id 1 n si r uct i veil i ust raf u 'u of i;'s wise am), bcDetli ieljt Ametions., i:hin a buildinJ of mnderate size cxaiyplere gijcii of the .ik of' flitfktkral Koverifninl mike rcla- tion to statesmanship, international ' intercouiVir,; the iadniinistmtioh iof jusiitv-; the promotion of commerce,, domestic and foreign, the postal ser vice ,an) lhe contrf l 4 national fii naiV es: the'iirtsof iiational 'derense on land and sea: the development ot agriculture,, forestry, nmcs( and min cal wealth,, fisheries dntfjfish cub, tun-; lhe protection and promolion of toininercc by snncys of the coast, t'Q Jakes, ljic rivcr and the nv.un tains, iliVfft.u.fv Q.f'thl-vlimnt -find the? fisrer-iiJnt of the weather; the maintenance of light houses aud life saving stations; the 'education 'nhd civilization of the' Indian: tlieT cn counjgincnt of invention, literature . "l . ."J -V-'f" M'.'K , ,f n, "vcntor, tho wriicr and the, artist; the advanectncjit and TlitTusi:iT)f kiwlrdgo thnitijjh. hc , agency lha Ftnithsoninnif jnsltu lion. the national ifiu-cuni. the nwm iroif'-i'f'ices of ftii'bun-aun cdtf wiihui aim ioi; i-oiicf-iioo oi gn-ai u- . d : i ,1 . ii . r . 1; bratiw; liiovtodvof (hednrsifes of ine otHnMft nm hw--1jim inanis and aniiHals, and the protc-tion of life liv; ulkiianr.-ahd '! remedial ncrcncici' : the irevcmio:i ofenidemies 4h 1 1 prl!et o.Ti-t f a stnnig, com-1 f rehensive anT wc!l-;T fere I g v- erniiicnl and arc the bct exhibit! ni of the kiiul made. tlwt ' has ' c-vef -Lccl liaifa.r4 hy tkid&UUliUM 'The (Sate (iir of the Soul h, wb wh : in Uiirtr years lias r -n from., the Icrastatii-ns of firq aixl swonl, "wiv crty and dwtm, and now illustrate in many wasM antl csstcciall jn this it , ind csteciallf-jn this jsultinjjin tlie preventisw or -wate, '11.' We ca it may rU-. dune for J the nflm-tforvof priee amt the pro-j tcaehcrs of Cwlk to a vast region Jiectio'i of fh-msuuier from du- t and remote ten a', rjfcve, g :w.r3cy,,J.e .iZ 4v-t4j . ";J i'-'J-i'j 7 to (rah i.A-Z ttiSAt -W.dune for j ' ... ,l. .-, ..-j" , it I , t f J ff ti - .i. t' - knmv' ft,,tki,'ofa ' ami voluntary Imlv of tifiifiw. h:ir- ami voluntary body of MiiwM', har moniously orgahi&d. ' .4 Tl. ...-!.! ....I :nn....,..u.1.1A :W II1IIV1I HUM IIIV.MI41U-blIV, rcspunt's of the Cottn.&trt tea, - their mineral nroahlvj'gnculturah. pnd u"ta, inannfacturtw ami railroads as well iw theirwintnw of education: are- noll displayed in uiiiny partn .of the exiMwitioiv hut' ei:iaHy In the I coTilnrehenniw exhibit that have , " :. . . " iicvnmaor iy iucjatet oi iieorgia, )ftli.Onrolina South Carolinn; AI--abama, I.)uiiian and Arkansas; 1 ','4. Tlic'rc are many admirable f-ijih of interstate eo-operation and iqvtal intcrcourec." ,f he visit-ioflhe I'resident and vo-President of the ..United Statca, of the: Governors of inany distant Btatcfi, often ' attended t3' largo escorts of their fellow citi zens, .the assemblies of banters, en giritwrs, tcitrhc&iTwohH'n of religiotw ayit "philanthropie -association and of patriotic societies, tho recognition of the African, and ., especially 5 the niching of many tluaisands of; tiol tUurs iii friendly intercourse, ' tlic Idue ,nnd gray, homeward bound fBt)DT t'liieamauga, illustrate the good 111' and fraternity now prevalent aiito?ig the citizens of the United Republic and the re establishmcnt uotjnly of pence, but of yiiipatliy among those who have been widely tK.'jjuratcd. lit addition to the build niin of tho Cotton Stated, those con- 4 'i ..... .' .. .... 8tructcd by Kow York, " Pennsyl vania, Massachusetts .and Illi nois' and- that . of , California, with its contends, afford additional i vjdcacc& of this friendly - rulatin ship. uo. , Women have- .mado most important Contributions to this Ex- pofitiou." The Woman's building, designated ly a woman, is entitled, rfyn arid men, blacks and whites, in the opinion' of one of our most, . "$. . The' , advancement of tho higiily, qualified judges, to a , place colored j)opulaliou in: "intelligence, next to tho hilu!st--mong all? tho industry, and pntcrpriso is shown constructions or rietinont rarit. j The illustrations of woman's work ' ,ri- active and HUjfcstivc." Tlic" vices rendered by, wonic:nn coHecU, ing ami exhibiting papers, relics, Hnementos pertinent to colonial and revolutionary history promote . ,' a ?lt of patVo-isiii,' a love of our K-jal,iutilutions, ,nnd i tl'ic prescrva .tion of reciirds Iwtherto ovcrhsiljeti jaud net'lei-tml. 1 here, js Ir re a rare ii'jiiumujt i'. "oi;u jiluiv uiiuiiii tloi-iiuicnts . anil ' iH)rtraits. ,.TIm ! cdui-otioiial and clmritable woVt is ex'cllent, and in all tlejnrtinonls of ' enibrbulcrv 'ami other branches of i dcctir.itivc art tile' exhibits- of the . W oinans Buildings are unsurpass- I (tt Anion? the innumerable ii-! lustrations of skilled labor the visitor should not fail to note , ' (a) The inyentioni and, ap- partus; .which .have ' prompted ex traordinary changes in our civiliza- tion by the agencies of clociri:ity a domain in wnicti the successors oi Uqiyamin Jf rankhn have won con tinunus rcnOwn, and arc still achiev ing successes ai Moniislng , ns- thuy aresii'imsing. Ititlic borno in mind that the telephone - was intn duccd at 'the Exiosition of 'and that-onlv two dvnamos, and t - thwc insigniticunt,' eould then -antl J there lie seen.'' ' --:" - i , '.(b) The impmvemcnts in tho means w -transnoriaMoii, 'toy wincii jiliiyi : EspC'-ial mention Hiould tie the safety, jhoiiFoilifort Oid ;vthu'mridc of Austria, Dc.imarj!, Fr.inc;j, plwaurrrqf Iravclers arc, promoted. .and immense cargoes arc transiiort- fcC Jlho familiar lArrangeniunta , f rarlro;tIs and steamers, t'te niulti- plicfltioris if bicycles !ttnd of rfffiid transit devices' and thd variol in dications that good road t for or dinary triflie iri'i oh1o bo In uni-vi-n-al dcinan r. (c) The imprm-etnents in mar ehTncry, ilium rating the skill of the roShanic, n i"s minctils of pre? iltdwii, which; aro indispensable the advancement of all Uie art, m lalior-i.iriug inrentio-M. and, i:i tfu better' utihzait ' of fire, water, stcjm and i-lcetrw-ily. ; - ' (d). Tlic dcvi-lnfiinent of the in.luilrics of coal and inn, the ilia - covery anl nltilijation of ik-w niin-1 cr.d Mlucti. " ' - - '(cV'Tlre'nmnifbbl devices f it m ire bconomic-.il and adrantagcousj j Iti!!mti.M fif nd tlllrtnra M.I. ' - - ""V f; . (';'.'. . . " ,. 11 ;t ' '. lrt-.(V;iTrrrfHii 'ml of aiin.l hut of refrigeration and of simple, hut, most serviceable modes of jiacking and tmnspbrhition.' 1,1 ' : "(f) Thi; coiitentsif the. buihi ing devoted to mines and forestry ia one of tlic mot interesting exhibits, containg admirable examples of our natural resourcf s. : I. t the obser er notice; without fail, a niodil of the wearing out or erosion of a larni after the forests - were--cut -lown and its restoration when tho ' plant ing of treo began. , The progress of i;fruit cul tun and horticulture is well illus trated by s cxhibitH't of California raisins and olive oils, apples from Arkansas, ami many other varied and many beautiful displays. ; ' .'.'Thest' are only examples which might Ik indefinitely multiplied. ' " -rt7. Wonsk attentioij to tho' ex hibits thai illustrate the prognns of education and seionce. From the nature of' the case," those exhibits are easily passed by: liiit here may be studiettho progress of learning in this con i) try from the foundation of Harvard. William and Mary, and Yale to : 1 ho' present time tho modern schools of science and technology, agriculture, ami the mechanic arts ; the new universities ; the contributions r 'of the ' United States Government and, of selmrato States to,: the advancement of sci cno ; and the universal establish mcnt of common schools fpvm tho kindergarten ! uiward. Wfc' are deeply iniprcsscd by tho' evidence hero afforded of the importance of promoting the study of . exact science, and of encouraging the best methods of manual and industrial training among girls and boys.-, wo- though apart from the clueational exliibifs, not as adequately shown, as scY-"J'f,r their own sake wo.couM wi-h iu the Negro Building.; where may he sei'iT illustrations of the steps by which an emancipiitctl race is ad- van- ing i ftktll and iu f c jilom, knowledge. thrift... Every , visitor should obacrve with an appreciative Hiwrit this suggestive and com- ' prolunxivc exhi'.it. ' The altitude oj ino aumonlies oi uie ftxpos'iuoii toward the coUWl racfi has reeviveil. widc-pread' ; r cognition1, a probation."1' ' !'' t 'fl. ; The Exposition nfl". . V ... ... a ,.. ann ii an- 'ords very striking cridciiec that fho laft ten years havc;hepn, prolific in .in ven- tions for saving time, and for rcono- inizmz the nervous Jorco of tnoso who work with their brain; , It is worth while to note the ecncral uc of stenography, typewritintr, long distance telephony, "vphoim'raphy and other devices which may called nerve wiving firnijia(-thg,: (.fti.ui life ....p. y.. f) j ) ''IO, Tlie International charac ter of the l'Jxposititin is not' Jt prin eipal feature,:, only fivegjvemmcuts, namely, t ho ? A rgent i no ' He publ ic, Mexico, Costa Ricat Venezuela and Chile, ,lcing represented by 'official c vnmis.sioncrs. - Other countries arc am-lllfr lnvi.lillliu. t-pprcscntel 'y the contributions of nrivate cxliibitora, which have ad- ded mur-li to the intcres of the dis- Gorm my, (Jrcat Britain, I aly," Swe den all :do of India.' Jaan and China. We la-lievc that the jicrmn ncntgot d of nn c K Mii m of this kind will lie niaoifc-tc-l tu the im provement ' of popular intelligence and fndutry; In diffusion of correct standanls of taste and skill ; and in more accurate knowledge respecting the natural resources and character iatic of the diiT-rjn l-JrB of. ur own country.! Fr cxampU : the 'collective Jjexhilits ; made by lhe fJouthern Ilailrmd, nnd also 'by the S-abmtrd Air-Line, and the I'lant fyyAem of Florida, bring out in virid outlines the ad vantages of the repms thion.'h wlii-h there rnilmo's arc lcorwlrui - teiL The improvements in railway conm-ctkinH of At'bnta with j( hicapt, 'er ;Ys-rk, New Orletna ami Florid, arc pcrnmnntcontribu- tiona to tlie pnj-rity of lhe otain-. We canics Iv atlvisc the ' esilk-gea and a IkioIs near lenc-rtirsge their ai-liol '.j.iy ibXrijj .; i --.."' - .'f " -- ',''a vs ""' "" tion, accompnuiwl l.y competent j I diiiiIm. Willi nrAiwr pxnl:inntion. I ftuides. With proiwr explanation, easily to Ixi socuretl if a little ctTort is made, intelligent youth may learn in a few days' visit to this Exposition more than would I c karned i in weeks or months of ordinary study. Wo also advise manufacturers and merchants, those who are interested, in mines, agriculture ai.d transpor tation, ns well as mechanics and far- mers, to utilize, this opportunity for observing and conijiaring their own work with that of others. , "12. ' In conchision wo congratu late tho directors of the Atlanta Ex position on the success that has at tended their efforts, on their public spirit, energy and . resolution. We thank the Mayofand the citizens of Atlanta for their generous hospital ity, v Wo declare our opinion that the State of Georgia and the group of .; Cotton States aso -iatod with Georgia in this Exposition deserve from every State in tho Union recog nition, honor and gratitude." -, , .Daniel C. Gilmas, President Johns Hopkins Universi ty and Commissioner of Awards, Atlanta Exposition. . , A. E. Stkvkxsox, Vice-President of the United States. Hexhy L. AnnoT, -United Status Engineers, Chairman " of the Boanl of Highest Awards. C. K. Adams, President University of Wisconsin. . , Geowe E. Belkxap, Rear Admiral United Slates Navy. JolIX BlItKIMIINK, Ijtf o President of the Society of Mining Engineers. . 1). H. Bt'K.MJASt, Architect and Director of Works, Chicago Exposition. M. II. Chase, of Xcw York. ' J. L. M. Cuhry, Swretary or Poabiidy Educational Fund. Cn abi.es W. Dabxev, Jh., President of tho University of Ton it ncssee and Assistant Secretary of Agriculture?.' G. Bnowx Goodk, , Assistant Sijcretary of the Smithson- ian Institution, in charge of tho National Museum. ' G.wtnixEK G. lk'BnRn, .of Washington, D. & J. M. McBuvue,' ,', .'. President of tho Virginia College of Agriculture, ' ' ... T. C. Mesukxiiali.,- IaIo Superintendent of the United states Coast Survey, President of tho Worcester Tcchnobyic;il In- ' stitutc. - Simo.n Xi;wcfsin, Unit4'd States Navy, Snpcrintcndant , , of the Nautical Almanac. , In a Rkmsev, Professor of Chemistry in Balti-tiore, Editor of the American Chemical '' Journal. s IIexry A. RewLAxn. ' Profcss.jr of Physics in Bahimorc, ' V. S. Sahoest.' Director of the Arnold Arbore'.um of Harvard University. ; - ,.. Wm. R. Smith, Superintcndniit U. S. Botanic (Jar den, Washington, D. , .Published by authority of the Board. ' J. IIowAitn GonE, Secretary tif the Board, late United States Commissioner General to the Antwerp Exhibition Some CitrdfulDS Experience. Jotia R Inetrr. In Tna Vein. ' . : When I eeletted ; my garden ground two year ago, I aeltcScd for location not soil-all of it was jioot, and I was not able to buy fer tilizers, j But just in front of , it 1 hod a siiiall ihoagh fine muck xivl -t-ypruss. -' I was forced to make my compost as materials were af forded me. The ground In the pine woods aronnd me was covered w itl pine straw. I kt:j my stable- liitrr with a heavy bed if pine Mrs w Can-fully saveil all the dropj-inps o' l be cow lot, as often as nwiiblc ni stal-h-s wcrcVlcanctl out, and roads int a snug pile, as follows: a laret of f-tablo mannre, r well f sprinll. c wi.Ii a full etretigtb solution of puf. a-di.: then , cow dr iiiinj;v ther mueii ruor- ou.4' ,rrratiiuj a. ...' .,:- . . ... ' f Km? a my' BtftWo Tlii.4 mrnitld heat ' ii manure toted. This would heiit iri a few ! days better than cure. TutfLiyer" when all the soap suds from -wash- Pills will not only cure; but it ing, which had been saved in a bar-j K jn tirne 'cni ! n-1 for.thc Tmrposc;- was thniwri .. tMAncb" - . :i .,CI 1 -..1.1.1 ;......4.1 , Olbn. I I ICwuUbiivt; J lll'WIl Ulllll lllUiUUKNIT ,'BillUILAI. i - t. -t and.uheu well deposed, 1 d nialam,--- -straws and roughness raked i.ut, the' constipation,' jaundice, ; torpid r fine was sown on the gmund, phiw- liver arid kindred diseases. ' , ed and hoed in and thus wo had a : TUTPS Liver PILLS ' very far garden, excepting in heels and English peas. This year (1893) I commenced in October (1894), to make my garden; I have "paled iu with pino pickets, split from our na-" tjve fores! s,' three-fourths of an acre, -- littlo over one-fourth is iny old garden. I" determined to make a complete proparatioiV " First I procured a, lino 150 feet long, made me a strong white oak reel, procured plenty of strong, heart pino slakes or pegs two fi.-ct long, about 1& inches square, had them in convenient spots about the garden, mado a polo 12 feet long 2 in. wide, I inch thick, squared it up nicely, marked ono side heavy lines and figures into foot spaces, one side in H inch, ono in 8 inch and one in A inch spaces., . All my garden is planted in rows Imd off bv mv line. My polo is laid beside my lino with the space up I with my plants o have, henco my seed are all dnii ped just where I want thorn. My hoe handles, niko handles, every tool I use in the garden are marked in foot spaces, so that whatever I am doing, I havo a measure in ; my hand. The next thing was a weed slayer, which cost mo 82.7C incl inline freight, for which I wonM not take f5(X. October 15, 1894, I prepar ed a bed for onion seed, sowed my seed in drills, drovo stakes around the bed lower on the south side, pro cured some heavy cotton cloth ns long ns the bed, and wide enough to cover it, falling within a foot of lhe ground ; I kept tho bod covered during the day and uncovered at night, made me ono of Elder J. M. Rice's spraying machines out of a 2 pound roast beef can, and had a $2 watering pot, kept my onion bed well wet flight and morning until seed were well up. when cover was removed.. Made a solution of hen howo manure and potash, with which everythird day I gave my littlo onions a good sprinkling."1 Result: From ono ounce of seed 2,500 as fine, onion sets as were ever gnwn. I used Creole onion seed. Just IxTorc tho first hard freeze I had transplanted nthnusnnd of those sets. 'They were frozen to the ground, hut in a few days most of them began to gnnv, replanted mis sing ones, when they were frozen again, and m the third time, I was discouraged nnd gave no further care to them, yet was able to sell about two ru-hcl of fine onions, and family used nil they wanted. " : : A SPECIFIC laGrifcr CcldVCc: AND tUMO TROUtLCS, AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL "Two yean ro, I liat the gripV amt it left ma with a cough which gave ma ao rant night or day. My family ' fthyitfclan prMcrilml fur me, changing tlx) iriMllHue as often as he found the tblnjp I bad takeu war aot helping aaa, bnt, la tpita of his attendance, I got ao butter. Finally, my b unbend. rrad- oaa day of a eeatleaiaa who had ; bad the trlpae aad eraa eared hy taklag Ayra Cherry Prctoral, procured, tt tae, a bottle of this mctliciae, al Wore I had lakea hair of It, I was careit. I bare ased the Pectoral for my children ' aal la my family, wbeaeTrr vt barv' eaded H, and hare foand It a aperlfle UiT eaJda. eone;lis. sih! lane trOflljAS. Kaiir Wood, Kortb 8t Elktoa, ML , Ajfsr's ChcrrV Pcctcrc! Hlgheat Monora at World's Fair. Mai tftttavtai Iraar'i toiafltta. . f i,-..: - -jt I, - Prevention V", ADSCLUTELT MACHINIST ; ENGINEER, i itmiiwrnij finifi MMuUMJil BUBLIXOTOX, - KC.-- -' ;v ' ' ,.v MAniixE. BLACKSMITH PHOP, FOUKiDBlT,' (iEAR-r.urri.vo. r' ''''t serPipings, fittings, valves, etc;" Southern llailway; (PiEnMoxTAinuxEy - ' FIRST AKD SECOND DIVlMOsVS. " In effect llay.lS, UK. - ' v OroeiMbrtro, Batoigli and OoUebwo.., EtUtOlMIDd Va.Mi Dally. No. 11 bail. Lv Oreenxliont . Klun OiiIIiim.- leita 14 Ma MM it n II w II w ian tat SM a w i st tsvs M iiuruiiKUMi . Hllli.Mro . l'ilteritru I'lirliam .... ora nam . BOpmi I Ml MlZMl Vt Rmelsti. . , Slyion... Kiilm Ar Oiil.Uhoro. lie eaat j X M i tin rJMaai West Bound Ar tlrpiix,m Klon Oulkwe iiuninaioii i.mnmni .. ' , lllllmm. l'iilverslty br. lUleitfb . uiirnsm. Ar Ralcurh. I'laylou : HalntA ... Lv (hildnburo . . Nihi.31 and ai nuk ine csmneettcei a lTolnlty to aud f rum Cteral llilt ... Tirkonon sciiKouuB. Souih Ka. tt iJHlly. Wo. IT. Dally. L Wakhlnatun... (!harlot' llle c J 'IllchiiKinA. II Mam in am latspha. a as 4 '3 IM ". SA JJteA - . I.richhiira! 1ST - la 1 Upa snlbai iSp- f e iioe ' " taata ..' tee -nh imnvin.i. Ar Ort-iiiiiihnrA ; Wlne'iiaioBi Hnl. lah... Rullnbiirr.-. . Ah.-vlll . SIT fa noiKprinaa,, ;. KinisvlKa. ; Chattnnunsa J Clnmll..l wnpmi - y AIMrilHla... Wammnh . (Ontml Tlnwl i J wkMMitlile. 1 wami e ID 30 , ' St. Auiriusviaa SSaml llrmlK(luw". it 01 am. le at M.OrieamCZJ Kii . I 7fla North ' !f . SR.. Ko. St. Deny. Daily. Ar Wanhliurb n , rmrmt'evillaj I le mxitd. . . I -iH.lburf-J ""PS) ?aa s so I SI I W.OV Mi.'i ' Pally.. KaUy. .. - i i . isi j tse - i urn .; TSt " t! I ttO -. 1 & at I am . .v.. at ,:, e tie - I tea fsiu'221. I ta lwnaai a at jew iu i is ' aaa . I aaa , . iSat'V: Upa , tie v tat -' IM KM stnaat tat -Uatam Bseiin ; laia'1. '!'. imiiliie Lf Onwnertnm . Ii seam MUtB . , WliK-u-SaJenl . T M a ml Halelyh . . fan-lnirr . SIT . Aiihevlll lliASprlnaa : K.Kilile. rhaiiationaiiJ :-: (Tiarioiie . ColnmhlA ., ' Aukusi.. Tam SMI toaopmi rlaran nali.. (Cc"trl Tlm- Jackii-iiit llle . St. Auaa-uuel AiUnie I Lr larmluaham J t too 1 au-mpnu . N. Orleans Sm SLEEKING CAB 8BBV1CK. , ", ; , v , Tfne. T, and St, Weshlnston and fVut- . . , a-rett-rn limited, comtmeed -ntlrely of Pull- manoiraimlnltnuia Fallman rat fSOOt aa .' r I- ptra fare. Throua-h sleei'lii? ears lietween Ynr and Ker Orleans, New York and. M'Haphia, Kne Turk and Tamra aad Weak-, ' t H.V4I. Akhevllleand Hot Sriot. AlenraK ' rtns ars'-i-laas ecweh between. Wachlnriea '.ill .: ' and JaftaOAVflfM. Olnlnv ttww h.lMM . 6nnaaanend Muntarimen-." .. .r.'.i h. No-. a end ta, v. K t MR. ' naaii- . aleo,ti can herween Kew Tort. Atlanta " "' and Muatantnery, and Hew-Torte aad Jack .yt. t onrllle. Al-o leeplna- car between Ckar J- . Ivtteand AusruMa. . :! . Ka. llteei.iiescnrrerborott KaletaSk. , . . fit. Si. eenina ear lUh-lsh to Un-ensbortw ThnxiaSi oosets on enlo a BrtnctMl . :? tlnns to all points. KHr rsif-e or tnlnnull am iy m any erx"t of the eominy. or to - -J.onaiFX,Snil rMdT Je,T01e, , I'ffcn.wipvsnnnrr.cnaiioife. ! N. C.; W. A. TI HK'. Opal Pa-senaer At, . Wa-blmrUn, n. tij W. H. OHEBV, Oeel Man-urer i R sXent, tHi Wavtaliurtoo, TX Kf Oaraas,d Tais-learfca eti'elssa. aad ail rae . est Mas eut taeaad fcr ateoeesTi fseo. . , svr a-rtes eti't a. a. e-rwT ors; ens ws a rrt zm r"W i ffrm Wv-kh-TVi. We im a raiMHsiSe er sns. fra aa efca-7 Ostesa,a4FsisMlaMair. -A rnmnxw, Hem ta Otoaia frtna, wi aw .A ariwd eJlrata m yaaa btaM.aasaSf.M tosra, eat tna. AiiroM, f . a ft rm 9i r n ' JiKt you fine ptatiorery ? If so. you will rind it at ijr UiXszm 0tf.ee.- ; ---- :- 1.-;? : "ii'-t, 'ft. . 'A 5 '. -r