t if r VOL. XIr GrBAHAM; NrCl, THURSDAY, DEfcEMBER 12, 1895. NO.,4B - f'H shvimoMsV VREGULATOH GOOD FOR EVERYBODY and everyone needs ' it fet all times' of the year. Malaria Is always about, and the only preventive and relief is to keep the Overactive. YoumusthelpttieLivarabiti and the best helper is the Old Friend, SIM MONS LIVER REGULAtOR, the RED Z. Mr. C. Himrod, of Lancaster, Ohio, says: "SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR broke a case of Malarial Fever: of ithree years' standing for me, and less' than kA44U AtA fk iMielnkeaw.l eKall liCA it when in need, and. recommend: it." .. Be sure that you get it Always look for., fmy-nrnt umgress ot 8 into a.dem the RED Z on theTckagej :iAiidden,tocratiC'majont3' of 150, was not so forget the word KE mons Liver Reg only one, ana every one wnu--umc u ne wno-iaKo re sure to be benefited. THE' NBfjlT ALL IN THE REMEDY. Talced also; for Biliousness and Sicljjicadachej.bott 'art caused bv a slueeish Liver, J. H. ZeiUn & (f.;hlUi&ttthiTi .j AC oil, rorvo .. Attornpy-attvorT" BCRLISGTON. - - - - N. C Prartlren Orti over W hl e. Kooif . Co.' Street. 'I'liote A. 4 4 .1 1.9. JlEXt XOtXiXHS, A TTOKNEY A T -LAW GRAHAM, - - - ! ; N. 'C JOHM OBAT BYKUJf. W. I. Dl&'f , jiL'l r;:r rr-f B PiUAI & BYNUM, Attorneys and Counsflore ttt Lnw, - GREE5JS8OE0, N. C. . . Privctloe rei;ulurly In tlio curtH of Al-KMH-e eonnij. f rf ,. ' Au 2km - t21LtLU ' : ' Dr. John R'. Stockard, Jr., DENTIST, BTJKLIXGTQ flnnfl w.f. nf In fch ftin iri- OlHeo on Main St. ov J !?. W-rWr UfJirjniV Lh ery, Sale Feed CUAJ1AM. K-V'-- !. i-.f Hnche nipHiill (mlim. Oxxl tliiglp rr Coo bio tin 11 in. Cl.aryfii Hiodi luic. St-Of-tiin I am tho North Carolina Agent for Dr. Whlta'a New Hair Grower Treat ment, the Greatest Discovery , of the Aoei . ' It will permanently outC fclKng otl the hair, dandruff, scaly eruptions, postules, or any scalp disease. It prevents hair .turning. gpy; .and restores hair to original ' color, 'arid, brings A NEW GR0VTH' OF ' ' ; " Hair Ot Any Bald Head Wh. It w the only treatment that will produce these results. Testimonials and treatise furnish- oil on application? f, (j r f"i xi fjriiii -i.rj v a iiaui pa rata r M m f . m . Resrfu)lf,i I :: Doc 14-tt N Haw River, N. C, Since its enlargement. The North Carolinian "is the largest weekly ..t1TTrr-r-ft.-.-t3Tr- It prints all tbc cef s. anor'rfleacbes the doctrine pyrf Lcf. It nmtatru eight pages of interesting jnatter every week. Send one dol- mm pic copy will be mailed free on application to .... , .., . .rei..... ;u. -. J OSEPHUS DANIEIiv Mitor.-f Raleigh, X. C The North Carotin . Ijhi 'CTi t. Alamaxce G'lfjixeb will be, sent for one year for Two Dollars, -Cah in advance. Apply at TncGtEAX orrice, Graham, X.' C ' ' ; -''':. WANTEO-AN IDEAJ'J talaerteeateatr PwvrtranrUmm;thrymat nf jo vmlik. Write JOHN WKDOKR. h(1 kN oo 11ml Atiinr, Wartingtiai, J.C,tm Laeir IlWC frUa oSlX. ft W. C. Mooke, Pkop'k. h hi of Hair ! Kevr Men in Congress. the change 14 personnel -many old racfs " gone an3 the new ones that taks their .:ple yv ..; - Wuh'ngton tl'pato!i, lit, l-id.' . .No Buyh i rov()lutin in the person el of the rixptnbcM jins occurred in recent years aJ least. ',f Exactly 63 hew faoM.ftppmre in a total of 336 hiernbeVs;1 Sbmo of t lie oldest arid most triedf leaders Among the doin-i-rata, wem swept out. by the tide whielj. tolled Ua Kcpuhlican ma ierity ;of '4'40 in "the,'. Fifty-fourth jWieV ' Of ' 94 districta north of ;Ma8oni and Dixon's line, which wi re rqiroseiitcd . Uy democrats In the last Congress, , but 13 returned detnbcr.it to iho new Hoase. t i The Democratic victory of 1830,' which-' change.! a republican mnjority m the 'JfeSJrV; cor4plei0"lrKe reptlbliclfj 'rtattfpb4.nU .nul Tracy, i of Albany, a , zIwVkb jt VSw turned tiemM&i $td fiiendef the administratioivon - , .. i ,r, . ; , . . - , , .- ..- - i ..r, . . , , ""JV'" " a T"1""- jWljorify of 140. Jntho pm House - .'. - renubliavnajortrol 3f 'of the 4 1 l ' . i. . j i i: - . i " i - ; . . eleclitm.be thjrow ,ito- lh(c Houift.J 1 hey have ,i) solid delegitions while the democrats'' hare hut 4. jn the once -"stiilid south trTlie'"Keii'-; lucky and Tennessee delegations are almost Sveril. divided. IRrlK barolinl.lrtd issouri thorputili- cans control. I f h . Viriia dei Pdly refiul)lic:ii!Tiii- vgation Ml solid aa and Virginia each has a republi- k-aojrrgtjd Sorifli Carolina aud Al;i- baouMsend JPwjMiJists-a The-, pumr wp of pirpuliiitS iri the' House is t4- dacti from 1 ia &. "" ' "' ' Among those whoso long service arstritong;iwr3iali4ie-niake their absence in the' newly assembled House, itnost. noticeable Are. such grfzzWl veterims' as Judge Holmali, .of; mi lef-U'At horof .the" Ho i ise, " and the 'Watt:hdoa; of the Treas ury," ho..began bis .crmgreatiioiial tervicc in 1859; Cien. Dan Sickles, v.joNew York, .the Jlemof Gettys- yurj, 'f who achieved qistiaetionins it soldier, '.diplomat, and statesman; "Silver Pick," ; Bland of, Missouri, and Willjam M.iiSpringer,.) of.:IH., r.;i - 9 V: 1 ,? J , I n iy j 1 j 'fi fj ?; f . . v ; fi y pO f iSr: i cvi l ni i i , I aiuni owipiu lumu "t" H,: ""t,' . "4, w- VJ fnj JBUCll t$ IlOt'the CORO IltTC. We IiaVC CUt thO ; name pi'Icrs wo pay for tt ln'cnr load lots not qDlt?, p THIS: We Fell J OU a HlCO burOaO, a nice .,,.11 lnmr n run tvltnln rll Tnr nnlv SI 1 Of couiho you Know and supplies for.thesanie. We sell fop cah or a'S50,iN :PRIZES GIVEN AWAY. DEC SyKlTDfMT nth of whoin nerved 22 years in the IIoumc, and General Hooker, of. Mississippi, and General1 H"trh;"iof MisJourii, who were both Confeder ate ve'eranS, who ; riwi "came Into congressional.Hfe 1875. Others there were whosp tprm of service was shor ei but whose talents arid ability made them exceptionally prominent; -like Williarn LC Wilsonj whd framed the taritfUll in the last Congress, or Bourke ,Cockran, of New York, whose s oratory! often kindlod the House. lh tt there were such men as William '31 Bryani, Tom Johnson. John Dcwitt Warner, of New York, and Champ Clark, "of "MWnuri;! 'ThomAs lunn English,, of '.New ' J er- j in 1 SO. IHs son is a good epeak sey; J'Buck'firtilgore, of Texas, who cr, anid. has beeii in jonninlism and ia now a , Federal jude; Pan Lock- in politics as president of the New wood,:, of Buffalo; President Cleve-i York; board of aldermen.: klaop land's old law'nartner: Michael Har-! looks 'soriiethiriK like Henry Cray; ter, of Ohio, Sibley; of . Penns6ly;a- ia , tfi tu.; tit,. .1 jMI4?IfUJl VI!) till? , M.At, j - VDlJl ofthe government ordinance board ; BriTftriiih Enloc, of Tennessee ; GcftryyCaltforniii, the author of the ,fa&4t5!3irineso exclusion act ; McGafiftf dIVliiciigo ; Xafe Pence, of Colorado Dr. Everett, ; of Massa chusetts- .Asher Caruth. -of Ken tucky, one of the-witsof the House ; W.C B Breckinridge, of the same State, artdej-ry Simpson, the lead- mg ropuiisi 01 ino jiouso.- -Among, thes new. members arc Geni James A. Walker, the Repuli licanfrom Virginia, a Confederate soldier : Georee L. Wellington, f Maryland, wjio; had charge of. the campaign which resultetl in the elec tion of Lowndes' as Governor of that State ; William E. Barrett, who' has made his mark as Speaker of; the Massachusetts legislature and as a newspaper proprietor ; Georgo '. P. Harrison. General Oates't successor in Alabama, who was the youiigcst brigadier general in the Confederate army, and who is a bright lawyer and grand master Mason ; Win. C. Qwens pBreckiraddgK'a ' successor from the' Blue Grass district of Ken-' tucky, who , wag temporary ehair- man -tfv of . the Democratic national - : Solid Oak GKra onl Rockers only 50c, TtJle9cgpg est -i i Bigg ty arid at i;00 we aiwayH were aiidanvavH i. convention at Chicago, in 1802 George N. 8outhwickf ' of Albany Y;Jwhy i3 the yiianist' hicrnlicf of the present House. ;nd ..therefore tbo '"bdhy ' he is but twe:tty-five. II. A. Xtwood, 1 rrom Boeton, is a giftedartl-t arid nrchitecC Grove' L. Ji)hnsonj J of California, hniks like ho Inte Senator Mahone, and has a good.r' deal ;,'of ,- Iho - ex-Confcderale chieftain's fire. Tho proiuitting young members are Georgo B. - Mc Lelland and AVilliain Siilzcrof New York. ; The formur is a son of, "tit tle -Mac," who commanded the,. Un ion armies in 1862 and who was the Democratic candidate for President He has been Speaker of ' the New York f. Assembly,, rilori'y , Miner, who succeeds .Tim Campbell from the Bowery district, New York, un like his predecessor, is fastidious in dress. Ho is a theatrical proprietor. Federick Halterman, whq represents the old Randall district of Phila delphia, which for thirty ? yesirs ; has returned a Dvniocrat is a tnerchant and, a, Republican. ' Alexander Stewart, of Wisconsin,, ia a lumber king, nd Charles N. Henry, of In diana, who succeeds Bynnm, made a fortune in gas.: ! Cyru1- A. Sullo way,.Qf,Newlfamifihire,' who suc ceeds i-'Educatioijaj Bill'' Blair, is a la wyer of ability and a member of the Salvation Army. - He married a captain 01 ine oaivanon vrmy some years agol j John E.' McCall, A who succeeds' Enloe from the Davy Crockett dis'rjct of Tennessee, is a college graduato and a. fine stumper. I Miles Crowley, of Texar oiico sold papers on the streets of Boston,' ' but drifted to the Lone Star State- and became it) turn ,; stevedore;, cowboy arid politician. M. W.' Howard, the Pojiulmt. from ALtbamn, raised a storm of indignaUonUWoyotnago by producing a book severely reflect ing on congntssional morality, , W. M.., Trelccr, who defeated ; Champ CJark,.Va a teacher of music at Hardin College. James E. Watson, '- j stock of trunks ia the couri to a leather trunk at 09.50. onj itt . ( 25 ) time. who succeeds Holinan from Indiana, is an emergetic young lawj-er and 'i promlrierii' ,t Knight ' of ' Pythias'. Charles Towne, of Wisconsin; was a pngo in the Michigati' IiCgislature twelve years ago, arid ho: has since been - successful' i iii business and politics. ' John B.. Corliss, 'of De troit.' is a lawyer and orator 'of! ability. The number of energetic young men is perhaps the most prominent featuro ' of the new House, v - i , " , FasU'st Train in the World . Buffalo, N , Y.; Dec. 5 Thc west-bound Empi.e Stato express to-day ran Troni New .York to this city in five minutes less than . the new schedule . time, which is 495 minmtirWestiUiUshedisclaim to the lastest regular passenger train! in the world. :-s - f .,v,':i-A ' The run of 440 miles was made! at the average rate of 53 J miles an hour. The fastest tinie was mrtdc between Syracuse anci , Rochester, When 81 miles were .coyered , in 80 minutes, an , average of v over t a mile a minute. ' - v ; f ' , The trip was made under favor able condition as - far as Batavia, whero the, train encountered a snow stonn, ! Fearing thnt this might de lay her again, the engineer let out a few more notches of tho throttle. He hnd eighteen minutes in which to 'make the 10.67 miles between Grimesviile, and Buffalo, and he made it in thirteen minutes. ' : The best single run between . the t wo cities was ! made on September lltli, when the New .York Central tmin covered the distanco of 436J miles to East Buffalo in 407 minutes ran average of , 64J inilcs an hour. This was miles an hour better than the best English record over'- a similar distance, and tho New York Central how holds the world's , re cords for the beat single run and for the ' fastest regular : long distance trairi. y';4. f. . ; r ; .; . 4 -' The speed of tho bo't. regular trains foreign nations is: England, 51.75 miles i an hour; Germany, 51.25: Belgium, 45.04 ; France, 49.88 ; Ilolhmd.44.73 ; Italy, 42.34 ; Austria Hungary, 41.75 t ? , , Solidpak arge Bamboo Centre to them, that they will have to pay "Jong: profltsM prices till yon can bay In smnll lots at almost the nut only a small per cent, added, bed. 1 wash stand. 6 chairs. 1 rocker. 1 centre table Other lots, smaller sizes. $11.50. ( will be headquarters for Sewing- Machines, 'Organs TO THOSE WHO BUY Lpuisburg Times : . .Tbe grand inrv nf rh Runpriiir Court at M(ff-: . - 1 .-:..f ganton Teportwl presentments against 17. pliyjictahsand ehwyw teWhM& frev& iiiii;';: ' ticing their pn)feswoti without' pam t. '.m!, .,, " - ingthd special tax, of S10 impost; tncts are lnyably accornpan ' ''""' by the last Legislature, and 12 board ing houses and : four livery stables for the same thing. " ''" ' Dandruff forms when the glands t of the skin are : , weakened, and if' neglected, baldness is sure to follow. Hall's Hair Renewcr is the best pre ventative, i, ' i ' i - -, There has been an increase of $100,000 in the value of the real and personal property listed for taxation -in Greensboro this year. ' 1 '. Z ". ' - . UrJTOLD MISERY RHEur.iATisn I t .Klaa; Water Yalbr, Xlti,mnsky AycKs Sarsaparilla For ytnrn, I iuHered nutold nlwry from muteular rbeumstUm. I tried etcrjf -known renMwIjr, roninlieil the best phyil dam, vtaKed Hot Spring, Ark., throe tlnim, pending f 1000 there, lildi ilootor' btllKs hut eonld obtain only lempornry ri-Uef. Mr ' fteah ww trailed wJf to I hot I welglinl ; i only nlnrtf-Uiree puuiuls; my left urn and leg were drawn out of ihape, the bum lee V being twitted np to knot, twtttintblelo drett myielf, exeeut with ltflni', nd ' eonld only bobble about by utlng amine, i had no appetite, and wnt aMiired, by the doctor, that I could not live. The point, at timet, were to awful, Hint I eoubl pronire , . rrllul only by meant of byprntermle Injre- -ttontelPMrpblne. IhadmylimlielianlagiHl la elay, la tulpliur. In pnnliloei; but tuee gnTe only temporary rrllef. Alter trying ' ! ererytlilng, and angerlug the moet twlul torturai, I began tfttake Ayert Snrtaparllla. ' Inalde of two Bjoutlit, I wai tule to walk without a eane. In three montht, my limit began to trengthen, and In Ihe eourte of a ' year, I waa eared. My weight bat inerrated. ' to las poundi, and t am now able lo do my ' full day's work at a railroad bUemroitn." j Tin taty WHit fair IirtapwHla. ' ATfM'M riLLB rare Uemdaekm. - MACHINES OFrUS. ; Hnrf nr(T Qnv t 1 m vvwiw4rM.j. ...Tl't. . I.' J i . J 'Bilious and Intermittent Fver ',B4 ica ojr acrangcmciiB vi uw Stdrnach :;UwMa13of '1 The Secret of Health. . TTie liver is the great :f driving , ' in the ' mechanism ot u manand when it is out of order, ? i the whole, system becomes dej ' ranged and disease ii the result, . . Tutt's Liver Pills Cure all Liver Troubles. ; IV 5 MACHINIST '. AND ENGINEER BUBLIXOTON,' ., f v. a ' ' ' ' MACHINE, ; " ? BLACKSMITIf 8 HOP, FOUNDRY, ' ' i 1 OEAR rUTTINO - , t i n iiTiyprnn nni MM fi JflOUU 9Fipings. fittings, ralves, etc. , i.i-'iimii..mi- .1 i i ! ' Southern Railway. ' '' (PIRDMONT AIR LIME.) - - -- FIRST AND BEtOXD DIVISIONS. . ' ,-,'!-! . s In efface Ma. O, IM. -, - ! ' e 1 worn, ij.a-? "j'H-f : KaatBottod ,r . lfo.ai. Mixed.:. , . ' Daily. Dally. - -' Lr Oreeuboro tOKin inia ' ' 5 -'. ..- Bloii Cirtiega...., -- IQWat tm Ilurllnirtuu .. 10M i ' . ; OraliaoK . Uil 111 . ,4 ' HIIItxiro ..... Jim 4B ' f '. t . 1'pUer.liy.. ., lV, .' (ft , . Durham BUipm ttO ' .. ' i, ArHatolga.. I IW r , . ' r v.- i.'-iU Si-- ' ' MUed . ,, , ', v '::V.;'" 8n y,'? .;c;'Jii.j Lr Halelgh. ..... 1 M . : tataat t, Cluyloii......,,, lt " 1001 - elma .1 t M 11 ijQoiqrtwro.- J w ; amm . , - : w..iuouii , j w.at Iflixed '7 -;:..':'.-t -''''-I Dally. Dally. , , . ,. Ar Oienaixire ...t.,, tpai tMaaa ,-,'. Klon Cille)re . a 1 IM , UurlloifUe..... (M I. TBI . ' ,; , Qr.ti.tn-. ,,-,, IL m . , faa . HllWnro iff i tt if - . Unierity a , an rz SB" J " f . " . HIST ' "-"'" 1 ... . Kx. Bun. (i,. . ArKalelira..... , W MlSea : i t K1 . ciaytou, aaj . , ' Lr Ould)oro....3 V Ni.n and at BMk. eloee conneeUoa ValvemtytoaadfrumCnapelUiU. , thhOcch aciiKDrLK Ve. at. Dally. wo. at, Oaily. Lv Waahliurtun... . Obarlot'aviUe , KUhmi4 .... LynoLbar.J ItaavlJM Ar Orrenetxwo ... llUaai WMpaa . iHta' ta air i at 7ae . nuaaa-i iUeaa i life at Mpat -at .., TM - li a aiaat r a no m M Wlna'n-tel.mt ! tataj . Kali-tgn.... - Aifctrtlla I nna(a ' Ktvistilt. , Chattaauoga J WMaai aaiaat . ftaaih(,. ABa-ueta. aei eat Mai Oentral Tlaint JaeluoavHla at Awinutlacl - j'IbtH 1 BanalachaaiJ .a a I aa,iet i'1 TM - . Meoipbla i ' ".OrWne "Xarfk Vo.au Daily. Ko-'aa, Daily. Ar Waahlnatoa Ctaurlnt'avUto ttaaa at .. , . lit) ,!f lteoac Melaat at , at i i Haf ataaa tat ttaa IS uataat ,. Bietuaond. e - 440 l. f . aahburg iNtntuia .M LvOreeiMboro Uataai MB paw , wu.-a-tteleial KateKra . , Maaury Aabertlle ata at , Hotftprtnitl. KnmtJUe.J CtaMajawaaJ i iarioue .... ' Oilaaibla- " Aae-atav - 8avannaa. (Cf"ml Ttmn) Jaeka-aivtlle. TUaat M aria II a.AaaUttej a laut Lt AlrailiMrhaai . Mempale.. a at ma tMaaa Ken ta aa - a. on SLBaniacAiaviat - ; Vnel ST tat St, Waealaetoe) ' and Sooth wertera Malted, enaipoeed eattrely ef fiilW -aan can ; ailBlaiaBa taiiaaaa rata SMS I no eatra fare. Tbrouaa eleaiiiae; earl Waiia MeaiDaU, Mew Tor an4 Tea Tonuaae: new urtoane, near Tor aad aad Wuk- i. Ataafarj liurfrm, Aabet-lllean4 H Kf.riB-. rtee arat ntaaa rttmA bntamea Waalnrkia and Jackaeavllle. DtnltNt ear betareea OreeejelMiro anA Meatanenery. - ' No Bar Ml V. a Kwt ar.lt tirraMtaj eleeprna care lietweta Hew Terk. AUaota and Moatyoraary. a ad Hew Terk aad Jaea aonvliia. aim .leepioe- av betweaa f aai- tvi. ana i Mo. B, Oeoi'tn nor OrMOkbor. to Balelak. Ma. at, aleeplna ear Bata-a to Orraaebere. ' Thr-joa-a Uckvte on eele et prlndpei eta Uuaa to .11 point. For raiee or tnforaaa Ifcial mS!L I .' eompaay, or to lmnvina. .-i w. bwmi u&n. on n. wan aiv. vuinna, M.C.;W. A.TUMK. Oeal hmnc r Waabloa-ton. D. Oj W. H. bki.4, I,m1 Maaairer ( I aet a ra. DrrJ, Weaalaatea. D. fT civ Iii: Caraata, and Twh-Uvti .n.i.at. lluia. aat aariaa eaaaaaaMl Bar awcuTi n.a a. eOT m e..u.i r , a. . m. itnm km la aaa lu. in., mm, laaMM). Sw WMakMna. tad aal em.m er ptav. V ttaa. W. aaVaa, tf ai er a, ef caarra, Om aa aot da. u nil '' 1 rm.vr-. t. Own PMaaia," H aaMaartaalebei ai year Bau, euaaa, Wwa, eaat tiae. A naai. O.A-GnoyciCD. Or. rra amoc..Wiwiiva, a. a. . -I i i t. 1 jtf