jag: a 1 " -" - "' ; -' , - . ' ; - i - V . '" - - vv - . :. .' "..,.'."r- '. :' - :-!, x ; ; . ..VOL;; XXI. GRAHAM, N; C;THUiSDAYi JANUARY 2. 1896. ; ?j'-sNfi.4S. WWW! TKM v 4- GOOD FOR EVERYBODY -and everyone needs It at all times of the- year. Malaria is always aoeut, and the only preventive and relief is to keep the Jver active. You must help the Livera bit, rind the best helper is the Old Friend, SIM EONS LIVER REGULATOR, the FED Z. fiir. C. Himrod, of Lancaster. Ohio, says: "Simmons liver Regulator broke a case ofMalarial Fever of three years' .standing for me, and less than one bottle did the business. I shall use It when in need, and recommend it." Be sure that you get It Always look for the RED Z on the package. Anddoti't forget the word REGULATOR. It is SIM MONS Liver regulator, and there is only one, and every one who takes it is , sure to be benefited. THE BENEFIT IS ALL IN THE REMEDY. Take it also for Biliousness and Sick Headache ; both are caused by a sluggish Liver. -I. H. Zeilln Co., Philadelphia. " ... - -- .-' I'liOl-SSIONAL CAR! a Mac ou a. rorvo, 'Attorncy-at-Lavsr, BUK LING TON, - - - - N. C fracHre In tlie Shite nnrt Federal courts. Office oM"f White, Woore & Cu.'a tor,Muln Ftrcet. 'Pboiie Nn. ft .T. 1 , KEKV01LE. ' ATTORNEY AT LAW GRAHAM, - - - - N. C, Johji Oka V Bymt. W. I. Btscm, Ju. BYMm & -RYNU3I, iAtterny antl C. ounsrlors tit i Jiwi GKEEVSHOnO, N'. O. PrscHre reijnlnrly ir.nneecomuy. In tho courts of A 1 : -Antf. 2, M IV. Dr. JohnR.Stockard, J: 1 DENTIST, F.p JlLINfiTON, N. C. Ctipil .-tsof irrtU flOppr ft. ' , (nice on Wain ft. rr I K. M Verf& n. b Store. LivervTSaJe ;tl2 Feed 1 STABLES. W. C. Moore, Pkop'k, CliAHAM. N. C. Harks meet all trains, tiixtd single or doo ble teama. (iinrges mcKienite. I am the Nonh'('ar6ljrui Agent for Dr.Whltt'f New Hr Grower Treat -' meat the Greatest Discovery - - of the Age It will p"?rmnncntly-rurc fallinKoi the, hair, dandrufT, Hcaly eruption?!, 1ulcsucrany 8tilp disease. "irprt-AentB liaif turning ''pray aiv restrtrt'a 1)flir M ' oriejinnl color, and 1 rings' A NEAV" dKOWTII OF Hair On Any Bald Head On Earth. It is 'h'; only treatment that will produce thvMc rtwullH.. Testimonial! and treatise funiiHh wion application. " - ilf. John M. Coble Is my agent at CJrahani, N. C. 1 Respectfully, K. T. LASH LEY, Pet? U-iV IIir Kivcr, X. C. Since ita enlnrRenient, Tlie Xorth : Carolinian - i th larpst - weekjy netmpapcr pulilwhwl in the Sate. : It prints all the new, and pmti hos ...riMJiiw .uiv " i containa ciKht .f intcrntuiB ntatier every wcck. t-ma one titu lar and get it for a wln.le yitir. A Mitnple cojy will be mailed free on applkntion to JCfcKIIllS I?ANlFIr-- J rfivrv- ' r t " Ualeigh, X. C. The Xorih'Ciirolinian and TiiH Alamaxce (Jleaxfk ill lie rK'flt 1 for one roar fir Two Dollar, ("twli f . i 1 advance Apjilr at TuK CLEANKR t itffire, Cinltaot, X.C r ; . - - i WANTEB-AN IDEAcJ 1 r 'i' l.rtnst tk . . iitiikl air tWUL. -Uff!( (V), HuCTi Attorneys, TCsahinstta, i liJ of Hair r ;J: THE DYING lYEAO, , Ky floor itendspea wldo (unl(bt ' In token of k pnrtlng yaort, Who two) re tnonUiK allien, wr.h-krtn delight, I welcomed to m; hoiuoly botl. He iitands thorn now," wn. ra.itod, old. Bin rare qn(n ran, hUt nilmlon o'er, - And when tho midnight' hour 1 tolled, TTe part, to meet on oarth.no more. He enme to mj In mtirry gnLie, ' , With hopen nnd nronilRoa not ,eW. ' 4 Ah, -ho could look within than eye And deem that U107 wore all untrue! Bot oxpcctntlona all haTe fled, " ' : The proniiM'B are brohon; tovi Tlio hopes lie wrthnred, crashed and dead Not one of all but proved untrue. And there he atnnda, decrepit, wan, Who camo tq me a merry elf, v. A few flnnda more bo will bo gone. And with him fona part of mynelf. j Bo coiro and ito tho passing years That beur tlx to tho silent sea. Bat bright with smites or dim with toars, They come in lovo, dcur Lord, from thee. Christian Work. A NEW YEAR ROMANCE "You may talk' as much as yon ploaso," said Muriel Vane, nodding her curly head, "bnt I'm going to receive company in the parlor on New Year's day. Wbyshonldn't I? Every other girl does." "It's a sinful, wicked waste of time," said Mrs. Vnpe, "whon the quilting is eo behindhand and there's such a deal of sewing to bo done." But life isn't all for work," plead ed Muriel "And Mr. Clifton is coming all the way from the city in his sleigh to nee me. Ob, mother; please let me bro'o"loaf of homemade cake and some rod apples and real cream for the coffee I Jnst for tius once I It's only one day iir' tbe year. Do, mother I" "Stuff and nonsense I" sold Mrs. Vsne, who was one of those aggravating women who make up their minds on the leat possible grounds and then prido themselves on adhering to their word. "I've said no, and I mean no. When I was a young girl I wasn't set tin; my cap at every follow that come nlon.,r - - Mother," cried Muriel, in. an asony of wounded pride, "do yoo mean to say that I do such a thing?" "You think a deal too much of the boaue anyway," said old Mrs. Vans, screwing up hrr tbin lips. "And I'm goiiig to break up that sort of thing, too if I don't I" It ws with diffleulty that Mui-iel Vane, miturally a high tampered, girl, cheated the indianaait retort that rce to her lfps. Suroly, surely, it was not : rioht (iiat EBo. agirl ol! 18, vbo tvas eamicg bet own living by lonoljiH iu tho district kJidoI, sbonld bo fronted like acliilflrjf 6; that.hcr tyrannical oJd raotbor ritotild pluce no confidence vrbatexer in her t-ense of right aud doli- oacy. Up to Ibis tinia shs bad rendered (he tribrte of an unwiHiiig obedtencn to Krs. Vanc'a benesU, and now ah felt that (I.e. torment for jnst rebellion hod eouie. Bne-frft-thaf-ibfr-cetild'iiot live y longer in thi CTBmped, nig psuTiry eort of iry, wttli the very lamps cf soorr for bar ta meted oct to hor, one by oae, gad 1 be pippin applet for ber ranch doalt epaxingly forth, as if enob one trire mol4ed in gold. Mrs. Voce took ber lamp away at 0 o'clock erery nigbt. Sba diotated to poor Mu riel as e tba Tory oolor of bar draasea and tb nnmber of yards whioh be might pnrcbaM for them ; In fact, tba girl scarcely diired to think for herself. Could sbe lire tbna alvrayi? nhe asked horse If . Was it right that she should? "At oil ereots. mother," said Mu riel, . spaukitur in a low, dctermiued tune, "I shall teooiTe my friends on Kw Year's day I It it'tnj privilege, ami I cIhuu it I" "Hnmph !'' was the cojitcasptaons re joinder, bat tliero was a world of mean ing in it So Muriel rctrimtned ber one black silk dress and bought a new ribbon soch and baked a groat, golden New Year's coke filled with plums and studded all through with trauHlncent bars of citron and bertelf bargained with the (rrocor for two ponnds of real Jntra ctiffeo with as little adulteration of Rio, Marncaibo and cbioory as he con Id bring biniself to eoncoct. 1 "I can tife the china that tr.y grand mother Vane loft me in ber will," thrraght MnrieL "That, at least, is mine, although mother would iievcr al low roe to unpack it I" She was bny decorating the walls of the bttle parlor with laurel leaves and long; dork preen trail of prince's ptoo on New Year's ere, when ber mother came into the room. "Muriel," said the, "I want to send some rirefcSeiA chickens and a peck of those golden pippins to your Annt Dora at toe lighthouse. Jenkins' boy is ready, with the boat, bot he's such limb tbat I don't, for the life of me, dare to trust him with the apples and fbe bag of hickory nnta. I want yon to go and ask Aunt Dora for the pattern of the new brdqnjlt the 'Philadelphia pavement,' yoo knowl" "Very well, mother," said Muriol in tho old enbmiasive way. "But isn't it rather lat!l - ' "Pshaw S" said Mr Vane. "Why, . hour high yet Toe'll bo itltt u Jenkins' boy to back Ions spry with the oars." - AcntTVirn, Mrs. Vane's only lister, was a worthy tci of tb family tn tall, masculine and bard featured. She had alwsy taken the entire chanre of White Bctfs l;lilhonc, even although she official appointment was conferred r.rwn ht hc&tand. and when one dny ! tu.t mtitifl urnnl dmattrd thit I fo, .v : an nnrilT the tnmc. Ma- wu totfmd cf ber Aunt Dora, and ber Aunt Dnra rftfardH her as a "poor. chickea hearted crcture--Vane all orer." Eat Muriel did feci sorry for the i nrnn aTd ti thnacht t hat iV . pair tmu ijnr th t BBwouted mabifettarion of sisterly . teehng were worth carrying to White ' - i.-t i w.-t J. bam fi -wadded cloak aod little for edged hood,'. end to craw on the scnrh?t woolen mlt- tn, whioh sho herself hail knitted dur-a ing thoM loufl, droory winter etttninga when she-and her mother eat in silence opposite each other,, for Mrs. Vane never invited any company, and gave her neighbors but scant welcome when tbey came of their own accord. "Jenkins-boy" was ready with tho boat, a small, ferret eyed youiifiitcr, with an iufeuBoly freckled faco and a furtive, sidowiso glnnce, which Muriel always diKtrusted ; and as they glided out over the water, already dyed with the orange reflection of mnset, ta the direction of- White Reefs lighthouse, Muriel -leaned her-chin lnher huuds and thought of I'?. Clifton. Whatwculd-htr mother say if she knew it all that Paul Cf!f ton loved her that ho was octning to ask- fur bur at the ma tenia 1 hanAs tho veiy Beit day. "It will be of no use,", sho thought sadly. . "MutherwiTnay no,, . She do sires me to marry Squire Sedley, who is bald and deaf und twice tny uQe, end who only wants mo because bis house keeper has struck for higher wages and he thinks a wife would bo better econo my. Eut we can wait, Paul and I. We will wait." And then they ran up alongside the tall, spectral cylinder of the lightboueo, for the tide wan high and lauding was ' comparatively easy, and Muriel sprang lightly out of the boat, looking up lit the fiery eye in the lantern above. "Give me the bog and the bosket, Tommy, " snid she. "Steady with the boat nowt I'll be bock in one minuto.1' So the orange glow bad burned down into a deop red radiance, and the dusk shadows off the Now, Year's eve wore creeping' overall the" glassy surface of the sea. - Aunt Dora was at home. In fact. Aunt Dora never was anywhere else. Her own society, littlo as other people cared for it, was all sufficient for her self. "Oh, it's yon, is it?" said Annt Dora, us unconcerned sa if she lived on dry land and was in, tho habit of seeing company evetyThour -in tho day. She was darning stockings by her own espe cial little lamp, and the teapot already simmered on tho hob for her tea. "Any thing the inattor? Bocanse I couldn't leave the light if it was ever so" rt'No, nothing is the matter," Mid Muriel. "I have brought yoo a nolo frojn my mother. Something nbont tho pattern of a bodquilt, I believo. And some chickens and apples and a bag of frosli hickory uutfl." Auat Dora read the note onco, twice, thrco times over. Thou she regarded Muriel iii a sinister fjinhirin frosa under f1Cr thick, black brows, while" tho girl,. nlaved uueoiiecionfily with tho cat. "Humph I" said she. "Yes, I'll go and fct the pattern 1" Bhe was g10 sono tirtits half an hour, at least, as it aoetned to Muriel, and whou she camo back, tho girl start ed up. "It is nearly dark," the said. "I must moke batg. borne. " "Well yon usodn't be in such a flur ry" said Annt Dora, with a (rrim chuoklo. " I've sent tho pM tern by Tom uy JeniiBK. Bo's half way to elioro by this timfl. " Mmial uttered a little shriek.. "And bow am I to get home?" tbo cried. "Yon ain't to get home at all," paid Aurt Dora. "Yon 're to stay and upend toe New Year with use. That's what your mot bar said ia her note. " "But I shall not I" exclaimed Muriel, Konrpinx her foot vehemently. "I must go homo I I expect company tomorrow. " "Sit down an be easy dot" taM Aunt Dora. "Must is for tbe king. I'd like to knew how on earth yon 're ti get bciuo, with only one bgat at the steps, and that padlocked tight, with tAe key t nug at tbe bottom of my pocket I" And Aunt Dora laturhed a bard, dis sonant langh that was like the croak of a raven. . Fur a moment Muriel gazod wildly aroDud 1U.0 a newly essl bird, then sbo bnsfit into teard and subs. ."It is nil a stratagem of mother's I" she cried, wringing her - hands. "I might bnve known it.! I might have kne-.vn it!" Ami that niht nt the White Koefs lighthouse, with the melancholy sea luppiug tho foot of tbe tower and the wind whistling around (be steady glow of the boeoon, was the ireaticst tbat Mnrif-1 e7 Kpcot tn lier lifo. "Yon sin 't good company tonightji said Aunt Dora, glancing at her niece ever and anon between the stitches of her darning. . "Recant yon have deceived me!" cried Mnriel. " Yen and mother I" "Humph I" said Aunt Dora. "It's all for your own good. You'll thank us oue of these days. Girls oughtn't to have their own wey. " - r Out M oriel on ?y wept on and refused to be comforted. fbe went down to the foot of the tower, tbe'Bcxt day, and tat there, her cloak wrapped sbout her shoulders, list lessly gazing out in tho rparkliitg floor of the deep. . - -; "It that a boirt eomingV she asked herself. "With one man in it? Is it coining here, I wonder?" Nsrer and nearer came the boat. rocking I'gbtly oa (he surface cf tbe wave, acd presently Muriel started p, with a cry cf Joy. For it was Psnl Clifton waving his band to her, as he came ever nearer and nearrr. "A happy New Tear, sweet MoriclH ho called out, as the boat touched tb stone t'rpo. "I am tlie enJicut d knight come to rcaroe yon from the priMti tow er I" ' "Htw jJii! yen -Laow I was here?" said Mnri.rl. wi:h sfarklirg ryea and velvety rbrrks dyed mith rrim!. "Yor.r nicther as entirely m;ncoro- -.!tnl." said f n.f ton eavlv. "I-eocld f k i.m i.othit:2aTeVei frr,m her ex-1 o j.l teal yon were tn w i teceivii c coi'trirr: ire OLV.wr. T. cat 1 war iriun'.s cnou$b to nKrToBiiny Jruklu. t V for tbe oawidcratirsi i silver .reartf r, '-,-,. J. i t,,W ictud Usui's sr;i.. And hero I toa, my sweothourt I Will yoa oome wit me?" ' "0 I will," said Mnrlel, spfUui" lishtly into tho hunt. "But filB", ' ' v . "Vo be iuarried," Mid Mr. Panl Clif ton. - ''It is high time that this system of tsrsmiy was broken up, My little Mariel mnst bo mine aud mine aloue henceforward. Do yon hut ugreo with mo?" ' - And Xuriol answered : , "Yes." "'Aunt.Dorn got fo (ho window jnst in time ti) shriek un 1Ilofectnn snninions to the pnir in tlio fast receding bout. . "It's no use, "said Annt Dora, draw ing a long brcnth. "When n girl is in love, the is neither to hold nor to bind. I'vo'rhtio the host I could. Mebitable can't bhuno mo I" Two hours Inter Muriol walked into tbe old brown roofed house on the shore", leaning on Piui Clifton't arm. "Mother," said she to the nninzed Mrs. Vane, who fully bglievcd that she was "dceaiiw ber weird" in tbo solitary ligUUiuoM tower, "I nm married I And this-is.niy hnfibaud. Will you forgive us, plouse? For I aiu so very, vory hap py today Uiut I do not wont n living soul to be at viiriunce with mel" And to Mnriel signed ber declaration cf independence, snd became Pnnl Clif ton's wife upon this glorious sunshiny Kew Year's dny. And Mrs. Vane und unt Dora wcro wmpolled to confess tbonvitdves outwitted and to uccept their defeat with as good grace as pos sible. "Fate is fate," said Aunt Dbra grim ly. "And I wash my bands of the whole couoern, " said "Mrs. Vane. Bnt Paul end Muriel wore serenely bappy." And wbrfuiatturcd augbt else! Kcw York Ledger. rioCBlus llrtail and Cbocse. . Scotch children of tbe poorer class in small towns Ftill beg on Kcw Year's evo from door to door at the houses of wealthier families for a dole of oat btread, cnlliug out "HoBaiuauay" or some of (lie local rhymes which are giv en in Chambers' "Popular Rhymes of Scotland, " such as : Hogarannnr, Trulialny, Giro us of jour wlilto bread And noao at your gray I They also beg for .chenso, which they call "nog-moni-y,"and Brand's "Popu lar Antiquities" gives this begging rhymo used by Scotch childron : Clot up, guilo wlfo, and blnnoswelr; l)iul cskrs antl rhrrso while yu art here. For tho Umu will pmo when yo'll bo dcivd And lc Itlmr cot your chwuo nor brand. As tho children on these forays oro I swatbed in. great sheets formed into a deep lny or pouch to carry tbe ontenko tbey form quite n mumming and fun tafctio appoarwice on tlio by.utreeta and Junes. Independent'', Keir Year's In 1700. Kow Year's day, 1790, was one of special inloref.t to those Who delight in tracing facts concerning this method of cek'brHtion. Pr(ident Washington, !thou iu tbo rst year of his first term. Jived at thu Vrauklin Iitmse, in Clicrry street, Kcw York. The oity was then' a little Dutch town of cobblestones and gardens, contsining about 1,400 houses and 20,000 people, mjet cf whom wore trsdusinen and mo rbanios of very limited means. ' The president bad lived among them several months, bnt most cf them bad held aloof through tbe' awe inspired by bis great character and his high odce. But ou this New Year's day a great num ber of them put on their bestcockod hatt, their Sunday wigs and all their brtt clothes and called upon the precidont Philadelphia Times. . Boms Ooo4 aad Bad Omasa. To meet a red huired jxirsou on first getting up indicates a dull day in busi ness, sod it sscb a one crtiM your door ou Kew Year's day yon will have sn unlucky year. While muitiuki trade, it a uross cyod. person looks at you, it in dicates that tbe buigain will bonnproflt nbla To bear a cricket chirp "is good luck, snd it is always a welcome sound under tho L&trthlcue of the former's house. Exchange. A Raw Epoch. . As the iud complete his annual rev ofiit ion through thebcaveus by touching tbo southern wtiwr and then com U.IU nances bis ret nro to northern hnitudes, niaa is compelled to rrecgnite new epoch in bis own career snd is reminded to pause a moment fur earned reflection in order to gather Wirdont from vanish ed mouths and to forecast tho signs of the future. Christian Work. Japaa's Cranes Dlrtbster. The flrxt of (be year is really a sort of double festival hi Japan, for the Japa nese, i;ke ine cninese, rrcaon incir age from (bat data A child bora" 34 hours before Mew Year's dsy is called I year old on that day, so that it is tbe birth day of sll the Japanese people. Kew York Advertiser. . . Vtm aad Cbasity, ' If yr.a can make love and charity in your heart chotd with tbe hut scng tbe choir siDgs New Year's day, yoo can makecp yentenind that yon area pretty good tuso after aiL Kearney Jooraal. A Bmf; mi tUm Srasm. " I lorre ma Tumi bet cat LmvM luata As4 a rrsb irytir ta tbr fyie; A Irrile Irt-ed pbAU bi aae seiejoV- stavfe bTfM I a; de re. ' --t Ko fr" mmrrn; im artad, I trove, Ca hart mr U t ol r I sra an wr-.tft aawt thrxrly laps Ot iuitj tu4 ale aad ofcto. rrk ant yi (a hare, (o bare;1 ,.- T.ib t-r luvu baS't, s v4'V ; bnt K-Ur O''! sd lb fHd ale laoasbe, Vavt bT tt bo e-w it (.iv. " m?J"1Z i-ju.it aad MO, Ail t&u.i.fBi Uutt a?'ssimredt.i eoe this lr Mttmru ctw aaore, ImXbim Um a aernj knr a aaciwl , J i.rr.r T;l ii 1 woual ahul a b:i.ing SIAMESE NEW VEAH. tMl Spirits Supposed to -Infst tbs Det - pajrtlasr Tr A Mlftlit mt Terror. Tbo Siamese "Choola Sakarot'orro ligious New Year, guncrally, fulls ou tho. day after the first full moon in tbo month of March. TlM'Prahinii astrolo ger, whose solo duty it is to point oct the aspect of the tun, moon and stars, heralds the approaching full, moon by setting in motion nil the fciultltndiuon.s gongs aud roinplo bolls in tho city far and near. The pcoplo, who arc always ready, waiting, fur this 'signal, have generally finished their husineifs for the year. Debts have been paid off, accounts closed, merchandise disponed of and all , trnfho of ; bnying nud selling suspended ' three, days "llrevious to the expected event 1 Tbe announcement made by tho many itougued instruments is rcceivod by the vast population that inhabits the valley ' Watered by tbe beautifnl Mcnani river with fear and trembling, for tbey (Irm ly believe tbat this is tho witcbiug hour when lbs very atmosphere of tho world is alive with gods, deindus, genii and hobgoblins, und forthwith tlio anxious, superstitions people hasten to frnstrnto their evil designs. They bind nn.pun cotton tht end, consecrated by tbo priest, round their dooTH and windows, as tho snored thread is supposed to prove an effectual barrier in keeping ont the. ma licious spirits. This dona they placo by tbo doors of their bouses and hats u platter containing a pig's bead uud a bottle of arrnck, as a conciliatory repast for the wandering gboms that may do-sire- to regale themselves daring the nigbt, after which the whole cily, liko tbe snail, draws lu its horns and no con sideration w ill tempt a mortal soul to venture out of it until sunriao the uoit motniiig. . ' At squset every family offerii to its own , household genii-mi-oblatiun-of ean dics, perfnnicd tapers and rousted rice. As for the royal palace, 7,000 balls of nnspnn cotton, of seven fibers, conse crated by 27 priests, are reeled round nnd round tho walls, and from" sunset until dawn a terrific and continuous cannonading is heard from all tho forts of tlio city to rout tho evil spirits that infest tbo departing year. Bnt onco this dreadful night is passed, the terror sticken inhabitants, with a long drawn sigh of relief, prepare to welcome tbo now year. Drossed in many colored silks, they repair first to tho tomplos to oiler praise and thanksgiving fof lbeir fffillvoraiice Bnil to mako hand some gifts to tho prioMs, nnd not until they havo propitiated Buddha and Bud dha's earthly represeiitativeu do they think of their own merrymaking. Ex tihange.' , Kaw Tear's Wasnall rtowi. No I'jiKlitb holiday was of much ac count that was not observed with flow ing bowl. On New Year's evo tbo wus ruU bowl was filled with spiced ale mid drunk in families, and poorer folk tied a bowl with -ribbons and. ef(gcd for money for nlo to till and refill the bowl, singing: WivkaII, Wassail all over thn touro: Jur toast it Is hl to; our ilo It Is brown; Our bol It Is tnada tit a ntaytln tree; W bo Ktxxl tnllfiwsall; 1 drink to tbe. In some purtsof Knulnnd the old year ii "twept out" by men and boys with blnckcnsd faces, - dtensTd to'reprosent rweept; In others it is "burned out" with txjBfires. Komctinioa it is rung out with muiflod bells thnt are nnmaCed aud ruLg clear after 13 o'clock. Inde pendent. - - . - . What llsvrr Kew law Means. A happy. Now Tear I,. What does it mean? 'Are not thrso words often thro v. a cut as a greeting without thought or depth of meaning? Is it a year in which to ourselves' come, wealth nnd health, prosperity And friendship; one spent in the pursuit of fleeting plesturo and filled with eelf centered, interest? No I Rather let tbe wlih be ta each and all, as the new yoar dawns with all Ita' op portunities,, tbat the days of leOfS may be well tpanl f.lled with thonght and tyinpnlhy for those around ; that In self forgetting and kindly deeds tbef hsppl nous of others may be ever sought, and Iben must ttaly will eaob' act rebound again in Joy and blessing to the hcait fioni Which it fprings. Jrfaad Booth. - Sew Ifoar Itrans rrogrsss, " A new year, not simply another year. Many fcr.plo may be raid to live the siunccld year cm nud ovf regain. Each ,. .. ..1. J.l.J ,, u.u uiKHiWiiv iu iua sum iu . A. una ji tbo same tok performed in tlie tame spirit with tho rams rnolive; tbe same impcrfectioos of character, (bo same fai hires of conduct H.e times may J change and irogron hortca, but if we stand still, we livo only tlie old year oticaaftftin. A new year never comes to the contented ex; he simply grows old. It is not tho lapse i.f time or the prog ress of civilituttlon, tut onr progress, which makes possible to us a new yaar. , Jiaiah fctrtug. - Fev Kasaiac Tea. Msy tbe new year, jatt opening to as, be algusled in public and in private life by tba growth cf noble ideas of idea tbat shall make menr freer, tmcr, better; tbat shall more and more reflect the incomparable tcachitg of tbe Ucly Child whose nativity we have ycrt cele brated, sod wbcr spirit, imitated and obeyed, can redeem the time and-crown mankind with beedn ess. Christian Work. ' ' ' ' - . ' Birth the Tear. ' ' ITtw like a bamaa biril, the eraktaf aner- - -Of Uu- rblU tacl 1 be wesk and rrraIoas d ir b. ' afia sMrsofratn oh lift a kfadrrd wall. blackly lb u i eye Marts; tbe aar dotk Ijwct . - . Draer as a lttk-e ear. Brcrath a bu'r Of azx-r frtaA fatba tnust Iwlm, a bile aad frll aanrbura tla.be. Ms arlt'a o-.ly power C v3 lo (Uaja:-t lij sn-'r (.nvail. Tl.-a brl J l!t.- fust r S ir kui rrDf " Vo BuS ai:re wirttxl j the uric r. Mm liu.3 errrr rvirel let.! t-sd rsar&a loc sprias'. Ai as tbe ;ju bice e s-t ui? pal i.nt,ii . WhfJe tfc- wt rrratras, rfc (Vwtnt ttM .H I,, W4fe I 13 av snd t it f i t. NEW' YEAR P0J1TENTS ANCIENT SUPERSTITIONS rtEdAhpiNQ -''" :- 'THE WEATHER. - ''"" Jhe Iwolre n.tya SnoeeeJIna; Chrlitmna Boppood ta sto Iniilec For tbs Eosolus; Xmmr Cartons Customs and Balieib ol Blanj Laa'la, Tho H days from Doa 30 to Jan. 6 have long beau recognized as indices of the weather during the followiogjr.eaft The ancient tests referred to distinctly assert this, a Sanscrit proverb ruuninaj thus, "The Ii nights oro an Unoge at the year. " Anotiier teat from the sonss sohrcot evidently refers to the same pe riod, "Tho Bhibhut (storm demons) sloop for 13 nights and .days in the house of the sun god Buvitur. " ' In northern Goiinany it is said that as tba weather is, during each of tlio li days, so if' will bo during tits con-e spondbig luontlm of the year to coma A like belief exists to this day tin Lan cashiro and Niirthauiptoushire, Eug laud, and' a very old writof (1C00) re' cords the current notion in his; day tbat tbo 13 days served as an index uf the coming year's weather. It was said in one English port that if tho wiud blow hard ou tho fifth uigbt (Duo. SO), ships nt sea would bo in grqat peril the com ing year. The-inhabitants of tho Vusjos monn tains restrict this prophesying period to that of our. holidays, from Christmas to New Year's, uud are willing only ti) eay thnt theso tlx days indicate tlio character of tho weather for tbo succeed lug six mouths . " la one part of Onr oMrti country it Is said that "tbe Hint ihroe days of Jaun ury rulo tho coming three mouths," wbilo in another place the 13 days nro said to be tbo "keys of the year.-" ' Of New Year's day itself wo -have tbe authority. 'of a very old weather prophet tho am hor of the "flhcpherd "s Kalendiir" for tho generally ominous purteuts to be di-awu lrora the wostbur ou that day, "If New Year's day In the morning open with dutsky rod clouds, ft ' denotes ttrifo ' ajid debated asaoncj tho grunt ones and many robberies that year." More recently It ie said of this dny, "If tho uilaniug of Now Year's day is red, it portends foal woucher aud great nood. " Whilu uf 'Uo aaocuMl day of tho year it hi said, "A the uUicr is this day, to it will bo ki kVipicwbHr. " In tlio "Bouk of Precidahts" (prece dents), 1A14, Jan. 1, 8, 8, I Hi i are f t down as unlucky diijra. Another chrouiclo cay : "January. Uf this first moutli, the opening day, aod seventh, like a sword VU1 slay. " Tho first day of tho ywir is often ro gardod as tho proper time to niako cer tain divinutiuus with rfcreuco to many CTonla nffccjintf tliefoture. lu NorUi aniptoufihiro tbo master of the faiuily thou tempts fate by opening tho Bible with his eyes shut' and obtaining from tile pasxagc first touched with his Ougur somo indication of the events of the coming year. Among the Wends young maidens hasten the advent of the chosen butUand by going to the heuhonse on Kew Year's ee, rtriking tlio purji right amonttxhe hent, while ropoating to themselves tlie following doggerel t . , T.T If car kins the kes, Yoo will bars a tuf : If cacklra tbe ben, Who kuona whoa I ' Certain .observances are tonpesed to obtain lurk for the yew foUowsng. Ia one part of toixluru Ureeoe all in tht bom:e co out early Nw Year's ing, then retura to the dwaUiug bearing each a branch on which Use leave! are well dried. TJieae are cast on Vfha open fire, each wishiag ' aba sasne time good luck to tho fiuiilly. The drier tbo havei, the greater tW fiaiae and the better hoTiu,'oT. lu thoNnorih of riigland new oldthes are putwfoi luek U10 first day of the An odd ofcretnony is reoordcVl of one locality in ljiglond. Bands uf straw were put nndur tho fact on New Year's day while at tafibt. Whon the meal was finished, one, person got under the table nnd another one tat on his back and drew out tho bonds of ttraw. . These were taken to the orchard and bound round trow, which were tbmoby lusnred to Lear a fall crop cf fruit the next yccr. V-- '. . In part trff France it is regarded as uuluiky ju inl any thing on New Year's dayt The liio.uiuHt bo watched j., rrrant ' liu Kr"Il-t care on the "'first dayot lho year. In Lun-f cashire. te aid that if it do 1 not bum tluouKh tbo niubt of New Year's eve, bad luck will rhtit tbe household tbat year; in mutt any one the given a lire ojoI, or creu a Uhlei cubdlo at Ibis tluio, ftir the bad luck will thn Tisit tbo recipient of tbo gift. At Atwpach . tbe shadvw tbrowm on the wall by thn caarflrisui the Christ' mas tree, mi Kew Year's crrulug will, if any oneja to die soon, tepreeeal bis shallow lieodhm" t In Rooniania the New Year begins with a ceremony cfbb suing the waters, tha prkt - irfcnatng - a - inaar snd qrinkling tho cl reams with' holy water a bile blcasn g ilitm. bt Iaois He- public. , ' . Qsser Welsh KallcBs. In terny (mrts of Walia to are one's shadow ia tbe laocnlight upon New Teat's 1 vn,s beJierrd to be an infallible sign that the pema seeing it will die before tberipir(hiiiof lue coming New I Year, aud llnrre H Uo a popnlar super- stiticii llu.t it an unoiarried woman j should . Ler fuce reflected in water on ' Kcw Yia txa il is an infallible igu that tba is i:t-i;i:;ri to lire and die iu a state i f auigw blcacdneaa,--New York Woi.d. zr - i ; ka Uaay iiMU. ' 4 . . . Tbrr-tistiJrJ s5 3 iity 8 njrtrk. srwa. arir. h ul.,wi pm u ava aod l-r yimt i .IX t. ta ai-.h fc-.auiuss and aiahtaa. cuy Irira-T, ... . j An4 y a'j nd tbas sifts better tbaa pay- Arrest r 1 t Tutt'i Liver Pills.jan old and.t " Caiyorite .reijiedj of iacreixsjng, popufcuity.- Alway .cures - - i.- i SICK HGAOACHE sour stomach, inalari yidigeaY tion, torpid liver constipation ' and all bilious diste. ,,t TUTT'S Liver PILLS t ; -;?,;-'! '.At .;;; !'; '? ' MACHINIST ;, ... I5UflI,IXGT0N',J ' '")-? .7- N. C.t - , V V MACHINE' ','VL BLACKSMiTir 8ii()P, rouDRy,' QE.VR-CUniXO. , ' -tsy-Pipiiigs. fittings, vnlvce, etcT1. 1 --' i : : - -j : , Southern Railway.- . $ i'lKDMOXT A III L15E, '" '"' li-IRST AND 8KCOXD PJVI3I0NS - In effect Nov.1 17, J89S. GrtsenstMiro, JUlulgbud Ooldsboro. Ko. Vlxed. Daily. , East Hound tfo. 8. Dairy. f,v OrfcnxlKtro KJon ('iillrife.... HtltliiiKtuu Ol-ubitin Illllrbi.ro ......... t'lilmrhlly.. lHirlinm ........ Arllulvlgh Kin am issarn . tm r ... SIS ' - 111 bM ., tao '' 10 4S a m ! lu . Mill 11 m . 11 4S li! IWpni: 1 IU Mixed Kx. fun. Lv Knlolirh (In Hon Nlnni..., Ar (bildsboro. 1 10 14! 210 tiO tOfiam . 1005 , UK HWprn v. 11:- Mlxed Dally. west Sound K.8 Delly. A r ft nN5telro .... l'.lou (.'olli'Kt)-.- Ilurltnirtoii..',... tjrjlium iiiiiihiid t'nlverslty Durham ..... .. . Lv. Kali mil 7ft) pm snt 4J 7 48. 1B 7W .. 0 45 - '' SSI . , 1 10 tUi oi7 5 47 t in 10 Ex. Suh'. Ar HlelKh....... : Claytiiti "eirna I.v Oiililnlmro... 410 :i . rsi- 00 10 15 pm ' 15 '' - " Ucn.m and 30 tuslse rloe connection at pmvervltj to and irom Chapel II I II. I,v Whlinrtin.. II 16am! 10 4Spbt 1 narlot'svlllc 3-ei ptu. lap a Jil hrniaid... L) ix'lilutrif. IhimiJ'o 400 1 740 I4K am . -lv am' Jaram i . sl7sm lplu 7.4- tl M . ' isifl ' 1 tt -.jo . Upn 1010 Ttoant 7 Ar Cn ei'Slmro Ips'twtaltjm nau'irn i sn psiiiuiirr.4r... Sil. t.r AliPMUi-... 4r r"'t-tiilii'... A Chattano"tra . 4'l.arltie (.'olumlln-.... ' Auirnst - P W t'lllrtll Central Tlin 10 40pm1 sioaoi a 10 14 JttCknllvllleJ HI. AII7ll?lll'l pm S3en Atlanta.. H'rpil'hamJ llalpui 10 o a m ' mempnts . N.Urleuns. North I'd. do. Dally. No. t Daily. Ar Wahiiitrtn.-4 ltlrtini'ind I.Vtii'libtirg I liinllle... I.KI-'H'fulioro tt ln n--ialTtii Ksll-liiiry AH'tevlllH-.. lb" l"irtii((s"., K'iu lliu .... CtialiatioOKaJ 1 luiricii to ....... Otlurubla Hw. AUHUJit hain't rtb.... ((Vi.tml Him ) JurJ(siiiillle i rt. Auauntnei ' i Allnnla Iff HlrmltisiiiMM, , M-inihl-si ; S. (li)fnlll... rLEEI'INfl CAB f KliVICE. , ST snd a, Washtnston and Pouth- wewirn MmlrH, oomtK-sU eattraiy of fult- roan run ; Di ininiufo ruiimnn rata rz im 1 no l-fra farm. 'I hrnuvh alt-enlna pars hwMn S-w Y-rk and Hew Orleans, New York and ZZXZllVJill rlit nrst-rlaKS roach twt vr en Washlnefu and Jarksnnrllln. IHnins; ear betwaejtx Uinenalairiiand fon tannery. JCo. SB and as. V. n. l av MalL rn.'lmait lw(dn- car Mtrwn New Yih. Atlanta and Muiitsiimerr. and Near Trh and Jat-k-aom-lll.. .Aio Ireplng car btwiea Cbsr lotto and Aniru-ta. I ' Kn. IS.slert'liiK'-arGree-islKirot-t Malrlch. an. 3. krnlB car U-lRti ta n-sbnro. ': Tbr.Hirh Ik-Xrts on s! e principal sta- -aiPSioatlpo'nf.'Forraesor tntorraatkia sni'l n nr i nt tlx enmpinr. f to .. "w, . Ill U,M IVDI IllVa Vaj W. B. NTI)rR,fnnt.mddlr.rtMrl tte. X. C; w. a. Ti'KK, ri.n'i r-Mf f ai! W.hlnt-m, n. .; W. If. OHErf.V. fianl If aaaser (Jissism. !.), Wath Id (too. P. C Cires's, art lTle-HsH etttetoed, aad sU rat- ' eel ha-iaost ena4arsrd far ataeiesTC flea. sn -m 9rm'mi'i W.a rTiwT Orr-cT ai4 at ran tree ra'rat mi We anas tLss laoas tnamr m 'Ti a, (wh! nod-l. Saie1 er r -. att i'p fb. k t aeVnc, W iwisl le er n. ntn J . ) CUT. On Set mM ene f pateas ts eiaarea. , a a.esMtr- Hoa laoania raieeis," ells . mu, sua nee. o.A.ar5ovvtco. Or. lTt:- "' rMiitcTii. b. C Su'jfcrltc iTiir Tne Gi,ea.er, II.- IllUOVOU RC'JIEDCI.R. ,.l , . I I . I lfctMy. fall. PlOpai SUkai tie sas pTJ I'm' ' '' irtoasa 12i"pnij H)4Kani Hi a.iu taipm ti . WM .' 88 ".,' ' . iw 1 r v- . -ji i ti . " - . nHfiSii'- -- . - . ',' 7n- ' 7 n m ; us , : WW ; "JI Dial 11 iwuVn"") ', - fiA ' " S iifi lit ' v , taiam upm v 710 ; r, 1 V.X1..'. . iMiili ''-. ror uw ftfUt pxus oJisr. Reel. CO mT" maoo wiwiwww " -j . . a, i. - imsa. Vo&th'K CoBpacta