; XXI, GRAHAM, N.C., THURSDAYJANUAHY 9, 1696. - MQ;u49; hhwm. GOOD FOR EVERYBODY and everyone neids it at ainimes of the wrMalaria Is always about, and the only preventive and relief is to keep the. Liver active. You must Help the Liver a b) and the best helper is the Old Friend, tM MONS LIVER REGULATOR, the ? ED Z. " Mr. C. HirnroJ, of Lancaster; Ohio, says: "SIMMONS LlVER REGULATOR broke a case of. Malarial Fever of three years' standing for me, and less than one bottle did the business. If shaU use It when in heed, and recommend it." Be sure that you get it. Always look for ' the RED Z on the package. And don't forget the word REGULATOR. It is SIM MONS LIVER REGULATOR, and there is only one, and every one who takes it is sure to be benefited. THE BENEFIT IS ALL IN THE REMEDY. Take it also for Biliousness and Sick Headache ; both arf caused by a sluggish Liver, J. H.ZclHti & Co., rhilailclpbi. A RUSSIAN TRAGEDY. I'lyiKESsioxAL car: h. JACOH As-ri'.VCi- . Attorney-at-Law, BCKUXGTON, -, 4 - " - N- c iWtlreo In 11C Plntc KnFc-irrfll emir's. ftntzi ov r White. Moore & Co.'b ttoic,tai:i Btix-ei. Thone '. 1 was 1 8 years old and was already lor (wo yours an ensign in the re,p- mcnt of PanloTsky. .TKo rcgimont wna quartvcil in tlio great building (hat pt'ill osists on.tlieotbor side of the Charuli do; Marafrontmg i tlio Summer garden. The emperor Paul I wa3 thenfeigning and had boon for threeyears. Eo resided in tho Red palace, which had just at that time been completed. j6-m night, after I don't remember whM oscapado, tho loavo of absenco "WKicK" I" bad asked for in order to join a few comrades was refused, and i remained in the barracks al most alone. I was aroused from my sleep by a voice that whisijced in rny ear, "Dimitri Alexaiulrovitoh, wake tip and follow mo. I opened my eyes. A man was boforo mo, who ropoAtod to me tlio invitation which ho gavo me while I was lvalf asleep. VJ "Follow you?" said I. "Whcro?" ' 1 cannot tell you. But take no -tico that tho order comes from the emperor." I trembled. From tho emperor 1 What in tho worldcould ho want with, mo, a poor ensign, of a good fnmilv no doubt, hut far too distant l(x?k, so far aa I could, boo, but by ! somo socrot moans. A man of small' starnro stood bo- ! fore mo. Ho was dressed ift a Pros- ; eian uniform, with boottbat roacb- : od nbovo his knaca nnd nrj overcoat that touched his spurs, and woro r i gigantic throo c6rnered; h-it. Ireo-j oeiiizod hirii as tho emperor. It wns not difficult. Ho reviewed us every ; diiy, and I reinoinhored Vint at tlio review of tho day boforo ho fixed his eyes upon no, called my raptain Frnm ihn ranks, askod him somo given tho second timoiuid wo en tered into tho -govornor'a apart ments, just art wo had entarod into liio fortross. -Tho governor was in biul, but they woke him up with the all powerful command, "By order of the emperor." Ho approached, hiding his neryousness undor .ft forced smile, fur with a nia-n Jiko Paul I thoro was 83 littlo Bocurity for j,iilor3 as for oAiJtivos. I gavo him, without sriyins a word! tho order of tho cmporor. Ha hromrht it un to the caudlo, exam- ohbfc it was neodod for another. Outsido tho two sleiglis woro roady. The in-isonor was placed in tho ono that brought us. The governor, roy solf and the old man sat dowfiT tho NEW 'YORK' CLUBLAND. An ImpMHUH1 Hdqn m4 Bo f IU Chariutrlttca. Clubland in (Jotham ip by no moans confined to tho Valdn nnd tho Eniok- rovrrnor at hia sido and I in front 01i)ooker, tho Metropolitan and tho hilo ined tho soul and noticed that it was lookina at mo and cCiccr of his staff in a tono in wnieii nbsoluto order. All .jul...!.. o... ... J - omooror, t inn onn :n in in r iuw jr. i.KEiiNOiiiii:. ATTORNEY AT LAW . GRAHAM, - - - --J - JOM'OMAV BYKPM. W. I'. nv.NUM, JK. & BYNU3Ir AltiawfSW" f.owtuM-lornat law' . orressbouo, c: ii? Hie Vrcilce reijn'iurb' ltiirecinnt3". ci'iir'ii of Mf Autf. i, (H ly. Dr. John B.Stockard, Jr., mrRLIKOTON, .N. c. (m:r on Malu Ft. rt ir l . VT.. 1 cr,' b lore. ! . Livery, Sale Feed STABLES. from the throne to allow tm namq ta roach tlio imperial eara. 1 recalled the somber Russian proverb that came'Md existeiico in tho days of Ivau tho Terriblo, "aoso .to tho czar cIoro to death. " But, thero was no ncip ior iu , jumped out of bed and dressed my- self. Thou I looked with somo at- tcut'on at tho man who had ceroid to ! iironso mo. All wrapped up ns ho was iu his overcoat, I thought I rec in him an old Turkish sJavo, I Rt first thol'nrhvr and finally the fa vorite of tho cmporor. This exami- ; nation, moreover, was brief. It . might, perhaps, havO been danger ous to prolong it. i "I am ready," said I at the end of Are minutes, and I buckled on my ' Bword carelessly. My nervousness iricreawid when I found that my fruido, instead of .tajking tho usual loor of tho barrack; descended ( ihroush a littlo windin staircaso into tho lower portion of tho im- mensobnildins:. Ho lightoil t-Uo way with a sort cf dark lantern. Alter several turns and dotoura I found myself fronting a littlo door, tho ox ist'euco of which 1 had not known tefora" During nil tho routo wo mot nolwdy. Ono would liuagmo tnai, tho building was deserted. Certain ly I fancied that. 1 saw ono or two shadows pass, but they disappeared, or. rather, vanishod.in the obscurity. Tho door in front of which wo stood was closed. My guido knocked in a certain fashion, and it oioned, evidently put in motion liy a innn who was waiting on tho other side. As a matter of fact, when wo pnssod m,,,.1i 1 saw distinctly, notwitu gives that only increased my nervousness. NttSiro," said my guido, bowing, "thi is tho young ensign whom you desiro to pp'eak to. " . Tho omperor approached, and ns bo was of small statnro hb raised bimsolfon tho point of his toes to lookatnio. No doubt hp recognized mo as tho man that ho wanted, for ho mado a sign of approval with his hoad nnd, then whirled around and said, "Go." My guido bowed, wont out and left mo alono with tuo em peror. I assure you I would almost bavo preferred to ho loft alone in an iron oago with a lion. Hi3 majesty at first nppoarcd to pay no attention to mo. Ho walked up and. down, taking long steps, stopping now nnd then before a win dow with a singlo pauo of glass and oponingit to breathe the ircsu air. Then ho roturned to his table, upon which his snuffbox was placed, and took a pinch of snuff. This was tho window of hia bed chamber, tho room in which ho WHS afterward killed, and which, they gay, has remained closed over sinco. 1 had timo to examine each portion of it av.d each piece of furniture Near ono of tho windows thero was a desk and on the desk a sheet of loiter n per. At la.it tlio emperor appeared to notico mo. As ho ad vanced toward mo his faco had a ,.fntiv fiendish exnression, al- i though in reality that was only tho r result cf his nervousness, lie paused , ia front of mo. "Dust," said ho, "you know that , you are only dust, mid that I am everything." I don't know how I had slrongfh enough to reply, ''You aro ; the elected ono of. tho Lord, tho ar- ; biter of tho destiny of inon," j ' Ho grunted, and turning his back. unon mo began on co m t i the room, and alter opynin..; which was nsod for socrot oruors only. Then ho bowed, and after crossing himself rapidly oponed tho letter, Ho read tho order, looked at mo, read it again nnd then said : "You must see! You havo to soo?" "I havo to soo," I replied. . "What have you to boo?" "You know." "But do you know?" "No." Then ho remained an instant thinking. "You havo como in a Bleigh? said ho.. "Yos." "How many porsons can yonr sleigh hold?" "Three." v "Is this gentleman coming with us?" said he, pointing to my guido. I hesitatod, not knowing what to-say. "No," said the. latter.' "1 will wait." "Whcro will you wait?" . "Hero." "What will you wait for?" "Tho close of the act." "Very well. Got ready another sleigh, select three Boldiors,.let ono take a crowbar, tho other a hammer nnd the two others axes." Tho man to whom tho govornor hddrossod these words want out im mediately. Th,un turning to mo tho governor said, "Come, and you shall BOO." Ho walked in front of mo, lighting tho wav. I followed him, and a turnkey walked behind us. We pro ceeded until wo camo iu front of tho prison. Tho govornor pointed to a of him. Tho other sleign was. own piod by four'soldiors. . Whcro w6 wero going or wliat wo wcro about to do I could not imagino. Tho affair itself was not my busi ncssi I wn3 to boo, nnd that was all.. But, yes, there was something elso. I had to say, "I saw." Wo started off. In my position I found jny kneos touching tho knec3 ti tho old man. I could fool him trembling. Tho govornor was wrap pod up in furs, nnd I was buttoned up in my military overcoat, and still 'Puinmnt. tho University acu . uio ! Players, tho Now York, Manhattan and Union League. In one and tho sauio side street may bo found n couple of such' well contrasted or. ! panizations as tho Century and the Ilackot, nnd arwrt from the hanu ! uiorablo rcisociatiors oolorod by iia-.fl tionality or roligions belief there is 1 a great, down town club in the Latv ! yera', while athletics poses8 oon 1 ppicuous temples, of their own, dodi 1 cated to overy indoox..jrport- lioagi- I i i. n,i!u nuil f.meinff LJ ui;j .J" n u .-t-. . - - - wo felt the cold. Tho old man was to water iiolo. The i?acicet, nice iae almost naked, and tho governor of- jCeiituryi succumbed somo yearn ago A GLEAR HEAD;, c? good dlgestiorir souiftd slep? a ' ftne appetite and a ripe-old age. are some 01 tne resuus pi mc no dose will con vines yoii ipf tlielr t tUL wonderful dTects and virtue. A Known Fact j An absolute cure for sick head- ache,;dyspepsia, niaWia, sour t if( stomach, dizziness, cpnstipatioa . . bilious fever, piles; torpid liver , and all kindred diseases. 1 ' Tutfs Liver Pills fored him nothing t o cover him. For nn instant I had an idoa of taking off my overcoat and giving it to the .poor old man, oui mo pivwum, guessing my intention, romariico, "It isn't worth wbilo." Bo I kept on my overcoat' Wo had not gono far boforo tho Btorm burst upon us with all its fury. Tho snowQakes became so thick that wo wero in danger of being lost in perfect walla of snow. At last we stopped, when, ns 1 imagine, we must havo been about ono loaguo from St. Petersburg. Tho governor alighted nnd approached tho second sleigh. Hie four soldiers had already got down, each ono holding in his hand tho instrument ho was "ordered to bring. "Make a holo in tho ico," said tho govornor. I could not suppress a cry of hor i . . i . i ror. I commence xo uiiiii'riuuu. to the up town tendency anci toon possession of hn extremely pleasant Louso-in Forty-third stroot, whore tho Century so long established in the neighborhood of Union squaro has built for itself a temple. The Lambs and the Lotus, each typical in a way of what is consid ered Bohemia, occupy tho ono an ex-dwelling in Thirty -first street, the other a brownstone front in upper Fifth avonue, nd those organize tior.s nbo have mado a certain rtd vnnco toward Central park, albeit tbo coveming committee of tho Trfimba has not lost sight of the fact that tho mombers expect this resort to remain within caey distance of tho theaters where they ara engaged. I Tho border land of Central park may ' do for. millionaires. Tho neighbor- hood of Broadway appeals to actors, I managers and playwrights. I T.a-n it all in all. clubland in tho r. x co:ijiij'iii.vu i - limn.-! .-i k..v. t . "Ah." muttered tho old man in a ! metropolis is more iropoBfng than a tono so strango- that it miglit no taken for tho unearthly laugh of a skolotou. "Tho empress remembers, mo. I thought sbo had forgotten mo." Wiat cinprcsa was ho speaking of? Throo emproascB had snccocded each otbor Anno, Eliaaboth and Cathorino. It was cvjdont that ho thoucht ho was .Mill' h t-irs under ono of theiu, and that ho w;ia igno- II r. L MACHINIST '; ENGfNEER, . V, KUULIXGTON, -. - - N- ' .c-?: MACHINE,: 3 BLACKSMITH Hi. TOUNDRY, OEAit-ctniso; - tr Pi tings, fittings, vahes,' ytc. '" Southern Railway. ; riKDMIWTAIHUNE. FIRST 'A Nb SECOND DlVIPIONS In effect NovlT, 1833. Ori'vnsboi-u, UuIIk1jPuiU Ooldiboro. door and tho turnkey immediately i rnnt of oven tho namo of him who opened it, pnssod in first, lighted a had decreed his death.,' What was tho uarKnoss oi inni lornuiu compared to tbo long years of dark- tlio W. C. MOOKE, iPKOP'H, s GKAHAM, N.,0. ITarbntiHTlnUt""!""- fi-d fil-or 1ou A Head of Hair window aa'l)cfeKarMaking another pinob of snuff ho rotur-hod to too for tho second time. "And you know,-too," s.iid-ho,, "that when I command I roust bo obeyed implicitly without observa tion and without comment" "Just as ono would obey God. Yes, siro, I know that." " Ho gazed at mo. In his eyes thero was such a strango expression that I eonld not stand his glanoo. Ho 'snmned nlcascd with tho influence that lio exorcised over mo. desk, toolr up Tiie armt over to his staniling tho darkness, a man. wno , letter, - read ltcarcimry, i closed tho door again and' followed I p-ut it irrrtn enwlepo,and sealed this euvolopo, notwitu iiiomii-ii. but with a ring which ho wore on his finaer. Then ho roturnc;i 10 inu. us. I am the Xorlh C'anilhuv Agent for Dr. WhTU' Nv Hair Grwr Trt maat. th Greatest Oiscovary of the Ab 1 - It will pormancntly cure falling oi tliehair, dandruff, scaly eruptions, l'.TileH, or any scalp dis-casel It prevents Jjfiir turning pray and restores hair to original i-olor, and l-rinp- A NEW liP.OAVTII OF Hair On Any Oi' Hud On Earth. Itia lhc only., treatment tliat will t.nxluie-tfcxfc results. Trtjmfn3als and treat iJ fun-.islir eil wfejipiJication. Mr. John IL Coble ia my agent at Gralinm, li. Kefloctrully,.' - v - : i' K T. IiAHHLEY, . Den. 14-tt ' -Haw Rivet, X. O sebforsahplecopy; Carobnian i the mij ' iic.-irtpf puMHiwl in Uic Jt iinU U the nctf. pr tlw? Ac-trine of i urc tlein.iomc Ur,o iu wiLireiUKit, Tlie North Carolinian w the lar):ert . Uic riav. iircatlie Ktcnwy. It ..hm pvorv week. M-na i.ne iui- i ..jiiUt hflc rear. A ram!; opT wailed free on ai'i'!i-ntlon to " ' . tMiIVti DANIELS, Utor. , . ' - aUHd n. c TixTNortli CartJinian anl Tvr t nm vcar tr Two I V.llans ( a.h .i .drance. Apply ITh tiWASW II UI" - ttia ivmsrra in which wo entered was a sort of subtcrrano, about oigbt feet wido, rnuning. irough tbo bwVt' whoso humidity oozed through the brick walls. At tho end of about 500 paces this passago was closed lrby an iron gato. My guido took iTkoy from his iock et, oiv.mxl the gato and closrid it Lo- hicd us." W o continual our roai. Just then I commenced to recall tho tradition according 4o whfch a sub terraneous gallery oxistefi wiwccn the Red palace and tho barracks of tbefironadicraof Paulovsky. I know- that WO were in UllS Rilllry, umi that, inasmuch as we had left thc barracks, wo were on our way to the palaco. Wo arrived in front of an other door similar to tho ono through which wo had pissed in tho firsj; in dtanca. My guido knocked at this door in tho same manner t hat ho had knocked at tho Other oao, and it opened liko the other.ot iu motion by a man on tho ipsido. Here wo foond ourselves at the foot of a aUir mi which tre moontetLi -T " !: U led to tbo lower apartment of ft f-Tao emperor building, hut from tbo atmosi)iicro it wa cas7to discover that wo wero entering a well warmed establish ment. This building abon revealed the pronortic-M of a palaco. Then n , lnn!)t ccasod. They wcro bringing me into thepresenco of tlio the cnincror who scat for ; Lid- ma nn ohSCUro den W tho lower ranks of the guard. I remembered the tory of tbo you vs ensign whom be had noticed ysr tho gtreet and placed bebina trra in Lia carriage, appointing, Lhn snocessi re ly in lw than a qnartcr of an hoar nMtitit. eantain. ma ior, colonel and wsneraL but I bad no hopa thaW i.- r.t f.,r me with tha same inten tion. However, we arrived at hut before anothfr dooTi in f11 which scnUnel was pacing op and flown. Wy gnide put hia band npoa toyaboulder and aaid to me: "Keep ap your oooracf. Yon are goins Into lb preajnc of the emperor. Then b whispered omething the ear of tbe Hitial and lb latter moved to ono aido. My guide openod tu doer, pot tj yutUg Vu3 iey ia lia nTtn1mr.-'"-r-Bald UO. tliat I havo chosen you out of a thousand to execute my orders becauso I havo thought that by you they would be well executed. " , "I will always havo in my mind tho ohodiencp that I owo to my cm pcror," said L ' ". "Very well. . Eomomher that you aro only dnst, nnd that, I aaa ovory-' tbing." , . "I await tho orders of your maj esty." i "TakothU letter," Said ho in a nervous arid hnsky tor.o, "take it to tha governor of tho fortress ; r.coom mnv hiin wherever ho wiahes to b'i iir vou. Bo present nt everything thr.t ho will do and como hack and say t mo, 'I W. : I took tho ou7olopo and bowel. " ho reiuuted in a cavern- voieo. "-You . uaiorstandl ) saw!" . "Yea, siro." ; "Go." ... . closed tnt floor ro. bind mo,ii.ttef in? 5o word"dosfr. I remained stuiiefled nt tho thresh- "Comc" s-.id ro7 guido, nnd wo a-iin stepix! out, but by a dilTcror.t nr.ML whicu lod to tho ctrnarol tho fortros A ah igh a.- wailin? j hi tha courtyard, and wo . Loth got . intfl it. ' Tho great door of tho for- lrc?s laadtng to tho l.ridjro cf tho . Fontanka oiienol, end the alcigh , started out. tho horses trotting rap idly. Wo crossed tho er.tiro pjnre tnr t J!TJ;V ourselvea OB the banks of tbo Nars. Cmt bowa itartcdburnpTri tho y au l (failed by thd atocplo of rotor ami Paul wo. crmucd tho river. 1 Tho night was otmre. and tho liul in a ttTnblo fasbioa. I T. kli-1 . lnntnrn nnd carried it ia front of us. W? descended ten stoao" steps and found ourselves in tho first sootion of the dungeon. But we did not stop thero. Wo had to go down ten steps farther, and even thero wo did not Ktoprbut went' down five more, and thero wo stopped. fho doors wero all numbered, and tho governor stopped in front of No. 11. IIo mado a sign to tho turnkey without speaking. Ono would nr.i agino that in this touih pcoplo bad lost tho faculty of spiwch. Tiio doir wa3 ojieued, and wo do Ecendedsix nioro steep and daiiip Btono steps'. Hero we found our selves in a cell about eight foot KT.nro. In tho light of tho lantern I saw a human figuro movo in tliia Tl,nn ha 1 coll. Wo could heir a Hull ana rus- tling noiso.: i u """ what it was and whonco it camo. It was tho water of the Nova rushing 'a';aini?t tho walls oi the loriross. Tho cell wa3 below tho level or tne Tlver. ' t '' ''Oot up and drosa yourself, ".said tho governor. I looked to soo to whom tho cruer was given, nnd as tho turnkey throw tho light of his lantern upon a far comer of tho cell I noticed a thin ,ul nalaold man. with white hair and long whito heard. No doubt he was put into that coll with tho clolhea which ho woro when ho was arrested, hut these garments had worn away piece by piece, and ho waa now only half clad in a tattered id&akr Through tho torn rnga I could boo his shivoring and bony body, which iwrhai at ono timo was dressjd in splendid garments. Per haps (ho injiguia of tho most noblo orders wero onco fastened uix;n that CosiilesJ breast Now ho was a liv ing skeleton, without rank, without dignify ntal ovch without u name. Howasaiujpiy -o. in , Uo got up awl wrapped himself up ia his tattered old closik without a tiurmor. His bcKly waa bent, brokw down by long imiirisopment, humid it ylarkncssjndpCTha-US hunger, but his lauco was still proud, al tucot tbrciitoning. All rijiit," kaid tho governor. "Come.:' ,, , Tho prisoner cist a fiiu.1 glanco around bis colL For jui instant bis cyo rested upon his stoce acst. Lis water pitcher and his misty straw. Ho ba ved a sigh. Ooh1 hca reus 1 Could it be iMMbIolbat ho fuid re gret anything thoro? Ha followed tho goveriW.r and pasod in front cf too. I caa novcr iorg. t tho look Lo tavomo as ho moved by and tho iopth-xf iinroacU that was In that wait .- So yotins." ko afconjca t ay, "and already at tho onLrs of tyran nv t ri"t duwii my 7ei That ness in his coll? Tho four soldiers went to work. They out tho ieo with their axes and lifted up tho block with their crow. bars, (suddenly they jumped ward. Tho work was dono; thowa tor iiDueared. "Get down," paid tho covomor to tho old man, turning to uleigh where ho pxpoctod to see ljllll. ii:u uiuL-i -v. ..w old man had already como down. Kricchng upon tho ico, ho waa pray- f ing. Then tbo govornor gavo nu or furnorv t'lanoo at us nierory aupcr ' ficiol features might disclose It ia ' indeed tho world of Now York classi ng And net auart. and were it not for tho fact that it remains an Eve- ' In F.deii it would bo "all tho world nnd his wife." Lovolv woman has indeed founded 4 "nrrtnin'nutnber of minor" clubs from tho quiet parlors dedicated to "shoppers" to thoso nronas wherein tho voico tliat never wearies is rais ed in debate and protests, and life is ono lon discursive pink tea. i Yet, despite the assaults of the now woman, there is ono citadel of man that remains physically im pregnable. His wifd may go to her mother's after, kctiio ' ditfej-enoo of opinion vith tho lord and master and weep on tho maternal bosom, but man has as effective a rononrcc in tho silent sympathy of the walls wheuchi ho knowa himself to be safo from domestic arguments and aoouro from pursuit. Boston Hwrald. EdBl Utund No. DO. "Dull jr. No. Xt' Mixed. 'Dttiljf. ' a Lv ft rfKiiinboro Klcitt Colli ge.. j.. llurlliiKUiu,.. ! r., Irani HIUlM,ni t'ui. orally Uurltttin Af UuloigU LV llnldrti. . I Inyliiii ,. Pt-llllH Ar Ooliinboro .. Ar On-CilHlii.ro ... Klon Culli-ini lturMiiKtiiii....m....M'v Oriilmnl .,..,...,... .MIWMiro t.'iilvi-riity , Unrljuiii Lv. Uulcigli . Thero aro fow'plauta that equal dor in a lov tono to tho four soldier ,a verbena. They aro a maw of entira conin"t,.nna unui and returned and seated himself, bo- yoom tbo sido mo. I had not left tho slefgh. hard frosi At tho end of a niinuto tho od man nros-o. "I am ready," said ho. Tho four soldiery seized him. I closed my oyos, hut if I did not nee I heard. Iheafd tbo splash of a body thrown into the bolo. In spite of mysolf I turned mound. The old mini '"was irVino: . I foriiot that it was Lnot for mo to givo orders, and I cried out to tho driver, "Pachol ! FachoJ I "Stoil" cried tho governor, Tho sled, which had already start ed, Was stopiM)d. "All is liot finish ed;" eaid tho governor to mo in French. " , "What havo wo further to do? sai l I. . , . "Wait," aid bo. - Aifd wo waited half an hour. , 1 : "Tlio ico has again formed over tho holo, your excellency," saidono of tho aoldiera. "Are you sure?" flaked I tho gov ernor. Tho sr.ldicr struck tho plaeowith hisrowbar. Tlio water hod already boeorao olid. "Now lot us go," said tho governor. " , Tho horses started ofr in a gallop Ono would 'bavo imagined that tho frost if given tho troatmont they ronrtiro. It iselatmxvteat tney will sland any amount cl tLi-ouatht, but I find It ?pajH, and pays wolL to water them whenever tboy nfMi lt- Dariag a dry spoTl tho soil should bo stirred well .around the piaatc.tnas they may tako in i4tc.tiomou9iur that thro is in tho air. Tho plant that aro u7t watered rrl'Jl lir through tlio dronght, but you will get no flowers, or if you & they wid tio very insignifloant ones, aad as wo wih them only for tho flowers they are hardlv worth havina if wo do not irlvo them tho caro they require. Thoy should -bo waUrred regularly and civen liquid fortiliijar twioo a wooV. Aflcr thiry bcin to bloom tho eoed pods should bobscteaeff daay. nnd after they comiucr.co to grow -straggling fahould bo pinched back. nrarlv to Uio crounu. wiicn sovorni ndditionfil branches will stnrt qut In this way you keep them amasa of blomi the entire aumuier.' . I Mart my soeds about tho middle of February, and they aio ;i?.t largo n.imit'n to trantiulant to their pernia- nmt h'3 Lv tho 1st of May. In ho full tsit ibeforo tho hard frosts, I - - - . . .,f t.'mmimt was mirsniiix. taua n9tvwrtu mu ihoin. fnTess thrm ten minutes wo - pinch tinna buck to tlio gwiund, and rotumod to tho fortress. found my gniuo. There Ii in tbo crtrly Sprlug months, when I most flowers aro scarce, my verbona To tho lied palaco," said be to-jtants aro a mata'cf bloom. , I havd tbo driver. I 1 kept old Fivo minctca afterward tbe door v pmebin . i i , f i,n naiaeo was oiieneu ior uj. .imwuu Tbo cmjieror was up nnd dressed Just as bo was when I left Lira. "Will?" said ha. -"I aawr'-waa my answer. ""Youeawrtiaw? Kaw?" "Look at rao, airo, tiI you won't doubt it." .... t I was in front of a mirrnr and no ; ticcd my apptrauco. I was so palo land my feature so altered that I i rearoel f roeogniztd mj stlf. Theetn ' ixn-or look at mo, and without say ' ing a word took from tho deak a pa- "I pivo you," said bo, 'between, Troitza and Perclof ft pioco of land. v.ith CCO imajants. Leavo now, this tilants for throo yoars by tbu back. Tboy la not well in a lwrtfnlly abnaod place, but uiustbatotbVb fall raysof tho sun. tptcmist MKta ' 10 4H a di i in .! P . n 'i- , 11 48 uw pni IN 110 tlO 183m i ,:- 5 I .v--v - w - - 4 45 6 60 ."i.'i Mixed t.z. bun. . a 1UU6 lits lltopn West lioun-l Ar llnlHirh I la v tun Ki-lrnn IA- (luld'lKno... K,. !K nnd 3U mak floe ronaecUoS Tlir"rn; to iuul Iroai Cli,el IUH. : .....A. N. . Dally. Mtxd Dally. !HUpm 41 . IW HI 83S fi 15 410. 410 ana stsam - tm Tan S4S .'.;" 81 ' 10 506 "Mlied Ex. Sun. low pm IS 816 ftl THKOrOIt 8C11EDCL8. S-juth Dally. Nov ST. ;t Lv Wiinlitucton... L'liarlot'svllls llk-bmnna J.yiKTl.burn.... "DiiuUl.i...-. A (in oi'l"T( ... Ri'l. tuh r ait' wn l,v Al- r ll'it Sprlngt. Kn'.iiiiit).-. Cliuttunu at llitirlntto. C'xUinilila v .lCllll"J.. h4l'lnall ... (ri)tral TitnoV . .lacluiilivilie Ht. .tuutln AilanVt I . Jiiri.ii ilini ltmi'"" . N.OilMi'-i II is m, 10 4Sp m too I S4m 6 ,1 6E0 111) ' I 704 114pm &oa. 1 m liwttm lit" 10 40 p mi nun,': T26 ' 11 w m , 4JS r 4 60 ' . 4 ' -ninl Sm litpxa 12Jui 1010 10 Ml ... 70 am sou ' tat - - Moitb Ar WMlilntftonry. I l ri.i m ll.i hrooiili- Ilit.-lTlurii-l Unniim. f.v 4)rnli"ro .. iii ...... Aihevllle Hot hi-rlrca.., Knox lll, - Tiall"oJ ' AVU3l ... ha ii'iu... (Ck-nlniLlliii' I .lklii III . - fit. Auntiue. A 1 !..!' ... hi I'lrml rIuiuJ M..l.-pli( N. (MnBL Vn. M. DuUy. 40 ptti Km' iu6 pn 1020 ISO am! 40 T W pm it: Slam 7 HI Kn. s iMiiy. -t, 4Sia 196 IM' i:inrt 10 4K ra Slptft j 4 IB . ', : IW -II'' :: - -m 4 . 30 pn 4t rita .lltOSOk leoewn , 666aia . OlpM, 7 SO ! . . . ' - V Cm. Ehince weut to my h-ort hke: ion- very mSas. nu ji"vrv. pumw wcu. j ! : Vohm miv if Ton sneak. Ton iniaii nr - - . t ft T J.. 1. 1,. iar.L eonld barJir prrertvo on cumins : ii,. n!lur alioro that I was on ftolid pxona L J o wero povr i .7 t tlio Baio y. .r V v . casuro VM s d:cr on vuara ' itt the d. pb of t!at hy fn.ru mr uuido and allowed u to .liitoc u. v u u j wsi We cnuwl ir.fo tbo fortro. i i.Zf -S ar.d Iro the French of 1.M-b af.airrd at Hi jrot- - ' ;., " t tf.. ttmr9 I nil Iia tiirmn , ... .i- i i.im. 1 V-now bow I can r-unisb. rfob'uiy bo hml louxeasol "I left ff Petersburg L-mro tho dayj and tho EiSbt a.Tiin while raul I hvf I and never : baf jro loll to a nvinguems wax 6 ftcr' tsvo now tola to you.iransiaiea Aiexauro ua Ws rtrob Tbo cxnupiroller of tho trwury Is an autocrat v. h o decision ovmidos even that of iho chief m.vWTate of tho nation, r'om e yv.r go tho then incumber. t of tho. -jUco rcfusetl to sign a warrart for money wbiobf Gencril Ura., ihonght it proiKftO exptciL 1 ti&t is right, " hoVrosl don U. "I m'.niire journrinootta. Viocrs yr,r coriiencoS'ccnct,.rned, novrr iif-rmit yourBoJ to bo coercoi -You mir cxinMdeyouraolf clear in this s:'fi:r, fori shall appoint a cow OOiri ttoilf tf-oiorrow J-LEEPISO CAREHVICB. ' ' . cntcra l.lnilte.i.eim noiir-iy or rwi-u ; mnn ran ; uiliilBiuir Pljlltncn fm1 f3 00 r riixlnr. Throo.'. ttorplnc mm b4w-n w Yrli nnd y .Orln. Kw Vor Bml XnmphlK. Nv - orKai'd Tami 4Uid Wb, Inrt.m. Anb ,r'jonl H4 SprlDK. AIo-r-. rt.- ttrlr.-'M itiaoh l-lw"o WaHblnirtun ' ; nS. x-ionvlll.v. rlntr. r bttveaa jiBo.,tro rd MiHxim-r. .. I .0'.riril . II. K. - Mt1. PnWnMH tPoplnir wi hotwi w Tort. Atianw Urt MonlroroWT. and New Tor and Jttrtt- -. in11lr. Al alerpiuff bMt 4Amc ' Di. o IbaJ'.icM Kin. , llii. y urlo!i I'm having heaps ox ohlo IryL.K to Set a French maid. lira, "H Ur Ilh'&hght yotj'dso. cund on". I - is Kcrlo'iI ilid. Dnt this one p -HifS rrr-rich ftluCIToia't ua-Jc." uud hr. Ca-ityju Kooord, i- . - -' -. - - .' - ' .j .. n a ....... i. Kt.VlBt1naKM-Hrhlo 4.frnbor. ThrMih ilrkrlajtn al af, principal Mav- . Ikwa ;oa l ronU- rr raiea or lnloraaatMm 1 ii 4't"aii awim iii?mian7.i- I tW'S- 3. ITlKlPV.ai U latdiT, Ttaavllla, VA a.: V. a H YDEH.rCriK.Carltj,, Wa.h'lnx'u.... I. W Cfol. rUln'MUUMMUM- " '. V aiP?i3Wa3 4au, aot TnS Tk Matcaa. aad all I'a. j ; st batacaa aoattaoavl fur MMTt nca. , . . . ev Otizt im 1iTt ,O.S. itt ai.e a rrr raivat u aw waa - rem-rta t WaklrfiQa. rvl aadM. ralr ar lioa. W aS'Ma, t aatcatj saL, wSrr vt'rfa ar a4. Iraa as a iaMtf-, " U W Obiaia ata, il Man 4 tfiraia la oa feaua,awnilj. Wa.acc4fraa-Aialnaa, - .' , - ' r .7

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