mIjoe Gleaner. u-V-''i;''':'.-; L . sit i ' :f J-:. 'X .-"--vi 7 ii - .v,.;M.;.Hi-;J;7- t VOL. XXI. GRAHAMrN. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1896. A CLOSE. SHAVE. ft happened when I wrta stationed 'It was a roltcf to'oomo Bttddenly clump of moTiog "bamboo and acm ! BDon an winning -wblob I recollected niug mlonly oaoh bunob of tha ii th iitn nf uTinict and toaeo tall lunrfa grawi mat roo bjwuuct:. A m5T SIGHT Of tTtVENaOrt. hwaand th,a dark ftjrtira atill tip at NowwiHwgrnr tH1& too Tenth ; tt0vln? ts nelaUborhood ; of the hnta, area aiabougB 1 nmi nei ther tiina nor inollnalion to stop and sneak to thorn. In another nitDttte I GOOD FOREVERYBODY and everyone needs It at all times of the year. Malaria fs always about, and the only preventive andjelief is to keep the. Liver acti ve. You must help the Liver a bit, and the best helper is the Old Friend, SIM jVONS LIVER REGULATOR, the FED Z. Mr. & Himrod, of Lancaster; Ohio, t "SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR tttAaera 4a IB-, ana poor llm 0BriD wiw tn ohnrpa of the Elghi nanih "LMnarr over K HfHnwni!e6v not 80 mflea off; Tiro ma abont the ' should have jiassod It and plunged oldest friend I had arid th bent of fellowa. WaJiad boon students to setbor in tbe luedioal aobool in Dab- Jin and had both gone 'xmt to ladia In the namo yoar, hoping as young V fellows will bopo in Uieir Jiirtranoe i that v,-o should sco a ereat deal of ono another tbere. Wo bad ben oh Are yews, and this vras tho fimt time wo bad got within bail of on nuother. It yum a great treat when it did happn at last, bowovor, and iimcdV o lollr hoar t spent In each the eu lika'bT ttio aida of ho traok. Gradually I nsooveroa mj ncrY lKtlo.. There is nettling u9d to tliiugN and evou a dim for est road with tho chanoo of a snp porleas tiger la an oxperiuuce you can grow aooustomod to afteir a timo. Sarelyitwos gTo-ing'Ughtr again, j I looked up ad saw that the sky t f Miri-Fver of three i other's quarters- in aplte ot proKc a i-a 1 r,iW rifle that stiTl swaratwd na. SrSines; 1 shai. use Thi9 -as of.the J in .mJ. and recommend it." - hovrovcr, own? 10 tho ua Be sure that you get it. Always wok ror the RED Z on the package. Ana aon i forget the word REGULATOR, it is SIM MONS LIVER REGULATOR, nd there is only one, and every one1 who tr.kes it is sure to be benefited. THE BENEFIT IS ALL IN THE. REMEDY. Take it also for Biliousness and Sick Headache ; both arf taused by a sluggish Liver. - ,r . J. H. ZeiUa Co., PfaiKtlelpWa. FUOKESSIQNAi;OARIP. Attorn5y-'it-I aw, BURLINGTON, N- C Practice. In the Mnfe b'1 Vciernt courts OffiM I P?r 'white. Moprc- a C'.' ttorc. M.irn Street. 'Phone No. . TTORNEY AT LAW GRAHAM, - j JoiIiBY. w. P. Bysu. Jh. BVNUM & DYNUSf, AltorneyH and ConnM-lor at Law thv ci'tirts r ' Practice . retiularlj- io Unnce county. Dr. JohnE.Stockard, Jr., i$m?- 'bithlikoton, .k. c. wit - - tor. , Liyery Sate ,5 Feed STABLES. waa a fit horseman, and I had uo- como an ontbusiastio fliadpio or tne bkjydo. ' Tho l-ainy season -waa Just abont dw. Indeed we hal airoaay nna eoirie rain fallowed by a day err. two of very hot, unhealthy weather, wfcioh. as a rale, heralds the arrival of tho regular rains that do doty for tho Inditrn -vvHitcr. I hadn't neon or hoard fronr Tim for over a week and whs jwst wondering what oould bo the mke whan my orderly ealuted t the door d the hnnRnlow and an rKml amosaengfflf froni theBabib Dr. 0'Btm. Ia another moment ho was tishfred in. and with a low sa lsaai proHontod we with a note writ ten is poccil. "Dear Pat," it ran, in Tim'a cbar acterwtio writing. "It's myself wcmld be glad to sea yon for in hour up hero, floret Dick Sullivan gone 't .wnriiM mo if the noor fol- till the sahib camo with hi. gun?" nuuiuii i ... yon iimma ; IdBuMtd Saw TeUe 9UM lUt 111 th B.bHdM. ;- ! It ia nearly quarter of fcewtury sinoal first Mrw Btsransoa. n w ntnxnn of 1890, In ootnjfcny with a former tdbodlMtlttm, I m to Babrld. W ha be wwdering ia tba lomf isku, as tiiey name th a.l 1.. .nil na acittniM into the forest road once more when grow aoatwtomort to artor a nmo. oawr spc. --.Vv " "wJ MSd by the soond of alow Inrely it was growing Ughtagab,. 0jS waiUngXe at band, and I andden- I looked np ud -w that tte aky of ije of no?tonta ,4 the dismal sounds which all M- . x nnB w . - , TT W aound of Kill UUiWJ tUJivna w talk. Professor Biaena was among them, a famous figure that oolla for ' ... a atet' .V.n of darkness in upon the nerves. no description, ana a vomu,, Fur the moment I felt a contempt gy man. dad in bombspun, with for tho wholo tribe of oat- groat and speotaclea forward upon noaa. 'Who,- smnll which was almoat sublime, U was whispered to ua, waa Mr. Bam arid it waa with renewed vigor and Bough, the Scottish academioiam. . enercry that I n.ado the bicycle apia water oolor painter of some put luf the silent path. The moon who waa to die in 1678 There ware rose quickly, .and the road grew dis- osejUns omi Unusually pretty native girl, al- tiuct once more, yet the c ea At Ujejauc, S? JST fSJS " r 5. SoVrV t orabout my own age. oae appear- tlSKdf bTr hair and lht in tho western sky had fbeen anoofor some "T Jf SLlvrildlyat me for a moment, more cheerful than those caatfrorri stantly attracted me 1 WTTM ;i4W TSave Your Money: ' r, r Barreling Apples. Many of the mom profitable operations in commercial life depend in the first instance upon very aim- pie facts. Most persons would pass by without observing the barreling of apples as a ease in point. If .ap ple were placed loosely in barrels they would soon rot, tin uglj pausing over but a very short distance of travel ; and yet when properly bar reled they can be sent thousands of miles , even over tho roughest ocean voyage, in perfect security. r This is owing to a fact discovered years ugo, without any -one knowingl particularly, the reason, 'that an a pie rotted from a bruise only when the akin whs broken. An apple con be pressed so as to have indenta tions over its whole, surface, itli out any danger of rotting, provided the skin is not broken.--- In -barrel apples, therefore, gentlo .t.T.M. It nrilinarv lao- 1 nrievo. jsouoay can . -n0sAon Mm it under some such 'drown. Smfferlna of either mind or body, stances as mine how groat tho eifeot My doctor's instinct compelled mo to pause in case it mi-ht be the lat- ter. I bad made rnysoHtolorably fa- -: miliar with the dialect of the dis- lnvoluntoriiy i pulled up and addrettsed her. At tho sound' of ray voieS she raised uor head and showed tho faoo of a young alldtwasea bfthe stomadv-iTet woI3 Nd Reckleii sscrilohl' For sick headache fyipaa malaria, conttfpatlott sidlu L. usness,amillionpeopledor9 TUTPS Uver PiLU buslind or child muat have Just aieti without any effort being m ado to savolife. "AVhy did you not send for me to Nowannuggnr?" I asked. "I would have come. '.' "Bendl" she exclaimed, with ft frantic laugh. "Bend? Would the tigor, the man eater, . thon have gwaitedtho coming of tho sab lb? Would bo then have left me. my boy low didnt pull through you wwo telling me of some new treataeut you had tried without killing tlHrieut, and as I'm at my wits' end wist to do for Dick yon. might, boo if you can give ua an idea. It'e throe nights" I've sat up now when I wight as woll have been in bod foe any good it has been to Dick, sort you think there's anything in your new treatment Just take a rida over aiU aee tlie poor follow. It'a a mother and two sisters he's got ia Kilkenny.". ; The lust words . were exactly like Tim, and tircy wero qnito, irresisti ble. I kiKrtv what Jungle fevor waa, too, and Hurt thcro ws no time to .othra-rrifto I Bhould oertaicly not hao twmed out at tbat hour in ' I said. rong.o s . . . , . Yos. at tno Dost ii waa cmwi uu" . --- in spito of rail I was making good ed the plain, palo M f ho took tho proerosa now. Tho -road waa 'still lowest place in this privileged com heavy in plaocs. but it was nowhere puny. very 'bad. and I waa beginning to I The summer of 1870 remains in speculate how booh I should roach the memory of western Scotland as the end of tho forest and looking a ' 0no of Incomparable splondor. (hir little anxiously for the first sign of. Toyago, esjedally as evoning drew tho lights from Kamwangee. I had 0n, was like an emperor's progress, got nearly to tho lovol of tho valley ; Wa staid on deek till tho latest mo nf.wt Tho road was firm now, and ! ment poaaiblo, and I occasionally 1 t. uiorwi If no loneer considerable watched tho lean youth, busy aoa o. w,lnr ami all in my lavor. i si-viceaDio wun somo ui i i- f ,in ;nnir sinner mnrrilv and al- my words in me Barm hum wm niu"' spair. "Near tho village. Sahib, seel .ready was congratulating rmysell on Lsst night I sat whoro I sit now. Tho having got to the end of UTery ais- .v.j . w.t an dorlrlv niwiho arrrmable orixricnco. KXiauunn 1 ,v " d , . . Im At thatraomoni x oiariwi luwnm tarily. I hordly know why, and yet I started, and a cold shiver ran down my spinal cord in a moot disagree able way. I glanced around qmiokly, but there waa nothing to bo seen only tho tamo, moving panorama of trees bamboos and tall junglo grass, swovinz softly in tho night brooao. Vnt. tioro waa something. Thcro ing the oth one bar are MACHINIST AND . . ENGINEER, - ' . . HURLING TON, - -J- N. Q, MACIILNE,; .' I( BLACKSMITH HHlP, - FOTJNDBY, OEAB-CU 1"1 ING. ,, Iffir Pipings, fittings,, yalyea, ctcj Southern Railway. 1 riKDMo.NTAiiiUNE FIRST JAXli SECOND TjlVlgI0K8 Ue t NovlT, 1891. : 1 Rhuddcred. A tigerr "And near the village?" 'Near tho village." Sho repeated W. C Moore, Pkop'b, OllAHAM. NVC Heck, meet all tralrn.. Good l'K1'-J,r,'ou ble teams. Charge moderate. A Head of Hair ! path as they do now, ana my Doy was . playing near my side tbero, there where tho sahib stands now. There was a rustle in the bamboos yonder a spring a cry and my boy waa gone, and I wnsnlono.- I followed, but what could I do? Ho waa goino, and tho jungle closed be hind him only ono cry. and it died away in the dark aliodows of tho forest." i "And Tot Ton nro horo now. Do younotfonr that tho tiger will ro- tho little trieka wHh which, wo were later on to grow familiar tho advanoo with hand on hip, tho side wis Wending of tho head to listen. Meanwhile darkness overtook us, a wonderful balo of moonlight swam up over Glenelg, the indigo of tho poaks of the Cuehariins faded into the goner al blue night. I went below, but waa presently aware of somo obsngo of oourso and kti nf an unexiKJOtod atoppago. 1 tore on deck and fonnd tbat we had left out track among tho inlands and pressure is -exereiaed, so that fruit is fairly pressed into eacli er, and it is iriipos.-iiMc fir any fruit to change its place in tho rel on its journey. Apples sometimes taken out of barrels with largo indentations over their whole surface, and yet no sign of decay. In these modern times wc under stand tho reason. - The atnionpliere is full of misrroscopic germs whic h produce fermentution, and unless they ean pet an entrance into tho fruit rot cannot lake place. A mere indention without a rupture of the outer skin does not permit of the action of these microlc. This is a simple reason why the early observa tion etiftbhs tho barreling of apples to bo o successful. Median's Monthly. 'The Tarsuip Stands Freezing. Gi-qpneboro, Hairluhn Goldeboro. ! must have boen. I knov it, though 1 had steamed up a narrow and onvia- who- offlowi ro- "Reram! Would that bo would monsMitd wfert tby ww mo five minutos later making ready for a start, bat Tina's appeal waa quito ir resistiWe. 'Oh, ill manago it before dark, nevir yoa fwrr," waa my final ftssurajseej os I waved goouDy to ae return 1 But no, Be will . not return here. Dot you will find bim, sablb. Ton will find him in tho darkpjaoea whore tba path winds through the shadows of the Jungle. Sack him there, sahib, after tbo manner of i. ,i ,rrmA mv fam rcsolutelT- Trmr neonle and avenge tbo death "v""1.": " K,n r fro I am the North Carolina Agent for Dr.WhitVs New Hair Grower Treattr meat, tha Greatest Discovery or the B' - It will pcrmancriilx.cnr(aTlingoT Hie hair, dandruff, scaly eruptions,, postiiles, or any scalp disease. It prevents hair turning gray and restores hair to original color, and brings A NEW GROWTH OF Hair On Any Bald Head On Earth. It is the only treatment that will produce these results. .. Testimonials and treatise funusb fidxiiLapplkaiioii. . - Mr. John M. Coble is my agent at Graham, N. C. Rcspcctfullv,' -' B. T. 1.ASIILEV, Dec 14-tf. Ilaw liiver, N. C. tn i-tjsk before mo. i didnt underrate it either. I had traveled tho road too ofton for that. ; It was a long 20 rofloa, not perhapH j jnBBured by yardN but eerfcrinly by t labor and therefor, of course by J time. In sntte ot what I bad said J betd even then tiomo doablw whether the time allowed by the son, which ; already bung very lcrmtowaTa the i western bcrirxm, would be enough for the journey- The tartuer-i-weni . the more my doubt became a eer- j tainty. The rain n al1 " done more harm than I had thought the ground as sho spoke, and thore was something almost majesHo in the way sho waved Jfocr band as if in farewell as she turned rway. Hooked after i for a moment, and t-bwi I turned, I eonfosa it, with something very like a shiver, to tts haArwv road which I fcad to Ira- erMwitk this story fresh In tn; mAvA. There was no heln for it soadd ot go back now, and I could not stay where I was for the night, sad soeidoa, even if that bad boen tvaarfbla. there was Dick euHSvan's ior pebK and there vplaoes where fcfeat stake an4 Tim s appeal fen Iwas forced to dismount and nmko the nothor and sister la disUnt Kft . m foot for somo distanoe. konsry. Ka, It bad to be faced if al! my way on foot for somo distanoe. konsry. Ko, It bad to De taoea u ii At last 1 reached the top of the fee tigers to tie lunjab wero lurk lonf ridce that formed tho division j fog in the Jmigle tbrough.which the between out system oi vuoy a that in which Ramwsngeo is situat ed. The last two mile bad taken tnn mil of mo than I exjuld have I could soo nothing .and couiun c eron say I hadhcKrdaoound. I have lathed in my time at theespreeeion that a mva was all oars in somo mo meat of danger. Now I understood what it meant, and for the moment I feH as if every nerve and fiber in my body could boar. ' Tea. There was a e cuna a nuuuu i that ib not ao much new as some how Btrnnpo a soft, low, ' rurtling sound tbat was not tbo rustling of tall bamboos nor tbo sound-t tbo breoeo in the Junglo grass. My heart seemed to stand still for a moment, but it was for a moment only. Then the swift blood rushed through my veins in a fiery tide. I felt tbat it was now or never, and fbat my one hope of escape toy in the speed of my msyele. I bad CM tsred myself that I exwl4 do lrsodcrs on a traok, but rto raores; track eonjl bare af forded tip taeitesneut to" exertion wbieh I bad new. I bent forward. i strained oaoh nerve and smew to its utmost toosion, and still eaoh nerve and fiber saesoed to listen. I oould bear it srO swift, stoaltby, nrnel as death, it seemed to flit throsgb the jungle a sooida soft tcrrioM m lis believed, snd I was glad to dismount for a minute to get tbo seiwanon oi mn ont of my leg. Tho sun bad actually gone down ; not even a part of bis disk could be seen, although a i tit 1i.r)rnninr brMnrnc scruna mv ""-'" --r " -. ... t , .1.,. i road wse leading mo. There are a steartny eiiioa- lot ffeOowa who would bav ymT noi-o.- On, on ! Tbo trackw" down belies they are neter frightened, bill, and I to"y For y part I don't bolievo thoni, , ly going it a pod that might bopo and if I did I should think mighty to outstrip is imrsuur Utile of them after alL Onhvone of two things can excuse a man for never feeling frightened SEXDFOIt SA31PLE COPY. . . , Fwice its enlargement, The North Garolinianis- thtf lurpert -wtt-kly newspaper publixbed in the State. It print all the news, and prcachc - the doctrine of pure democracy. It contains eight pflgW of interceding matter every week. Fend one dol- , lar and get it for a whole year. - A sample copy will be mailed free on apiIication to ,nit cmldmravs streamed 1 the one tbat hebasnevormet with nnward into the sky at the place bo ; Mrthrmr worth being frightened had cono down, ahdwing that bo about, and In that ease bed be a oould not have set more than a min- ; foot to be afraid, and tho other that,, nteortwo. I know tbat tho radiance ' aUhemgh he tras in danger, bo was would bo short lived and tbat the j toohig a fool to audersfand it oi nieht would follow swiftly on the thcr of these was ray position. There ...... i,u-r Whatwasmore. i ws no mistake abont the rtk of I kbewthat the latrer port of the travHmg that.TO, and I was along i mssed through a torest way front heisg track which bad a bad reputation for tigers not a pleasant refieotioii after dark on an Indian forest road. It was useless to give way w a . ... i a iut tniirii in w JOBOTIWDAXIKIA" -rlS, "ZZT m both ddes. bat ... l.ii?8P! C,u the descent bepaa the for The North. Carolinian nl The Alauaxc-r Gleaner will r 1 sent for one year for Two Dollar, Vsvk jn advance. Apply at The G leaxkh office, Ciraham, N. U iiniuxm mm inra wbearoiok winn i bv rii i Li-n . U, tor M tlWi cia uam. tn lfibv. so after walking perhaps 100 yards I roraoantod the bicycle and prepared to best of it AsTcg.tboreadkcpt rn the bieber ground it oontwned w MWr liebt for the land sach a fool as to like the Idea el raaxrag a suTpcr for a man eatiag tiger. Tea, J was frigktewed horribly ; frighleaod, I believe but there was Tim wailing lite pcrtapv. Suddenly on tho right a emmp-of yellow jun glo grass which shone pale in the moonlight wayed witha quick movement4- ------ Tbero was a Cash it might have been tho light from Jiving eyes or . onjy tho'gwift glancing of tbo moon lightand a bar'of somethtng dark shot out xsl tko Jungle with a low, fierce snarL I crouched together in voluntarily as if from a blow. rJomo thing passed' mo. I felt a sudden warmth on my shoulder, and it was gone. , On, on we rushed, and I board behind mo ft soft crash among the bamboo canon on my Irft- Tho tiger and he bad mfesoa mo. . . . UMinm than itVaVmAarxt Pallivsn's life pCTBsrsi baA arn-anc;. f8Df10" ""i irtr-T walking far ; flooendrr. ttnon yrrivaL It hsd Ta five minutes more I dismounted to be done, so I ettnebed my lecta in the compound in front of ilea and turned tato the track. It looked OT3rten'sbnnpalow,snd it was Tim's a good deal darker already, although - own Scarry Toioe tbat soonded so my intcrtiew hadn't lasted ftte min- stragely distant in my ears as bo ntes. ' , exclaimed: The dark shadows looked Mackri , Bedad. Pat, awl I'd almost given and the narrow track still more nar- ya op. It'a yersclf had tbo divil a !-t drwwcloser to tbo road on either than it Kad done just before, a own luck to give the tigers the slip. t . fw hmt the licbt I .widcred ss it truck rao how caily . txtbnnga a tiger could take tho wholo width I . - of the road at a bouwl without tho . A aJi Aur. kMllnirmtnli "Tod ha TO a WCttT exWnSlVO miiiHH litu ' i i f.ii. the long, still reflec tions of tbo forest trees and the quiv ering shadows east from the . .v- Krimboos that irtn(ryj OX (AID m .k-t f.U more awl more darkly I ot aooua atn thioeamicatr Protert rorW ; betro.r j Wing ram waaitn. wnia " V"r l It. and tired other thooghrs -,i l t,rrr mrsclf 1 nna another fbrourh rsy Ct ..fJT. . r,TaaIouai;?n a. X rWbed on at mytttlo sev.i TryinocTOacjlt nurut i - . . .... t v fancies wn in Tttxas, haven't you. roIonolV ColotMl Alamo Ob. nolJOat Involuntarily casting glance that as bcm ration at the tauglos r. . a.ji I , -,1 . .. VL-m, hr niwwbat? . glance that y one o . ---7 sih ' MUmri t-f- ttd fiord of the mainland I think Loch Nevis. Tho sight was ourious4 and bewildering. Wo lay in a gorge of blackness, with only a strip of the blue moonlit sky overhead. In the lrk a few lanterns lumped about the shore, carried by agitated but ttnseon and soundless persons As I loaned over the bulwarks Stevenson was at roysJdde, and he explained to me that we bad como up this looh n take awav to Glasgow a largo par ty of emigrants driven from their homes tn tho interests of a doer.for- oat. As ho spoke a black mass oa oamo visible entering the vessel Then, as we slipped off shore, the fact of heir hopeless exile eame home to these poor fugitives, and mMtnlT thronch the absolute si lenca thero rose froth them a wild kerning and waillug. reverberated by the cliffs of the loch, and at that arrange place and hour Infinitely WMflt Wham I came on deck next morning, my anaamed friend was goes. He had put off with the aogiaeers tovisit some romoto light ftooss of the Hebrides. "Personal leVsnorie of Robert Louts Steven aoB, " by Edmund Gosse, in Contury. Oberlnc Order. Ilugh Mo , a aon of tho Kmor- aid Islo, who had volunteered in the xt regiment of South Carolina in fa try, was . stationed onlbe beajjh t ffatilvsn'a isJsndwilh strlotor- tfrm to walk between two points and to let BO otift leswlthout tbo conn tersign, and that to bo communicated only In a whiir. Two hours after ward the corporal with the relief slseoverod by the moonlight Hugh p to his waist, in water, tho tide having sot In since he was posted. .'Who goes there?" Relief." "nalt, relief. Advance, corporal, and rive the evmntrrsign." Corpora? I am not going In there to be drownel Come out hero, ana let me relieve yon, Hugh Dlvfl a bit! Tholoftenant towld me not to lave mo post. OotisttsI Well, tbon. I will leave yon In the water all night. (Going a war as he spoke.) nigh Salt! Ill put a holo in yo If ye pass without the countersign. Them's rue orders from tho Unten ant. (Cocking and kiveSng his gun.) Ourporsl Confound yon. every body win Bee it rf 1 bawl it oat to yotL. .-. . -' Hugh Yes,' me darling, ml the lef tenant said it must be given In a whisper. In with yo; ras fi over's m the trigger, and roe gun may go off. The corporal bsd to yield to the force of the argument and wade In ta tto faithful sentinel, who, ex rhfcned : "Do JVtwre, tt well f com v Tho bloody tide has a'isost djvuea rja. 'Whlasija PV it ' Ka. 19 : Eat Hound ' No. K. Muted. .- i' llally. IJallr. 1 1 I4v fireenitliorr. 10 Mam IStam lr- Flon Ci.ii.ko lOHtani IW , . , liurlliiKton ....i . 1UM)' ICS - 'iritham ....;i;....;i 11 ul HllUhoro J.... 1 itt ' LiiKoinll-... 11 44 Hi, Kurliaiu .... IStwpnj 114 ArlUleiKU ............ 110 JSJ. kx. tma.' " Lv IlKlelirh. .M.....Jji..... ilo " (Waat ' 3riun.n. lt . . ; (klnid..... i.. in .J. list Ar UolilBloro .........! nuu ISeOpm ----- , : . u.ji.- Wet Bound K. SS,- I Mixed ArOrreaaboro ........... TWpni 8 Mam - Khiu (?HeseCT........yi.w -S 11 1 4 lllirlliKiton.................... ) 1 m !', 1 Tin. ham ............. a.. 627 IS) yillfboro. T SIS ' ' riilvcmlly ...;... 6 Jil w Durham............... ...... ft 16 10 " .. lv. Itulvla-u .. 410 tot Mixed ' .- Ex. Sun. At nIHKh.... 410 IDlSpai -i Clayton .... .". ... 130 V IS Selma 154 1 1 ,v Lv Oold.horo., .. 200 ; Ki. X and SS make eloe rO'inecUoO ITnlvuralty to and from ChaoUllill. ., , It is well Jcown Hint the parsnip is Biiffieicntlj"4iar(ly to withstand Hglit frost, and thiit its flu vol' is hn- provod by this freezing. Hut this result is nothing hrorcJharKtho ac coloration of the ripening prciccssby tho action of the cold on the sap cells, and it will happen rall ths gaihe by keeping the roots in a cool cellar, so that it is not really desir able to leave the crop in the ground to bo frozen, but, on tho contrary the reverse, for there is riskof oyer freezing ami injury to tho roots. n'.t- .e.u.-.t.l .1. - ....... U- ity ins action oi ine coin, too siarvu of the sap in the evils, in which consists in the form or small grains, is brought into a chemical cbarge by the combination of water with; the carlton to an increased propor tion. This being all lhat is needed to change starch into sugar. Rut this effect is oTly a hSWijning of what would soon be aa-ompftfched by other means iu the slow ripening of the .roots, just ns Sa Ihc j:ae with tho "ripening ot ' fruiU gradually when stored hi a c placet It is alwaj-ii wjso to l( sf.fe, nnd, as these roots left in tho. soil where they grew might be easily left too long, ami get InjuicJ by too much freezing, Ills lbs safest way to get them into the cellar cr into pits without delay. New York Times. THKOI OH 8CIIBD0LB. South hi wo'hlurtun... Charlot'avllle HIciiiiKind...., Lyoviiimrir... IMuvllln 'At tl n-euaboro . Wnm'u-Haleai l(ll(jh l,v Alie III)--... at MfrtSprlnaaJ KfH.XVUie. :hntUtruMica J llwriocto Ottamltla-. Auauata Hat aiiiiub iCenira! Time! - JfU!kkOllVllla St- ADKnatne lllruilnuliaiuJ Meni'lil . N.Orluww.. No. SV Dally. 7St'am 11 Warn. ! Vlj,m, I7 bi Ne,.SI. irfc Ually, . 11 liinUSpm ioa 7 40 tfaupm IMpa. 1 4 am r ISO 7(SaM IKiia. II at liia.H loapn l 4 Ui , lOiflpa, Sit) am I 38 rtt DI SlOain! HXUpui 1010 10 to tetai as I t as North Ar Wa.blmrfon.. har..f1lle lll limorKl... I.yaehlurs. Don Ilia Lv lmenidion .. . Wln.'n-haleiD italaltrti ralMMiry A abet I He .... ll.Sprlnga Knoxviile... '' CliattaiMK'Sa-l nanotre . Coliunlila . AUKuMa.... Haanni.h.,. (ltnil( TlitH) inckeomllle. St. Aur natluej Ail nta Lv MrmtMtrhanjJ lii-mnhla X. Orliiana.-1 No. av Daily. 40pm i ao IXOtM 10Dij 10(18 " No. SJ, Daily. Maml 4 w I nop mi mi aw. a, tl 15 St (turn aais . -I ti :(' ltn( it a Bl imps . M 'rrr ' ).. iiu oa-at- IWpa teil. :ns " pl0aa ta) 0NB tuam I00pm tttt When To Vitcr Horsrt. ; Always water your horses the first Uiing in lhetiiorning, and do not let the water le too cold." If it is too cold you will probably havo a case of colic. Water is best when it is about ten-degrees warmer than the oowidc air in winter, and as much cooler in summer. Give the hay before, the grain, so that 'the stomach maybe partially filled lc forc the concentrated food gris into it BctttTstiljJcd chopped feed. Mix 'therou id grain with.d.HT. pen cil hay . ofro.hhr and-givethc lar.ist fifil at nigiit, when the horse has .ime to digest it. -- Fat and food, for ihrtViVusrltw are made, when the bori-e u at4csti American Agricul turist -.. " ;;- . .j Children Cry to Pitcher's Castona. SSLEEPINO CAR 8EBVICB.' 1 ' . Nn; 97 and ss, WasHlnirton and Soutb wewtern l.lmltnd. eomiiaed entirely of Pull man can. : minimum Pullman rale tl 00 1 no extra fare. Throiiah alceuliiir ear between r i -..ra ana i. unetm, iora ana MemnhM. New York end Tamra and- Wah- ItHTton. AaheAllleaiMl HotHprtusv. Aleecar rlea Srat-rlaM maca between naalrtniruia and Jaeaaoavllle. Dlnlnir ear between 4J reena'ajro and Motjt(rroerT. No. and M. II. H. Kat afalL Pullman lelln rare hetween New York. Atlanta and Mnttimerr. and New Tor and Jectr wmillle. Alao alerplnc car between Chat kitieand Aaau.ta. No. IS, eleei.inif ear Greeeaboretn Ralelas. - Nn. av. 'leeplna ear bUn-tab to (inenaboro. Thnniirb tlekete en eate at prtncltial .ta ttoo, to ail point. For rate or lojormatkm ari lr lo aor fee of the ooropanjr. or to (WN. i. O'llltlRN.Sutt. Jt dt, Imnvllle, Va: W. B. urtRH,Supt.Snddlr.Charlotta, ?N. C.: W. A.TI'kK, -n-l Panaenier Ami, Walnston. Ik t'.: W. H. OHKES. Oenl - Manager rEaetern, Vtr.i, Weablaaton. U. C Suljscriljc Utt Ta Gleaxkb, $L '0 A year in advance. ' ' Oinata. ant Tnvle-Xarka ikialaat, and aB Pa .a. rnrrorpe leai bom Ua. laoae Children Cry for Wtcfc3i3 Caftorla. " e-j. oie -a eeearr e) aa w ' rwm . na: eat im wrmmm ana a Mar).. Send moi-i. SrawVna er r, Hb eWrln. ftoa. We atriK, If ftfteaiaHa er ant. See at ctarye. Oct V a eaanS few a Monad. " patir, " Use M im Pkteota." HS eeaau artaaf att.-er. n oat Cau.aulr.-' SoaUAnV c.a.s:4ovv&co. it, v "