-r ---l : ,;...--- , I '.'(( W T . - B . i V -a. - - . a at -- V ... I III II . I J T7. V f'f Vliri II it Jl fflV. .3.r i-JS ' " i"1! tMLV .III .1 I III I ) II 1 .'fit 1 - - ivI-W.-,.. GOOD FGH EVERYBODY 'f'fcntf everyone netds IJ k all 'tiines'of th. ''.'fea Maiwra;fi afyfnys about, and the "oniy 'preveniiYB ana- renei 19 to Keep, me ; tlwtivi! You'lrtiist help the Uver a'bjt, (i nd the besthelper is the Old Friend, SIM- - MONS U VER OUt ATOR, the RED Z. Mt. O Hlmrbd, .of ; Lancaster.' Ohio, t: say: SIMMONS ! LlVER JREGtrtAtC3R 7iol task of MaMrlal Fevei-rtiiree . lyears1' standing for me,' and loss than t Ona bfltoli-ididihe busintss;; I 'shall use 5 ttavhtri in ieedi i nd recommend It" i- Be sure that yoo gat it ' Always look for fthe RED Z' o'i the package.' And don't -.forget ihewora-REOOtATORrlt fe SIM ivlpNS LIVER REGULATOR, aad there is 'onrjr pne,'and,everyJonS who takes it Is jifiort to be "jenefited. THE. benefit is. AUi IN THB REMEDY. 'Take ft als"0 for .t .. iliioushessanrl Sick Haadadiey both, arr - i&peA ljy sluggish trveri":, " : .: 1 . V - . . . H. ZelUh .3o., rhUadelpM. . : rPEO KESStOj? A X, CAKI tRUKGTOM; J- ' - - NX; ' Prctlc ln tlie PtstB FotJeral coiirfsi Office ot Wlilve. MQoro & Co.'s btoro, Main rkiTii-ii' .IV " Trel-e reJrly.to tlm. efnrl of All. . mwibeotity. ,', Autf. 8, Hly. PJ61iaIlTStocsard, Jr., SI JiftlaX .cusdroaj .iiM) .wsiJB.? W. C. Mooke, PkoiV pie lean'. LUnnifK HKKKfni. : z-a-eiii 'I arm the If OTth t'nrolinn Agent for , Di1. White's N aw Vf air GrowarTrMt ' '-mni thGrtat3t Dlisovcry will permahentiy enre fiillirig6i tle hair, idanurun, ily eruptions, postulea, or any walp disease. It prevents linir turning pray nnd restores hair to orij-in;U color, anl 1'rihg.i A NEW .GROWTH oy n, Hair Oil Any Bald Head On Earth. It w the onlv treatment i --thut - will jro4iirc ilje-'ejejnlts. TffitimonmlH ftrnl treatise fanush- 1 . . .-.1 r. f. 1 1 ' ! wl on appliwit 'm! -" 1 5'r. John M. X'ohle w my ncntai flrahapij N. C- " . - . - RwpertfulJYV- ' ' -Pecr.l4tf.- . " aw K4vtr, e, r -CA ' Since iis erAirf-erocnJ, The North CarolininT . Uie i'largest w3Jy neiypdirfT -JtrPflxheiC in the Fsate. It print all the news, and iirj.-p.chen the d.irtjinejrf ure derti'CKM-jv' It eonlairw cifit papci of. interest inp "matter ery week... Send nc dol lar ay i irrliit r . whlc yea. K Kimple copy wil bo maiksLfK-oL-on.1 ppliUkn to -JOEI'iRAJtTKOCia-'eri The Nurthr Oafolinian and ,Tjie rr SSJiBFCR -AlitAXrMvr:Kii will ; bb , ncnt L fiir one yfcarW Two IVllar ,!'ah in advance. Apply at The lii.EAXEB , ufficc, GxaltaniT !y C y , . C ? WAMTED-AI IDEA H S"Jii5 i f'ONAAtt--Eiily.; HER FATHER'S SECREt; ,r Emily. yane sat at the drawing , room window which overlooked the sea and the Cleveland hill, hut- she saw neither Sea nor' hills. She and hcr lather,: ,with-Vthe pcrvants, had tiepn now dme nvVeets at' alt h rn, lina : largo "i house Vwhiih Mi VnKhftdI renteil-'fbr the jsummer. Henry Vane,, Es.,. 'owned ,a good sized mansion in ., , JieJgRiyja, where ho had. lived for the pa.st 8 ' years, during the London seasorjf arid ' an dsUite ;ne"ftr: KottirjgKaiii) am'id pic tureaclne sctmery, where he generally resided when ncji In London !;Each summer, howeverj . n rented his house at Saltburn- for not only Emily but himself, too, was '-'Charmed with the quiet, beauliful Yorkshire watering place. . From all of which .j j atTo ncersufmiseorthSt Henry Vane, Esq., wju a man of wealth. ' . ' His money,- had been, acquired abroad, and though v of his family nothing or little was known by -so ciety, he was well received by some excellent houses; for even a ' ti.tled person does not care to offend one wTfoso incoine is 40,'0C0 a year. Jimuy ane saw neither sea nor hills. Her -thoughts were wholly ocbupied by tw letters in front of her. Both had come that morning, and both' Were proposals, for- her hand. " I be first of them was from the earle of Scacroft,, who for some time hat! been p'ayinir Miss Vane noticeable attentions, and who, both as regarded j persona qualities and position, was indeed no bad match for any English maiden. He was yet young and fairly wealthy, and tor some rnomns in lactj since .jwiv iiy "come out" Hiaxl been victim to her beauty and charms.' She ad miited to herselfthat Lord t?eacroft1s proposal was riot one to " be lightly set aside. '" " . ' The other letter was from Mr, Hubert Wells.. Emily ha&onet-liim autsljrnonths'jigo. at botttatry housq, since which time he had bepn nclpvoteU a,dmirer. She frankly con cpnfcsscd Jo herself; that she liked hinV-that'stieliked his" societ.and r auciui mk a, year, wmcn nis er, long since dead, had loft him re-irpon. iily, Vantill sat, looking first this proposal, arid then at that'. She. had, for Jhe past week or two, eipwtecTbotbJ Wld sd unsettled and (loubtful;WM she that she had given neither suitor any chance of propos ing personally. But now it had come both on ne jnemry 2 f Tho ordeal had to b faced; the decision to be made I Her pride, her love for her father,; her wish to raise the uame of Vane, " safd -r "Saacroft;" yet there was a small voico under neath which nhispered; -"Hubcrt.' 'Xi het Wrplexity she picked up the loiters, and went to see her fa ther in , his study. JMnuy vane 8 mother had died at her birth ; her fathcrwas "her Closest dohddant As Eqiily entered, he rose up and kiss ed her lovjugly,' then smoothing her bair saicjiiiotly j 'Wlifch'dhWtwo .11 I it to is 1. . The beautiful girl gazed at him with eyes' half dimmed with' tears. as she answered blushingly : "Whicheref mv papa likes. He always chooses for the liest" Well, my dear, suppose I should say Lord Scacroft ? I have always wished such a hu?band for you tiUetl. yet noble in nature's best way'.f'. ,' '. , -fct I like this Mr. v Euuly'i heart brat a shade iruick- er. "- . f "He cannot giro you what the earl of Seacrrtft faiif hrtd what I hare so often jrtrtttredyou; and yet-nd yd he Crfher's afn'.': litirt gakedi Wf fcarn! as tonihiuht, (of- hier father was as I ale a death, and shook. fil4y. V "What 1a it, pap !" ahesaid. "Sit-down,' my Hve." rejdicd Mr. Vn. ''It Jmu only cone, as I fclt certain Soma day it woold. GoJ ught U bat In Hh tima I Itbthcscawt of my-ISo which. I've Mddfin,for 35 years now you must share it I feal I should not be doing right if I let you choost to-day without telling you of it When V(m havo heard my story, you must choose lor yourselt, anc( pe as suratl your choice, wbich-er it is will please me. As for wnat you will hear, it, Wi.ll remain your secret and miQo; I shall keep it a3 before, and I must beg of you-to do the same all your life, even from' your husband." ' Emily sat in doubt and fear, sure ihat her kiud father, would not tell her anything that would distress her. if he could hulp it; and yet anxious as io whatsiich an awful secret could be. The master of Olton sat in chair with his faco away from ' the light, watching intently that dear, wcet face of his daughter, upon which the full sunlight shone. , ''Thirty-fiveyears ngo a cbnvict ship was sailing Tfrom England to Botany bay, under the command of a brave captain and crew. There were no fewer than4r40 convicts on board desperate fellows of every description: thieves,' highwaymen, manslayers, all kinds of villains. Anions them was ' one whose case ,o ' . ' .1 v , had excited much interest at home. since many pcople4elicved hiui 4iv- rroccnt morally, at any ' rate-r-of the crime ho was said to havo com mitted. - Among a gang of poachers oiie night hiv their superior in rank, had the hiismrtnne to shoot one of the keei)ers who bad watched for theni and aliacke them The shot had killed tho kcepsr, 'but there -itafl doubt as to whose gun it had 'come from, and when the convict In ques-; tionwas arrested' and- charged the keepers swore that )io had fired the shot. For himself, ho: 'knew not whether it was' 60; several of liis fellow jjoachers aidhe waa innno cent, and that the real culprit hal escaped.. His penfencc,' ljowever, was that of penal servitude at Bota ny Jay for life probably the doubt alone saVeJ him from being hanged. "Natural! v bis spirit was gtllodj he bccapie moro-fe,' wild, severe m aspect as in temper, and his reputa tion on lha convict, ship, was tna; of the worst criminalon board. He rebelled at his jailers, at his food, at his confinement, and felt readyYor any dark devd. ' The . chance soon came, ' The vessel was off the Cape of Qood ,JIope, aorae miles away, whea ho first got knowledge of a pro jected mutiny, in which the captain, Crew and jailers were all to be mur- dured; and the successful mutineer- ing convicts wore then to steer for some unknown point in Africa and land there. It was a desperate scheme, and with the" mutiny ho was thoroughly in uni804vkut",'',trwrth the muftler. He was not yct as black a.? that, and trietr" hard Uf dissuade his fierce companions from itbut in vain. As they persisted jn thei t:iJan, ho felt Jbafc all he could do. was.to keep quiet till the time for action came ; but the ".captain and his' 'wlferkhad been really kftvl to him, and he de termined they should not die. Yet he would riot betray his compan 10ns,. like a cowaru. : , t j t - ' September 8 tho attack Was rnadei71 Hestood near ttie captair?s cabin to protect its unsuspecting in mates. xWheri the mutineers, hav ing seized the watch on deck and killed tbo'ri, camo ruahing down, he onlered thorn oack from that cab in;, they refused to gr, ani . a fight ensued. The cafrtain became " nus- cd the alarm was given, andaftcr a desperate resistance, ihe Tcbel overjwwerod and put in frnnaTlie raptahi ffeggtxl of (tie goar.ls to ret the ccrtrici.wbxj had faved 'haUfs at libertyjUi they declined, pre tending that, in rr-.iHty, be was as bad as the rest. , .So ho was closely guarJed . , . . .. - : " "II wastn touching at Terth jta't the capiain's opyoriuuity j rps. Having sec red .tho cooperation 'of his mates," be entertained the whole of ike guiril to diniier ne . e ven ing, and msd. them ticteij drunk. In the 'mtsintiriic" one if his 4rt3; ntrirVcT"aocai pofiat mm of their- kty,,. and in, a, few i m loosened and he was " free, j MB a t 'm. 1 ive raptain -unison pimi ami snork 1 haadj with him ere be scut LLu US'! in tho .boat which was "waiting for him. . ".'I knowj said ho, 'that what hav done for you is risky, and iray cost me something if my part is 'di covered j but you saved mylhfo, - bo I wilWako this risk to savO. you from the f rushing pennl servitude, AH k have to say to, you is, get away from the coast, after you have landed as soonjas possible, change yoOrname and appearance, as much .is you can ; go . jnta. jSome honost business, and though it: is not like ly, it ever I do hear of you again, let it be in such a way that jiwill do you cratHt nd repay in e for giving you your freedom to-night. ''The tcarsslood, jntli eonvict'a eyes as ha thanked his benefactor. and grasped his hand. : " 'Sir, I shall take your ad vice. MvJiuls Lit of Kf'L wa almost gone by the brutal1rea(irint I have suffered for I don't think I killed that game-keeper, but even if I did, it was purcli accidental. You have proved to me that all tho kindness and gratitudo are not yet gonff but of the world,;and I hope some "day to be able to ahoys you huw I ap "Within a few miniites'more the bont had landed hinrotv; the main land. " Ho, watphed it return tp the shif, ar.J then departed. ! : It was six years after this that, with money made,; in sheep farm ing, Josej h Turncll, the fanner con- vict.turhed up at." Jiallariit just as tho first rush of the .gold fever oc curred. It was Turncll who bought the great tracLiifJUnd wbkh was afterward discovered to be almost wliolly gold undertho surface, and who sold It after getting' s6nie tliou- saivdi but of if, for a "very large sum. But nobody jik England or Aus tralia, when Jospph yumeH't; name was mentioned, ever thonglit for a moment that he was tlie escapotl convict about whom such a stir had been made at home, both, on his escape, . and later, when a dying ( tramp confessed that it vm his gnn- sh(rt that' tnemorablo" nizht which killed the Jte'eper, .'".V-.. .-- ' , "JoscpliT. Turnell i was weallhy,' and had married a deafgirl in .Vic toria1, who, ha'd borne. bim a k daugh ter ere she, died, , Need I go 'pn, Emily ? YouTiavs guessed it all I He came to England and tok the name, of Harry Vuie, owing to hav ing had some estates left him, as he told his friends ; in reality,-to throw any chance old acquaintance off tho scent . There is no fear -now of any discovery or disagreeable thing Hap peniug. I felt ' nervous , tlio 'first year or two,JXut now the - only, two who know all this ore you and It for even the good old ' captain'TS v J ' V. T- V - ' co uiijuawy niter aii,. nui u.nas turned out a good thing for me in the end. Andj now you havo wealth and beauty, I wanted, for my pwn ambition, to" sco'yott fllaily by title and position, and the carl of Searcoft could, have no finer counters nor you a mors desirable husband;""- . She eat pale 'and agitated, yet smiling now. for was riot herdear father free of that awful, even if un- intentional, crime which had madff her feel so sick as he told her the story ? , ,: . ' - ' " ' : "7"., "Spyou" think I must choose Lord Scacroft ?" asked she. ; Nay,B rqiJid Mr Vane: V'l have scarcely done ,y ct. V Hear tho rest andhoose frtjour!'e!f. As you k how now, -all I have I owe to Ihe good captain Diy freedom, my wealth, 'my tr fame. .., 1 iircTmised ami God knows J "Jiave tried never to Jbrgot him . and - bis wife. Emily, that captiiin's name was Hnbert Welb, and this Mr. Hubert W ells is bis son I I foimJ out ell easily by my agcntsT .; I hare never fepaidtlie- fMhcr, -never enn, nor the mother, either, Hw what they Uid.x.- My oifn deorrst darling can, if she ehortrcs nd Ihalf sujtpect It wifl he agnealile sacrirh e triih hie our ami it ion bojes and repay th son for his father's Mke H - ' "Yes, d&irestpsand'She iu., ;f '; ; 3od Uess'yoa both,'' said he. Tbe captain. thoueb i-iar ssrav:1 will beas d -lighted as wii N. I - sm." - Y.Suu. . Animal She Had Never Seen. Bill Sanders' Vife Thought ; Jt .Posiftle He Had Killed iPopu lilt. 'f "During the lastf campnign or(e day," said Howard,' . the '-' .roumist member from Alabama, 'I weiit j to see a hunter of the name of Bill San den, 'to securo hUVoiwBiji;-nWU not at home, hut hiswife was, a bony woman, with dusky, black hair, hollow, colorless cheeks, and sunken eyes, a large mouth, large foot and yellow hands; ' In one hand she held a boxof snuff,- in tho other a a iootli-brush, and She was spitting ambprique. '?. : ' ";f-i--- "Ciood morning, madam,' said I. ' 'Is your husband at homo, my good vomnn ?'. xlHow are JM Jtraugcr-2!aaid. she. 1 'No, he hain't. Ho went uown in coon lioiier this morriin before day and I haint looking for him back until towards tnidnight.- " 'Well, madam, ' I continued, 'I am a candidate for Congress, and want you to u?e your influence for getting your husband to yoto forme. I know that a woman of your 1 intel lect your hoaulifu ley cs 4hatslune like the dew drops on the mountain lop when the light of tho" morning sun first strikes jit; your fresh. 'rosy cheeks, which tho gods would kiss as iiectar. nnd your" i itire charming personality I say a woman so ' en dowed ,py naturo mu,st mro . great influence over her husband, for he was indeed fortunate to' 'secure you for his wife,' 'Law, 'now, f ranger,' ;excjaiin cd tne woman, 'when youcomo. talk in?, that away, and bein''. as - how ikes your looks any Ways; I guess if Bill 8anders don't vote for yoti he need never expect to roost now Toond these diggins no qioro, 1 tell you.' "I was much pleased with . the progress I was making, and I ven tured to put the question of the most importance to me ,: Afo there rnany Populist In this' vicinity ?' ' - " "Dear me, straiigex,' she answer ed, 'you are a littlo mite to hard for me this timo. You we. I don't pay much attention to tiiffn things, but; Bill is a mighty pert huntvr, and has killed and skunt almost all kinds of varmints in these moun tains.. But - whether:-'ho ' ever kotch one o them afr, what you call it stranger ? Populist varmints is more, nor I know. If you'll just walkP'round the backside or ithe house; whero bo's got all his Jjclts bangin' up a-dryin', you may find orio o' therii lhings,'for now that I come-to think about it, Hill, be yes terday mornin killedone of thedol gastetlest critters I ever see. It had ' e ,c8& bniy shanks, long hair, and was cross-eyed, ant I jest bea pound o' home made tor .acker i was a Populist, though I never hecra tell o' one afore.r "Exchange. , . "Alter This Manner Tray Ye." How; sweetly aro these words, spoken more than eighteen hundred years rgo, waftod down on -Ihe breath of the sges ! liow many Jicarts, burdened with"1 sorrow and sin, have T been comforted and for given while they said, 'Our Father who art. in heaven ?'' From the" lIeLrew .child who first learned to lisff this prayer ' at ' his ' mother's knes to tbe old man of to-day, who still lorosto utter the prayr-if his youth, what s vast throng of be lievers have sonturi' heir . petitions V after this manner'? to tho Fathers And Ihey are still goingopvNot a morning sun shlnes'jon 1hp" earth, but sees thouSTnds "bent 'to prsy after this manner," aid CA ery evening sees countless, worshiper. Millions sines . the- time . of -Jesus have frayed "after this ' manner," and millions niwo iai Ihe .njillcn- nial d.iy sliall sing with raptors, HaHowe-l b Uiyinatoa." , And answer are daily toraing down in ' blenings inouioeraUe notliMrt arc they ou.tbc wing. of lbs morning or amid tle darkiisss. of the'night. Thef art our light, our food, our friendour country, pur all that is worth living for -the key f' the day and the lock tf the nijht Thornwell llijoea. : ,tf If Lwas looking for a sucker. Im hunt; fori the feller whofs alius bragr I girt' .that he;s nobody's fooL -, , ;.f Y It has alius seemed to'ttno to ibe mighty thin cdnsotyionjtajr :popr: man to' declare riches dun't-make happiness, . . Some howpr other'wte don't appeaip, to extract s much Comfort1 6ui iof fVJ Ufa Via n' ."Tn?.TW. ""' t. haps- it's ny; riaybuV . Wn'$ ,t)i man he should bo. ! ' The feller who mortgngrs his farai to buy a pianer fu his house ' has got to try .awful -hard to find any music io the string ;" rbelieye in loyin.'. my. nnybur ns myself until ho begins to kill off my bens,' then I'm going to buy lace curtains and upholstered cheers to to rnak e hinv feel as bad as 'ho - pos- eibly can.: : . ; I like to have a man plumb up and down .. with mo, even tj caljin' mo a liar." An onsartin nian is line a ptmpipon yourarm::yoa'vo got tP keep waiting to :soo what it wul develop V ( : Even if wo never say' a, word 'to him about it, it is only human1 na- tur 10 ieei son' tickled- to ' know that our nay burs feiWe $' vfo-ioe over our Jino a,n(Uhat wo can .raiso a row any tune wa want to,. 1 ,v ' j ( . 1 never yit wont to ; : a "man ! an' asked him to gimme his advice without I had, my niirid riiiade up to ibclievo Win a' fool if hedidfi't think ns I did about if, ' If h b was a t'ybrhpwiDV9rr'ah4.ctiie $10, why tjiat , altered tlis jewe, i n K ' I' ve, hoard "ft, bfap.io'.i. nieii' talk about lu'eJi jn my.tinaey .id .So -fur as ,l,(iave,,leen ableito keep' track of individuals, those: whd" was; hbiri corn at a dollar1 day .jhajeaJ ,of , ; ,VS .p'Wr1 olrl??t. got alipad. the,fastcst. T.;,-;t(i ..? Now and then you-meet a rhnn who has soured on, tho I World ' olid can't see no good in nuthin' nor no-' body. - In suoh wcs''jest''sie Hiro! -up and youll' firif .a; chap-'so 1 11 rcci mean iqai a yaier.-ayjg . wouia-6 nt foU'cr Kip Mil) pCl f'.'K Jowu;and Gannifj,; '-r.T til'. Hendanon flisM tear," . X .if ' Perfect harrnphy sfipu J-.-r . exist be tween lowB and country.- Their In terests are1 mutual, f , What, is to tho advantugo of onon is ' bound "to be more 6r less hcliiful to 'tbe other,., Tho people in town, recognise theft dependence in a In rgo measursupon the surrounding country.And the country people on: the .other hand appreciaU the value and importapce of a homo market and are 'jusily prrodofj:he country town. " ' , rThi is as it should be.' . ,TJis one is ed.sentiiil to thn ofhr r . Tha isience 01 a strong nome market and crcaiioTf of an active demand for the farm mean-'the' Iprospority ' of the " agricultural interests of the communily. Whatever Is cal culated i'p Advnce the growth snd prosperity of tho town , must inure to tho benefit of the country. " , And when the country prospera the town is quick to'feel tho vivifying' elTect. The "arteries of the trade beat with. a. quicker pulso and. the beneficird results flowing theretrom are'vbens ficial results How ing therefrom ' are perceptible. ;: , ' ! .'' .IThe country people are the back bone of the, town. . The town- is the strong arm of the country !opl. Each.U the hdy bsnd-maid of tlie other;' with ' mutjial'Tntere'ifsl the success orcWicr pne of which means the welfare of le olcry.1 ' North ; CaroHna .', Kewi S4 The Smithficld Herald snya! our farmers "rem inioyanl and deter mined ; alrvady have mwt of them followed huge ivrlion of their land lor tbe lM Ttir-The acreage of ..-.--A... . 'I. . . ' cmiois inwevT. win no yajv ma terially fr.m l.vit year. ..AVhcre some will intfcnv, others will de- cna.e, rhi h will about everi up up luatCcrw. rl It it rideiit' tliat the toU-en ai-rw,!e wilj bo , largely ia-fn-nl,'flJ wt' h-r Of scvecd who will j ant hiUjV.r who Jailed last j.The man wIm "wrest led with adver sity wore out tlwc kucus of bis trous ers and got wprrfed. 1 Jrcy-HiV-K nwo who flew intaaj rasa-Jtt ! Lad hu wings clipied. 1 ThiJosopieif if ' . SairiAniyMUM "tnLW.JLTeikai whs j m?ffaffSaua0''t a more cm tbaa mttr )ifnf;lhy.icl; h( wfewl li astoniahlngt. Wa hAVm hMpd a u.. rot a Taara' auadinr .cirva or aim.' Ha publkfiua vatabla wark. as which ha aaada with a tla at hh,abaoInta tntm, Sraa ta wbamay aaad thUw P. O. inl li ta aaxaniffarara laraa oou il fl vl iki n T ona jati i m m. er4 aa addrma BratW.a.TXXD-. .&.,4taWat,rSwTcr praaa d1r 1 MACHINIST' rr ENGINEEB BTjijLiNQti: : c. . ?: i- A rf.l'j WACIHNE. .F'.'jnrij BLApKSMITU- HOP,tfF003aY, X7-"T'GEAtf-CIJinriN.Q ?. f tar Pipings,, fittings, wlvet,fi.o . PIEDMONT AIR UXK. FIEST AND 6Et10Nl.n'I fTCfcS 't y (( P AR'jy, tn TB.ru XI OtroaaWoi Ealoiw.aa doiattarxi; No. SB. Mixed, bail?. VOally. 10 15 a 1 ISM ISSa-m . sar C 1 ix -a 'f 4& . Hurlinirtuu.. Orabara hii tnivoralty. Hlllnlium .. 1 I i wurnaia lam Oipttf ?W t 30 1 1 1 1 a 1 Mlxad J-i'. .! "91 BaSaa. Lr lUlelyhy.-. ,.A t, ,1 7.I 14 loot ll:!t ' Uoldboir llSOnm a t TtOpai stsam sosv Ilk' 1 17 TuHiiHn . .'. Lr.Kieib. u 410 Ex. Bun. Ar Raladrh, 1 TJ.tC :iarcua reiraa n; lr Ooiaabprq.... iii :V. at IB KK and an mlr rtnia rfnriiiaaYlfta- 1 fmtt o and truai Chasal lillL sVi'ufli h .fr. Wo. ar. , I Hi 1. 1 lnlllB... Ar (i raa'ialmra ' Sdl . WI'n-mJ . anaifirb... f. i!.!!!!"?-! '"' At Hat Sp)iiIJ ' ICnovllfal CbaaiaiKiaaa J IS 10 10 a nl s Columaia 3 MM Tj B f ;..'.; 1. if ' i aa . ... ', y.'t ;) Til IHk.u . SaiauiMli (Oancral SnnaV , Jat'kvdiTtila a 0 , 1 lai St. Aairutttoal S jfW AllaiitUA ; Blruiljithaja- 1 4 oi MOaatj ItMpmi :Oflaan. (Hit fHorUr. 1 Mr iU.-iI L Ar W'aaatnctnn . Clwu-tottv I . r 1SS hiMaia ( K PIB " 4(4 , li S ;i J j Inile...Il hi??.; Wlrwlialrfe Kaiaiii . li.. prii'ara 1 v f 'bataKxcaJ ; 1 ii&riwia ..!..M.l.n- t M Tl t'Apnl Kavanoah. : (ContriU llnif ) - Jaekuvtll uaoaaa-' fSS-l 'H wrasTw IJJaaa,, TW . i.MI7TW .1 ; St AuaOOtlDal n ii is MM jM1,iii Lr Klnnlnaham Mernnb)a.. K. Or lean 1 IU ; LEBPLfG CAB PBITICB.; Vw?f V Kna. St and Sk, WiAlnoo and SoMV .' wettorn Mmltnl.onmnnaMl aatlraly of Fi man cr ; mlnimura Colltnnn rata Sa.d9; tm attra Tarn. Thrmiirh ttMf fftxra batwara fw v"rk and .NewOrlaaua. Xa Vaitt mk M'ia?hla, Mrw Portland Taana aod W (,-. JnWn. Abavlllaaad HotMfaiOBa. Ahwrcar'' nra Biat-rHna -wach rmtwa Waahloaawtt A and T - ... ... O 1 1. ' w 11 1 1 m t n.Hirmiurr - , alMfhic rara rlK-a hrw Tm. AUanaa aHt M,t7Tmrrr. n4 Kew York ana Jaaa-.. .1 aorrrllla. aim tU-aulb car batwit Caax Mt and AuntxtA. . : Kut is.alcepina car fll,vriara V RaMtah'J J . SV.torlr.Koar IU.ih i (Jmu'aawnl Taruah Mtm a-cn a at ttri ;afi tloua to ail point. P,r MM or laromaatiaaa- "f a"? ly tn a-ir Yha ccminr. or ho tN. J. O lIKIbX, S. tatd In-ls' ' 2"-:,W.B- tI'"'".iR.aiitdK.rrtoi, f K.C.rW. A.TPkK. ia'l IWmm AT 1 ' Wartilnaion. 6. ; W. H. HKRKii. Oaat .. Xn i Boatcrn. DiA. WarttnrtOT. U.? Qfw, 4 T4c;"w-kajiaa4 a3 riarJT t " i,n ar-mraa r w.aaraiTt rww avl ''- . ra cU Ik aa aaa blaa a anav"w wart!. Bead SwIm m i tila,wi i Ii tVna. ra aJrtaa, K ,wi r mi aaa wt 1 1 ' ebaa. Om t m -wm w Mni,' ; famvr;a taOaai rai,- .' - Miaa4rfzIan'taM(hua.oaaO, P , aa, cat lf. , A Ii , -... a- ,0. A; G r J QXf&fi Om Of. prt- w--. astawiaarmu. P, Ct-j ; t- i-SUBSCKtBB FDR- ' . . VI. k , , 11 rTfth' fil ft I E'ijff ALLiillail;ri UliLiilJiiW at . T : I'.t aid