i ! S'JoL.ix'k'Ii.-'- .rv&ft tmmm a i mmr n I win .my mm ifl' a.-,;1. T'K'i l" : r " - l'l l'J... &'4 : . k . a . a. j'lltl! ,iUYtKWUHK' ,tf r i' i-" UnDTJ&BD 1 " ' ', 1 , Mil.. I 11.1 IV . AyeKs Sarsaparilla T ' ' 1 . . - 1 ... ...... tf t '.Mgoma years ago, as result of too' - f eloup attention to V'ihi my honlfli m.Cl-'taiM.'t.'btcaiao keufe, Sicrvous, waa v . i'i ."mndlilo to book itcrunts, and m!)niHitttef all the in)tom of lrti' .. jiin lulino. T took ftlirea bottle, of Ayer'n' ,i 'i - 8ttaurHari1tA;.'began W Improve at out, ! ne. Irauiliwa and twenty, Hv iff HwU liiiiiilrod potinils. Binfe thnr, t (hiil tiiy : :.(' "fninltr liavo hsc.d tin medicine .-vlim J, ,' ptoeilf d, ami we ttrn , a In t!iu ist, -of . ! ' MaHlij fact' -which -wo nttrilnQoi' ta f t' 'Aypi',SaTsBwrillB. V f Ix.llrre rny dtiil- tA ren wosiW riitvo been falliei'lnim o.ility .f.'iliad it not fcir AyrT 8araiiiiTin4 'of .wlijoli TiwiiaTatloTi I, crninoli may. .too, . , lrJi)oti,'7i-U..6. nurt,'Po(ttinniitcr oniV , , .illntf, KiiiartT, 8, C. .it --w. ; Ayer'sSSSarsapanlla , AYER'8 Pills Sav Doctor's BUts. priofi-EssioxAr; carps. jagu ii A,j tx rvu . i ., .. ,i .' . " ' '. . - . Attorney-at-Latv, . - . BTTRLINCTOfl, . N. C ; -1. - , " Prartlc In he Sfore and Fe-Jenil cours. , " ftmce pa r Whlro. Mooro k Vo.'t ttoro, Umn . etreei. 'tuone no. ...i .1. XTTOimm" AT LAW Johw Ok AT Bvjrc-,.. f w- ft WtxrJl, J:. T"fiAiA'u-Vrt'AW ''lf ffc'!(4tiTH. 1f 'AiV: Pr,'JoliPtockafdt,Jf., j Cood "th J0 rr ("-. . , . . nm,.. n Main Kt, nTfr 1 N. Wa ko if rnr Inn. , .. .. ' W.jJ Livery, Sale Feed : STAPLES. . . AV. U. JMOOKE, i'Kor 'an n . it A4A M. 'KJ .V Hark mri ajl Irajna. Gfl Kjfe' n AW fcl trama. Chnnjm luiHlcrnle.-. 2-&-t,u A Head -of Hair ! , I aqi hc Nortktitrolinii Agent for - Dr. Whits' Na Hair Grawar Trsat mnt.tbGrMtestDisoevary ';.,. of tha Aa It will piirnuuiontly linttw J lho hai'n dawlruiT, araly eniptitjiw ortulfa, or any scalp disease. restores hair to originaJ rolor, and brings & NEWKOWTII OF i , - It the only treatmrnUlhat will j ,iail produce these rmiita. . - .... 1 .. , . , Ta-t ;-U iZ T,.W.;.lwJ awl n .rlioatir. I , ...... , application. V ! t. Jrlb,, XT. 4,le is hiy apch at ' tarn- V ,f' ' .'"' ' 'hmtmWU- ! Mr. .(rahan .J?c-(i)crtJul!3". . f aj a Aiff .111. u ..un ... .VI, ... s., 1 , VAmXD-Ar1 IDEAtr. tara at Iro ymmr . thry mst MkiTav w mm "'n.'N n at iiav -w m mp w w r-r . J r ar r r i . . X "1. . I)j you fin. slnrvcry ? If so, you will find it at Tiuc nirjtsr.a Wira. " - ' . or ami up admire .. i.,-. -': .... Ut' r DU BIS lUUin WU4 WWW HHUJI, ,1 , . l... .,-(: i; ;.;,!..'. ' ? ; Sot a mnoott and rtwtdfwit mimL ' uontiH mi nguta una euun aemtra, KiSio IbWnSri? dySTS??;. ! Wmr ifctm ait not I dpiw ', ' . i. ' Lovely clwwka of Upa'ir Pjoa. - "A if VTTi f.1?'P'tji?iTTT.Tv' Mr bichflrd ' Wnrchfim, lyinj on liia back on tbo gras 'onder on ebtf tree and dreaariiy gruoking a good cigar, wn ftb6a'ift3 near a roaliaa tiou of bis ldona of l)tonift a ho was ever! likely to baf f With' plenty of vr?frt T "VT "; T.r'T was bappyp.e half gentlemanly, balf vagabond iifa which, be bad led 1I summer suited lnin esaouy. . ,Hi8 quarters at the inn iu tbo vil lage over tbo bill wero comfortoblo, bis , portfolio was fall of ketcbei, and trout bad Tiin accommodating ly to bis rod; but, more thaa ell, a thousaBd 'frmcg-i better than all,: be had. found iff this unfrequented; dr Hghtful ruralTflgjon what be bon cstlv believed" to be the sweetest,'. prettiest and mosi modest girl to bo found in any country under tbo sun.' Whether cr h6t: he Was in love with ber was'a irlatter wliich lie bad not in hia own -mind fully decided -When- be- firs-saw Btrrry-Morso, he was, startled, 4it .ber-prejttincsaj but nothing more; ii was "notJuntil he had mado EoVeral visits 4o -Morsa'a-mill,', for; skctoMng ' putfxes,' that Dolly's bright eyes began ta haunt bis dremf, .and not until after theni did he discover that, rp which way bo would, all road eventually )edv: by some mysterious moans, past tbo miUpond and 4ho water ; wheel. If ho fisbod,; tho mill was, surp, to ba in bis way;' if bo skctohpd wlrat ob ject more pictu resqua tbaa -tit ol d baflitog.itltM'itb;t;lfa'uacent dam,:over wbieh the water fell in n' wide, thin , sboo.of .iflvorj' 'tibmo-. times ho "spbKo Wi'tb Dolly ( fonio-i tunes she was invisible! and,.'afrer a 1 I time bp bogon 'himself , ta anspect teat upon hw seeiag hor tlopeDuoa whether tiro day "bad "seemed bright lo him ft. 'iirdBfl.ef iawndTaltf 7K A3ndoij'aj,sli;an)g6ingcso things wpuM bavd bpeitntf an ,osa to gftosf bo subJecV- nfp JDldkitviro bafij's tJu?hfV.r33i WlSlrf bia met1 ii -Jin Yl'LAtt, fi)errfj?lrM!HMrbSff a roTjjTh', iias",l vcico ncair bim, i U'vo been looking fur ye." ' "Valbam'raisf3tr"inm85lf on one flbow and turned .so . t. to facptho i sict3cf 4 :Jli a,w A3o4T browtnl,1 sou- burned man leaning over tbo fence nT jcgaxdinj lijniJ'P look of sniiHincuon. a no newcomer was nnsbnypjinnd clad in ragged shir nM trtnfc)rr3. Hia bare toc3( protrud-l pd from his boots; hia bead, with itsj dusky shepk cf '. airj Was surmount-, cd by n brimjejiifr.-v-cii ta,vhf.i bis lounging attitude, bis grimy face iand geuaral nppenranco of sbiftlcss- Dcss advertised bim aa belonging to? i that feet of philosopbera commonly kupvu as."tranips. . tvarcham bad frequently, mot bim, sometimes in flip taverp , barroom in thu village, Boraetlmca stum bliug upon bim flsb mg"' fci1 thij brooks, sometimes find ing bim aslcrp in the shade. He bad spoken- with bim but littlo, trntbad set bim, down.. .his own vuad as odoo f tboabfigtrnfcsi ne'er tfo'welfsi comnipu to cyery rural community. "T"vo boon looking furyo,"ro- ptsatrid tho Utah. , - - J warcjjr.m, lazily blowing a- wreath pf awoke tottf Ihu air. "Well?" . -Tbo foBwovcr to the tavern sent mo tor bunt furyo. Itobl 'emvI thought ye was down this t ay.uoar tho old mill. Oinoraliy Jxvain't ! VWbatdo tbey want of moat tbo favera?" asked Dick shortly. "Waal, ytthoM is in troubla Got ibrowtd in ber stall, ard broke bor leg- Warcbam jumped to bia feet in- Han7Ty," -r VJVbatr be exslaimol. "Bless ny rtoor'UeaaL Brw could it have V Piwp.. Cuefa1 tbeyU baTO to ' ' . . 1 iiivu. dab . 1 T rn nniT w.iun in. i JP tcr como tef.gip tho order. u w , ; tn i... t , tZTJ JZ1 . g tbo le and trying tbemanaooin. 1' Ira tDOcboUierd ,! J-013' "3' tnra' tor TOar rroublo. t, : i rU"T, 1"W IVKIKI badf serv ,t-,, 1 o. and IH.fpl- 1 -j Jh;v a. low. -I've pot rbiti tix iamy leg. and !- want si ( ' . n-..t... . ..... Warebrrro"atOTt6d off at a brisk . ... irrrHtwIf. owmr twl Dick tilM r ptay SJA Jtt'Jr - wUakav" ..w . , bail lna.A.. Bia Uwix dia- BiTumj, sna m Midibii energy tcrJt mnmnvm of Lis hrubs, arxl fuming qnickly elwut ba walked brisily io , ha, (,viIkgo, rbutii direptly '"toward ,Mys&;.rill.;.,),i- :,-:,1-h;(f.;iT'i,J! MPrso's mill stood tha hollow aat, pnBii.MirHJujorosi iu u(i- Veaboibeaten and moaa. jfr9wB. it Waa a inosij pigturesquo nujunci to ' tlio ' laridaoapa,', Thq pprHon of , tbe ,' '. bnUding fxoBtina tlio sontb waa o. ''J:.1ii - mi ' LI i . Bero, with, bis' daagbtor. jnat , bnd- Hng fnfjq wbtaanhooO'Abaor-lIoraQ . Popular, belief gave biip tbo character of a iBisor. , p. , ,,; h ,, ' .Vjont of the bashes a few yards be ' It was impossible, so the villager yond , anil ran. toward her.' Dolly argued, tbnt.aman with so small a turned about Terror ;af 'this now family to feed and .clothe, and with; y danger lent ppootl Hto.;the poor girl's bo goon a tratto aa A&ner Morae, could Ue eihef Wlsd iharf r1dh.'.i,bo 'cOmmbB belief ' tri liia "wealth wa "'tnartindera." ' Tha only door' Waa of - . windows 1 wero barred' with Iron Was it to guard hi money, tbe poo- pkrVondered, or ""bis'pretty daugh ter, that tbeso precaution? were tak- ea?.-' .i.:-4.y;t:--.v-:-irti.f.r'.f ; - ! It ould; aoaTcely -nave ' been for the latter' reasori,1 for Dolly was ia no way reStriofoa ' of , ner liuerrv. This sunny spmnie morning, sbo itttin tDs oponaoorway. Kriimng a I stocking -pf 'snow "White yarn.'1 As 'iTie sat thero, fratued BS in a picture against the dark background of the sho eould 1 seardely havo I aippeared.'wndcr any cirePmstanoos, 'imorei attractive ! to ' tbe 'passicrby.' Ber cheeks' glowed with the btiP of youthful bealtb j the warm Sunlight loy upon her light brown hair ; her Ted lips wore-parted in absorbing interest in her .'Occupation ; a tiny, si ipperod foot protruded from bo- iieath bcr pown.-.vAll irt vnil, aho. formed a most bewitching part of Ithesoona which greeted tbp oyos of; the ragged man as ho turned tho corner ,111, tlio road ami -came -m-f sight of Morse's mill. ;' "Ab, James, is that you?" asked Dolly, IpoRing up with a pleasnnt ehiilc as the man paused before tho door. .,' . . ' '".;-,'.','." ; ;, V 4 Yea, it's me, Jini Billings," re plied tbo other doggedly. ."All alono,' ain't ye?" '.r . '. , - ''Yeaj father 'a .gpna nway." ; VI tow JO; met him on tbP road. Goimr to bo trono long?" v "No; be has only gone to tho xiA lago. He. will bp ai homo this after noon. ; You can bo.) him then if you wish." " ' ',;, :;-. -. "Waal, p'r'aps I will," said Bill ings, looking up and down thelrond ip either direction anil then tuni ing once rnoro.to Dolly. - - .- , , r'Did idid yoii want bi'O partiou larly?,"' asked tbe girl, noticing bis apparent disinclination to leave. , "Wnal cr nb, but I'm desprit hungry, Dolly. Can't yor git a feller something tor eat?!' : ; , ! ' K f' Why, yes, ," exclaimed tbo good hearted girl, -tpt ootirse I will," ' Kb o went unspsjx'otingly toward tho pantry, closely followed by tho foian. So sooner bad bo crossed tbo threshold, howetcr, than bo slam mod the dr'to with his foot, anil aprang likpa tiger jit bor throat. 80 sudden' waa' the onslaught and so fight bis grasp upon ber nock that sbo .could neither strugglo, nor cry ontr- White withtcrrorj tbe eank upon ber knees. ' . - , ' , ' - "TTow, girl," criod tbe rufDan, j "wbero'a your fnthor's money?" "' Fbo tried tospeat, ud tbo roan, seeing that she, waa nuablo to do so, let go her throat and seized bor by 'tho wrists. , ' -"'If yon soream," bo said, ill kill you. 'Where 'a thq money?', It must be cither that or yopr lifo, my prof ty Dolly" '.' '; . ;v i-Thronr'h jl DnTlv' ' YarAn J tin tbauchts flow quickly. ' IltT first "paroxysm cf terror over, slip began to renliza tho nonrit of mhAnin ! ber fears, and summoning all her I wit and rofiolntion. Kho was a hrav 1 girl, and with her ti think wna tonot. rfrl n,i tcftii h. f KinV -, n . "'Don t harm too," sho said. ; "Fa ilier'a money ia in thq oak chest iu theatric." ' ! 'T " - "Ab !" cxclaiinod BininftV'Sbotr mo tbo way to' it, and d? yo go bo foro ma It will go hard with yo if ye lio to roe." '-. ; ' LSba -tf afflbliaily obayn.!, an! Isd tbo way up stairs. Tho room at tha bead of tho amiron waa employed aa a lumber room. From tbia a lad der lod to tbo attic, Ibe entrance to which waa cloned by a trapdoor 1n tho floor. Though Dolly bad lifted .. . - . . - .ma lunv annrai ii.'iiip a n i-rfc ladder foigning cxhanstion. , "Tho trap is too henry lor me," abe saidTT 'r:itinot raise it. 'l ":. T With anoatb tbo mau iwlled ber down frcra thb lajldT, and placing bia shouldtT Mgaint tbo trap raiw-d it. mounted to tbo atlio, oud held t tbe dour for her to f.rflow. - Bet like a f!ah Doilf had apmn"; throngb j the door cf the lumber rootn atd bad tdnifl 'tbo keys fci tbo prat double lck, wbicb, piscM there n aafegutrrd against Mult from wit hoot, now served to aeenre a prisoner within. . Ia ruin did BiUintrs, ft dlsooTST ing tbo trick, burl bim?lf apairrs tbe d'xirwitb the most fngbtfol i a. trrcat'asa. Tie ici biulet zxzt- ' " " - Ted bis turnout effort, and tlio win. N.M'aowawore barred with' iron.'-'Witu wino' weapon of aid) frdrii without ism uowm or rage,; JJOJiy lieu down too itairs, and oat Into tbe ifoad. ; But ? guo Jiau uos rutt a iicton yanw ue. fore she board a . shrill wbiatle, and J tbe' Voioo of Billi'niitoalline from ,. - "Cnsbell;( Caskil! i Stop t'jo girl I I'oi lookutl ip I Brint? ber back anil' j make quick work of hor.'Vt. .1 :, , At tbocall a second rnCQan anrana feet Arm she sucooetwa m regounnff tbti door ef . the mill ; and clowin j it . in-the villain's :f ape while bis trni wqq stretebod- forth 7 to,NsJe ber.' 6I10 qniqkly shot the' great bolts in the)r,pilppes, and stood for a moment with 1 hor .hand upon , ber ,, bosoiii, waiting 6r, breath , and, to otmsidor what she shoiild do next. : 4 r .1 finding himself .. unahlo to fprce the , door, tashel passed round, the mill, speking some moans of, en trance. ixjiy xouowMi from .one grated, window , to another, .doter mined to keep hint in sight if possi ble. :.i :- y. ' 'Til burn the niill,"'. hovpn'od. "Perhaps that'll, bring ye to rea son." . .VV S' .- ' : ' ''. " .Bjitt this proposition waa greeted' by Billings with snoh n yell of con-' storpatioii tliat Dolly bad little fear of its being put intp execution. But oven if, maddened by defoat, and puraged by Billings' refusal to trust bim with the money,, tho scoundrel , bat) . actually carried opt his cruel suggestion, the stout benrted airl would Jiavp uiet ber fato bravely, 1 defending her father's property with ber ma rather than permit it to fall into t he. hands of these villains. Sho saw tbaf brr own dealh waa ccrtaip ifltho. assailant:, gained admission, j anu sue Knew tnat ber tamer wojjiu bo robliod. It waa to risk nil aguinst nothiug. nnd sba consequently held fast to ber rcsolvP to stay as alio was while life remained, or until as sistance could reach her, ' - The building offered no openings to tho baffled rufflan except tho sin glpoak door, which was beyond bi3 power to forcp. Yes, thero wan ono, oiid the t was suggested by liia con federate at tlio attic window. ' 4 "Tho wiiter gnh;! Tbo water gato!" cried Billings! "Ye can get in through tho 'wheel,!' ' '" Dolly beard tho .word:-), and .her heart sank., It wa? trao. By crimb- ing down info tho sluica, ard under ho abaft 'rf tho gro:it wboel, Ih j I man coull enter tiits inili throne!) ! the machine;')'. Vvith n yfc'l of do- iipni 1110 viunin procectioiL xn nitopi , tbtf suggestion, and with fut bent. '! ing benrt the girl watched bim un til be bad disappeared in lho sluice. . It was then thatn borriblo thought occurred to her, but in it seoined to liyber only ehanco for 'life.- She ran iotohP grisTfomu ud seiMd the Jevcr which coiifrP'led the wttcr gate, f At nrtlinnry'timra her strength would bavft bocii insnfliciniit to raise it, but now hoi? imminent peril gave hsr tho sinews of o, giant. . Slowly I tho heavy bar waa raised. tShe beard tbe rush of rater lis tho gato swung open... Thopreat water wheel began j to turn slowly; tho opa and gear ing to groan tho largo bura to fe volve4 In a moment the mill was in full operation. , - . , ... . The poor wretch outsido bad suc ceeded In paining thp wheel heforo ft began to move, and now clung to ono of tbo orrov thoroughly and desperately . frieutciiud.j Thrown bead downward at every . revolu tion, arid nearly.. rPwnod by tho water, which poured over bim, bo screamed and begged to bo rolcnsod from hid rotary prison. ; Tho wheel pt round and. round, and with it wcnt bo uafortnnafo Cashel but Dolly did not wait to ' liafon to tho oaths and improcatkma with whiob bo filled lho air. With all speed sbo toro open tho door and ran toward tbo village. Aa eho Kissed aroum. tbo curve in tlio road ber eyes fell upon two inoiT walking toward ber. WitbTjoundinglieart abo rrcfjgnized them' as Ware ii a in und ber fathor. To tell ber exciting story waa lho work ofo moment, and then tho strength "which had sustained ber through all snddf-nfy left her, and abe fell fainting a-Imfst before tbey could catch ber ia tbeir arms. -' Tho half drow ned CaNbel was re ha failed t,Ja,d from hit uncouifortablo posi- tion, and lho twrrobU-ra were do- livered info"tbobAi)tNof tbo author- itlr. Warebam bad found nothing tbo mairrr with bis bors, tbe er rand on which ho bad buen sent be ing a 1 un-.ir.g device ef Billings to got him away frpni tbo vicinity. Husticctinr'' aomtrrbrny -wrrme. ' bo Lad rftrjTfd lo I Be mill as soon as pnMitiblc, bringing tbo inillef tark with ljtrr. As for IWIr, 'je lircimo the bmrirr cf tbo frgjrun for tafli aronrnl. ' Iit courageous exploit lir-ised info loraHitsinry, arrl,tboupit tbo evkuls here ebPouiclM opcam d many yiara aro, awl lAJJy nt-.z since briai) ilrs. litrbnTtl Ware j t flee is of-whirb aro not pro bam. rbc b. brt rancxnlawd amorg J cisjy same a. Ib'o froo arid. It her old n.-igblra aa Ijolly Morr-t, u c ncivabM. that small quantities L-t3 : . j -a. -.-- - - . i , , t-i it; i i'-iU. lrtiiiiiMnLy:,.an';'r'''." ,. TOj-ba sot at liberti', t- put la tiiafserof black for color and a fuw Berawlejl lines for form, seemed a. ' roal boon to uumbera b young mjon, ana, women wnq; Jaoitaa even tno very rooderattt talenta cf .their lead- er, ,So that poatera, book ooyors and Othef things were, rapidly Beards loyfzod.;,. ,.. , f ; i. I This of, tsplf would eall for no roorononoq tuan any otner tail, anro ro jjuvo its uay nuu tnpii to yanism (! tuw as is may, tno growing uso , vh m" SSJ' Scli-1? i "ny ufrcrer from tho earth, iliiworo -not that . of antiseptic coiiatitetos n pusaibidi waftriw mv me -hlnsSSmytffidZSi there wtu soiuethinVmoro. ip Mr,,', danger, to' bbalth.'Porsous with t a. PEtas. g. p.. 4 pW iBywora . jjearasioy'a wori? than na onoapuoo- j .souuu excretory jxirgans- .hav for brati vo tff pot Tbe searoli for pvel-, years daiiy takjeb ohcinicala of tho ty )oada. every now and. then lfo a ,:, kind in! theifiood. without injury, sort, of worship of ;.uglinositd iu yci- it ioan b aonfldently prodicted Lcpdon at the present day that has. that othurlpff sops with danmgdd or boon pusbed so i'aopr.rA1to''8e;as.wjeak JciuJyti' 'Ul bo alfcotod by to include what ia morally, as ye p!1 j)iiiiPtpdose8,i!. It must also, be re- m physicplly ugly. ,a Mr. , Boa'rdslpy fL irupju berod that (ligestipn iu tb in bas in a pjanner spt hjnisol iip as s'tpstileii;'i3 carried' pa to $ great ex a n' apostle of tjbia sort of dpvil wpc-U'CJ bySjvba'outsido the iBtesUnesV' ship. . Ilia female typpa :arpjlraw;Vould b from a vila olass; thp pnly floxycia ' tivp . or putrpi'act4V0 "', procossfc ia that ho draws well enough to baroo-. , short-just aa the iionrislinjeut of a ognized aro those wbicb are pVoidod because' of f,hoir poisonous proper- ties or of 'their off ensivaodurj and tlip assijailaiioji of purpwp nourish in his illustrations tptho '"'Morto' liient ilopouda to n Tprgosdcgrea-ori d'Arthur" bo baa taker! exactly the - the activity of hosta of oyluniea of opposite point of ;viow from'bii au- microbes in tho intestinal canuV All thor, ana sooms to uohght in piotur- ing surviving paganism rather than growing Christianity,-: Ilia work has been dofended oi thVgroqnd that art has nothing to do with morality, and that if there ia no good in it, ... 4KAm. nn lin.i ' Tt.f ' IVf truth, we' may always suspect aomo lurking immoral intent where 'no other intent is visible.-Art Ama tonr. "' ' "' ' Why tbo Shopman Out Crom, . It was a newly ojionod babordash er's, and. ono window was reHplon. dont with'Tiocktiflsnnd cravats of glorious brilliancy. Confidently they announced in gilt letters, "Any nr- ticlo removed frojujho windows I'! So vJien iimithsoii walked in last Saturday and requested to sop that! "bright pink and green, snpt with poncook blno, in tbo front row,'' the polite shopman arranged tho front, and after some considerable troublu brought out tbe desired ob ject.' ...'.,,... "Iathor bold, jbm't it?" remarked Smithson. , ., .., , , .. ,.. s Thoaffablo sliopmaa was in ooci ploto aooord. "Certainly a bit striking,"- .-'' .,:,, "I thought so. You n3adnFpul it back." , . . " Very vrell, sir," and the mnn bo-- pan" to wrap up t.'io thin.r of beanty 1 in' its bed of twsno pap?r. ''Any thing clso today, sir?" "Oh, 1 don't want it," said Smith eon, "only you know you advert isr, 'ArTy r.rticlo WKWi from tho win-i dow, find r.a thw bidcoua thing of- "onds my cosfhttio tasto I thought I'd ai-k you-to removo it, that's all. Good day." ; '.', .".', Then that Bhopman philysophized audibly and ' v. ith much fervor. Pearson's Yeckly. ' , ' ANTISEPrtCa h FOOD. Tielr Too Frffi ITm IoiIuot a Large Kl hlblt af Tolnona Than It Wl. xiift recent prosecution for soiling orahge wine containing ft littlo over threo grains to the pint pf saljeylio aci.l sugrost tho propriety of dii- cussjng shortly tho general question - cf presorvini fond, by nntwaptici. V.'inod an) aalphurud and d.xtorod with salicylio acid, fluolximtes and Puusilicntcs, .Tinnllt in bot weather, all sorts of antiseptics aro added. tho chief being boraoio acid,-varied of lato by tbo addition i of fammlbT. Boracio acid or borax ia also tho fa vorite, anliaopiio . f battcrj. It may, indeetl; bo jstatcl generally that all deooiniitixahla nrticlos not storilijl by bplin or .wroservei from changA by cold nruklo to bo fronted with small quantities of antiseptics. Thero may Dot bo in any one article a jxTecntn-iO aufO- cieut to cause, wbon gi ven in a si glo doMo, appreoUblo. eCfcct, but a person taking boraxed tnilkaod but ter for breakfast and tea. and a sal Jcylatod wimrfor 'dinner will be consuming day by day r su Orient amount of octivodrucs to produco aomo effect cn bis boalth. -r ir'ulirylio acid is a jMiiuin. Ia 1678 a caso bappenttl in which so small a doso as threo grams (XS grains) caused death iu 40 hours. Possibly the oeid waa impure. In tbreo other , cases in wbw.-li thc-idod and danger i oua symptoms wcro jrrodnced the. doo was much ,larg rln:ing.l3, 21 aod C3 -Krama- rosiicrtivtly. bali-., - . r - a 0 - t cylicand benzole acids aro tbcrajjeu-r ticaljy atfnoati.-d phenols. Phcuul ( being most jioisonoua, tlK,Ti cfMtica , aaliej lio add. and laMly bonwkj j at lfl.What tbo effect cf smali doses. f anliCTlig aebb Er Jtyains dail?,4 of coojwrf nro. WoknrrwtU.it rooatof it ia exoi-eted by tbkidsys united . a t I ! A av ' A ft.' MDstlnc wbk-b- roildy outers Into? oom bioat ion. forciins a variety of .' fildelrytljn and eatra, tlio pbyniolag-f - . ' con (a'e i wi ili I lie' 5 ii tost! ii t i --u n ite s V'tric Juices; are iiV f his wiiy cba'Agean It is nlso iiorfsiluu that King bottliug i of H wie with . isalioylia j oeid i wilt , change thq acid into salicJiu . estor or saiioyno aiaeiiyao, tkuimitt, lor T iiistanoo, has found that, although ? Bbino winea are suliiljured,' the oldH - ' Kbino wiue coniain nofroo sulphur .: ";ous acid, the gcoator. portion, Jiav ing combined with, aldehyde. foru,V . uig nmoiiydo suipiiuioua acid. cumber of, plants denondJ oa tho microbes around tbpir rootlets, so 1 , sntisopties, oven in mmute quanti ; ty, will inhibit the aotivity pf tbosi colonies or adept unequally various 'species, tho iaet result. in ordinary individuals being au impairment of dicostion or, ha actual d vautinsia. Brjtuh Aiodicul JournaL. THE t(SS!LAOE CROP. Ooir to Itandln the Crop Dlafrlbatluc . AKuJoe Tim limKt VwwiDg. -''-.;,. For unwfKS ;it is nwrwury to . lutvr qniloa goi4 crop, prefwnbly corn rat cf the rifjht timn, and ntightsilo., Whi-i.' prnrtieable have the oiu-iliifro . grown r.a near tlio Btlo cs petiMbh'. to us to retrace tho 1' -tiling., to a r.iiuirnnm.. Vie will prp -0 that the rmp ia grown ru land I wiibiu 3P rods of tbo silo, and that the 1 corn, has .reached the siago when thp basks begin trt turn yellow end the grain is duutel, M'bile mitfst of tlio loaves aro yet green mid juicy., Wbon this stage is reached, tbo Wop sliculd br cot.., ,Th cnttii'g may be b'iio by band, but it la elmv, LitKn-ioTiH und costly, 'ihoro r.ro n nmltitmld of v.m cutfjni en the market, all of which Pre nirnx) or lt servic able. Of n lmiwbcr t hiit have boon trlotl at tlio KmiMfH station nothing better ta ;becu'f(mnd Hum a Fled cutter witti twa knives, hinged, cue to each sido of the loil, o tit to cut two rows i.t a tima. This iiiachiiio is pulled' by ono horse. Tvro:.fit!n:t Ixrya' or yonug tsen euind upe.11 the "led, earh faring a row 'of eoni, which, a the- luireo bi'-jvm forward, ia rot oil .and gathered into the arms of tha operators, w lio drop , it fa bnnchei behind fbroi., The reiua cr.irbeug v.-ith- in rafry reac b uyoi ;i nia-ight f'jrbed aiiek in frtmt cf' tlio sled, bat tlia hnrut will soon l(V;ini to start nivl stop v. ilh out gniiLuien from tbo reiiw. . Jn a"faii rrop two hands ou this entter ran easily keep aheiul cf three wageiw hanjirg ii to tbe. silo ot'd help lond at intirvnla. ' The next Mep iu Ui loudiug. .Forthi pririKjf tbo wagouti afKuld 1tt provideil wth low, broad racka oi jibich, the imnf lu piW wofwnys. Tv.'o sien a braid tbo btiKcliefl b'it by t!.o entter up t( the tli'ivcr on the tak about nil fast lubft r.ui pUe fbrin. 'flit nnPibnr of touin.1 oiigarftl i;i luinlii!g aboaM to ad- j. Justed to ft" datjiywo mid ho rnpwitt l.f thfi 1 cu;ula(ft ptUiWipirnr tho diatawv naniod inl-wJlli-a eiuall puirhiuo it tato .two tcUns. end Jbree wagona to keep things , rnn.iiiig 'n;o6flrly. ".".Ouo wr.g.-u 1 left i:t'f!:c cutter t le nnlrtiul- A, the t!l W iu.? of t fcco bitehel to tba nngva ja rmirtir d and goes afield again, wbiln, fit" tliird v.-nj:i will buve fiiii4:ed k-.diti3 ly tbe tiuo tho team ndnnia to f l o fudd; At tbo roller it ttkra one raaa to tut leavl and m' tnnu o feed Tho maa trho unlocdi d.'fr it bandy tjr tbe fe1er rqvni tho table Hot agaiii;t"tbc "nttPT'" Rf-fprr"v5is hfe hiaTo to a nnali miK-bino-such its nrge f?.rmrra riir. ' ftr.'tii a rmticr, v.-Tfh avwngc Stody rminlDg, enn ciit about two tmtr of grwn mi ori botir. It is pnvidrxl with au U'Vutrtrnituthnu-iit. wlili-Ji Jifla tbo cct i:uit-rinl wer the ilo walk. It may be ran Vj Mt.ii, flnyfrfeity . borwp-rtvrr. Tlie wtjilo fi.rre ncary; hen, is tv.-p r.,en tocur. two to.ln.vl, two to ilrive, fcti to 'Pnlniid and -ono to frh It ynu Hint jHT tba weht ol u.e csimioa la so "tj grnit that it will tipn, It. clf abiMit as well wltlK'tt Irtuiip'ngtat sf'ti.e drviiwjg Drct-fary i dTfTrTriit" it U in Sb Jla'" A LSik Kll with chr.ff, rtraw-isr a a:u:iinr 1'gbt fcnlky rruitri-iul 1inul! fc-3 btiiiff S-i lh."t f'H-Mrr-iu'nf citigfj frort tbe elcrnt.w ia dya-harpr-d np-.io it. Irria wiil K-atter it to lliwj''l' of tha silo iiutead i f inniirR it in a heap in tlin rn hullo. -ft 1 ImA uixMmitf to aalt too ailnp!. . law: l.v. i' la poor erSK.my lo ow a Si'lo that la a,..t t -jdit Uliprever 1'ie air Koina avrrw f -i tb-r? Trails tbo nai'r will I rpolL r.itl the .! fa Tall, a layer Of ! lo vwniar Vm a v wii ' i ia fow Valu f r;aUi .n iif. TUia i the plaa tU.t br-n tultird with anom ' Kja.-a !jt:i and rr;rrto4 to ' The IVairic r,fr A it la if r-ral . InC-.t ti I rrprtdut-cl ffd-tb-j vt , Children Cry foi . PltCCf'C CatOffa. Children Cry for ; PUcIicrro Castona, J Children Crj'fcr . -1 . - I tT''TF.rr" Trot W.H. Poekc, wh . j living Physician; hist success ttstoninliln?. Til of ca9 years' utanding; enrea or : Mm. H !Vlnbln work oti tli.di. e;,hicli . ho.Bnds - ' - .i iin a IflMlllIlT; .."-". ' AM '..!r'." . BLAbibll'Hrti'tttttSliRT, ,Ki -j- E A R-ru r TI N 0 . " - 1 ! '!'') )i v i i -ji'u. ' Southern' Railway. FIBSTf AND bKty.D CfVIINS !'n;l-- InEiretKb.e,.i,"!l sburo, Ualulyh aod 0iIJboro Sail Bound Lt OrceriHlmni ; II ElOll (lll!BU..lA lliiriliitfton ..,... - Cr.ilmw t,,aS. lillWlnin fiiriiiiiii ArlUlla. I.r tintptafi. .i,.....:...., C)yion..,i...,., piMmn...; Af tliililHboro., West lioun.l Ar U rconHlji vro -. Klmi ille(!e......., I.t, tlurlln)rum..t.r... I r.ilmiii ' JJ'1'"''"?' -W'itii e"t.)4ieaii ii'Turnixjr .,, ft I . l)urliani,..,...M.,,j....4. 1 ufi L4 . JUIIC'ltfU.. ICS ;.i1.(ta utufiuM. Ar nairiKh ...f... :.. is iV j ami-ai . ..... . I 1U ,. . J-elro. ..,.......i,..:. 64rt..J; 4 I,r ol(lUoio. t Jfi lift), .... " 1--1 t-l..-Hs"f '(. ni.. sr and .111 ninke cioto -ronnertion , I nlvevaity to mid tnuiUiai liilti i.t;, TT fllkofPir fM'iiRm-r.B -.H 1:111; i.j J-(;ft(is.!i,Kfc.ar. I Dnlli-. 1 Dully. Suuttl I.V WaMnKtun. ... Clmrloi'.iilla lik him nd. ' 11 is am HiiSnr ttlvtal 4i4a m l.n.rhl.urif . . Junvllln. 4 00 T in ' ?)4am Ar 1 1 i"revlmro Wlui'i-BMc-m I! "Hi am tian Hit a Hull lull..,.,.. SniLiiiirv f.V AHlimllln , Ar llt Hpi1ni KK.XI r are (' S If a m ia..a ii. yil ti uruii . I . ,1IU t'rtttrtnii.ia. J - w'.i-CT0,,nW (iMimllu... Aiiiuma (nvminiiii ..... (Oulral Hilifi ..Vj.W,.'j.'!'"S ', !l li H)umJ HKbim . Jaiiktunvulfl J st.'iiuKurtino Hirinliiuiiairj.i i;rwoinihi North At naaitiia'.n... 1 If wr.au nam. ZSSiHSU H)f!..-ftll..t,U i Kfchi I r D: n L fire. nalKirn ... nat am li'-'iiWaui n ln n-Salcni Kalclirh 'i.ii i" Snll.l.ury -! Aaherlllo. I A Jil HI ' 111 . , 111 :u a ui, 1. 1 ota , , . ay a I Aa M . . 11. 11 aiu-ti-as.,. . Kmm lil -. 4'hittraiioiiaa.i, Ciinrini'a. ( i.,i3 i-jelAItt"! . 8 Wnj. Wbb ' ... . - r.iumiia At k aianiiuh (Ci.i.tn.l Tltttr' JwVwnw We J Sr.Aiiuat.ii r.Atiut.u '- " til una Uii - tKi-l; Irn.ti.uliamJ 1 J. niihi,.. rf7(,j ) S. li liHtna A " Jt Iron a. 16 iutni t.v H n. Oilcan LEKI'f NO CAE KUVK ilil1 Koa. IT; and .v., nt.lnror rVtlit- m-t-utn IJmlta.t.oinia.wd vnlln-lv of Pp- man ran s mmlnuim Hi'lnmn rat I i tf ' ii ? "i . '''"f'i..' r.tr;l faie. . ll.rviivh a'u-atia.- r til MnOHhl. Xmt Vorkaiat Tial.a iaa-1. vcjLJ i.rl anil (Irli nh. X.. v.i. ir u. .t lueU'ii. A.li.-llr and H' t riiKj . Afaomc rlM flraiM la mull tHirrrii Wtilnr1,ffi and Jai-tauuflilc Hiotia r m. WMatt Grecoaloruand M.ifltr..(ii.-r". TT. . ai and K, ,V Yor an r-frSrf&a Snf A .mo l.lailiMi. vba mm tariarya W -Yn. Wraiiinrton, JwH.n.vif. .Bit K. Awrfiktlne. I'ullniaii fui4rliaaa,iSna lira. Ii.e l oam Slr -ilnr, ) iKerntl' a j a I -laiiiazt'pm. MrrnaMVwiiMiM(A(M twci Ual...ftrti ami tu . A'ar.jt:v irmmch . an tntifli Nc V. it mj,; r iocaiMjTair.ra,nida.w rrfc taj Auraat., Xo..arda. V. S. fa- aa j-.iim.n tlwlny cur nclr-fi Nnr tork. Atlanta and M,"tii.mrr, and Kow York aaaji JaatW. .m1ll.. Aio lrriins car between ( liur W and Auiruttt, . . J.i. .. .i ).ii;'..;4 Ji Itaiyl U.atretifa'sarimiw.ia . fro shd lu.lrb,.tMl In,,,. irfiibro Hu'f!' "pf atra, '"f M"rV "r rau-aor Inonaailuq oiniicioo. i. w. M. huri ..niv. - r i nHpnini a a Mnucr .fc aleru. rWT.I, We.liliicton. 1 Camaja, I m)a, tad VaaJ.Uibau:ai aad aa rat-l al fca-uua eoriurttd If houuti rci;. , 8 u. O'r-rj Op,t. u S. f.TtT O ' - - rat I aud ran a-- laim in i.-, na.n n il.in rr:one fm 1-!, f...n. Bad nW. m.i.( M arRk aft.',l 't. V adrW., if -i-r.,a.. oc ut. Jre.-X . fea-?v Oct ar mi due en fax.w -ir t ' A aawr- Briii'.i !ea.,-" t::tt raai-a ami.f t!i- t jor bte..e, XRmt;, V a, at I.tc Aku.. C..A.S?JOl7CO, , , , 1 AO. is v;.. '.i Kn. a. if Mtivd. .. ... Daiiy. Dally. X... ll4,.Jlnin, 1 I ...T K4Bp 'ja "rSs Km , ,W . , ' ' r ..X lift ' iMI .i..;..ritt. wast....: ftt-aa :; . 1 '.'?;-' ' ' .i 1 " rtd . . - Ix. fun. . . -... ; '., . ; ;.v.t:Btl , jiWiflX ' , .... 4 m 11 n) . . v , t itiltl:.l).)ni ' " , ' ' .. "kJTT . . - ' t. .' k,:a wijte'ii 1 . ;, , Daliyi;H Lialiy. , 'x"' " " ' m' ...I Ttami.tHliim .... a.4S ,, 1 r , . . r a ia I a IH1 BaMaBBBBABAMaaa aaaaaaAftasanaW' - ajaK ' t4 6t -"C .'' -. :S ii-riSy

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