'. A A :.v.X ""it . ,1-; . rntO i h i ti;.! !'' kj IK; . :" ' - ' ' - , . -i - f - - T t ..... T ;., t fit '..'r 4-v'tH--, I "O 1 it! w"" 11 i rs' rti r Jul t.' '-' ! l l n I . v I l !.:' r,. .... . . . y ---"v-1"' ... . .. . l 1. 'y.-w' nidli'H.M'.'lV .'i.:. T illsi,. J-hM 4tj- . ' A II ." ! .a i ft rXT t-l ' ' II V I 1. .11 II 'J : II.-: a M . WT,T I f I mm Pi i giljl '' r '' . r, 7 1 i V ii - - mr-i iiwiuJim'' .iiMwwayMWw m i -fwkJM .im i mm m i, m i i iMMi u-.L' ' -WOT A 5IUK DAY,--; -; f7'':'Vi: :' " ' ., , ; ; ;;;'vv :! i. . ; ,;; For Over Thirty Years ! kvi! rnf?''Ayar'Cwhartlc Pilii iorbifer'tliirty. ' . ;,jr8ir. avt kept ma: in cood liculili. I ..EESULT Or UBIHQ 'S PILLS Drer liaying bail nick day in all tlnit alimist Coinlnnally oh a renlt o( cuii DtipiitioH tnttn- dyspepsia , lieadadieo, jjiturftli-iaj- at -Imi'-t ami other ertlptlva , dincaBCW -'Wlien t became convinced it; that nine-tfllitli of my troiililos were cnuHd ly coitstipntHin, I hepan tlie one o( Ayor' Pilln, witli the most satisfac tory results, never liaying a single attack that did not readily yield to Iliis reraely.-WJ'ire, who lyid been nn IWallil'litVytforn, also liogan to 'iir i Ar' Pills, ami lirrtiealth wasqulckly" 1 tfrestoroiU Witliiy cliildren I had no ticed that nourly all their ailiuimtu wtro . --preceded ly constipatiouj and I soon.: liad the pleasure of knowing that with ehildrem as Willi parents, Ayer's PHls, If taken in season, avert nlllanger ot t sickiiess." H. Wettsteik, Byron, HI. AYER'S: PILLS ' MaW"Hwwrs .'"t World's Flr. ; ' Ayer's Sareaparilla Strengthen the Syte. l,RESSIONrAr, CARDS. ! r ,.lACtli;Aj'rAN.. rrti4-vAttorncy-at-L.aw',' . ..... roauxa.TON, . - - ,- - "N- f ' f iS-aOtlce' tn tc Stt'aint Fc'erai oouWs. ' Oiticc i-r White. Moqrc& Cih's ttota, iiUn Ptrcot. 'Phone No. 8. - 8eoUm4 Kr pemoan , &;;.r ' , . ,Tl)o NorgtuUoti HitbM is inform , Pride is goncralljr ilcpi A-intwl jfwj tfiat soiim? icw ythw njprn a irv;, cetU ion , 6)1 IwiTrffifri ),( jytt-n 'yetir old on(; A ion- days j.nftor tior unival the chiM 4iliinii'n ed:. nd- forvfouryvnft' lifi .'lh6t-;wn heanl of.. It U k'pi'rtetV tliat :iii- tiiVie last iiiotitlj a partv (f McDowoil i V , j ; . ,;' moiiQ tlun-fitighly xlwguate'' iwhsjl!' pi'j)le than to si-e a niatt try hy tho porwrM'k niitl .Ultra f)!ay tlifi fool, litfcau'iid lib - wca'ri!' tif fine op; buftiU Lotiservatuii) wjll apply to tt woman.' j tie Ilnntsjllei Mountain. V W'tten - But.tiwiaccrtnm.8ojtjrrt tnnyjw : cjtiu.setrfwp showing. - In-' vj to 8(-e Iiculing with thcin a soino tk'pl; ji aground for critiuisni if a tliinW liko'.'aiuinft'n boina, which ii)an .dotM ivt show it. , : Kvory. nian ought to show '. some fled as they advanced. - They; .pert sued this something and finally a . 1 m 'wjw' J urjr la. xlm. 1 .1 r. Ban - m m f '.., i . J lilaKa.l'ulfuro. Alfalfa; W luett-neV W UMs'often I x t no cofuvM where,, Ujc,.iand1ploY cnhmct reacjw 'i'h ground may lc cuUivateil , in tho niost, uecestiful manner' with thesd impTeininti tfio that the iirSo nceif not ji'e 'lidmittcvd into the garden nny ' nipro, , t IXbal i,-, unless, it is a large one. nd ! U .lajd. out'to suit tho cuiiihrouH n wk waid ness of a hor.o, plow, am! driver,, in "ZTZU" ZmxyWW M lnc of ) feel,' 'and reVVuiring n Thi8;htl,,t;,.,d,lc8.;it ;to wi.hst,,nd drwgH . v,ll, thus; adapting it; ti, ,To 'ont rt nien.ritlthk' wav,' and regions. It grows i?ery A,m)y . -.Wvihli,. al.onl, hh l.vi ,! pride for the prosperity aiid well tratked it to a eavVlh the rocks, filled.: with,, leaves uuing in inn tin 11 yimiiiiuiuij , '"i The c'a vc was he sure, there u scareely tf he lound acorns, "walnuts and hickory nuts. Lying in the haves, evpicoino from ejclnuistion, wa; a hutitan being, any town or community against which there 'can lc ; .brought no criticirin. But. it is the 'duty of e eryiine,if he is interested in his town or community, to how it and expr-ss it as often, as opportunity, presents . itself. Of eoursc it is wrong to wilfully mjsrepr'. sent any thing." So noto is to 1)0 com nend ed for . overrating hjs town; r. coin'-' munity. with the purpose of deceiv ing sotiie Othef pers In. "15iitrit be-" comes every good citizen' who lives in a good community to ffiel a pride in that community. and to exhibi't s ic.ii feeling "-guv exjiression to it. Talk up 'your town if you would have H. do well.. Talk up your town if you would have otln rs Come ,to vou, wMli'iT3 K!VO 1 aVI. (&Ji . 1 rrouxKY at la rrv' JOHRAY BVNCJC. WM. BVKCH, S. - rft fe;,fNp.I.;-t'U'3lp r; ?; Attorneys C ouni'JiS'Ht . ' orkb sBOttj ,sri .jq 'Si Pruclli-e rftn'rly ''-'- e'1" Talk up your .town if you would feel an mterest in it and have unusual its petjj ile feel an interest in you. There is n- other way to do it. Arid uiaiiy a time one Jit tie word of unpicasant- reference to something : the f)lloying tlwUlutplMijH jioui . nr :U!g--ttl e way in my county, pnrtietilarlv concern voii as to that ; nearly everyl'ody. you may as well with hair nil over his body, pis toe i a'ls grown under his feet, and bis hands grown in the shape of claws. The power of speech had gone. His only sound being the grnnt of a bog. Jle was seized, carried to n iieighboi's house, wl iere he is , in confinement and is. said to be the hvft so i of the willow IV- H-"-Th is storyvis given Without gilding or garniture. As to Fusion.' ' ' . --' . It - . Hon. C. B. Watson, of. .Winston, is )rominenjly mentiimcd asin e ni. nection with the Dcmo-ratic 'notni nation for Governor. Owfng to this faet.'aays.tho' Mciklenbujg Timea attaelies to Ins ooinions. In an interview-in the 1'idcigh News and Observer a few days ago ho said aihong other things I jiwttt r,;m turn a gool -ntijn's in tlufiv o avvay from your iown, and willveven tlrive- him awav. - I sav evervlxtilv, is for free silver." As to fusion lie said . "The I'upublieans anil, ropulists At. yourowii fireside talk . up in Korsyth are saying little just now, ir uip 'toirii. " Auiims-t vonr nci-b-and do not secni to know exactly 5 ,Oi Drr' Jolm PvStockard," Jr.; Us BURONGTON, N. C. . f!ool scti-of e tli 10 rer wt. omcc on Main W: m ir I N, W ker fc rfV'8 TBtpre, , i.i t "-'. v Livery SaWl d STABLES 1 t - . -I : -i I 5'. bo'.s, talk up your town. As you e rne in contact vith s,fra:i"gr,i'talk uji yoiir ton-n." -; -.. ?fj f v i' 601 School System. ' ' the StatUle finlmaVlr. $ .-. , Tho.ircx.t (it neral Assembly will havclolo something with n-gard io where they are 'are at.' Those who do talk seidnni favor" ftision The Populists tlon't want to , vote the Kepublivan ticket any more. I think. they see through tho Iiepub lijuri H- heme now. and arc siek of the whole business. ! ;, , , 'Arid the. Iiepubjicans afltfet to care lit.le for tho Populists now as during. tlielirst season- iiiakinir'ir- "g!l'J..ue;essary 10 csuihiiMh it in dry .clilnate arid rendering J it liable to be choked out by weeds or "killed by frosts' in wild climates.' ,.. - To thoHe who wish to exiieriiriont with this plant the' Ohio station offers, the following saggestions as the motho 1 of culture : r Select. loose soil, -preferably sandr. lying ahove a gravelly or porous sub-soil, with, if possible, ;a , subterranean water supjily. The soil eunditions which arc found in many of our liver-bottom lands would seen," to bo most favorable. . Avoid a soil on which water stands' or one having hardpanjjnoar the surface, ...jl'i-eparc' t'te land by ploughing and harrwing most thoroughly, as ffton as it (ail be Worked in"' the spring. Sow- the setd . (whitdi should be A merierth grown) at the rate of twenty, Jo thirty pounds', to ih,racrcmLcm-cr it with a tlight harrow. When the weeds havo grown to'suflicient height clip ti.eni with a niowiiig machine, wilh the cutter bae turned up ao ns jiot1 to 'cut elTwo, to 'the 'ground, repeating this as the weeds' ' crow durinir tho season. " ', ,, , ' " , Noerop is to be expected diirirttr the first season, but it should give two cuttings the second year,' and after that about three cuttings each year. If a good s and is secured oil sui:able foil it will not heed renew ing for many years. New York World. - , ftt.Hich..c.ftdp long as it is ivide, tjiere nhould lw a "wide strip oi graa for the horse to turn upon. Worked in thi 'way, with a narrow share; the 'land may be 'plowed with one horse lis deep lks may cvet be rivpiireil. But even thei) all the iinnd implements men tioned aloveiWilI be needed for- tde after cultivation New York Times. , .Highest of all in LeiTtaingi it 1 T'&ie4i'j!jr MS&OZMtEM? .PUKE, . Knltc.;TA f..- i.. : r 1 5 .,,i,'h u. ;w i3i.l" 1 it Stt I' .., U.oinan;; Cathohai ! iro kBearcfr it? Sweijen th:jn jAi.any other rru:itry. Out of, a total ixulatioii -of i.HAJ. 409. onlv SlO.are of the Ciith. Tlie per capita wino coiisumptiorrl tBM ACflflfjrST in trillion niimnif , w-n aivii.i it T" ' ... . ...ti..u, . ... u 1 uww, -:ieT uiiu 1 , lS0-j.wns a fraction ; over 50: quart for -each year.- ,f;.7fi nn-Yl -. .Careful, , felcii'iric v ob?crvAtion showssthat the avermjo upewi of . the i-iivjiicc.nf BURLIXGTQX, V N. ur pumiesenooiystcn. At prcs-. t, believe ill. y -an win by them- em, mo s-juo us are intniv minus. by4heif "powers of endurance. !i'iTtvT- : f.; V'- me I ill lrr IV" Utm UMitlfrulc, f r . 1 ' ' Hsrks me I Ulxaiiu (iitud Htm h "r lm in uainn. i.iihiv cmiiit jr. tu H'riijtemlents l'the school Wird s have been removed, the' Siatc superintendent and tho eou n t y ti oni 111 ission ers a re. . alone 11 1. charge.. TJusjracticaify ltiVes fthe imiti.4 ltiiv rhii irri Alimo. . Vliutler and the" P,nmlists will l"ften n in , eome mb into th' fold lot iVmo.TRr'.'peftnd other leaves. i IIUIU Ul II ' I am tho North (iirolina Agent tor Dp.Whlt1iNw Hlr Grwf TrMt-. :' ; , mat.tha greatest Discovary ; . , f tttAgti It wiB KfSuiBently 5re Jalliroi 1 - - the h(ir3 llaidrtiH tfv nilrtoa . ' ": l it . iMtstuiea, rrranv scajp tuscrtwr. m iTiKiV aT r. r. 1: . . it prevents iiair lunnup gray p n 1 1 'k'm'wim hhu i jumkiip restore hair to origin J inI f1 0fe Wanut hi voter to bear this r ' 1 .rings A NEW 'Kt WTIf 1 tYtlXVrB Blind Idirrincr the tiunini (U'h es. 'We can whin the ' T)cino- .Tb? 1 l,iiin niur 1 a.av unmrt of flip Republicans, 'and do need the Pops aiiy longer.' .1 ho Republican- are vervi wibiivi tozifn.- in 'counties' which cannot possibly ; arry wjth-! nut 'the- aid of theL'iHiulisfs. .bnt .tW'LUU-.wut " -iiwiii, , !,.. Sv.hf th .ivlml,. w..r n it... the.rtaUt suptTiiiten.icut cannot by any tneaps rea h "all the teachers. The jioolcs for the schools are to Ikj seJecteU fey men choseiytninaru t.. , .)Cn th(.y g- !ht' jj, jijean'5 iook aiier uien(i,; jnj; aim or j sliifj system, and will "if ot do.- .We-j are, in, lope tluit.'Ititt -mother year there wijl lx greatly increased appropriations, longer scIkmiI terms, more schools, belter paid teach rs, system divided liy districts nd directed by men selijetMcHjK'Cially fr their, fitness . without regard to politics, - So anarehjyt is wnrse i'nfie wboIopche' Jkc 'Schools with ilitics.- Biblical Recorder. This is air adininWiindcoiiclsc statement of tbejremlilkniia whnHi the List legislature placed our pul lic schof)! f ratt-ni. X'jwl Vuiale; Mfi ilyieailis th lieconlrfTv erly characterizes it, is the joint to tU more H4ir On Any Bald rWM Om Earth.fiUl i-u-'ia4V.sS-illr nt th 1-1. It is tbe only trmtiHii ril thatVill j Mm.x next The Recorder is cd on application. v . . ; . . . "J,,n7?," I'V" l W ,,Mr. Joha M..tWle is iny ngentat 'Graham, Jf.t. '"--' r""s;: . Rcsixvtfullv, UcTrH-tf 1 law River, S. J x:;:jt&rJ 4 dea zjzs llierewie tiHit. cntitk'd nun. uuu thine to Mlra t Fmirt Wi3 raa Ttfc- Writ fU a CO- t A ' rw, Wj i;l ay l" i " f. 11 Ll U t V Lfka Uttommtm. ivsnraaia.' ia)aeh. - Republican Mintrol : of the Htate. Whether the XationaV con vention deelarc for silver or riot,' if we ut a s'r.iight free' silver ; plank in our .State platfonii and ; iiglit it quit sinceroly alonj that line we will carry thottUci; - u-t- U"1hc Populists know that they cannot 1 hope, to get hnything by themselves, n$ they fimn a com paratively small element iialional'y. .They, aeO, that, they not only can hope for nothing from the Republi cans, but that the ' Republicans are actually opposed to ihi in on the fi n;incial ijueslio!,-- -- ; "The I'opulisU ate watching the fight lictnccn the two wing of th Itepubjican, party in this Ktate, Tht-y e that this fight is sirripJy as to which .fiction shall contrtd the negroes. ... That's the whole fight flow.,;. V ;,. '"That mennfl that tlic rrcgro Vlc ilicnt will cunt ml the - Republican party.., And the Populwt- Iwlieve in white lupremacy as much as the DcmocmU da'r - '.' - irsorMnu ;tlrtr ; eid t,lara tiHl ttrr 4 ti rk .-jfclaitia, rfVn M .i " ft rspcr. tuuscTiW! to lueUuasMt. JItr. C A. inww A O.,, of Washington,, I). - Cffciwycw and agenu for procuring patcits,' will send frou to any add res Kimphlt4 with infonnntbm ' aliout home and fotvltm fmb'nts, 'ca regis Co: riKhU, trade-marku," infriiijicnient, Uviign Insocis anil Fongi. IristC's. are divided into two Classes,. Viz., luting and sucking kinds. The biting kinds gnaw the wood ami foliage and. chew their fond, and therefore can be killed bv outward application of jKtisons, but the tucking i meets gt-t their ftaidanddtJ'tlieir da mage, by insult ing their long Biiouts through the outer coverings into the top ot solu ble life foods of the plant. The remedies for either kind arc called insecticides.. i Pungi are also divid ed into two classes such as mildews, pots and blights, which are minuto jilarits, and the parasitig fungi, iiiu ply threal like iKitliei such ft. arc f racings oyer You state that tomatoes arc your chiet crop .Moulds, root blight, Icsif blight, and black rot are the; chief- eneinie of the tomato plnnf and ' fruit.' To protect tho tomato fruin , these enemies, llliam , 8, . I'owell; of Maryland, recommends to first soak your seed in n weak solution of- the ammoniacul solution of carlionato of copjcr, then dry and sow. As the plants put forth the third leaf pray th'-m in. tho bed witH'lTio tane sdulion. : When they are set out pour around each plant one-half pint of the ijnmc. litis answers as a. watering and jniprt gnatc . the ground and pr vet its root blights, which cannot be cured by 'spraying Wiage. This npplication also in duces rapid starting of the plants in growth, catiI by he volatile nin rnonia the solution rvntains. Hifn spray until tho fruit Vgins lo color up. It i well to rciiH'nilKrr rlimp and cloudy weither induce disease ir plan! a, as well as in hu rian : be ings and animal. . J iKWirre' - in vjiassetl 1 ; Apple . Orchards As1 Windbreaks. Wherever, forests arc cleared; off there soon -comes a demand for a windbreak of some kind to i" shelter .buildings arid sloi'k (from .'IW.COld, blasts, arid to j rotect the farm from the severe-t winter winds It is, a good practieoto set an orchard either iwitli niuijnarrying Intijitlesan Spitu on the windward side of the farm, or of the house rind other farm binding. It is true the trees nc bare in wii)T ter, ,aad Jiless there is n close fencu to obstruct tlsj wind near tho sur face it will blow under the trees near ly Wstrong as if no orchard were in tlie way. , This can be remedied by planting a row of evergreens on the windward side. This will also hold the snow from being blown 'away froiri the orchard. Most fruit trees puffer (roni lack of water, in 'be sunif nier sensoii when they are jKTfecting their fruit. ' It is abundance of water that enables their roots to take up the mineral plant food, which is es sential to seed proiluetioii, It is the lack of water that causes wr large a tninsmissiijii ot an earthquake shock islfi.000 feet n r second.: I v , The division of tune into hours Was known to the Babylonians since tho rcMnptest tunes ot antiquity 'y ' (There waa a time when the Brah- ' ' ' mans. jmnished wen , with d atli if tiny e-d'i red) to lake red headedwV men na tjjiei .wffei iFuidiAat thrt the men persisted) in, funiiiitg aWity i v .' ; v&a or' ,v i i mi iugs,;iltti4ig Quires; etc. Southern iiaiiVay. np.rao.vrAiB LIXK " ) HXdN'rf bivleioxs FIRST AKD it is formed. The time come frr forming the seed", and tho mineral element needed js either not hi the siiil or in unavailable, becatiso there is: not water in the soil lo uwsolvo it. Boston Cultivator. , Lv Otveimlxim filo,.',!2."eaB'-'-T-'- , liui iinifUiii . ..u.T... ., or.iuHlo ,.,..,.-J-H.ii ! . H illh.H. ' t-rrtl-r'T Cliiytoil...,..., Ar illliorii'.'.'r.' of llm law: ft wlecnv wiw whii.li dinted that aU rcddiaia'd f t.. i,..1.:.. i... .1 ,... J i ,ieiiiuiu iflikili-j fv,uiunicu. . i I u G nadalnpo tli0ylccs niako no (0d), but deposittheir honey in '.'bladders ',' of .waalxmt tho" size of a hep's egg.- These r curious bees are small and black in color and have no "stings., .. ,,7. The Jargit oak tree now standing in Great Ilritian is that known as tlio ''CV.wthorpie,!' It is 78 fett-iif cireinnferenco? at tho around and ulx)ut 14G feet lnull. . ! . . (indiam Tl, n.-,.n.;.. ! .. 1. I 1 1 nll.!T3i" i vAi'i.iirnE iii I.17I, in iiii-i . .. ..... I worm is now on ;no siieivcs ni ine (Wielins'flivctory. It is worth $r0," 003. ami. was made durinir the vear.r U8G&Hn(HiS70:r '".It was ordered for ,Ko.atu- Oai "y. 12tpm! TIB Dill 312 J 4 IS Ko. M Mixed. Onily. - laoam t . s 10 S IH 1 .i if ?, r Tub Mixed Ix Shiu llliiii iwpm- West Bound -1 ' ' --''i-i ' I Ixed lal.y. .-........... -IM1 . ...r muk . 4 1 , -SIM , 15 ttiirhaiu .,, . ... . . " tv.,aaici)fo-.;:.'i:.73-.r.? wt Z CUyttin M. Ktlmsi pmportion of fruit to.full soon a ft en Napoleon III;, I uV was . unfinished i LvOoidboici"ll!i ...-,,-: 4 (W ;j4 ...r zoo Tomar In tho Tea A tumor in the duct 'of the teat inusrbe atiended to imtricdjatcly, or (he tca't and tho otiarter of the udder to which it belongs may be Siled permanently, ' A milking tube shoutdJjc used.' This is a sil ver tube niadeTlofbe" pUrpouc, und pan be procured ofadruggist of from a surgical instrument maker. 1 1 is greased with' vaseline and. full v piisheil into (he teat at milk fng time, and, when the cmy( give down ilic ni'tlk it will run down from the titlio. as well as from the other teats. The ' teat should . 1e treated with iodine ointment, rubbed on opposite the tumor, twice a.. day. the cow should 1c given one pound of KpsOm salts, and this is to be re peated the third day. During .this treatment no train food should be given more than a hran mnsii twice a diy, . Overfeeding with rornmcnj often prod uci-s this trouble wilh cows. Xetr YorkyTi mcs.": - tt , ft ...1 it...fj . i....: , l t. I - xi.- or j, -C. " -- noun iiiu i iuiieii-i riid.-i.iii nururiiKe' .". " inixe cioe conn: MfXlMl Ex. Hun. mipni but 1. The Hnnsariaa Crown. out. When flint war was finished he had iw.use for it. , ij ul iv In Annergnu they wiy that a child horn between, midnight -ami morn ing "will turn out bad.'.' " Tin was made in : (kHinectieiit ns long ago at 1770, and in Massachu setts and Kuw York ijl 1776-77 ' Bonioonv' has ascertained that the silver dollar is 1 J 1 ijieliea, - the half dollar 1 inch; anil the quarter dollar f of an inch' in diameter, k ... Since the records of immigrants arriving in the 1'iiited' States '. was first, ojiened , 15,001,0:0 persons have coiij into the country, , , The w heal, i'oriMatH, rye, barley, buckwheat, potatoes and hay raffed Hthin : lh limits 'of 'this United States irKO-j was worth '$1,489, 487,0)0., ,' "' j,,,! Blumcnhack fays-thitt cither the tombs or bones of over '2fW prehistor ic human giants have lnn-n founil in Europe since tho year 1891. : There i only one spei ics of bjrd in tho Unite I Slates that nen-r builds a nest for itself the ca blackbird. The Rrillsh cuekmi lias the same pe tij;.ni' Irait, . JJo!li dci jiof it their egg, mho nesls of "other bird.. - - ItioO tt-. cioe connect UtiH urity to and txutu Uutpal Kill, J " '" tiruot-oif6cuEDrjt,fe','1; -f -i-S US .'I., nt S-uth jh'-CJ. Lv Wanl,iiKtuii...l (Harlot Mvilie ' -r 'Rli'limcmil..... h) iictibiinf.., iUiiinHle..". Ar Orieinrfxwo -J , .... ,. Ill llUlVl. , J4Ml tKl --.,,- - ftiilWliIlT.. f .. A ...... .111.. ... ,n.ii' ijuu.n, , . - I' .. H,.vln,. ' Knrxvllle. f 'luitt:iiHHiaii J ,. i u irini'e... - Columbia.. AuKUiia.. Suvmimih ...... Ccntnil 3'luiol - JiickMmrKle. St-Aluiilhtliloi , HlrmltiKliain- - Fiempiiis , KiOrltwiln.x..: Na 8S.. Uuiiy. itwsr. Unity. II 15 a m in js p m ll'FBjJUia i H-'im l-t J rsini Wpra tteam tBtUaiii 12 v oi. n m ' Hi JJM ii am .. -,:! .Vyr'O. North ; imim SJ i ill) I ..."! . PS SSOaiu! SMpiB patpniiiAia , loai Ttoam - ihilly. ..('-ii': T.-T. fung;irian crnwiipihd royal headdrfMs worn st their accession by all tho Austrian EmjK'rors. fs the idenllcal one made for Stephen and Hst-illjyjiini at tin tiotc of his co onation more than 800 -ye.irs ago. Ii is of pure gtsd and weighs nine mark and mx ounces (alut J4 (tounds, avoiWlmois). ; It is adoru cl with i-l aapphires, 50 rabies, one emerald aod 3H fiearls, Ixtt ne din- - -i . ..i ..i . such .seasons, ' or when ' constant ,uon," " n " nonan ' '" rains ocrur. ihc smir nnm' must that diamonds were un- - a . a " YW r;ltnf harfc . a "Cuuiiur i wir al haroqi.- if 'ilitt Ssrnt. JIB drargt'ta.' M 1 Jt W . i i. p. 11 171. i. n-npq m i. iaiwfb. mmam as well at the frt of patent inlhe L tilted htate and freign countruat Children Crvfcr I kept going. American t ul:ra- lor. 1 . , , ......... ; . -. j - A TooIhoa-,For the Cardra.'i ' A toolbottM? for the garden is in- dispcnible.' It docs not need to be more than six by eight t-et, whkb will hold all the needed tools and implement." Th list of these should comitrise a hand plow, colli vaVrl -.i ,t jfcft? r.i.: rj. - ., i ' . lucky. Ac tVt"ni(tiin...! Diarlni-avUk-l ; llldenoiid.. , i 1 )oihliiira... I: D.inll)e..; ' Lv rinwwiifira ... '.t, v nifn-ftaicjn Hnll.lilirlrC., ,T Ahe1l6i ltnf SpHdita... Kl'llKl0 ThaitaiKi.KaJ : 1 nirioti . 1 .liimlin AnxahUi. MaianiiMh (C"nl Tlnwl . .ltK'lc.ni Ilia. . iluif Wrtilid AH.niH Lr I'lniiPaiuaJ k.i , I X t Ito.'ss. llnl,v - S -f Mat ' ' 11 CHIMI 11 ;iif a in laaiai 10 ana mi 1U2U .5 W Jutt ; It apMns that yung Coxcy, the son nf ihe generil, I fighting with IW. .rfTolutionits lown in Cuba, sod ItissnggpHfe l that tho general tniyht firnl etnplirtnK-nt down, there for his army of hobo. ;' '-' ' 1 A friend comes from Albemarle counr. Virginia, to 'tell us .that Amclie Rives 'married her : Russian t: T 41 i t. .1. - . and seed drill combined ; a stcl rak, -JZ J. T, rZiS-A , 1 . 1 . - - ' ' of tMx-unng instcnal tor a new rv vcl. a'nihilii-t CurtL. The San, the Moon and Ihc . TiJes. Mont jkkjiIo Kuppose that, the moon alone is respoitsible fr tlie njnmonjenorijtf tidos but the attrac tion of ihe snii i also airihiportant factor. Of cnir.jo-tlic distance of the sun from the - earth is untbink ably gn ater than that of the mon, but its ma is so enormous that it liasj cnsldcrable tide-producing' in-, nuencc. "; The force whrch the' sun exerts is the'na'iie on lioth'"suIei' of tlie earth at the same lime, the ide producing fi.rtc of the great oj4 ,Ve ing atsiut fnir tenths tliat fthe moon. - At IImt t ime Of both new aiial full moon the ''wane Apherwl VMtatll.wl litf taflffl tllAlfTV tl.l 1,11 I .-1.. ...l-ltll fl.l Mill! "Uhe n n have their, ''axes coiiiei-1 ' dent." that L tsay, lh" two frrent orb unite their encrgieson the fluids ', ut ous ptanet ami as a ' result the tile arj liiglier th.y.i' ttie average fo'r i (he rtil ti:iin . nrtipii.oii. tli i j; month. Tlie tare tho 'Vpring tide.? , ! T1ii "iw.i ll.lj'' mm in lUlin,!: ".,M'-'e .I1 ua ukm lV j ' ' " ' " -a .IIHIW - f WTWC fftl ft JtA J3 10. I SWamt Sanaa J.4MI . I , f-T(WBBl IK ' " . J . am . Hi . I leroK'B , fLERVl SO" 'A II k VlfK. t t ' K a. 3T and . ' Waabinjrtan .'n7s7nin wvhtvrti Umrtert. eomiaiaed entirely of Full- -man cur mliilmuia Fuiinian no 4 no r o wrtra faiw 'Ihrmnrh li.nv cars between J' V'.rli and Sfe Orlra'to. (it Torlr ad MetaphK New York and Tami a 'and Wvh-Inxtiitu- A he. Ill,- aiwl H Sprinir. A laoa- Hea (im-tl,.rtirb Iwvrffu Wahltiirtin and JaiKonvjlv.i. Oiofnir ear -"-OeeStMlwra aiMT Muntimnivrr. , fn. and ai Jfew Tor and Slortia SHoW l.nm l lmllivl. Hol tniin beimed Morli. Uaaainjrton. JnrktoniSks and St. 'Aiiaustlne Pullman loiHarln-iit aad !if.'"f KDf ilfS"fi-HwarirtMti ami " tHnlnxCnnt. Kina i.UMVestlbuledCuaeh ba tvee WailliKt. an St. .AairuaOr. . ThnNiirh enra Iwnween New Yrk,l. 4aria tlaa and Tampa, and n-.ron u AaauMa. No-.'. led M. T. a. Fa-tMR PallaM stoapiaa csr betaveif "Sew Vnr. Atlanta ami M'MiMfomerr, and new York and ia--aimllla. A leo- M.vpirif earlNnvtiad'Cbar h4teapd AnmiMa. ' .i ;. m land t ?.(ephir car netwnVl nnb "" &l,j5,'r,,'"-,Vl tr. Tbmurh flekeu on aaia at vhIk-i iHs tl-w in all points. KV.r rales or liilermaMu ant-ly aia axont ttorA7.r wi . . rT.i. mHiy, Run w snim mm - In.: Wi n. ay rP,M,mpt.enISlvCharkttr!- - Ifjf".: W. A.TI-JJK. iienl Pawrr AtanW Wl"tT.. D. C W. SI. ftHKF.X. f.enl ManaxeriBaatern, n)TjWaslitntrMi, Tt C' )- ' . 01 twuntijt iiinicuuj uir a aboe, nrrdTwde, for thi am ic..t 4'ji10 prince is a r.t.-ackf .fetolV.iahatf its ;iui fi.ua'.d zr.d an eK':'e. W.f.. K. Oareat. aad TmJa-Marts eWxlMrt, and aD ru- -fM tvtnnl) enedurtod for moocsst fti. civ o-r-et ' "im Vva. aTrTr - ' ' - I' . i -a i.u. Af lh..n...,'. Ct an.1 rite 'r.,l4f i 1 1, 5" .r'"- r"o.. S d-rrt-v sod antnrfVwg.c.it as the nxcrag, A -,,w wW .,.. P,. ,... nj.n aiia sun aro4 vb. ir. AJ-.n , la-C-UI the working i-i o( (ltUl't.Wi.A. and vition. nv U the 5