The Alamance ; Gleaner. voL;xxii. GRAHAM, N. C THURSDAYS APRIL23, 1896. NO. 12: JUJJTCLO MISERY RllEUr.lATISM C.H.riag, Water Talley, MiM., (fnred by Aycr's Sarsaparilla ;; Pi Are years, I suffereil untold misery from mnjiil;tr rlummntlsm. 1 irleil nvtry kmiwn remedy, roiisulicil the liest tiyst : rt'ws, TlsltH ftot Bprintjg. Ark., three tlmeii, ": j stwitdlug SUM llieie, resides doctors' Mils; Iwt emild obtain ouly temporary relief. My flesh was wasted nwuy m lliiit I wolglii-il .; only liliietj-tliree pounds : my left iirm mid leg were, drawn out ot shaye, tl.o muscle J 'JY '!'.":'-:r . Y (IW1 111,111 11 , ' r". ''""'' I ' . Miitt twitted tip In knot. T was unable to hci iRysvlf, elcept Villi iinsIsUhiciv and would wily Imlilite jiuout liy using a enlie. i " tind 4i nwMte, nnd wns fissured, by tlie doctor. IhM I could iHit llvo. The pniiis t" ; times, were so nwful, Hint I could procure n-lkfonly liy menus of liypndpnnlc lujec tlnnsof horplilne. I had my llin1slHiiidagrd In day, th eulhtir. In pmiUlccs; lut these ' pivc only temporary relief. Afier trying t'vnrvtliiiip, nnd BiiNYrlng tlie most awful tortures, I lcgnt take Ayur'sisiii-sapiirllio. Inside of , two .months, f wax nine to wnlk without a rant. In Mirec muutlis. my tliul s , liegaii to strenvlhcn. arid tn tlio course of a ; year, I was cured. My weight tins tnerensed In 103 lunmda, nnd I nm now nlile In ilo my full day's work as a ntilrond titacksniltli." -AVER1 Tb Ciy World's Fair Sarsaparilla. : T PROFESSIONAL CAItllS. ;i tWWSWlW'lWil'WtatfMi JAcoii a.- rv A ttu r ti c y-nt- Law, 7 BOHLtXGTok, - -' - S. C ' PracMi Intbe' !trtnd VeMl wr. Otltec over White, Wovnt, CiC ttoro, Main tt, IlMlflC Ko. , Inferred from last week, l: ' ..OUR WEEKLY WASHINGTON LETTER.-;7 From Our Regular correspondent., ; I Wasiunoto.v, D.'C, Apr. 10, '90. ' , A n.oro unt-nsy .cnnvtl llnin the .mti-McKialp- roimblicaris in Oo v grts wi ul 1 ho difficult to find. They know that Piatt unci Quay are hatch ing up some sort of 8 fienie down in Florida, and they fear that tlio ro poi tij abou Quay . liavin ninde- a thai with McKinley are true, "and yi-t the' are not . certain enough to try to ; act for them solved. Theso men don't euro a Htraw alxitit the potionality ottlu! candidate, i -'AH they want is to he with th e winner. It was hccaiuie they thought the QLiiy-l'Iatt-lJeod '; coinbino ' was strong cno igh' to defeat MeKinley and dictate tlie nomination that they joined it. i Now-they are in a quan- ilmy. They are nlraid totiyto, make deals with McKinly for them selves until ihey know what Quay and I'lattarc up to;a:v.l if it . ha 1 tnt.r out that Quay and Piatt have gone over.ttt McKinley they know that it will be too'Tato for them to get up any concessions for thenigclvcH, as with the support of Quay and Piatt McKinley's noimnation would be closij oiwerycr. Only thi week Mr.Qpnnan got. tip and made a .few remarks against the idea. of aliohsli ing postituisteM At county pHt offices which arc In' thr vicinity of large eitioi and pl.iciiy thnje ollijOif Tin der clerks from the city offi,:cij. Note the remit. The Senate ad-iL-d tti a nendme it to tho Poj'ofli -o appropriation bill limiting the jxtat-tj 0f t) masters wno limy oe uuoiisncd to inosc wno prcsiue over . postomt which are within five miles of- t e corporate limits of cities. As a rule democrata in Congress do not seriously regard tho sloried't concerning Senator- Tillman's can didacy for , tho demoemtio Presi dential nomination, which his le parture to make somo speeches in the wcst hiiveirai circulation, but personal friends of the genii "man say that he really intends 1 to bo a Ciindidato if. the silvertnon entity 4 the Chicago convention. Well, TOBACCO IN NORTH CAROLINA. From the ftulcigli Kews and Ob server's lobaci"o edition we learn that North Carolina cultivated and cured and sold in, 181).); 82,000,000 pounds of' the be-t, 'fichest ami sweetest' tobacco grown in tho world. It sold nt an average of eight cents per pound, bringing into the pockets ur Vhuidters ?r,3G0,tK)i). I (nr manufacturers havo ; made 8 1 into smoking and plug tobacco, cigar ettes, ci);ar.-,'iYC.,S.),Ol;0,000 pounds of this weed, . which lias sold at an avcrago of 80 cents per pound, mak ing 87,000,000 a grand total of $18,500,000 from ourtobact-o indus try, i one year. We have in operation 250 manu- fai taring c t blwlimoii'sf 70 ware houses, and 225 loaf factories, stom- meries and prize houses, all together representing a money investment of a littto more than 02(,COO.0OO, and tliev A Strange Story--RaUs liilce Piottoa, fMn nli 1 v .111 t lii.i e 1 f,iil w . nhnM . anybody can be tt candiJate, but ! ti()i;.32)000 1M.0)k, B ... ,VK , MM(m. is Th(J , Mt rf . (()b lCpo farm- .n tiii.iu.iiiwiiici Liiin; inmiy iie.iiiJ crats m Congress think that Sonator Tillman's iladaralion of his in'en li;m to bolt the Convc:itio:i if it does not adopt a platform in accordance with his views is of itself enough to i tho United States, possibly in tho PROFIT IS THE CHERRY. assured and thy would hi! le!t out lr him from receiving any honors in the cold for not haviner mussed' , at the hands of that convention, right. All of which is nuts for the democrats. ' J President Cleveland must find the numerous attempts that arc daily made Uy newspniwr men anxious to cam tlieir salaries to tell what he Is .; goi 'g to a!oitt tUose Uubun reso- lutwii-sent to him this week, a s.iura' f constant 1 amusement, and so numerous am the stories con cocted that it will lie almost ' impos sible for tho ProiJjiit - U h .y thing that' will miss all theories that lre been put forth., HoaicUidy wilrAiubtley U'ablo toav ';ItoId A TTORNEV A T LA W, CRAIIAM, y i - -N.'.C, QjixOuAr Byxl'&m v V W; iv nyxrn, Ju. r. Bifxux & urvirsr, ; JhiiMctwy and Miii4waat Lw There is no more profitable fruit crop than the cherry, provided tho trees aro plantc I on th? right kind of ground and are in a locally where plenty of help can bo had cheaply at the time of gathering. Thero is always a good demand for cherries, and the price per p Kind will often give $8 to $10 per ye ir for a fully-: ffwwn tr. u 0 Have known as f. world, will bo planted this year in North Carolina. It will be in Per son county and bo planted by Col. Jno. C. Cunningham.'; The area planted will be six hundred acres, which will make between two and a half and three million hill Col. Cunningham has been tor several years the largest robacco planter in the .State and the fact of his thus in creasing his. acreage is proof enough that ho finds its culture a paying in' dustry, Ilii will clear a largo body of timbered lauds for the crop. Fresh land is best for tobacwo. Durham Dally 8un,' April 10th, . , '. r Strang.ithingi do h ipo i In , this w(rld, llem.'irkahly straillgo things Wo havo hero a thrilling esieti'Jiv tor, .nioru. oxeitinj than what wo read in fiction. ' ,'"" -' II. II. Stewart, of Caswell cour. ty, was in the city , to-day with - to bare;) and gives tho Sun a most ex citing account of the trip Dock Mc- Adams, a prosju'ious farmer living abuve I'MSpoct Hill, in Caswell, made tit, Danville throo or four days "go. - -Mi'. McAdams is small of statnre, but grit to tho backboae. - Some three or four days ago ho carried a load of tobacco to Danville, which ho sold, and tho loal netted him the neat sum of 3 )J. Ho went to tho bank to have his clmck cadia I, and in thoro h ) notice 1 a womirv' becomin.rly attired, with face veiled. Ho gave her a passing no; ice, think ing she also had business with the I bank. iJe secured the money, but Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report TTTv n i DQ2.JTEE.V PURE THAT SILVKR CIRqtXAR. Pi3KI PIl YOU.VO PIOJ. " Young pigs will begin to feed from hand when two weeks uh, or less if In . . t v a high'.as$2:i worth ofchcrri.s W,M i iy arc hch manageii. a gooa way from a large tree when th price was MWWe imm u-v P3 ft Tl.n ..h.,mr mli,l.l.. ,vlt.l ! " MUrillOU III U HfiailOW llv VHMl J law.'W Jf" 1 1 " hi-li. ,.. TracHee rcini'iirly n.iKeciinrv c the curM Al km. i,Vi iy. ytr Imt if. Kill nut lm iierus they had advanced information. All il. .a : l 1 . .1 ' t i i i iiiiii is Known is mat wie j-residem t , : . : , . . -, iwts arj .kc:)t m sjanant water, is considering to U.-ternmiJ whether , . , . on dry soil, or" if wet, it mart be , di"h in Part of tho Hcimwted thoroughly irtderJrai.ied. .If th f,'j:n thc 80W' 1 tt ltituy.x under tvl.ich tho pigs aro able tr c-e.-p, As Dr. JoiaP.Stockardv Jr., .aia I)KXT1ST. BUKLINGTOX, X. C. "" CVonil 4f f trth W l w, ; r v . I ifflee m Main t. mir I K. Wit Vev 8s rv.,g atore. . , ' LivefyrSaleFeed - . STABLES W. C, Moore, Prop'is, . : ITKAHAM. K. C. Harkampitall tnliw. rwid.Kiiwlpcrloa Me irnnuk uuuvui muoi-iaie. fllcal of -Hair" ! r I am the North Carolina Agent lor 'Pr. White's Na. Hair Qnwir Traat meat, the Graataat OiereY " " - of the Agai It will permanently core tailing oi the hairvdandrutT, scaly eroptions , jxwtulij, isr any scalp disease, j. . It parent hair turning gray and restores hah to originnl color, and l-rings A NEW GKOWTJI OF Hair On Aay Bu4 Haad O Earth. It is the only treatment "tliat -ill' jfroducc thcuc results.'., jv - -.: Testimonials and treatise furnish ed on apnliratioii. ... .1 . Mr. -Joha L I'oUe is my agent at Graham, N.'C . ; -,: Kipei-tfullr, - K.T. LASHI.EV, Dec. 14-t Haw River, N. C. WAITED-All IDEA fhi-n; tm t-n f l'ne tvnrlrtrae-, iher mr b- . vwlib. tenia Jotui WfcOOfcti I c m hwit AitorT Wahiatiai. U li, loc IMil )MU jaise asUc. there iscanything in the situation' to e.dl or an v action on iU wL Hie i ttina of one f lVmis vlra saV l rnctical Htt l iimkcrs, ;wlo w at iiresent in Wa4ington on Mc-Kink-jisiii, is entitled to weight. This piithiiuiii, Mr. James Arir lrews. f, Allcglwiiy, suid : :, "The iHcc4ty h a hih protciflive tarifl1 cenis to liave gone by, , for in many lines we have reached a jKiint of clicapneus jii production that oj proxituaics (he cost of jiroduction in any of the pruropcan counfries, lake srci-l wr instance. . L remem ber when, ; as an uniireiitke. I was employed in the first plant thai smelted twl. west of the Al'egha uies and tliat it sold fat 41 cents a pound. Now it is made for one cent a pound, owing to tho marvel ous improvements' in machinery ami better transportation futilities. He baveinu h the advantage of England, fiir our ores lay near the suif ice and can lie mined at a tri fling expense, whereas they have to go to great depths for their ores a'ucl fuel. We can bring tho laibe Su jieiior ores to the smelters of Penn sylvania in vast quantities, and wa ter transjiortaiioit is very low. - Such natural Advantages are not' enjoyed by any eouijietitor, ' and hent-o -in the making of steel we stand.on an equal footing with all the world.! According tu Senator "Smith, of New Jersey, the Democrats of that State havo no i-andila!c to urge bo- fore tlie ChiiTigo convention, aud are per.M.-tly willing to supjst the man i-hosen by that" cofl vent ion. Mr. Smith ' thinks the ; Denny-Tata can r-arry the State ibis year if no o.iMakc' is made in the platform adopted at Chicago, no matter who heads tlie Presidential ti kd. -. .Tlic nwn who thinks that Senator Gorman dot not still wield a power ful iiiflurwe in the Senate is not n;ildcw,and rot will attack tho fruit. This can be partly prevented by k -eping the tr,(i well su)plied wi h potash and phosphates. All stone fruits require a' gr. a1 deal of potas!i. l.i the cherry ths sijjof tha'secJ is larger i: pni;iortioii than, it is with any otlier kind of fruit, and its de mand for potash is correspondingly great, aiaay old cherry tre a that the milk is eaten add to it n little crushed oats and wheat, half anil half, making thc mixture thin. Giro onlv a small quantity, n much as will be eaten clean, and the dish li ked over. . Feed the s.nv all she will eat of ground corn, bu kwhuat, and wheat bran, in equal quantities, mixed with skinicd milk, which is mtwt desirable f r a nursiiii sow. observed that tho woman watched his every movement, though , not a word she spoke. That afternoon Mr. McAd ams hitched his team' and started for homo. .When 8onu three or four miles from Danville, as ho was Hearing what is known ns, the ''dry bridge.'yho saw the sarno woman in thc road, littired in the same' coa- " j tunie,7 with a small satchel on Jicr arm. As he drove along and over took her, she asked in a very plead ing way if ho would allow her to ride with him, as she was going that way some distance. McAdamsvery readily consented. Ho, took her KitclM.J nd placed it in tho .wagon, then ho unhitched one tracoin.;rder that sho might get in niorp conven iently. As she was stepping up u puff of wind blew her dress to one sido and Mr. MeAdams saw a pair of boots and tho pantaloons. As quick ns a flash his mind acted and baring a loaded whip in his hand New and Observer. - i "Who Is the author of tho silrpr circular?" is askod many time u day, and there is no answer.1 I The first copies seem to - -have ! been distributed Jin Raleigh last Friday, but they ; aro being spread over tho State, Here is the document .that has aroused so many curious questions :' "How to get silver! "Democrats sco to it ''I. That every 'silver man' in your precinct attends tho primary; "2. That only such men as ml-1 ly and unequivocally say that they favor the . free and unlimited coinage of silverand gold at thc ratio of 1C to 1 by this cou.dry, independently of other nations, aro selected as delegates to your county loiven tion. "3. That only su.h men as , the above ore elected us delegates to the State nnd district conventions. 4. Watch out for so-called 'bi. metallists,' they are your worst eno nies, and somo of them will fool you if they tan. "5. In addition to your regular delegates to the State and district conventions, have your county con vention to elect ot tho same time tho rcgula'r delegates aro seleclcl one; or imro" additional delegates. wW"wT1!'bo sure to attend, . from Kalcigh or elsewhere, to cast th. vote of your county in the event the regular delegates do not attend Thi is very important, as tho bond buyers and their emissaries art countjng 'silver men' not being able I on account of poverty, to attend. ovcrv Subscribe for Thk Glkascr, f I,. 50 jijeearin advaneo. ' ' - . UNII rimn 1 J 7n 1 MACHINIST ANO ' ENGINEER, BURLINGTON, - - - N, c. "MACHINE, BLACKSMITH SHOP, FOUNDRY, OEAR-rtrrTiNo. ; sarPipings, fittings, valves, etc. Southern Railway. PIKDMOST AIRLINE. FIRST AND SECOND DIVISIONS' la Effect Feb. t, sm. . GreoriKboro, KalelKli and Golds twroT aredyinRoiitcanbc saved if thcvl W,,on tho ""'I1 I"1 nro "mn " . ., .......) j xi. :.e....t: .,m h t arc lilcnt'ly fertilized with mineral manures, Doston Cultivator. Wfl.iT A WOMAX CAY !'. I some ffKl. some Uid some i hea i Are Icatnm acciuTar to Hood's PlBa. Small la . ... . . - ' K. '.''.'; 4 irf You should have a county fcxxhscnbc to The Gixixkb. nrtt tt Tntft Zaf asy to . Operate Anmanrimwaiinainsi. Bna m l : .r. alitaleaacieiaiUMa Afaa,wmjt,W I'nwl i-i f-i : nm.-. A .BUCKS KIN I I - TI.1 As a wifb nnd mother sho can make or mar tho fortune and happi ness of her hinban I a id children. . liy herthrift. prudence, and good manage in e:i(, she can secure til her jxirtner and herself a competency in old nge. . y By her tender care she caa .often restore hint to ginwl hiwlth. By her counsel and her love she can win him front bad company, if temtati in, in an evil hour has' led him astray. . f - Y : Sho can tin as- much as a man, fierltaps even more" tit degrade hiin if sho chooses to do it. - As wife sho can ruin her hus band by extravagance and folly; by want of a flee: ion she can make art outci-t of a man wh j might' other wise have become a goo-1 nietubcr of siK-i'ty,.'- . ' 'v ,' ... ' ,.' '. . . ..- y She . can bring bickerings and strife into what' has been a happy household. , .. - . - She can become an intrument of evil instead of an angel of good. A a mother her words and her wayj shouM lie kind, loving and gKKl, If she reproves; her language should lie choice and refined. Tlie true mother rules hy the lawj of kindness; aid to her child re.i the word '-"nurt hernia synonymous with everything pure,, sad beautiful-- - continue this feeding unti' tho mead ow is ready win re they will bo p:n tured. , A clover lot should bo pro vided for them, nnd for a ihange another lot sown with oats and peas; the. two may Iks usod alternately. At tho Siimo time tho milk and grain feeding should bu continued. , It is indisK!nsablo that a sufficient water innvtfr supply should bo provided in the pasture, clean and kept clean, in a running trough into which the pigs rnmii t get to bathe. For this purpose a shallow fiat bathing trough should be pro viced to take the over flow from the drinking trough. JITIKJMKNT IN FKICOINO. (1, 1 ,.....,.,.,.., !....., l. l,.,.l i . .. . 1 ; ...uwv while they will seo to it that -no wiacKou uio .ei.ow a .most le - j ono of lllcirnK.n ,vho c m b;) vl rinc blow across . tho head which ' .1.1 i .i ' . i "eieaio nas. me means to t ir n fr if m I it i ii rttir tt juIiui iw i. . - . ... .,..''- MeAdams then hitcheil his traco, and )utting tho whip to his hors.-s. left that vicinity in post haste, 1 and the disguised man in the road. Ho wont on to Yancey ville and reported thc matter there. Up to tho present time nothing has been heard? from tho robber. ' In his haste .to get away, and during the excitement, Mr. Mc. wiimSo" furuishti I there. Money our enemies. "(Juard carefully against oil con tingencies. .The enemies of tho poo plo aro on tho watch and will take advantage of .every slip. Nino-tenths ot the Democrats o North Carolina are in favor of fret silver. -See' that Jho convention represent your sentiments. Iiv rxintcnient, ,Mr Ic.)4irt5n nnv nn , . a . f a a ' " ' ' f v mil A.I.U1I3 canici niong wmi pun in : i:ICH v,,-,,, rnri,,!n . .... OUicr makers turn out jeans pants. We make the BRKECHES re tlie best jch pants made. Tlie price is as low a that of cum nwm goods. We wivi hr avs'em in ' Most of the ills that cows and o.ncr utnerjc animals sutler arc duo to iui;r.)per fcjdin; It is nn derstoo l ofc.iurse, tint thi pr.tdust ii . . . t m .a o: i io c tw i:i irianuty it not in q iility, ii de;o nL it on thj anio-Jit of gioj, n-Hriti mi fu 1 wliioli cm bcoiten ant th.irouhly digjilol. Una crcatoi !h tmpU'fr.t to feed loo ni jch an.t toirit'h food. Tin . c' gi thc digctire organ i, and iroTjnlly injures tliem per.nan5!tlly,r It require s'xili in feeding to giro ciimijth an I nit 'too mwh. . There aro peculiaritiei of individual c.)ws that have also' to lie confliireri-d. It n A. always tho largest cow that trill eat ami digest the most-j but we can be saf. ly said that mr"cmr w4 ever good fr mudi tt eilhjwmilk or butter if she was a delicate fcjdcr. The best cow is sure to hare a ravenous appetite, and needs to le Ktintetl sonietimca in her fivd to p rev rut her from eating more tlian U good lor hot. :-r tho wagon tho sa'chcl the robbox had. If was examined and found to-c.intain two pistols, I wo danger ous looking bmvie knives one had blood on It and 6100 in .cool cash. I (Tho hero of thc above exciting story is Mr. L. IJ. MeAdams, of Plea-ant Grove township, this county, and is known as "Doc" MeAdams by his friends and neigh bors. Ho is sm.iir of stature, but every inch bmro and courageous ; and, if he had been caught in such a predicament ng abort; nJatcd. he would havo iion-plussvd his as sailant. But it is a nicely wore yarn, for "Doc" himself tells us so. Editor The Glka.vku.). be longs For all It li tor ilikKiM lrj'i TaisrmkmiM the fart. nr. I T oavini tlie liort lriees (liemr I.v,.rl i iKlw. ,-.YLi ZZtViL 'ffk"KMP-lUare,cver I, U jnrVaal.ta4 caaTof emarV rmev. ta. Mae. U I w si'teii, ttiev re always the jaine la wI.k,,h. coujh, broochiU, ami U Saeuuly p-& te Uk aUli UucnI's buufurJU. poud.lCaJ. ' jri2e. , - rati iRFoxaAiiaa. Jles-rs-sC. A. Snow & (H, of Uashingfon. D. . C lawri-ra anri 'Half anan of angry rtccI-rw1II I agimu Sw pniruTinz-rwtefitic-wiU produce r more fatal reaulia than "end free to any address nainnbleta l l it . . ..I i . . 9 a ncocxe i com or eoum iiinait an I WIKK POU OIltPB TitStiLISK T.l ... -I-Y i - . 1,, jii iiiiiHing a ircins tor graiie rinwt wire w cheajmr ami every way better than wood. Iho fendrils easily citi h hold of the wires ani will hold thent as firmly as woo could do, witli tins advantage for tho wire that no leather or string is re quired to bind the growing shoot to it.-' The vine on the wire trellis has nothing to obstruct sunlight and air fnnn the b-avos nd fruit The grajicvine needs all the sunlight p s-iblc, and the lighter the trellis, if it w made strony, the ItHter it will be fitr thc growing t-rop. Bos ton Cultivator. CUTeuEmr - Try Elcetrio Biiters as a remedy fo your troubles ? Jf mtt, get a bottl now ami get relief. This inedieim has been found to lie peculiar! adapfed to the relief and cure of a' Fcinolo (!nniili infs, exerting a won derfiil direct influence in givin strength and tone to the organs. J you have Loss of Apiictite, Const!" pation, Ileiulaehe, Fainting Spells or nro Nervous, Sloiples, Kxeit able. Melancholy or troubled witl Dizzy Sk;1Is, Klectric Bitters is th medicine youifiid. Health'.' an Strength aro guarimtixd by its us Fifty cents and f.fX) at-T.- Al bright Si. Co. 's drug. store. Drainage About Farm Uwelllncr JM1y- Uu'ir- I Lv'iSru - p Iwam '. 5ur?,nrzr &m SS ' Mixed K- Sua. Lv Halelirh. ...'.........'...... ei am TZ Wet Bound . , k.SV mSk f Pally. Pally. Ar w-: -.S-' VZ - Diirtunu ... . I I i r.v.iuk-iim ;..r..v;:;.: & Mixed Kx. Sun. Ar na!olh.......;...... " 4 mm.. i . rvimtt, ..-..,... 9 HA use LvOuid.iwH,. ZZZ J 'w rr5'iV5rJ5 . S I1 M close connecUuo a onlyorelty to and Xruiu Uil HliL -7 " THKOCOH SCllBDriB. - fl.uth No.aj. Pally. . v Wahlnirton... CharliH'vllle Htcliiniind I.) ncliliurif..... Ihmvlilo .... Vr OneeiiMhiirn - Mliin'imaluuii Kjil. IKh,. .,.( HHlliliiirv .V Afhr llli. r Hot Springs... r.n..xine . I hiittitiHMiga . l'hi-litle.,. CnlumlifH...... AnipjKta. Sitvaiiiiah ...... (Central Time) JaokMinvfiJe St. Auaustlue . Atlanta ......; lilrinliiKbanJ MempliU ....J N.urUwna.. feu ST, Pally. II ISa m Kl n pat ' V Mil IO) li KM pm 7 IS n mi 1040pm tHlau auu tat r. H (tDaui 1220 ami Him Mai i ' i Tat liiia mia ttu Totarn am llwaut SITam XlApia 4 IS Sin. lit an North . r Rami Dally. tr Wonhmirron ..) Clirl..fvlkil - - lllcfimoiHl.l I.) mthlura..! ' I)aiillle j V II nwnislmm ...j . Win'n-8altm Halelirb , SallalinrT ., A-hevllJe .! M.H SH; Knnxtiile f haftanois.1 c nomnia ... Anaujtta.... Savannah .Ct'tntl Tlni-l Jncka-mtHlaJ S. Aiianaunerl - Aiitnia... I .v IHrmlnKlisni. N. Urlaans..1 m m iai HMtpml Ko. a, Pallj r. 42aa I butnat maim Joauaait eaipa n I 4m mi i a as . ! I ss Uhj mm lu I a io i ul Baa. man 3 HIS am 11 -Meat ftiaat T Y . SLKKPINO C'AU SEUVKB. -l2",Ti?" Wwn'naton and Soiitk etern IJmltPd.eomiH(t rallralyor Pull an earns minimum Pullman me nmi M car batareea with iiifononti.Hi about Itom. and foreiirn paU-nts, cavtsiL. twivriehla. I trade-marka, infriiufemcifa, design! I51.kI puriSe-I. disease" eund pafrnts, altn-ts of ilt i.iiiHis. cL-.. I ai,.Ln . -! .,i:n.,... . i ' ?- !J" , f :onU ,B U,c j "li4 " ,l ' each rear by I Lj;.. J btjj a:iJ frei.n cj.utries U..!"- . .r jK r.llj. " 1 Thc dwcllinc house nii rbl sln-ava "w ".rk nrt Newlrlin. K. yo,k aBa . . " , - j r cmpnn nxr lurt tn Tsai ui WhIk t 1 , ' , . , ., .. . ., .11.. . ., . .. ' " . ... .w :i a sugiu elevation,, to allow "ki ui.iiiisiKu irom me cellar aixl In spcetly removal of waste slops fron tho house through . tinder-'rouni conduefs. It must nut la; supjioricd however, that this is all the drain age that is required. A wc'l-laid Kmvel walk from the house Ut thi roadway, with unkTrdrauu reach- mg to' if will save an immense amouni of work in the house from tracking in of mud. It is' a mis take lo make the drains cither from the cellar or sink tight an.l cIod at at . " .. mc joint, as at-wer iiiiies in cities are laid.' Tlicre is unusually not a great rantou tt of offensive -r matter carrifil oir i.i these bouw drains. and th y wi I be 1, likely to clog if fho water drained from the soil is mixM ith it Tlio water wi.l .Jute tlic l;uj and aewagc," and enal.L the rihs toiairry off both to gether. v ' - - JaCKBimi III-. iMninu lrrDauuraMl Muntaoiuerr. Ko. ai nod tt. .Near Tort and Florida Short Ana l.tmllKl. Kiliil tntln betwd Nr urk. Haaainrtoa. Jar klant libs and Hfc eulln 1'ullnian Cntranment and Z'll" ZZlt ,'U- ' huled lk a 2 Walnatoa and St. AoeiMtiMi. rbnwirji can Ixttm Nr- York. Ht?Au!! Ine and Tampa, and new trk mAusMala. ' Ko. at ad as. U. S, .Pa t MalL Palliaaa b.ln rara hetwevn w Vora.' 4tlanv m.-tLm"iy7.'mn? K9W Tork anl J.. IT oiHilW. Aih kH-plnc ear betweaa Char atteand Auirwu. . - " v Nft tt li !lM,ln rmr ' ' n b'V..h.a K"l' . 1 beta-aea Oneaabura umi lucuaMJtia. k ..' Tl -' Wm m nu i.i UL . tkaui to all poinjnrW rm or lntuu ' apfljr to any aarrat of liia coaapaay. or to . fr-l. 3. llaKr;t. Sui t. htt dir Daavlll X. r W. A. Tt'NK. Oen-1 IWim Waablnatn". II. W. M. I.HKKV, l,wt Manaer , Beatera, t)IU Waablnatoa. I) V m fir V Cara aad Tn). Jiart, abtata-4. mm a ri. ftt ktutane caeaacfad air meatrntrx rrta.' P1'' o-ti n t u a. a-T.T O" r P Tr ' f-''t ao uu. tta het moH. erawn -. ptowau, aSti 4wt. "J"- ' Wearf-i, ft itrnrtmim at- la af caa-fa. Oa a an aa ii.l fmmm la ar tmyL amjt, Ho ta rmat." a a l 4 rio( a, t auwto. Va,a-tirac. AJ!a, C A g now w C Oa I Of. rTt.- Or a, U'4.a.n.i B. C.

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