J -J , ... , Si .. . N- ... J ii nr By the t-wretetent Uh of A 'jl troublei for, rears withv : ifloretori my kneei,' which "several pbyiidaliwW treated me, called si fil)p9$mllNk -that 'nothing 'MliXPfcAlW mi HWkrAs a jusl resort, ., was inuucea io try Ayer's Sarsaparilla,' and, after takv "-'ipg- a number ef bottles, the sore ' fe.SS' lit: T ' ..; ,'.- I vIR SK;'i , : is began to diiappear and my (general ; health improve. ,1 persisted In this ( . treatment, until the sore was en.: ' -i! tirelvJiealed. Since tlten. I use ? a tonic and blood-purifier,' and, in. ' deed, it seems' as though I could not keep house without itn Urs. & A. . r. Fields, Bloomfleld, la. v. '.irA.'f Iff1 ra JP O sFairSarsaparilli syer Pills Reguijite th Uw. I -11L4 ! 3 tvi-KyifESSl&NAL CARDS. JACplJ Ai tk)Ntf, ,.-; Attorticy-at-Law. . tme over KbnfiloiB44atlmH Utim w eireev TnoiBQ. . - T'h-T 'J- ': A TT0&NEV HT-LAW ' y- KS' GRBRNSdOBO.- X. C ; - . ' : Amr. 4 S4.K. na - - A 4W tA m tore V: V; HV. e: Moore, Pkop'b, - CUAHAM, N. C. Kadrsmrrtafltnttn. Onodaloclr nr rtoc Uiarcea uioaeiaic. - J I am the North Carolina Agent Ibi Dr. White's Nw Hair Gr war TrMt . nat. tli Crtt Dimvry .."t .4".' .'l'.' - ' ' '' It will permanently cure falling an the hair; dandruff" scaly eruptions, I postuks, or any scalp disease. It prevents hair Jufning' jftjsyf and restores ha'' V ofipi Jof, -and bgsEVCiKOTJI OF; - ' "Hair On Any BahHrf Om Eartfc. It is the' only treatment that will produce these results. ' ' Testimonials and treatise furnish ed on application. . ,-- "Mr. John M." Coble is my. agent at Graham, N. (. Ecn4wllvf' ' V i. K T. L-rTLEY, -IW. iUV llaw Urcr, X. C. - " ' vAriTED-An icarirjss buZir CO, fun Aturr-r, Whinl . .4 ;. .i. '-,t.K-tfU, H3T Yoa'sh'ouldJiAv .j.fqopty XKB. '",.1 A.i.n' .i. i . - r t 1W f A Hoad of JIair WEEKLY WASHINGTON LETTER ; SeiiHtw; tjbnuan' 'jS'pwhVpro testing .jt''ib0cx. " gnnce in providing lot jft; ixpendi- 4 tore of $6OO,0OO,O(X who the est!- maies ot w govern men i rcceipitr rov the oextliscai yeitr are (nl 37f 000,000 was a notice served upon the .republicans, that , during the coming campaign the people should. be fully posted upon republican In tentions, nof AVowed, but surely inl dtcated by the action of their, "lead ers in both branches of this congress,1 to incrase Federal : taxation - all around, in order to raise the money to meeV1 needless 'Appropriations. The "men wojare In ;Control o.f .'die republicaiv party apparently wi.4h, to put this country npon' a European basis in the matter of expenditures, and perhapi int'oth,er ways. Now,' Mr. Gorman and other leading dem ocrats believe th?it a tnajority-7-an overwhelming nmjority, of the plain everyday people at this Souhtry fa vor the idea of economy in public J expenditures, and!, oppose public' extravagance in any ami every lorm; and intend to see that the facta are placed before the people. - ' - Not a little amusement has been 'caused by .the testimony .of Xlr "A n-J drew Carnegie,- 'le(pre the'. Senate Naval Committe in the investiga tion as to the cost ' of armor 1 plates for pur fighting, vessels, which ' al-. tft&gb2rgwaJjoine time ago wa not made public. enUil JthlsTweel Mr Carnegie hail, the. ncjve to tell the committee, thlt 'fie" considered making anher Yoi 'ihi 'gbvernqient a('SS0.foh work of pajnotisnt. The public iswondering' what Jf r. Carnegie cjd thft,,eontraet W has yljy 'ai,testto,;aiiae(l h,4Jejiate tomn4 the. na fal-p- prOpriaflosi WSttwo as to prtthllSt tlKs employing 'ItM!. private eontlnWor'aftivii J897. .y; While othlngVpotrf'eJy criminal was j shown r4tt 'Cduoetioh with such employment, enouph suHpirfou was engenderel;ito, make it desirable to put a stop to tue prartice, ' , -':'.' - Ex-Congressman John D5',Xrdef son,ofW;a. takes a of. Democratic prospects in tlmtj tnat,- He aayi 4The dmrass4f my Stitifl ar milt-'-'to "make a ' neat figlit tbts yes,ro rerat)! Bfafe from Repuumaw rule, am I thmx they are gwiig"; wanV i ilfng W -oe prcwy exCTung wiiicbv, "u ou. party is,.nitl, ' and,'3bo:; con- dltlons &ve,4i fawraTde.to success.' ttef9tf$& eviidently Is hot afraid of the A." ft A? wnitevr M other may be. After hstenmg to. masterly' eulogies on the 'life and character of Frfther Marquette by Senat)rs Viias and Mitchell, of Wwwnsin.'and Kyle of 8. Dakota, who, byjho way, is : a Protestant minister, it adopted a' joint resolo-- tioa offered by 8enator Palmer, of IlL,acceptiug..the' statue of Father Marqtictbr, cow in-Etatuary Hall, and thanking the State oTWia.:'--- It re mains to.be seen whether the A- P. can'prevent the House adopting the resolution. ' It is nnderstopd that It will make th'e' attempt. ' , Keprcscntative. Uarkv; .w"lo- was the unsuccessful "sound money" democratic candidate .for Governor of Alabama, has returned to his seat in tne House, aua ne brings gooa news. He says, .J'no, matter how muciwe tjij, incrn rnanaai questiojMptiie DemostsV of Ala bama are hsTrDiiniouTii agreeing that the best interests of the 8Ute require that" it shall reroata , under democratic controL e are all to gether In the support of Uie : tk-ket fint nominated and will Ject it IMj and triumphantly. x That is the ;way Jbr a defnberat to "talk. There U no sore ba under . thai man's hat. - - . ' . 'UxKinky'i 'maSagrrs stole a march oo Reed when, they captured that Vennont SteCneniipn," even if tliey Ciiied to gel' everything Ihey-wanletV fifla the Illlnbis . con it begins to look asfboagb Quay and Piatt had undertaken a ' task of gigantie proportions in .try nale with tlusaiir oterftmeht any relref. n What has lecpme of the ftTOnmtnrrfFMn Binrt-or srnror r-TireenoacK party .r ; Jiqw,cau ine r tro? 1866 lonOSes fetCo 'Mistim ing to ke-j.McK Kinb'y from gettjng' thatVdmination.' Their r latest scheme of uniting all the opposition to McKlnley on Harrison nof it all pleasing to Reed, who bates Har rison, One of Reed's friend's speak ing of this scheme uH&ifMl Piatt and ; Quay can t ' beat . McKinlcy witfiout' "aktnyur. Harrison '' they cant Dear lym ai aiv tusi rudi ber whatl say4Jl( tbesenien try toitamjpede the convention to Har- risori McKjililey will bo nominated, and thc Jnan who will do , the' most to b'ring Jt aWut will be Toni Reed Reed; wants the nomination him- irelf and next to getting it he Wants to keep Harrison out of it. " - A United ftemocraojr Can' Rdem - ' ' the State. , Hon. i. 8. HnaWa.fa CTmlptt Obsrrer. f A united Democracy can - redeem the State this ycar but If the, party divides, there is no hope of success. Democratie defeat means Republi can victory. . Every honorable effort mustlfl made fp ''bold the party ;to- getner. tAU true democrats (t4iiusi work and .rote for every, Democratic nominee, county,' State and nation- aL HVhen did it become1 Demc- cratks doctrine that Democrat must, bolt the nominees of the party, if they dnot happen to agree with him on monetary or .other ques- Hons, wnetner , political or pon polilical ?:'.The rule -heretofore," -has always been p stand by the- parfy aneT t6 support in good faith -all rts nominees. TW majority' will ' eon? 1h'f tfie'l)ngf rutiy and ;iii the ndmaiiepunoriiy must sub: mit, ,viftevj'vmay , be', the; dif-fererice--or f. controversies n among DeliHdYra&'let us settle fftem all in side tBc partjK. 'Tbcre 1sho hor bonepjf. accomplishing - jrfsults " and no otJher party will bring the people g)6d government and, a better , cur imcy.2it,That ; orhiwtioiv. j ;Jui atsJiHVs rufi the -fioUrse. Another years ht-nca,f hrjsrioun any Democrat leave his party f . What can he hope to gain by;, leaving' the Democratic party and joinmz . or "fusingV-SriUiitho Populists or' any other new party to be organized this rear ? There are . only-, two real parties i North Carolinaio-day the Democratic and Republican, The latter party has about swallow- ft! Kp the greatest part of the Popu Iia"Fusiij'5-4id : the work. Populist' frfjtraders have become jirotectiontatsY and if theedncatiori? al process continues muchjonger ,at let half of tho ' Populists will lie- come Republicans in name as well as injinncjpicsi ; ', " : 1 HARO XACKA. FlaaSar. Vat rriavripU, ! tha Caac ra In its leading editorial -last week the Caucasian, Senator Butler's paper,' thus dcnoUiices (he Republi cans for rejecting the Populist pro position to fuse on the principle of free silver: "How was this proposition; met by Um Republicans T By a fatuous, selfish. cold blooded and almos brutal, proposition to overwhelm political enemy : ; by -,t numerical strength and then coolly divide the. Blunder among a few' men. There was not the shadow of a suggestion as to an issue on which both parties, could favorably unite!" There is no evidence tbat a moment's, thought was given to tbe interests of the peo ple on whose rotes the capture and distribution .of spoils depend. t "A flat interpretation of their proposi tion can- be nothing less than this : "We, theomce-bolders and leaders. are in fhTs thing for the stuff; and pie, and we have no further interest in, f he people than' to use them to tbat end'V. , ':." . s .,:., "If tbe prorKwtion of tbe Repub lican conimiltee expresses' , the ali- tude of the fpubKcair.-par!yi. tlien lKai oartr ic notliin las HhAn - an '4r&ifflQi6Mfo "oftial briga and puixic spgiManon. . a. airunon, among the iders", of what can be exacted from the people eonstrtu- jttrjiiidl ue5ikCECr.tbe people. J ' j 9f , , alfy with ar"rttFIcflittfnT! and 'Other. ftortn,, its ashes; this j-cor - or,, two can arouse tliemselres to absolutely and. everlasting repudiate suclr aft organization,' the better it will be. for ineir.inuiviuuiu wei.mrc nuu ior iub future of th' la,nd in which they live"."' .v i ;..v ; SAT IK A HMTOBIQ BAT. V 4 Oa CalM BtatM S ator OM , Btotraa.. hi JlaarOa T' Iajaata mi the Coatadarata SoUdu Hm . , j I WuhlncUa Fort.1' -1? X ' ' v i : ' Thfthewi thatixenator Thomas Unier Clingmanhas entered a home' for . Confederate, soldiers ; in North Carolina, ; broken in heart and in purse, has excited the deepest Sym- patSy among those who knew the old man in his palmy days, and tn reoont vear8.'. JIe has been a famiU ia fhrore about the capital, and ; it wasTahly latelr-thatbis presence was 'missed from "the corridors , aridthe noor oi me senate. ? ...... i.,.,., ; . It wja a daily sight, just afbjr-the session of the Senate 5 began to see the gaunVgray figure straight as an Indian, despitethe . burden ,, of age, walk into the chamber and talk a -a - 'tU J1."-:;'.!1.'!'..I' seat in an r unobtrusive . corner. fipwWyr.tjnt:irrowth. partly covered his head, and snowy white whiskers served to Hide thet""' yr'i uw wwob u hollowcheeka. ' Uccasiohally a Sen? ator would ;op for a word and .the !U.E"E their skinny, wormy friiits. Jn aged Solon would seize the oppor- jungle.n In the central and east tnnitv tri fpll hf hi nnto-tobacco em states - orchards are ' in grass cure'which has been his hobby for many years. . .v.m CQ.see.Clingraan in his poverty- sincKon out ge iinitr juumi it , iiatu i- i .11 e j : L.-J tu iriutnre hir njkftiY of great men.luch as ay, Webs'- ?erJ4taIloun.!:Yet he was' quite as prominentj'if not io, fainous.in the prccedinghkhLmarkcd the hisorie tbifo'hen- ihey i were his coHeagucsVClay Was hit idol,! tnd when tebslor fnado his great 7th of JfSrVlnl BpeecJ rl lnpf Clay'schoi his band affectionately rontiiiff on "the irreat . Kentuckian's mldeh ,Thatwrt ih tne old Sen- ibhambwbire 'tbe Federal 'Sit a : . -7 . . . preme Coqrt VJdt'aewor Witb Andrew Jackson as bis; com- triiorr,- ho led tlie 8enutd' into tho old Hall of RcpresentativcH, now Statury Hall, to hear ' John Quincy Adams deliver his eulogy of LaFay- ctte. ( H friendship fir Clay led toa duel between himself and Con- gressman Yamy," of Ahibaraa,-grow imr out of a SDeech delivered about the aiifiei that led to Clay defeat, The ground selected for the meeting was near Washihgton, perhaps; at Bladensburg. Pistols ..were the weapons; and '-fene shot ; waV ex- changed without' effect i ( Here the seconds, Charles Lee Jones, the noted exponent of" the code duello, for Clingman, and Congressman Huger, of South Carolina, for Yancey, en- deavored to bring about An adjust - ment, and they finally arranged the! matter satisfactorily, During, the rcrr first week he served in Congresr Clingman had a passage at arms "on the floor with Henry A. Wise, ofl Virginia.. rThe public career of Senator Cline- man hMbecn7 remarkable one. He is now 83 years of age, and more than twenty of these were speM. in legislative assemblies. . Graduating from the University of North Carolina at twenty, he was soon after elected to the SUto Legislature, and lirl840 wss Promoted br the electors to the SUtaSenate. From December. i)M3. to Jane, 1858, harmed continuously asa Representatrre of North Caro- lina in Congress, with the exception ot one term, participating during this extended period in riearlr all intnortant debates. rjartienfarJr. Jn I those relating to foreign aflaira, from his prominent position of chairman of the committee having that field in charge. During this service he c - established a record for attendance, j re, on the system of cc-opera-never missing a day's sessiori. J. . j tion between fruit' ireand Ilda BiliouGhoGS la aaaaeS ay larfM Brai, vMea armata ttaaaaS airalu laaS a UnawatJt aatrtffhi tWrtiaia, TBfS aOHtojiar.iaail, f I ar " t?f 1l!!B,z!2 1 J ft 1 1 tiTlrJ It lllOl - I a'ttni.r. rat. pt iu -"r7- xaaijiuit ww. iiiooai tfaaiJa. I I r l Airalfa''6r tiorer m,! Food for ' the American ., Ton. year; ago ,it was. the ; thor bughly,;, cccptetl, belief among or chardists that alfalfa iwas fletrimen- to fruit trees In 'fact, . that its continued gmwth, . ht. m , orchard meant nothing less than sure death, to the trees, writes U Watrous of the rCkJbrwlo - experiment stirtiorr. Eveh to'tbfs day the' belief M . held; l " 1 .""..""m4 "ruruisw in I the weem-iH' In i Cajforniii Tne "Uccessfut.. orelmrdist cultivates between tbe frees almost lhcessantlyi keeping'laird free ' from ;weeds; and i 7" " , "' 'r PPOseof presorting, moisture, but leaving fbe ..Burtae of; tho ground - uncovered to bd'dried and baked by tlm hofsUhthe psoirthus being nf lor producing the best ;re- aulto. ' " Thn nlinva ntnn nr an mo modification of it is generally fol Mowed in Colorado, but many un' grow unniolOTted, j and in t lie fall, mUch of.,he tim? 1)1,1 tho Mine prtj- .sy -v-.w HfiU..a a aiiaiia in uie west. ; ,.-fr, 1 vvnntAVAr mnv hira Iwm Imlint-. i : - - j , eu -or imagined as ho trre jiram" gemaiity of trees ancTalfalfa (or dovr), the theory is destined to an downfall.. Tho evidence is at ?JL h.w that jRojv mly''to 'W detriment wheii grows ihdal fln8 ,rr. a T?', ?wt In manX w8 l08'" beiicHt, lending itself TW p properties , to, the .odvant oune tree .jv is now necommgaii tawisnea lucttnat orchards under ' Witlfdn:; a'usHy".'.. mucU flftter; cwcwlly wknnjall or otlicr eropa,,are grow 4e- tweai the rows : and-' whether h: practice does or docs hot produce a wndciicy to , blight, the bulk of evidence goes to prove that orchards m situated as to maintain bcalth growUi without the nrtificialop- plication of water or with its very limited" 'U8C,providing; soil , mois- ture is not in excess from some u ti favorable;; condition, become- the thriftiest, hardiest and most produc- tive On this sort Of Jand. whcrt moisture cart Je ,founJ at from six to en feet from tho surfafA the prominent .congeniality if the alfalfa plant and the apple tree becomes ap- went Bth need plenty of sur- fiice waicr the first year, a little jess ne accond, and very litUe or none 1 thereafter. V; . ' ? v Tho main features of the plan arerthat after trees become . old enough to bear and need all the iand between them, and that fcrtiliz- and renovated alfalfa may l us led as a food gatherer and distrib- uter. It pushes down' into: the Mower strata, bringing up miners elements, to the surface, capturing nitrogen from the air through its roof processes and bringing' all to- gether on the surface of the ground to be aTwwrbcd in theupper crust, thus giving to the, trees tliflf food tney .need to till up and mature ffruit Nor is this all V the alfalfa falllngupoh the ground makes aoft covering upon k hich- windfalls may drop with little browing, so ocpiw. uie botib io suiow jno kwi growth to -creep fnt it does Away with the work cf weeding or cul- tivattng, and keeps the sui"cjxl And' porous,', furnishing excellent Ipastar for Jbogs if the trees are p re taetad. It would be . possible ' of plant to secure a crop ot nay or aeed during the off years for fruit . I Hit whether this would prove profitable may be questioned. Orchards grow ing under the above conditions have the past year produced msgsificeot fjropi ns fruit wiiKilfor'a9e,toality Sad coloring,-'b seldora eqoIld. U ,'To rratore gray bAir to its natural color as in youth, cause it to grow abuDOAnt" aid strong, .there W no b er preparation 1 l;&ewtr. 1 Highest of all in Leavening Powcr- Latest U;aCo'vt Repot, 1 mmx '-Although' the seed rutabagas, tuniips, carrots, Vc cheap, very fWV farmers are , crops. . 11 is simpiy amazing wnies J. T. Huntington, of Indianapolis, Ind., what an amount-of food' for .stock they will produce on ft small area. A ton of hay equals' in nutri tive value about : three tons- " of .mangels, but land that, would pro duco to tons, of hay will raise any where from fifteen to forty tons of these roots. ' They" feed largely on tho air, do not exhaust the soil and are easily 'harvested, 'arid' 'fedV-Ttie main thing is 4 tq keopjUiem from freezing, and to chop them up be fore feeding. - One farmer remark ed to me recently that ho' could al m(wt fill his, wagon bed on,, a spaed no larger than the wagon, and wo have grown them hero that weighed. thirty-five to ' forty pounds each, j Tho seed can bo readily obtained ' irom any sccaman, ana warn mom Long Red is generally preferred. .. Plow Point Prorerba. ? ... . . A weak fence makes a ' weak far- mcr. .' v .. . . . -i -'.. Don't let the nooil hour eat upH the other ten. , An empty wood-shod is a sign of a poor dinner. ' ; I On fat ieow is better than it; poor coach antf 'gcbjyr ix i,; v",.7,c" A big larm sets, too many chairs ttfttio'innrier tabK W. - -1 Takdcare of tho chips and yoti will never bo without a fire. , r A bright plow point i "the ;beH mineral rod in cxistencd.'1' ' !' ! jjiue sceos maxe tan weeus; pi tall weeds males sliort'ciifn'.' .T - A mortgage on the farnj is harder to dig out than soil 'pf wire, grass! - ' As a manure tqn-eader tho sheep boats all the modem ' contrivances. Nonced to buy. a new .farm so losg as you can make .the old one pay better. " """ : - "1 The best oddling. moth trap has not -been patented. It is the jaws of a pig. . ', - :- . 8ome hens will dd a diniu's worth of cackling over a cents worth bfi - The farmor that bums much'guri powder will soon fiud fl" hole iii his pocket book. . '," -. '. 4: v";'-,, . , I . If you plant yaur cron aHhe1 Til lage) store you will not find much of it harvest time ' ' t '.'.;.."'" "4. . Improve the farm . that is under you, and you will soon have some-J thing to stand upon. , '...," If nine- tenths of the dogs tails were cut off toilhe ears the. country would bo better off. ' vl : - A " ' Wsste loads to want, 'vand . want leads to woe; before you start . tjcott sidor which wsy you ga ;-v4t' Plant memorial trees on the birlfi days and 'yo'uf children wilf aTnaya bares monument .,,' . f , Z v If all that is wasted hrthe kitch ... - . - " ' . . m iVHtlil on 1 in.'tr In ha fnrm th farmer would become rich. i Ifyou hare a jumping eow fix- pickle barrel for her to, jump into, and she won't jump long' ' " .There; w niorogold , in,v the firt six inches of the surface soil than in all the mines' iff California. .. ! ' I f a i r i ritmtj of rood, llat Uttla Mllfc.. , . W.T.Tlmaa.' .'' ' roou mwi ic 01 uien-tit Ainu or the cows csnmA stiske milk or make it of gnul qualify. A moderate sized cow shott'd hare twenty-five ounls ofgoiNl hay, Clover is the best aiid TUnothy the worst," for, cows, and Jed iounU of rii reiil apd bran miicil in 'jC'iual'torta?'. These are the chuirMut f'Js ajtd niost reliable aJanvs lH.ingof tbe same uualitr. ap iiiiTti' re lyvcr .oisapppouiuqg. - BoHs aiut pimpK-s are .dvfi to 1m'; ffirv MmmL iteipove them' bv mnk-, if . twpv.4i;. : I ,"1(1, . c. . I ;C3 .ii .VwvX.vja "-"- '' "' .' ? 1 ' man vw inp e iontyia oiinvi punutr, smk Vuur druiruliit fur UutuWaolde. , : ; 4 : .AND ,-;-i-;Kj.-)(i.;. f r:fi ENG1 N EERV; BLACKSJItTljf ShOP," FQITJfPBY, OEAB-CUTTISO. J-Prpings,' fitthigsi Valves, etc.( ern DlrnUAUK a in T r .v n FIRST .AKD SECOND DIVISIONS A In Effact Apr. M, 1808. . .. V4T Oniensbora,' Baiertgb nnd Ooldtboro. East Bound - ro. IS Mixed. lMJIy. iim 185 i IIS . f 46 TO i IMly, Lv 0reeiutxyV6i.. Eloii College.. (M . iiuriiDKiou.. ' Hlllilxircn tirunam. 12 67. ll imp 1,'nlveniity uurnun ArlUleluli . MIXMt Ex. Sua. t00 am $49 ... ,468 ... 10 30 , Ar OtilUnlibro 11 i Ml lOOpra Ar Oraenahoro i,. KhmjUilMKaV, IlurlliiirCoii. ...... 1 n ml ;stm .8 06 .' -'sw 4, SMS 4 sw - Illllabnro.... . Unlversltr ' ' ruirliain,.,,, f .. ii..r..i..iT w Stt SIM UK. w 403 j. 'tKi$,lfr'cri -Ar BirhiiiilI...:ysa:i.A:i sun. or 4S-C 1.V UOIOOI)CO.... ....... .... .i.qo .: Suatlf.-'X W0.8A' ) rfi Olally.. Lv Wanhlnirton.. - Charlottvllla Hktaiuonrl 11 15 am Mttpm lata Juo , W , TMam Mm llttaa Jfl am 9. pm .. ft am Utopm co " sfifpm Kl 10 twia- r 17-m it Lyncl!birg..J tuu Ar Giainjbra'. Wliu'iKtiaiem tfftaml SnliiiiHirr.. Lv Aafavilla-I at Hot Bnritiin... Kmixvllleu. ( tUlttttlHMtgK . C'hrl4tt Columbia. A) 40 pm S lo a ml Auituata.Mi 1 aw 4 io a navannaa .... (Central Tlnw) JauKMinvlilaJ HU A nKUWUlu Atlnt....-. Jllrininiiham.. pm (Ham isaopm - Memuiiia - N.OrieaiM.. mt sv 80 No. 88. INiny. Ho, SL llly:" Ar Waahliwam...! rle-pi ! ! to fcl CImrlnt'avyM $3v. Its . If0n4 UMta ttOpat at an a. . v rytK-ahurg. m ' lmii1lla .j Lr (Invnihnm KOftpaJ K)am WtaaH-MatoMi S47 s . Hall-lmry f- MnSrlns( ' Chatanoos-aJ . Knnmrllle '".? I narioi la : Onliimbla . Anti'ta... ' Saiannaa. (Cfiitml Time) (Mam in TflOpmi tot -Uttaai WW am .f b i ii i' 1 1 1 a .-Aaatlaarfn r l-r ii n ' KOOfTa V". ,Sl.EEWNq,Calf SEUVKB. a--. Kna, MbuA si .Wjshlniton and Sqnthv ;.'l?'mu"? i'inaw ! ?- MMitm, romtHam Mitlrejy of Pull-4 irin. inrouiro l.li)r ear bntwvra Haw Yaiti ami NawOrteana. Ham- Tar a4 I hnrton. Aakavillt aiwl Hit Hnrinir". Atpnnm- I rlea Smt-claaa roacfc imtarrea . Warhlitetoa) ' anI JacKaoovlllf. Iilnlng car batwaaa ttmeaetnroaml Moatannierr. 1 " Ko.!ftan4a, V. H. fvtVia Polhnaa almpHia: put Jima- Tnrk IrlantH ami Mnahioniaryaa Maw Tark aaS Jafe annrtlla. Aim lorpinf car between Char Koa. ItanW K. aWpinf ear bo btw (h(1.balclB,aiHl Ueiwei aa4 UottmatiO. , i : HxaianatAi ween Oreenabur ;..,. :.... .Thmurt ta-keta n aale at principal ataw flnfia to all point.. Hot rataa or lnfonnaUoa apply tn any aKaatef taaaomaaay.ar to i ffTI.J. 0-nHIF5.Sa.. t KurllK' W. '4 W. a. TV K K. iirnl Pai.nrrr Arx.O MaiiafiraaMerB, 1 ova f r : l' i Carer, pn4 Tratla-Kmrkt attained, ax) u 1 u- arM eatdacteS r ajaacaara ptia. ana n eta aerv-a iwnu Ma) lus nana froai W .-h Wi--rn. baud modH. dr rVo lr'S i tWm.-- Ma adnaa.- a iiia er . i- uf . Covra. . Oat m 4aa n I nm W Kmr.il. wa U W a fa eaue.eiMUilfi'v..' yi.A: r-" "... ' ' J W ar v.. ... a . J

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