- v j, . ,v , , ., ... -zZZ. t . . I .ar""' 1 ' ' 1 r- 1 ' " ; - ............:.. ,).... n,. . j .gv.-r.r-'fX'Mr tt ir''XJ"vrT J. - .: t-?f f.-ow1 V " j!' Y.:' ' Iff . . . f,' i : - : . 1 ; ' ; i 3 ! ... ' -' , T : 1. r . .. .. , .' ' ' " T ' . . . T. ji : , . .... , ... ... . . ' " ?. ,.:-.. Fcf.Pw TTirftf Ycsw! ; LAYER'S PILLS. . .v- - t ' ' "AyCikthtrtloPiU lor over tUrty ypMi have 'kept me in good health, ; never srlog likd a tick day is all that time, peforo I wa twenty I suffered '; . Wraosi contlonally ai a result of con ' Btlpattoit from dyspepsia, headache, . neuralgia, or UHs ami; otner eraptlva diaeaees. When I became convinced. -ili 1f. ?..- I " ...... - :' jr i . Dr. T. B. Klna"lrT.i Si)i.i. And - th6u, benign, rnost venerable ' - jj'f--one,- U . Hy i.iT' .:; 'Howbeit niine' eyes have tieveir -j?"5 a ".met thine own,'-.3"-?" But whom nathless' I know 'by .s " -wlfcm am known' v frfi-, Aa son his &ther e'en, and father, Lest ne'er our Icindred. souls , v 'rf meet upon"':""'.; : Time's shadoW-botrrne. this song V f for thee is thrown f y ' On wiiwls alout the world forever . blbwnr-;-'i;'-JV".:-;-:': '" Vith bra. wst,cl5BJr for thee till life .'''l-;',.'-"-'..v'''..;-be done t' YA-i4:hirm:i As vith thought fixotl on one, each t"tiat ntne-tontliS of my troulileS vera . .-causod hy constipation, I began the use of Ayer Pills; with the most satisfac tory results, never having a single Attack that did not readily yield to this remedy. My wife, who had been an !- fhvalid for years, also began to use Ayct'a Pils, and her health was quickly restored. With my children I ad no ticed that nearly all their ailments were preceded, by constipation, and I soon hod the pfeasure of knowing that with children' as1 with parents; Ayer's Pills, . If. taken la season, avert all danger of r sickness." H. Wkttsteih, Byron, 111. AYER'S PILLS, Highest Honors at World'a Fair. ', Ajer! Saruparilla Strengthens the Systeo. -4. oPiyESSTOSAfi CARDS. : Altqrney-at-L;aw, ' ' . .!iiJW ttHH' -j-r.:ffi - Practices In the ftt5 anil Federal courts. ' m mrr 'hHe. Moore & Co.'s otore, Main 8t'.11nu!ieNe.'Sris.. '.' J , L'S'. m...... iim-t -I,, r .J, KEltNODIiK. GRAHAM ''''. N. Ci t"iTiiihb aatrain, . ; , "T77" Sped : down the course the Olym pian racer fleet, ; Y " ' With leaning form tmd tense hand r'- toward the prize. So if 'twere mine the goal, e'or toJ ; attain, , . : , I'd cast the laurel earned before thy feet . For that I raced nerved by thy 1 " ' kingly eyes 1 . -; Hexky Jerome Stockabd. . ' A Bllvry Song. Atlanta Constitution. 'It's ailvcr here, and silver there It's silver, silver everywhere ; It's silver th.tt is safe and sound It's Bilvcr makes "the world go round. -' Cling ! cling ! ; The dollars ring I . v i ' They - warm the winter, cool the ' , ' spring U , . : It's silver here, it's silver there - f...The- snnshine silvew through the air John Gay BvvbM. iff. I'. pyncif.Jii. AUcdrojpra ani Counselors t.Jjttw . ft' . QREENSBOBO, 0 ' ' V frurtlr iWnlarlv Id the' cmirtu of . Ah' miuicecwily. . :rMr Aunt. y. DOolialt.Stcckard, Jr., wu nf tartti SfO rmr it. OflkieonMainSt.m-a'l Jt. W her 'Ws torn.. , Livery, Sale Feed J- U.SXABLttS-J Down" in the vnlley, on the hill, It's silver, silver, silver still 1- Cling I cling!'. '.' :: - The dollars ring! lhey waritt the Winter, cool the . . spring ' T" Gliiss Oofllus. - v " NV. World: Olosi? colQiw'are nowbeing mado. Gtiii lohilistoite, finvoj' long! boen 97e(r'in! Plttslmrg, 'Pa.'anit,' tliat city takes tho'credit: for .jSrethitrjOV lucjug the Bse-of glass, ctidiris. Some yeftM ago a man living near Uticft, N.'Ay;f-,,ifiHt:..-c6iioeu,'i!d'tlrt idea of making glass e'flins ( and glass bathtul'S. i jle patented the iilea, but, like thousands of other patents, notliing was doneto intro duee it into prsicliciil ue. ' The use of glass ctillins among otlter't advantages, yfi relieve" the fears of those who dread being buried alive. . They .obviate, the necessity for haste in disposing -"if h -dead.- When closed they are unpenetrable. mous traffio, Iwthfreight and passen ger and it ia to this erid that the inf creased facilities will be; prgv'led. lratnc, oy tins iiiuaus,;yyui vo.,;erjr much facilitate nd- serious delays on account of wrecks, blocked tracks, and such will be avoided. 4 ' . rV's. ;, ' . " .' 1 .f BU88IA HOARDS OtJB QOLD, Consul Genera' Karel, at Sfv Pe-" tersburg, in ajreport'' io, thef 'State DeiMirtment, describes X an bffieia visit he made. to the i Russian goV' jsMment bank, where he was shown fifty millions rubles gold' coin and bar stored in jtho Wtilt8,of 'which o36,600,060 was , in ifnited , . IjIGHTNING'8 fatal work. jrk nicrtall Imlii. Good nfWrtOm " i jm pJjorh Carojina Xgcnt lor , . It rill iVnuanenny cure- ndlinppi the hair, dandrun, spaly eruptions, rcuy r' fri?iiL.il cy!r, nd It " hi' if turhmg gray aivl rir04 A Hair O Any feald Heaa On Earth It Is Ibc-tmly trhMent-tlmt-wiJT:Cubfi jrodufe these rtultit. Testimonials and triatliO funLh f on application, Mr. John M. Coble U aiy agent at GrahajiCrrr;,;i ... i;ji-spf fti"'illy. , ' - r' Pei'lH! 4 llaw River, X.C. WANTED-AFJ IDEAT.! XC.far taw pise . . a- on ahould have ft county while the face and form of the deaa are always visible to the watchers. JUnder ground, gloss will last lon ger than" any material and will pre serve bodies for centurie. It stays the process of decays . for .neither water, nir nor-earth' can' penetrate it. i Northing can twcaiMrrom it; It is indestructible.' ext-cpt by iutonse heat. ' ' Glass cnlfins can be made as cheap as Any other lithls or metallic mattir Sal ' ' ' jr . . ., T f i..The main partjf thJ 'glass .cask ef is cast in one piecoi one and a half or two inches thick:, - the lid is snt with a tongue on th umtersido, which .fits into a groove, and. after the body has been placed, within the interstices are closed with water proof cement, and effectually made airtight., A portion of the lid being of clear glass, the free of the dead is visible. ' . . - Vf .') ". r. Glass Collins are-MTJch ' cheaper than wooden or metAUtc. ones. They can be madias ornamental, if cast in moulds, as those made of, any other material From 'a"; hygienie stand-pr!nt they ttc much superior; States gold coin, consisting of. 6, 1 53. 825 half eagles. ": ;. The occasion of the visit was the result of an imperial order issued to the minister of, nnnncc, . Jan. , 1, by which he was ordered to trans' mit from the treasury the sum of 501000,000 rubles, gold, to the ex change fund of ' t he government 1 'auk orjhe purpose a lessening the debt, bearing no interest, for paper currency ; and the order was carried out on the 3rd of March, 189G, when the above sum, consist ing of; Russian and' foreign gold and bars was transmitted under the supervision of an assistant minister of finance,' the council of the gov ernment bank, and. selected mem bers, of the stock exchange and mc.rr chants of St. Petersburg, who, 'af ter satisfying themselves as to the val ue and correclnesspf theamdu nt, verified a stati ment to that effect. , Consuls of foreign countries, re siding in St. Petersburg, were in vited, On retjuest of tha minister of finance, by' th6' governor - of the bank, .to bo present as guests . on, that occasion.' it'onsul General Karel accqHed, and on asking the ' gover hor of the bank" 'where 'HiVc". United States coin came fronjj WAH,tolr,hnt it had been proliad.'.at different iimes in Berlin. Pariavmi-jbrnidi'Mt. No other 'country hid more : than about one-tenth inuoh Coin in the vault as the United States. rou ChUdrm at Flay-TwoKUtodlnatrntr . . ly ead T atadly. Short ' - - PMtsbore Beeord, May flst. rrff r A '' Oil last Tuesday afternoon a flash of lightning struck a tree in the yard of Mr: .James Everett Bryant ;at Moncure, and instantly 1 killed two children and badly shocked two oth ers. - ; f y. :,.'.'...'' !;..rS 'S'.V' 'f : The children were playing out in the yard without any thought of danger and as only; a small ' cloud was coming up not much of a storm was-'feared, but suddenly a yivid flash of lightning" shot dowtr and struck a tree and knocked down the four children in, sight of their . hor or stricken parents, who rushed .to their reseuet and found two of them dead and the other two badly shock ed. 'The dead children were eight and two years old the older" one being a boy! named Everett. One of the two shocked (named " Cliiv ton) was badly hurt and his cloth-, injg 8ea-firex which his father ex- reach him Little EVerett's-bW jumpat. Wuswns paper. j y4 1 rVa -f SuVrlbe io Tnr GiiAirr.a ...A DOiriU TRACK. M .... 1 '' ' T i ' '--' - Tb flMtawn1! Iimt ntnr Bulaw Veo ' : afUtMelf. seivi.-:-SalUbury World. Tho Southern is soon to lay a track in weed alishurv, ad Lireensboro. ' tui we lea ni frooi t' rtliaUu source ' A.' avnti iron Lii.lge which is to span ihp Yadkin for (he doufeltweVL"atTi.tnTilt and will La lccd in a fcA months. ? ' The Southcrntbrklge force,' n hkb has been in the city" several iLiys, left yesterday Lnt will rctyn toprect the new bridge as aoou as they pLx-e two other bridge.- The double track will,l-e to scconiniodute the immense trafTii whkh ; will to bnwghtover this road. It ha been apparent for some time hat, a single-track ,bctw9eal these points did bot meet the re- j fialreSicuU of the-.Soullitrn'. euor- Saperaolal Kxamlnatlun of Or e. Free. . The Mapufacturcrs' Iteeord, seek ing fo turn attention to tho mineraT fesourcts of the South land to aid its readers'iiftho 'intelligent "investi gation as to wliat may o'ri may not be of value; has arranged, with Mr. Charles Catlctt, chomLst and geolo gist, of Staunton Va to make 'sn- pcrficial examinations of samples without'eharge. Snch saniplns will bo reporfetl in the; Manpfiicturers' Record, ' With a word of explanation as o prooaoie pr )pK.Hiiie yaiue. , The following- d'mrctiurnJ , should be observeil i,?n.rw Vt f " : Samples shoiifd bb sent io Chas, Catlctt. No. 10 ; -KowiCourt House Street, Staunton,, J'a., wiUv all mail or express chargcs prepaid. .The name and address fit sender should i)e clcarjy stated on, nacqge.e Care should Je taken to select an avergge. sample, jOjJiriuo thiuc amination will ptti?tf ' of no. talue.: Quite a. small quantity' will ).e uili cicnt. - A postidtard or letter' ip Mr. Catlett,' with "a word '.df...x planation as to mods and exact 'lo cation of occurrence, .would amist iti giving" Talrie to the examination. " . , Ml " " '' bone was broken to pejees by tho violence .'of the lightning, and his body was burnt so badly that in washing it the skin would peal off. Around the treeia a wire (a clothes line) whicpj.was extended and fastened to, the garden fence in different places. This wire was melted-m two places by the heat; of the electric current, and tho fence was torn upwwhera-lhe .wirewas fastened to it. The shock was bo iolont ibat it was very' perceptibly felt by several persons at Moncure, some of iyhoti,;werq. iheee or. four liuiji.dj'cfl yards uintiuH from the fatal tree;' Of conrso 'sdTsad ind sud- di..'cAtasthe,H'tiae(li eJmemenl ihi aroufied fhe"eepcs? syi'njiaiy 'ijinoiig tlio good people ;f AU)fH'Uvo,.h' kindly did all it hoy could to restore i tlm dead children to life ftnd relieve he injured. Tho two . dead 5 children were buried at 2clock next day at Hay wood. What an awful .warning as to the uncertainly of. life I Here were, two children, on. c-no day, plirylng in all the happy innocence of vigorous health, and; on the next day,' they were dead and buried ! ., . Truly in the midst at life we are in death I ; V ""i"' V . v '- 'U , ... Bewuaad IUc .. , - i Iet us for a moment contrast two kinds of pod-ne fromthe swamps of Florida and the hot plains, of Asia, the other from the bleak an bamn ew" Eiigla one is a tropical projihet, growing almost spontaneously,' and feeding a laiy, Juxiiriaht, unprogressfve race.i..f"i."s','W '1- X This i8"rice., ij ;Ol t The other is grown only in tem perate zones, cultivated with care in that middle time between the snows of winter and the frosts of autumn, and builda-the long, Btrong-bonesTif the men of Maine. These are beans. . They are the source of much of the thrift, industry and enterprise peculiar to-the lankee character. As a brain, nerve and muscle feeder one pound of beans equals six or seven pounds of rice. - Kigntjy prepared, Deans are a food fit lor the gods and for the best men and women. Again, we 'must caution our fair Highest of all ia vening Powet-Latett U. STCofl Report Jt: DEATHS AND DEVASTATION BY CYCLONE. Teia Tlslted hr Crclene that Lays Wasttr Town ana uountry ana DMtroya '- , ,:,.Maiiy UTe.--',l'J-'f..W: Sherman, Texas, Dispatch, nth. . : i ,' i t Subscribeor The Gleaxek, II, 50 a year in adrance. and resolve to make beans the sole diet of themselves and ' families. If all did this we would soon have ?'ft corner" on beans, and what, then, would bo .dono? with all the other good tilings so bountifully furnished by a scientific Creator? " A. certain well-intentioned. woman, finding that fish ' was rich in hosphQrous and a brain food, . and being ambitious . that her progeny phdjtldTje i intellectual and greatJC' soiveo on ,an . exclusively marine diet. The result was a family of "sore heads."- There was ra very striking development of eczoma,' i wh"ichot !onlylhet brains but al the foodie 'were jndo.tQ suffer.', . , jlio truth is, unless one is under- going .aome special treatment, : he needs a Varied diet. -Mrs I)r. H P. Westbrook in The Homo Queen for J u nol 7 J- A HauiU rrisoiww. Durban ban. May it. . , . Tle boyFrank Monro, who has, joveral times lately stole rides on freight trains from Baltigh to this city, was sentenced to. 30 days i on the Wake county, chain-gnng by Justice Whitakcr on the charge of Wing a nuisant,e."ihe sentence, was afterward commuted to lour days' , confinement 1n fhe cotmty jailv The Newj. and Observer says: 'He is so smaSMbat the kwncrs of (ho prison Lak to lttu a.Jor'1 stick aroaivl his neck" to kecjr libit from crawling thruugl: jjie lars.'' lieu 13 Tears oiu tmd two and a lulifi-cl bil. . of IT W. K. Ttr, yttvt vm a cutty f tw.fM, Iww wnkgmt doubt ircntnl mni cmr more cw ihm any jmoraa m MwwUilac hT hr J ot riM Ht mm jmmrt' aaxtuir . f emtmd my llkliB.. He fir f He mf V.H nhmhrt cm, f- fo mmr to.Vrert vbe niMd llmnr K O. n4 Xrpremk 4 ti mmm. iTii r-rm mimmnt m rr , m&'.rG tiLr. a si a r. r. ceaai st, w r The hmmt of tha Catawbaa. . , : . Bock Hill, 8. C Herald. . '. Thp hst of the Catawbns is dead. The last de-endant of that great race, which -for hundreds of years has lenantcfj (his fhir and ortile ir tion of Carolina, has (uissed over the river ami into the happy hunting grounds to' rejoin . Neiyrivcr, Ilaglcr and the other great chietains of the chase.:-Last Tuesday ' ''Captain'" Billy George, thitt quaint bid char acterj'ho, in tho years gone by, was a notable figure on our streets passed infertile greot beyTnd. Billy George was the - lat living', fjlJ- bloodorl Cntawlia Indian, tholiist of that race who signed the treaty ., be tween the Commonwealth' and his people. Billy was 05 yearj old, had been married three times and left a wife and three children. He I died in the faith of a Christaiii. . ' Mrltlnloy-s Poallloa a Sllvrr. A Chicago telegram recently gave The Times-Herald prints this conclucire '-statement as to Major McKinley's ponition on free coin age : -. ,.'' -.. . - "A year ago lnThomasville, Ga., Major McKinh y, when offered the leli-gateH - of the three eouthern States if be would declare for 'free silver, said in the presence of. the editor ot this journal : ? n - 'Jf the licpnbl ican platform dc- elarcs for free coinage, I will not bo a candidate. I would not run .on a free eniongo plat kn. . ' : ? The editor of, tlie Times-IIerald, ft will iwi rvnwnnKon1 4a 1 f J II. a'i.i V if- '"P?"1 yir.t intimate fticnds, and who, next to Mrk ilann.i, id gencrdly unJcr stooil to l fnof-t" competent t-i ijak for iit Ohio t4itcsmaa. " A roar Lraf Clover. Girls and Itoys there are lots us out In this big world hunting for something great, noble and coura geous to do. It is only a few who have a chance to save a trainful lives at the risk of their own, '! or dash in the burning house of break ing waves to rescue some one, pi ..to stop a runaway horse. But there are lots of chances - just - as gnat,' thougb flot so easily seen. " ; Tliis; is irTtcndcd io Iks, a little scrman and the text is "Keep your eyfs.open.' :.. i.er- - t ' .r . ) Do you remember tho story "of 'a man who spent his lite" looking foi a rour-Ieaf clover r , hpn a boy ho was, told that if be could find a four- leaf clover the posscHsion of it would I bring him 'goot Uiete'-in -llhis undcrtakinys. Ho acting upon the I suggestion, he started out in search of the coveted clover. Ho let) bis homo and bis ujirnds to wander alone in search of i this talisman, traveling many Weary miles across continents and. pecans, but, all in vain, , At last, - a disajipointed, white haired old man, he relumed to his home io die. As he tottered up tho forsaken' pathway, Jo and behold I Tho first . thing lhat'hief his eyo, growing chme betide Hhel doorstep, was a fiiur-lred clover I - Have you commenced y our search for tho four-leaved clover? Kath- crino Newlxdd Birdsall in Ths Home Queen for June. . i It is a fortunate- day : for .a , man when h fira4iicovr4,Ui9 value e A Sam) nH a a blootl-pun-fie;. , With tU mevUc!ner be knows be has 6urid a remedy upon which b nwy rely, and that, bis LCe-long malady is at last conquered. Has cured ottcri", wul cure you - "The DUerrrry KaTfS III Ufa. Mr. O. ,CoiIlouclte,r:Ilrngg'i8t, Briveravillc, Hi,, says j .'lTo l)r. King's New Hiscovcry I owe, my life. Was taken with Ia Grippe end trietl all the physicians for ruihu a'ulut, but of no a rail and was given up. and told I could not lire. Having" Dr. King's New Dincovcrv in itiV ftore I snnt fr a bottle 'and begnn iu use and from the first d.we lK!ian to pi t bettor, and aMit uning Ihr-o .botile was up and aiNiUt it is worth, its. weiglit in We . won't k n store or houso it bout it." Get a frw trial rottleat T. A- Albrighl iCu-V , It is thought the "list of victims of the terriffic cyclone which passed through this locality Friday .may reach two hundred arid may. even go beyond that, number. -Whole families- have been killed. Many persons are missing, and : in some instances no trace of entire .families can be found. It is, believed thai many negroes will be found in Post Oak creek. Bodies are brought in constantly. ,. ,. ,. ; It is a remarkable incident that in. every case , where there wero deaths the jbodics. froin . the ' houses destroyed were found 150 to 200 yards from tho buildings, in a direc tion opposite to that, from ''which the storin was moving! '; . .The storm was moving northward, and .m every instance the bodied were founclto the southward. Another storm of a similar nature, passed about six miles west of the-city at the, 'same Jiour, ' t Several houses kceMmo w. ujwnand many persons injured. . . , s " '' ' ..... " . Tho Houston street steel suspen sion i bridge inSjicrman.was torn, to pieces, and huge iron girders .were twisted like BtrawrHouses," trees, i nuiiiiuio uuii iiuninn ueings were blown thousands of. feet; : i Whole fiimihes were exterminated. '. 4 : ,:' . The country for fourteen or fifteen miles arouhd has beeu. devastated and depopulated by ihe . stonn. Nqt. a tree or Jhouso has been Ui standing in its, .course. t t At the small town of Justin the hurricane tore everything to .pieces. Twel ve business houses were blown down and their, contents scattered. V. J, Evans, , oC Keller, Texas, was killed by a tree blowing against kim and seventeen others, wero in jured, some of whom! ,are .not 'ex- piwu io nve. vaiue in ino neius were blown hither and thither and many pf them killed outright.. . -. , - Ki ller, a small town to the north of Justin, was almost entirely, wrecked by tho tornado, and it is reported that only one house in the hamietis pow standing., Ail-that part of the country , inimcdiatcly north of these two towns was left hi ruins, by the storm ' Vbu" mar" not rrallze H.'nnt tf re rheumatlHin your life Is constantly In daager.. But if K does not take a fatal turn years of suffering are before yon. For a reliable on re and for the bet tonic and blood purlBtr, ask your druggist for Bueumaolde. - ' 4 ''-.-'.: '"f'.': f-' t,f '! 'V'.. V v MACHINIST ' :. AND --" ENGINEER, BURLINO!''-' : r,-t 7 -frV' MACHINE, V -i BLACKSMITH' 8ftOP. FOTJNDBY -OEAB-CUrTINO. .-. '. - tST Pipings fittings, valves, etc. m.-ij Southern Railway. .. Pl.EDMOST AIR LINE. FIRST AND SECOND DIVISIONS ! ,la Bffeut Apr, w. laps. tireensbqro, tUlelub and Goklsboro. Putt Hound , Lv Greensboro -, Elon OolleKe-.. HurllntrUju ... ( IllllKliuro .. J.'nlvoisitju, Durham AritalvisU., Lv Kalelirh. Hnvtu. SelmK Ar Uvldalwro KO.SS, Daily. rsp upnJ J4 IM 105pm in m No. u Mixed. lams t ; 10 . s is f. 4M U I . Sik " Ti- . , Ix. Son. WW . .f II M lWpBlf West Bound Ar Oreensbnm . Klon CuIloira.- iuriinton..... Graham... ' til lllllU)ro. ITnlveraltv . 1 lhirhamnnn... Lr.lialelKb. ArftaUHtrh., Clarttia . v.. ... . tospaat U t i w - Nos.S and S make close connection Z CalversitjrtoadfiumCaapstUUl. .( Lt Ooldaboro N.SV. Dally. Tpanl a as u : tl , tm. : tv SM too y.u.-,' Mixes WallJ. r isiaasi , Of -;. ' 40 . im in 1 tm S ; 1 too Mixed1 Xx-Sua. 1 THkOCOH BCHRD0IJK, Bout tr Washlnatun... 'insanot'svuiei KlcMnuDd, . - f.yawhbtii LHMlVllle.. Ar flroeneboro . Wlns'n-Salem ' 1 KIW(rh.. Sallabury Cr Ashiirlllo.. ar.Mot Springs. , Knoxvllla I Chati.1no.4ra J ' LnKitte ' . nmww.m. " Sat annua Central Tlnirl aoKaffnniie.1 St. Aoitustliiel .Atlanta. ' lilrmlnirhMii . Meniplils -. H.OrK .if North Gribble Springs, , a small village north of Denton, was also ewet by storm, 4 persons being killed, 5 dan MAs1Knu1.. . 1. ..-A OA 1 . lit wnniwll v ImrrKvillei The railroad track north of Justin l j&SuZItl l ..v . . : . Lt OrBenshom airy rejnmi-u uj uu torn , up ami 1 Wlii. n-eJeal twisted out of shape, showing tho terrific velocity of tha wind. , . r Water was scooped out. of crocks by the wind.nd every part fi,the country lyine in the iath.ol the tor-f, ? ". I., iL..-. - , ..- (Ontmt Tlt-I iiiuui is umi in wasicr ine pain 01 jackBrin ong and 1 20 yards wide. ' At Carj)cntcx filvw thedwclliiig Ho-SV Daily. II 117 p KH tm us IWpm Trtass INia . 10a nm 9am iy? ;.f SUB KSJam 1U !' iasn I t u s MSssj lltlB 1 , 0a I staat r suaai 1 USta 4 lllia : pas 1 trrr. i - aas It sup as t ts 1 ltalelvh Hnllatiury 1 'Aahevllfe ' Mot8trlnirs..J nnoviiiie . XJnttanNKa4 1 narioue ' j Oilumiila . Ananifta- AuaaMtuia A 11 ima ; Lv lilrmlnirham ' Mtfrai'bls.Hn. N. Orleans... Ko. m. Dally. t IK Ktflpml K.HID MM ) S snav 4 Ml Toipai WW II M i I sat iam T 10 KO. SS. ' Dally,, sr t at M .. r lu UWsit i WMam . m 4l S 1 pa ' . . sot llagasa awn-m tttam ipa. IN 1 f O rtl B ft n a Bnmrinai of John Devant wasblown dow0 and'.j J . ... M . ' . .' . Wna. tT' an4 SS, Wafhlnrtofl and Seuta- four jicrsona, Dvrant and wife, and . Z??l'Lllm"?i-'m'dlTA nTof uii- . .. . . .. . man can; minimum fnllman me 10t: no ticvant s hired : tiamt-named Ar f,J"rC- JJ,J,Uf; :""; cars btwra , . rW 1 irk mrvl Kmw Hsstnai Kaassr anA ' niour, 4wiu -i muo cuua. '- recti veil 11 mi ii ib. nw 1 arm na i ahii lnsrtsifl. Ast)t-11Ia at nH Mat Ui.riasM Iuahbl injuries fnm wliich Uiey will die. j S3 fch Ja wbt ' - 1 arm Mrksuinlll. Irinfnsr hanfAvaak. Kesris from the country district. r ft'i,. around Denton indicate that sumo o ?'5?pl!,' .l'" kw vur. Atiana ; sonvibn. Ai -ki)iu car between Ckar- loiifSiMaamMS. ... people were kilh-d. 4. nrv tor It -(tjMn--. .,: As Kua HaimiXlie.lrrearbatn l-ii shtt lUli-ir b. unl between Vmnsbura a rcmetlv fr all frnis ' of n,mmH u,i m ' .'l1JII 1L11 lieaaaciie ,i.-c:w raicw has prov- .-TrZ'Z.TtJt u rateaer lalerwMn4as1 sev'r to say aan-nt cf (be aniapany, ar to ' 5- '(r ITfcaa Baby vas atak, waas lw Cantoris. aUrheeriadforCasCoria. lias, aba chc to Castarta. WVeiaas WCWastatfcesi ed to be the very lxt. It Affects fw-K, j. rrflKipw. sm t. t t TdmunM.I poniml Ihomaat iVil. .Ta-j W. B. H VDBH tnpt.r)i4rtt, , , , ... . . 1 , . . 1 1 - 1 " rirT Area! its inntu-ntn-. urge a!l who are J -,'u,' rianrtHa. laHortr. . . - . . . afllid.il io iirorure a txit'lu. and? give tliM ri-inifly a Ciit trial. In eas- f Ivibitiial cuiir1ipatim -Kmc-tric Dit?cr etircs by jriviutt , tL noi-jltnl tmttf (o l lie bnwciri. and frnv casc4 .il 'ii rvbti the 'uc' of Ibis meiKiiM-. ItvltiMHc. Mrty cents and $1.00 at T. A. Albrisbt & Co.'h drutfttMv. u: I..- -- .s-- . S - Children Cry for Pitcrs Castoria. J . Children Cry for Rltchef' Castoria. .. , aanint.n. i ! r ir i.ev ..- ManaeriEaalcr, HvXWaabluictoa. D C 0"X s Ti&le-xUraa aMaliaat. asd ail FM. ant sana ajaxtaetad tar Sohuti Pica. Ou ewei i ewami u, r.Tr c-ec caa iwp, hfttnl siaa Urn I saraaat kaa WaeharKm. bawd Dod'L draw rac mm aML. arm tioa. ad-oa, ml paim.a .M ar m. 1 ut. Claims. Ou 4m ant doa Hi aiai ansa- i. A Ptaanr, Sow te trtwn roaiu," i H tanaai at raf tfrni 'a yuat bvua, euatot;, Viwa, saat ina, Atairett, c.A.c::c7c:ce. - tmm PTvr amwsm. a.-aBie!BeTe. o. .' "

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