- :v: The-: t ab EINBKi JU. GRAHAMN. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1896; NO. 30. VOL.. XXU. OVERWORK ' IKDUCfiD ' . Nervous Prostration . . ' Cmplet BeooTBry by tha TJss of AyeKs Sarsaparilla ' Soma .years ago, m a result of too 1 close attention to business, my health ' failed. I became weak, nervons, was ' Unable to look after my interests, and manifested all the symptoms of ade- :Iine. jf took three bottles of Ayer's vfiaraaparilla, began to improve t voce. and gradually increased my weight from one hundred and twenty -Hve to two linndred pounds." Since then, t and my family bare used tills medicine-when needed, and we are all in the best of bealtii, a fact which we attrfbttte to Ayers 'Sarsaparilla. I believe my chil- -dren Would hare been fatherless to-day : bad it notieen iotAyer'sJarsaparillafc of which preparation I cannot say too much." H. O..HrjfsoN, Postmaster and 1 Planter, Kinard's, S. C. Ayer'sSc I RECEIVM6 MEDAL AT WORLD'S FAIR. AVER'S Pills Save Doctor's Bill. . PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ' JACOIJ A.. ZAtNU-m . Attorney-at-Law, BURLINGTON. - - - - N. C ' eraetloM In the State and Federal eourra.- Otttceover White, Moore Co,'s store. Main Street. 'Phone lo.S. - N .1. l i:i3iit:voij .:. ATTORNEY AT LAW , CRAITAM, - V - . - NV C. 1EH QUAY BVSVX. W. I BVSWM, Jm. - ., BYNUiU & BYNU3I, Attornpys and Coanwlo, t lavr ' f : GtlEENKBOllO, N. C. - Id the - Practice re!;iiliirly Future county. enr's of Al Au. , 1 ly. Dr. John R-. Stockard, JiC BURLINGTON, N. C. WEEKLY WASHINGTON LETTER majority Bryan will get in that States Iowa is .considered so safe for Bryan .that.', its prominent, : stump speakers are heirg sent into other dates, and a poll of Kansas gives Bryan the state by oOO.OJO , nia jority. - . - .. What Great Men Have Said About Free. Sliver. Brooklyn Citizen, , 1 Chairman Kelly, republicany-said in 1870-: 'I was chairman of the committee who reported the original hill (that demonetized silver m isi.1; and aver on my honor that I lid not know the' fact that it proposed to (Iron the standard dollar, and tint not learn that it had done it for 18 months after the passage of the bill, when -1 disputed the ---fact and was shown the law. Hood sets of teeth 1 10 per set. 0oe on Main St. over 1 K. W kcr Coa Livery, Sale Feed STABLEST 1 IJbSMbW W. C. Mooee; Pkop'k, OKA II A Bl, N. C. Haekstnertall trains, flood ilB;h or doo : huh, , tni(H nioaeraie. x-K8Hiia UEN11Y BAN, JH., PRACTICAL 11NHEB. GRAHAM, - - - - N.C. All kinds of tin work and re pairing. Shop on W. lm St., second door from Bain & Thompson's ., tr. , , , , . . Fines its enlargement. The North , Csrortnian is the. largest weekly newspapefAiblixhed in the btate. ' It prints all the news, and preaches the doctrine of pure demorrary. Jt contains right pages of inttesting matter every week. - F?nd one dol - lar and get it, for a whole year. A sample copy will be mailed free on application to - JOsjEl'UUS DAXIEIi, Mftar. r - . lUtleigh, X. C Tbe North CxmJiniarr and The AuusAXckOlf.axeb will be' sent ' frr one rear fir Two IILirs. Cash - inadrance ; Apply at TheGlsaxeiI efnee, Grabaax C . . iinniLu n swkn From Our Regular Correspondent - Washington, I). C, Oct. 2, '96. Mr. Bryan's supporters find nbtP ing discouraging in the situation. On the jcontrary- they 'havo excel lent reasons lor believing that Mr. Bryan's chances for election, are bet ter Jhan those of Mr. McKinley. These reasons are not entirely based upon reports made to tfie managers of Bryan's campaign, although there is no doubt of the trustworthiness ol those - reports as i a rule. Those democrats who are careful not to al low their wislies to icconic tangled up with their judgment have been making a study of the figures put out tiy tne more conservauve sup porters of Mckinley and have there by "strengthened their - belief in Bryan's success. The latest of these table appeared on the editoriiil page of the Washington Post, which is strongly for gold. It gives Brj an 205 .electoral Votes.' McKinley 140, and puts 102 in the doubtful column. To accept this table as- correct is to be sure that Bryan will be elected, us the 102 electoral votes classed as d ubtful, of which Bn'an must get 19 to be Netted and--' McKinley must get 84, are made up of the fol lowing state: Illinois, Oregon, California, Maryland Delaware, est Virginia, Minnesota, Mum- gan, Wisconsin ami lowa. n is a wrv conservative claim to any that Bryan will certainly carry more than five out ot these states, wnieh would elect him with votes to spare. If the rest of the table he all riht, and there is no doubt about that, as with the exceptions of Indiana and Nebaska, it only includes in the Bryan column states which are conceded lo Bryan by the republi cans. - Hon. W. E. Chilton, Secretary of State for West Virginia, was one of the party which came to Washing ton to escort Mr. Bryan to that siate. hile in ashington Mr. Chilton said : "1 am not afriad of the result in West Virginia, and have no Iteration m predicting that Bryan will get its electoral vote. Our people are strongly for silver, and many converts have been made 1'rotn the republican ranks. The Palmer and Buckner ticket will not poll much of a vole. . Tho' republi cans . are maKim? tne mosistrcni- uous efforts for McKinleyiind the allegiUioiw of ciereion aiifliiitiiiiiclsi- v true. . JBut lb ere is always a re- iction against nuch inciiKls, and a feeling of nniliiieht arises in the nuuds ot the men who are thus coerced that will result in causing lundreds of )hein,to vAe ihe other way. Gen, V.J. St. Clair, of V.V,. was in Baltimore with Mr. Brj'an, nd who passed through ..Washing ton this week, said ! degree of Brvah enthusiasm t'itv of Baltimore that Was surprising, in view of the lone of its Ixihing tlemocratie newspapers. The talk about- McKinley's great ma jority in the- Maryland metropolw is all nonsense.'' ; " 1 - ' " senator Gorman s . disinclinatioriiyyjjjjj- m j. Tjr..an to hiako nnte-election claims and " pnnnises adds force to what he told Mr. Bryan and the other gentlemen who participated in the conference held in New York City this ivc-k. He promised that Mr. Bryan should have the electoral vote of Maryland, and he aid that he considered that ihe democrats till had an even chance to win, notwithstanding tho influences that were being used against them. Democratic confidence, which has been fairly good from the beginning of the campaign, has gwtly incnsw- ed since the conference in :Sew lork this weeklKirtidpated in by Messrs, Bryan, bewail, Chairman Jones, Senator Gorman anil other dcnio- cratio leaders,--At that conference every as poet of the campaign was carelully considered, anuthe de liberate and unanimous conclusion of those present was that Mr. Bryan was making a great campaign snd that unless something not nowr ex pected fhould occur to change the drift of public sentiment in favor of I tie Tree coinage of .silver Jie would be elected with nnmber of electoral votes to siiaro.- It did not take long for this oph.ion to spread among the rank and file and the result has been a natural increase in demo cratic confidence which, cannot' il to make itself felt in the work of the campaign. . ' Senator Faulkner has Tjcen getting some very chew log news this week from all around,, but. that which leiised him most has come from Michigan, California, Iowa and Kansas, which are claimed by some rpimlilicana and pot in the doubtful column Ly'otltcr. According to Senator Faulkner's advice, neither of them will be carried J McKin- ler. The derancratie state eommit- Renator Allison, republican, said in 1878 : . "When the secret history of this bill of 1873 conies , to be told it will disclose the fact that the bill as pre sented to the House of Iiepresenhv fives intended to coin both gold and silver, and intended to place hoih metals upon the French relation in stead of our twn. which was the true scientific position in reference to ihis subject in 1873, but that the hill afterwards was doctored." Alexander Hamilton : "To annul the use of either of the nretals sisjnonex is. Jjv!ridge the quantity of circulating medium and is liable to all the objections which arise from a comparison of the ben efits of a full with the evils of a scanty circulation." Senator' William H. Stewart : "I regret to be called upon to answer, the idiotic assertions which are made with regard to the Unilod States becoming the dumping ground for silver. They say, for example, that the speculator would buy silver in China and Japan for G5c an ounce, and sell it to our mint for 81.29. Everybody knows that Ihe price of silver always has been, always will be, and from, necessity must be the same less the difference of exchange." Dr. Otto A rend t, the famous Eu ropean economist : I "With rcsp ct to the possiblo enn- chelates, bfmctallist., taking Me : Kinley to be a thorough silver man. j certainly regard him with much fa- yor. What sad disappointment : however, . with the St. Iouis con j vi-ntioii It is obvious that the ( spirit of that convention was inspir j cd by Wall Street, while McKinley ; him.-clf deserted the people's cause and closed an alliance offensive ami defensive, with all grasping capital. licaven.-h gh above him, unfettered and uiimercenary, rose Bryan, who at once gained the n stK-ct and nvni '1 found a-pathies of bituetallists the world If I were an American 1 unhesitatingly vote for the lieople's champion. A free coinage President sewns to be a lesser evil than a slock, exchange President, who would walk in Cleveland's footsteps." - to the hearts of the industrial class," like ft roughly sharpened knife. It seek to impose upon them addition al burdens - of taxation to pay un limited issues' Of. 1iolulsruntTUTTi part of this trouble it proposes to increase the cost of all manfactured goods 1 hat these , classes are com pelled to consume through the re adoption of the McKinley phut of taxation these twin blunders." "Daniel Webster : " - "I am certainly of the opinion that gold and silver, at rates fixed by congress, constitute! the Icgiil standard of value in this, country, and that neither congress nor any state has authority to establish any other standard, or to displace this." Constitution of the United States : A'No state shall make anything hut gold mid 'silver coin lender in payment of debts. . Congress shall have power to coin money and reg ulate the value thereof." John G. Carlisle : "The act of 1873 was the most gigantic crime of this or any other ago. f t lie consu m mation of such a scheino , would ultimately entail more misery upon the human race than all the wars, pestilence and famines that ever occurred in the history of the world." Richard P. Bland: "The time has come when our 65,000,000 or 75,000,000 of people rausfr- act J independently. Any limping or stilted standard such as wo now have cannot long survive. The last international, conference at Brussels developed the fact that there is no probability of any inter national agreement. " Judge, Sept. 27, 1800. 'The Silver Sun of Prosperily." "The passage of the 'republican silver bill estaoiislics silver on a parity with cold. This raised the olue ot all the products of labor, and has already been ' the cause of greatly increased prosperity through-i out the west and south," V. J. Arkcll, in Judge, Septem ber 27, 1890. "As law recognized silver as the Handard of value, as law again ac knowledged gold as a standard, so law aKaiii to-dav, by the passing of the silver bill by the congress of 1890,'c4'ahlihc ami recognizes sil ver on a parity with cold the bo- nificent results of this enactment cannot well at present he measured. Siver is no longer an exile, but has returned to the society from which it was driven. lis old purchasing power has been resumed and hun dreds of "millions added to our re sources. England which hereto fore ujed $1 worth ofgohltobuy' Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest V. & Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PUESE in ' purifying the land of goldbug heretics r and --stock - gamblers - by sweeping them into the Atlantic, as Cromwell was wont to do with the hated papists of Ireland. Ah, well, it is easy to see whero most peo ple's treasure is during a political campaign such us the present one : , . - Ulil fmi Km Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your trouble t It not. get a little now and get-rplieL-,Thi-niedicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and cure ot all Female Complaints, exerting a won tienui direct influence in eivine for where ono s treasure is there-will strength and tone to the organs-.- If his heart be also. Most people you have Loss of Appetite, Consti- aniong us think it folly to quarel pation, Headache, Fainting Spells, about religion but they fret-andor are Nervous, Sleepless, JUxcitahle, fume, and rage and swell about Free Melancholy ot troubled with Dizzv Silver and the Gold Standard, until Spells, Electric Bitters is the niedi- theuin rises higher than the Ark cine you need. Health and Strength was permitted to do on the plain ct are guaranteed by Us ' use. ; Filtv Shinar. ! cents and $1,00 at T. A. Albright & At tins point wo call to mum too lo. 's. reverent horror of The Churchman, and his detestation of" Mr. Bn'an, just because he used the metaphors, ti.. -ru ....') .. ........ ..e gold" in his Chicago speech. Well, ORAUAM SCHOOL: i reverence lor s:icrcd things is sonie thing we need to cultivate in an ago like this ; but we cannot help but feel that dislike ofMr. '"Bryan, him self, or of the principles foi which lie stands, jias had a great deal to do with theJisturbance of the Church GRAHAM. N. C. (MALE AXD FEMALE.) FALL SESSION! OPENS AUG. 17, 1896. Tuition $1 to $3 per Month. man's serenity on the score of Mr? Instruction thorough. Prepares Jiryan's irreverence. Had I'ierpont "uut,V,.,Vr vV".,r'-K mnl .wmvemiy. :kran usra tho uuu't'"t iniormauon aouress J. j. LOiNGf fh. B., July 9-3ni Principal. Morgan or Bourkc Cock metaphors, we aro persuaded The Churchman's religious soul would not have suffered as much pain over the irreverence as it has be cause Mr. Bryan made use of them. We are not for Free Silver, either ; not at this writing. But wo do know Mr -Bryan, and we do believe him, whether right or wrong in his contentions, to be an honest, straight forward, manly man, and a reverent Christian. lie is only a Peesby terian, we admit, and we wish de voutly that he was as we are ; but a manly, straight, reverent Christian, as ho understands duty, we believe Mr. Bryaii to bo. Whether his metaphors were reverent in fact or not, is an open question, but we aro quite certain that Mr. Bryan, when North Carolina-AIamance County. Id Superior Court Before the Court. bPKCIAL PROCEEDINGS. e Phoh Foust, Will. Chavts, Henry White, Wtyfo, Wllllnm I'et- a f in the over, rather would tKtnr nMIt I'le"" vonrMjn : T" WrM iHS V I " Ol-, A'W in. Wj l' afflfirl ii'ilK 1 .1 0. fjn n an1 fnll them as he Hid that the issue of money fs the function of the govern ment, and that the government ought not to go out of the banking business, but that the banks ought to go out of the governing busi- President Andrews, -of Brown Uuiversily : "With free coinage every industry would look up and our proApt-rily would invite English capita), just a Japan's prspcrity now causes the ruth there.!' v John G. Carlisle said in 1876 ".Mankind will he fortunate in deed if the annual pnduction of gold and silver coined shall keep with the annual increase of opula lion and industry. James G. Blaine said in 1378 : 'I believe the struggle now going on in this country and other coun tries for a single gold standard would, if successful, produce wide spread disaster in and through the commercial orld." John Sherman said in 1ST9 ; 'The contraction of the mrrency is a far more distressing operation than Senators suppose. Our own snd other nations haveironc through tle ojx.Tdion before. It is not pos sible to take that voyage without sore distre-s. To every -ron ex cept a caiHtalist out of deHt and a sniariei ofho r, it means loss, dan ger, lassitude of trade, fall of wages, suspension of entcqrwu, ir.t ruptcy and disaster. Senator John T. Morgan ; SI. 20 of silver, Jaying it out with a i. '2(1 tmr rent. iimHt. tn I IiiwIruiHtmi. a . China and the silver receiving na tion of the world, will now have lo pay $1 for $1. This raises or will raise the value of all the products of labor. Ihe farmer will feel it in the increased price of his crops and the manufacturer in the enhanced value of his wares. The republican party redeeming its promises with one hand, lifts into the light of the silver sheen the downcast face of the tiller of the soil and casts the same cheery shimmer on all the labor of the land," ' The donee of the republican Sr f llVhiran rrnorts tlt Slat lo I rrtr at St. IxhjW. that fold shall beahsnluieir safe for Bits a. and il the exclusive monry of redemix . ' . . ... i- ... , i. I e r t a. I .1 1 I. gives the rrpures lo iwt up the : two and in soie legal oasis oi su icocnran. n si.y on ineone nano; or t-laim ? rrnaf a- fnnn (klitamia as r I emrracts Dublic aWkl Ufivate. now I on the other hand. thFrw that it is now oaiy a qnesiioa vt the ' exietuig or Uerexiter lo sxutidoLs aad Unliuited'' peoy4w wyu?u rrrcl . Bryan, the Reverent ami Honest. FaycttevlllelOlnervpr. I- Capt. Joe)h C. Huske, has c.ilF' ed our attentio.i to tlie subjoined article which ho finds in the last number of "Ihe Parish Messenger," the organ of tho Protestant Episco pal Dioe ease of Nebraska, an Epis copal pcriodiial which comes to nis Cither, the Keirt-DrvT Huske, -s In view of the cru ade which the preachers who dwell in the gold bug states are waging against Mr. Bryan, it is interesting to know what Christians in his own home State think of him, especially when they hnd voice through an organ of the denomination which set-ins to be leading the crusado in the shad ow of Wal street. Hayes the Messenger": .Theologians aro very generally found fault with in the )opular press of our day, because of their contro versial and dogmatic temper in thing imji tain ing to Christianity and the life of the world to come. TlcnkiL but JiifiiUiblc gKiU7iieo ho run trie daily and prnodKnl press are nearly always scandalized j br theoloincal souahbles. Notbinir pieasca them, however, better than j he used them, whether borrowed or not meant no irreverence ; that he is incapable of intentional irrever ence toward the Christian religion. It ever, by any chance, The, Churchman stood fur anything but for tho privileges of the wealthyas ngainsts the rights of the poor,' we would believe it sincere when it be labours Mr. Bryan for irreverence. Mr. Bryan may bo wrong in his silver contention inched, wo think im wrong but all jof this eastern talk about his being an anarchist, a socialist a repiidnitor, is sheer, stark rubbish, if the politicians and reckless financiers of Now York ' were possessed of a til ho of Mr. Bryan's straightforward, manly in tegrity of purpo. .they nerd not, to day, be trembling for their pow er and gold, as they are. God knows wo have no honesty to bonst ol !nre in lh it lilit ft 14 I Im. Ilvetl for more than nit rrs 1 . . ... J ,fc -. j The Mttnmona In returnahle before the clerk Sheerest mull for trie men ol Alamance Suuerhr Oiurt at lh court who fatten in Wnll stn t, nnd h""? I" hm. on Moirtay. theMtli day of idmh'r 011 'ChanfM. to hi'turn tlin It'.- ... a: t j.. ih . e wn r by stu.rney and answer or di:mr to 11 t-v ini eiiBiiuuvai y, iiiin ihiii ui inr complaint wnicn will i niari on or ln-foro thing can only serve fo force many .r,K wWpViy . Kr . o oitiHwnoiio not imcno it, 10 voie 1 "i,1"""""1 mm ir pamwiu. Cy Howdoln and wire F.llisa Ilowrlntn, Isaiah Wblti, Alson White, Ueo. W. White. VS. Munran Fount and wife C'havl and wife Etta C Alfred While. Mamie 1 1 ford and wife Sarah Emily I'ettlford, James Waldon and wife Mary Ann Waldon, Abrntn Ilowrtoln and wile June llowdttin, Annie Thompson, Mariraret Hobertson, -Sijnon White, and Cra A lion, of tliune tiv femluniH. Cora Allou, Alfred White and Mamie White are infants without guardian. I This Is a special nrocwllnit to divide the lands or the InUi Alfivd While, so as to vive Ixaluh White, duo. W. Whlto and Alson n te tneir iinre under tho win nr ulil I Alfred White, end then to sell the share rie vlfed U Holiert While, now (lend, for irll- iioii nmmgan neirs si law. me lanu la in Newlln'a township, Alarasnuo oounty. N. C, on Cane creek, adjoins the lands of OantOn : Love, J (. Holiday and ntheis and contains ! about 114 acres. The aummons is returnable on Monday, the 91th day of October, liefore the Clerk of Alamanco Simerlor uoui-t. at hia olllce ill the court lioune In OrHlmm, when and where llp nfendnts will answer nr de mur to the complaint which will bo filed imtor before said day. and In default of thelrso do invphiutlirs will be granted the folic! prayed Iff! . This September, lW ' G. I. VINCFNT, C S. C. North CarolinaAIamance County, la Superior Court Before toe Clerk. SI'KXIAl fltOCEEUINOS. E. CI. Murray end wife Nannie J. W. J. Ector and wlfu Annie J. Kclor, A. II, M array and wife Uxxleand E. K. Murray VS. W. T. Murray. This Is a 'peclnl proceeding hrouirht to hare the luwls of which the late Wiley Murray Sled eixeii, sold lor prtithn among his heirs st law. The bind I In rau- i ti' towimiilp, Alsmance vountv, N. C, on Owen's Creek, adjoining Ihe lands of U. H. siaynnru, J. m. inpaouit anu others, and contain anoutnio seres, anu is tne inanta ton upon which the said Wiley Murray nad LAND SALE, ;:; : "''::"?;f: ' " ' "r",-'; By virtue of rt ordcrlof thtj Superior Court of Alamance Co . I will sell at public outcry to the best bidder, at the court house . door in Graham, on Monday; kov. 2,1896, the following real property, to wit LJ;Atract of land in Mel- , ville township Alamaucecounty, -adjoining " the lands ' formerly ; owned by S, M. White; dee'd, the lands lately owned by J. 1. White and others, containing . 150 acres, more or leW, it being: the plantation whereon the late Wm. Mc dam lived -up to bis death and the only lands of which he died seized. This land will be sold subject to the dower right of the late Wm. McAdams therein.: .--2 Terms .-One half cash, the other on a credit of 6 months, secured by the note of the our- chaser, carrying interest from ' day pt sale and title reserved until payment of purchase mon ey is complete. J J. L. SCOTT, Jr., Pub. Adm'r,- as AdmV of Wra. McAdams. uct. 1, y5. Land Sale ! at last for Mr. Bryan, even against our conviction that bis principles ot nuance are faulty, if not utterly wron. XbU Kept Z, 1SW. 0. D. VINCENT, C, 8. C. y . I0BTH CAROLINA ALAMANCE pOL'NH. Jam-s W. S misr. Peter P. PmwrB. r'aiiK-lt. Ow.rire W. H,.mers, Jarih Somen, Albert McA'Iim, and wife NannU-r Titos. hon.em. Alfred Kimers, Xfatualilel Ware ana wiia m. m. ware. Vgj. Bnfns A. A." oruf. W. M. annieTs, Peter P. Soinerari Inai A- Prltcheit a.d wire l.nute A-rntchert, w. V. Hare and . Fads la MmtlcW. 7 Tli' re are fads in medicine as in vcry thirfg else and a "new thing" frequently sells for a short tin e simply l ecnu it is in w. But in medicine as in notions else, theiico- tile demand and will bt- safisfiedonr . J Jll? i':ak ' BuU"," mu u i 17 . ,7 , u .V, orKoararsaoMgA. To rsaftaeairr I ho frn-t that Hood s Sarsaparilla t or ALaMsacai'ouKTT,6asrrisi Ikis stood ft ground against iU com- i K,y i..T H.'tltlOtt, and Its rilled have n'Vcr ;., Thomas A. Pht- hcu ami alfe l.txxie waveretl but have remained steadily 1 $!tt&m&tZ& 5!'tr,.V: at the top, dcnioTwt rates, Uvond '"' ''"'st'n"iei. if ta-y ,, . . . - r tw found wlihia roar c Mint, to appear at any doObt, the intrinsic Virtues of . Ihaoltleeof thai Cirkof the MurirW Court lUia intifna Tl.n ...... tklnm. I,... ' for the County of MiBancw nn M.nxlay, the in IS incOICine. J no new things have 2od day of Xm inn, and an.wcr tlte cooL- conie and gone birt Hood's Sa iva-'"j!, i",eh ,'1','d.p..;4i.diuiheomco ... ,r ,. , , , J said Clerkoa sr U-fors a.iM day. Andltlh pant s rests upon tire solid founda-' xud icrMinia iak oti.- tbatw iy un lion f,l-.ll .,..; ,1 ,'tiarwor OMjiae.impiidntlililnlht'lnie ...... ' "" insriaii.tinawiuaip., tu me court lor taw to core, and its sales rout 111 fit' to be ' ""f T1"!, '"ipii.mv- r , , I Herein (all Dot aod of Ibis auansoa auks the largest in Ihe world. due return. I oitea unOr my b-ifl and sen of aald . . . . v. I Gmui. iatla lala sWir nf t.. itvtx j O, b. VI N'C'K.N T, C. S. C. Stts or X.T I'aho-I Mi-rsaioa Corar naa ill.iAKHiui VMr-sx-isi ruo I wiliattend at lb. fi.rVr-lnaf 1. a -j n .-i n . il. m i. 1 . .- . d rv in oupwiur wan oeiure iue vien. i umee mui (ibices to the- ptfrpree" of KPEt'iAL PiiocBEiiiKos. llectiiig the taxes for 1WMJ. KMfl : Morton's store. Norton's townsBat. a... - ' By virtue of an order of the: Superidr Court of Alamance county, I will fell at the court horise door m Graham, on MONDAY, NOV.; 2, the followinfir real prooertv of which the late Jas. H. Johnson died seized, to-wit : A lot or parcel of land near law Riyer, in Melville township. Alamance county, containine y acre, more or less, upon which is a dwelling house occupied bv the said Jas. H. Johnson up to his death. Terms : Cash. " r.L. Scqtt. Jr.. Pub. AdmV as Adra'rofJ.H. Johnson, Oct. 1, 'U6. , . .. .... North Carollna-Alainance Coonty. Superfor Court Before tin dot. SPECIAL FBOCEElJnfOS. Joseph A. Lonif Srtd othora, the heirs at laW of tlatlierlne Albright, better knuwa M Abut Katy Funvtlle. . .,. - vs, ; ' V , . flenryLonr, " . '. - Htatr or Nonm Cladt.(A, to fug SHSRtrf or Ai.ac Couarr OaKKTisu s Yon are hereby commanded to sotemoff Henry Long, the Defendant above named. If be be found wlthiu youroosmty, wgpiear at the ortlce of the Clerk ol ttle SWperhir Court for 'the County of Alamance on Jlondny, tliet tmh day of Octotitr. ptsa. and answer the) eomplatnt Wblih will be deposited la the ortlco of snld Clerk on or bfir said day. And let the ssld Oefeudant take notice that If b tail to anrwer the aald complaint with In Mist time the Plaintiff will apply totbeeourt for the rel lef demanded in the eon patina. Herein fail not and of this summon aaaksl due return. Olvt-B under my hand ahvf scat 'of sahS Con if, this Sod day of rV-ptM lrtM. O. l. ViNCKNT.C,S.C, The object of this acfion fir to sell aj ttt the land lately befongfiig fo CstkwriM A I- . bright loonier to divide the prncrvufaamfrainrt) her heirs at law who are teoSnta la oowinvrf " f WrrWif and thedefendant Hmrr 1.,.. l-in. non-resident It Isordered that summons l served -on him by JJUblicatlon thereof tut sis weeks In the Ai.a.sna Oi.rah. rpt.md..''l'-V,Nci!S,'-c CANDmA1 day. Oct If. MeCfay. Fancett's townshlp.Tueaday. Oct" ia. - ... FleaaantOrm. Pleasant Grm (ownshl Wodnesday.Oct.ll. - , r Mebane. MeK (lie tawadtlaTiMt.., w T. I.. It r(f .nS 'TTiftm n.ir iMnAl. FrMayrOct. Hi. Joe (Tleadenln'a Shon. AlhrbM'a iam.1. Saturday. OCL IT. SulnhlB-s Mill, KawUaSiSMfcdYiff.feiwtiWw.. OcL rsv Ifomadwy's Hiora, Pstterson's towniET, townshipy WaSnaa. ftSfibtt nWaaafp, Fred. Orave's. Coble's day, Oct. U. Rlofi rotlewe. Iwutsy Thursday. Oct tL - Iuie "Harry, I hate to ask yoi.rs but tell me, do you snore in! jiarrj c-iiit-iiiiit-, - j lcep ; W. Seacn and olh rs. 1 CsriHMa. bepklt. !KV Rurtlrunon. bnrllns-toa tawaaAaa. rsu,. Oct. a , . JBrsHawn Graham owMbrpBMSrday, Oetv All persons who1 owe faxes are re quested ta meet me promptly. K. T. KERXODLE, SherifT Asumanev C.- t be in U,e fray,- Ami Uinr brine me accouiii oi it oui in naming big i wbn Jie'a awake." iseaiuiiies, stmi ty as a maucr oi news, of course, Aim! as r heresy huirting ; If only thumb screws had not gone out of fashion and Inquisitions and Auto defeat What glorious IXhu- micaiis wouhi spnng 10 tne lore to out down "Free and I'nlimited" laratrtlff. in thw la-rwon of Mark If an na, John M. Thufrton, 'Bourke' (larlimr- roil trior art active bliai . j . ... , , . Bofus a. A. oars girl othera. litsw umii ufci. S.vs tiuiv iv mvic , Tssfca- t . sustis rar TOXUA. urn TYh. Ahlakr Af theatwnwrawltlrd art Ion la lo anil hlaaila,rtt to lalo PefcTrk.niris inonler tn hwie uartl tioa there'll aiwn..g ih b-aania lu enawn to, wii : IV .UiHif , aa I 0W.i4nL ahnrc ItawK-t a-hoam hl Mrlra at law. aud Hufua A. A. roH.r- l-4M,r a mas resuteni of this IHjN -ry tee of O- rM-wiw I- Ml,m1 to be asadf SV-M alas try p-woieailnw 9 U.re. " " a. s. t lCs:"T,C.H.a The cdncfid'ates for Ihe iWtslatufVr and the connty offices will be prrt-' ent at the almve named " times and places and address the people. Fcr Sah at A Eargaia I mmilt af tar f. awy I AM wi wwwrSsr Ing claims aaaln-t tbeetata I af Jas. Ii. J-nai. Juiii id. will pieaent rwhs- CBUl ar (Iv ca to fee audi r r"e.. dulr autbentatrd amairli4MiU4 .tar of eewiemher. laT, lbcr la-' tbia aotlcr win be p'mi la tmr of ll.elr rw.n-ey. Ail peraoas Indebted ta said euti will suit payment at . J. l St"OTT. J, Aa, r. TS-ats. admYo Jaa. U. Johosoca Mac li(iiKmitH Shop aAtl- Eonndrj-. This at Talsabkt property, wen' located and1 has aow a good rwa of work. Bach a rig as this la rarely offered foraata For Ii 1 ass aad parttcsrtars apply to- ' tAFATETTB HOLT,- Mar.a,a - aurtlngton, X.

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