: .-'-VOL. XXII. SILVER OR GOLD Better than . either is td healthy liver. If the' liver is 0. K. the man is O. K. Hia blood is kept pore, his digestion perfect, and he can enjoy life and act intelligently and patiently upon the questions 'of the day. : You all know what to take. You have known it for years. It is Simmons Liver Regulator GRAHAM..N. a," -THURSDAY,,. NO V EMBER- 12,18?6 NO. 41. KIMMONSX VUEGULAT0R7 . SOOTH AFRICAN RUINS. : Bull dine, at Slash-awe That May Be of . Kla Solomon's TIbm. It would seem that at some far distant dote a people more civilized than any of fbe present Kaffir tribes bad penetrated into tbe region wo now call Masbonalnnd and bad maintained itself there for a consid erable period. Remains of gold workings are found in many parts of that country, and even as far as tbe southwestern part of Matabele land romains, wbiob sbow , that mining must have been carried on, by primitive methods no doubt, but still upon a scale larger than we can well deem within the capabilities of the Kaffir tribes as wo now see them. . Tbere are, moreover, in these NOT 80 GRKIN AS THEY SEEMED. Bow Tare Toaaa; Pool flayers BaS Warn With DeaA Oun Sparta. : Three young men entered tbo Ml linrd room of a Broadway hotel the other afternoon and began to piny pool. They played poorly and didn't attract muoh attention' except from an occasional man, who watched their efforts mora with pity than de rision. They had played a oouple of -. . . games wuen one oi mem said: -t -"I II tell you what 111 do. Ill play a game of pool for $20 a cor ner." Tbe other two looked at him, then grinned a hit and aocopted tbo chal lenge.' Each man pulled from bis pocket a $20 bill and pat it un. In t regions -usually not far from ' ? ' i. BOTHERED BY A TITLE. THE MA8TERY OF PAIN. Tor years you and your lathers - liave found it of ' sterling worth. - It is' and always has been put 'up v only by J. II. Zeilin & Co. Take 'none but the genuine. It has the - Bed Z on the front of the wrapper, and nothing else is the same, and nothing so good. some old gold working, plooes of ancient buildings exeouted with a neatness and finish, as well as with an attempt at artiBtio effect, which are entirely absent from tbo rough walls, sometimes of loose stones, sometimes plastered ' with mud, which the Kaffirs build today. These old buildings are, with one exception, bits of wall inclosing forts or residences. They are con- attraction. . E pec tutors crowded around it, and the sorts in tbe place came forward as old war horses respond to the bugle calL Tbe game began. If tbo three young men had played poorly before, their play was aimply hopeless now. The sports took each of tbem under their wings in turn. : When one tried for an im possible shot, although an easy one J S A. .1 i ... It structed of small blocks of granite ,r,BUl uw ,nose' nw Pr f , -f, .n ,'tioular mentor would reason with PKOEPSIONAL CARDS. .l ACOli 4l. LO NX , Attorney-at-Lawr, BC8LIK TON, - - N. C "r Practices in the St.tc nn1 Federal courts. Office over White. Moore A Co.' store. Main Street. 'Phone No. X .1- 4 TTORNEY AT LAW ...... N. C. GRAHAM, I-H 0AT Bvhok. W. i'. Dyni-m, JK. A.ttorneya and CoumrimD Ht Imvt OUEK-VSUOBO, V.C. V, . . .", rVeeftce "regularly- Ic the eniTt of Via tnaacecoublr.i Aotf. 2, IM ly. fc '.JoinP-iStockard, Jr., of the oountry, carefully trimmed to be of one sizo, and are usually or namented with a simple pattern, such as tbe so called "herringbone" pattern. The one exception is to be found in the ruins of Zimbabwe, in southern Mashonaland. Hero a wall 30 feet high and from 0 to 13 or 14 feet thick incloses a large ellip tical space, filled with other build ings, some of wbiob apparently were intended for tbo purposes of worship. ' . Tbore are no inscriptions of any kind and few objects, exoept some rudely carved hoads of birds, to sup ply any indication as to tbe etbno- him. When he persisted, a wail of dosjiair went up from tbe spectators, while one sport, with tears in bis eyes, kept muttering: "its wicJtea; us. wicked; its a wicked waste of money, particularly ridiculous shot was at tempted he would almost sob: "Look Owe m4 Mm Coals Ssiats Prtrataa WlwVu latrod-ood a Major. Among the countless number of men who have served in the civil war and now revel in military titles of all descriptions it is refreshing to meet with a man who will plainly, tell you that bis name is" Mr." and that he served from beginning to end of the bloody campaign as A full l blown private. Of that description is John J. Scrlvner, tbo San Francis co attorney. When tbe war broke out,- Mr. Sorivner enlisted in tbe Confederate service and-went through the entire war, laying down bis arms at its close with the humble rank of pri- ! vate that was assigned to bim on enlisting. He now enjoys tbe repu tation among hia fellows of being tbe only man that bos yet been dis covered in thcrstate Gf California who served throughout the war and yet possesses do gorgeous prefix to his name, It used to bo cus tomary in tbe south when veteran met veteran for some title to pass between tbe two. Well, Sorivner was opposed to this prinoiple and fortunate enough to escape involuntary dignity until one memorable occasion, not long ajo, whop he was conducting a case up in Butte oounty. Tbe logal lumina ries of the district showed him some hospitality, "And, " as be afterward and as a ' ezPresaml " in relating tbe oiroum- Btanoe wj uuge taunt, --one any l was introduced to a southerner by an idiot 'who said, 'Mr. So-and-so, Chloroform aad Ita latredaetioa lata the ' taetteo of Med Ida. No event of tbe century has effect ed humanity so widely and so inti " mately em that crowning triumph, of : medinal soience which Sir Benjamin j Richardson calls the "mastery of j pain." The boon of anesthesia ex i tends fir beyond the domain of steam engine or telegraph and touohes the individual more closely than any- thing in the world when his hour of suffering comes, as it may oome to any of us at any moment. And in tbe popular view . anaesthesia means chloroform, whatever experts may i think of the superior merits of other substances. People know that den tists use "gas," and some may have heard of ether or even of biohloride of methylene, but the housohold word is chloroform. Fifty years of usage have given it an unassailable position, and if a new nnsestbetio were to displace it tomorrow the old namo would probably remain. Yet chloroform was not tbe first antes thetio discovered, nor is it so muoh used in tbe presont day as its less famous predecessors. The early his tory of this great discovery, as of Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report. t JL C. JS35K3D' lTi'VwvLLvJ, ' ADSOUITEIY PUDG . , A BUf'FALO 8TAMPEDE. ' Aa ladlaa Chief Sara, a Whit Boj Balaff Cranhed to Death. A number of tbo bulls began to bellow and totbrow dirt with their hoofs. Their noise and stir started a herd down the nearest hill, and we saw a4'ost of thorn oome tearing down, the alopo with long, lunging jumps, some of them flinging their f heels and tafia bio-h In thnafr. Inmn. t ' o f tr Ing sidewise and bawling in a mad, freakish way, just as cattle some, times plunge down a bill, half in play, half in a state of nervous ex oitemont There was now a perfect bedlam of noise, and clouds of dust were rising on all bands. The chief motioned to me to shoot. I carried a short, thick barreled MY MOTHErftl HOME. Oh. carry me bark to my native For njr heart la ad and Ion, . And m I die kit me iraa onoa man . On my mother, eottaco home. Oh, bear me back to tlta qniot elude . Of tbe well known tryntlne tree, -To the babbling atream and theetinay . Tile haunt, uf my enUuhood . glee. f If r spirit pines for my motber'a low ' And tbe fratp of ber dr right hand. And to feel once more aifeetlon'a kia . ' From tbe Joyona botueholil band. Then bear me back to my native absra, For my heart i. aad and lone, . t And ere I die hit me gase onee mot Oa my nwtbar'n eottag home. - - - -Sew York Ledges. buffalo can it wan before the rlnva many others, is dobatahlo ground, i 0f broeohloaders which threw an but certain faots have been clearly established. Tbe first chemical agent found to possess tbo property of pro ducing insensibility by inhalation ana usoa lor that purpose was nitrous oxide, rooro familiarly known as "laughing gas" or simply "gas."' It 4s still considered tbe fit 'm nil wlitf Ann'tTmit inl Wit. ' t i io t .... .x x, x this is Major Sorivner.' T " Z IT ZTZ- "I M but I bad not time to . -"4 ta administered every day ... - . - - r" . waste like that Why can't I get in?" , . a As the game proceeded the crowd i grew larger, and ibe agony of the sports became truly pitiful. Finally logical affinities of the people who lUB, lBUIUU ueu'.8nu MO winner erected this build Jnff or as to tbe ; P006 the money. while the losers nature of their worship. Such indi cations as we have, howevor, sug gest that it was some form of naturo worship, including the worship of . 1 I ' , a . t iuw bun. - o kuuw iroiu otoor i sonrcea, including tbe - Egyptian grinned. Truo sporting blood bad tbey. Then Ibe winner, a slender, blase looking youth, said : "Look hero. I don't want your money. Ill give yon a chanco to got it back and piny you another gaino for $20 apiece." Tbo others nttm w i-eeil ., f I 111. X I I t . iHty : TBURLOflTOX, ST. C. fd r f r4h tin por l-t. Offleem Main St. over I . N. W ker A Ws tone. a ; ' Livery , Sale 11!? Feed STABLES. .... - ... ruonuiuents and the Old TiMtnmnni:. lint lmrn frmn rmv Mm.. ThO Others CMMO to tbo FCrstcll ... - - ttalWtWWlw Swfl IUm wi-iaa.1 afaa r....n.l u trade botween the ltod sea and i""iv " puea some part of cast Africa, and 3 wo 1 "onml tna botcl b o would know also ihat the worship cf aat. I. b sports wero playing pool for V.g of tho huii prevailed V. oaa t,,at J ca83r 'or W. C. Moore, Prop'b,, GRAHAM, N. V. i HaksmeetnlUraine. Good itagt or dou CAarces nraaeraie. i-arau nrnl foross and of tho nun prevailed among the early Koiuitos tho viow that tho builders of Zioibibwo were of Arab or soino other Somite stock is at loast highly phiusibla Xv Two things are quito clear to every ono who examines tbo ruins, and oompares tliciu withth smaller fmgmocta of anclentTuttJdinga ul rendy luontioiicd. ITiOHevho built Zimbabwe wcro a race (much su perior to tho J3antu JribdSwWboso mud. huts are now to be founi far from these still strong and solid walls, and thoso other remains scat tered through the oouulry wcro either the work of that same upo-rior- raoe or, at any rate, were built in imitation of their stylo and under the influence they had left. But whether this raoo was driven out or peaceably withdrow or became by degrees absorbed And lost in the surrounding Bantu population we have no data for conjecture. If they came from Arabia, they most have oome more man J a centuries ago. somo ono. II tho ltrs-t came had boon a wretched exhibition, tbe sec- I ond Was absolutely ludicrous. Such pool plnying was never seen. Tho sports who bad constituted them scl ves admirers of tho players threw fits and wept. The fat sharp who had been tearful in tbo first gamo ; moaned aloud in tho second. At last ' the gamo was brought to n point where it depended on one ball, Tbo sijorf, tuicx young' man who woro lasses waaabout tcx-sbopt. The ob ject ball, thehwt ball ontho tabid, stood just in front of a pockety Tbo cuo ball was not a foot ownyA ba, by oould have modo tbo stroke. Tho young man with glasses smashed at the ball and missal ; then in a fit cf rage bo shoved ibe object ball into tbo pocket In an instant there was a hubbub. The slender, blase youth was next shot, and as ho only needed one ball to win he insisted, that it should bo placed in front of tbe ockot, wbero reprimand my introducer nor to ox plain matters. In an instant I found myself shaking hands with tbo southerner, who eyed me narrowly. i " 'You served in. the Confederate ; army, major?' bo asked. I "I did,' I replied. " 'I was in tbe Confederate army myself, sir, ' returned tho southern er, 'and J'm pretty wall up in the army list. What branch of tbe serv ice were you attached to?' " 'The artillory,' I repliod, longing that be. would give me a cbanoe to i explain. But ho kept right on. j - '. 'Under what general, sir, may I ask?' " 'Under Goneral Gordon.' By i this time I was fooling mighty un-: comfortable, as my southern friend was bent on drawing mo out " 'Major,' be said, 'I'm pretty fa miliar' with 'the names of all tbe leading artillery ofticers in tho Con- to thousands of patients, notonly for dental purposes, but in conjunc tion with ether for general surgery. To Priestley belongs ibe honor of identifying it chemically, to Sir Humphry Davy that of expounding its onatsthetio properties. lie found thorn out by experimenting on bim. self, and supported their practical application in thoso words: "As nitrous oxide, iu its extensive operation, appears capable of de stroying physical pain, it may prob ably bo used with advantage during surgical operations in which no great effusion of blood takes plaoo." If any ono deserves to bo called the father of amcsthesia, it is Sir Hum phry Duvy. Bat the surgeons of this day, Whether from blindness, timidity or prejudice, appear to have missed tho significance of his an nouncemont altogether, for, though tbe words Just quoted wero publish ounce and a half slag. I aimed at a bull some 50 feet away, who offered a broadside shot in bis pawing. Tho heavy ball knocked him off hia feet, and the next moment he was at tbe last gasp. The chief also fired his rifle, with what. effect I did not see, for our shots did not startle even tbo, near-, est animals, so great was the noise Told Dan 11 Webster. It is never safe to say things the ragged, unkompt men one i and meets a-t!shing by some mod pond or stream. This truth is illus trated by tbe case of Daniel Webster. . Webster was a fisherman and had sloops and a smack iu which be used to enjoy tbe pastime. lie was net overfastidlous in ' bis fisherman' dress. If he toro bis clothes, he did toot tnke tbe trouble to have tbe rent sewed up, and when enjoying hia sport ho was a tolerably rough look, ing customer, according to a Roches ter paper whose reporter interview ed Mrs. Dawes, a resident of Marsh. field in Webster's days. of their own bavrliDgs and so.thiok . Webster and Mrs. Dawes' ancle mo oioua oi aust tney nad raised, wero nsning one day from the snortr A mad craze seemed suddenly to of tbe. bay, when a stylish young havo possessed the whole herd, for fellow, a visitor at Marsbfleld, tum a great crowd had pressed down out bled bead over heels into tbe marsh, of the ravine, and . bundreda were,. The tumbler yelled at Webster, ask. plunging down tbe bluffs. The situ- ing how muoh bo would take to haul foderato servico duriug tbo vnr,lod 1" the yoarlSOO, no praoticnl uno HENRY BANX, JR. PBAOTIGAIi TIdTNEB. GRAHAM, - - -N.C. before the days of Mohammed, for. bad boon- An PF1 "as mado to May I ack yon, sir, how many guns were under your command?' "I assure you, judge, I never felt so mad in my life. Here was 1, a j man who always avoided notoriety, : who served bis lime in tbe war and j did his duty without ostentation, who never sought a military title, ' but always scared off my friends j from addressing me by one, and yet, ' owing to my bungling, d d good natured friend, being catechised by ' an entire stranger upon a titlol nev- j er assumed. However, I bridled up, and, looking my catecbisor full in tho eye, I said t .j " 'Guns bo d d, sir! I served through tbe on tire war, sir, in com mand of ono gun, and that I carried ovor my shoulder.' "San Francis co Bulletin. kinds of tin work and re- W. Elm St.. second door from Baiit & Thompson's. Dee.,tf. Atl pairing. Shop on PR1JNIT1NQ they were evidently not Mussul mans, and it is just as easy to snp-' pose that they came in tbo days of Solomon, IS centuries earlier. James Bryce, M. P., in Century. .".A Farecorle Tlpsiler. ;: One often hears of tbo subterfuges resorted to by persons addicted to tbe use of drugs in order to secure what their morbid appetite craves. and one of tbe clerks in a North Broad street drug store is a perfect mine of information on snob mat- tho crowd. The excitement breams , intense The sharps squabbled and nroriAil hn nnlntai if trial kiim r e M ' " depended upon it Finally it was do- cidod that tbe ball would have to go ! on tbo spot Then tho blase youth shot, and, wonder of wonders, he made itl The money was banded to him, and the months of tbe sports watered as tbey saw it passed over. Tbe third youth refused to play any more, and tho three, arm in arm, aa if two of them bad not lost 1 10 apiece, strolled out Tho winner tors. Be knows tbe Jamaica ginger stack bis toneuo in his cheek and drunkard and the morphine fiend, grinned goodby to tbo assembled bus (no most interesting character sports, who said: , A IMaeaale Completed. An earnest dissertation on the des tiny of nations in goneral and on tbat of this conn try in particular was interrupted . by the advent of When you want Eavelopcs, Letter Beads, Note Heads. Bill Heads, Statement Heads, Busi ness Cards. Visiting Cards, Pos ters, Circulars, Dodgers, or any kind of printing, Blanks, &c, Call at Thb Glean fx Office. rrrrniM inraww hi- I think write JOHN WTUDKIU t? Protect roar Vina. waaJta. OO.) SHE! vtrtoe i a wrtt of m a cMrt or a In (arar of B. Ala- a aamiaatJaaaaj.CMM.Iann eetiattfee eawrt aeaBiiiraasBi, setae Beat Mttir. toe JfXlJfDAY TIIK 1th DAY OY NOVEMBER, 1896,, St hata; Wo4Teewr4 t M ar famel of fm mm hk ajan.aaiiw'wiia. aojnnuaf; la leaqe a a la vmm rr wiiuaaiua, rtcaeu aiawra. oewtaieiao; ONE ACRE ttheinr the easM eaaTared k. C. Txyrrar aeS faVatue A. Uomts is aala eaa v tr . R. T. KrsvoPir, to oome under bis observation is paregoric drinker. . This fellow is laboring man. and promptly at MO every morning be enters the store on hia way to work, with bis dinner pail banging from hia arm. - He or ders a pint bottle of paregoric, which be drinks daring the course 'of the day. Paregoric eon tains a certain percentage of opium, and presum ably this is what tbe man drinks it for. Philadelphia Record. Faalnai.t 11 .at " . Young BoftleJgb fwbo ia itrisc to take his best girl oat for a ride, with tbe intention of proposing on tbe road, and win want the free nae of both srroi I ouppoae tbe bone is gentle one of tboae horses yoa can drive with er your er feet if nsooasarv? . Stable Carper Ton eaa do any.. thing with bim. Just ask rear young may. She bae been out be hind him with half tbe roui asea ia the town. Pick Me Dp. "They'vo got sporting blood: but. Lord, bow easy they'd be if we could get at tbem," and tbe fat sport, who had wept, staggered , to the bartodrojqUiiadiMpiointroont. - - Aa soon aa tbe three young fellows reached tbo sidewalk tbere.was a "Ha, bar' from all of tbem, and the blase one said: ' "Pretty good game tbat Say, but didn't tbey want to got at us?" and ho handed bock to tbe losers tbe money ha bad won from them. New York Sun. the orator's wifo. i "Beriab," sho said, "would ye mind my takin a hand in the orgy meat?" --" Tain'l no argyment," he an swercd. "All of 'em agroes with what! say." "Well, mebbe .1 oould he'p ex plain." "I dupno's I see bow ye kin." " Just res I got here I heard ye say tbet what wo suffer from is bavin too many men look in for work an not flndin it terda" . . ''Tbet thero's ibe things." "Well, tbet ain't wbnt causes tbe bull trouble. It's bad enough, but it ain't alL" "Wbat'afberestof it?": "Tbe rest of tbe trouble is tbet men ts bos work tor doll look the cf tho gas was attempted until 1814, tCnd then tbe initiative came from America. In tbat year a Connootkmt dentist named Horr.ce Wells submitted him self to tbe ordeul and had a tooth cxtraoted undor tbo influence of lii-1 trous oxide. Tbo next step was tbe 1 introduction of other, and tbe credit !' gfnrted at a run, oi du aiso neiongs to America, it lies between two Boston gentlemen named Morton and Jackson, but some attempt was made to koep the dis covery a secret for commercial rea sons, the only result of which was I to bury tho faoU in obscurity and ,' " to deprive the real discoverer of tbe honor that more straightforward conduct would havo secured to him. The sccrot was immediately detocted , by Dr. Blgelow and Kent over to j England, whore tbo loading surgeons of the day Lis ton, Lawrcnoo and Ferguson took it np at once in tbeir hospital practice. Sir Benja min Richardson baa described ia the most graphic manncr how tho good j news oame to Glasgow, where be ; was studying at tho time, and bow ' great was tbo excitement in tbo pro- fession. Etbsr, tho second ana tbetio in priority, is still tho second also in point of safety and in tbo fe rvor of tte sntebtblists at the pres ent time. Boston Herald. ation had suddenly become startling and dangerous. Tbo chief in alarm sprang to bis feet and threw tbe wolfskin from his head. I did tbo samo. He bad evidontly counted on scattering tbo buffaloes and frightening them off by our first shots. I Instead a tumbling mass of tbem I had gathered about tho animal ' which I had shot, and, excited to greater frenzy than over by tbo smell of blood, were filling tbe air with hoarse, deep, quavering roars, which mado tbe ground tremble un dor us. I The dust from the multiplying' numbersjvhicbjurged pervnueu as ic was witn aiicaii, set puffed. uio in iu a jjnrvAjraiu u. iKmung auu jongbing in spite Of my intonse alarm. It now enveloped us in so thick a cloud that we could practi cally soo nothing. Suddenly tho chief seized me by tbe arm. "Come." bo said, "we go quick 1" and we We dodged hither and thither to get out of tbe way of plunging, bawling animals, many of which lunged past within arm's reaob. The dust bad grown continuously thicker, and my eyes, filled with tbo smarting alkali, failed me utterly before we bad run 60 yards. I was again aeized by a violent fit oi coughing and snoozing. I shouted toLittlo Bear botween my cougbings that I oould not sec He answered only, "Wo go quick quick I" and, keeping a tight grip upon my arm, jorked me this way and tbat as we rusbod ahead. - But, active aud powerful him out and carry him over tbe mud. "A quartor I" answered Webstar, , and tbo deed was dona Whereupon the quarter was turned over, and Webster bad started away wheat tho mud stumblor asked: "To whom am I indebted?" "Only Daniel Webster." ' f Tho man said afterward tbat few apologized for his snperoilionsaesn and did not reckon other people np according to tbo number of tears and patches and mud on their clothes. w Hew Bheaes llada Bis lUwatasli Pills and patriots alike become) - if. tbev nro- anfflnimtlw This has boon tbe case in regard to Mr. Rhodes. That astute speculator perceived that Jingoism was in tbo ascendant, and Jie worked this vein, much aa Jabes Balfour worked tbo religions vein in order to feather tbo nest in which be and his gang of shady finanoialists) hatched their own eggs. At tbe Capo he bought np Afrioaa newspapers. Ho kept well with tbe correspondents of English newspa per Ho entertained royally all mon of inflnonoo who visited South Africa, and hndistributed the shares of bis companies broadcast' Thus mythical Rhodes was crested Ui noblest, tho purest and tbe least self seeking of patriots. Tbo gilt is wear, ing off tbe idol, and, notwitbatanoV Ing tho doaporate efforts of his led captains, of bis financing associates And of those who take on credit tb patriotism of any one who affects to pay worship to King Jingo, the real as hO - Tlltvlna ia hninnp nnwlnl TJm blindness from oollision. I waa bir, . " by ono of tbe bugo animals and) aiws leeswatiaav- knocked ever. Tbe creature struck The venerable Judge Allen of tbo . . f"? 1 a, exJa.a. 1 Ix a. . . n . t Die on the left side, and I was- circan court ainpnng i aai Asm, - "I told that lady tbat ia order to get a good photograph she most for fw wImts sb wis." -WeiT?" . - 'She did it so thoroughly that aba aeat away without makma the re pired depesit Chicego Record. , jjyrt? Vmr4 KeHta-a Weakawaa, Lord Kelvin sometimes geteso ab" orbed while one of bis experiments . is being conducted tbat rode tu-1 denta take tbe opportunity of mak- I ing witty oomment, of which he la entirely unconscious. Tbe editor of Good Words mentions Lord Kd vis's one strange peculiarity. While tbe higher matbotnatica and all tbe ; Stysteriee of logarithms and oolculoa are ae easy to him aa tbe alphabet, be often appears puzzled wbea a I sum ia presented to him In ordinary I ngnresv A question other way an set around, talk in poli tico an finance, Joavin tbeir wives ter run tbe farm an tend tor tbe live took, notoountin tbe children, the best wsy tbey kin. ' Tbet a tbe rest ef the trouble, Beriab. " Detroit Tree Presa. OMOhn, "I asy, captain," said a youns; Englishman on board an American clipper, "tbat flag of yours has not floated is every breeze and over very sea for 1,000 years, bas It?" ov it nam t, - rrpuaw taw cap. tal Aarlla. ' "It is hot generally known," ob served a prominent - blacksmith. "that nearly all of tho anvils used' by blacksmiths iu this oountry are ' tnaflat h AM. fleaaaa w T-lt a VI Maf ea MMStMWT VJ VUw AAA 111 U UrWftiVI, aft 11 ""fkindsof substitutes bave been in- vented and put on tbe market, but after using tbem tbo blacksmith generally goes back to tbe wrought Iron anvil, which is handmade. There , are. plenty of cast iron and steel anvils for sale, but tbey find but little favor from blacksmiths. who prefer an anvil tbat tings. Tbe cast iron anvil has do masio about rnd does not give any moro response to fbe hammer than if one was ham mering on a stump. It is mania, or iinging, as the smithy calls it that f Lr wanted. A blacksmith does near- ly an bis talking to bis helper by tbe sounds made on tbeanvil by bis hammer. As far as tbe village blacksmith is concerned, singing by the anvil is his constant edtrertise- wrenohed from tbo abiof's grasp and sent rolling over and over in the dust In fact, I was knocked breath less, half stunned, and could not nave arisoti at onoe of my own sn field, His., was bearing d ease a few years ago In which James C Court, noy was one of tbo attorn era. The . counsel on tbo opposite side bad oak ed a question ef a witness, and Court- cord. I should have been run over ' D0 ,,ad "Jctod. The point waa and crushed but fer tbe chief. As it r8notl bT th aidca, and, the objec wssl just had sense enough to know tion 0 Terr-led. The opposite that I was Jerked from the ground, lwy "fcol tbo same quostlon of tossed upwsrd and borne fard ,Bnex,w"nnrtnr,De3rao1,,B upon bis shoulders. He ran liko a deer, carrying mo as if I bad becq a papoose, jumping and dodging this v. ay and tbat among t be throng of animals, whose rumbling tread sounded in my ears like tbe muttering of thunder. Twice ho use r tafoand thrown, and we both measured our full be. but Le was on his feet again in an instant, anu, lilting me as be fore, darted abesd, seemingly un hurt. How be managed to keep his eyesight and Lis bearings in tbat choking ch-cd and strong tbat excit ed matatf snimaleis and always will bo a mystery to me. Dut Le did it He tfcrmd me out cf (bat bollo-w-inp, rrszy rowd cf animnla, and set of simple ad- dittos placed In this war on tbe tbe Newthw keep? board will sometimes load to tbe j Mrs. Kobs- Only eve. - -query being put to tbe class or to an ! Mrs. Snobbs Only one? Good S4enatant with a cert am fanny look 'fwetoue, and I came pretty sear of belplesness. "How rones Js ealllitg there yesterday ! Cleveland . Leelar. . . , ment Ordinarily an anvil will last . "l" '7 fret upon tbe bill from 10 to 20 years that is, if it is tk si, giving uttrranoe to a "bat It has ricked on- that bandied carefully, Ifaousb tbere are fin? prant M stli faction when be loclb s Uutopsnion. manyanvin toat are now useU try 1 1 pt,t'" r,nD" en were forhidilen aona watch were used by tbe fathers " ciic -'"iut in ts. icbolos. A saawaw a , . dortng -their entire lifetime." Mrs. Bnobbs How pasoy girls do Waakir jtou Star. T objouted and bopan to argue it over again. Jadgo Allen interrupted hint with this observation, "Mr. Court, noy, you remind mo of a dg that keeps barking up tbo tree after tbo -cootf ts goao." Mr. Courtney there--upon salxidod. 3.m FraacUco Ar- gosaut i -. ' Taa Inn Ctttae That Claim- Baaaeav It has been said that "seven cities claimed Homer dcaii. who, whfls living, bad no place to lay his bend." or words to that effrct Tliat ia to soy tbat Homof ' fimo became sucla' after bis death that seven cities con. tended for tho bouor of having been, tbe plaoo of his birth. Do yoa know' the name of those seven cities? Tbey were Chios, Athena, Rhode. Colo pbon, Argoa, Btnyrra and balami ' Don't yon think Jorkins ia very ' attentive to bis wife?" . -"Tea; people are beginning tn reMriaT' ju York TiUuna. Bark- it" Detroit Free Press. , at the "Crr boivs reminds me of an tlr inimp." "U but irt of it, ipnty?" "The exhnuxtcd recclrec. of When spectacles wore first iaTeut- od and caroo into use in Italy, wons- to wear tbem on tbe ground that, boing 'very strik ing ornamonts, tbey would eontrib-' ste to female vanity. A Frerch patent ia issued for II years and is subject to sn annual'' tax ef $3u, being revoked upon noa- . pay man t " -