VOJQ. XXII. GRAHAM. N. C., THURSDAY. DECEMBER 24 1896. NO; 47. . fa,WilslSMl PURELY VEGETABLE. Two Christmas Eves. An: Armenian Maiden's Escape And Its Happy Sequel. noor literally ran in uioou, ana unahed tears. What woiidcr that Ia1v ih in'pjp'ch!cs3 anguish: he-held real tH. welled up from tortured the men of her lamiiy aiidncr lover heart, and that they sparkled m The ebeamxt. purest and bmt familT medi cine tn the world I An effectual Bpecltle for mil disease of the Llvcr.Htuinacu and Hpleen, j 'vet r;V, HeeUeMoetw, Jaundlosand Nausea. latatne-Llver and prevent Chills and 'ever, Malarious Feven, Bowel Complaint. BY i, edoar Jones. Christinas hriiid the mountains of Armenia. The scene of our story is a little oriental village, in 1S9 -, I nestled amid the rugged cliffs at the head of n smiling valley. The site . also general should not be reptrded as a trifling ailment In fact, naturedemands the utmost regularity of the bowels, and an? deviation from thia dcnuuiiTpaves tlie way often to aerloua dan Kvr. It laquiteaiiieccssarr toreraove impure - KecnmuuHKnuiromimueweiu-iwiw eat or sleep, aad ns health can be expected where loosiive non 01 nouy prevail. ? fltCK KCADAjDHB! ; 't U sHstrnsslng affliction oocnra most fra. qu-roUy. "The dlstarbance of the stomach, arising fnom the imperfectly digested con- . ; . tent, caiaws a aevere pain in the bead, - accompanied with disagreeable nausea, and . , Ihls ci'iimlKitts what Is popularly known as Mick li-adhe, for the relief of which take Hlmroy if loiter Regulator. y : ;'l i'-f-ftTiStt PS.CKAOK-ES - ' , !- ifiainjiin red on the nm pper. -i. -i '-' .Philadelphia. - BAD BBK1IUI l . .. ... - . Nothing Isso tmpleannt-notblng no com- : OI ",e wna '" "'"ri . -i. mon.aaa bad breath! and In nearly every ' U coHUcoma from the stomach. andCMi b ; r ."" V.JvvaJ AMilvimriir1 if nn will lair Himmnni I t. xl. l 11 VJAw iato7. Do' not nt w lure a i P Hs Uiougli uie grern, a.iu ,.,,,,,n,.P,.?1,iu. fmeninff hfivnnrl find been wbittled improve your appetite, complexion ana f o j . --- rabeaitn..a t .. I to a narrow point that it mif-ht penetrate hills. Great precipices yawned on either fide, and tower in?; cliffs which seemed to . have irown ray jvitlwagc, veuflallie snow on the higher peaks of the mountains seemed the hoaiy locks of those ancients, which there had for centuries watchtd over the old world. Near by Mount Ararat where rested the ark after the flood It was here Noah tilled his vine yards and the human race begun anew after the floods subsided, for Armenia is one of the oldest hinds and its people trace their lineage direct to the Biblical emigrant ship which colonized it when the world was young, Krom many a , quaint, fiat-roofed dwelling arose Christmas carola to which soft-voiced echoes sang responsive choruses among the clifl's, and at least one church bell tried bravely, singly and alone, to supply an imitation of Christmas chimes. It was a peaceful picture. upon which the stars twinkled ap provingly as they bespangled the slopes with frost-diainontU and coated countless sparkles from the Hid snow. The Armenians are .a devout people, and make much of the Christmas festival. The little hamlet wa-) in many re.jpects not unlike Bethlehem, 4ind near it were many shepherds who guarded their flocr sat night, as did those of Judt'a when the angels sang of peace on earth, good will to men. At the home of Abanazar, the head man of the village, there were quiet festivities, decorations of holly and otlier evergreens, sunn's of praise and etoric8tviiich for generations hadjiandcd down cherished tradi tions and legends f Armenia. There were the aged grandfather and grandmother, Abanazar and his good, three little girl ranging from six to twelve years old, and Zillah, the 16-year-old daughter, . with her amancefJ.loverjVkthar, tho stalwart youiig herdsman. She was a, beauti ful miiidei!t wjth regular features, large eyes aglow with love, the small but symmetrical form characteristic of so many women of her race. " In her . picturesque costume she was marvellously handsome, and her tones were as in dMcal a the tinkle of silvery bells or the low notes of cut down, and women subjected to tortures which chilled her to the son!. With otlier women and "itirls she fought - heroically, but finally found herjelf breathless and dis armed in the embrace of Kustem, the huge leader of thrr Kurds, who had often in dnvs of peace paid her attentions as often repelled. pretty Zillah's mournful eyes? Good will to men these exiles could know and feel, but peace oil earth was not for them j even at Christmas, while Turkish scimetars still flashed forth the lightnings of fanaticTiraU's",' and innocent Wood reddened the soil of far Armenia. There was to be a new arrival of Armenians to- Suddenly she drew the steel bod- night, and thev were to recite at this kin fnnn her hair, plunged it with gathering ot their compatriots the unerring aim and the strength born story of their adventures and their of desperation into the - giant's wrongs inuliittaleaJmiLbenof: heart, and as he sank to tho floor ten repeated by similar refugees, she bounded to the side of the the stories had a tragic interest ever church,-seized a lighted taper, ope:- new, while they recounted renewed thi Christ Day. BY WM. KOSSEK c"'l'5nE. Home bringing and home-loving and home happiness are the bright features of the Christ . day through out tha metes and bounds of Chris tendom. Callous is tho heart, nnd dead to all imprest-ions of light and ness, which is not quickened to - Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report, Attor ney-at-L a w, . -' BTJBUXTOH, f: - - - K. C .- lractlces In terntpi and Federal courts. ' UlMae am-Whits, Moored Co.'s store. Main Street." 'Plwna Jfu, 8. - - Mf., h.-A TTQRJfEY AT LAW GRAHAM, V - - . N. C. Itmm Geat BTWtnt. W. V. Brsux, J a. AttorrU'ysi and Coymaclora at Luw OREBM8BOBO, N. C. In the Ffactlre regularly eniiotr. cnrts of Als Au: 4, U4 ly. ed a trap door in the floor, hurled horrors and the constantly recurring the light into a supply of powder tragedies which added to the list of sToredlhere, andrsprirfgingthrough 4 the iostrand the grand army tf sor- aside door leaped irom the precipice rowing survivors. As the coming as scores of other women had done ofth'e visitors was announced tho within the horrible half hour prcceed- music ceased and all arose to receive ing. There was a flash, a thun- them, the hum of the great city derous roar, and the solid church without faintly heard in the hush of seemed to be heaved high in air, expectancy within, and tho Christ- wniieinineiuriaiignioi tne expio- ,,1113 chimes from an American sion dead bodies of men and women' church near by ringing cheerily, could be seen among the flying frag- t.iough soft and subdued, through ments, and with them scores or live the frosty air. j Kurds struggling as they arose, Tho door opened and there march- scorched and blackened, toward the d m the little band who came from sky. The fragments, human and the valley of the shadow of death.' otherwise, came down again and and first among them Abanazar and darkness succeeded. The surviving Akthar, the father and lovers so Kuids butchered all who survived, long listed among the dead. You of the villagers, except the women should have seen Zillah's beautiful they byre off as captives, but at the face, transfigured, the lovo-light in foot of the cliff they found but the her large brown oves, and heard the ........v. ... uv.vU ... . nius.vaiijr (JIUII JUUU cry Willi WHICH women who had preferred death to Lhe sprang into their arms, snufr- slow torture and devilish indignities. Kling clog,. ut last with her nlumn An hour latef-all was strangely arms about Akthar's neck and his still, burning ruins smolderini with stalwart arm about encircliirir her Livery, Sare Feed ; STABLES. XV. C. Moored Prop'k, GMAHAM, V. i . . Itaatcemert all train. Good slngh or don Die teams. Chargea niodernie. V-UMlm gentleness and unselfishness upon the natal day of Him who taught the lu-oadest humanity and the most disinterested love. Had Pickens written only ot Christmas, he should occupy a commanding place inthe aJliiioiioniuinmvityJa the HENRY BANX, Jll.t i . PEAOTIOAL TIMES, GRAHAM,- N.G. ' Ail kinds of tin work and re- ""-pairmg.r'--1-; - :- . .. Sfaop on W. Elm St.; second door from Bain & ihompson s. .... toe.tttf. - PRINTINQ When you "want-1 Euvelopes, vLetter Heads, Note Heads. Bill , Heads, Statement Heads, Busi ' ness Cards. Yfeiting Cards, Pos--ters. Circulars, Dodgers or anj - kind of printing. Blanks, &c.,'. Call at Thk Gleakfr Office. $2.32Savcd! $5.00 Should Paj 2JfA - - DoPay $252 - SiTlngs times sang a soft sccompaiiimcnt. The-pleasant scene in this home wn duplicated in many others that starlit Christmas eve. Suddenly the scene changtd. Thechutvh hell rang in sharpshort strokes, a spirited alarm, wmfusion u-ceeded calm, and there wore cx- rited exclamations and hurrying in haste as lidtTTIashetl inadlyllowii the one . central street, shouting : "Save; yourselves, Christians, (he Kurds re'coniingj" - . frjl tlivre , waslnfLliniCt (lose upon his tracks came hundreds of swarthy horsemen, turhaned and fieree,wwith Vm Mohammedan malcdit'tion shouted in deep-voiced hate, and eyes which gleamed like lire' coals ' from beneath I -celling brows. Innimonientiwleiiion ipja-gcuel. lq l'ttre. lrykeriJoos. lhe guns sjwke sharply, vriinetani flashel in silver and turned crim son, and 84 if wi the flames from burning buildings east their lurid gl re over an earthly hdl wherein fiends held huth rarniral in shed ding ijinorent Uood.- T-T" . Abanazar and his family, with others, gained tha church which stood on the edge of s precipice, and there mode a brave stand, but it wo useless. Breeches were it)le iu the walU, the place carried by sVhto, and hundrol slain lieffire the altar dwlicated to peace and de- r - SulwiU for Thc Glcaxcb, only : corated with Christmas symbols. in fl.50 a rear in advance. - :. Ircadinf-s for the morrow. The the dull glow of expiring embers marked the graves of hundreds, and tho spot on which but a short time before smiled happines and home. But bcau'.iUil ZiUah was not dead. She had falU-n on the soft bodies of the slain, aiut imiuh to her surprise found hersdf but little hurt, and had crawled off into the nirrow Wooded paths whic h threaded the mountain fastcn.is.-es near, all fa miliar to her. She sought refuge in a mountain shepherd's cave, wh at morn visited the vilage in search for survivorj. but found none. Toe fierce Kurds h:id undu sure work of their bloody task. A few weeks liter Zill;th, through many hardships, found her way to the seaside, and thence to America, J coming to a g;-Mt western metropo lis with other Armenian refuges, where she found shelter with the colony, which did what it could for these unfortunates, human remnants saved from the furnaces of affliction which consumed so many noble lives in darkened Armenia. Mourn ing for. those she loved, almost des pairing, she struggled bravely with her lot, and the sweet-faced gill Xtota1'lliy tghfcli she" some' f'OfliHefUlj n4Yr nmo,,S A little calculation for you- Its an illustration of what happens when you buy . V. r :&$2e68ms and the only proof that they're not $5 pants is the 2.)2 in your pocket. ' . . ; ' fotSAta mr L. K HOLT & CO. free people who pitk-d her woes and appneiatod her faithful work. I'a tie..tly she toiled, but her pillow was wet with lhe tears of sorrow and her heart . bled under, tho stab of piercing grief, Br.tve and nobbj irirl ! How many like her. pieces oCdriftwfvd from the wreck wra tight by Turkish cruelty. and fanaticism. have been stranded upxm our Kind lier shoreS. Zillah turned in prayer towards the God of her father.', and sought at His fe t the consolation earth denied. Even pntver cannot heal a f-mkeii hearty It can but Con sole and slightly assuage such grief as hers. NOTICE ! "f ttre tba epetlxflow will tlna OsTOhae for sinriininsni. te tik Mtfiwet the ia 6fr.ffi, Jl. C ' r eif mt tste Hnari Tom Cxrmls m. J. u. a aaxuiii.sL uwk. Christniaa cve-in the little Arme nian colony occupying a corner of a foreign srd ion of the great we'ter.i rity. The halt was decorated fr the occasion with the usual ever greens, and oriental hangings served to recall in this modern LuhI the fit milliar belongings of lout homes among the Armenian nmunisins. There was a siiUueil checrfolneMi aruon the people pn-aent, a tribute to Christinaa, but thy could rn rejoice loudly with aching void in many stricken heart s and ' the Mnalcms still oppressing the Chris, tiara smong the far-off Armenian bills. Tfwy eang. however, Clirint- mas shapely waist. What is ordinary Christmas happiness to such joy as hers, measureless as infinity, deep as the sea? Docs not love fill even the vast spaces of Heaven ? And the men were as deeply moved as tho maid, f..r they had been as cer tain of her death as she of the! rj. Precious indeed are these gifts, which fate, stern and unrelenting at all times, seems to snatch from the dead to reward tho love of the liv ing". Never since angels sang at Bethlehem had Christmas se-med g.adder to any human soul, than was this memorable Christmas eve to tho beautiful Armenian maiden. After the storm tho eahn. Akthar and ZiTIahi were, wetl soon' after, and Abanazai became an inn ate of their happy home. Under the star ry flag, which, thank God, tolerates no religious jiersecution, they live in security, doing their duty as Christian citizens, loving their adopted land with passionate orien tal fervor, and contributing as they can toward the needs of those still suffering in the belov. d home coun try. They ore loyal to the core, but hope the land of their adoption may do something to stav the hale which crimsoned the land of their birth. God grant that their hope limy be not in vain. A simple story, the annals of lives touched with sorrows deeper than (hose most of us in'these happier lands havq known.. .Hcniemliering our mercies at Christmas time, let us not forget the griefs which hare burdened and i-pprcstel such as these, but apply to them in fullest measure all that Is meant by "good will to men". To quote from the good old. book which wa thetr.4 even before it be amo ours : These are they wbc cimeout of great tribula tion, and they washed their rib's and made them white in the blood of lhe Lamb. For the Lamb which is in the niidt of the' throne shall be their shepherd, and shall guide them onto fountains of the water of life ; and God shall crlpe away every tear from their eyea." cheery scenes ho picturetl lmurThe cheery halos he cast about this day of all days in the (yenr. The very pathos, which at times seemed a part of himself, when he wrote, quickened ami brightenediinderthe light of that day until it waiTTienpty divested of all its sadness. Tho tragedy of Calvary was years after the birth scene at Bethlehem. The God-child had need to grow up tg man's estate and wrap about Him the mantle of infinite deity before He became a man of sorrows ac quainted with grief. The Christ day tells of the virgin mother and her jdad smile of joy as she looked upon tho face of her newly-born child. It recalls the cherubic song of the angels that startled tho shep herds of Salem and the eOulgcnt star that guided the wise men to the manager in which He lay. It brings out of the past the happy circumstances of those who were led into the Divine presence, briniring with them gifts of gold and frank incense and myrrh. So, too, clear cr than when first uttered, because now better" understood, is heard after the lapse of 2,000 years the Heavenly promise of pea e, good will to hieiir Comes nlso the tench ing of mercy, forgiveness and charity as substitute for the older law of evo for eve anil tooth for tooth. When He camo the dark night of cruelty and wrong and oppression rolled away, ushering in the gray dawn of an endless day of lovo for enemies and prayers for those that use their neighbors despitcfully. iiio exampio or tne sa'cs niio came as gift-bearer is university fol lowed, and meet is it that it should be so because the heart that gives in love has a sure promise of a bless ing from the Lord. The inspiring motivc of donatives is the love that thinks no evil against tho recipient of tho favor, and love is the dom inant.rulor of the heart that is good. The Christ taught nothing if He did not teach the infinite beauty of home life that is huildud upon love. " The heart that loves and in cheerful gives freely, ' thus communicating pleasure to others in the reflection thatthey ore not forgnW.cn, and happiness to the donor in that he jicrceives he'has communicated hap piness. Love is contagious, as hap piness is contagious, and blessed and thrice b!esed is that household which welcomes Christians with ringing of bulls nnd hinging of clad I I t V J I J S I "J f 1 V . . . ... The Old Folk's Chikt mas.: BY T. C. IlAKBBACf if. election Ezpcnaea. Plttsboro record. The registrars and poll holders nt . S. . aa I ine late ejection are naturally pro- In lIwTOft and lloly (iiigut of thj8 voked that thijy were not properly life we sit to-day paid for their services,, but tho Only . Benenth the lx-lls of ( hrismns tifaie, persons to bo provoked at are the members of the last legisleture who imposed such duties on them with out allowing them proper compen sation. In this county, at the meeting of tho county Commission- era JasL wctk,hillojyero presented byrcgistrars and poll holders which the commissioners declined to pay, because they were advised by their attorney that they bad no authority to pay them. This advice and this construction of the law was acted on in other counties. In Mecklenburg county the attorneys of thewmmis- sionera are tho eminent law firm of Burwell Walker & Canslcr, tho sen ior member being ex-Judge Arm- stead Burwell, Into judge of our Su premo Court, nnd these distinguish ed lawyers gave the commissioners of Mecklenburg exactly the same legal advice as was given the com missioners of Chatham. Their opin ion or advice was in writing and waf published in tho Charlotte Obzervcr, from which we copy the following extracts : "We respectfully report that we have examined tho law elating to the payment by you, of the bills presented to you by sundry por sons for services connected with the recent election, and beg leave to re. port as follows : "The only provision of tho elec tion Jaw, which relates to the pay ment of any bills is contained in sec tion 50 of that act nnd declares that "the registrars shall receive one cent, for each name copied from the original registration book and 3c for each new name registered. Tho clerks and register of deeds shall al so be allowed the usual record nnd registration fees for recording and making duplicates for tho election I returns, to be paid by tho county.' Wo find no provision whatever for the payment by you for the' ser vices rendered by the judges and rejistrars other, than that above quoted, which provides for the pay ment of tho registrars for the names recorded by them. We therefore udvice you that all the bills prescnt againct the county by tho various parties for services as judges of the election, must be by you rejected. While it may seem to the citi zens ami officers who have done arduous labors in connection with the recent election that they j should receive suitable comix-nsa- a trifle old nnd rrrav Yes, side by side; your hand in minej good wile we sit nnd see ' Beyond the portals of the past full many a Uinatmas tree , Tho firelight throws its ruddy glow upon your cherished face, -And love, -the. ardent limner. Jendg to it a saintly grace ; ' ' -While from the village, nestling like a bird in yonder glen, . The bells ring out the melody of ''Teace I good will to hien !"" I oft recall thftt Chrismas in tho golden long ago, When sweetly runcr the mirthful Ki'lltl OfiPfkUU Trt1 flofnll Otnn And side by side we stood within1 the chnpei far nwav, - And blushingly I kissed my bride that peaceful Christmas dayt We looked a hind to happy times ; t never shall forget Tho homeward ride behind the bells, I think I see you vet. As in the sleigh beside me wife, you nestle good nnd warm, And nil the neighbors welcomed yott mat morning to the inrm. ' It seems to me that heaven smiled ujion that union, dear, . The little cottage on the farm sweet children came to cbi or And one by one they slipped away in oiner scenes to roam, . f But every Christmas back they enmo to visit us at home. They'll come to-dav os of old, to sit around tho hearth To make the .old fi lls I npi y with their love nnd stainless mirth, And little tots will slot m the house with Inugh and childish glee; And cuddle down in grandma's lap nnd sit on grandpa's knee. Tho joy that fills our wedded hearts transfigures us to-day As we with resignation trend the gentle Master's way ; Aye, hand in hand we journey fo tho brightest of all climes, . While ring for nil in..every land tho blessed Christmas chimes. thru' IT.. I . . 1 . . jiu mis fuiiei us, tne Master, "amies and the storm. 'Tis trust that liftcth up the heart, 'tis love that keeps it Warm ; Beyond the Christmas threshoh', not so very far away, lies the sunburst of his promise of the L'verlaMing Day. Each Christmas wc renew the love which never groweth 4ild, -The bells ring out the story first by siraph voices told When Mary bent nWe her Imbo amid the fragrant hay, And all the choirs of Heaven sang for earth's first Chrismas day. I long to sec the children with their laughter, song and eht. They cannot come a whit' too sojii linn frinrnfuF wn hmlImImI ..a . , ' im biuv Ha long lor me : SaV to VOU that VOIl cannot mil nf I t rn . ... ... 1 ' . ' ; r or vurimina ennnor inug to j'udiil inTiiBurv,. my any money to anyv of" these parties unless the song', with laughter and inerry voices, and that makes iDcmorabltij''' directs that the compensa- Tlie mnny qnerfiitm is ' second tf none ave that tf kejiing yonr fain. ilr free from rhi antl laina. This ran I dHie br uing the fannius (ooe Grease I juiioent, wnich cure all sehi-s oimI pains, neuralgia, rh-ii- matiMfn, etc.. mUa sure nirr fori the day by tokens of affection, whose value, rests the motive which prompted the giving of them. Did He sorrow ? Not fur HisiTiiH or follies did He grieve,. Did He sweat great dro of Ii1mmI in His agony - Then - was it tfuit men might lie freed (wm sin and lie cap able of . appreciating and com memorating nnd imitating the- in finite goiMl of His nature. The face that was marred Is now lit with the ineffaHe joy that comes ot man's redemption, and from His great throne He regards all earth's chil dren in lore and smile nsionMive to the glndntM of those , homes which make merry and bright the ChrL't-day, Christmas. tion should be made. It may lie a hardship upon them, but lhe fault lies if there be any, not with you, hut with the statute imposing upon them audi la'ion without compen sation. " -- . , If ail the registrars nnd poll hold ers in Chatham had been paid the amounts, ns charged by many of theni. tho total amount would have leen Utwccn ono and two thousand dollar, which would have leen quite a drain on the county's taxi s. Care tar iOmSacW. a remeilr fr ell forms A a remeily Air ell forms of II odacbe Kkjctric Bitters has pror- ert to i sa tne vry ocirf. 11 ejects a i irmaneiit eure arxl the mrvt droud rd habiinal Uk besLtchM vhH to its iiiflnetM-e. - We urge all who ar j (nwtt ArpetlM ratios. 8vcml years ago my appetite failed, and I felt so weak I could hnrdly get around. I took two 1k1 ttes of Hooil's .SunuiparilLi and h g. e n:e a good aptietite ai d I am feeling stni.igi-r. I reconiiiM-nd this meiieine ti all who are afflicted 1 fnnu all its gifts of bliss. A sweeter, iH'ttcr present than a little prattkY's kiss. A little while and you and X will - from the old house go, To lumber where the roses Moonf, where falls the fleecy snow ; For angel fingers touch the gates of . lifetime's hallowed even, -And wemnsv spentl. together, trife, next Christinas day in Heaven. But you and I are ready, wife, wo have naught tn fear, ' And so we 11 make this chm-tmas a time of right goo.1 cheer ; Paternal hve and gratitude shall throw a radiant charm-- - Around each loved one who, to-day, Yktila the dear old firm. ' - - O!iio Farmer, Tne Vitwtmi Baveel HU IM. Mr. G. Cailionetie.' DniRiW, Beaversville, lib, says: To Dr. King DiseoTrry I owe my Tit.. Was taken with I Grippe and tried all the phyi-ici.ins for miles about. with weaknMnd lo-nof apietite." I but noavnil and wo given up and Mrs. Jesse McMicluu-I, SuuimerfieM, jtldl could not lire. Having Dr. X. C. j King's New Disrorery in my rtoro 1 1 "ent for n bottle and Itccnn its nse Hno.l nil ls-cmic the fart iritc j 'he first d.ine levari to get mthartic wi ih every one ho tries cou-fhs, 0J1N. rr.Mip in children, J8iilicie t proenre Mile, andj stiff jooits, oiI oortK cuts, bruises pve mis retneoy wr irui. im and bums, whether on man or as earoU strangely sweet which . J"? u, 5"""' -.. . . j For sale by drnnrwts and rencral. recall PK-:u.es 01 nnorgotirn mwhanl M-,W o,,ir hw iU homes, and hymns in which sad ipnse (.reaae Liniment Co, Grtens minorihordsscemtltOTibratewjthK'r ' . 1 ....".. case of habitual const i pat inn l Hev trie BitUrs cures by giving tha nd ed tone t the bowels, and fi-w cirscs long resist the ue of this" medirtntv The new register of lds. coroner and coiislabli: of Wilmington - are ncre. So is one of the county commissioner, and many magis trate are of that robr, not (o sia-ak 1 - - o - - 1 u . - m i vi a wi irt ui riti k Tryitonce. 11 fly cents and 11.00 ,tl,e oty clerk and a oiultitudo of atT. A. Albright A Ca'l. r-; y.lUpmcn. - - lietter, ami aiter using Ihrve l4llc was up n.I alorrt again, it U worth its weight in gtild. We won't keep sti re nr bmise without it." tnt a fne trial at T. A Albright & Ca's. 4

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