f: -,- VOL. XXIU rGBAHAM? r,'t .. -ft"'..; Vti fj&j'.'fc'.' Liver 4 v; y:! fpetvEe$TAp, . The ch9Hpcjt,tinreit and bent femlly medlr JUna tn )) Indl Ah eftectufl.1 ipeclllo fur n 1 1 uiflnunui kiv ivr,Qi4ji(uM:u nun nrmu, rovar, iHsiarloU Fever, Hqwel (Jomplp Nothing In no unpleasant, nothing nq coirtt ion, iw a bad br.-ath; and In nearly every ilty ourrpcted If you will take Hlptmona Reenlator. To not nevlefit ab ium a remedy for Uila rcDuUiva B!ordor. It win also Improve yuir appetite.' cofhptezioa an4 general lcaltU. ;k k . COMSTIP4.TION ' phould dot be roearded an o trifling allment-f fii fact, nature demands the utmost regularity fit the bowolK, and- any- deviation from thl Remand paves the way often to aertoua dan ger. His tiuite as nevvxsary to reran ve Impare XicoamulatiouB from the bowela a? It is to eat lot aleon, and no health can be expected wber4 a costive LaUltof body prevails. ; : " . ' IJ" '": - - SICK HT5AJJACHEI ' ; 'jr - ' .T?,) (HKirnnslnff nffllfltton occurs nost fTsj '.)(i"utly. TUo flisfdrbarieo of Ufa eiomncU, arising from tl)9 imperfectly digested con .('n'jw tent, causes. vera pain In tho bead. kceoinpauiva witn dleagrettaMe -aauaea, and It' i. JliliconfciUincd what is popularly known oa -t ' R-4 ileadaclia, for the rollef of which, take !'r' uamons lilver ltegulator. . i,". i-BVEmr-rACKAii. , flat fhe it Stamp In red ftn tbe wrapper. 'r-"'J.:'-':': -SJtUW CO., Philadelphia, V'i' S" ' i . -:.,.'! VI- tlt . )' ' V" ' Behind Iron Dodrs. I" PV WAtf MASON. old man wna nodejing in a chulr be fore th stovp J n lady wag nodding in a chair behind the stpvp, with a pious book in her lp, Hugh Mopap looked gloomjly ; .your father and mother?" queried through the 'windo? of hs "part- jyjB pttU)ey. . ,; -mentiwd found nothing in tho vievf No . ,ny Ulica' Rllllt . n,)Vf Iticheer of encourage him j fl h'gh do tpl) me all havi? you 8epn board I'enpo 50. feet ftwtiy marktd ji,y'' ' . - ; y thtf tiquq(l?ry-rtnmdfr4B9-tnpo ,twrn hliye gen hlrrt. . Mjss Sim or three ntuti labortfd dismally at a : m(mt jt ja a tough wae ; if wjl! bike jdle of ston;y with chains 0.1 tUfjr ankles, while a nan in urjiform sat on a bow)4er and stormod a thuin with threats and, curves.; Hugh had ,stqo4 fijr bftura at that win-, dow, looking at the same scene; the men were not lihyays the same, hut grt-at denj of work to prove any i thing to jjjs advantage, " and my work is expenuive P you want me to go ahead ?" , , "Certainly; the little money J have is my ojvn, and every cent of ; for the fact that iaye mnd? rho ampsemenUof th,e cjijlilrer). (have no 'doubt that the stvarrhy mai) as knocked down pn the tepc of a ship in thp Pacific Ocean, pnee Pporj tjmp. - ''SinpulaHly pnough. after leavlr)g the tpnn, this swarihy niao fell down ft" pniharikmeit fpvf mijes ill the country, jind brpkc a leg; and hp was carried to a hut in the woods, where an qU bachelor" lives, and there lie has bepn lying ever ajtricaitd the children pjay truant to;go trjero a"n4 fepM!P monkey. lie i& able t.o walk now, an4 might go away" mippeptedlyi Were it not ii is at your command. Money I woujii gjve my life to savp Hugh, as he would forme." , " How much money have you?" 'Five hundred . dpllarA". , "I'm afraid I'll need il al. Ifow, I11yTwmit:thjng"for;yQaifrpoiO' old bachelor a deputy .of riijno j nnq he watchos the swarthy trian,rand will keep him th Bfttil to morrow, when J')l go aftprhjni, and release your' lover from jail. J mijtht Jiavejiad hirn JjprpJigGo, but there ib some romance in mo. Attorncy-atL.ay, , boil LINTON, - - .- - - Fraetlce In the Sfjr.e and Fetter il courts'. "- Ofltee over Wh Ite. Moore ti I'o.'i store. Main Attorney a t l,a w CRAHAM, - - - - -Jf. C. . FJJ Gbat Bvipm ; W. f. Br KB, Jk. Attorney" nn l Counselors tit Low GRE3X3BOli'0, V, C ' Prscllap reirularlJ o tho conrts of Ala jnanre county." - . AHrf. i,lHiy. Jiiyery , Ha la Feed STABLES. ..'. ii Afl A M . N..C. - v. f. f Tui'Ics tnceinll train, ricod sIngb"rdon meteamit. Cbanjc modern le. ' Ji-'JMlm HEXttY '-BANS, Jit, 'v JEAOTIOAI, TIMER, GRAHAM, - - - - N.C. '-' All kinds of tiocyoTk jjivJ re pairing. , Shop on W. 1.3t Rt.i second door from BaJ? & Thompson' Doc. s. t f . - . PRINTiNQ there was noj; ft) ways ,ho swearing official, on the bowlder, and the high board i'pnee, and thp pile gf rock, and the manacled ankles. When ho looked from the barred window, it was .frt envy . tbe men- with chains on their ankles, who ; . tj,al yoag ian j8 nQ murder-. and I wanted the cjjmax to occur ti were. permitted to follow the ex,-.! ; he w. uldn't kill a shpep, an4 . ?fpjr Year's day.'' hilirating worlof breaking rock ; li:v? him out of jail by the 1st j The dptcetive was almost mpFry and also to escape the gaze of cu-1 f janunr,. Somebody Hil rious country people, who came to ( 1. Hugh Mo; didn't 'do it the jail every day to see hp mur- j Tiie,.ef()1.,. the man who did do it must bp fom.d. " lam the man to find him. But I won't fiijd him .sitting herp so I'll say good-day, M)s Sjmnion8. 4erer, as they wpuldgo to the circn- to see the sacred elephant of Sjanj or the horned rbinoceros-of Africa.. . The gyening was closing in, and Hugh sat in his broijpi) chair and counted the hour that mustpaj be fore his trial ; he had counted the liours, and was roilncing th.oii minutes, when the , wicket in tje (jopr was opened, and the deputy sheriff presented his faec at the aperr ture. Sjijni : HJ here's a gentleman hjere jj-ants to see you. You nlay come into tho corri lor." Tho door was opened and Hugh .stopped into the corridor, where a as he tanduded; bijt w))en Miss Siinmpns hped him t defer flic releasp qf Hng Mprsp no Jonger not an hoilfche gFpw sombre, and talked in $ disconnected way of ovcrconta. The morning of New Year's rfay other pn his own, (nd ihbi) nntiie tq struggle longer against his. fate ho y(oit tQ slppp. ThP Nw VPftr's day was fpfgonji tvhefl the rlppHty's red fapo appcrtf ed at tho hole in the iron dopr, witfi it simile' that na unusual. ."A lady ttj seo.yotl, MP Mpwp,". ho sanl; i'joy may sWp into the ppfrulpF." Hugh aee'epiz-d the invitation, an4 4 pair ofarrrjs wprg Jhrowft ahopt his neck. ' - : - ! Ypii aro frco. IluchJ ' rripd a glflil t?oice, and. feard pi .Miiow tp flowi- And when all tho ftiriasompnt and tears wprp oyer Mi- riant explained how H fame nbput. Onjy a pari of her narrative is nepessary o purs; "And that nolde fiighra bf ill In jLeavening wef.'gtfit y,f. Qoy'J fiepgf Tfri :'i.- i.:" 'lk! -V ROAD RUNNERS.; At pioe Quartm With One of the BrOtes 4 Fecttllnr Callfofnla HteA Kpantfnwj "- " la India. PlM' rh fJbaarrl oofe, The panther whs pcniing for i t,P8 f) ilrivp nprpg Jb Itcgether nn '8 Pi. Rnp? P' P" Po,: Jnjr 1t , , ' ... ; and returned with an old stranircr was small ana na!p. with . 7 .. . . '. cold blijo eyes, ; arj,( was attired in Wack, like a xespoptable undertaker in the course of his duty. 'My name," said the stranger, After delivering theso sentences wag s) pepuh.ar; that old men and ' in a jerky fashion, the detective pre-; sav.es JThQ ef? jreputt'tl wi-ather liared (9; js" de arture. Hp bt- wjsp, shook fhfijr heads pminously, j toned his black coat up to his .t hin and predicted that tho nay would -and pulled down the brim .of his he onp tp be rptncmliere'l, JJot a hat : for the eveninff was erowlnff b("h tirp4 in the lieavy air t the cold, and a wild ii,orJ) jyind rattled cloia were ow and moyed slowlj .ib3 Hindow ptuws. "" j to the north ; there was ajuUbJp a "You have no-overeoat T with gentle hifm, as of fhp ivpise of a you?" said Miss Simmons ; "you i 'rook 111 the distance, and no man must not co into tho storm without could tell what gave n'so so it. But (these things did not disturb Mr. bhehurrie4 away jto the closet, P'-Y-8 ? .W'td actively along l'shioned thp pigh way on hid triumphal or- heavy ulster. "This belongs to my rami, tie started at daylight on brother," he said ; "he is away on fept ; he had arranged for a hprsp now; you may use it as long os you ,nnJ WQ&Vl ) W'P f.etnrn j9"fney. please" A " slip Tiaivleff 'jt' 'tp-M 'g o'clock he fpophe.d tho hut ! one "is John Pauley; I am a detective ; P: a strange ' ' ' When you want Envelopes. ) letter Heads, Note Heads. Bill Head, Sta tem co jt Heads, Dusi v. icss Cards, yelling Cards, Pos u (jters. Circulars, Dodgers, or any - Icind of printing. Blanks, &c , T" Call at The Gleanpr Office. ? - . . . . - . "-; ; 3eese Or Gooses? js a mooted point, except - as applied to men who - f ay 55 or pant, I have beaii engaged ijy a 'friend' ff your.-t, who wi.sh.ejj to remain Un known, ti) jtfoj'k in y,ur behalf. Your trial is sat for the 2d of Jan uary, and t.dsis the lOth of r)ecem- Vjer, so I have but little U i if4l n;e a) that yu can, so that I may begin wOifc intelligently." "There is but htthj t.p tell," re plied Hugh, (lespondently; "and that little scows to bf all ngaiiut me, aitnnugn I am as innocent as a child, I was employed ji) Mr. Wilkie's store,' and had iw there ibr four years. Although a . thor- oughiy fcorjest man, he was " very h vant'ious, and had an gncfciihl jtpnjper. He had promised ; me, flgniii . aodain1!ii!icre5stLi;f salary, but b,e increasw never cam On the' niulit of the murder Mr. Wilkie worked in . his .oflico : late, sndj ns wje were ajone, J took ad vantage of the opportunity to ask him when I might expect the pnm iscd increase ; I told him that I was around his li pa, Itis h cd to soften ; when he departed, ho was more courteous than usual, and hp muttered to himself, as he walk ed into the stovm 1 . "For (nce John Pauley has ex perienced tho novelty of being treat ed like a Christian. It's a uvtjon how such a treatment will thaw, a man out 1" It is impossihlu to follow thp movements f M?. Pyl.cy. during the next two weeks, in detail ; he was a very busy man ; sometimes he aiipi'arvd soothed n n I -u-'ainrd snjilp plaec, j?n hp woods an.d c.nc.d it. An iMd eve rfi tmf'W hf ing on a cot, breathing heavily awl ash ep. Pauley shook him roughly and cried, "where is tho Italian?" Thp M nian artp4 from his pot and looked wijdjy around. "O'onel gone!" ho cru-J- l?a9 here with his monkey when I went to .steep; he gavo iw) something to make me sleep, for I wag sick, and I trusted him." Pauley raised his h"tii aj though to strike hiin. . ' Thc grptiod was damp umhr the trees, aiJ Pauley fo.uod the Japk by an unfaltering tfwst, as though of the fuyiife j tjo inoye4 along Mke he were neariijiiUie Koal.'aijd again noumi on tho scent. - Aiviow happrednKscouriipd and cr-T1 Ketl lium had died away and. I'lexcd. ;. ; tne cioutw no longer 'moved, but jQn thrTmght I-cf r NewV"-' i .greal n;a of 7 overhead Par Dosltion was not nltCKethi fcgropahlo one.' Tp were standing attoptiqn was atfrilptod . i fiofi rnorp than fjp yards "pjts)jBthf 4P ot b-iei-pepuliatojin poshes. KothlpK Of.loe pantbe wna ww " am ever peen piy fqswQ r visible. Only tho noise of bis oncom- SpijfMdd pf a tanntimr ' ti povh fng ft pa ho was. charjriup, and I - run rapidly along the foa(j for q knew tbn't l sbooid not lies' itim until a'nmbes pf fpcfi ia adyanqa pi me,' detective, as he was sinking to sjepp, 1 he had borsl his way pgt pi thfil' hon itop flir ta pxf rcmoly7-Jonj n)an4ole4 to what he supposed was : Pnshcs Almost op to ps. : ?"? Pn wa?f w. 0 poipn ppj acornse thoiirht ho would mnko' 0,r"r oaeswara. tuora was : .".""w wwr ih '.- a corpse, tbo.gM m would make (c y I thmJA j) h jt3 )jpa() on ppa eid chnttcr nno more efrQrt.tq saye4; amLhebavo fallen over a rock bnsb4iad-lila,ye mo suspiciously foy ft too: plfQf Of all the cartridges in his re- j tried to. There was nothing for it moot and start off at fpl! TbiJ volver,and, q yoij moif, he was. but fo wait end sh.opt on eigptf bo performance, was repeated fiopra, ; within ten feet of a house and didn't WWtott $,y puu etood close bor H Psappeare jn injpir.i i VL ' 5 , P , rU3naL0Ut ! a small woodcutter's ax in bis bpnd, inquiry eealed somcf p'utbentio; kno; fnunq HIS two and earned them j uo never flinebed a step, nierely say- facts, some contradictory atateWienJ fntb tho hoyse. TJib Italian was t ingqpiptly, "Ata, sahib, ata'f (sahib, and some anipsjpg fegpnils abirif reviyea, out 11 is ooyrs werpnnofoer-1 uo ia vuiumyi). hv.ks ppi wan pj , tuiiwiwur um mimui usrhv, uuij ed, and he .confess),, and he died pn honr ggoan4 )pre is te prdpr foffiisclftisc." v . On the next day Miss Simmons went to the bank without a sigh to withdraw her liMlp. fortune for tho detective; slip took (hp rnl of bills an4 wpnt to his hotel. Sir. Pauley, hp plprk said, althoijgh yery sjck, had left hy tl?e Rjidpi? t'K he had left a noo frjr ijor. The note road as follo'ws ; .'Miss Marium Sjminons: I am a hrd and unocrnpulnns nian; per haps training and circumstances hayo made nip bo. ; But down jri the hpttnip flf y hpart thtra is a Jjitle liuman nature. . You treated roe t tumid yellow bead, witli Mexicans cau u ine paisnno,'' right befcrp ns. Quick whilo Bomo pprsqxs give jt fbe dig;. , t rartliJe went no to ruy nuetf name 01 onanarrai cock.' .if 1 a fpw nirnirrt'- -il:.-n ont trnft i'nn ia COlloauiallv known to tho Aniflrl. dark prMg f r.rinda leave s borst thp cat residents as tbo road rnnnor.' panther 1 Jaws ogflpp, as inouciii shoulder. Both barrels flashed cui & rffartlcd by tbo naturalists as IcJ .siniultanopwsly, sfapgprinK m.n pith longing to the ouckoo family; amf Ipe recoil, f 1 bad sii drams of tbo Ornithologist bag pivotf ft tbo &W(iPf ip.pap barrel, and I was pil; Pnn! Pf f3oc6,gcy ItohtowaUt, veloped n sra'oka Tliero was an in. ri'ha road rqnrer is most abopdant stent cf nnccuifoftablfi insi cnee. In southern California, but also ip "Got mo or not got me?", Tbo nexi habits middlo Texas and Kew Mpxi- soeond I resllzo tlio luck is wjth me, 0 ? pcptral Woxjpo. Its lanijjj'abl i pnd Ifcajt I still stand untoiipped. appparnpeo is paqgpcj by its e5romo- TbesmtffcpfUinred. A snarling growl ly long tail. Tbe til must bo of czmo from icai(ja Jjjp basbes. 'typ greater length, than tbo rest of thq tMO)bor bed Vpjreated. ' Jj sliji-ppi pod y ami is p very oxpressivo p.nrt. Sprang up a tree, and looked' down, ?t is apparorrtly psp( fq pa1j)nn9 2iq Wien called to nie'bo could seo MmaM.SenJt M'onntog stfait iioed,' i)ng yellow. I felt no disinolina. and wbon tbe bird stops tbo tail Hon to follow him uij that tree, and waved vigorously from sida tq.sido. like a Christian). You thought of did so. Sitting astride tbe shaking its crest is raised, and it obittfrs my comfort when you had trouble of your, own, and gave mo the. jjsf of your owppr s gvercoat. ith your permission,. J jrilj keep tho i-pat, and jcall oujr nccoiint square. I Jparo the town liefore my worse noWe gets BpM-iji)osLTo-morrow I might jyan1 jthe monpy; fir, as I said, I am a hard atpj unHprui;ulinf ppin. JOHN PAj&fcjjy.' -l;- M Bros KSIS are honest clear.through sim ply high-grade trousers at low grade price How k dope is pur secret , " swe SAta sv k B. HOLT &-CO. i- he arrived at tb,o cotiave rather late. Although calm, tlipoe- w;a.-i ea- thusiasin in his eyes and cordiality in his voice, as ho said : - "Miss Simmons, the task is near ly accomplished.. Tomorrow I preparing pa be waided.-iUjoVlrgedthU Jce the inutflcrr w tiie band of thp authontit'S. iy;d y.n and large flakes of snow began to fail; they thickened rapidly and soon John Pauley found that fleecy blanket was spread alj about him ; and the wind arose suddenly with a shrjik sod the fnow in landing passes was flung intojl;fs face; he could. longer se his mayo to 1 he jail , ami g yotfrand f1p hii held it before hhu, loycr. Now, be calm and I will F've you a br;el gutliuu the story. jgfjfin found that 1 herp was nobody in this town who bail a iuiv fof killiim Ulltie. and there as rj robUry di;ie. It was yery possjbV anJ lhcD ''rf t o snj ; ho plac- tJbiiX Wilkie had nwdf . n-nemic. ; b Stfainsl it .and .detcrmin ami the truth came homo to him that he wis lost On the prairie hi a wester;,! hhznird. ' He stunibleii agnptft a tree that gr w upright for a co.yple ofeet pon him tho fact that I had serve I him faith IJyJbr years, at very low wages ; he lost bis temper and a bused roe so scandalously that I in turn becamo angry, and we had fl juarrel. U is very poariM Hat our v ices were heard on the stn-ets outside.' I gave him my rmigna- firm nnn rdirmlla thn litllA rimm I st the riatfc ;;tjie store, where 1 tli.u:h for lie was miserly and ty. ; ed that the Jipt which ))fi bad left sleyt every night during my ca- f.r;ical. r?o I hunted up his past half an lior hcore jrjas straight ployment in the store ; I went to U-d and slept until daylight. When i went to the office, I found Mr. Wilkie sitting at his desk, dad ; he hod lieeo sUl-b -d th my knife, which I had laid on the dek dur ng ourquarret. ( heanl no found during the night. When I nn out ; it was oot very hard to Jo, tr be ! "beaJ bo tried iff rs4 it, stum- wps 0110 of those fooy people who J'png, Buung, creeping arug. jieep a diary. irjftrifmirTr mrtss.l painfujlr for TetW It herrbr rin ta4 appMeatlflti wSS - tvi aia4 s n n-mt rrerml Anembljr of Carolina for amrwlanu te tlx I aartfr of Hie teva o4 rabam. S. C - me. T, , Subscrile for Tift Gix5rK, only 1.50 a year airak. fouui a dozen yolum of bw jour : hrfe . t accmod to him, fiihl nal. Istrugghtl thn.ugh hundreds ith .pulstreU hed hand, je of twires of nersonal Bufluttl.n and Ml Hroctliing bard before hun. torpid wrsirninc-, snd fiund at Ait l"t t hwt 1" Ve cried butlt what I wanted. In hU yutcr the tree he bul left iy long ago, to rive the alarm. 1 noticed that ihe days Wilkie as A Sea . uju. i.nd sinmW.I t.n ugairt, Instimeat front AiMT was not looked, ahhouirh a verr cruel na 1 havi ii. dmi 4. tando i. ; he wa growing drowsy Jbd locked 1 bef"re luy inter-1 One day, year wk s hen h' .'hip "J kn4 " M1 &iWp riejr witii lie. kis. . Tbi u all was on the 'c4fi. wv8SO, bf ga r .9 h " Sin. Ofl, that I know about the nudc.,, t order lo sn I alinn ailov It wWt U S " dragged hups If. aiyl the ftf- j lit. Pujey pmceedeil -toni the obeyed with p:Jerala rily, snd he-;urr' W -,,rm lfV U abate; iail to a coUaes in tiie uhuU of the kmnkd tLt atf down. Tbf ad " f '"e iv.iiow 19 iiie fio he town ; there he was eagerly wvJcom- r nia.te a lreat ?) waa IreaUJ tu tuudJl ovrr sonihi g sJ 0 b a young womati who. sl-j the roi' end. 'ofr. M.ws Sint though pale and with ljncs jrf care moru. tLi Italians, or ntf uf Uiem, on his brow, suggesting that tngih? srv rrii'ful in .tiifi xUrave ; they w.fs DO stranger t9 hff. jraj r-itf a ' can carry a gJ7'fe lifeti.i p. ieauty i with feverish impatience Ami leave jt as l,cvy for their she jBOtioned the detective to f 'childn-n' J palc i'iuir.' Kore seat, and calmly be adjusted himself ;enotwh o-. the day jrvdri tb in his chair, and ghrncetf aroond t room, as thouch to irsect tbe Aril ith bis hands he exami&ed the .nn-tl;ing snd nd it tp r the turm 4 man, with mD)jig Large on his ck, Jt tp )h jitaai, With LimlrJW. i "V. be her fi iiie- or jfi "VD sy K-gdheV,'! siJ Jfehr? paolry, if U ilkie, m -ewartby man and b,e U k ffyn his iH keiAp"iir ; with a hund ergon eivl a monkey Yon Can be WrU When yoyr hjood is pure, rich and nourishing for nerVes and muscles. The blood is the vital fluid, and when it ft jKior, thin, and Impure vou must either sutler trom some distressing disease or you will ea.-ily fall a victun to sudden changes, ex NMure, or .overwork. Keep your blowl pure wi.h HotxjSar ara illi and bo weU. Hocd's iTflls aro thp bestafter din ner pill, . j Naijcy ICeith, a young noman, at Wilmington, was arrested at an pp tertahinient, rigged out in thp silk diess of her employer, Sirs. Catharine McKoy. ' Memory js a little treacherous now and then, and cainw one to forget "sonio things worth r intm bering, unless one has an -xi)er' enco like tha) which capje ' I). , E. Eat Moffat's Creek, ? Va.f who says, "J bad leen suH'ering for years with. a trpid liver and found no relief untij fwik Simmons Liver Regulator whpn I ' was' entirely re lievel of my tiptibles. I never intend being without Simmons Ij'ver Ibg hjtfjri - The ofliciala of the Fannx' 1 anre say inai pmy 9,ZM is HOW lacking of the $10,(1)0 neccs-iary ! put tho shoo-fcetory at Hillsboro in operation. The old lad was right whon she said, tbe chiij might die if thev waiud for the doctor. Slw savcil the little ones'lifo with a few dosiof One Minute Cojygh Cure. f?he had usl it fir crovp before. Simmons the Druggist. ' - The editor til tLe render Star has received "a bpx of rery fine straw berries fresh from tho patch of Mr. Uruce Taylor, & Magnolia." ' ' j. . Soothing "and hot irritating. trrnirtening sod I weakeninsr. small but rflctive tfuch are Ibe qtialities of DeWitt'4 Mttt fairly Kisvrs. the fanmu little plU. . eimmons me imigsigt. Aunt Winnie Kinbv. rn in be 110 or 5 years oId,didit her boioe oee IVilkcsboro wei before last. lirnnrhru I flrl nr. a amnll tmfnl, r,i HauClIV. Its faatllCrsLnvun Inotatllil yellow jnst discerniblp' benbath tbo luster apd pro a pljjish pli va, ficgod, bosh, "jdoucds of Ibe brute's body With wbifp. iiero 4 ft bpre Hiacq praslijng ppiii? tbo bnsbea followed proundtbo pyes of nnusualVtb, iio irjiot, i hen snarls growing fainter nd just behind each oyo tbo denoa, ... pnd fainter. At length all was stilL 0,1 portion oxtends into a point Ita s-"Fanlbcr Shooting In Central In- legs, which aro its best frinwd nrq dia," by Captain a J. IJcJlissY ia Jong Rd ot, peipg well Jjljfu' , ScribncrW-.:... . : 1 forjfir -,,!L."; . - - Tho road runner can cnlybe'over,' She Made Him Hear, taken by tbo fastest horsa Vbe:T He was rt sharp looking little man chased, if U aeldom known to flyr who was handling tho baggago nnd hut skims over the plain witb aW it was a rosy chocked littlo woman "xwt inorodiblo swiftness. Itisonn who was watphhjg him handling her- pf Jb9 trials' of spcp, pmgng tM'j ; 'old trnnlj with upgpije baste. Jt APnone o pn'0'" "wad runner was not thaj she eaod so inpph for when on foot. Sovpral Indiana' Jcii1 the trunk, but sbo bad compfom , In the sport nnd run toward it fron tbo same part cf tho country, and lu7erent directions, and tbe qoiok knew tbe baggageman's wjfo bolB312,ao za" 'Ml nniasfant Wbeq bo did, nnd-heye he bad qnito forgot almosj ranturrd, tho roaij fonhes : her. She did liot know either that will dart likd'o flash into a low oov tbo roar pf tho pity and the prasb of " nd can bo fount! only witb thq breaking fjrunka bad mado bimdeaf. greatcJTirflloaltyrlf iteomoartoq Just as tbo liJ of bor tronk caino can; on, i$ jvi.'l fly down, but. eitbc;' asondor from the body sbo asked cannot cr wi-1 pp fly npward. , timidly: ' J .' -The pc;t ct this iirtl is generally ''Dow i ypa wiftiy Mr. Peters?" finllt ' 'licks in ft lo w nmlcrbrUBh, "Ipan'tfcelpit' Yoocughttohavo Froin two to four cgprf are fdgnl, , a stronger tiOhk," Pnswcrod th?, larger than those of tbo pjgn an , bapgagd man, iuHtan'.ly on tho war- Pn' white.' Tbo rol lipWf Los,V pntb. j varied rtior, pnd tucludesi irtbi'l "Oh, no matter about the front. . P? farg pcn;jjiJps, lizards po:n-pion. How aro Mnry and thu ohiMren?'' ' " "ks. Tbo Mexicans fcoverj "Tied op with piMP of ropcT1 tradition that it surround tbrfr.ity - . ma'am, if v.'i'il look as well P it over tlosnake with a wall of cactossplncsi ,. Hii." ' Tho isinrinteij sliaku, after nttcpjpt- "Mary end tbo children;" shriek- n N P("ette tho inclosnro. pom7 ed tho littjo woman. 1 r Hif W.do l7 MV.pg itself, en tbq "It's nothing of tfcetintb Itrpcr' ;riump!apt bird ;;)ucs ain;er.r roe all you want f. That cl J trork j victim.. This rlory cam tcf , isn't bt for tho ark." And bo gave ii criScd, lm crop vy in overy cony , a savsRO kit k. 7 "rsation rcin t3hq rc;.i ifvy ' I .l.ne f fl rtyi ,w m .i,nt (nal UC. ' . " I 1 ...'" V 11:0 uirj tpa uorasny lameu, oni is Sutpct lines L'oi.t i; a nardon for ii - - have yon nrrcstiH) pud flncd v sent : V Aiidta tiJ the place of unuli Louse, it ii n! ookt cs njijovonsfi olJ trouk," Kcreamul tho nowancrj woinan'jut if vgo. Ititk it npaia l il nr Al-1 nave yon nrrcstcy ppu uncu mui sens is iiowmoT""-' 10 got wirns feeling if Iba tronk bis i't. Bill Paten. And that tinie' tlio lngaag map beard. TtotrOit Freo Jr.-s. ' j . foJltUl Support. Ao phi Phrfmicler t.l!s of n pretty npjdcnt cjjnected with . General Washington aixl t be -eld fin.e elec tion days. Wasblnpton voted at nil tbo Fairfax elections nntil tbe close of bis life, uniformly supporting the Federa l rand id, ton. Although to lived fit 0 distenoe frpsi tbe cnorrhor.se at flip Alexan- A moijtey, tikinst sjKcial plsaaaro n oiut ting" bo tt.es of ink pod tear: lis op letters. Soma of the o'uf IMnish fj milieu rispd to Jjeep a'eapv ply of road ruono ct baud, not fos iK.-i, bat to be kilJcl in an excrcen ry, as tbeir flerb wnn suppose.) to bj appro far somo for .us of disease Cot sfbetbor or pnp pfjlpacionj as ly mciioiaaaad t spitv of its diet il li fat and finely 13 a vore 1. . I , A man vbo koiit .4 rocd runner for scm timo andarndied it( "pr.bite fa ill that it was fond of s sEovrin: small birds Wbols, fen Hi or s and alb fl it Could pctnotbic; morpappcti- To care all old sor.-s. to 1.41 111 indolupt ulcrr. or t speeder cure pHss, f hi new! tomp acute 0s hi yi iku jiszM raive aeoocd u flri market, bo (pcn7iilly voted ear ly in the day. Tbo 1 oija wero rescb- pdbyaflisbt of st-i ouUido tbo 1 ,.. M. .f LL, ts poilrting, which In I , M bsd becomo j a pftPO f flicL SThil , " ? V J bird & ' Weakest rjU mor-..! ,c" Vb preach- W,brWl:o surowa;. lizaM ed these steja .f Plsce.l-pne foot ,ttrt of a coot jtitbout snfform opoi, bcm gn4 sook f hp cra2y as- ? apparent mcoovp.ienoa-Cahtornii eont, as if to eUsccrrr UsP moch j Letter - T strength was left if. Instantlx -0 ' V rrniijre ' lefore jroaeilng. cape iito the town, to the great k.n.lcu,tsi .he rwpjf one in-n wiy .. loop on the ItalLm's wril and the l tmtm?i the L brawny arms, one above another.! . Xf TiuaaeataUia r xrtai. grlF4 be tkk.ty Mairway, audal & "r oar kotrwlctlpe gocw, d'-sen raB pboaldcrs braced it Ihere ia Dotbinr ycl knawa .tbaf firmly. 'or did a aincle pnn mnve t1 ".T fir:a Rroond or a belief ii) from' bis position outi) ibe vcuera- thetransinptatipa pf tbo elements-; ble cbi'e Ija4 deposited bis vote and ,n Jsrt tbo rendncy of s ontiSo iar.. descended ;he stair wsy. . , etigation seems to la.i-1 to lb op: I paw Jhe general's Jast bow.' PufPocolMsion. itojttoer I3 Ibenf id one bf ibece sopprricrs lIf a oytcmg laDr. Stephen U. Em. til dtZkCttoru. Its ruaoic-Iiks aotkm Mat err after laii.lnv ':nii i.r rsons' state uicnti that tt lrugsi!. I (nor- liiao. 1 !hc!t. Tr.nih ' Pnm. Vines sny careful icvrs," rthnf