if "Tf" 11 n A '"" r n Ts HE VOL, XXI L GRAHAM N. C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 141897. NO. BO. - PURELY VEGETABLE. The chenoest. rmrest and bout fiunlW most. Mm In the world I An effectual epeeMo for 'mil diseases of the 1.1 ver. Stomach and Spleen. Iteculate the Liver and prerent Chili and ' "ever. Malarious Fevers, Bowel Complaints, HesUeesness, Jaundice and Nausea. - K- ' BAD BREATH I V- Vothlnglsso unpleasant, nothing to com i fawtLM bad breatn; and In nearly every -'eaaiteoniM from the stomach, and can ba so easily oorreoted if you will take Hlminoos 1.1 ver Regulator. Da: not negleet so sure s remedy for Able repulsive disorder. It will taso Improve your appetite, complexion and jgeneral health. ' WEEKLY WASHINGTON LETTER. J !'V- COKSTlPATION -should not be regarded An a trifling ailment- : In fact, nature demands the utmost regularity jof tlie bowels, and any deviation from this flemand paves the way often to serious dan er. Hlsquiteos necessary to remove Impure 'vuoctimulutloas from (he bowels as It Is to eat . orslnep, and no health can be expected wbera, . costive habit of body prevails. , . V SICK HEADACHE! - 'This distressing affliction occurs most frs v Sjrnutly. The disturbance of the stomach, rising- from tlio imperfectly digested eon tents, causes a severe pnln In the head, thrcompaniod with disagreeable nausea, and this constitutes what Is nnnnlM.rlv Irnnwn hi Hick licadftcho, for the relief of which take - Bimmous Liver Regulator, 'Wr.:!: : -C9-KVKKY PACKAGE- - ITks the Z Stamp in red on the wrapper. '..:.". J. II. ZEILIN A CO., Philadelphia, ;SJ-i 1 . j ; peopessiosal cards. 'M-A con A. LQ W i - Attomcy-at-Law, ' tJRUNTON, N. C r.Jl'ctioe in the Srnto iliirl Foilernl courts. r-jViHAe over White, Moore & Co.'s btore, Main Street. 'Phone No. . Jtx.if.isii9)rori.K. - .'t",i A TTORNEY AT LAW ,C-ftXlIAM, - - - - X. C. "i GbAY'BYSCTX, W. f. nVKOU, Jtt. . "t; .BYNTJM & BYNTJM, .At'toi'neya and Comiwlors t Jaavt 1 oBaeyflBoito,' n. c. Vracllce resru!arly Id the courts of Atn - Vishoe county, - All. 2, 04 I jr. Livery, Sale Feed ;STABLES. W. C. : Moore, Prop'k, - GUAM AM, N. C. Harks meet si! trains. ' Good single or dou ui. tcaiiis. vnarges uiouernie. x-zs-om HENRY BANX, JR., PEAOTIOAL TIMER, GRAHAM, - - - - N.C. " - All kinds of tin work and re , pairing. , , ' ..." hop on W. Elm St., second 'door from Bain & Thompson's. Ieo..tf. . PKINTINQ! Vhen "you want Envelopes. Letter Heads,. Note Heads. Bill Heads, Statement Heads, Busi ness Cards', Visiting Cards, Pos . tefs, Circulars, Dodgers, or any kind ot printing, Blanks, etc., Call at Thb Gxeanfr Office. $2;32Saved! $5.00 Should Pay 2j68 - - Da Pay $2.32 - Savings A little calculation for you. It's . an illustration of what happens wjien you buy , and the only proof that they're not '$5 -pants U the. z.)2 in your pocket - -, ' ; ' t M i ' ' ' ' .. .J :- .- - ' -'""" , FOR SALS BY L. B. HOLT & CO. - NOTICE I . KnOse Is fcn4y ieu thst spp)k-atn will he made t she n-t Srtier.il AMvinlily fff ' M-Ui Camtina for amra-Jmetits to tUm yiutrtevef tor tova of Urabm, X. C. V Hy mrimt of like lkrt f 1oa 1'ntrmif , 18.a- no. . Bulcribe for Tng Ci.raxer, only $1.50 jcax I:i mlvancf.. From Our Keialsr Correspondent. WASHtNGTON, D. C, Jllll. 8, '97 "Andrew Jackson Day could not have been more cnthuuiaHtically ol Hfcf vetf at the annunl banquet f the Jackson Democratic Assx;iatioii of Washington had the defeat of last November been a victory. In ad dition to the large number ot prom inent democratic guests of the asso ciation an innovation was introduc ed this year by inviting a woman- Mrs. Mary Donaldson Wilcox, daughter of A. J. Donaldson, who was private Stcretary to President Jackson. This lady enjoys the dia tinction of having : been the first child born in the White House, and lesides in Washington. ; Pnwtol Change 1 Great is the power of public pap. Tho republi can Senators who were expressing their willingness to have American blood not their own, of course phed, if necessary, to free Cuba from the tyanny of Spain, when Con gress adjourned for tho Christmas recess, came back to their scats this week as meek as sucking lambs. They have heard Irom McKinley, and as far as they are concerned suffering Cuba can keep on suf- fi-ring.'. Senator Call, of Fla., not having the fear of McKinley's anger to keep him mum, made a speech on the resolution, which was adopt ed, ' calling for the official corres pondence in the case of Julio tan- guilly, a newspaper corresjumdent and citizen of the U. S., who has been sentenced to prison for life by the, Spanish authorities, in which ho did some very plain ..talking i bout the attitude of this govern ment towards (Jubn, and the delay of the Senate in acting upon the Cameron resolution. Tho House passed the Loud bill lepriving books and sample copies of newspapers of tho privilege of see- o iil class mail, and is now wrestling with the Pacific Kail road funding i bill, which the Huntington lobby is moving heaven and earth to get passed, as their last chance to pre vent the (brut-losing of Uncle Sam's mortgage on the Union Pucilie rail road. Senator Gibson, of Md., is indi gnant over the statement made by the Baltimore Sun that he had pre dicted the defeat of Senator Gorman and the continued ascendency of the republicans in Maryland. After characterizing the publication as false and malicious, .Senator Gibson said : "Instead tf believing that the republican party is m control of Maryland for an indefinite time, I believe that it will not bo -long .be fore the democratic party, which gave the State a splendid adminis tration, is recalled to power. Mary land has simply suffered from tlio wave that has overspread the coun try, and there -will come a tune when the wave will , receder The bolters from the democratic party in the State bear about the same rela tion to the entire rank and file that the 120,000 Palmer democratic bear to (he 6,500,000 who Voted for Bryan." . rv- Senator Allison, who was chair man of the U. S. delegation to . the international monetary eonfurenco oi 1892. said" soon a(terhis retura4 "The sending of another American Commission in behalf1 of silver to the old world will be a fare, unless it is invited by Great Britain. I, for one, will never go again on such a bootless errand, no matter what is u reed.'' Senator Allison has never said anything slice to indicate that his mind baa undergone any change on the subject. " Senator Jones, of Ark , and other prominent democrats are now con- fidenl that the Senate in the next Congress will contain a niajnily of silver men, notwithstanding the ex traordinary efforts of Mark Hanna to get a gold majority by the Ltvish use of money and of promises of -troimge under the McKinley admin istration. Secretary Herbert's in rest it ion of the jwt of roanti(aclojng steel armor plates', made by the direction of Congress to which bis report was this we-k sent, dotn't flow the Carnegie anl Hcth'fhwn Steel roni lnies in a rcrjr tiiiiplimitary ludiC Thev lj:h rcfu.cJ t'j Secre'tary iu format ioi) until after they found that he had obtained it from European makers . of armor ; then, according to Secretary Ht-r-beit's report, they gave him mis leading information. The report says the two establishments have made a combination to force the government to pay fancy prices for armor, and shows that they can furnish armor" for( one-third less than the government is now paying them and then make in the neigh borhood of $loU on each -ton Set rotary Herbert's report is being commended on all sides for its thor oughness hnd fearlessness. What efloct it will have upon Congress will be seen when the Naval appro priation bill is taken up. It is perhaps fortunate that this week is the last of the tariff hear ings. Last week, those who , ap peared before the Ways and Means Committee only asked that the new tariff restore the McKinley duties, but this week a number of them had (he cheek to ask that the Mc Kinley rates bo raised. After all, it is a grab game, and it. is human to grab as much as you can. The Ooepl ofSordidnesa. T. Journal. The spirit of the Cleveland Ad ministration is disclosed again by Comptroller Jiicklcs m his letter to the Journal, printed yesterday Speaking of tho business outlook, he said, that ''money will he wil iing'y invested whenever it appears that the American people arc ready to devote themselves strictly to their own business affairs and cease Un dcrlakmg to keep up foreign and domestic turmoil and strife. In t 1 . . t i.e. vestments must be niaue to brn g about business activity, and during an agitation which may lead to a serious complication they will not be made." This .means simply that out of deference to capital the American people niUst forego ''the turmoil and strife" inseparable from an intelligent discussion of their do mesne atlairs, and tint they must resolutely quench their sympathy for the Cubans, who are bravely fighting to free thcmelvos from a tyrany compared with which that suffered 'by the thirteen colonies was trifling. We can only do busi ncss in this great, new, rich country. it seems, when we think of nothing, V .. P . . ,1 1 . .It care lor noining out collars. Vt e must have no politics, domestic or foreign ; no sentiments, . no duties that are not instantly to be subor dinated to our . immediate "busi ness interests". Iutclluctual and moral stagnation, according to Mr. Eckels, is the - ideal toward which we should strjve in order that trade may prosper.. There is to be no pa triotism, no agitation for the reform ' The MjsWtrinua Prisoner. Durbam rterald) th. , W. E. Harris, the "mysterious prisoner," who hasbecn confined in in the State Penitentiary for the past hro years, is a prisoner no more. Ho was discharged from (he "pen" yesterday afternoon, and dumped into Durham on the evening train. Harris, it will be remembered is the man who was convicted and Bent to prison under an assumed name and has never let his name be known. Four years ago his. case was brought to the attention of the Gov ernor and a pardon was asked for hiiu because, he was convicted upon circumstantial evidence and that the confinement was wrecking his con stitution. Tho governor said he would pardon him if he would give his name right name but Harris i firmly refused to do this and servod i two years before he would give his name, which he said would bring disgrace upon his family who stood high socially. The fact won for him great notoriety, and he has since been known as the "mysterious prisoner." He was arrested in Wilmington on December 3, 1891, charged with KICHAUOO.ItSWEIiI8 TEA COP. It has Bora l'resented to Onr. Carr hy Cel. Joha W. Wsutfurd. ' News Observer, Jan-1 th.. Gtv- Carr is the happy recipient of a valuable relio and handsome testimonial ot tho love and esteem of Col. John W. Whitford. It is a cup and saucer once the proj-erty of Richard 'Caswell, the first Constitu tional Governor of North Carolina. It was from this cup that that illus trious man drank his tea on the night of hiB inauguration, just 120 years ago, and from that same cup Gov. Carr last night drank his tea. In presenting this gift, to Gov. Carr, Jo!r hitiord wntos, among other things, as follows ? "It is very gratifying to mo to bo able to present to you, at the ex piration of the four years term of the exalted offico you have, in the opinion of a largo majority of our most intelligent citizens, so ably fill ed, this cup and saucer from which this illustrious citizen (Rich ard Caswell) drank on the evening of December ISth, 1770, immediate ly after his inauguration as the first Governor under tho Constitution of North Carolina "Their association,-if they could Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest V. GoVt Report stealing $500 from a messenger boy of a guano company, and in Janu ary, loyz, was sentenced to tne peni tentiary for 5 Tears.. In March of the same year lie was sentenced ho struck an (verscer, who, Harris says, was trying to work curbing hoe.""' When of abuses nothing but business. I ever the Republic sinks to tho level desired by Comptroller Ecklcs, we shall have a government so rotten and a people so dull and debased that capital will be very much worse off than it can.possibIy.be iwfder free institutions kept free by vital izmg discussion and agitation by the "strife and turmoil" that are lcst signs of our health as a nation, We are Dot ready yet, not withstand ing Mr. Eckels and his brother wise- kcies, to substitute the sugar cured Rani fur the American eagle as tho national emblem. ' Tvt Lsvrs Saved. Mr. Phosbe Thotnns. of Junction City. Ill- was told-by her doctor she had Consumption . that there n aiTno hope Hit her, but two bottles of Dr. King' New Discovery enj. pletely cured ber and she say it has mml ber luo. Air. I hos. K.'gers. 139 Florida St, San Francixco, suf fered from a drvnmul cold, ap proaching Consumption, tried with out result everything else then bought one bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two weeks was cured. He is naturally- tlmnk- ful. It is such results, tf which thce are samples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in Coughs and Colds. Free trial bottles at T. A. Alhright & Co.'s. regular size 50e. and $1 00. . r A Davidson county man cut a watermelon Sunday Uibre Ltt und found it very fine. to death and was beating him with a ho 6truck the oversee, the guard J. C. Briggs, shot him twice, once in the left breast and once in the shoul der, and for a long time they thought ho would die. When he was discharged yester day he was given a ticket to Dur ham and arrived here without a cent and nothing to cat. His baggage consisted of a box, which upon ex amination proved to contain a cat md three kittens. He said the cat was his "historical baby", having been bom in the flrt buildinj used in the State as a penitentiary. Tho building is now used as a stable. He said he would leave this Statu in a few days anJ goto a city in an ndjoiiiing state, where he has not been in eighteen years, for tho sole purpose t .1 1 It ist oi exposing tne "iiorrors oi ino pris on," which he says aw simply aw ful. In speaking of how prisoners were treated in the penitentiary he said they wcro beat unmercifully, and that several deaths had been caused in this way and the facts suppressed. Harris says ho has a wife and and three children living (at what place ho refused to state) and that he expected to bo with them again in a mouth. They have not heard from him since he was arrested. He arrived in Wilmington only, a day or so betoro tho crime lor which he was arrested was committed, and they havep'no doubt, lung since given him up as dead.- He appears to be a well educated and intelli gent man and says bo has been book keeper and also held a position on the stair of a newspaper at one time before he got into the trouble for which ho servod five years. m m i Espoeare to plseaea Does not necessarily mean the con traction of disease provided the sys tem is in a rigorous condition, with the Mood pure and all the organs in healthy action. When in such a condition contagion is readily resist ed and tha disease germs can find no lodgment. Hood's harsaiwnlla is the best medicine V build up the system bemuse it makes pure, rich blood, and nuie blood is the basis of good health. In Cold weather it is especially neccssan to keen uu the health tone because the body is subject to greater exposure and more liable to disease. Hood's 8um.i pa ri 11a is the safeguard of health. speak, would make an instructive and interesting chapter in tho- his tory of our Slate. They could call up to us many of our most famous statesmen and soldiers. But alas they are dumb. Yet they should him Ue prized oy our people gcnenilly. nmi and by none more than hy yourself. I know they are going where they will be appreciated ; where they will be a source of greater good or we would not bo willinir to dispense with them. . "I cannot let Mrs. Carr, who has presided with such caso and graoo at tho Governor's Mansion pass from it without somo token from me to her, if small, to let her know how fully I appreciate her friendship and courtesy during her resilience at tho city of Raleigh. 1 send her a spoon ; and it is not appropriate to accompany the cup and saucer sent to his Excolloncy given to ono that has so often sweetened his tea, and more than that, made his life sweeter and happier, through long years, than it otherwise could have been ; mid may it bo given to her to add many more j ears still to them, under the hospitable roof at Brace bcidgo, is my prayer.". Osaalne Westera Uespltalltf. "iaiK about hospitality,' re marked a broken -down actor y ester day, "the place to find it is' in th far West. The hist time I was out there we were playing 'Uncle Tom' Cabin with a real rutilc. W played to lair business, and paul our mils until we reached. Red Bluff. There the owner of the oiiera house had a piano for an orchestra, and it stood just below the stage. .a vt nen tne muio cams on some one in tho audience got funny, and throwing a lariat around the nock of the animal, pulled him off the stago. The mule and the piano got mixed up, which ruined thu orches tra, and when he got away from tho piano tl e mule kicked down one of thejxixes belore he walked through onetf the seats to where the fellow with tho lariat wanted rum. I had a 5 ABSOLUTELY PUHC 4 The Dead of N jrth Carolina, s Wilmington Messenger. As we have done through" the years we publish to-day a list of the more prominent and useful North Carolinians who passed away during the year 1890. Some one or more of the departed were of distinguish ed reputation in our southland. Others had good talents, had served their day and generation with use fulness and zeal and fideli'y and reputation among their follow men; Others were good and faithful citi zens highly respected, and uieful in their section or county. The places that knew them shall know thorn no more forever. Hero is tho record of tho dead and the "gone before" so far as wo can givo it ; Ex-Sheriff J R Wyatt ; Timothy VolKer, aged DO ; W L Stamps, Al fred Williams, nearly 00 ; Henry W Waheb, Rev Cicero F Harris, 1) D, John T Ross, I)r Lucian Hanks, Rev Geo W Har.nan, W L Frank- in, ranic Cook, Col Bnce Coch rane, J no K Spencer, Merrill T Horton, W T ThomaSon, Dr J W Tracy, Rev W B Warlick, Col Jno E Crown, Dr Duncan Smith, W K RcidDr C E Warren, Col Duncan Shaw, W B McCoy, Arrington Dil- Wprth, W G Fowler, Jas Beverly, I vt Bcni A Sellars, Rov Ilaynos Lcnnon, Redden Perry, W R Shel ton, Alex W Rowland, W A Mont gomery, John W Scott, Jr, T 1). Gay, John A Womack, Capt J H Ward, Dr W G Stephens, Capt R E i Potts, Hon Geo Davis, Frank Pat Jostloe Walter Clark In the Senate. Congressional Kevord, Dec. SI. Mr. Palmer I submit a resolu tion in regard to reprinting a 'docu ment, and I ask that it be read and considered. ' - The" resolution was read as foU lows : , "Resolved, That there be printed for the use of the Senate, 1,000 cop ies of Senate Document JJo. 20 6j first session Fifty-fourth Congress.'' Mr. Cockrell What is the docu-, mcnt ? Mr. Palmer It is Document Ntfe . 205, papers containing an aiticle by Judgo Walter Clark entitled, "Tel egraph and telephone," in the American Law Review, and other: matters of that sort . I have h great many applications fof it. -Mr. Culloin So have I. Tho Vice-President Is there ob- jection to (he present consideration" of tho resolution ? Tho resolution was considered by unanimous consent and then agreed to. , . This is the third time he Senate has found it necessary to order a re print of this document owing to the calls for it. . , HAIiU TIMES AT THK NORTlti Wilmington Dispatch. A prominent merchant of Wil; mington, Delaware, in writing tort prominent merchant of this city ha' this to say iii reference to business in his section of the country: "Most all of these works have 1 shut down. They (the Republicans) (orson, Maj W D Townsend, Dr L L ' tdd tho workman before election, if " Sasser, Alex McMillan, David W ; tllcy would only vote for McK'mley' Fuller, Dr Alexander B Pierce, Hon tlmt they wtmld have plenty of work v Chas W McClammy, Col Paul II flI1' K00tl W. bt everything ! Faison, Rev A A McQueen, Rev U . stopped. Times are bad herv B Sutton, D I), J R Adams, John but worse in Philadelphia and BaU C Williams. Maj John C Winder, Prof W E Martin, Rolie'rt E Carr, Dr J M Milla-d, Capt Josso Kyle, timore, according to all accounts Old People. Old people who reouirc mcdiiinu ....... -M . ' ' . . Isaac Uliani., tol Edward Savage, i to regulate the bowels and kidnevs A woman btlplt-Mly drunk was drKgl to the lockup Tuesday night week ago in Salisbury. t mouth organ, with which I went on with the orchestral accomniment. and we closed the play with the fellow that captured the mule riding hnn around the opera house. 'The manager of the theatre claimed damages, captured all the box receipt, and we could not go out of (own. Of course, we expect ed to walk, but I'll be blamed if the landlord didn't peck as sit with our baggage in a box car, gire us plenty of lunch, and send us clear to Vir ginia City without our paying cent. 1 he most Hospitable Id lew i ever saw." Washlnirton Krening Star. ! The Whole (Mory Of the great sales attained and great Luko S McClammy, William Hoges, Rev Siimuel Ix-ard, Rev Thos W Guthrie, S F Harris, L N Clinard, D S Simmons, W B Jordan, Dr Robert Dixon, Rev J D Shirey, D D., Dr. Win P Mears, Ex Gov Thos M Holt, Maj Frank Hawkins, J M Johnson, John C Eller, lbb't B Johnston, E M Nadal, Dr J A Geoghcgan, Rev J G Barklwy, Rev E C Melto:i, William A Davis, long time editor, E C McNeil, David W Bullock, W S Henderson, ex. Justice John II Dillard, Capt Charles Lcgg, II C Evans, Maj B F Bynutn, W B Boyd, Rev L L Hcndren, D 1), Rev Thomas H Pritchard, I) D, Col T C Robertson, Col William Johnston, Rev B It Carter, Col Geo N Folk, Judgo Vic tor Clay Barringer, Hon. Francis E. Shobcr, W V Simpson, Rev E I. Davis, Maj A D Crudup, Coi Ed ward D I (all. Maj A M Campbell, Rev Daniel lUsul, Dr W A J Pol- will find the true remedy in Elec tric Bitters. This medicine dot , not stimulate - and contains ho whiskey nor other intoxicant) but -acts as a tonic and altcnitivtv It acts mildly on the stomach and IkjwcIs, adding strength and giving '' Mnetothe organs, thereby siding' Nature in the performance of tho , functions. Electric Bitters is an ex- ..' c-llent ajuctizer and aids digestion, Old people find it just exactly what ' thev need. Price-fitly cents and $1.00 per bottle at T. A. Albright dt V Co.'s. Albany Herald t . A young wid ow over in Alibama is said to1 bv able to heat all upon whom she lays' her hands. As for her husband, ft is fair to presume that she "never touched" hiin at all, unlike mow wives. . , Absolutely puns perfectly hafrrre . less, and invariably relmhle are. the qualities of tlie One Minute Cough ' Cure It never fails in colds, croup and lung trouble. Children like it ' Link.- U.1 O W UnwUl R.n,uA rVT. " " ' , - . i,eiue tiifiu. Cooper, Capt C M D McCauIc, I Kfct. alter luimuiidsoii, J J btcwart, I an old editor, Cupt A C Muggins, i Dr A L Mack, Dr. John M Wilson, Simmons the Drug' Dawson County- Advertisert - has Itcen ascertained tliat all thrf women ho have been disappointed . in lore are not old maids : tlat the majority of them are married. -'""Excuse me',' observed the man in spectacles, "but I am a surgeon, and A McUm, Ilcv j!tul where the liver i"retoi . t t. , i the other. If it was in his big toe t Juhu tuMlin, lorhil, tft MT DeWitfs Little Eariy . "Be regalar and punctual in all ! cures accomplished by Hood's S.ir- Others have find health, ri.'or and viialily In Hood's Sarssparilla. and it invly has jjwer to xi 'o a . nv itot ir ii . thimra" was ono of the old maxims. taught long ago. The last is not forgotten, but the first is sore tc metnbered, so irregular is the life of most people nowadays. The only corrector of this evil Is Simmons Liver Regulator, -hich keeps ' the liver active and prevents the ills of irregular living: Pyepcjwia, Bilious-wa.- Constipation, tie J IV al n cures llic.trjulk. aaparilla is quickly told. It puri nes naiul ennchrs the blood, tones the stomach and gives strength and rigor. Disease rsnnot enter the system trtiiled by tlie riai. rel blood which coo it by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. : .- - i i' .' - . Hood's Hlk cure nansea. sick hcftilache, in ligrliin, biliu-it AH Dru.ls. J v. Rev V, 8 Best, Dr RJT-4.'.iivpU'll, Dr M W Gudger, Rer P II D dton, Dr Jordan A Neeser Dr R T Saun ders, i C Bamhanlt, Ilcr W C Doub, Rulus Galloway, '..Col J C IorUm, Dr Jos a n . 1 . a i) ijeiiey. yjxyy uuiw t 'or his tft ear DeWitt's Little Eari Ker James li liobbiu. v V, t J no Kisers wouM reacn it aivl shake it Anderson, Dr John I) IVIIamy, .for hnn. Simmons the Dmggiat. Maj Augustus 1 Lewis, Dr Eli Rn,,,-Hustler : Sailor Sharker Crowell, Dr W V Sonlt, N B Cana- Ukt . lttXHj .fi bu( with hi.tlO.. day, Rev D D McBryde, D E Sn- rjoo tutke.1 aay, Sliarkey has a dhn, Sr. Rev U T Hoover, John rg,t talk and then Sliarkey be Shinpock, Capt E L Pernve, G Y , jng a tar his roico lias the right Tlx unpawn, Sr, Dr W F Tm pkiiw, pitch Slsj JnoMcEroy, JasWTillett, Maj, William W Va. Rev W W Altet. Tbe dd way of delirerinjr mas' N M Loekhart, Ro?ert WJUt, JJX-,WiT VT ,, . o r l"8 modem telephone, ill ustrates the S M Finger, Tlios R Ransom. o( Wkillg.. ctdds compared with' their almost Tlie length of life may Iwinot-ss. JnsUnUneous cure by-One Minute ed by k-stetiing its dangers. The t'ouglrCUrc Simmons the Druggist. m.tj.irity of ple die fnmi lung ' - trouble. The may 1 avertl by try . a arer of tbe sea fiair priiiirt'y uiiu One Minute Goti-fi tn tVstthick ijrtahci -tip- tytlnj vurv. ."rtiii!ii"UJ l!ul)ruji L . tlniis. - -I A .