GrL EANER. vol; xxi i. GRAHAM; N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28...1807X . S. - a r.:usn:sLo KECKSITY. FHOFtlTUGTIG FLUID WOmDCRFUL HEALING PROPERTIES t , Far Banukflmld. Cat. Wotmda. BraliM ate., it is Invaluable, and fives Instant aa, m 1 MMMt relief, it CICASE lanraealately allaya . pan. itowtrajisaeccs. sary but to apply it & . rectly to the twoi affect ed. It will keep down InSamns.. lion. GuiRMi or Iacc::cits. STsnul Floeh. ml in a ihon n'ase will heal without aylng anythiaa; else. TbU was fully proved ia aaiitarv niauntala durinc the lake var.. It kaa - - yertufated afmshhig cure, both ia the case of ansa . and aniataU, afflicted with Clironie) Surra. It : cleanaaa and heal obstinate Uloers, Bolls, CarbonolvKrTallaaandRiinulna;Borfa of every kjad. It destroys the disagreeable effluvia ariaiaf firvtn Cancers, Abscesses, Ulcers, and every kind of purulent dlncharge. . -. - FOR TKETCILET f.'URSERY. To tho water sued In bathing add a am all ' quantity of Darbya fluid. It to a purifyin : otioa tor tin akin ncaJ bar, cleansing and re. freshing.' Removes all ' taint olperspiratlon from the body or odor from the feet, and whitens and :, softens the skin. Re i . moving Freckles. &c . Whtrmr a prmrntinf, ktaltnf, tlimtinr - fnjrttim tr Wmtk It rifuirtd it it fttitmlj mJ mast tjftcacitui. . K Cures Kruptions, Tetter, files. Prickly Heat, Guana, Sore Feet, Chilblains, bites and Stings of Insects, Poison Oak or Ivy. Removes Stains, Ink Spots aad Mildew. Used as a Dentifrice It Purl. , ' lies the Breath, Preserves the Teeth ami cure -Tewtaache, Sara Gums. Sore Throat, and Canker.' ssftrw ar aausaanea Ayes, sjaiarrn, tsjt; I HEAusea. I I CLEANSiNQ. I fcis:.'FECTir.a, ' , - J" "v aarawesa, -etaors internal ii unm . -tMiC-ii. v ' - f . i V ' tmvn nw m evert trcx-sooM. i V : J'lvOi-'ESSIOXAL CABPa. TA.Cio u a. rxrsa . f :frttprncy-at-Lae', r tjTON, - - - - K. C In the rtnfii1 Fe'lcrnl courts. ' Dr orrr White. Moore k Co.'s store, Main Arewv .'Phoiie lfv V . -'- :' ' . 1 . K151tX01I iE. ATTORiiEY atjla if -ft1'" GRAHAM, - - - N. C. 'Jtmm 0AT BVWPf. W; P. Bvkck, Jn. BYJiUM & BYNU3I, , VVtiornryai ami Coanselnrs at lliv ORIJESSBOnO, X. C. '-r '''.;' v.Fraciiee rncnlarly in the conrta of Ala nart!intntv. - , Auif. S, 94 ly. Livery; Sale i2! Feed STABLES. W. C, Moorh, Prop'k, ' OKAHAM, N. ' TTaekamoMaM train, " flood alnpl ordoa l tcaana. darym niodcrat. : Z-SMiui HEXIlV KAXX, Jit., PEWnOAL IINHEB,. -'.GRAHAM, - - N.C. : : All kinds of tin work and re pairing. . Shop on V. lm St.. second door from Bain & Thompson's.' ' , Deo. i, it. : $2.32 Saved! 7 $5.00 siioald Pay. 2.68 - - Do Pay.. ; . .$22 - Saylni's A little calculation for you. It's an illustration of what happens when you buy , and the only proof that they're not -p.uits Is the 2.2 in -. your pocket .', POe.SAI.BBV-. L. B. HOLT & CO. NOTICE! ' N"aeJn la a n hy sri en that application will asasla (as taw aril General asamnlHy at ,ia 'aro4iia for anf"lns,u w aUa ekau-tov ml Us sown ot (Iraham. X. O. ' fry araaur taf tta Isratrrl of lown rntraaiav nam i. U. KEKXUULS,Cserk. XaaV j awrW-4asssarai . When too want Eevelope. Letter Heads, Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statement Heads, Bosi-: eea Lsra. .siting varat, ro- ten. Circulars, Dodgers, or anj kind of printing. Blanks, &c.( . i a tr v-a e sr. ' Call at The Gleaxfi Office, PRINTINQ! A SNAKE STOHY. V?.' ' J-.;'--',-- , It had bfcwn very hot that summer on the ronob. Hen work In tlie fields of California with the thor niomgter at 110 degrees, while they frill down ot heat npoploxy in the streets of New York and Chiongo at 90 degrees. That is tho mnxini they That is tho maxim they e stranger in the west, vfH i if w in.. truth in it, bnt it is a , preach to the ; and it has ! miatnke to snpnose tbnteyen In Gal i ifomia men work in the fiolds in ; comfort in snob a temperature, and jtbnt8ummer the tbermometor had ; gone very near 115 degree. So we were grateful enough to get away into the hills for a spell with a wagon and a tent and the usual out- Dt or pots and iians, three of us. white mon, with Louie, the Mexican (whom wo called, in tho vernacular, tba Greaser), to mind the horses and make himself generally useful, i Our programmo was to flab ' tho rivers, shoot' deer and possibly a grizzly bear, discover a gold mino and go bank to tho ranch with a prospootivo fortuna ':' fv:..l' - j - We bad Juat pitched our tent. : Down on the plain for weeks before we bad been sleeping out on the ve randas, bnt the air of the hills had a nip in it by contrast ; It was late in J the afternoon, but there was atill ! plenty of eunsbino. I followed Lonio round a shouhlor cf tho hill, going to fetch water at a littlo stream tumbling from somowhoro amonsj tbo snowy peaks that capped tho scone of firs on the great mountains above us. These mountains had at eomo time cr .other sent down a lit' tie avalancho of small rocks that lay hoapod on our loft as we walked. The jiene was the most peaceful iniaginablo. ,. . fin e.h instaut a succession of small incidents sent the peace to limbo.' Louie dropped his pannikin with a tingling clatter, crying "Santa Maria 1" in a voioo of terror. At the same inomont I beard the dread rat tle of a snake and saw its longtb gleam under Louio's feot and vanish among tho rooks. , V. 'MSantn Marin!" Iio tottered back into ray arms, his dark fnoo livid with fear. . "What is it, Lonio? Did tbo raako etriko you?" "In tho foot," bo shhl, "yes." "Let us pet back to enrrp. Quick, loon on nio. " "What's' tho good, Lous?" hemak ed. "I'm n dond nnn." Neverthe less ho came with mo, leaning on my ohoulder and making n laaio walk of it. , j - Down in lho plain we bad no rat- j tWnnkcs. For miles about the ranch j tboro were no rocks for thorn, and 1 though tbcro wcro plenty cf ground squirrel holes wo never saw snakes about them. The tbonpht of. such things did not enter our beads, and Louio, woary of bis boots, had kick ed tlioni off. with the long spurs, and came with me in bis stocking out on this quest for water. - A word explained to tho boys what bad bapponcd. , - -"Strychnine's tho boat, said Jock Poters, wbo was our authority on tbo question of snake bites, which be bad studiod in Australia, "bnt we haven't got it. so wo must do what we ean with this. But it's a poor chance," he added in a whis- per ns, to save timo, no knookeu the neok off a bottlo ' of brandy. "Drink it, Ixraie," bo said. "Never mind cutting your lip. Get it down that's tbo obiof thing.!' Tbo Mexican's toetb chattered as we forced in the neok of tho bottle, but be drank a great gulp without winking. Tbo liquor or pickle, either, to scorch tho throat of a Mexican has yet to be found. Jim Kelly, tbe Irishman, was sad- dling tbo freshest of our horses, to ride at host speed into Lindsay, 11 miles away, in tbo base of tbe plains, for tbe doctor. In a minute he was pounding away along the hills, "Fix light as high as you can put it dark beforo wo got back," he shouted as be went We pulled tho lock off tbe Mexi can's foot Already it was swelling fast with a purplish tinge round a tiny - blue spot, from which tbe smallest imaginable drop of blood welled. - "Any good cauterising it?" I sug gested. '. -j "Not a mag, "Jock raid shortly. "Go on witb the brandy and keep ( him moving. . That is his only j chance." j The Mexican 'a face was dreadful j a n t l. a-. baj aews sio whidu, ass sssa, ihiwi ua , 4UV waaivsuy iu mm aNSUaTa una saint in tbechurob, but be de-1 every clared be aaffored no pain. Jock, improving the occasion, began relat ing in a low voice to me aaoodotea of all tbo snake bites be bad known. "One boy I've seen tbat did recov er," be said, "and tbat was from tbe bite of a brown snake, and a brown snake's as bad, tbey sey, as a rattler aa Australia brown snake, that is. A rattler ean't be But this boy was stupid aa tta Um .ftcr. not as quiok witted aa the average, wMoa is not much to say. And at timaa, jest at the time ot year at wntcn be a been Mttea, . tbe wound got red again and eweTW . ed, end be wss tt?p-?T than ever. Louie bad on sock. The rattler d have bad to go through that Be might haTe upont a. hit of bis poison thora That gives LoqiK a sort of ohanoo. Dot it hurt yon now,. Lonier yi "No, bona; no, not hnrkH- " The awolling was spreading, going up the ankle and right up the lee,;' rest oranayia- walking . about a "a ' n.,Iiota,,l , '- 1 remombor.V said , alon(f m M of a Um and tho man" began to talk slowly - Jock, "going along a ridge of a torraoo on a steep river bank. ; Tho river was foil of sharks, and I met a brown snake com inn along tbo ridgo toward mo. There wosn t room, to turn, and I couldn't trtke to the river for the sharks, and I hadn't a gun. But my pal, coming behind, had a gun, and " Ja Pkd the barrel in between my lops and blew the bruto to bits." "Is that true, Jock?" I asked. 1 "My heaven, d'you think I'd lio at such a time ns this?" with a glance at Louie's faoo. "Aro yon getting sleeiry, man?" be said. Then, as Louie did not an swer, ba took bim under the arm, and signaling mo to do tbe same on .the other side we kept him moving between us up and down and round tbe tent. From tiroo to timo wo mado him drink more brandy. ' Ho bad taken half a bottle, but it seemed to have no effect on bim. "It stimulates tbe heart's action, ybu know," Jock explained, " just as tbe poii.on ' goes to stop it, but stryobnine's tho best nets as nerve tonio. It's a deal to do with the nerves, this snako bito business." Wo heard the little ground owls begin whistling to each other from the mouths of the squirrel holes I we're in face of a bigger thing to away down on the plain, and tbo night than snake bite. We're in bats and moths began to come out as the sun sank out of sight Tbey brushed our faces as we continued to march the Mexican to and fro. Presently I left tbo work to Jock and rigged up a pino torob for a signal light on tbo pole, wbioh I took from tha wagon. The Job took somo while, but ot length I got tbo light fairly flaring. r "Look at his faoo," Jock whisper ed to me as I oamo back to bim, . It was a shocking sight under tho flickering rays, swollen, distorted, livid. - Tbo man's arm was swollen, too, as I ftlt when I took ray plaoo to support bim. His movements were Icthr.rgio ond heavy, so that I wondnred that Jook, unaided, could havo kept him moving so lone. "Givo bim moro brandy," Jook directed "more: that's it. tle'shad nearly all tbo bottle. Tbore'a ebunc," be went onprosontly. "I really bslievo tboro is. I thought hu'd have been doad before now. Way bo be don't mean dying after all. A white man'd hare been dead hnlf an hour ago." "I wish tho doctor 1 come." . -' "Mighty littlo good wishing."" The weary tramp went on. Twice I had to replenish tho beacon torch, and once more we gave tbe Moxioan a gulp of the brandy, which finished tbe bottle. , As I was fixing tbe torch for tbe third time I beard a 'shoot down tbe canyon. I answered with all my mijbt, and in a few minutes Jim Kelly and tbe doctor rodo Into tho circle of the flaring light "Allvo?" tbe doctor asked. "Alive, yes,", said Jock. "Alive, and that's about all. Hocan'tapeak." "What have you given him brandy? that's right How much?" " A botUefoL " "Bight and you've kept bias awako? That's it He won't-die now. Wonderful follows, - these Greasers. He'd have dialbefore this if he meant dying. Let's see Tbe candle burned as quietly In the still air as in a room. The Mexi can's foot wasCewollen, so that it !earoely looked like a human mem. f bar. but ia tbo midst of tbe purple P - ... ... a. ... .a I fWUlDf WM ft WDIMClrciO WIW IM a a. .. a at ' ill us Dine msra, piainiy evraen, lor , its center. Tbe Mexican seemed to foal no pain, even wben tbe dootor bandied the wound and pressed it upward with bis fingers. "Bold the oandle close, " be said. "It's blamed strange," be added, "blamed strange," pocking at tbe little blue mark witb bis foroeps. "Tbe fang's in tbewoond yet I never beard of that happening be fore. Shake bim a bit Don't let bim go drowsy." Hie swollen limbs wabbled like jelly under tbe treatment It was horrid. . Tbe doctor gave a little dig and then a Utile tag with bis fesoepe. Presently be held up to tbe oandle, r ' la (be clutch of tbe foreepa, a long white spine aad regarded it enricoe- ly. .-.!' Tbea be eaid ia a boDow voice: "Do you know what It Is? It's net a fang at all; It's a cactus spike." "Wbatr- A strangely perplexed tittle gravy cf men gased late each other's faces with tyTMStiooing eyes frader the stars tbat twtakled eat aver the anew topped edges of tbe Sierras. "Only a tbora 1" ' "Look at It" the docfer said. "Yew can eee tbe tolas; far your- elves." - - ; - 1 - One after- the ether we exanrined tbe !, feeting its p;tnt nfth a finger that w Mrtainly should not have Tentnred oeas it bad it lieen a ett ISUnlr IcTik"10' Knt ss thin, stloa, "And yon mean to toll me that I've, wasted two hours of my time. to saynotmag or a bottle or our . Greaser that has nothing the matter hut a thorn in. bis foot? Woll, I am danled.,, . . ! "That's ' about what yon - Lave - booh doing, " tho dootor said quietly, j "Well, I am darned," Jook turned 1 with a look of righteous wrath to the wrotobed Mexican, wbo was ly ing in a comatose heap in my arms, but tba first sight of his faoo cheek ed tho words unspoken. - : "Sbaka him . up; keep him, walk ing," tbe dootor cried. . "But yon don't mean to toll mo," Jook began again, when we had soo ooedod in arousing some sign of life in Louio, "that all that," pointing at his distended features, is tbe eaotua thorn?" "Thero's not a mite else In tba wound." "Well, I am darned. "All tho samo, tho dootor added quietly, "he'd have died if yon hadn't kept him going." "Died I. What of?" "Snake bite shake him up tbero. Don t let bint go drowsy, "Snake bite! Heavens and earth, I thought yon said there was noth- ' ing in bis foot beyond tbe thorn I" Then tba dootor went up to Jook aad laid a band on each of his shoul ders, and said, very slowly and dis- tinctly: 'Yon mark roe, Jook Peters, raoe oi one ox no oiggosi anu uui- tnatest facts of human nature and ono of its biggest mysteries tbo in fluence of tbo mind upon tbo body. I've board of something like this case before, although I've never seen it nor ever thought I should, and that in oonnootion witb a cooly and a cobra In India. In that case, too, tbero was no snake bite, al though : tboro was a snake. The cooly saw the snake.: It dartod from beneath his feet, and at tbo moment (likely from tbo start be gavo) a thorn pierced his feet Just ns it Lappenod to the Greaser. - And that man, ton, tbe samo as tills man bore, swelled up, showed nil tho symp- toms of snake poisoning and died. This man- wo'll save. Yon, Jook, havo practically saved bim by keep, ing him moving and countcraetlng the pobion Ly tho brandy. ' Look at tbo man. Isn't be snake poisoned?'' "By all that's blue bo looks it," Jock admitted. "And all tha hurt bo's got tbe physical hurt is just tho pin prick of that thorn. Tbe rent's all mental all the swelling, the sur charging of the vessels, mental. Now, tell me, bow do yon think that man woold bo bnt for bis mor bid mental state with all that bran dy that you've given him?" "Dead, I suppose." J "You're right dead as dead as j yon or I would be if we sot to drink tbe same just now. But be he's hardly drunk. He's sober. And he's batter now heart acting bettor." He bent and listened to its boating as ho spoke. "You've seen a strange thing tonight, gentlemen," be add ed, rising again and addressing ns Collectively. "Boob a thing as neither you nor I are likely to ever see again. And I'll tell you another thing about It gentlemen. It's a thing that yon won't find yea get a deal of erodenoe for wben you oome to tell it to the boys. There's a fashion la this world for men to believe tbey know tbe way things happen, and tbe thing that happens in a way tbey don't know tbey put aside as a thing that didn't happen. Ho of this, " the ooetat ati4 simply. "I should only speak, ae sssong autism say with a L . A aY. lAt S- - av a, wm vs ov jrtvtui fWMi ai un tL kaaa. t ' ""j After awhile the awfal eUstortion of Louie's face begaa to go down. "You can almost eee It settling, like a better podding," ae Jim Kelly said, aad tbe fearful purple tiage- died out of It Bit heart was beat ing naturally again, and tbe doctor aid we might let bim go to sleep. -In the morning be was difficult to rouse, as be might be after so heavy a night but tbe dootor eaid be would do right enough If we gave bin rest for a day or two. And so he did, though bis nerve was so shaken that we bad to send bins back to tbe plain again Where there are no rat tlesnakes. It appeared later 'that Louie bad cherished a morbid dread ef snakes for a long while, ever slaoa he had bad a band la the killing of oae six feet long down la the repub lic of Mexico, though after a couple of years on tbe ranch he bad almost forgotten tbat there were each things. A asaa tbat U nervous aboet snakes should aersr go tasrefoot in tkebUla, "It only shows what I told yon," Jock Peters eoatrnwaatad. "Btryetv lae is the thing lor asfce bite, be lt te each a nerve toaio. If a eoald make believe be bed sot baa bit tea, be peed never die of snake bile. If ever I'm bitten, I Shall make believe it was a cactus 1 rpfee " Ifwtillsn a Vagar". ' : Tbo Oldrat Hebrew in Anterioav n n America I Ir GreengarJ, of St. Isouis, M. ne u ju-t years oki ana is sun nine and hearty, llcspito the fuct that he has entcied upon his sccoi.d ccntu ry. ' "TliiSj prince in, Israel'', " says the" St, Louis Jewish Voice, 'is a remarkable type of the Jen-Mi triarcli. " Ho was born Nov. 15, 1793, in AVerbeleau, Russia, mar ried when ho was 28, his faithful wife baring died 23 years ngb at the ripe old ago of 70, ond arrived in this country H years ago, or at the vxti of ; 93. Ho has six children living, as follows ; Abraham, .St Ixiuis, aged 72 ; , Solomon, also there, agvd 67 ; Simon, Is Angeles, Cnl., 51 ; Mrs. Applebaum, Cldcngn. 69 ; . Mrs. Bctsio Friedman, Nev, York, 53 ; and Mrs. Cohen, also in New York, 52. Thrco sons and one daughter .ain. jltiuL. Lazar Green gurd wan sick' but once in his life, when he was exactly 100 years old. and at that timo he was cutting a tooth, which the doctors had duly noticed. Ho has 36 grandchildren, 58 great-grandchildren and 2 great great-grandchildren. - He is, ; of cmrsc, very pious, and ho never fails to say his prayers, nor docs he weary in reciting, daily a number of rsolniM. . Very shortly his oldest son will celebrate his golden wed ding. Naturally, Ln&ir Grecngnrd is an object of veneration, not only to immediate members of his family, but to all who know him. In case of necesNity. he is able to read with out the use of his eyeglasses and hie memory in unimpaired. Dacca Owt Draah aa Oraady Chcrrlc. Sellibarjr World. r Sallio Johnson, a colored woman living near the Lutheran graveyard, had a rather novel experience with two geece Tuesday. She had a Ixitlle of brandy eher- nes, whieh, on lnvcalipition. he le- lieveil to be stwili'd. She threw the cherries in the yard and the two geese belonging to Snlhu came along and devourttl them. What was her niiiaw.ncnt then hi go into tbo ynnl WiilneMlay and find tho geese lireathleK, fuaekleiustone dead she supposed. She picked tin fcathcM fnmi the inanimate geksc and threw them into a ditch near If slid was surprised Wednesday morning she was struck dnniD a itb when the two gecno. without a fentlior to speak for their genuineness, walk to her Imek door j and begin to rhatter for food. Tlicy had eaten the entire Imttle of Brandy cherries, Utinne drunk and only sobced up aAer being t ripped of their plumage. This is an actual event nnd just one of the many strange things tbat are hap pening daily. Marveloae HesaltaV' From a letter written by Rev. J. Guiidennan, of Dimondale, Mich., we are ix-nnitted to make this ex tract:'"! hard no henit.itiun in recommending Dr. King's New Dia, covery, as the rcxults were almost marvelous in tho ease of mr wife. While I was uUr of tho Ilaptlst Church at Kives Junction she was brought down with pneumonia suc Deeding Is Grippe. Terrible parox- ysms ot coughing woubl last hours witb little interruption and it seem- ed as if he could not survive them. Ariend ieeommrivlo,l Dr. King's New Discover v; it was quick in its work and highly satisfactory in suits." Trial bottles free at T. Albright de CuV DrUitHtore. Regular size oOk.-. and $1.00. re A. W. II. Harris, a carpenter from Winston, was killed We'.nr-day l-y falling fire feet from a scaffold while workinrpn the new Ikiptistoq.han- age at Thotnssville. llis skull was fractured. He was buried in Win ston Thursday. tmmmm SB. ' Ktectrta Muortv. Re'ctric Bitters is medicine suit ed fir any season, but erhatis more gtnmHr uetexlvhsm the isncoiil exhausted feel ing prevails, when the liver is torpid and sluggish and the need of a tonic atvl alterative is a lt A prompt tmc of this medicine has rrften averted long and iierhans fjaXal bilious for era. No medicine will art mure surely in counteract ing and treeing the system from the malaria poiatin. HeaoWhe. In-li gextion, ('tfrsstipatlitn. Dizziness yield to Ivkctric Bitters. V. srvl IIjOO nrr l-tl- st T. A. Albri.'lit 4 tVs Vrvg Stat. - Highest of all in Leavening Azzzczzivzzrj pans ELECTION OP V. S. SENATORS. , IndianniioliH, Ind.. January 20, at noon tntlav lioth hoMHea of thu Tn. I In i,,:nl mi!, antt TSok the flnaraV fornator. A total vote of 140 was cumL of W iicli Charlc Y: Fairbanks nm.V a a . a -. - - - i roivrl ks T.n!l w v.rl,. rdem. V 5S. and . Tnm, . -' , ' , ' j .. (populist) 6. Bismarck, N. D January 20. II insbrough was formally declared re-elected U. S. senator in joint ses sion of the legislature today. Pierre, S. D., January 20-At the joint session of the South Da kota Legislature to day the vote for United Stafes 8onator wai : Kyle 43, Loucks 14, Goodykoonti 6. I'lowmnn 11, Weeks 3, Kellar 2, r!mcr 1, Bower 1, Pickler (Be publican) 53. The joint session dissolved to meet at noon tomor row. The silver forces will caucus to-night. Salt Lake, Utah, January 20. Two ballots wcro token in joint session to-dayj" but no election re sulted. The four Populist mem bcra voted fur Iwrence and the three Republican members for Goodwyn. " Tock.i, Kansas, January 20. The Populist Senatorial laucus ad journed last night after taking twenty-four ballots. It will meet again to niidit It is now a three cornered right between Ex-Congressman Wil liam A. Harris, State Senator L. P. King, and Edward C. Littla' Springfield, Illinois, January 20. William K. Mnson was elected t'nited States Senator in joint ses sion or the lOfjiBlaturc to-day. The vote was : Mason 12 , Alt- geld 77. Jefferson City, Missouri, January "20. Both branches- of the Legisla ture met in joint session at noon to day and Gecrge Graham Vest, ot Seflalia, 'was i formerly reelected to represctst Missouii in the Uunited States Senator Little Rock, Ark., January 20. Both houuci met in joint session to day to officially declare the reault of yesterday's balloting for United State senator with the following ie- xult : James K. Jones 1 14, J. II. Sovereign 0, General Powell Clay ton 10. Denver, Col., - January 20. A joint session of the two houses of the legislature held at noon to-day elect ed Henry M. Teller to succeed him self as United States senator. The V te was : Tiller 92, Judge Allen ,AItiany, X. Y., January 20. Bouth liouse of the legislature mot in joint session in tbe assembly chamber shortly before noon to-day and elected Tlios. C. Piatt United States senator to succeatl David ' B. Hill. Mr. Piatt received 147 votes, Mr. Hill 42 democratic votes. and "nnr George 4 democratic votes, V IiartforrIf Ctinn., January 20. BxKb bouses of the h-gialaUire in joint aimvention this iviuej rl resolution uiuuiiniouly derlariirtr. Orville II. Piatt elodtod United States senator. ' . Aninteresting example of the sueresslul solution of the Duzxllng prol.iefn how to gire honest gtsids ! . L? t f . L , " KJV2n mTnW " I MWvC V 'ZZa I " 7 ; ro,.VU ldr UtMuaer. fault- 'r workniariship. and style -,i.i.Utl..tgo.tonukeup a atiMfaelorr rtnnent and are . 1J at the rMnarkalsly low price of j 12. t'A Tliejr will bear coniiaris n . witb any five-dollar latnts in the market Sub Iby . V I B, H. dt tic CVk The editJr f a g4d standard Deinorratie organ at Oiarlestown, West VirviniA. anirourees that be made an as of hbiaself daring the jJ01 ipeign, tod in the I "P"1- , . last rear s cornpaign, and in the I future bis peper will advoctte free I ailrer. Washingtrb Post , Prevent s'lckness and tare doctor' j bills at this eeason by keeping your ' moo I rwn ana pure1 rTi'.n Hood s .'jarwpar.Iis, Power. Latest U. & Gov't Report. , . SeBOtoriaJ Porqatiaitea). J 4 Ashcrllle Crttxen. .; -- y; !. 'y It has long been feared that Unit- 0UlljI , 'COfll inure SohatS-ri f than tfaey eomto,f but the: details naT0 recently, now- astV.'0r V J laa WMWI ever- the sergeant at arms of the . ' "-, ' Senate issued a pamphlet thAt fills ! tbo lon8 nd ho happens tliat the salary of a United . States Senator is tho least of the ex pense of keeping him at Washington. ; We learn first of all that to keep the Senate in working order 481 cuspidorcs aro necessary. . Then, for fear the average Senator should hot know how he looks 78 mirrors are provided at publico xpense, and there -are 141 carpet- and 160 rugs, mwy of them imported, over which the Senators walk to get at the mirrors. Tired of gazing at his clawical fea tures the Senator may sit on any one of over 600 chairs, or recline on 97 leather couches at 97 different' time.-. Then he can learn tbe time of day by any one or all of the 117 clocks, can retreat . behind 34 Jajanese screens, or , play peck-a- - boo in the rear of 324 curtains and (only) 2 iimbrequins. Then if he wishes he can take 57 thermometers up 31 step ladders, or he can use tho latter to aid him in placing - three marido .busts, or climb down , with from a bust of his own . if the , : liquid reetuarant is - not cloaed. Diving deejwr into the list of articles necessary to keep a United Stain Senator properly groomed so that he can work from four to five days in the week and .five hours in the day, we find 8 roach trap, 21 iee picks, 10 gallons of bay rum, 4 onf- ' fee urns, 21 bottles of lioterine, 18 bottles of "tonic". ; (ingredients not stated,), and 137 dozen cakes of soap. . v . With' all Una and a Senate bar room, scented bath, little to do ex-f cept to fpiarrel with thi executive and meddle in foreign affairs, the Senators make time ass eo agree- ably that few decline a rc-t lection. And the people ? The iHsopic pay , the freight WHITES SHUCKKP THB COttX. . Wacraac KafaM t Halp Oaa of Tax br Raeaj " Wka Va4 IW rrra SUrar. "AeHla ritlxen. V , f . Tliis is a corn shucking story, and it conies from the Horse Shie vicin ity in Henderson county. ' . n is a little old, but worth the telling at this day. If it had no been for the' election it could not have !cen told. It seems that a ne- ' gro living in the ncighlrtvood was a believer in free silver and refused to go with bis party in its flop to gold. When he voted the cjlore.1 men of the township gathered about and muttered against it, but he voted, the Bryan ticket nevrriheless. ' , 7 Soon after, the negro had a shack ing and all of the colored brotheren of the vicinity were invited. Tbe night came, bat not a soul 'showed" up and the corn wasn't shucked. The white people heard of the "boj -cotf declared gainst the negro and they arranged' tut a shucking. The -whites tamed out in tnrce, preperl . an old' time supper and shucked the ' corn in the Rgnlatinn style. V I , As the fcftirttrvs wwreonrwludW, one nesro came un arnl showed hie ; face id the mwd. The free silver negro and one of tho shockers got the Late comer, placed birri on a rail g,T, wnl '.'rfJe that it is eaidl win mfmonhe lo th9 MtlhVfy.. ' ' The Beet Way to Care n;a - , i. tn awiaiviuh baalth rs, neb blood means irod health. Hood's SarsaparUla is the One True Blond Purifier. It tones up- tlie whole system, give- appetite and and strength arid cau-s weritne-a, netroiisness and pain to di-apetr. No other medicine has soch a r. e rd Hood's KIls are the best afer- dinner pill; assist digestion, pre rents cousupaiioiv i-c .. - - . Tht, locao the fanner, of Indi- ana for ISM on account of the hog - wis M was al4iu..t $a,0J?,OiXX - -