VOL. XXIII. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY; APRIL, 22, 1897. NO. 12. : KEEP YOUft EiYES OPEN! Purely if the Word REGULA TOR is not on a package v j His not " Sibnons (Liver EuEGulatqr. Nbthing eis6 is thd'Same. ' It cannot be and neyef has been put up by any one Except - J; H. ZEILIU & CO. And it can be easily teld by their Trads Mark Ze 600b R6ADS fcfc6N'OMY.",'"' PRESERVING EGGS. """ "il AO 0 13" A LiO 'VCs , ''Campaigning With Grant," in The ' Century, sayst In 'tho night of tho f Kb Latest Selentlfle Inronthm Kow tte j darrotng a. Tot, " I There are several ytcm of preserv. Ing eggs, any one of which will answer for certain purposes. . These prcserva I tires will keep the eggs in a fairly good r condition for two or three months, but nature place a limit there, after which they begin to decoy;- The eggs will keep longer than meat or game aimply be - cause they are surrounded by a shell tbatiswell iiigh airtight: It is this pris on wall which makes egg meat the best to. keep for any lengthened period. But - tho shell is more or less porous, and it . begins to absorb whatever it comes in . cnntiw.t with, mid. thnncli the nrnecaa ia iWrvisor, being ; jjow, it.ig very fare. The first essential ioi me mainj thing to serving eggs has conseqnent- Attcirnesy-a't'Lelw, fcRHAM, N. C r -V - . - Practice In the PWfc inl tfelBlnl court . Orlce orer Wlilt. Mndro k Cu.' tore, Mu Street. 'Phone No. '. Muin lKEHN01l-Kt A TTORNEY AT LAW . - X $. C. trRAHAM, John Qh.AV Bvkux. fc P. iiVnUM, J. ' , , , , . T ! fcicUlariy incommoded by the travel : -n stained condition of hia outer gar- 14th Lee began to mdre troops to his right Grant now directed Hancock's corps to be withdrawn and massed j mud roads, with all their inconven behind the center Of bur line, bo ' fences, are maintained in their wretched that it 6ould be moved promptly in lhe rk ruired by lawof either direction. When the general ; fVZl L - . . " , . tax, gives to the road supervisors or on got back to camp that evening, his Btata.th0 expenditure, iu money and la clothes Were a iflass of mndfrom bor.of a vast sum. Much of this is head to foot, his uniform being wasted by reason of incompetent man scarcely recognizable.; He sat until ' aKeinent. Tho railroad tax for highway bedtime without making any change J iinprovement in some road districts of In his dress. He never seemed tar-! onr state ia 80 nianipnlated by the road BuiJerviKur mm uio muuej luurtu mum CmU Mora t Minteln Mad Haads Thma . YTM Boilt Hlg-hwagn. : . feof ernor Mount of Indiana enunci ated some wholesome truths on the road question in hia inaugural address. lie said in parti .-. -.. '. '.,,:: : '. Good roads are essential to our high est development socially, intellectually and financially.; ; Many counties in our state, aotnated by a commendable spirit pf 'progtess, are rapidly improving the highways. In the near future 'some of bur counties will havo a complete sys tem of free gravel roads. The main thoroughfares in these counties having been graveled and received by the cbiaity ponunissioneMh are kept in repair at the county 's uspense. The su thus relieved from caro tliorougbtares, is enable to eoucentrato jy Biways bceii to make the shell as im the labor and tax at his disposal upon I pervious to air and water as possible-, the lateral roads; bcno all will soon be oil, lard, paraffin and similar substances improved. ...':'.' ' . . - ;: yvere smeared over the eggs when fresh, The economy in roadJPmpvement rand tJjMC hcped to proi0ng their life, will soon be demonstrated by tho f act Later a Wan-invented a patent paint, that thcountics having the best roads ; which was snppohed for a time t0 be the will niaintain them nt less cost than the ! hest nrewrvBtivn " ' DARN BUILDING. Tfc Rlcht Wmr and th Wn War A Modal Strnetara. ' VTbett new structure is erected, econ omy" of . the running .as well as the ' present building expense ought to be of . the first Importance. Notwithstanding this fact, there aro dozens of faring1 and j - other outbuild- , ; L- i. I tag Just oonv I My2l pletcd which are i f r I , I inconvenient mm Tbe.SaUibury Sun says SL Louis) capltalisU, who are working tba Lowder - mine, . nc,r AHermarli, have 'Wut k it ricU-" , Tbey can a upon a rich vein 60 feet below th surface-and are shoveling out very rich ore by the wagon load, v . Tbey recently shipped COO pounds of , ore to St. Louis. JR.. GREENSBOttO. . O. ' - Practice esfdlarljr to Ule; bi'prfs of Alii- Drl. W.-5. LOIG, ' ; DKSTIsfv ' QRA1IAM, N. f'. bifice in Vestal iiuillinr. " .. . DHico liiurs f. 8 a. m. to 4 p .m Kow an electrician has come to the front who proposes to place the eggs' in a vacuum chamber when freffa, and then, instead of absorbing outside air, the eggs will give it out until they are practically free from all air. When tbey have bccH in tho Vacuum chamber 48 hours, fhey are to he painted with a composition that will keep them from absorbing any raoro air. Bnt even at this stage decay has not been thoroughly arrested. The electrician theu proposes to give tliem an electric bath. They aro faients, but was scrupulously careful, even in the most active campaigns, about the donnliness of bis linen and j his person. ' The only chance for a bath was in having a barrel sawed ! . in two and using the hulf of it as it , Bortof site bath. During most of i this campaign the A neral, liko the' btafif officers, used mis method of ! bathing, or, aa our Euglibh friends t roFir-' Ualp' A" i FppH Would ?iy "tubbing." Afterward I ' JjlVCry, Odie. JCCfU. he supplied himself with a portablo CONVJCT to his benefit than the improvement of r the thorougMares. In some Instances in paokbd in barrels in which frenh Water our state a brokerage business is carried j fg poured, and a current of electricity is on, and money is made out of traffloking introduced suniciently strong to destroy in this road tax i all animal life. All genus of decay are While somo of our road laws need re- thus killed, and the eggs are ready for forming, the manner of their execution ! puckiuf? in sand br snwduBfe As all do needs revolution. When competence is '. Composition has bepji destroyed and the made the test in selecting supervisors j paint prfsen-ativb kei-ps but the poison anl. taxpayers seo that they dischargo bus air, tho eggs are supposed to keep their duties, wo will fiudsewe improve- for mnny months as fresh as wbbii first inenc iu our nignways wiincui aoiu- j aj( tionul tax. LABOR ON ROADS. iOTAOV'CC rubber bathtub. At present the methods of preserving tggs for market iu winter aro well nu tters! ood. in tho cold Slntage house they "V. . W. C aroojiE, Prop'k, --.., ok ah A ftl; N. V. Marks tnrrt nil trnlnn. Oimd nngv nrdnu' 8 le toftmi. Cbantes modern t. i-J8-iin ' JlliNllY B A XX J ilTi PEaOFIOAX tinheb, GRAHAM,- - - N.C. All-kinds of tin wont and re pairing. - . , Shoj on VV. lm St., second tioor lrom fialn & Thompson's. - lc. h. t. f . . . SESWORSUliliKlOFV. ; - . ' ' . - -v ' .- i Sinoe its enlargement,' The North Carolinian . i$ the largest weekly ( pewspaper iubii!hcd in the Htiite. It prints all the new.-i, and jrcachc3 the doctrine of pure democracy. .. It' fcontaia? cipcht pagci-nf interestin;; -jniatter evcrv week: Send one dol-. lar and get it for a whole year. A feaniple cofiV will lib nlailed free on application tp, , . - - , JOSElHit'S DANIELS, Kditor. . Ildleigh, N. C. While cainnaicn life is not a PooA , bchool for the cultivation of squcum - isbness, and while tho general was falways ready to rough .it in camp, yet he was particularly modest in jierforming.his toilet, and hii teht fi-ont vero always tied closo, and the most perfect privacy was secured when he was washing or changing; his clothes. . While thus engaged even his eervaht was not allowed id tenter his quarters. I -:: .-L.-:..- 4- " ;-;; I- tlntetbl importance. . :v. Wtrtild otCo,npt. With rro UWll Y 1 5 r I Worked un tlie IXijfhwaya. ; The enly way piigouers can bo em ployed without competing directly witli txtuld bp frozen, they would keep longer in this war, but the Iron bio is (hut the rgKshrlls cruck when thev reorh the td mcONVfi.HlKST BAttS. the last degreei ' The Farm Journal gives a sketch of a cross section of a new barn and cow- ' i bouse; which is hero reproduced. As will be scon at tat 1, every priund of hay and grain ninst be enrriod and placed in the manaers of 80 br 40 cows and all the manure wheeled out, making ! a good place for three hired men, wbero ! two, or a man add a boy, could do it easily if things were fixed right : ' . The gentleman who owns the place is able to hire all the help he needa, but complains alroady of the cost of making milk. ' n. . ' Iu the secbhd cut, from the same source, is Shown another barn for SO cows. The owner of this second barn bas nothing finished in brass and wal nut, bnt everything is so practical be makes milk at a profit The arrange nieuts are in three stories. A slight bill ' ock permits bay and grain to be driven upon the second floor over a short in- cliue. Here traps permit its delivery in' to the feeding alley beneath, without carrying it No nmngefs are nsed. .. Tbo alley floor is of cement, slightly hollowing under tho cows' uosos, and the bran and bay aro merely worked oue wa bud the other with fork, rake and broom. The mauuro is dropped through the floor into wagons and carts iu the mmm . Absolutely Pur ' Celebrated for lta creat levenlna; aranrth and hmlibfulneM. Aaaure tbo food asalnat alum and all forma of adulteration romiooa to the cheap brand. UOYALllAKlJNfi iOW. UEUCX)., New York. ! A colored man wm strnck ami killed by lightning while plowing in a field in Halifax county two weeks ago. The horse was also killed. ' - A sign of spring: Keep off tho grass. , Copeland & Marsh, merchants, of Ramaenr,' ' Randolph county,, sis-" signed last week. ; Asset 11,000, LiabiiiU $3,000 or nioia. free labor is to pr.t them . to work on inl . V " .. . " r. . " " th it could lint lin f " x f I'"-" - public improvcmiuls constructed for yer.rstocrnio but for tho nt-ilizal ion upon them of labor of this scat, siiys the Cliicago Record; In Ibis . way there n:ay bo si tared improvements of iuestiTuablo vulae. for all , time that tlio pul.lio uiiglit not Imve felt warrant ed in con.Htvncriug rmder other circum ..(fonccs. Tfcero is uo tlOibt -that good roads would be worth fcbnbst any auiQuu t to a corunitiuiry. but it is nmctically A scene reported by a French pa- -Impcsdl'le lo get taking ict'.ics to tnko , IvV Ve!l froi per us occurring in. a camp of "re- : from the ptcflo the Sams necessary for i . t ' servists," n military body which , tl'fir cousUuctiou. i J corresponds in some degree with our t "K . " Rim .roads would be in WiUtiai indicates that the officer ! mnl,T Mc . t,,MPmtn for 0 who is clothed 'in a little brief au-1 'A thority" is. often s absurdly insis- SIyXKK hieafs and ponltiy very wcll bylhis method, becuuso no barm is done in freezing tix iu. Thoi!ioKtiSTrptahIft system of pre errvlug t);c i-Rgs f.r a Into market is lo puck tlU'ui ewuy in limed water. This biellicd is employed mure rxteusivoly in nrcpc than ( !iin ountry, aud vaet quan tities of Italian and Danish eggs aro shipped to the Knglish nuirkcts in whi ter in this condition. Tho liuio closes in the tut side uir and wa ttle s.tnio t:mo destroys cr keeps dormnnt any germs that Slight attack tho egg. DUCKS. tent upon that authority in one country as anothenv . - A lieutenant of these Veecrvistsj bursting with importance, calls out to a passing soldier: A "Ei, there", barber, barber i Send me tho barber!" ! ' "Yes, sir. Yes, lieutenant," soys the soldier, saluting and starting oil on axun. Presently another soldier hrrives and salutes tho lieutenant ' , "Barber, eh J" says the lieutenant : ''Y-yes, sir"".-- , "Then take my razor and things here and shave me quickly." "But; lieutenant'' " ' " I tiou to tho plan, peculiarly enough, is a sent inn n tul cue. It is argued that tlie ; popular scuho would revolt at the sight , of convicts budi r guard at work iu the presence of the public- This objection . lias Baiuc weight, but it should not be mado to appear iusnpcr.bJe THE OUTLOOK BRIGHT. Tlia Vlmt Trofltable and SatlafSMterj of Ilia oair.tla I'anltry. Tho duck has its wa plum among domestic poultry. It is n notorious scav enger, c lisntnirg anythiiirf aud every thing. Nothing romes iiujIm with ,tho duck, ruly nia it t-tidugh to satisfy its apparently insatiable hnnger. But there ti enn tiling about it tho duck is no The North' Carolinian! Slid Tub AtAMASCC (iLKANKtt will be sent for one year for Two Dollar, Cash inadrairca. Apply at ThkGLeaxkr bflice, (irahairi, N; C PRpiNQ! Tho Vemr 1307 Proiiilv. to D Kotabla Id lilaltwajr IiuitrovcoM-nt. ' It becomes more ltd more apparent that what was icrmrrly a publio request fcr coctrroads i.i now becmning a publio j demand, sura Tho L. A. W. Bulletin. Wbero tho people were once f -.(Wled to make a sucge;tiou tia-y aro now dis1 at i good for fev should oppoxe. . pretty well tuulcvstood that "What business have you to bo good roads aro the iao:it ccouoiuical in- afraid 1 I tell you to shave mo right vestmout a people can put their money if7i" . L -tin. Hew to iuin The soldier 'seizes the razor and -S "Kabuts cbout it I tell you to t"o XZxZ -fchayeJmo; ' ' .; t i crylxx'.y bobrdy sbonl. I'm afraid.. lietitfnnnt,,-- : It is now pretty- we in. - Hew I ways is B . ,UU J.n .A. W . MUVUI kill. W) OUa ? to iuiprove the public hiph- loafer, doing nothing to pay for its boiird. It just jumps right at it and grnvs, and then, beginning iu February or March, rr even earlier, it lays an rgg a clay for four or five moutha, with sur prising rapidity. A lieu is pretty well sutiHUcd lo biy every cthT day and often takes s vacation' over aiid "above that, bnt tho duck produces its large cpg every day during tho hiving period. Boiled potatoes, turnips, beets or carrots should form tho basis of tho njiwh fur ducks, for tho roots are bulky and cheap. An excellent fir u in ratbjii is mado by raising equal ports bran, ground oats and l cows AfsgrJ enti y j Hark ! Hark I the doga do bark, 0 Thccustomers arc comingto town. 'ome on foot, some in wagons, a Some in silken gowns. CONVEKIKI.T liAIIX. basement and bauled out upon the land beforo tho goodness drains out of it. Vcutilators back of the' rows and over tbo drops carry tho foul air out of doors. To measure out bran is considered a waste of lime, the bran scoop beuut ganged to indicate the quantity fed. The handling and rehandliugcf manure is a great rxpenso, long since proved needless. Let us ceyjr the economics of Our pro-iperons competitors in tbo throb bing city centers. tenant bedly on the check. Blockhead 1 Scoundrel !' shouts the officer. "Don't yon know bow to shave fcny Letter than that t' "Na sir, I" . ' . " "You whutf Aron't you the conn pany barber " - ."No, sir, I'm not a barber at all, only my name's Barber, sir. I play the bfe iu tho Land, hir." C. ' F v. . vv hen . vnu wmt . iw nnM. letter Hcads. Note H'nds'' BiI" th c ulth df. , UMds, 'Stacnt . Heads, Busi- A crow'wbTch haunlstheMd-Sur. ricss caras, visiting ynras, x-o-- rey linktf at nichmoud U a bit of -rs, circulars; uoagers, or anjw humoriat ind of printing, Blanks, &c, tali at f hb GifiANr-R Office 3232 Saved! 1 $5.00 Should Pay ? ' 2.68 - - Dp Pay ; $232 - Sarlajs . A little calculation for you. It's an lustration of what happens when you buy -----4 -- ;&$2.68rns; Co has ployed a such pranks with the golfers' balls that the subject has been ductused by tho committoe. lie appenr t hover in attendance on jdcyert who nse nice, new, white balls. "Kenicdes," or bulls that havo been phiyed with before, and on which tho paint lias chipped, receive none of his euibur rastsing attentions, r '''" Eccently two players ..were ap proaching one of the holes, one play er using a new ball, tho other a ball con:uieal. Combine this mixed crain now tho topic Of discnauuu. nit.'mi with the boiled root th Mima t no lunucr any question that onantitv of mota an hf vrAn ind ' they ahould be improved. j zt xm0 meal ft r the duck will be ol The already overtaxed farmers aro be- tallied. Ouo thing iibont this squat id ginning to toe niiou tho smringtbird isitHrxtreriifiJiniiiU good road a.'t a local incaiiS OI Jncreas erx are obliged to exercise care I bat Timothy ing their welfare rather than as some- nothing occurs to excite it The curt rc'l:rJ thing lo add to their present heavy bur- I circumstance, as the tiresmce in the nwi ; den of tkbt There is a getting together t.f a mouse or cat or tbo shadow of a Oraaara In rralrtt KeetlDaa. In prairie sections, and more especial ly wbero the summer rninfall is den cicut, tho most suitable places for jx r maiient p.wtuTrs of a mixed character are 4be sloughs and viilleya. Blue grjss aud white clover make these on the higher lauds where a variety will not grow so well. Our prrmaueut pnsrnre in tbo. Mississippi valley aud westward toward tbo Koeiirs should embrace on ly , few varieties, and they should b made in tbo lower and tnoistcr lands. Tbey may oftentimes inclado alviko aud white clover, timsthy, ml top and bluo grass. In some instances orchard grnas may profitably be added and iu others mediuin red clover, which, how ever, is soon likely to disappear, since it is short lived. Tlie followiug propor tions may be nxetl per acre, but there may be cxotlk-ut reasons for varying them: Pound. Urdlnia Tt-d clover...". 3 Atlka.. When anyone says there is a better or cheaper place than GATES & GQ.'S, Burlington, N. C, to bay drugs and medicines, trus es. seed , or anything in a well selected stock of first-data goods, then at once every merchant winks hia eye, e ery drummer shakes hia head, manufacturers grow weaker, hogs squeal in dis tress, fast horses slow down, yaller dogs bowl louder because b made a mistake, yet the horses and mules rush forward at an ad vanced speed to carry their vehicles laden with customers to , GRTBS & CO., BUItLINGTOX, X. O. - Ulead' ' f Quarters Head what a successful Rockingham fanner say about n l ' M i uarKs tniaway narrow. Tola) , or all tbo forces Interested in tbe sub b.nkm, will produ s pnuio richt jtt that warranU tlie prediction that i away among a Uni-k of ducks, and when 1M7 Is to bo a notable year in highway friKhtem-d tho whtilc flock crowds and hniiroveuieut The lawmakers and tho rccdmukcrs are being encouraged by alt clasKca uud ages to do sonic thing of a practical nature. . . . . r ' ...y ' COUNTRY ROADS. Thomas l,Tiaw, Out aria Thm Vaa MaJorltHy ef Thm Ara glmplV fetrrtrhr of Wirt. For 100 years cr more crwspapers, philosophers and political economists , have vainly tried to couviuco tho tillers of soil that I her, more than any other ela-a of people, were directly, vitally cud pecuniarily interested in making and maintaining country highways over which heavy loads aud light ones could be drawn without tbe expenditure of an anuentaory amount of costly atrength. Tbe farmers studied tax rates and that bad bn rlxvo.1 with ' "wr woo id not near orwoaia not Beta On walking toward their ball, tho I TjJT nmv i uniua,a avi p wti wwa, 1MI vast majreity of rural . roads omitinned, to be stn-tcbes of dirt, made into dust! Ly tbe aun. into' mod by tbe rain aad always enforcing tbe truth that lbs dis-. jama itacbT into a cleiiwe buntb, iu which iudividnabi tiftrn cct lunifl li'ira aiul come greatly incapacitated. As far as the water privi leges, aro rmrenied, the diuki . fbongh fond of bathing, will grow as well and as fdJrt with only watt r lo drink as if it bad tbe whole sea at its dbprwaj; but of cenrse, to keep clean and to appear at Tho rumn CablMca. While mnrkct ganbniTS are finding lato cabbage sold too clieaply lo allow thcul any profit this tkie init appear to be tbe fact with farmers who. have cheaper lanci Says American Cultivator, Her is tlio explanation given by tbe authority n-ferred tot Tlie exceas of fertility in tbe market garden dors not count for irrowiug latd its Ut in a natural eli-mcnt, I he duck r.htnm. . tlu, Im-wI. have tn V tnrm-A requires a pond or other fair sUed body -Ho iaordrrtrTirvveirt tlw-m from and the only proof that they're : not "fj "pants is the a.trrr your pocket.. .t ' - " " - . FO SALE BT ' ::noA stors CO., "raham, n.C. players were astonished to see tho I crow alight near than, Cisiuino first one ball and then tho other, cven . tually rt-jecting the older ball and I flying away with tho new one in his beak. Tho crow took the ball over into some murthy ground beyond I the boundary of the links, where tbo j ceddio in hot pursuit could not fed i low him. Tho bird dropped the ball fores instant, looked sideways with lance uiwnn a larm ana a marxet oet penda mora on the nature of tbe road' connecting tbrra than on tbe number cf tailes sr-parating them. -Wheeling -Kegister. of water. As lo breed of darks, there are many, all bitrrraluur, ritia from ornamental or practical at midpoints or from both points of view Rouen, Peking, Cayuga, Ayksbcry, (te. Tbe Bonca ia the moat beautiful of these, but by common coa aeut the Pi king is tbo mewt practiraL Tbe Peking ia tbe great dock fbusr fcraa, UranHc it bas received especial at Iculicu iu this diruction. Ithasbeoi Lrrd for many decades to prod ore the most flesh and to tuaka tbe brat appear ance when dreaard. Tbe Peking la well known. Tbe rommonrat marks of im pcrity to be focad ia many flockson tbe farm and clMewbcre are very white, showy plumage and light flonh colorrxl splitting. Any good corn laud with a dressing of manure will be rich enough for tbe lata cabbage crop.. The aerrft is iu mauurintr and plowing tlie land early, and then tlmrougbly working it until Ibelastcf June or first of July, when tbe rabUig" is to be planted. This fills the soil foil of plant food, and the plants will grow better at firat than will thnae of the markrt gardener following some " early cro?. Four tboumnd bead of cab bage prr arm, at t vt I eents a bead, make a retarn larger tbaa turmt farmers l,tt froc; an acre by average f ana cropc Deep 8jiings Farm, Rockingham County,. N. C, Mar. 1G, 189G. Mess. C. C. Townscnd & Co., Burlington, N. C. . uenticmcn: i am very much pleased with "Clark's Cutaway Har row" I purchased of viu this winter., I hav put in all my oats with it, and o.i the s.ime land that was tbrnejt: jkjflt. . s'Omnier, . with perfoot satis -fnc'ion. I Iwve other improved farm inipietnenbi. Mower, Rake, Reaper, liin k-r, etc., and I regard my cutaway harrow aa Hite, an implement a I Iwve. Vtry truly, T. B. LINDSAY. Tho aliovo testimonial speaks for itself. We bought a solid ear load of these harrows. Price complete $20.00 one price to all. No up to data farmer can afford to be without this tool. . , 1,000 sacks corn and tohftran fertilizers at prices 10c to 85c per sack less than trther dealers ask for the same goods. Home agents wonder why wo-piitt sell it so lowi : ;- - We have the agency for tlie tiest mskes of l.ugies, surreys1 and phao tons solil in this section and prices are lower than wer known bo.oro. Hare over 3 car loads in strs k to acltvt fmin. ! Big s oek of Hyracuso Chilled I'lows and castiiwrs. Our sales are in.. creasing daily on these plows. ' . . ' We defy conijwHiion nn all lines we bandlo, and pay more freight than any uuirr romii nicn iiuill in AutmanCC COltlliy. Clonic to Burlinglon and hsk at our stork. - A'e i you. 1 ours bir low prices," C. C T0WX4EXD A CO., ' ' ' ' Burlington, N. C. i ara sure we can please Tliis u 3 1 Stiswaerrlaa la ftral Kmw Tavk. On Otrrya naruty's very stooy tip !anda Deder wood is lhe brut early and ,j .u . iv. ti i -' -r... aaraniacc oi von. voa mar nreutt th udtwrtMraiMt .ft.. tcated. Mary, tbeflueat berry grown iu I u a. ! ' u" . " " "' AwriteVia tbe Davenport (Lv) LtmA- 1 a merry twinkle in bie eye, as much " sdvocates burned clay aa a toad ma-f aa taur. "Dun t von ts kh von mar i "rs that be bas aeea a rail- I get it i ticked the bail op again. istie of tbe Aylesbury. The granine Peking baa a strong creamy tint of . tcatbtr and a very derp yellow bill. , and. With offensive aasnrasce, flew back over the heads of tbe players to hia haunt in Hew gardens. Los '.on Golf. tM trade "banatod' with tbe clayl situ ply pmt on like asbes, and. tbe war- face was so bard that it wss impossible to force one's boe I into it It seema, be adds, a sharpie solution of tbe toad tertal probhsa, good and cheap. - - ' j Gravel aroond tbe pool try booae ia an Important factor. It keeps tbe yard dry. If gravel ia 'not convenient, sand will answer tbe purpose pretty .well, tlome tbiog abould be Bard for at least tea fret distant cn tbe sooth side of the bona, to prevent the ground from get ticg msddy. . . ... f tome sectiens of tbe enattry, is a f Jil ere here. Tbeaaaie may beau id ot Tiia br.IL and Atlantic ia a failure with tbe ordinary grower, although fine with some. Ifaraball is te be recommended, bet tbe early bloanotna are frequently destroyed by frost Willi&i B. It U a sort te krrp tbe eye on e lowly, as, tboagb not yet saocb tested, it srenis likely to prove a leader, writes a cob triHitos toAjaetlcaa Agricultoriat. .' We wish to become' ;pcrsonaIIy acquainted with every mar' young and old, who buys bis clothes in Greensboro. Wt art in, the clothing b jsincss and must have your support if w succeed. We are confident that if you will efve us a trial we will make a. customer of you. t)ur expenses are small, our stock: t new, we make no bad debts, wedo business on our own capital, hene wc GOODS FOIt LESS MOEX than any other house not similarly sittsaH-rl As. s means of adf rertising, and to induce you to given a, c.aj, yrSJU. ' Give You a 5 per cent. Discount on any purchase you make of na 5 prev;dicdj jon. preesit His ad vertisement. In order to nruxe to yoa that we will not talc - . - ' . . yoa nva have made your purthsay MATTIIEVS, CllISilbLn fl STiTOUD, - - : : , ; Loading Low-Priced Clothiera LockOJox -117, . GREENSBORO. N m,9VE? t-Juhn V!s Crawford, J.hn E-EXaw, TT3 If. Ree- . . , WILL II. -5UTTIIEWS, Ma'n's

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