KEEP YOUR.EYES OPEfiS! Barely if th$ word REGULATOR is not on a package ' ' it Liver Regulator. Tsbthing else is thesaipe. been put up by And it-can be easily , told by their Trad MA THE RED 2. H,tV ' P EOPESSIONAL CARDS. 1 ; - - ,v -- ' J "i' 'T A- V M LiLfilOr,. Hractlces In tee Slate and Federal courts. Once over White, Moore & Co.'s store. Main Street. 'PhonaMu. . , fi ! dr. ixi,i2ioii,K. : AttorneY-at-Lfa,w, 11 "Standing one 'day in atxrantry Un J , , , o jH t J - Y8toK" Sid traveler. "J fawprve GWHAM (i jf J.J NC I tpV traveling Sealer who carried ATfORNEX AT LAW ...VJjvajgoi was big and heavy, but the GRAHAMS rT N. (j :w; DKUM, J. , JJYNtTM & BYNUM, .tiorneya and Counselors at Lmw Practice reufdlarly In inanca county. the courts oJ 41 Au. i, W ly. DR. WSr I0NG, JR j . DENTIST, , - "(GRAHAM, N.:C. Oflice in'estal iuildrng. tmice boara : o ai m.- to 4 p .m. Liver? , Salete Feed TABlE8. Wfi TVfnni?T? PnftP'i? v riMiiiH w 7, v . . . . ' -.r '-' " . 1 Tl?!liV i iFvvxftl "Vn7 uiimj iimt L PEAOTIOAL TIMER, , d A i-i a -h i - - m r - i " y JZ. " ' ! M-'1' ' i "' '' ' r ' :- ' Aujcuiof tn woijt anre-,, pairing, ,; K ; ; i ' . -ShAp,:on vWi lm St., cbud doorrom Bain & Thompson's.1 ,Dec.J,tf. ARE YOU UP r TO JJATE M II If yoiM Arc; not : the News(" and Oberteh ig.! '-Subscribe for it at once 4Tid it will keep yda abreast ofthetimes-'';' y:'., Fuir Assoei ated Press d jspatchr es. ; All the'', pe vys-rfprfiigado-rAestic, .'national, state and local all theitirne..ii .' :a..i ,t ; , i i Daily. News and ; Observer $T , per year, $3.50 for 6 mos. Weekly North : Carolinian 1 per year, 50c lor 6 mos. NEWS, & OBSERVER PUB. CO., 'i Ralhigh, N. C. . The North Carolinian and Thk Alakaxcr Gleaner will . be sent f)rr one year for Two Dollar, i Cah fn advance. Apply at The G leaxeb office, Graham. K. C . , j. j i - - There's Money la Tear Packet Wfeea ' Yea Bay a Pair a . I They are an yeaM aspect for if. ' WkM Mpld wilk Law Prtea FloisMCIrUrtol. Ftt ami Mjt ' an tugtiymat motm aaatJ yea akpKt ' FOR SALE BY -1 ONEIDA STORE CO., Graham, M. C. lr a nrrn DU mCrl Witjranftlnlc tmillLU nil IWa-rtof wf.omu r-int r eaaevtl foten jrwrhleas ; thrr day "l ,vN A CO., hntpot AttC7H-r. VtaatiaUB, l. tt limit piia. eiir. Hrf . - PHIS : . . . . is not It cannot be and never' has any one except ' r 7tH 'mauietic: hammer; : 1 Traveler'a Tale of an Uncommon Epl aode In Country Store. l TJ Tiis Stock with him, his turnout be- mg of a bind more commonly Been, years ugo than now",' in these days 6f easier railroad communication and more freouent drummers. : The body hung gracefully on platform I LI El & 00. feprings, the rear hanging a little . sion. - After a deal of persuasion I lower than tho forward endr-lThepwa allowed to enter as a student at running part was stout, but well de- eigned and- flaifAeprf Thf fbodf of tho wgtn vff nte a long, deep box,' the top being fixed and permanent. For a space of, . perhaps three feet forward from, the, rear end I the body was built up a. little higher, : Vitb d vertical face at the front, down to the roof. It was as though the rear end of the wagon had been carried up a low story higher than J fherest. Midway fcfctwen the, face S! IMS oignfrvjreiuhpa; una me- driver's seat there was another high er section -extending ..across the rpof - from side to fide, but narrow. , r. , M t 'The sides of tho wagon body were paneled off. The moldings marked tho spaces into which the interior vm divided, and .access to the eona- pnrtmenW waa: hiidfiy doorn ifyo pities aflonh'e'nffi . The sent at the torward end of the wagon was capa cious nd qpjnqrtble, .aj)d there ivHti Over it a substantial leather top that would, keep out any weather. .'lAttached td'thia Wagon there was a pair of big, good looking, well fed ' 1)01608 ltct fouW haul jt anywhere. J!okaltalLiogaw 4but ad n.lfl11 2cgiee.of rakinhnets It was cn outfit such fls any man migtit .reasonably bo proud of. ; , "I don't rctr.eniber what he was ,erilEr?. but it was something packed in boxes. lie brought in a sumple he as a rather tall man, with a benrd, with n good hunt oled eye and a quiet menner and the merchant bbught ccirie. Then he went out to his wugon again and broiight in the goods, and he brought with bim d Cfcrdbor.rd placard which evidently he intended to; put up in the store.', T "Bisltg in the center of the store was a large; square wooden pillcr BUpporticg overhead' a'-big "cross beam, upon whicb.I suppoee, the in kier ends of the floor beams rested. . Whoa be had laid the goods down on f the counter, he1 picked up the card thot ho had brought in With them and turned -toward the square pillar 14 the center of: tho store. " Be had located it when be come in, or I guess Le knew it He and the store keeper, didn't talk very much, but I thought they teemed to know each other. No doubt be bad been there Ixtfnrn . '. ..... . .' . ' " VV VI- "The big; square post was covered with just such i cards as he bad brought in, tacked ' on all over, all around as high as a man could reach, and I couldn't see where he was go ing to get his Card in, but ho walked over to .the post just as though there were plenty of roomtfaere. He took paper of - tacks out of his pocket and sifted out four inta the palm of his left band and then put them into bis mouth. - Then bo placed hia pla card against the aide of the post and pushed it up until the bottom of itwajrclcarof the top of the high .t card on that side, .He could do this because ho was pretty talL and be was bimply holding on to his card at the bottom.' But I couldn't see yet how he was going to reach up to ' tack it at tho top. .--, ? ' j Eut lie trued it up on the face of . the post with i both hands calmly, and then, holding it with one hand, bo rwteLcd into bin outside coat pock et for Jn's hammer. It was just a mall tack Lain ru or with Jmther a long bantllo. Ho carried the bead of the hammer up to his mouth, and , ffeen Le withdrew it there was a Aack rtkkinff to the face Tbo bend of Ice haunter was magnetiz ed, and the smooth, fiat top of : tho hoKl ot the tack stuck to its face, the ! raint t rtii.-rtiiiif in line with the 1 j hamcier's bca-.l, . AJ1 be bad to do was to reafh up. Y."i:h a single tap bo drove fue tack through the card ' at one corner away up at the top casilv. TTu-n bedrovealackthrooglj the other cpiT corner, in the tame wjth the bronzo colored Lair and Co then beu-oveinacoo'Hny bell ears. J pie of ticks at V:.c NHtom and drop- j tped the hammer In his f'ockct, Then .' If . . t , J - .. HO w;ut out f.n ra bib uu tvew Itus ttxrut aurgvry anu oxu acJ divvu .C"-i:r Voik 'wl T tiae lhan Iu July. "7 "7 - " "7 " :". - tJ. - "l i-c-t tpui U yod at IiohU- A WdOD BIRO'S WHIM. 'Mi. 1 tloUpw of a dead man's breast, In a might; wood. . , Bore' a plaoo to uuAo a Host : And to warm a tirood. feora thronfrh tts caressing Tinea, - .. Honey heavy, flit v I " Ever; sar pf God that shines ti ; Boe tne way lo It. . bada which at thi-lr beauty bltwh . ! ri Weep theirdewn oat bore,"" ' ' ' j I ' . ". ' And the make I pray you, hush I I ; . . Bomeihing slides anoar. .. Wro be poot he to whom , . All these things have paid ' Bovoivut rites in snored (fluom, ' Loving, not afraid? e was poet. What dark whim ' J" ijt ,7' BothlJieart.toft-ingt " . s . X J -t)h, lheog thowoHl-d him " Mow the wild bird idnfrsl r - . , -tiaroh Piatt in Century. MRS. PARSONS, M. D. Thero'arl so -many fools fa the world aj do?nojr min4 cynfessiflg" thtft T was one of . them for a few dismal years, not 6ne of thecoin placont, happy ones either. ,i n 1 To begin with, J took up medicine comparatively late in life. They had made ah , architect of t me, but I fur, - soon found myself kicking vigor ously against that honorable profes- Bart's and for two years worked hard. j 1 Ui 1 1 1 M - 1 i . I read a good deal at the British museum, like other fellows, from the 8th of August, 168, Always at the B 11 seat. ."X'T" ' Why, you ask, always at that placet ;!:; . . . fi ' 1 J-;--: Well, because it was on that date f the most" charming little woman I ever saw fiKStxsame and occupied the Beatmaj-kedB J2. Ihoped" ehe wQuld tecp to tliat seat, and so she did. The pile of books she used daily staggered me, and 'of course it would have- boon troublesome to alter tho indications on all her ref erence slips if she had changed or been ousted from B 12. ""From the Btb. of Augustfls it was gchar'ally ar'toss up iyhich of" us was the first render to appear in the reading room..,. The assistants often .miled.;vK- 4 :t' Her name was Bolla Wliitcomba I learned that very soon.. An official left one of her slips on my table by mistake. She had asked for Strauss' famous "Lecture on Cardiao Trou bles," aud the elip cnnie to mo marked "In use."- I had, the groat- ' est pleasure in the world in return- lng the slip to her with a snulo. Then she smiled back at me with those sweet, brown eyes of hers and remarked: "What a nuisancol I did so want it" , After this we often exchanged wards, trivial words.' Any pretext was good enough for me that pro cure j tne a glance or a emilofrcm her. ....;'..., . i I did not get on at all with studies. If I bnd not been a fool from tho professional point of view, I should have . bolted to tho V or Y part of the room, , But I bad come to the conviction that it was moro enjoy able to fail in my exams pnd eeo Bella evei-y day than paua wilh dis-. tinction ct the cost ' of severance I from her f !;."';' " ', "' -y- BliHKinJL, lazy, heartbreaking, anx ious hotirH, day after day from half past 0 until 3, with (in interval of three quarters of an hour for lunch. Bella was brought to the museum every morning by a maid. Tho maid took her oil for luuch. and the maid Was always ' waiting among the pigeons UEder the portico from live minutes to 3 in the afternoon. There was no getting lid of that precious'abominable domestic. .- When we bad known each other a 'month, 1 proposed (it was a wild, foolish thing to do) to accompany her toward Bayswnter on an omni bus. The maid wu to go inside, she and 1 outside, but it was no go. "My father wouldn't like, it, Mr. MarraLlo," she Mid, with a sym pathetic smila ; : ,-. 1 tried whispering conversations abont the weather, textbookit, exams and so oti. But. to say nothing of the frowns I raised on other studi ous face and a formal protest from the on his iLnj&e in tbo mkldlo of. the room, Bella did not greatly encourage Die. "I am here to work, she wrote on a slip at one time and punned this toward iue.-,. . ! . ... . - ' It will hardly Le credited. Lot I ostentatiously put that Klin to mr lipn and then folded it and placed it j in my watch pocket, tbo Leait jock- et. How she looked at me when I did this I An ordinary girl would have rifrclcd. She did not ciccle. tnd thenceforward her tuiiU rat not rmite what they had Lecn. llie ' tensive (eriouncj in tLcm. bow- -j - . - . . ever, maie ber nn;re ana more accr : to me. Even when, for a joke, 1 , j lucer x I known ' recommended hr to ai-k for on "A3io.lder Bbulea." well lmmlitr. ahfl onlv five me a little retrroTiog cod of fcer rmry Load, it went on until Xoveraber. , Len I cotd J Lear it no longer. I . . . . ,. on,V I whispered to her that morn ing. My face impressed her; Be sides there was another reason why she should assent. . . We came out among the Egyptian tombs, mummies and things. I told her she was everything to me life, blood, ambition, happiness aud, as Was right, she believed mo. Better Etilly she admitted that I was much to her, ":M - "But, Philip," she added (I was holding her hand ; we had wandered into a Greek statuary room, where there was no soul else), "it must all depend upon my futherIf you sat isfy him, I shall bo a very hdppy girl." The Greek statues had, I dare say, seen a great many people kiss each other 2.0C0 or 8,000 years. ago, but they never saw a more earnest ex change of such tokens of affection than ours. ., r "Tomorrbwdear',"said Bella, "at ll o'clock would be the best time for him.." . '- ', An oxciting but felicitous evening followed, unmarred by my sister's seoff at the idea of my marrying a medicine woman; bo she termed my Bella. ' ; - . . . , ' . But "when 1 was at Bella's father's door I did net feel happy. What were my prospects! I hud tlOO ft lyoar of my own; nothing else. Of all things, too, Professor Whit combe was a teacher of philosophy. It is jnHt those men who are so con cerned with ideals that look so tre mendously sharp after : the down right material good things of this life. The gentleman disconcerted , me from the outset by his formal man ners and his blue glasses. . Up went his eyebrows whon I told him what I wanted. Still he heard me to tho end. Only when I had exhausted all my powers of asseveration about tho great things I could and would da with Bella engaged to mo did he cough and pass sentence. ( ''I never in my life, Mr. " (glancing at my card) "Marribono, heard anything more Hbsurd or im practicable than your proposition. I have nothing mora to say. Good morning." When I was outside, I held my senses just sufficiently to rush back to Great EiiKsell street. Borne one else got my seat, of course, a hulk ing, raw young Scotsman, also a Bart's man. I waited, however, till lunobtinie and then told her alL . "Poor Phil!" said she. "I I'm afruid it is nil over I" We are ftguin among the Greek gods and goddenses. Sue cried gen tly as bLo spoke. "But you love ino?" I asked in a boiling rago against fate. '"Yes, I love you," fcaid she chok ingly. ; " Wry well, then ; I shall win you yet. Bella, always love mo, and things will right themselves." The kits we then exchanged seem ed our Inst, for, though I saw her in the oftcrnocn, she never again. up peared in the rending room. I wrote to her end received one letter in reply as follows Mt Veiit DrAH rmi-fat ftnllda n.a to corre!!nd with ton In any way, und I meet, alas, obey hint. Ii-ea mily reptot what yon know. oo are iivhi im-d in n:y btart. Let na Erey lljit ilia future iiiny be u li,I.tT Ivr oa Dth. Yonr fund hllAA.. Bweet, sweet letter, in spite of the despair it indicated I Jror the ciwuicg fortnight I was like cue let eft of half his censes. ' I tried to work, could cot and ran down in htmltb ct a gallop. '1 learned that Profewor Wbit coml e was a cold hearted, scheming monKter. . He worshifd rank and money, though he taught the pur suit of tho noble, the true and the beautiful. Hypocrite! It was plain I had nothing to hope for from bim. Their try fatbercon:pelledTi;e to boo our doctor he end they all were so alarmed ut my personal apear ane7 1'lus a cough. - The uphhot wus that in mid De cember I wan in the bay of Biscay, hound fcr A null alia. Itwoaihyonly cuanco, aiu u.o uociur. 110 lime 1 kntrw. One word from that phihMO j her fellow, end I would Lave been a Hercules in live minutes. However, the Rubicon was passed. I had written "goodby" to Bella and received no auawer. e - a a Landing at Melbourne, I at once made arrangciuenU for going up country to I res lit ceituin k-ttcrsto ctttie owner. Air. urani, among wboe acres arid qnudriru-d I was BrnxMol to Lave tbo Ut pciLlo chance of revaluing health. : And Lore I k ttbidi down.' It was ks than 15 months after- ward that I rtweivwl an awful nolo from lidfcaxor V LitromLe iufunn. lug ma that Lia daughter was mar 1 , 1,." : 1 ni u.atiugiiiwii cuiiraguv id every war able to lnmni b. r bappi- 1 bad acfuirtI tbaebabitof indiwtry nttAt." Tlt was l.i.w bo put it lfore he went to cuUefp awl that 1 fc was further rerjntstrj to ace both . ie 1)aij way through Cambridge j tbo abrirrdity and ioirToprl.fty of conynuntg to attiirtwa i-.-turstoiieiia mi her father's bone. j Myownprj!ccoc2rrocdtheraif .erable news. They dhln't know the . particulars, I ut -. tlty bad ' aoeu Bella's nanie in The Timita. I Oi.ce more I bad a fit of raving, Lwt ii, aud lucu 1 ttt ti work to make money, the only aim ttiat seemed loft to me. ;7 , . , .7.( Undt-r advice from Mr. Grant. I had already bought a good block of land. I now prepared to stock it , : In tbree years I was worth $10, 000, and scant joy the knowledge afforded me. . Tliis, however; was nothing tol what happened inj tho fourth .year. Gold was discovered nil along out line of country, and an expert I had told me I was a millionaire. So it proved. After a vast deal of excite ment I cleared out of the country fabulously rich, considering my an tecedents. 7 '-- ,:. ... 7 : But, though rich, rvosn't happy, being one of those follows, some times enviable and sometimes to be pitied, who, having once dosirod a thing, nre nevor happy until they have got it. ; , . ' , Moreover, my heart ' bad -; gone, wrong, what with the excitement fund 'HyraTher rackety, desperatd way of living latterly. '7.7 The first thing I did in town after greeting the old folk was to consult old Jensen of Bart's. To my dis may, he agreed that my heart was really very wrong. ' "What has done it!" ho asked. 'J Disappointment," I replied care-( lessly as my thoughts recurred to BeUa. 7, l7'7"' 77 ; "By the way' he added, "there's a downright clever woman specialist 1 would strongly advise you to Boo.", ft.. - A, 1. t,1 jtf xou say, mat, x excutiineu, uu tonished, for tho dour old chap knew all about my other case and also had in the old time expressed his con tempt for tho fair sex as medicine women. 7 7 "I mean it. Marrable, I seriously assure you," he replied, with a cu rious little cough. "She's written a romarkable little monogruph. Hero, I have it by me." He showed it to mo, and a brief glance proved that the writer at least know her subject. "Mrs. B. Parsons, M. D.," was her no mo. Then with a shrug I promised Jensen I would sco the lady. Heav en bless tho old chapt And what ex cellent lm:k it was, my thinking to go to him for advice 1 I was inwardly somewhat amused the next morning when I called iu Hurley street and joined a couple of demure middle aged females in Dr. Parsons' waiting room. In less than half an hour I was something infinitely better ' than ainUHcd.7. ' - "Be so good as to step this way, sir," said the man, and I and my card entered Bella's sanctum togeth er. "Bella I" I cried, and "Philipf cried she, and wo wcro in each oth er's arms before tho amazed servant cleared out of tho room. ' It was a tremendous meeting, and minutes passed before I recovered my snuity. Then, with a fresh prick at that troubled heart of mine, I ex claimed: "But your husband I Good gra cious, what have I done!"1 ' "Ho Is dead," the said. "It was a wretched buHinerU My father is miud on it, and there seemed nothing for it but to make him happy, seeing that I could not" .- "Could not what, Bella V" "Could not muke you bolievo that you were happy," sho said thyly. "And yonr father t Ob, but never mind now, I'm a Crousus, positively rolling in mow y that ia to say (for I was conscious of my tnounneua), 1 Lope he is well, my dulling." "No, rhilip; he. too, is dead." I am sorry to say that the news did not grieve me. . ' Then I started and told Bella ev erything, aud afterward hho told 1110 everything. By tho time tbut we bad dune with our respective his tories the morning was far spent "And now, dcurex't, , you must prescrite for me," I said, and I re lated my symptoms. . . But she thowed such n sweetly gravo face at my words that 1 shuf fled out of tho rolo of patient back into that of lover. "At any rate, my Bella, you will now be my life's physician t" I ask ed. And so she is. We study each oth er's heart that is the main basi ncssof our two lives. Nor am I nearly as Imd a subject as old Jewten made out when be sent me where be believed and fully Lotd I should. End my cure. CossoH's Batnrday I Journal A Ufa of l.autir. The life of the late llevt Cobbam Brewer wm a monument to pains-" taking industry. He was 62 when be tinio'uud compiling the List edi- . li-! - .i moat remarkable thing was that be '. w ith Lis im and had 1M) left on cunuauccemcnt day. ' Tmor Doaslaa "Charleywhy is that Miss Billy always dragging ber poodle arounJi with bert" - "Bocause the pup can't break the chain." LHiUoit lUm PnmmfrB tka of Wa bulky "Dictionary 6r7(:ljf Ot,e Minute (Wh Cure i Phrase and I'MtC" But perbar the , ad will what it f Absolutely Puro-i and hoallbfiiliit'iia, JS Hanren tlie food iwuliiHt alm and all f.iiius of adultemtloii cominon to the chwip btnnds. U0YA1. UAKllSU fOW i)EaCO,,hW.york.,..r ,.,,;;.,-,,-..,:! 4 Prescriptions Accurately Compounded At all hours. uiiiaf;-? lite, r 1 : I F.. llfilit & Co. -We wish to become personally' 'acquaintccj witbrVerjr man,', young and old, who buys his clothes. . b. Greensboro. We are in the clothing business and must have your support' if we sqeceed." 7 We are confident that if you will give us a trial we will make ,a' J'" customer of you. Our expenses muke no bad debts, we do business on otir own capital, hence we can sell you ' . ,( -': , GOODS FOR LESS MONEY than any other house not similarly situated. . As a means 6 ad- 'v vertsing, anrTto iirduce yoa ttf jUive" us ffcall We wfll , ; s ;. ., ' filvo Ynn n. Ti nrm APtit, llismnnt h- in ml on any purchase you make of ps ; .!..' . . . . vcriiscincni.. jh urocrio prove 10 you inai wc win not, ihkc any ., advantage of you, you may present the advertisement ' after you ' have made your purchuse. HATTHEW3, CHlSttOLn & STROUD, Leading Low Lock Box I 1 7, Salesmkx John Crawfofd, John E.Shaw, Will II. Rce. . WILL H. MATTHEWS. Mariagrr; Tatter, flalt-Tthnuin and ICezema. " The intense ifa-hing and smartinir, loci dootkthfMrUvaun, iainstantlvallayer' by umlylnif C'bambetbvin's Eye' an'' Skin Ointint'Dt. Unnjr very bail case have boon purrnfinmilly currd by it. I' is rqnally elDei'-ntfor itchlD)f piles am' a favorite remedy for tor nipple, clmpptd h-inds. chflblalns, front Mte and ciirotiio or eyes. 85 eta. yer box. Pr. fair's Condition rowders, art just whr-t s berw when In bar) condition. Tor.lo, Moud pnriSer aJi? vo;cilfnc. . Tli-r are not food bat med!cln and the Wt in use to pnt s bonw in prima condition. Price 23 otnU per packaire. For tale by T. A. Albright & Co. Mr. William I'uHiam, sgnl 90 year, nud ('apt Henry I'rwnell, atied l-'l, lotli l-itixciic of Marion, died Fridav -morning a week. They were Uih cariicjilers anJ residentr of Marion. - - . . 1-1 . .. v .ll. it iimv ilfVi'lun aitir 111 iuiwim - Mitn a -i-i.u.. diliicultv Uyond re- - - - iu,,.lica. Siiiiiuoua the Drug- iiA 1 ' rintendent IIwie, of the Un on t ouiity chain pnng, who wjk cUxnifl w ith caiL-ing tlw iieain 01 a coi.vtct bv lienling him. but who was extHH-r-.tO'l by the conmer's jury, was ubriuentiy nrnfted for inur Ijiin t nfjriect a cotijjn tecoue mt j instantly relieved. : by the same? weutiier m p!t3allt ; Ufre the m-xt .remedy. Simmons the Druggist.- -. "der oh a warntnt jworn ou oy tu I .Ifl nnui's brother. He was dm- cUrgixl aAcr a preliminary Lvariiig., Durintr the storm' at V.lU'm Fridnv a tfelc lightning struck, the, depot, . tearing 'Off the top. ,of Jlie -ehlmneyi l,aj?cioiof;toiifwl M M .it should be made , a matter of publiC'knowlctfse... that, DeWitt's VVitrhf HnTr.l' Ho trtll wtuAn cure piU3 of the longest standing,, f it -is, the . housbtiold rovotite for r burns, , scalds,, tputs, bruitsesj an j sores of all "kinds; Siinmons the., PraggJsC j'Wt? ;.;r ' t Mockvilie Times: ellie ojeroney h an old. colored woioaii of.thifli Jlace ; fell froin tho second story window of -her home one night last week and i broke Ixitj of her. legs.-, .fibe w . icr anu uui 01 iipr ueau bhu . it Is tho'dulit'lhat'shegot out of her W1 and walked onf of the ojxrti ' wiudow),. . Li, .., ... t, f ,', ,ti Jit P' ' 47 Teachers, 413gtadentu, (Sum mer School Total. 540, Boanl 98 n month, 3" Brief Courses, 3 Full Courses, Jaw and ' Medical Schools and School of Phannacy. - Graduate , Courses open to Women, , Sunimee ; School" for Teachers'. , Scholarships. aiid Jjbaris for the Needy, , . s r. .,-.: Address; ''' m "; r 7r r PttEBIDEKT ALDEKSAk" '''' June 10-6t. Chapel Hill, N. 0' ADMINISTR T0R'S' NOTICE I ' ' letters oradrolnstratlonhatttltr bean IsraeS - ' til tbo - undorxlKiieil, uiion .the aetata . f . Klltabeth bnlpos. dee'il, be hrireby Sottnes all perKons lndelitud to said eatata to make m-u . inediato -navmnnr. mn all iu.rac.h hnMi oiaims aaulnat said eatate tn preMnt taairi Wanted-An Ideals? Write JOHK WttODKflMITRM a l KZmI .lion r-rjm, wunuiKinn, u, iiw ,nr aiie arise aw. mmm uhw When yori wap't. 'a nice ! bnir-cut' ... or shave, sill frtk ifiW ; My ' shop. ,lf" 7. at the southeast corner of Court y 14 House Square. r ; , s 7 - .1 C" , i Ellis, HttARflAVaV "v t a 7T-'.?i fit are sniall. our stock is all new' we : -. ' .'..'I .a1. provided yba present this ad- . .. tii 'iriix, 1:1 : . : '." - Priced Clothiers, GREENSBORO. N. C. The Sun says Joseph BamforrT, jr., ofPalterHon, N. J., wnsinFalis-" bury a few day ago looking over the town wilh a view to cstabhshtng A bilk uiilL , . i . Sick headache con be quickly and completely overcome by Using those ' famous little pills known as 'De-' v "i Witt's Little Early llisers.'' . Bim' r u.ons the Drujgjist. . , . u The Observer says Drsl'' Irtrirf, Mimenheinier, Gibbon and Wake " field are t establish a pay hospital in Charlotte to bo known as the -Charlotte Medical and Surgical ln-7 salute. " ' ' ' ' y - Not only piles of the Tery worsl 7 kind ran be cured by DeWitt's ' Witch Hazel Salve, - but ,-ecjema,' Ids bums, bi uiaes, bojla,. ulcers' ml all othtr tk i r lnnil.1, . :. w Judgp-fftmnnton, of the United1 States circuit court, has n affirmed his decree in the ce of the Farm ers' Loan!' and 'Trust Company of" New York aainxt the One Fexrsml Yadkin Valley I'ailn ad Company, et al.- This decision is that (he rail road shall be sold as a whole and! r"t in diviiioni. as cou tended by the pUintius. 7 Why anil yna boy Miter nmuarattn rr-) vim Urmrm t TMMM (.hill Taair . " plMwm mi Laana Syren. Tourararll-s waira H Uiis i ustaeara. mee i o.i, 1 ) 1 i mi bit 1 tin .1 MM I A A.

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