Ml -'.A. a.;::-1'! I..--"-'- - -- ' ' ' Z Z -p - ' 'Vr' j! -.Av.t. ,;r .U .. i i-aV I " n .Tt.'M-Tr m- .a.. iTiffrMn rr -S ', 11. II iiii ri i nin nay s 7 i j $ . .'. t -f .') 1 ' i .1.1- to . . . ' ' '. 1 i i ..; ;.i ; o-.m f i I f Ay theit RED 2. JACOII t a iThe looo is found in all the north era states. It is a very awkward lru .on una, put a Kxnoaful m tut seiar, Practfoai in the State atid Feriamt toourta. bmoa o f. Uoor Uow'i store; Main ..: Stmt. ' "one 2 A . l. JInoijik, , jn.T AT LA Wm . -if 7 r CRAFC'v - - N. C. -. Job l iat'Svsok ,w. . Waw U ktoft SaiHai (tnUTSIM ADUCMll, ..'t It U )1 A'4L4j4T Tql I Iboee wlio aiiore and art aware Ut8 inflrmity abd wink to t H1 F Bimi a taffgrttd rottmd rail i ' II f , f VSS-i-7i,m1 I of It we wouU Ddriiinerij tUa foikh ! ir : t T!:Jrc6 ir tw tnannela la The paramount ; impresftlUil r- MlBliig on on" mind after bavfna f w d ihm traVela ta going fe ttti tilMi Anaaiiia, fa tlMttt jM lv jsnnfelr, the ,oae aba tbe wj, ; go trwr! tbi Mmir grtaaxMt teouth.- Tbea, two- paaeag imita again .tontMrowtkere wotild lway 1 1$ a common cavity, and from that feathered which to look forward, ,f a;afMk faigof the time before the covntrjf was derastated by the Knrds. When an Englishman appeared upon the scene, very one Turks, Kurds) Apaenlnna, dei yiwi saw sucF wIUinKness to Ruide and direct a stranger in my life. But it seldom took a mor" practical form: Haying dee every thing, is theory, thai was necessary, the Turk or Kurd or devil worshiue went hack table s jani ana cons :ljtkAqfoteruJKly I J i or V v I Prcllc4 niuKeo iicl (,imi hor tit lw . . - i ! GRKES .ttBO, K. C. raeuliu y ! the era creature can div an fnv beneath the surface or remain ao Jong, aime under,Vatvf jfpecir nen was once lound attached to the hook of a fisherman's set line in Beneca lake, it having dived nearly I gry, I would pull up : 10e et!eflcithe'!Wirt J'W ffefed' a'mwlffand'asksofhi And there remains in my mind to this day the sense of deep injury and Tivid aonpyanqe whqU, IMdo -peri en ce when, toward the end of long ride, weary, travel sore, hun: yapojogyfc staiwarttrioub- pc ' t there is but one tubto. leadins U 1 lung. There la bonat called tl t-rd Iralatoi which forms Um t$U of the moiiia and 4h& Joqe. of the nose, separaiiug these two air channels from each other. At the qet. posterior end of the bone 1 Ittie body ctilMihe soft palate, made of muscle and -covered with a delicate' skin. This soft palate is attached at one end to the hard pal- flt& ; The other end hangs loose and moves or laps in the act of liroath- like a window cur upon; by a current ing; MMnething li taiftvw)itfnU.cted on lizards, fish, frogs, all kinds of taineer how far It waJ'tlrt( village aquatic insects and therootsof fresh whereI intended to pass the night: water plants, omiaUy-BWBllgftlflg Ks' would Tllalialy assure me that it aey and a& fnnl. surea DRfllvvG. uonc.jjr:.' 'y jBAIJ My ts. CL i Vestal i udinn. Oflice jUrs l tm to 4 p VtOServfSlt is a veryJawge ids its wings Xully-ft feet It builds its nest in marshes, near wa. .L' ofjitqsheai and 3 grwhic It Aa&,iH3u wwaaogeiaer nuge aeapon (t pie .griMV J,U6uaJly).awng1 wl reeds. The eggs, usually three in number, are a little over 3 inches long and in color of a duH-greenMr Office " STABCbS wn !" bcher, with-indistinct sputa of dart bird lives jhivt the seashore, etipe , tiaUy,ln7 the) saltv marshes .or the .Ivong,, llanJ .jnst, nud.Mong j tbe hof cs of the Chl-sapcake, but in the summer it goes as far north as Maine and -breeds there in great "i . k. i itiuine ana -ureeus mere in creai i ' " uiiii u 1 I rrwpcr Pictnni FnunM, : Artist I want to got a frame for n rlttaafcta'.icftr? I'ttajus. J painted. I . Picturo, Dcoler Cortninly, sir. WybnrWn-use'" . Artist Ka I'm sending it to the exhibition. : - v '7 r i W. C. Moore, Prop'k, OKAHAM, fff C. ' ' rKEMwfall trains. Haud Minvl or 1d IMI .JJU Ukl 1IVJJ HE PRACTICAL IINBER, .GRAHAM, - - - N. C, .; AlMcihtJs of tin Woi and re- pairlne " 1 Hi" r Shop Wi'&SC secqna, dobr from, Baift & Tbonipson's, t !') ")-:'? 1'" lrii ' 11 way. I ye the v7( thing, ncrei Ton see, fh design of he Wiima is toy hn'h oil each, side? Absolutely, ('X4'ulea all dangcl of having the Stature hung uijside flown'. Pick was onl; would not De wnat i once neard an exosnerated missionarv describe aa '''a sciattfl of villagb" ik sight.' Then I would aoMt. -another' man; !'0h, r yes, effendl, you'll gt there Si, bree-quaiiers of; an hour J') s The red dogs and horses and mules urawld paiek their ears and start on . m uuoi wuuv.. vug, hiudi he hibuth -trpen as well as the condition the two in, asifthey, too, had heard the of men and animals would gaze over tbtf'plaUv lift ithettst faHing dnsk yalnly looking for A(TiUagl jwk -.j' ? After this had been repeated some half a dozen times, however, just aa This is its spndition Vhile w axe asleep Or awake, though dur ing sleep it is much more relaxed or nauDy tnan wnen we are awake. keep nose, and in tbii currents' of air passing in and out together during the act of breathm catch this little current i between them and throw i intd rapid vi- bration. This Vibration: more off od AMj f less intense aid' sonorous, is wha mouth open tautjmoring can be aot eotDpllahed.f Try to sleep with your XBOutk closed, and if you .cant auo- j ceed Jn doing so you, will care rdur- sei p- a, very disagreeable pertorm ance certainly disagreeable to oth ers if not te yourself. Netr fork i nearu ne "- .r f j . and empty bellies, 20 or 30 rough haired, ferocious Kurd dogs would tetorgcttrtaVtl 'gwonM cjrele aronnu us anu uite at our ruling boots by way of welcome. These dogs belonged to the Kurds who bad settled in villages and were enor mous brutes. -They usually wore huge cwHiim, sludJud with nulla, -qf Tin. ARE YOU . .. l'T li.rl! - r!': ''' Vttjou ajsnpt, tbf ',;Npw. an )bjsrVe is: Subscribe lor it at nee and it will klscp you abreast .ftbe times. ; -( .' Pull Associated Press dispatch s, All the" - newrs foreign, do estic, ational,tate attd local Daily Kews. and Observer $ 7 cr veafy $3.50 for 6 mos. , Weekly North Carolinian 1 ;ryear, 50c lor 6 moS. SWS & OBSER VER PUB. CO., s. RalbiciI, N. C. The North 'Carolinian : and Tur. LAAXtte Ui,r.Ax$ 'will . le sent r one year lbr Two; Dollars,"" Cash advance.' ' Apply at Thk CLEAXitg Aee, Graham-; N." C M . :ttL THE BILL... fi V riWsii ..: I rricTia :' .. , - I I I catrtnnl A riftt CaMny SlaMla. i Ai.cqrreHpwtwleut of -tfcS' IxtnAod Polly (frankicria): iSyri writes: .iAi a village ott tbe anst Of ihe JordanV half way between Halt sad Kerak,' a large piece of tpoaaic pavement has fceen .dibQoverd-?tbat is, a. ! floor made of differed colored tiles, each . about two-tbirds of an inch-square. It is . about 80 feet , lqng and fetf broad, and, is supposed, to have been , the floor hi a chapel the fifth , eeritury.' If is a map of the country. '' from Egypt to the Lebanotw iCvery-, idiuu; in unwunuj put oit propor- , tion: Jerusalem is enormous and has streets marked. The Dead sea 'warms witkr fish although koneL ran, Uve in. It so -sxiraiuit 4f the bira '' on,wfrh whieh 4he water fs mixed wand eome ot the flak ar looger thai? the width o the Jdan." - The Ca'rlyles had a maid who was untidy, useless in all ' ways, but ''abounding in grace and, in erase- i queni censure or every one aoove or below lir and or everything she eould not Understand.1 ' After a long apostrophe one day, ' as .she waa twinging' In dlimer,rCariyie ended With, "And this I can tell yon, that if: you do Hot carry' the dishe straight, tat as noi to spill the gravy, so far from being tolerated in beov en, yow Won't be even tolerated on earth." 1 ,f ,! 'ft' r-' . t.'i ii i' ' m f. ' -"(. criEtDA oTonn co Graham, fl. C " "Trni IN incA vnKstbit r'I see In a recrnt book. where the Idea is put forth that mankind sang before ft talked., MlUe yu this ofltr ..- -Mn-:f ' T "Don't know, but there is a fellow on buf block who is going to sing Cbefote ha dies, some time, wv be quits bowling popular oof .Cincinnati ComuMrdal Ttibnae. ' ' i,) '.i ' Experiments are now being made by some: enterprising Brrriskers t eahfvate pearl shells and, by arti firialTy introdecisg the utitu ry tr" ritaring mbstanee in the flesh, to produce the pearl scientifically, but tbesoccess vi sock aa ttrpriseaaa not yet been that if a wolf flew at. their throats he was received, by amouthfulof sharp points and could; not get. a grip. t 1 I once bought a magnificent Kurd dog for 4, shillings. ;ile was so fierce that I dared not go near him. Kind, noss, I thought, would bavit duo effect on him in a (ew days, so hud a rope fastghd , to his .collar and gave the oibcr end of theTopo to a taountcd Zaptieh. '.'.!''.",,.' ' ' The Libi thing I sa'W of that dog Was it frightened borve and Zaptiofc disappearing in thediHtance, and the animal fetching a comMss for hia native Village, with what Artemus Ward once described, af "m select assortment ofWuwr tauwiw" in .hisuiodtb:- x These dogs pre so w'teUlgent tha they seem to 'undcr'staud' the sught-' est bign trbm their ' toasters.1 ' I once' saw my uian buy a. fowl for our evening' meal from a Kurd and pay down the money. Then he Stated for the fowL "Oh. there it U effendil" said. tt he . Kurd, pointing to a limp . mass of feathers Mtaoding on one leg i jfuet outside, the hut "All you have to do It to catch snd. kill it.". My man, liko Agng. "walked delicately" toward the fowl, and the limp bun dle of feathers: immediately: rpat out'lJn the direction Wvas Jfy man went aftev it, sword in band, with the full Intention of slicing off the fowl's bead and briogSBg back its- gory body in triumph.- A big Kurd dog Immediately started after my man, who v gained rapidly upon the fowt Just aa be was about to slice off its head aa etnlaooa growl frotu the roar warned bim "that he must turn and defend himself. The fowl stopped, limply watched the struggle - and 'gained her second wind. When the exasperated man had driven off the dog, he again pur ued the fowl, which jseemed to rO memboran important engagement in the directkm of Diarbekir. .Again the fowl was nearly overtaken again came an emiaovs grewL the gleam of magnificent teeth through the gloom, and again the fowl limp ly presided as umpire wile the com bs I raged. Whca tbe dog was drirea away, the fowl started off in the di rection of rJamsooa, and my Card etiauette Iff more nronounoed on the continent tliau in America, for society as a wbtJle Is mora con ventional ' and social customs are much more matters bf form.'" Eind tions are expressed by cards, and, as an, example, Katberine de forest Jellaef a brldo whpae hisbwid had lived In Paris lb or 16 y ears lcfore sho married him. The proM'r thing for her to do on her arrival was to leave cards with all her husband's friends that is to say, at the places wheroho wad In the habit of visit ing, or with women who had said to him that they hoped his wife wauldcall oa them. Nearly all these cords were returned within a Vfft In jiersdn that Is to suy, the' right band corner of the card was. turned down. A ad, when the woman leav ing it had a reception day not en, graved it was written in the , lower left band corner. It so hupiiened; however, that two of the husband's visiting , acquaintances . were . not pleased with his marriago anal did not care to know his wife. They simply left cards with no corner turned, and the wife did not call gain. A year later a little misun derstanding that had crept up be tween the two famines waa ex' 'plained away,, the two ladies) left cards with corners turned down and fbojr day written upon them, and the eourse of social intercourse ran smoothly ever after. Hun Francisco Arponaut. . " "Mhuj llw WMfSnlk Dwigbt I Moody, in addressing his great Bible class in The Ladies' Borne Journal on regeneration, il lustrates bis teachings with this ex cellent story l "A Methodist minis ter, on his waV to a camp meeting: through some mistake took passage on the wrong boat ' lie found that instead of being bound for a relig ious gathering, he was on his way to a horse race. Ms fellow passen gers were betting and discussing the events, ami the whole'atmoHpbcro was foreign to his nature. lie be sought the captain tha t he would atop his boat and let him off at the first landing, as the surroundings were so distasteful to him."'. - "The story also goes on to relate hew, on the Mime occasion, a sport ing man, intending to go to the ' races, by some mistake found him self on tho wrong boat bound for the camp meeting. The conversa tion about Mm was no more Intelli gible to him than to the man in the first instance, and bo, too, besought the captain to stop and let him off the boat Kow, what waa true In these two eases is practically true with every one. A true Chrtian la wretched where there is no fellow ship, snd aa unregenerste man Is sot at ease where there are only Cbfttians. : vol. xxiiL,s-1s,j'jog frA feifriHAM, n. CuffHimspAV,- Vr.? ;?r "'.r'1 .;:HiXa7 , jmmmmnZ'mmmm'm "a " ' 1 " - - --p. -- - ..-1- . -K ao Ijtl S" ..' r -rlll, n m itinim f IHinH Sllt-cly it the word kEQULATO is not on apk I ' It is not uNe&sa tls?Uthemm&m canrmt be and never hA teen put up by any one except Bam and Whom, they seemed totlike. to listen to as he Sat back smoking cigar and telling stories after7 the wora nr luiv ioe wgai waa uun , ,'::tk6oi)U tlte'vhAaofiny life,'' be said, after narrating several lcl- denta which were ( not so altogether victorious, " took place when I was who uio u. ana n,, wm t lu uiw . quarters at Cincinnati' It so foil out once ' upon a' time jt,hat. 128 people wanted to'! make an excursion into the , west ' Via Cincinnati ' and ,8t Louia from' Berea, in Madison coun ty, Ky. ' As I remember, it meant about $25 a head to the railroad get ting the party, and the' competition among the boys was lively enough, I tell you. '' Negotiations , had been going on vigorously for sometime, and on a certain day the excursion? ists were to "be "at the Bered station and all .the railroad men were . to meet them there.r v '..r . "We came down from GlncinnaU on a special train, and I was study ing Up cyery possible plaii . how t was going ' tVget that bttslneet for" my road, hut noway appeared until we were' within ; a dozen' ' miles- of Uerea.'' There It came' to 'me, and I slipped ardunVf and had little talk with the 'engineer, who1 Was quile willing to 'help !md out by letting bis engine drop a cog Or (Id sarnd other peculiar and unexpected thing; as locomotives have way Of doing: 1 This she did about six miles out and near a siding, where the 'engraeer' imllod In- And proceeded to repair the damage,' the men, who were in a hurry to get to ' Berea puttihg Id their time cussing the engine, the rood and meV" f "( 'I:4 "As for myself; when 1 had fixed U with the' engineer, I (hopped' off the train as It wa leaving the sta tion, and the men on boarVI didn't more than discover that I had Qisapi poared until the accident happehed that delayed them two hours or more on that siding. - In the mean fune I wired injr ugebt at Bcrea- you see, this all took place on biy own line of roud, so it Was 'a - good deal easierto make to rate to thd excursionist $t. CO lower' than snV figure yet given them, and let them have half an hour to Qecide In, or the whole rate would gd hp td the regular prieoi Of eourse the exeur sionisUdiuh't know that 1 had thd agents corraled on o siding!' - They didn't know anything excel that It was the- lowest offer they had r& ceived, ami after chewing awhile bii t my saaa wired ms that my bffef was ihvrf iJitii- ,' "What wwld belbb result when ,they found ot about rthe? other hgents and what kind of may offers those fellows, might inskO to", beat me out f. the business unless j bad some kind of a rUscber, I didn't know, so I nent wurd to my agent to collect llOea each tiekotiOr the rattf would go up to regular J I Tola was 'easy, enough, for . they knew, they had a good thing and tbaJaUkry came in with a rusht Thc iny saaa telegraphed that, be bad collected over 11,200 and had it leckM bpla the sofei and he would like ta know what to Co next. I wired back - ths short word rEscapo," and, half an hour later my engineers liavinsj re paired the break to his kwhfnerri pulled into tho station at Berea with bis profono load of railroad mem. "What . haiipcned then utterly passes description, and I fancy if I baT been there I would have bm lynched, but they got over It after a time, and they wept bock to Ciaciu nati with no other feeling against Tno except an uualtcraLIo determina tion to get even at the first oppor tunity. Of course 1 had td pay for It suiipor for the crowd and a few lit tle things like that but those didn't count" Washington Star. H, 'U-'i- '"'V -r.eno h'e I 'atfo-fi: it ,!.; l Mi?oV 11 i mi fcl . . ' 6rtbmt for itl inmi iwwSo'f WWJfoi sod balUirulBMkf Awuire UmJoqS mmluM klum and all furmi of adultamtlnn doinnida DKU UOi. New YorkT - hi 1 1 11 i 1 1 1 r,n , I' r 7 ii,; !' V,m :' l. is a "" 1 J liiLiLuAUWaU.i "!ftif a Heibrrnlihft'Br!rilAWnt-Y.l'af , llUlenesi the fbtlowtng froia 4ile il . hafdlr Burahssad-i-' " "r-- SlMaiSj MSJH nui UUUUla 1 WH 1 " " borrows remembi rod sweeten pros entjoy, -JloliertJ'plkxiki i r, lt tiit hiis'm!''" ., m BianBB, aaaanma aigan; -, ii V tfartffttiii traM c fu tmi'- . -1 1 iASIt Wills lakiBs'aai as ,0-it;' -u't la aa Infant vt Uses , . ', , ,. , - AatlSUIliasatlSaai " . v I:tltM;SmttWbaaW., ' , usaiia mSUuasiif aMsiMyv , !. 11 r MenandnUHntotaaflubais ,, .whe. eiasay Bot at tas Mkkf Uut- ' ' ' ' lUitaHt trotti toMa Slane4taf ' '" A ehlM at7 wateh at ana aaelaJlB ' " ' , Wthopi,iooSusMl'7U I, ... , '.'They, doh"' afsiut if W tiidktt TtoUch.,fua e are soeakihr uf De. WHf i I.lttle fefl Itisera.' the fiv moits little niils fVn-Mmiitrnafioo. hill ioWneM; and: all oWcktud li rti troubles,, mtlley , heye? 4HX sim4 ' tnons the I)ruggi8, ft, f,i(S , i's yaffi'eti (-Htaa' Miii W o, I 1 . I Wheri'trl need' ra'tolfisirCtfi or a 5mtKrth Bhirvty lalfcetimytjaajf' : In ths Jatl Ibi y W wiH do writ lo 11. W .pj ito ta,J AW, Biuret.; wt biiou is ursi .uaaa in aa'3 JB)ti'- iff nrutyft jn:e.a m muio.. viy onup 10 uiot .mtam tu I III 111 ' J Wlllr V nil .0 Ili i ii CbmobUhded At alt hours ISataoirtb, e lWetCWirae rull' t"buri. laiw anh-4tiicbrUiolaa , Htid School nf Fhafnucy. Graduabi t Cntlrsei OUed tdJJulttieiiv Sdmtnef Hthool Jbr ; TeHt'hert, rkHolaf ships add Umn R)r, tho,Ncdy. ,. f w -, . ' JUne lO-dti4 'Chiltlbr HilT; 1 N. C ! i .... . f I. I ... . . 1 ' r; T3aaaajaaaiaaBaaaaManMri -riair""'- t " ,T.i SSS ... , W.. wa aj.,.IM ; .a a a z . W.WV l-'Mn t ' -i. j- t tft i "d wf a-mti . ' V ' 'V"i-tiW kts ra we vrisp td , betpme jettoiiAjHjr; dtqadiattti Wltlr Vtfv ttiarli ydUfiahd old, Whb( buy. bl Clothes In GrlB6ftrnfre t IH, the cldthini BdsineW and ninst hare VtWie aUHHrmrf 4inwnaAA ' rf Tfivuini a 1 - 1 When you waht'r 'nibe' Wbi , or shaVe; tiill ort'inevi'lrfysho'u ' iUta soatUMWi IMIrAt.UfciUnrti - - V. . 1 f . 1. . . i : r.i.bia iirakqatIm. , MaaaJJja-ria' 'aooW.' f, , 9Ji A--r-J l wl'bnerfT;- f w..-1 llwV lull trod aUHHTM-f VeareiBndeot4Mitffb lrm trial r will trfale.A. customer Of on. Uor Vxpensetf hrt smaU, btir stdtk It n oew. w make no bad debts, We do baini otl Our1 bwn tapital, lieocc a a can kII y6ii Wr-.iAtar; i" .' - , . ii..,; ,HlllJ.Ii 13.1 mil.. '' thdh ahj bther bonaxaiiiiUarly iiktlaiMl. c?At a' tlUaTii-Wf 1 fertlting, ilhd to ie JatfedtJ.fQ gpre na caflfe will ' TCTiiscmcii 1. n pracr prove 11 jou inai wc wu npiiuij . aMlvanU 6rybuyduJmavbrt.4Ule adrtrtiacmeat A- row -have nia3 ybuf purehul. V;,-- cAniiEi7o.ciii::.. -v. ctcci'd. t ' Leadlns iitv-Prlcfed dlothleiit - ' . ' . . . . ..... i Lock Box 1 17. ' CREENSB0R0 N. 0. ALKsltRif ""Jblih W't ChlWll(td,"iflirl E.gjswi will W tteW .S WIIJj 11: MATTHKW. Blanairfi V )4 A man's fat ore will be turned to the hut with a lateeee re-! e nere pre- auest for sticking plaster. I made J",''. "?prjV my supper that evening off the aged fT atrraetJone for and moldy heel of a patch cheese. . hJm- .1 piiaiRia ra wih. Writ JOHX WF CO., i-rit Attom-rt, Wiia niai, The tjnited Kingdooi has wwaara Workers than any ether state td the world in profwrtfasi to the population, and among them ao fewer tbaa (It, 000 are set dowa aa dreasmakera, aa ocoojaitioa wbklt may be reasonably churned as an in dustry. Fleas will never tuoch an ejifleptio and will Inbtanlly leara a dead vr 'lyiijjg peraon, London Chronicle. A if "I guess," remarked Willie WUh- - ' ington rsopelessly, that I have said f"" ,oa the wronir thinar a rain. -To whom? "Miss Beeraabrsan. ' I it hr ' The elastic used fur asaay other nvrposes is wswvlngUhreads of rubber, cat machinery; mto the material la the manufacture. The weaving la done by a apodal woceas which permiu tne eiasoe to icngtaen was positively lifeUke. I have Just without impairing the fl found out the cliaracter she was aa. Lengthwise threads of cotton or silk taming." are woven aery slack, aa otherwise -- Wbat was itl" they would prevent the stretching . A Drfy of the preceding een of the riibber.;, ' : v ' tury.' Wakhicglon Btar, k ' Sfalr aa4 tfca XVara. The late Confederate aenerai Shel by stood up fur the rights of the ne gro on one occasion in a way thai entitles him to high praise. When be was appointed a United States marshal, be selected Lee Jackson, a negro, as one of his deputies. Hs was severely criticised for this by some southern papers, but be refused to weaken and Justified his act la the following reply: The young mail is competent to render effective serv Ice in lines where white men cannoi do as welL perhaps, as he will da I appointed him for efficiency and have bo patience with that senti ment that gropes always among the) tombstones instead of coming out into fhe bright light of existing life and rendition , The eagre waa al" ways faithful to his people when d. slave . Be has been no fans faitafaft i to his frietvta sie be has become a bo Iwing Um name br which aerair How Olahes Cot Their fttssfes. The saiHltich is cailoil U tfla Earl of Hamlwich: Jlullicstsway fs from an Kaci In dia wofd Itieanlnif if piler iritff; " Waffle is from wafcl, a word of Tcubmio origin meaning boney- 0IHIlll . HtMiiinv is from ounumines, the North Atnerkan Indian Word lot tsirched corn ItooMtwrry ft4 Js a rorruptkih of goselierry fule, milled or Teased gooaeleiTies. Kun-emeat Is 1 enrruption of fiirre meat, from the French (arce, stuffing, t e na at (or stuffing. . - - - Illttie-marige means literally white food, hence chocolate blanc-piange is something of a fnUnomcr. - tfocrotaali U a dish tawrowed from the Narraganaett Indians and railed by I hem MWb-quniah. ... CbarloUe Is a cotfoiition of ilie olj hjglLJi word chartyt, whidi means a it'uh of rustard and char- totte ruase Is Rassian diarlotte, Tbbasaads tMekvabi - With thankfulness their reatnhltiiMi id health Ly the u of HonJ'tf gar sansrilla. . - -.' Think of (fitf fmtt Irmf that hare ' been cured by this medicine -t i Men, women and HiiHren Who hare SufTeml the eonseaaericM if impbra blood, who have been the victims of scrofula sores. erontinna. arsperwia. nerrousoeam, slerpies- , They have tried other medMnen and have tiled to pbUin relirf. They tried Hoed a Hainrparilla ami it did them rood. Thev nersersiaal ? m hs use and it accnniplibed jw manent rurea. Do you, vnnd r that they praLe h and rccomtnerhl it u you. - , ; -i ajr ajrti iR-tfarekl lef. tiambfl Is simply ears aonp, gm- ' John Cook, an wan uruwncii in a mill . inn. -t fxsigtown, Yadkin riant r. Surular, while ill haihinr. It is said thai ha .wasdnnking rte'ore pn,ng;inte tlm W4t r, and got t-cTond hie dent plimeating her oa her eosreme, and ea a venture I told her that ab looked the part completely that it. i j freeman. ways Be is beeesniae useful la dreamed of before the war, and it ie womanly to deny him the right to dolor isaself every, thing tact wa iatpreve aad bettert hM coadition.I tmstthat thai is thai last I shall hare to say la defense; of my official action.: J am right is what I have done, end by the right I propose, to stand. Xew Tork Tribune. often kruiwa w the Houth. Onrken gumbo Is soup of okra and ehk-ken. Macaroni is taken from a tireek deriratkai, which meant "thehkvaol dcail," In allaMesj to tiie ancient caetom of eating it at leasts for the deed. ulcribe for The 0i.ka.nxb. i depth, : atayoe you can tind a thane to impnwe the BUCK8KIX BKKrXHKS. Just because they are the beet pant msde doesn't pre dude a possibility improvement We drnt know how to mske lacm any better don't how to get any imee goodness into thcrrt. ' If you can tell ua we'll do It Xothing. to small oraisiilcralioi if it uicana laiprovcuicut

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