- - 1 1 1 m vf mim ,; nitwit ', .,.! V'ff n, ,'.. .. . . ', 1 - ... .-....'f n-'i.i ' . " ' f- f 1: v) .Afj'i-NsiS 1 V ItEEP YOUR EYES OPEW!f .V' Deen put up Aed iLaut tie easily told by their Tradb Mark fIUB'JESSlONA'Ti CARPS v JACOI1 A. ' FraeMee In the Btote n1 Fll courts. Oi1cDvT White, Moora ft Co. store, Main Street. 'Phone S, . . i ; .' 'i.i-! " V . . . - - A fTQRNEY A T. LA W N. C. .- lAttorney" ad Oounaelo at Law J'rectk regularly to the cntirta of lo. nc county. .. Awg. ii. 8 pH. W, S.LON0, JR.. j V - - DENTIST, V GRAHAM, N. C: i-Ortice in Vestal iiuilding. . - (Kike houts j 8 a. m. to 1 pinv -; Livery J Sale Feed STABLES, fx &X&MHm, " "" ,irftl"".lTl'"1 W. C. Moore, Prop' Kt .- -. ... IiIiahamn.j 1 Tlarkii meet 1 1 Imtna. flood ilnfcl orrtou ble yamii. yiiargw torterate.,1 1 8-M-in ... " lil2NRV li'ANV ' JliT rr T3TJ HTiTnAT niTWrTtl '7' tiKAHAM,- - - - N.y;BcaIeVelis640 fcet.! ."'All kinds of tin wOik and re pairing. . ' - ' .' ";' :i Shop on ' W. lm St., second door from Bain & Thompson's. . Dee. i.tf. i ARE YOU -;TO DATE t-p. . i ;'t; . If you a? not the News and Obkhter is. - Subscribe lor it at once and it will keep yon abreast of the times. ; v :--: n " Fall Associated Precis dispatch-' rs. AH the 'nes foreign, do- ' rnestic. uatiorial, state and loeal 'all thetime. """ Daily News and Observer $7 per year, $3.50 for 6 mos. Weekly North Carolinian 1 . : per year, 50c (or 6 mos. ' NEWS & OBSERVER PlfB. CO., Raleigh, N. C. ' r . ------- - - " ' " J ' ' The North Carolinian and The ...'Alamaxc'k (ti.EAEB will be sent for one year for Two Dollaw, Cah w In advance.-Applv at Th r. Glea.nkr office, Grahani, N.C Geese Or Gooses? is a mooted point, rxcpt-. as applied to men who , . pay $j for pants. ' ' . tell Bros $2.68 PINTS " " j sre hwest cfcar Through--sinv-' -j. ply high-grade trousers at low-; ; - grade price. How it's done is a . our secret. -J ; ' ' ' 1 rot SALS T , ONEIDA' STORE CO., . Graham, N.C. YYANTED-AN IDEA JJTS tUoc r aearatr iror row W"a : ihr mr Knnt rrm wrnith. Unu Jl)H WtUlkS, KJI ll.. t-nlrl AHaraer. Ik U, tot litu ILA rttm. flcu re rora kcuuuajuk is not on a pacKugc oy4ny vug except Foi Abovt North CroHnf . WhltaattBci aunt. ixifriT' Number of counties, Off. State arfta, 52,280 uaro. miles, Number of electoral votes, Hi v Xnglh of poast line. ia. 314 - miles. Land surface, 48,66P square miles. " ; Water surface,' 3,620 square mile?; Arena Did i mil Swamps, 150,000 acres: . ,- Number of miles of railroad, t5 . Indian popu jpulahon (cen census or 1890; 1,571. . ' !, Inland steamboat navigation, 000 I miles. ' "; ''.'!..' Torat population (census of 1,617,947. :' Average mean annual -rainfall7"52 inches. r . rr mines. ry , J ciVhtl) popuUJioiO census lof 1890) 1,049,191 Colored population (census -of 1890)567,170. ; : .-;. ., Total water- power, 3,500,000 horse power. s AVesteri bourKlarv-lonKitude -81 dfgreos 42i inuteg'io seconds. 1 H Average winter tempemture, 43 i he highest point is Mitchell pcak,.6,8S8 feet.; . Avewgearea of counties is 507 square miles, 1 -NuHiber-of-Varieties-of. miuerak (f , . discovered,. 180. i . . . r ' Avera6e summer tempt-rature, 75 i "b1" ....... above ;- Hot Weather Don' ta. New Terk World.. ,.;:f.M ir i "".''i -( i Don't complain of the weather Complaing woh't help it, and besides you'll be rorry next winter for all the hard things you have saitl abotii summer. ,f .;. Don't wear any more clothed than tho law mjuirci. Don't drink anything with alcohol , Don't eat heavily, especially .of meat- !-;-fu' ' Don't be scared If you can't sleep for the heat. You will sleep.' when sleep is absolutely necessary.; ,,, '.Don't walk on the.; sunny side when (here is a shady side. -' ' , Don't fill ! yourself full of icl . - - , - . .- n'.i 1 r . . Don't quarrel with anybody about anything. ;: f Don't imagine that this sort of thing is going to last long. . It never does, Don't hurry. Don't worry. Don't run to catch a car. There re others. "Dont lha?e tcln8a7, Above all things don't ajlc any body "Is it hot enough An you?" There is incitement to murder in that question. ' A feaik With a Utttmrj. Clinton Petnoerat; . . Mr. W. J. Moore, of Turkey, has' in his possession a comb with a his tory. It iss single horn blade of an ordinary open and shut pocket comb, and was presented to him in 18C0 by the lata John C Carroll, then of the firm of Johnson, Chest. nutt & Co., of Clinton. - Mr. Moore carried it through the entire hat J'a -.6 bis daily toilui in camp. Tlis comb was in the battles of Bull Run, Manassas, the Wilderness, Antietam, Drury's . Bluff, Cold Harbor and other memorable battles of tbe war. Mr. Moore has earriol it in 'his pocket ever since ss a talLtman. ' "They don't make . much fust alx.ut iL" We Are Kjaking of Do WiU's little Early Kioers, the -famous little pills forconsliiiAtiun, bil iousness and all stomach and liver troutJc.- lliey itcvcr grijc Sim luoiia the Druggiat. ABOUT CHARLIE ROSS. tor? of v. Twantx-Tbree Vaan. V ; $ SooUand Neek Commonwealth. , Recently in a paragraph the Cora monwcalth,,rttferred to the death tt i;nariiej jMtr jaiqer nnq ine mys tery, of tW.3tmnge abduction of i tic little fellolwehty-three yenrs ag. We recently clipped from tH"iW minpon messenger vne loupwing ip- teres tinji facts about Charley's ab r duction: stQ JkdRdU,itkW of Charlie Ross, whose abduction from his parorvto' home.tff,one pf the mQat mysterious aBd -Wfttipnal, crimes ever committedr3!n8 rucAilud public attention! td thitt-tdmarkaule lwenty-tnree years navo passea since the crime was committed which wrecked the lifejof Christian K. Ross, cost him a fortune and made his name a household word all over" the world.; On July 1,' 1874, Charlie and his elder brother, Wal ter. were nlnvine in front of their home on Jast Yashington Jane, along in a oucy or iizm spring wagon ' ' Charlie liad, according to the story told by V alter,' aked the men for a ride. '(, Tjje ieipldJh'ijn.Miat th'ey would give him a ride from the top of the hill and also promised to give U,nlp9me hrecwekera, ine two rUyVwIlkelI tV tioffiheih'Ul lJint T"me firecr.tckera, The two and they were then taken into the wagon. ' ' Witltcr wanted the men to take them to Main street for the fire works, but they said they would take them to "Aunt Susie's,", a fic Htiius rpcrsoA. ' jf f H f ... The Vijiefti' kod fth boy -with candy while the team was rapidly flrnj tqvrnnj Kens(in$on. Charlie cried and ln-gged to be taken home. At Palmer- and Richmond streets Walter was given a quarter and di rected to get the fireworks in a cinar etareJTJua boy.utucy.ud andicturncd to find 1 he wagon, the pien and his curly h.'iircd brother gone. His teiir brought a crowd and in the crowd was II.- C Peacock, a friend of the family,' who took 1 the boy . to his parents. , , "Whiter told an- accurate anrt co herent story pf the ' abduction and gave a full description of the abduc tors.'' 'The'pblictf were unable to dis cover any trace pf the child, ' and it was not until July 4th that anything in the nature of a clew came to the searchers. This was in ' the" shape of a lefter Xwm . bis supposed abduc tors; It was grossly- illiterate and CT-idently -purposely so. 1 It informed Mr. Ross that they held the boy so securely that no earthly power could reach. him, and that he would not be delivered' witliout the payment of ' a bii ransorti."'' The' father was warned ' that any aitempi 16 recover the by by dotectives would result in his instant death. The writers promised to ctnnmunicato with Mr Ross within few days.' Two days later they wrote de manding $20,000 ransom for the re turn ot toe hoy. litis sum was promptly mined by "the friends of Mr. Ross, but the police stepped In nd askd to be given the conduct of the cace. This waa granted and Mayor Stokley offered a reward of 120,000 for the arrest of the kid nappers and the return of the boy. This immense reward attracted world wide attention and set thousands of detectives at work and millions of tongues wagging. During several weary months Mr. Ross received sixteen letters from the abductors, but they were so care fully disguised that no clew could be found to the writers. The entire community bad br come intensely excited over the case Tolunlerr; guard over .Inioftt everv letter box in the dfr. but with no result.. Public interest was at ferer heat and meetings of citizens were Jjeld in every rtof the city. . . . . " - The true solution of the question (to the satulaction of the police) came many yean ago. Superin tendent of police Walling, of New York, found a clew that ended in fixing the crime of the abduction on William Mother and Joseph Doug las, two notorious burglars who luid long . had' their b.-udijuarter in phiiadelphia,;: Detective . Sharkey find Ms surviving partner, Detective Cliarles P,;:Milh5r of Philadelphia were convinced of. the- authenticity of this clew, and confirmed ' it; to the saUsfactioa of nearly every one con nected with or interested' in .he fa mous, case.;-. ,t'.,? ! .' Th;.eonfirmaUQ9.canl1ugh: laf . Mosheilfhcv acied "gj-' tions with Mr, Ross and the ijurg-, lars. ; Westemlt was evidently jjfing'triaortfice Douglas, j but wantedfbT sitte 'his brother-indaw.' The police of . the country were , looking lor the two burglars when, tfie residence of Judge Van .Brunt, was entered by burglars on Defem bel li, 1874, and were attadked : by fa brotjher of thr,,jtidgeand several servants. One pf the purglars waa shot and the lotbcr was mortally wounded. . A I They wore Mosher and Douglas Mosher was dead when their 'slayers reached them and Douglas-was in death throes. ' The lattef gasped "It's no use lying . now. Mosher and I stole Charley Ross, v Mosher knows all about him." j' The dying burglar was told that bis partner was dead. T- , ,"Then God help his poor wife and family," gasped the dying man, "He knew all about ( ha -ley. The child will be returned in a few duys." " jThe . child was never returned. The bodies of the dead burglars were identified by Walter Ross. Former associates of Mosher and Douglas were arrested all over the country, but they could not or would not throw any light on the mystery, AVestervilt was taken to Philadelphia, tried and convicted of complicity in the conspiracy to alt duct the boy and was sentenced to seven years in the eastern penttcn- tiary.; - In the presence of Detective Mil ler ihu wife of the convicted man begged : him to tell whnt tie knew of the crime, and if he ever knew any thing he never told it. He served his sentence and is supposed to havo returned to New York. , Original Observations. Orana-e (Va.) Obaerver. i . There is a good deal of preaching in a smile. ' The best way to kill a falsehood is to lot it lie. The parson at the wedding is the right man in the rite place. It is now in order for our mer chants to sell twine by the cord. Life is a quarry out of which we are to mould and chisel and complete a character. . " a-. If tho earth were covered with flowers all the year round the bees would gtL lazy. ' Very often a soldier, whilo having tho highest motives, will leave the army furlough purposes. . Comparison is everything. A very ordinary looking girl in a railroad car filled with men looks lovely. Do not let adversity discourage you. V ere it not for the kicks which it receives the foot bull would never get up in the world. ,'We rdon n ; we do htt par don baseness," says Ouida. Yes, we forgive the umpire, but when tho second Laseinan makes a square muff And lets in two runs we tear down the grand stand. WlUa Hie Dos ai.TOO. Chieaco Diapateb. Rover, a big Newfoundland . dog. has been made heir to $1,700 by his master, John t?pooner.- - Tbe Litter is a sailor And eccentric. Attorney E. E. Allison drew up the will And the Guarantee Title and Trust company will Act as trustees. -People will think you are crazy," expostulated the sttoTitcy. "How can so much money bo ued upon Tour d"? - . . It cannot," readily assented the I old sailor, "but I mean when. I am gone my dog sliall not le kicked and cuffed about the' world as I have been; - If you like, you may draw the will in such a way that the in come of the property may be used in the dog's suport, anil the prop erty itself, at the hitter's death, and whatever remains of the income go to my sister in Englan l." -; And so the will was drawn in a car Jj nee with trrn term. - WEEKLYWaSHINUTO 112TTER. , : i ; .. . , Cm ' r.'-v-;t (f , , f y 'fit: . From Our BeKular porreapoodent. 'J-1 : Wasuijjqton, D. C, July 16, '87. , Another disgraceful chapter in the disgracefu.1 history of .Congressional sugar' scandals was' ; written t this week. The thoroughly tip-tordate brigands do not rob Individuals tjbe putjic ih wajr f J tneytan'd ing of a newt. (tariff jbill .and utiliro their advance information to make fbrttihes byt speCulatrng fn'the stock marlcet.' By gtvyn It'oof.iKati thjj tariff bill conference 'committco! had agreed to . a - compromise - .sugar schedulo that was more favorable to the sugar trust than the" Dinglcy sctiedule 'yugar'sloc'k was pushed up sufficiently high to make '. tliouHpnds of dollars for those who bought be fore the rise and sold at the highest pointy and there are good reasons for the belief that members of both branches of. Congress were among those who did so. ' j , A prominent republican was ask ed when the tariff bill would get otlt of conference, and he replied I dis gustedly : "When its j' schedules can no longer lie profitably Worked on the stock , market." , It is re markahle how often the assertion is heard that the conference is being purposely prolonged for. speculative purposes,. . ( , .,. Jerry Simpson had to smile when his resolution for the appointment of a select committee of five to in vestigate the sugar trust and its re lations to Congressional legislation was referred to tho Judiciary com mittee of the House, which has not been appointed yet j Probably the majority of the Sen ate Committee on Foreign Relations seek to ease their consciences by such "hot-stuff" as the report made this week on the resolution direct- ng the President to demand the re lease of three Americans who hnv in Cuban prisons, having boon captur ed on the steamer Competitor. .They know the House will not act oil it. Senator ' Tillman never loses ! an opportunity to remind' the country of the contempt he feels for the democracy of ex-President. C'eyb land,. .The Jatcst .occurred goring the debate which resulted in the in sertion by the Senate of a clau"0 -in the General Deficitncy Appropria tion bill limiting the cost of armor plate for naval vessels to $300 a (on. Senator Tillman 'referred to the remitting pf a fine that was imposed upon tho Carnegie Steel Co., by the Secretary of the Nhvy, for furnish ing bad armor,' by the President, when ho was interrupted by Senator AUetLwho remarked : . "And it was a dertKXjratic President - who rerhit- tcl that fine.". Mr. 'Tillman' turn-' ed &b4 (rentlemon from Ncbniska l'saidjfiHfh tudiel io!icrM Plqase don't leave out 'so-called in referring to the democracy of that President, as it hurts my feelings to hear him referred to as a Demo cratic President., As for his remit tin the flue, I have nevetaougbt to fathom the mystery of how ho tried to over-ride law and decency by that action.' The Senators do not enjoy being snubbed by Mr. McKiuley any more than they did being snubbed by Mr. Cleveland, as they have very plainly shown in their private talk to each other since it became known that Mr. McKinlry had decided not to furhiah the Senate with the, cor respondence witn ureal linlain re lating to the Seal fisheries, asked for in a Senate resolution unanimously adopted nearly fwd months ago, Copies of the correspondence hare been prepared, but this week It -was decided not to send it to the Senate, on the ground that it would be 'in- Compatible with the public interests" to- do- so. As an additional renson Cr nrt nomiilrinv with the renimcL. 1 C7 f j ful rciuests of the Senate, officials say it was foared that a publication - . of the conwpondenee might result in making the EnglwU iuad;- 1'p.b aXlylhe vniqttenees of litis excuse ts expected to make up for Tls buk of plain, everylody common avrute. Meanwhile the administration "has made public its instrnctions to Am bassador Hay, whicV ebaijre the the govern nuitt I of . Gret Uniain fith trickery. RjinWicjin Senators resorted to fjlllbuAteriii to break a quorum in ordpr to prevent a Vote on the Pacific Railroad; iesolutipiif Senator jHafc ri,t of VKansiy !'Whioht" SenaiUjr Morgan" decfareffi ill! sard the1 1 pec, pl?.pf thw'cdtryJSf.f adopteti.in time to prevent yis com mutation of the scheme started .djt. ing- tho;lu8tadmirMptfa toj get possession : of itb, road -through ' an ljj alleged MoMaaiajtliortand inirfehaso; ,J h3t t$ iri4ritioh'haiir,bVed' tootVorlcreto kill the resojutjon bya(.djrect '.lotej so .'Utey, resorted iosilch rounaVbbut methods of doing it - as fref usmg: "to vote", ftb'osr' fcreakfirj " a' liowm,' Uuhdefr the Senate' Rules 'I couhti la'briimoesn'to. 'j , -- i . - , -'5 HlntllaFinnliH. PhlladelpblS Reoordi . ' iuir" , In.lfwp (he a cannot, annual, field pf milk per .cow in, this country; was 1,400 pouhds in1890. it had itv creased to' 2,00' pounds'.- But ' to b rtryjprofliab'le a cow1 should yield i unng.tar . 8 least fXtt' 'ahtbo toil2',':'ir' ' ! s f . 'The 7 burdcok, , corisidere4 i s. - nuisance in this country,,, has , been j cultivated as an article of footl in Japan fof centuries' The roots, leaves and tender shoots are cooked . and eaten, and the annual value of , the burdock crop is said to be about - $40,Oob. ;. A The chemists at the New ; Jersey Only recently three: Northern gen experiment station claim to have tkmen offered him 5,Q0Q to go In proved by analysis that a crop of training for five lyeajrstOiigfct thev crimson clover six inches high has ( champion of the, world, bat as he accumulated nitrogen ter acre that was only a boy at that -time, . it . would cost $15 to buy j at 13 inches could only be expected bat he high. $25. 50 per acre, while at ' full would not know - how . to dow j But maturity the nitrogen taken' from from a conversation with him he the oii by the (Jover is worth -$30 seems ready to accept V fair prop pcracre... , . .', . i , ( j osition for that purpose at present. - It will pay, , any fanner to read Ue.has never soiokedL, phewetl or about his business,; no, matter how experienced be way . be there are. many things he will; never knowl from his own Ventures. Especially in.such work as dairying is reading beneficial, because there -re sq many problems which.:J?qtnre . 'acienttfio mimiiuviiTi ss aN j ers can hear of only through ;eoiw mtltnl rnaAiwtr '' 1 1 " -J- ;.fiU- h,an ,At Jh price at which swheatrbran always .selU fbr.tn epnmr U is quite as'profltable' ron-loeding-to puy wheat rfhd have it' ground whoJ?. iuiWing. over l, A 4ynglti'a drug Wilfiout boltfng. 1 If this niahes too .... Mv shop is j first .class in bearft.ieeaSe.more b.an Uled1" In Wnon It from elovintr thfl stomach. or perhaps i sofno. oats ground vith.".tho wheat, .may 1 be' 'added. Yet - for the nutrition afforded the wnole wheat ground makes a cheap er feed than does the bmhT arid for ; hniW' horW and cows' it can be safely fed. with out bay, cut , eorn stslks or cut straw; : -t aj ? , f JAgood lilch cOwTias" broad hind quarters anij thin fo'roquarters,! thiri and deep o k, xtiute witl)r, nd pointed bets sen the hom flat and fine boned hair.'- jCltoose ono forward, wido , ajart and large enough to be easily 'grasped, , A niediunl-sixod cow will give more milk in'proportion to tho . food she eats. : - - . ' Souihport is to have a newspaper. We wish to become personally W khd ' fine I'MrrtorLLl n Irf on Withdden well I i,, M7 brtT!UTC?i: ull IIS UUti rgjgg yoong and old, who buys his clothes in Greensborpy-We .ajre in the clothing business and must have your supportTu we succeed. We are confident that if yoa will give as a .trial We will make a customer of ybu. Our expenses are make no bad debts, wc do business can sell yoa ' - , .GOODS FOIt LESS2UUy.'r;v ': than any other bouse not similarly situatW.,'Asa4neansfTBd--5--vcrtising, and to induce you to give trs a call, we will l-y , , v Gl'c You si 5 per on nny purchase you make of as ; provided yoa present thiilid- . Tcrtiseroent. In order to prove to you that we will not take Any advantage of you. yoa may present the advertisement after jou'-'j: have made jour purchase. f " - V - nATTHEYS, CH1SII0LU ! ft'STnOUD, - : Leading Low-Pricecf Clothiers LockBox!17. J GREENSBORO, N. C. Saixsues -John W. Crawfonb John RShaw, Will HRees.' " WILL II. MATTHEW;, Manager. " "imt ,' v hf wif Hp : ' f , ' ' 1 j-, '. IV s. v v -': ) .-- IQJ ji VAtoeliataly lurs 'rtoraed for (s Jresi leavenlh Isnd bealtbtulneMT AMire tbe toed acalnat -. kiuir em-eti irma or anuneraoon eoanm .. W Oje cheap brands. HOTaLmaKIMI) FOW DB U CO.. New Iforkj ' 7 i i 11' I ' leiiinii i ii ii ' : KOrth CAirOltsMl's Olaaul' Fsllibofy World. f-jo-i ni $1 : McFday's World eta Ud thit Wil-liant-Austin; the tall mafi of 8tanly . county -wins ta ; UteVcifyl : Mf. Austin ia no 'working at the old Barker blacksmith shop oo Leo slK?et. J.'t ; .vM,"i'fi'- ' He was 21 years fold the l3th of last Aprils measured 6 feet and 9f inches in hir stocking feet aixl js still growing.'. He weighs 225 pounds and is apparently a skeleton, now, bat with large bones and : muscles, He lifted when only 19 years of age a bale of eotton Weighing over 500 pounds and carried jt some 25 yards. - -drank any intoxicants, and looks tbe pieUtrs, ol nealth. . . . T . w , KtXituimr ktj a1,1To W 4.i. ' i - . v.ii.l u..i becau ft fa too far f home and ,he f too imalL-. t He wanU gojnethjr, else? . ' k - ysho ,: u 1 - Vhen- In need of a Neat Hair Cat . Bniooth ghaVCj- !n fcrt.thinK jtt tIi Barber lino, you willed well ( to call at my Jihop , Ja,tlta. J-,etal ' The University. 41 Teachers, 41 3 St otlcnuC (Suni- mrr School ! 8) Total 549, Bmnl $8 a month. 3 Brief Course. 3 Full Courses, Iaw and Medical Schools and School of Pharmacy. Graduate Courses open to Women, Summer . Schonl for Teachers, Scholarships and Loans foT the Needy. '; ' - virttnv r'l- JVddresay... . PpESIDEST AlDCRMAX, ' June 10-Ot. Chanel Hill. N.C -'- j - I. O- for iwi aisi Brtu ste e aew e rawnaee wnenimes waai TOXHOK1AU When you want a "nice hair-cat or shave, call on tnc. My' sltoj U at the southeast comer of Court House Square. ": . ... " ElXIS HHABfiATK,' acquainted with every man, . small, our stock is all newwe on our own capital, hence we - ; ; ' 'g " . tent. Dlfulvr v; i write j'im w .tiiiLiij.i, k. m tu.. raw: Arar.