i ! I ? f LEANER. VO&. XXIil. N'.C.THURSDAY, AUGUST. 26,. 1897. NO. 3 .--. 1 i a .- : i. - . : : .' i' s :i - - - , , JL f- 4 ------ ; ' si ii-LiiJiJMlJnJ ? . 'if V. f It -1. I KEEP YOUR rely if the Word REGULATOR is'not on a package . Nothing else ls'thesame:!Yt cannot be and neyer.has ,; . been put up by any one except J. H. HEILIH; & CO. And it calf is easily told 1 ' " rj" ' ION Ali CARPS, .1 lSMm'teiititnHuw,;vsiAilVW .IACOIJ 'I Attt)rneyittLavs'1i: u ..Vltl O fill L a tOTd pa'a V1 GRAl4,J i -Cv'iSjH..AXloiardT?be'y''r ttii abdn!'. i Pruettoe" In the 'lutn mlA filernl eourtg. - Oitloe ovTr White. Moore Co.'s rtoit). Main Ptrceu 'Phone r?. - j 7 r-RAitAii, -v n. c ' . PraelU'e srmriiluriy v riMii-e couiivv, s Id thui cx-nrt nf Kin 1 Aaj. .4lv. Xiveryale Feed 'A W. C, JMoOre, Pbop'k, - v CliAIIM. N. o. ITnpkauJiiU-twib--0l xlngoMmr i bhMnlmH. t barje MUKleralP. &-&-kut . . i 1 1 : . .. - . 1 , - v tokTOATmW.o, ' . PE ACriOAL 1'IME R i GRAHAM, - - - j N(C. AH ti'rKJs (rt.ifeJn. woi k aiid rc- Shop 'on VVi ,EltU St., . second or trorfj Bain SL Thompson's. floor mpson ; ; . rttm. a. t f . ARE-VOU--lip ,' ""t '" to ATE. , l - : ') i iJn Wi' Or .LUlNUi Jn..' Videditi of goexf shape, biit' a closft, ;-ri v ' ' puxTiST. v ' ) " comrnrt, well formed crest is to be pre r' , ' rtJ f.f. r ; v- -Vv - , femd to one tbat is larger, but of loese ; ,- V- iit.tlAJJ, X. I, nt.nra toiza : tiillinar -.In all diMcRKnCT hftir'p fn Vi-d li uil.tin T -I I )lltctf rmilM (?.(. i ft. itw4' - P j If you arc not: the -NEWS AKD linrless, inacfivo and snspicions In Iheir bnRKVBK li. 1. Subscribe for itatnrtr-. Extrt)rre mont b given them 6ncc and it will keep vtfu abrcdst ' ta K1,,r "ccr In rutataa (bem Ol hc tunes. , . , full cs. . Al tnestic, ail the tirrfe Dail y-t Ne w and Obsc?r'er, $ 7 per yeart $30 for G mos. - " ' i. Weelclj. rth Carolinian $1 per rear, 5(c for (J mos. : . " 5iEws & obserVerpuii. CO., '.KiALlilO-lI, . C, , The ?jorthran)liimn,a'n(j,TiiE AlAMAXCIf ("LEAN Kit . Vt'ill 1M BCllt fiirone year for Two Ptdhirfl, itsi fn adran'eAr ' Applr at The Gleam: oflice, UrftlWntc N: C $2,32 f -1 ShbaliPay 42732 t A little cictB-nionioy art 11tfe.tr jiiila of what. hcnjjpjrbuy f: and tSe bnU rocf that -th?yre riot $ p I'ril- is" the l.$z in . tout pocket. " -- " ."' :: :i,urrZiii:i , - . roe SAts fcT W f-s f. 1 r ":' Craham,' n. C ns$oetata t ressijisnatcn- erects is likely to reimlt fatally to tbem. I the tie-s foreicfn,' d .17 nr fairly" pood layers of medi- ; imtional, state aiid Iota! 4 f?, T?f,H.-0B",te,,Jii? mm h.ieaj U iri-JJJ 111 EYES OPZrJ! 3L by their Trade Mark- tJ C D ' 2 X POLISH.OWUS., ; 'iB'Krad More !'or rieunrs and Show Than Tor Froflt. (The JPolisu in a mcflimu sized fowl dertftiul narjow nt tbe taiL . Tbo rrost Of tbo cock is composed bf narrow feath ers.. KOiiietbiuH like those-vbjcb , form; the hdrkle .of . the neck and saddle. j They slionldNriw well la front so nd I not to obstrncllbe fiiRbt, aud fall ovet -io theHiinck apd ridos in a fiovrinj, even ( mass. If tiiey fall forward, ns is soma i times tbe cu they both olwtrnct tbo ritbt nnd are liable 10 get vset when tlie bird drinks. Sncb a crest also 1s i hollow iqjtho pouter uud JOeg much of J Its beauty; Tb.cjjtsttot iho hfrjis forma.vs:? I J O i lt t i i. i I ed of feathers growing upward and "But irt localities where there is a ' turning in at thfl extremities, and should lcng frcisbt bnul cu paving brick the bo largo and globular in forra nlJcomi- pucMB fcbnTacfer,.wiln no'sTgvwil part. rxmov vxrttR cki:stf.d buck polish. Tr0 cnijIiTn rieiiliur urS lit Iol-ch to IM i-o mo ih i ti niiar ai.u ikiji.j.h io u. j piiipfl 'nf '( t:i ,a tveirli.' fnrht n fntrrii'fl Scorn's. Irish r rVc,.bd, bow- rter, 1.3 two Ceshy horns civirnng Iii.0 tbo 1. tti r.V,' tbo ppptr exlrcnnties rc- (Te:i(iug into tho cttsL Tbe Fmaller tho tomb tiio better, mid if wholly Wunt 3H. rxoept when removed, ty tlrsiu cr ue lit, it 19 not no'ar0til cs a dlS' ; qauliijeation. . -if' I ro irert etrnnveiy in tuu cone try una ly . fouio f.re , consiuerud jirictical for grutratpurpoRce; bnt.wbilo ronie may liavo good letu'ts iu treed in 3 them, Ibty nro jiot to Hi fally rccom n euocd ns n ftuerul pcrposo 'fowl. 1 bfy nro ctov.rU.T& mere cs a fancy fjVtl ami are generally bred 'for pleas cm i:nd tbe Fbowroom. Tiieir : large crests are npniiift tbem, bindi-ruig tbtir tilnn nti.'l finnfHlif th&i,i in Ixr-nmu abaoioterj tiry. Tho leart water iu their (heir fleiib being fine grained,, tender ondswert-, . - ; ! ,- 1 Of tho vcrietifs of Polifh the Wbito &restcd Bluuk Pclisb bto tbo mest pop ular. . The eolrrcf their plumage it rirb, glossy Mack throughout,' with tbe exception cf Ibe trcrt, which is -puts White. ; The sbenks and tots aro black . or dark slat?, rpmb, aud wattles ore bngbt ret uud c;i lebes nr$ .white. Tke Jiolden and biivtr varieties nro bcaoti nlly inmlccd iu plotaaga , . .' - J....'., J T ' CxoorU it tsx. " ' ; ' . rrr thn flwal rr 1 1 1KQS h InM. fry figures piv tb' total rrfpftrtai of Amenoan XKV-S' ' o ftrvipa countries 1 51, CCO dt arn, wblcti is (qqivalei t to iJ 2,000 tr ps. Ia tbofisrul rtur 1300, "jwever, thy total exportation of Amer ican caps iucreaeu to fl,3,t.'uu cozen, Jr 8, 3(1, 6C& egg,- a' Iif Je uiore tbou, vice as much. Tbo expert f gnrcs for tbia yetf indicate a (-till further fu rrease. and n market for American rcss j h Jitly, therefcre, lo te arrored io what tuc pniincai campaign crators ara acrustotned to call comewbat vaguely fho near luture., ' ' h It is a somewhat csricca fact tbat (b weight of rggs is tpaterialiy I.trgcr a ccrtbern than ia southern climates. Canadidn egear for iufitance-, are Leavi er tbaa thOMi sbipprd trora (be United' ttates, nd eggs ta tbe ncrftrrn srarra tf this coautry are 'heavier tisa thosa! f from the eOTrb.' " ' TarkaTa ac CraaAappar Foragtra. . . A flock of turkeys may bo fattened ou corn alone and . will become very fat " and Juity if fd all tbey will eat far a few days before they are sent tomsrket. ; .They are great Uiarct bnntsrs ' aud will - keep a farm r"l-ar nf j,TasHhopper I whm '. ell o lier means fait We have known "Ten man to sell over f 100 worth cf tor- ' -.irysruoue sc-saon bicb bad been reared 1 ricripally cu' grasabeppers ea bis own '. ki:d Lis neibbcrV fatma. - One year bca tb lnt prr were prticn!ar!y bad tie neighbors were ery glad lo bare b-iif a t!iwar;l. tarfen s nm trv- tlivir- :r ccrL.U.' MICKRACKWAYS i n NARROW WHEELWAY3 TO BS LAID IM v ' THE MACADAM. - :v. Woold Wr . ion, TJm and TtxrmU . , T . n viaiobiUN t BtoTCnavttU7aM4 ttUb thelD as a fouudatiou f.lnHiN f( tht fanMiioM 5:!. Jfor hnpforemeutwill lose a year or two 1? Gcporal Boy Stone,- dhfector of t road Itqaiiy, dcpai truent of ogrkaltarelu eironlur Na 95 quotes from Tbe En- i r ( w i r I ' yluwtiug News regarding tho Injiug k( strips of brick paviug in tnaoaduni trinrlirnVH. Thn Xpwr ftn?; -t j r rtTrrrT flt sppesn-to c thnllhi rcmblaa- tiou filcblick4mil&ottduiri is tbtS raofit proniising plan for tbc improvement of mt.r.rbmj streets mid country roads or heavy- traffio ' tbat ban appeared i!i ft loug tirtw and deserves consideration by every i'tigiueer who baa to do With rriao cdaiii roodg. There are thcnenmlH -of mitm at ntv tttfitd n-hpro tlm nhntMliir owber Viij. pttorct th aasnienu' 1 for the- ebciipet if blcckvcr" aspbalt pavctneiita, uuu cu the otlicr hand tbe truffle in inch tbat tbe maintenance of prwiit rmicwdJim utrecta is aalioary bnr I deli. Cannot tbe needs of soon ease bo tuet by plueiug a brick roadwuy in tha middle of- tbo utrcet and covering ait tiie tct of the widdi bcwcon tLo eurba Willi broken slbuef" . j 1 1 t Tho News also makes mi additional .6nRKe()Uou..iu tbe dUccOcii cf economy which tnoy well lead to further cxpeu- ' jneiit hilbia mtthcdof-tcnBiinction. Xt f expense tl ;c ven J foot slrtp cf brick n iiwna tnignt teproiiinitory. in soon ing, it appears to us, of luyiug two par allel' narrow fi! tips -' tf "paving brick tbroupb tbc middle of a macadam rond, ti itiBsfratrd In tberideoinpauymg cross rccliDi. These strips might be 10 to 20 f inches ii .-width tnid cf inebgdega tbut vrhlrlesef Bir clufsedconkl follow tbrm lis tbey woald a lino of mils. Tbe de creased, traction ousncb fl surface woald bo practically as great ns if steel rails were laid: in ll;o mucndiim, ns bns been proposed, and if properly laid tbey would wear a very long lime r.udcr r.uy tnifflo v. hero a mdcaduru road is jnsti II .bb at nll.5 ? I ," .j "JlirrCnai tboushiiilscf plnceswbem o fbcit 1 icte c( roadway is subjected to a very Lravy tralKa tineb roads, occur nronutl jV'tor;csi'rcilis, tnines, quarrieH, rafltray'KtntionaaiKl t'.auy other places. ii nouy If these places an ordiuaty CROSS flTITIHN OP.BUICK TIIAC.'KWAV", CJf ' ; DUltllfl.V XKb hXii ,TNK CL'lillMn. ' dirt trad is in r6, and tennis are-hunting over it lo-.iUn not cuo-tomtbus largo as tbey could buul vir a bald tiorfuce, In many o'.lurciiees ntcfte roads bavo been laid find aic cTcc(iug u great sav ing ever tho old dirt roads in tost cf baoiuc, tut 'urc ixpeuF.ive lo keep in repair nudcr tie heavy loads tbut part over ll.ein. For snob places as I bene the plan e.f ri::g paving bilck to tuko the heavy wrar appears ta La especially nd vjiitngL'ons auU dcscrvin3 of . txteuded adoption.) - . ..;- - ; ; . VI ho details of fctFtmclion, socb as the lcnLcfti.cn ci:dr(tlic bricks, tbo cousttntticu (f (Lo matadum itttbiir tides anil between Ibim, tho filing be twru tbo brickr, itcweuld vary with local cirenuiHtimris mid with the tearh iugs f t vxperienee, but tbey need not Lo eoutdcred in ft rt nil y cf tbo nicnta cf tbe ceficme ftrncrally. ' " ' cc.unectiou tbat locb a strip' cf brick J . . . 1 j .. . w. yJ u u vuv . ifiv .1. .a . 1 pavement as Js.bcro proposed woultf muke uu : admirable ros-.d for eyelicg, aud th iuflceuco cf that important body cf Jigithtoxs (cr ror.d iuuprovemcut militv.ell La excited Ju iuvi if tbirf propol"on.,'j -, . , .1 . Tbe drawbacks to t!io hnrtcw rtrip ! method cf construct icn ore tbe danger ,IM HI. Kt.V IUII1 . . cntf ic"e ttiek In ; cf ibe lilting cf tbo driving on nnd rC, cr crossing tbe lino wiin l.ratT jeacs. 1 onn ine nautrr . cr 1 otFintitiou nt dforduffUH iit ir frctt 'v To meet tbo Ctftof tbtsct1iflicullica .rsltbat the lieu will not Hjcab.ito a ccrbii g tf rovpb atcte hiitl-t te laid. tuHI tbey are rrrdy to r!o otf tlnlr If rtouo i cot UTtllabloi Uicks could ; own actoanfc By tbo nie-i-f Ibe inco-t-c set cj end i e erbing, cr a pcJal t bntif,: biiks csuif bebatcUd at any Icim r f Iriek witht be ilesiguid for Ibe pcrpcre, cf uhich t.ia sarfuce woqld torm port cf ibc trackway. . - In-curea wbrro dan-w;e by frcsl is to be apprehended ou accent t f tbe rbar- rnctcr cf (be toll tbc tccstrut-iiou might be lombincd witb tbut of the Illinois taim reads nscd Ly Judge Cutou. Tbo rcniMuctMin weald. bo as tlown iu tbo annmpakyiux ctt - - Tbe ditch' ctcve the frsjulilo ccold Le ClbrI viitb any ean matfTfal- field ttctte. cr quoiry ep.alls tea felt cr gravel too large for loads, or witb the baiurtf clay ia lamps bub is osid fcr ballasf cn scmo cf tbe piairie railroads' this tilling to be rammed cr rolled down' ci.d..ccrnd iib a Utile gravel and rurwgh vend ft r brdCing tbe Cth ks. a , J u vwg & I . viiHi Kim tor Ibe apace between tbo tracks and" outside cf tbrm. ' ' ' - j " A rccd ro luilt ccd rrcKctcd ihon1S tbebema'rt ; -.'. ;.,,- - . i CU. Tlrr Da tha Cnt. . Many a county irttdj tcday a. !ypV-n "slpugb cf diupcnd," wocld te so im proved by the n tf wide tires popcr ly arrbUprd tbat rcptiricg it lo first Cl&ss condition viOuld rtqaire. proper drainage only, ty shaping tbe f urface ud kerpina fbe sida dircbes clear, k-aving tbe rolling cf wide tire tr Vt tbo rest. Li JL W. Bullt tin , . , ' 1 t'., , . A Maaaeaay Kaad. The rondway cf ibe Eoe Lafayette lias- bern torn cp snd will te relaid Vk iih llnrkf f rvnl i'miiju laabi-gKiy tf Cue tcl'.tiv d luJ. ," : CROSSING BREEDS. ill f ortnii narmfnl- and Alwara Ponr c A FoUcjr. ' , I It may pay a furmer to endeavor to I improve . q lot of acrab cow by aiug P"8 tI1lelH; U V10 , bat out farmer wbo will nso iicrtib hoiiH ' " a . a . u t . . . . . .1 br BO floiUK.. as ho can cet foAl" Or CBK Of pnr brwula nt aucb iinall COM tbat it will be really extravagant to retain the eornbs More effort ban boeu made in iiujuvTiug ai'tuu luwia tuau lvjbw la.o t tock, bat nothing of importance baa been guined thereby. On tho contrary, tho'wie of scrubs as a foundation bos re garded progreoa.). , - ? Tbo furmors mast first get rid Of tbo supposition that crossing breeds Is nu advantage, If they should jndioioasly cross, kuowmg what tbey are doing they might probably ncoomplisb some thing, bat as it is they do morn barm by crossing tlinn is expected. Ior in Stance r let the farmer bnvo two breeds -PlyiDontb Rooks and Bamburgs.. Tbe first he Cuds an licclleut maiket fow 1, and adapted to nearly all climates. The j Hatuburga will lay more eggs Jbnti tbe nymontu i'.ooes (mostly in summer, but nro small and hardy iu winter. 4 Now, if vq can combine tljitprodnc- tive capacity of the Hamburg with the urdiuesH of the : Plymouth Book, tbo farmer considers flint be w ill. have n superb ci-ors. Ho does not stop to con sider, that tbo brooders have crossed In every possible: maimer to get tbo sumo results aud that tbe pure breeds are themselves croKscs that bnve been fixed In chnracteristies, nor does the farmer consider (bat CO farmers in every )0t) bare douo just what he is about to do, . - So bo makes bis cress and gets birds that do not lay as woll us tbo Ilain bnrgs, are not equal to tho ' Plymouth Rcxks i any tpect, Will not endure severe winters aud are of all colors and sizes.-Their be ceases, as ho makes no careful note of tbo cross, neglects tho birds because tbey become .scrubs, bis iuicrefct in pure breeds has passed, and Lo is ou the down grade to ruin so far as keepitig poultry for tiio best results' are concerned, Farmers' Goije. . . Front Id Tooltip. , ' The fnrmej who despises tbo hens is making a big mistake no matter if be Is a big grain farmer oralis stockman. Appearance are deceitful, uud tbe last! few yoars yes, lor jnany years Ibe brecdur of fowls had made infinitely more money, for the amount of money, enre and (bought be bus pnt into hit business, than some of bis more preten tious brethren. I do not tee that tli(f pnres for fresh cgn and market poultry have. fallen much flir the average nf tbo yeiir.olwitfcstai.ding tbe low prico cf coin end oats. ' Western .farmers bad, better convert . more of this grata into poultry products. iiauufnettim tho rv grain into tbe finished poultry commod ities. Alaiinfuctuied articles naturally bring larger prices tBau tho cruder prod ucts.. Tbe j;reat point in producing poultry products for critical city "wirr Lcts is to raise the best A poor nrtielo always disappoints both buyer uud sell er. Away with dougbill fowl! Breed tbe Variety of poultry tbut best fits tbe purponoyon have iu view. Plymouth Itocks und Wyaudotlts are superb brds to cultiva'o for market poultry. Leg horns aro fine layers, but of small valao for cooking in a pot Tbo American Wyandotte cf a bealihy strniu doabtless con es i;s near a rood layer and a flue market bird as any other single breed. If a man 'is to Hiake specialty cf giv ing the luurkct fresh egg?, lei Lim be sure tbe uv. are Iron, nod reach the market frrrb too. If ho slif dressed fimls, let bim bo nno tbey are fut. plaiup and well dressed. In (his way trade, vi ill grow ou bue's bands. Chi- cego Inter Occsu. J t3S or tatt , . . ... Wbilo all jcr.lttj-nuu and farmers raise ebh kri:s iu tho r rivg it Is to chph.' n thnt seusnu tho hens are lucre f:iM!nnl tn hrrniue lirrnid. bnt tbo tx-ri- d or hutching is in tho lute fall or winter, whir h is aim tbe most suitable sea-:u for Ineubutr.rs. Tl:o grckt ob- MU'Ie t tbn production cf early lime. 1 ii will iuus loc;i iniit iiw una . nauotn.ug 10 uo wiu ino cii.tr, in: , j that is dependent tpon the hen bein , . . . ... -1 .1 1 , ff " I I BUUK.IigiR. ' Uy a dirU'un of tbe two iudnarHee, fnr at the present day urlfflcial Incuba tion Mi meat iudufry, tbe la j lug of ' tie eggs fs dons ut tbe Ic:.nt rxteiMi'iu I the months fcllmrlcg Uar:b audruding only w hen moiling be gins, while brtcb ; ing ami raJaug rbirkeus is doue from . the molting season nutil UorJi cud. '. Hi-re we have tbe year divided ii.to two ' peiiods and i;ito twoeparat iiiucsftiin, j Lotb or wnicu gire utner remits innu ' either alniA The iurcbaior en n not lay . rgga, bnt can hatch tlx ro, while tbe ba ean Uy egga, but will not batch tbem -until alio sc prrfir. ncr will she art iu couo-rt witn nrr compsniona, a one or w li'n way tie wiling, and the othcts refuse Ptmltry Kifpcr. Mr. William II Truoiow, the famous dork nnnltrr uijii i f til roudnLara. fa.. 1 t :ya be casnot afford to raise chickens. ' ' Tbe loat attempt of bis in tbat li:ic lie ' hsirm-d eut somrlliing like 4.500 rbick- j tat, bat tba total reaching maikrt was . bot a little over 1,0c 0. It oegbt, bow- I vrr, to U tinted tbat Iter ehickets , followed I lie dork crop, touwqueutly j came luto Croclrr Jrutura. etc., at a . time Wbra tboee were net in Ibe bnt condition for good n-salts. Jtfr. Trus krw bi a plant witb a capacity cf shoot te.000 dorks Iu a stmi, bat bxa TM VfV get cut above 10.000 cr II OCO. J Ha baa ln rouning 8.B0O iga in- triors anl in a Lrwk-r hcce 175 fn-t bun.', wub a duubte jtan cf ii;iu, tuJ Ucxit i.i the ur. A USEFUL. HAYRACK. Fit j I Way .(head of t!i rutfom Tttotu. ' : flow to Halt T)ue. J? I ,' A hnVrnck that hnn lieeu 111 -.imn fr 1 fonr ycaw is beredopiotcd. Itbas trivcu j greot satisfaction, is .at 'good an new and in tbna demribed It tbe man vrba iiirna It lii lntrrtn Ohio Fanner: . in tbo illuiitrutloA tbe sills A A ate 9 y 7 and 1 5 feet in leugib. Cross bench es B B on sills are 9 by 4 and 8 feet 6 inches long ' br to suit width of your wagon. These ore polled on to sills as In I CDBraviug, nsing'lO Inch bolts, pnttiug them in from ondersido of sill with pat on top of cross bouch. These bolts, yon will . find, are . en inch too short to rcucb' lbrougbr but pre eouutcrsank an inch "beuenth. aiid a snlull hail driven tbrongh tho hole rrosswiso to prevent I Inn of holt should a lint work off. as jh0y are apt to do. Tho nuts are ou tdp where tbey can bo seen; .The correspondr Ins cross benches G O ou wiims are 3 feet 0 inches iu length and made of 9 by 4 stuff. .Tbeso are cut, as shown in engraving, to' slido ou over gills and fit under -the boards on conter- bf. rnck. These boards are 1 by Q and cat right length to reach, as shown in cut, of lack, 1 The sido boards or wings are the same, )HUgth;, ns tho sills and 1 by 0 staff. Those irt bolted and nailed to bouohos mads after the ruck is ready to fasten together, ,1 will say that ladders on my fuck aro 0 feet high, and back ladder it nrrauged with a looro iron piu to boom 0i6 load fin nt any desired height Tbc bolcw at D J) iiifido wirw are made for purpoco of hinging wings cu to main frame of rack apd correspond with hole t:i cross bencbes.B B, whehi H bulf inch bolt S i ne.hr s in leugtb fastrua (bem tosrtlier and h ittclf bold In plueo with a key through it. This makes a combination ruck w hich by at tach lug end gates arid tight board -floor con be used to, haul bogs, tile, pump kins, etc,, and by placing a few boards ou side wings a largo load of corn iu (be enf ran bo hauled. - As I have al ways hauled a greut deal of fcd each winter, I ilncb JU tj 'eg, plaoo t cn a fled and mhkit a very gocd feed rack of it, npuuwbifh to- haul feed froui the field la the beta. iiy tack ia- all mndo of red elm and painted witb tvroccr.fsflf ofl nnd Vene tian rttl, r. bleb makes quito a durable paint fcr furin lools and Letter by add iug a few-poauds of wbito lead. A rack cf tUis l.ii.d vtill Lo found very conven-, 1 i U ?'; j h! ( , , A!f OHIO H ITRACB7. " - CO. The cud ladders can readily 1 i J"'" cp"u ,,1C unl I w""'o yu 1 trcfW wonu u) ,ru,,0 ft and co buck to tbo old plutrora rack 1 Boat TartctW at Sqnatb. Tho old Hubbard sqaash is tho stand by witb farmer aud market gardeners. KJljr.t(.utlw t Ul0 lafe W1 d winter inM,cs fnnad In Ibo market are Hob- bnrdn, and. ether tbausmuincr squashes. thero aro probaldv moro . Ilubbards plnntd (ban all other sorts combined. For the farmer's gnrdeu, however, tbere nro other varieties that will give, near ly as good aalbrf action and should be tried in a small way, according to American Agricnturut. wbicb says: Tbe Boston Harrow ia more prolific and is nu excellent nctumu sort, but will not kevp well after Cbristmaa. Es sex Hybrid Is a good sort and of flue quality, bat not of deferable shape for market. Tito "o Wing and Pordhaok aro squashes of recent Introduction. Faxon, auotbev new squash, is too vari allo in color to be acceptable to city eomurocra. Lot is a good garden sort. Alarblebcad and Butraan are somewhat like tbo Hubbard in shape, bat have net Lcccrnc popular, allbocgb tbey are pood vailetiea. The Turban, like tbe Faxon, is liable to sport and prodnce sqna-bia of differei;t colors. For Ibe bun gardener tbe new Wbito rJammcr Cmokaerk la worthy of a trial. It aver age a little larger tbaa tbe old Crook neck, which it rrsemblni in shape, tot its skin i of a beautifol itory wbile color, and its qnaliry ia not exoellcd by any other sowaicr rqnaah. Tfca Cafcaaga Warm. - In. J?ehao' Uoutbly. attention Is palled to Ibe old method of divtroving rsuaagr worms, iiwuiaiait dirhis dry it ra a h stove, and, wbn tbe dew wav cu tha plant spriukle Ibe dry. (Kwdeml tall over llin, This thou id U dece tiaul ones a week. 1 FIRMING THE SOIL. tVlda Um of th Roller and tb Xartk , MauL . Inn bnildlng a new house or in grad ing or other operations that require soil to be filled in to some depth it in jneoeesnry to woll firm the soil if regard is had to future shapeliuciM of tbe Car face for this purpose. ' El ias A, Long has found an earth mnol nsefaL , Mr. Long tells bow to make one, along with KARTH MA tX, tVOOIiKN FltlMKU AD ROIXRR. Other information ou firming tbe soil. in a paper submitted to American Gardening. He says: .. . j r The earth maul depicted is a simple, homemade nffair, consisting of a 4 by 6 t or 6 by 0 scantling, about 3 feet long, on tbo sides of which have been nailed two pnudles of pino wood, us shown. J, ' t001 110nia 1)0 Ircply " th8 filling iu goes ou, pasMug over tho sur- fnoe af(au m,d again nutil a f (,0lidiiy ii teacbed liko that tllB ronnJ 1h trip(1 on luwll or c feelino; cf met when other land that is well scttlod. It is not well to 1 tiKe tbo maul on soil that is wet, cspo-1 t'ially if the latter be of a heavy nature, for Ihii will lead to its becoming badly i solidified. ' , I ; Tbe iffcet of 'repented freezing and (hawing at tbo surface dnriug fall aud spring is such tbut tbo top earth bo- 1 1 i 1. 1 VUUlU" luw uni) nuti tun luvta ui .iiim berries, grass, grain, shnllow growing plauta in tho flower borders, etc.; be - come iujnriously d.sturbed and drawn out heaved. It i this condition of things tbut calls for thewide use of the roller . In tho garden and farm early in tbo spring, a matter so well understood as to require no further attention here. , There is no one lesson which tbo tree planter needs better to learn than tbat bf tbo importance of firming tbo soil iu tree planting. Success iu the operation liiugea on this more largely than tbe uverago planter seems to be aware. To set a' tree as yon would set a post ia a'jout tbe right idea, and a tool like the oeutcr one iu tbb engraving, made out it a block of heavy wood, witb a handle ftttuohed, is a nscftrl one at this work, ju addition to (bo axe of tbb feet . t j v One ad vnntnge of sowing garden and r titer seeds iu drills is that tbe soil over I ho seeds can tbo tetter be firmed. Cov er the seed thinly with fine damp soil, roinpres it quite Crmly witb the feet Or with a womlmr firmer, llko tbat shown by the middle figure, aud you ait on tho right truck. Of broadcast sowing iu the gnrdeu agood illustration Is found in lawn seeding. Tliero tbo course should bo to huvo tbe surface on which Ibo seed is sown firmly palver- izcd witb smoothing harrow or rake and tbo operation finished by pausing over tbo entire surface with (be roller, or in small plats a light maol may be used instead of Ibo roller. - ' lnMriniaatiac Next to a difference of tofito in Jokea nu incompatibility of musical spprcciation is surely tho greatest strain uiwn tho uffectioua. Here ia q story to prove it It ia ibe story of a musical daughter and aft un. musical mother The dnnahter la harcly moro- tlwm 3 years old, but she bus already shown every tign of tfetSi'eoneft musicul Ukng. Tbe mother, 011 tbo coutrury, can hardly turn a tune, Tho otbtr evening the mother wanted the duughtcr to go to led. Tbo daughter didn't want to go. "Como, Ethel, V suid the mother by way of fiuul nersmiwon. "If youll go to bed like n good girl, I'll' tindrewi you and slug you to elccp l iyaolf." "Ob, to, mamma," the uuKhtcrhnHtenod 10 add. "Youcnn nndreh ul0 if you like, but plemte j let nurse do tho nirgicg." Kcw , York Sun. . We wih lo become pcrsonallr acquainted with every ma rf, ! young and old, who buys his clothes in Greensboro. We are in the clothing business 'and mast have your support if we snccced. We are confident thnt if you will give ns a trial we will make a customer 0 you. Our expenses are small, onr stock is all Defy, we make no bad debts, we du business on our own capital, hence we can sell you . . . - '. " ' ' -" ' ; f: GOODS FO II LESS MONEY than any other house not similarly sitaaU-d. . As a means oT, ' . rf vertisimj, and to induce you to give ns a call, we will . c'Jv ('f ........ - j..-i , - Give You a 5 per cent. Discount rl ' ; - t -- - -- - - -. . - - . yacwt . on any purcliaseyou make of its ; provided you . prccn,'m to- . vertiscmenf. In orrkr to prove to you that we will no $ ccing - i au vantage 01 vou, 5-ou niai- present 111c anvcriiscmcna - have made your purchase;"' 7"" 1 1 11 1 1 1 r 1 1 n . inii.tiiiii i.ta a iiimiiw) uiiiwiiumi.i w w a iiuwwj . . Leading Low-Priced Clothiers Lock Box 1 1 7. ' GREENSBORO, N. C. iii r. 'its JuIia-W-'CT.w.'dnU ? y . . . Absolutely Pur Olebratod for Its great leaveninf strraslll ami holthfuliiettg. Awurjs the fuod aKaliwt nlunj and all t.rms of dutteradon eonimon tn Ibc cWDbmi.dn. HOYAt.liAK.lNat'OW. 1)8 U CO., Now York. ; , r - Vba Mtmw t'naiitccr. , ' , j ; J Thlals tbo sort of an Intervievr wlttcli may be expected when motof tnrrir.ges ec-a into use; ' , - ! " "You fidvertitied for "n coacbtnaa, eirf" iald tbe applicant. - I did:';, replied the : murchnnt. Jm'VT J JA IM,ltl IA4U HV Te, sir - "Have von brd anv"exr)eTenfl 1 - "I liave been in the boainetw alt 1 ... " 1 ';( ' ; iuu Hru uaK 10 uiiuuiinsj goao ' no, tben.I'T; - 'And yon are well np in ekctric'i Ityt" . ' "Thoroughly, " 1 ' -' "Good I Of course yon are tost: chinit-t alsot" m ,t , , . "Certainly." "Then I preen rne you bare an etft gineer a cortincatei . - , "OX course." - - 1 1 ' "Very well. Yon fnoy goarotroq , to the outhonre and get the tnotort fjce rendy. My wife tella nioab I Bttlealimjtofr-XUi . . Blndd. ' ; , . -. , . ' : ' " ; 1 ' ' 1 1 . -1. ' tm f" . ' ' 1 What lioeafne of that SanraeM :t : girl tbut Pottersby Wad flirting WitU ItiHt summer t ' "You rnenh tho girl tbat Potter: A by thought be was flirting witlL , t ho married biui." London TW Wta. . ! !, ,1 .5 '. -. " V. Im What Um U'aatod. . . . . -. A Swede went into a lawyer's of- , too nt Kigoumcy tbe other day ttt ', get bim to make out a conveyance for acme land which be bad ptns . tboacd. He aaid he wanted a rnwrt gego, but the lawyer sold be ahouU . ' havo a warranty deed. "No," re plied tho Swede. "I once bad a war- . rnnty deed to a farm, bnt another ( man held a mortgage and got tbe land. -1 want a mortgage." Welt man (In.) Adrunca - ..- ', Biittr acd tba Aaltata. c The Roman wi iters on.agriCaitnre' Buuoe to iutier oniy in me rnox Inddental way, and there la reaaod .believe that even hj the third and toorth centuries it was used solely" oaa ointment- , . . r , V ; - 1 '" , ; l( " Bruu tiiWaa. ; The prewnt generation o daav -iical pbilologiHta remind one of certain sect of Jnpancee Bttddblst wblch believes that salvation lato be attained by arriving at a know!-" KO of tho infinitely smolL Pvja4-J tions, it is raid, havo recently been ren "J American colleges to mea bo have shown their assimilation tho classical siririt by writinc .theses on tbe ancient horee bridle nut on me lionian uoorKnoa irv ing Babbitt in Atlantic,l ; Tbe average Englishman lives TO years longer in England than in Af. rica. - - . This Ou pa 3 . kit ujifeht .ragrin tli- l'j: 1 1 r- ,t 1 im 1 1 J-lm E.Hmiv. Will If. WIL. II. .MATTII I. W:

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