VOL. XXIII. GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1897. NO.. 31. ICEEP YOUR EYES OPEN f Surely if the word REGULATOR is not on a package I--- it is. not . v I Dodder and foragei ikxions Liver R EGULATOR. Nothing else is the same. It cannot be and never has been put up by any one except J. H. ZEILifJ & CO. And H can 1'ie easily told by their Trade Mark fHE RED Z. ; PlU ) PE3SIO N A h CARDS. .0 Attorney-at-Law, GRAHAM, ' n. c J'rMtlcB In the StJito and Federal courts. Untoe ovr White, Moore & Co.'s store. Main Street. .'Pboue No. . ATTOUXEY'AT LAW GRAHAM, - - - K. C, feeedliig Oraw In Fodder Corn According to a Vermont Practice. The wiuter of 1896-7 was a severe one for meadows ami especially the newly seeded:" fields. The ground 'was frozen deoply and soma of the time barq aud partly covered with Ice. The voting clover is largely killed, while cu older meadows tbe grass . is more or less iu jured. Some of tbe fields will have to be plowed pud either sown with grain or planted with fodder corn. In this connection a Vermout correspondent of The New England Homestead writes: Instead of pluming tbe laud to corn tbis year and seeding to grass, along With a grain crop next spring, it wight be better to try tha .following plan, Which is being successfully followed in ftmny cases. Plant to fodder corn in the usual way and just before the last cul tivation sow on the grass seed. Of conrso the . laud should bo properly fertilized either with manure or phosphate ' and level cultivation practiced. All of this work can be very well dono with tho implement known as the woeder. By using this thoroughly the soil can bo made clean and mellow. Bow the grass this implement J, Yh e wyan dottes. Jojair Okay Byncm. w". r. BySum, Jr. ' B iSVM & litf Jnbfc, Attorneys and CourMseloi-e tit lw - GHEEXSIJOUQN; C. Practice regularly Id the courts of Ala tnnnre coiintv. ; Aiiii. 2, B4 ly. drTw. s. long, jr . . dkStist, 9 RAH AM, N. C. Ofllcc in Vestal iuilding. Office hotirs : 8 a. m. to 4 p.m. DR.,J: I?. STOCKAD, t)eiitist, tlR A II AM, N. C. Onlco at residence, opposite llnptist ('hureh. H nt work ut ro.iftnnnhlo trl-o. iV" J" oflie:e Mondays and Sutur V' - W, Hy. THE WOrtLlj'a Hruvntci. iVliat the Yarlotu Conntrlea Coald Pat In the Field. Tho United States can call upon a greater Dumber of trained soldiers than any other country in the world. I Although the standing army nam j bors only 27,000 men, each state has to purport its ovfj militia, and j seed previous to using 1 should it become necessary as a last j the last time. j resourco upward of 7,500,000 men When harvesting the corn crop, tako t - ... ... . . - . -. r- filTn (a Anr. I tr r c nnpji t-l n on 4 ti i r eouicl aBHstm maintaining tho muo- . r. " . . -" iiiu nbuuutti vim nut ut) in eue wuy ot tho mowing machine - Some may tuiuk that seeding in this way would not bo successful, but expe rience proves that it is. A neighbor hist year seeded fivo acres in this man ner with good results. I luive seen fields where a portiou was seeded to grass with fodder corn thoyear before aud tho remainder with oatg, The part with the corn is almost always decided lymrctJi of (he other, as it does not wiuter kill. Where the oats wero sown the s?edi!ig is poor and uueven. Why there should i.bo such a difference it might bo diffi cult to determine, but snchuio tho facts in the case. Auolher advantage in following tbis plan wherever desirable is thut the corn crop properly cared for will be better and leave the land ill a desirable condi tion for a satisfactory crop of hay. I havo plowed 2)4 acres, successfully Forded last your, but bndlv winter inong the Beet of All II reeds For Gun. eral Purposes. As a general purpose fowl the White Wyandottes are considered by ninny rs .squared- only -by the .Plymouth. Rocks., Their origin is comparatively recent, flitting back loss than 23 ycars They snimVorigiiiully from the Dark Brahma, SilvcrV gpaugled Hamburg aud tbe BredasTVJJreuch fowl. Not a few au thorities suy that Wyandottes Lave Cochin blood iu them, from the fact that their- ancestors produood -single copibs and feathered legs. For general purposes the Wyaudotte has proved a succoss, being of medium size, weighing on an average a pound less than the Plymonth Eoek fowl, hardy of constitution aud prolific layers. They are easily cared for and bear con finement well. For table purposes they oro of . superior woitb. Their flesh ii sweet, juioy and tender, making excel lent broilers and roasters. As layers they nro among tho best, averaging front, 13 to 14 dozen cpgs a year, aud as winter layers they do well under ordi nary circumstances. There are five varieties of the Wyau- dottft class, und it is only u matter of opinbpn as regards a eboico of tbe be.-it. The general characteristics aro the sumo ROAD DESTROYERS. Sotao of the Force. Wli!?h Opercto to Im , , pair Ulgiiway. A roadbed may suffer disruption by rhrlulugc of tbe snbgrade. it has been dotermiued experimentally . that clay shrinks one-fifth of its bulk iu excess ively dry weather nnd increases to a cor responding degree when wet, and that silicious sauds and gravels undergo no change iu volume From this it follows that when a way passes over a elny bed, which may become desiccated, injuri ous results aro. likely to.follow, particu larly at a poiut where the clay abuts a sand substratum which is unaffected by weather changes. Tho gradual destruction of a roadbed ty. tho ordinury processes of friction and impact is always to be expected. AN ISLAND IN THE JACK POT. and I 1 pendonco of tho country. ; To .defend tho coast there would V.o a navy of some 70 ships, with 10, 100 men. Of the European armies the big gest is that of France. The number of men in the active army and its reserves is 2,350,000. It is not like ly, however, that under any conceiv libld circumstances more than 2,500, 000 men could bo called out. The navy, with 451 ships, also has a re i icrvoof 114,000 men, of whom about ! 25,500 are serving at tho present time with the fieet. I Next in point of riurnbors on a war footing comes Germany. The peace strength of tho standing ariny is , about 520, C00. There has been no i lato return of tho war Strength, but in the hint extremity-Germany would J have an army of not far short of killed, and will try the plan outlined hero. Livery; SiiJe Hi' Feed . Stables. W. C. Moqee, Pkop'k, ;. (iit A II AM, N. Heck me' t nit trnln" Oood tingle nrdnuT Die team. C'linrgf" tnitdenile. 2yj4lm ilEXUY 15 AN X7 J ir, . PRACTICAL TIMEB, GRAHAM, - - - - N.C. r .- - All kinds tf tin woi'k and re pairing Shop on W. lni St., second door front Bain & Thompson's. De.(.tf. ' ARE YOU UP YO DATE ' If you arc not the News and OiiEKVER is. Subscribe (or it at once and it will keep you abreast of the times " Full Associated Press dispatch es. All the news foreign, do mestic, national, state and local all the time. -Daily News and Observer $7 per year, $3.50 for 6 mos. ' J Weekly North- Carolinian 1 tier year, 50c for 6 mos. . NEWS & OBSERVER PUB. CO., Raleigh, N. C. 3,000,000 trained men, while 22,000 men could man tho two. hundred and twenty odd vessels constituting tho navy. The third great power ia Russia. 1e total pence footing of thin' countJf is 00,000 and the war footing 2, COO, COO. Tho navy consists of KSO shii, manned by 32,000 men. Italy etin boast of au army num bering 3,030,000, of which nearly 250f000 tire under arms, CCO.OOO aro cn unlimited leave, GSO.OOO aro mobile militia and 1,020,000 nre ter ritorial militia. 'Iho navy compi'itios 21,500 men and 220 ships. From a military point of view, ' Groat Dritarii ill 'conii)area with her Eurcperm neighbors. The total of U-ll'l)ranche3 of tho Kervico amounts to only 715,083, and of these only 005, 1G4 are chifsiiicd us efi'eclive. Tho regular forco at homo an:l in the colonics numbers only 147,105, the' army reserve is 80, 100. the militia j 14,101, the yeomanry 11, 0T8 and the volunteers 203,528. Tho British navy therefore should at all times be a re markably strong one. Austria-Hungary has a war foot ing of 1,750,000, but should the ne cessity nrfeo over 4,000,000 raon would havo to tako arms in defense bt their country. Thonavy has a to tal of Bnmo ti,500 men to man tho HO Fhipp. Tho permanent army of Bpain numbers llC.OCO, which could be increased in time of war to 1,085, 000; 81,000 men could man tho 103 f f Flooilgato For Dltvli. Farm, Field and Firesido originally illustrated tho f'crdpatc for farm ditch es scut i-i Ly'n Wyundotlo county (O. ) farmer, and hero priFei.-ted Followiug ure (iircctioi: for making it: Tako a jk-co of timber. (X) 4 by 4 inches. Mate iiiort ises through tho 4 by t' n n n n n r r:.cot;.'.T!: rois kahm duciies 4 on inch wide and as long as tho width of tho sluts you wish to uko. Have your slats about, three feet ovr. Put weight (W) enough below the beam to keep tho slats erprn Jlrular. Haho frame of two posts and sills with cross rill, having tliQ posts well braced. Boro holes iu ptislH to rcceivo tho rounded cuds c,f tho flood gate beam. When completed, sink tho sill (S) in to the gronnd across the ditch ou a lev el with the bottom of tho ditch. The North Carolinian and AlAMAXOE (il.KAXK.K . Will lC for one year for Two Dollar., in Adrancv. Apjily at The Gleaxki tiflit-e, ( Jraliam, X." C The pen4 Ca.sl TVIilto Clover For Pasture. It is one cf the advantages of rough, rocky laud that, as it cannot often bo cultivated cr ever very thoroughly, thn surface soil is pretty suro to bo filled with white clovrr seed. It is said to be nnt oral to such land, which means that it has so Inns" occupied "too soil that there is plenty of seed to grow wheu evcr it has a fair clirnre. It is au rxcel- roota run near oud even to light rains, which wiil cot revive other (Trasses. It is greatly helped by a dress ing 'of typsnm. On ling cultivated ground, rrptciully where i:o clover lias been thickly seeded, there will be little while clover vitiLle, but even there it ii often ready when it gets tbe ebaiice. T f . . i i . her of troops actually under arms tlop, uct lcrnnt fl. ,.. CSCee-13, even in War, 1.PC0 ; yanm. nmwth nf oflrrm.th rlnvrr consent of tho t will often lie fennd. thouLh before the alt::te was cut tbe white cloter was too small exrpt for eyi-s that wrre sharply lookiug for it torco it. American Cultivator. aM kuuu . u h ii lc pasture Klasui; M i, iho army er fcwitzerhnwLjs divl. the sulUce at,dqiiiMy rn ii5iwiuHB: iuviiinr; ioj.uuu; 1110 landwehr, 61, C00; the land.iturm, 273,200. H woden , ha 38, f!5 nr. en and 1 ,000 reserves, with ft navy cf 53 ships, with SO.COO men, cud Norway nn army of 33,000, although the num- miZK WHITK WVAKDOTTE COCKKItRI. in all, thedifferrnco in -color of plumage, being tho only distinguishing mark. The Silver Laced Wyaudotte is of a sil very whito plumage, with, regularly marked whito lacing ou breast and a generons distribution of white aud black throughout tho entiro body. Tho cock has u silver whito bend, rose comb, sil ver hacklo, with a black stripe down the center of each feather, silvor while buck, saddlo same as hackle, breap.C black with whito center, tail black, wings half bluck and half white, or rather, bluck edged with white. When wing is folded, there should be a well defined bar ncross tho wing. Shanks and toes nro rich yellow, free from feather ing. Tho hen of the tillvcr laced variety U marked similarly to the lnalo, excepting tho back and wing, which ma whiter in malo than female The breast cf female is of much importance iu breeding good birds. Tho lacing should be largo und distinct, tho while renteis of each feather to Lo freo from black or brown penciling. Tho Golden Wyandotte is narked liko Iho Silver, excepting that the color is iruldru br.vi'iid l.hu k inprpndnf whitn ! and-. black. . . Tho white, variety is per haps the favorite of tho Wynudotto classes, from the fact that it is not so difficult to breed to feathe r, thaplumago being pure whito throughout They aro for (his reason tho more practical fowl for tho farmer cr tlioso who keep poul try for murket. The Buff Wyaudotte is ia color a rich, deep, clear buff, uni form .in f.biulo throughout, except the tuil, which is tf n deeper buff cr con- pcrich bronco color. n rich glossy black, with greenish sheen, excepting I rcatt priiuurhs, srcouilarics, tail ULd 11 jT, which uro pure black. A1TKR A IIKAVY BAITT. (From L. A. W. Eullotln.) and the rato of wear wtnld seem to de peud directly upcu the hardness cf the rncrt stenei dkuI in its construction, cud yet no many factors havo to be taken into -consideration in choosing' nroad metal that it in found thut Iho question cf hnruiKFF, important ns it may bo when ccnibiLed wilh other qualities, singly is re t of greutect ccntequeuce. Quartz, tho hurdtEt of cur common minerals, used le;ne does net make a ccirablo rotel stcLe, as its duFt is luck ing in cemcuiirg power, .it has a low fpecifc gravity, and is very lrittle, qualities we should seek to avoid in se lecting a road material. On tho ether hand, rocks as soft as limestones and slate's arequie kly giouud to powder und are rapidly cairicd awr.y ly water and wind aetir.u, Baldness ii cf impe-rlaLce in te tding to resist tho I olraisive effect of wheels end tho feetef ciiimuls, Lut hiittk'i:u.s j ion otes erniii bling ruder the impact of blows thtio- by.elelivei(d.. , U'brn the way prFrrs thrcugb wrr.ds or when largo trees- cccur along il.o roadside, tho inletiity cf ihe founda tion may be ciistcrbed ly tho fcico cf growiug root. In this eoLuecticu it will be well feir those having charge cf beautifying our thorccghfarcs to plant trees the roots cf which lead dowuvui'd lather than hcrisontully. STATE AID FOR ROADS. Tho Kxpi-nu of lllliwuy I:ntroicmrot bliuuld Ho Uomo by All. I!naels aro u."cd for pleasuro as well ns feir truffle. This nso of good roae:s Ly towu people in greater than tiiu 'i:iuo uso by farnit-rs, for the farm populatif u has less cf leisure. This is especially truo cf tho women and children. Iu li;o country they ure bunily e mployed, vhilo tbo women und children of the town havo the h ihr.ro fcr driving aud rilling. Ou aeccrnt of liiciruseef gexid n-uuj for pler.rnre town i.ttplc tbould blip lei I pay itr them. Thousands of prrple now uce bicy cle s. Kiiie ty pe r crnl e f the to wheelmen nro town people. Thry would profit ty good rcails. This is so plain that they are tbo foreuierf.t uelvceates cf ue-od roi;di. TrcfitiiiB by fcccd rcue:s, tl.cy I should leer a part cf their cost, Thu they can do only thrc.ngh state aid. Goeid reads, remcring tho itolaticii ,' and drcaiiiiens of fi:rm"liT(pv;TiiWe;pe r- ole powerfully to lesteu the nicvcmcLt I cf farm populatim to tbo city a n.ove ' ........ .1.. . i .. . i j. . . . The Blacks arc of " ' . , , YS . . !1 k ?" bintiuii in i i.i.-fci iuu iu 1 1.1- l ll I, r, I would rrelceo tho cAclcrowriiiig tf city ineliK-tries, lice.iLg to steadier CLipJe.y- i:iut mid bitter wngrs, nnd ts a li. C iftrc uti;; rf pupclutie.u wruld be in caged i.i cprif ulturul pursuits, vl.ilo a 1. bHind pi reentege would Lerngi.icl in clLer purhuifs, theiu would bo u pfFatrr t(T.ipKrutivfli reslucticii cf focd prcducls, wcl end rc.tinu, llmrcnslt It I Now Part Of Minneapolis Worth Muny Fortane. At one of Che most interesting I games of poker ever played in Min neapolis Nicollet inland was put in tho jack pot by a man who thought ho understood tho game, but found there woro others who understood it better. " - - Fifty-five years ago Pierre Botti neau took up a claim on the spot where St. Paul now stands. A year later ho traded it for a horso and cow, whic h he drove away into tho wilderness, never dreaming that the land he had almost given away would in a few years bo the site of a great city. For a small sura bo purchaHed a large portion of what is now the business part of Minneapo lis and put up a log cabin on a littlei mound in the center of Nicollet is land. Half a dozen of tho old settlers, Bottineau among thorn, had a little poker club. One evening tho stakes kept growing larger and larger, un til every jackpot contained a small fortune. Mr. Bottineau had been leming heavily, but at last was dealt n hand upon which he hoped to re gain his lof-sos and win something bosides. He was given four queens, nnd, drawing emo card, secured an ace, leaving four kings as the only hand by which his could be beaten. Ho themght he saw one of the play ers discard ii king, and ho eontsielered his hand invincible and played it ac cordingly. Boon ull but Dottinoau xanel tho man opposite him dropped their cards and retired to watch tho game, 'iho table was heaped with money nnd tho personal belongings of tho two men. The flickering light of tho candlo khone dimly on tho ilimhed faces ns they watchful each other warily out of the corners of their ey-s. All of Bottineau's pos ser;i;ions lay on ihe table), und it was his Let. Ifo looked at his hand care fully and then sejd that all he had left was Nicollet ihIuikI,. which ho would bet against 200. The bet was called, and Bottineau laid down his fei:r queens with a smile of triumph. Aniid a dead silence his opponent laid bri ihe tabiu fuce up four kings and n tray. It wns so still you could havo heard tbcm breathe. Then Bottineau called tor writing materi als and made out, a eked to the is l.mel. From, that elny he never touch eel a curd or countOnuuced gambling in any farm. After drifting around the country ho went to Reel Lake Falls nnd took up o claiai and nnnained there until tho time of his eleath. He was om 1 loyc-d as a guide and scout and wus ono of the principal meinbors of tho Bibley expedition. He now every foot of tho uortjiwent country, hav ing tru veined it ever since he wus 10 years old, -when ho guiilod Lord Hoi kirk 'h colonists frenn old Fort Garry, When he died, he last of tho old time Cuuadian voyagers and (ruiele s. who wero such uu important factor in the upbuilding cf the northwest, passed away. Minneapolis Trib une. Royal tbo food para,- whole Absolutely Pur 4 : "i. . . ' : . . - - j,.C HOVAl MKfH9 POMrOFR CO. MVW VnffK LETTEf.6 TO THE MICE. - Yields of the Test . AJ o lloIC AtlrMttllTTlUfl rtV ' tMnnW , , 0 , rf . people regarding mice is that house cats will kill them. This belief is I roved evry day to be erroneous. A mousetrap is a more sure and less troublesome method of patting tho pantry's in festers to death. Houso cats, as time- goes by, are changing. Formerly they were aci th o Ly clay atd vigilant by night; The tende ncy of improved civiliza-. tion is to mako them sleepy by day find rovers by night. They havo . their whims nowadays, requiring coEffiderable nttentiou. Perhaps tho superior intelligence of the Mar-, tians will mako them useful. Cats . in Mars. may talk, for" anything I. know, nnd mice in Mars may be so largo that they hunt tho cats. Both i;oseess roine intclliEcnca and both have folkloio. . ' . The piobability is that the use o cats as mien exterminators is com: paintivtly modern end a custom that originated in the Occident. Tbo story cf Wbittington's cat indicates thut cats wero scarce articles in thd HE17THE bill... L Perfect . -JPi ltt Material V JY Ii I I asioe ana rfl I H I YoM "II H I Cmm'tna II t I AFUwbs J i never Ineu " without Iho Btorthing.- Tho navy of SI ships in manned by only UC5 men, although some 323,000 men could Ui called upon to serve. China could britg CfiO.COO men on tbe field and Jcpan 271, OfX). Of tho smaller powers there nro Rou mania, with u permanent criny of Sl.OXX) mcfi end a territorial army numbering 81,900; Portugal, with a war strength of 150, 0C0; Per.;ia, with Soft sod tlurd rood. Soft fex)d i-.bemld not lo coiiSidcred ns a meal. Lut culy a part thereof, hence j Tirol" fowls ThonlJ nrvpr bn pivrn mom - than cue-half Ihe quantity fhey would ' '-"e-ry in i.mes in vary mo . wttlI(, U Um(t j.,, cd . JwtJj0 ratiori ly thetuw of foft food, as bran. , t( ,ctvu pcple. incie-tHd Ly Headier middling, linseed ratal aud ground , niple jn.f nt uLd hii-her wr.gcs. v.e eld nicat ciiu Lot bo (tivr a Jn such form, u-u ,UGtc ,tod u:tl ,1, t0ic. bet all clasM-s ct loultry will fat as"r ,y Ut nM 0ettlP tfrtf , towu , , rou-h as jxttsihlo st a meal vheT ! miu,i pay n.ctl.irg. . ncmix-rcr xowi loge-tuer, as lii.iln iin , . er.i .ii,.,i,. 1110 mi-,iu:i 11, u'j RU lUSUUll CIU11 thero ii Improved Ormln Xhorfc. -. Accwdiug to a writer ia Tho Farm jooniai nine r.nueiles of grain make a beitter "shock" than the old fushionrd dozen. Get up four in a rrosa, then four ' more, occ in each of the spaces between 4 two of the tint four, und can with Iho f"" wlu ' ..J...U it 1 1 , .. . . 24.EOO: Cervia. with 210.CC0: Neth-! "L"xm2? ",Z "v".! :u .V . " " , , ... i - iiimiji.j iuu. u wru per, mat erlanels, w.th CO 000 ami a navy of ca(ll ,hral iamUug ou Jt, ov'n 133shiii!i and 2.MD men; Belgiutn, ; torn aud tfcc.tOTj.bly closed in at ibe with n strength of Ijj.NX) men and top, snebeshock wiil stand astitT wind- a gardo civiqneof nearly 43,000, and storm ajd a three days rain without Denmark, with a wur strength of "arm. . . .In tho Apiary. Putting on supers scrar times puzzle begiunera. l'aim . Joarnhi snys; A a grucrid rule, wbenever He multiply so that tlwy-croAd csch.ctber in the bive or Le-giu to lie out at lire entrant. roprrs tboold at one be not on. Tbis Pants r FOB. SALS BT , 1IDA STORE CO., Graham, fl. C. 60,000 men and cn extra rescrro of j 10,500, only called out in citrearo , emergenaea ' , The smaller nations of the world all have their means of defense, and the Kongo Independent fcitata, Cota Eica. Ecuador, Mexico, Marocco. Pern, Paraguay, Bolivia, Afghanis tan, the Argentina republic. Libe ria, Nicaragua, the Orange Free Statu and tbe Sooth African Repnb-; ire: among uiemcouiu namocTBomo tbing like 1.500,000 men. London Mail - i ' - Tacta Um Mark. If Fin not homo by 1L Bessie. " ! said a nusbnnd to bis better and big ger nair, "tiom ait for mo. "That Won't. " said Besrie sig- ' pnbab tit tbo ibcreawd enxrsrr lo cificanUy. VBnt I'll come for von." . dcd ty Tipoi of rfclorofona ill petitiou. Ducks and turkeys prefer soft food, but chicken are more partial to whole grain and ether seeds, whU can Le scattered ever a wldet surfu if. which cnjn!l bens will shuro a. To learn hew unrb Wift food to gi put a re rt.iin amount of food in a troogh aud le t the hens eat until they walk away sutisrird. Weigh the amount left ore r an t yoa will lhr know tbe ex act quantity eaten thrt. is, how much tbey can aud will cat. But Ihe next day they should rcrrir. r.4 over onn-ha.f tbe qniulity ttca ILe day before. -Coral Worli favltry la tUaaaa. Tbe pooliry snd egg La jrrVir; of Kaa MinltfSfl anjcunifc l to ti.CC8.816, a 1 soiu ofiiriunt to pay all Hie stale aud I rity taxrs tit the prrortiSD year and ro naic- lui tcoiriy cm in i .el nli.)! g , thcio U to other way in hk h tewn t iwfl ''ii cci tiibcte to tLectst c f gu-d re,.-; c;tital!y ccd eCcie i.liy and : viiL - i'.ltlc injustice to tbeu.M Itcs . 'cTcU-.c f. uridTinieXicTrxd tf u pli f n.;cD, LencCi;il aud Jurt to rll, eun surely Le devixed. Jcl.u ii. Uluhl. Alouo lo a Crowd. Ho was suHpcfuelesl fremi a etreet oar strap. His feet may huve touched occuiHionr.iiy liio Uoor, but bo was short and slight, ami ho swayed to niul irei u.i thu cuqno of u uialofuc tor from a wind swept rncleidruiiiatie giblwt. A f Jt woinun wus trying apparently to boro u hole through him with nu umbrella bundle. Tho zealous conducted bmigod against him. The car stopinid nemr tho Pub- Iiei library. Deep thiukersr laden with booin, with le:ad x:ijciIs stick ing out cf coat pr:ke'tn, swurmed into tho car, w hich wns nlreaely wnt Uva. Ktratw were at a irrwniumi The Kherrt and xlisfht youug an no loutf r swayeL He was packed like sarelino iu a box. Ami yet he made one lierco clutch with his idle band. :eighloni scowled, but tho strug gliT was import iirba bio. IIo knocked off 11 de-rby hat, he stepped ou corns, lie rcKrliiicei for a loemicnt on the vo luptuous broar t of uu elderly and &fj;i ta(d I clergyman.. Ho finally triumphed, ami holding a shabby iMMik in air ho Ix'gan to reud, and ho lgun to sinile a peuoe-ful smile. He rejii.l with an absorption that irritat- 1 c l. Tho book wan 'Ziiiiiueramuu on Cad Itoad Ut l.laaMi. The Lcutrnwriih Tines, irr en tdi tcrial en tie freed tend rrotcrurnt, rcys, after i-peuLlng cf the itnpe.rrnMO ef eeed tCkeia lo lie i.iner bid icial- 1 rioliiude " lie w I on Jiiiirn.il irt: "lu Ibe cities v.cvlej net Ihe jee.plu I lo LctliLier. baj pier, mere Le elul. Wbt Shell. Ar. Mo. ' tlel, Jl ll.cra c a bn re fierce t.t I , . . . . , .. Labitcf Hclli g ifceCrlc, end wwrfi I hI coanfrw-hdro frequently e-n-nd rcmiry tillrpctf KoiUlr b.. . tountercJ hIicII money. "Many Aiucr vrjord pecplo In m tLeir love tf Ihe can have brought siMx-icious of it rrow, with the cxerpiinn of wheat, Fire- theci pleriry cf room and keep I o and bay, Mjiiuh! fa rain, tbo lca a aorplascf i;s,00. KUeldrTOi:i,J' fat-fn " lJ ua!&ip liffi. dorii g ritd tfl t lain, Ibiek cJu-t Ihe test cf Hie tiute," t liiem at weak. Thry rbocld never be allowed lo Uningo ou tho oatsid. fcr lrk e,f sp:tr lo deporit boo y. Cnttiua llie qnets'i wings wilt mt. Caaiy a m arm trots going to Ihe forest. Dmb-ptof rUaU With Etbrr. . Ccuahtmble soerrs, baa attended tbe treatment of pla::ta wiUi rtbrr. Plants Ikaa-ticslcd bave Lera forced to do more work Ibao normal.. Cooclasinaa are c ycl tiot very d Suite. It reetna He was i.nrKtucL ilcuscLcld Wcria. csuaL f'-nwtd i buc ty eulafae ru.d pocllry indofry. Tbe jU-ll from pool try was Ui per rent creator thuu I bo aarus year's output of l-ad and ziuo tnioe ia Ibn Mate aud 11 pe r cent zret er than tbe Ictal parti f.,r teachers' wage aud rrbocJ sepe rrisien. Infect, the pooltry rarae wilbiu 1 1 per cent of part u 8 tbfl rotir. cost of tbe paLiio erbooK Tbo poultry frodort ya 10 per (ru't rroatc-r ia vtlrx" lhan the rt-la-to crop and wit bis S3 peremtof Iho valo of all I be coal rained fa tie stars for I lie preectliuf year. Tbe atrraKS valoe cf pcbltrr aud ecs sold aueiualiy iu ibe arate Iw tbe pjit five years sal tJ.3ZS.S0i. . Iiuie ivitD thcui ai rouvininfc.In vciiligation by the director of tbo Uoitetl t'-tutcM mint show that in a c.aikii Kan. f niauy partH or A.-rt aud Africa cow. Dr. HacU pan, tLo ntLlWion f rie. or small shells, oro still neel Vcrk. is a cry r mcrti.l Id intn. m incdiutnof excban.;c Tot small He began bfoiis a uddicr niidirvcd values. Tho vr-vc'iB ia Kia ii Is tho See yrars iu Iu-.lij. but after Lo i e- i smullcxt unitof value. It would take came a clureywiiD I.osocn j.rjved - about I07itxvi-i'y to make one Aiuer that hts whole I t 6 t was iu bis Lew j loan ceut At tbo mint in BaustkoK wcrk. IIo v. ta 13 yct rs Li-bop' c-f . tbo rangn of values is as follows: IJrLliCht, ana Wii Kiry A-ut-l.iy.l nmi'lrrfl rnn-rya ey Cj w fcQl. w as elevated to hi i prejf- nt imi -itrct lit-d-iiipciiMUe i-ei-tion. He Las all tL Scotch octcr- rniuatk u if eLardtir, aud wnsoLco 1 dp tod l.y.a eritu 1!.o cjs.jal Ij-ii.iIatli tjLLel,i .-ia- i-ils h . icang, z inangs oqiul I salung, 4 sulongs equal 1 Lat or tical and 1 Lat or tital cjuals alout CO cents of Unite! States money. Ia Siara 219 fr r.'O'rowriea are rvkonoel nsl to . 1 inny stealing. ,e, yrk Tiun-sT rat iiifefctrd islands of the east Where tho Lor.dcn captain traded at the time the cat sold for four chests -of gold. Ko one who likes cats and reads the story at this late day cad xcfrcio 'from ' a slifeLt feclirg of diK,ppointnient ot Whittington'B parting with his cat. IIo might hot have been krd mayor of London if he bad saved his feline friend front -tho lie ry sun and high spiced meats of Cathay,, but the chances aro that he v. onld havo come to tho front with meddling with politics. Tho Greeks were unquestionably overrun with mice and Birbop Hati to had troubles of his own with tbd rats,- Tho latter Lard hearted prol ate lost wealth,, dignity and life; but tbo Gret-ks had n peaceablo and gentlemanly method of dealing with mice that is rather unique. When a cellur tir a granary wns overrun with mice, tho Ureek superstition dittnicel that a letter bo written la large, readnblo ancient Greek char actors, with these words: "I adjure you, you mice, now pres ent, neither to injure me nor to let others do to. I give yon yonder fiedd" specifying one opt too far f- "and if everi "catch you hero t swear by. tho mother of the gods I will tear yoq into' seven pieces," The paper containing these words wnslo be placed on a largo rock id 1 1 field w ilh the writing upper uicit't. It was believed to be tffica ciotis, and 120 doubt there wero cases thut tciild Le joiutcd to in proving tho proposition. I'eoplo of ILe 1 repent day.'aftcr waging fn;itls and luefTectual war cgaiiiKt the ruts with poison and ico picks, somc t imcs try w riting let ters to them after the etyle of tbe Creek letter, (dtl.ongh not in the sawo words. I have a case on unim- pcuchaLle cuLhoritytold me last week. It occuued in Milwaukee,. A housekeeper on Grand avenue found that there wero many rats in I bo eellur and storeroom, tbe wrote a letter aeldreshcd to tbe rats, polite ly railing their attention to the fact that their jrcsence in the Louse was a great inconvenience. Tho let ter tioititcd out that there was a feed tti in In 41.A .... . 1 1,,1. n 1.. . I. wouJ J attain Letter results with' less woik. Finally, the letter re- ' quested tho rats to go as a personal luTcr. Tho letter was laid on tho lower cellar stair cr.e eight Kct day the rats had disappeared, and' nvinswu uu ujctc iuy ijiiormanr . did tot profess to Leli:ve that t S, rats were tcccmnceiatirg ccXtY, lo u-.ovo tLcir quaitcrs lecat.efthc.V nnderstoctl that the wtLUd t'eni to- doiro. Her theoiy WasharVcing the white peper oft the tlairtud taking it Into their Leads it wight Lo eoure new watliko btratageja di rccted agaicst them the lain deemed - . diM.ietiou lie Ullc-r lart of valor, and kit tbo place. Rats, Lik6 all th rodents, are cxtremejly suspicious.- ' Milwaukee SccC:xL , Mrtara-H7!Q(. Pb4X4ielwmr.g la bre-akina ; tbo engagement, but bd is too uttei ly pessiuiistio for my Ltstel" . "You ac trxl for the best, d-nr. If now fakes a l- rfevfly rn :!' of Lfe." ro v Yek t: ,.