73 1. AMANCE LEANER. .GRAHAM, N. C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1897. NO. 33. KEEP YOU71 EYES OPENI Surety It the word REGULATOR is not on m package It is not SmonsLiye. Regulator. Nothing else Is the same, it cannot be and never has been put up by any one except ' J. H. ZEiLin & CO. And It can JVe easily told by their Tradb Mark THE RED Z. PCrCE8SIOM A lCA fclMS. JAC OH A.. LO XCjr, Attorney-nt-Law, GRAHAM, - . n. c rYaetlee Hi tha State and Federal court. VDM ovrr White, Moors Jt Co.' (tore, Main Vtreat. 'Phone No. , j rrojvBr at law GRAHAM, .... N. C, tBa.Y Bthum. W. P. Rthvm.Jk. v BOU3I & BYNUM, Attorney nnd Cotinaelon at l.Jr GREENSBORO, N. C. Practice revalarly to the court of Al rwlewMr. An, i. 91 I v. Dft. W. S. .LONG, JR.. j A. TjKNTIST, .GRA H A MT N. C. Office in Vestal building. Office hours : $ a. m. to 4 p J). : TOEHIMEED Of Pure, Fresh, Drugs and Medicines, Renumber DR. J. 11. STDCKAHD, Derjtist, GRAHAM, N. C. Office at re.ldoncc, opposite HaptlHt Chureh. II et work at rnnaonable pi-Ire. In ontee Monday and satur day. T.iAIWt&Co. Carry a Pull Line of the Purest and best. Prescriptions s Accurately Compounded At all hours. Remember The Place, r lantnaoev. 7TS loath weat Cor. of The Gleaner. We are having some of the hottest weather known in years at this sea ton of the year, and dry according ly. Turniiw and Lite roasting ears are suffering greatly for want of min. '. . r.y" .,- . Mr. J. B. Robertson closed his school at X Rmd4 the 14th. Mr. June Hornnday it teaching at Oakdale ; attendance very good Prof. Georgo II. Rws is taking a course of lectures at the Medical College in Richmond. There were five added to the church at Mt. Zion on the 12th and baptized by the pastor, lie v. J. L. Lane. Molasses making, tobacco curing and cotton picking are now on hand : and the time for making hay and saving fodder is nearly over. l'ossums are surely npening very fast, from the vein of tho rallor doe ai.d the seund of the hunter's horn which ean be heard nearly every night. 1 here was a general drunken row at the Allred sale on the 16th. From the wayaonie tropin are bilk ing about hard time one would naturally suppose they want the Government to coin money and hand it out to thorn to spend just in that way ; for what little they are fortunate enough to get lead them on a frreat way and more would lead them further : so. the less of - - The Delineator for October. The Delineator is called the Au tumn Jfjynlesr, and its representa tion of the new Russian blouse waists, fan-back skirts and all the oth er Autumn novelties in dress modes and millinery is madii complete by a series of artistic color plate. The literary features include a bright crisp noAumMllSr. &Ann-EMf l,ei1,?,n Nearly every toil, author of the captivating Kitwyk thur wis wrwked Uncle Sam s money they get the ltetter it is for them, unless intoxi cants of all kinds could be or would be banished from the land entirely. Local Items. Livery i Sale 2! Feed STABLES. V J Building, Vestal Next door to Post Office TAXES I the follnwl nrlaw carefully : Si. All tale ball tleae revl Mai-hlnwv A..I IWlT Mm W due on the nrt Monday in teptvmber lu cacn j wr, nTj Ua of WW. tTbap. 200. Pec. .t lteena-ti-l In I1W1. Tbertaerin'orhU llepulyor Taa l.'ul lin'tnr sliaM atirml at tlie OHjrt IIiium or III. nnVeta tlinuounty town during the moulli. vt Mcpti-mlwr and Novemlmr for tlie iurNiau of rrwlvln lai:; henhall ala, In like man ner altnd at. leartiaie day during! the aMHith ut Ot;tolier at eoine one ir mrr imcc lu each - . , - nwiini, m wdivii niKviKtay.noiH'e .nail lie W fi Hfnonn Trku'i fl'en by adv.-rtieiueut at thrwur more put- Vi lIlffflr I MUr J( He places niul lu a 'iew.4RiHtr, If one lie iil- . , lliu i - llnlirtl III ihu oounty. 1hovii.ki. Thai iwth- - in In thin m-Uiij lu. ... prevent the itdlertln nfll.-er fnMD lvylii ami m lUinr aft-r Ihn Hrat'lavof Noveuiber, but he .hall not Mll hrforn that day. eti. Meenue Act. IMC, Hoc.K. I h.t It .h.ll be and Ik lierel y uiwle the duty of ihr Xueriir of , eacheounty InlheHiale to make diligent In , julry and reiort 10 the Judce at cavh term r me cruuiinii iouri ueid in tlw county fol hMrlnv the time when the ll.-eiwe taa auJ Mie. provided lor in Kcheilule. A, II anil Uf cliuiaut .hould have l.-en paid ax t whether r not .uvh lloenw taie, and other laar. have lieeu paid by all peraonaoreorporatloiMi Jlalilu for the aaiuo, and to make out aSiat of all delinquent. Awl It h;tll he Made the only of uk judiro Ui .ubtoit theimof ihede rtaelt. meet all train. Onod alnfle or dnu la team. Charge, moderate. 2-at-am MENUY IJAlS Jll - . PRACTICAL TINNER, GRAHAM, N.C. All kinds of tin wot and re- ffairing. Shop on W. Elm St., second door from Bain & Thompsoh's. Me.a,tr. Geese Or Gooses? it a' mooted point, except . as applied to men who . fay $5 for pants. . !::!! Bros $2.60 TUTS are honest dear through sim ply high-grad': trousers at low jjrade price. How it's done is our secret ; rot SALE BJV ONEIDA STORE CO., Graham. N. C. -r: ; Pomona HiU Nurseries. Vmrtnt tni old eat hi th ntate. A 0 I Maadard fruit ae well aa tea aew , the oraaerlt, aula Ji Walaat. at tee of raartn aad Orlmtal fraMa aad ae ream, naaaa. Aprtenta. ttiaataaiu a erff aaxiai u; Greon House Department. Iliujuentii til I be Hollilior t the end that aueb aeuiHiuenra may uei-ruaeeuted for .ueh de-fak-atlun In toe maiuirr pnnlded in the Boat Mi'tkHi of thia act. Mec. SI T'ait aueh person ar cnrporatfcma aramaeeauMe to pay the lluenxe tax or fain provided lor in Xviieilule A, II and l' of tbta ac'taud the Maohliwry Aut, and nhall fatt u, pay the mate aa provided by law hall be ulltjroiaaldeaM-aiMr and punhhed ty a one not ex.twdlaj fWe-handPml dollar. or lm priaoued not cxrcediniraix mouth, ate. A. re-iulred by law, I will he at the follow ing place, on fheday.meiitlouad durlnit lb mouih of lutber, JMC, to reeeive the uuea for lt tiU.1 (Jrahaa. Monday, Oet.4 Sawi-aonv1lle....Tuewiat a ratnlfmOvt. Hasjapahaw Tiiuwlay, 1 to p m....Oct. i lllhoa LewU. WediMaday. amtlt mOet. Mutpbiu'.MIII Wninesday, t to p m-i let. Holman'. Mill Tlraraday. laaloli mOrt. I ?.nnw.(;,m''- lliur.U . i to p. m.Jlrt.7 Jhid Twiinir'... Ftl.lay, a in to 12 m...H t. a Honuwlajr'.Stur-Fri4ar.2tot pat .Oct. a Alamanie'Ki.cuiryKaiurdaya m tolpio.1 let. Eloa loileye Monday, Itri 11 Bnrllmrt. . 1 1eday i W. C. Ie I IM IS wetiaiwi M..l.y Hub.......TWdar........tat It WetM X Mewatar If oaer Saver. I now have a complete line of general merchandise, anil it is such pri! 8 thwe that tell the tale, viz. : l.oO white nhirt for 1.25, l.(X shirt for oc, tSc shirt lor 50e. 25c worsted for 20c. 20c for 15c, 15c for Vlhc. JNever were such prices made in this town before. A $1.50 bropm shoe for 1.15. I will not be under sold on anything. Dress good and liite.-t styles of trimmings to match. bring 3our produce and exchange with me at highest prices and get goods cheajier than from anyliody el-ic. ResjMytfuJly, W. A. Moork, Vt-stal Riiilding. Champion Grain !rlll. The Chauifitoii (.rain Drill has lieen imnnved until it is one f the best drills on tie market. It is for sain by S. A. WW:. Sept. iMin Mebanc, X. C. tones. : Martin Orde continues "Clive Bayner's Adventures, " his hero invading the apartments of a certain. Russian Grand Duke. The series of articles on Sociul Ijfe in America hiis a brilliant addition in the paper on Society in the Iesser Citie-, by Edith M. Thomas. Jeanie Drake's New York Types is this month devoted to The land lady. Dr. Grace Peckham Murray discusses the use of Cosmetics from a medical standioint. The page devoted to the answering of ques tions on etiquette has already prov ed a great success in the hands of Mrs, Cadwnlader Jonrs. J. Dell Iandfear contributes a novel and pretty "Harvest Drill" for sev enteen boys and girls. Frances Stevenson tells how the sweeping re forms introduced in Japan have af fected the position of women. . W. S. Edward eoutinues his instruc tions on Home Tagidermy; Mrs. Withcrspoon's Tea-Tablo t hat in cludes a discussion of the diiensa tion in shoes ; Mr. Vick's answers to correspondents on Flower Raining and Gardening are as helpful as usual ; the "Seasonable Cockery" is oevoted to some characteristic Eng lish dishes; the uw books are care fully noticed and the . noedlework features, headed by Emma Hay wood's Fancy Stitches and Em broideries, : include the usual illustrated departments of Crochet ing, Lnce-Making, Knitting, etc. Published by The Uuttcrick Pul- lishing Co. (Limited), at 7 to 17 West Thirteenth Street, New York, $1.00 a Year, or 15 Cents per Copy. Two Texaa Towaa WrackedSixteen lrrena Klllml. Qalveatoa, T.xM Dlapatvh, Wth. Port Arthur and Sabine Citv Tox., where the storm of Monday played havoc, are still cut off in large part from communication with the outer world. Reliable informa tion received here shows that six persons went Killed at Arthur and lint: in Port Ar thur, was wrecked. At Sabine all tho shipping at both Hhe now and old towns was destroyed. The ol town was wrecked. Only the large buildings in the new town remain standing- During the storm six feet of water covered the place. Four tugs went down with their crews. but the United States life-saving crew suooeeded in saving many lives. hen Urn wind struck Sabine it was accomimnied by a rain, which soon made rivers of the streets. This, together with the high waves breaking over tho Itanks of the lake, caused tear that the town was about to be visited by a tidal wave. An hour after the storm the water had all drained on" and to-day the streets are dry. Two Uvea 8a red. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, III., was fold by her doctors she had consumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King s New Discovery completely cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eggers, 139 Florida St., San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approacliin-: Con sumption, tried without result everything else thon bought a bottli of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two weeks was cured. He was naturally thankful. It U such re sults, ol which these aro samples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in Couuh and Colds. Free trial ttottlcs at T. A. Albright & Co.'s. Regular size 50c. anil ' $1.00. "north Carolina new, . IkMio'i arnica Salr. The Best Saive in the world for Rheum, Fever SoresTetter, W "U"S .nut " -".VJ ""' rr'r The STew Tenant, of the White Hoae. 7 The first and only pictures Mrs. McKinley has had taken in ten years Restaurant. Meals at sill Iwwrs from C a. m. to 10 p. in.. When you want a good nasal call on mo. Southeast of the court house. JOE A. GRAVES. Far Sale. One store house and lot in the town of Haw River. For wrticiilurs apply to J. W. GiiKuoitY. Sept. l-ft. Wanted 10,000 flnehela Wheat. We will pay cash for wheat de livered at our mill door. In mak ing inquiries submit samples. Gramtk MVr. Co.. jul 22-2m Haw River, X. C. TOXHOIUAIa When you want a nice hair-cut or share, call on me. My shop Jh at the iMHitlieast corner of Court House Square. El.l.lS HllAItOAVK. ped Hand.-i, Chillblains, Cornsy and all Skin Lmptions, and iMisitivelv cures Piles, or no pay reouied. ft is guaranteed to give crfect tl in fection or m0ney refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale at T. A. Albright & Co.'s drug store. The cotton crop is falling oft" rapidly iu many jKirtions of the Sta'e. A month ngo it promixed to he a great crop, but a wonderful change has taken place during tho last .'SO days. Rusk caused by tho drought, lias damaged the cotton crop greatly. Tho corn crop is iilso reiiorted not very good, says the Kinston Free Press. a scries of new and unpu blislicii A telephone line from Elkin to SjHtrta has been completed. Statesvillo has voted $52,000 for a system of water and sewerage. : aaa '- J. xfurxe county will vote on Nov 9 on the question of subscriptions to the Alorganton and Shelby railroad Geo. W. P. Rolierts, consul v ictona under the last administra ' 1 . a a . uon, nas returned to his Home in Gates county. Goldslioro is to vote to tssno $25. 000 of bonds for putting in ft sewer- ago system. Hie town already has waterworks. A Duplin county man tells the Wilminifton Messenger that people in his county are hauling water a mile or two tor their stock. Centre township. Stanly eountr. has voted $10,000 of bonds to a pro posed railroad from Aberdeen via Norwood to Concord. Tl r.i e, jieuian Aieinotiisi church, near ML Airy, was burned a few days ago. J he tiro is thought to have oecn of incendiary origui. A negro named Bill Day killed his sweetheart Lauia Ellis, in Win, ston Saturday night a week. He struck the woman in the neck, dis- locating it. Gov. Russell has pardoned Sher man Grier. who six vears auo killed Thad. Welch in Wilkes county and was sentenced to the penitentiary ior ten years. A citizen of Lcxinston has a com munication in the Dispatch unrinor that legal means be used to force the Southern Railway to stop all iU trains at mat town. Trinity Collece has opened with 20 (icr cent, more students than at ny former session. The colleee is oien to both sexes and there are 13 young lady students. IVilkesboro ( hronielci Re-. W. L. Dawson has a curiosity in the shape of a quilt. The quilt has 0,3-10 jiiei es in it, and was made by Alia Annie Dawson 77 year ago. The Greenville Weekly says lightning struck the ham and stables Reyal ..: a. FOVLlil AkaeltTMjrrarf $PraH aWKWIS ft0MM9ff 40. WwW VMM J.,n,. i tl, ,. ..r i """''"8 siruca uie oarn and K i i ' ?. " i Abram Ffcher ami the barn ainl ....... ,. ava.,,-,,,,, two horses Jind several wore for her picture her inaugural - tu a ' ' ,7', , ' ball dress of siver and white bns ule, M f eum n"d foddur attiie special request of tho Prcsi Boone Democrat : Mrs. Bryan. " mother of our townsman, W. L. Bry ' an, of Meat Camp, who is now in her 92d year, sent her son a pair of. jeans pants a few days ago. The wool was carded, spun and prepar ed for weaving by her own hands, The cloth is very smooth, and is, we think, a vary remarkable piece -' of wort fo one so old. . ' Tettee, Salt-It hewn and Ecaeasa, : V Th intaaat itchlna- and amarttnr inri'. " dent ty Use dianaaea. tn iaatantj allayed by, applylns; Chamberlain's Krs aa4 Skin OitttaiMit. ilmar varr bad eaaea hsTa been permanently eared by It. . Jt eqaauy emcient ior ncumf plica ao4 , favorite remedr far aora nhmlM. - chapped hands, chflblabu, frost bites, and chronic tore eyes. tS eta,fer box, Dr. radrs CaadlUaa PawdeM. ara jnst what a horse needs when in bad . eondition. Tonic, blood purifier and Term if, ire. They are not food bat medicine and the beat in nse to pat 'a horse in prime condition. Price 23 cents per package. , f . For sale by T. A. Albright k Co. ' When you are In need of print. "i ng call on The Gleaneb, whtr". ou wjjl find an assortinciit ol first .? class stationery. t Prices reasonable f work first class! , . ltanihaw Tur.Uy. at nurht.... Moitj'. rtitre uoWrdiHdayn......Ort Mrtdiro . .lore Thurxlay...t k-t it Vlnoent p o-.....KrM.y, i a m to IX m.Orta Hleaaant Urove..rrl4ay, t to i p in K leiMenin'. nop.Tuerfa v.. Ualpee ..Thncday new nivrr. r r Ml r Hi- r ill llluniar. i I41 K m l M M ileneueSatuntay.S to I p I let W My adrlre t tha In paym I. that they en eavor to par pmawiily, a. I am now unable owy what the Jadxe of the Superior Court .III require a me at Noremher term, but aa Uie .pev-bU taara Ut im paid by tha BH-r-haiit. and the profeiwlon. 1 am MtlahMt tMm ae ia. oe paia ny -vBiner euart. ICnaertfullr, II. T. H KK7SODI.E. Hla-h Grade Kertillaera. Jreat Wheat and Corn Grower." Bone Meal, "Durham Ammonia," and oilier brands fir wheat and grasses. I can commend the last as j3 a very sunonor fnilir. r (. .OCIM lt . heat, See HrpC Sth, IK. Hharia of Alamanea County. Execution Sale! tir virtu mt an exerwtlon iMued to :na tne eapanar unn of Jone roomy aa4 wherein Hannah K. Koiaaea ptainfla and K. It Knonre I-4frn.tant, I will aHI f-wrawh to the hrt bioaVr at the ernirt houae do la Orahaa. X. C at B o'eiacfc M MONDAY, OCTOBER 4. 1897, the foil ii a lag eerlMl traet of land ta r.weetfe xwaihlp. Alaraaaee aur. ena- tlniaSnaHamorrMrla H la Miaaw oa he r-t haafe of Haw rlv-er and aptM the water, or HttAm rrp-k andadhdn. the aa. of tho hue la W. M. Huffmaa .ad othera la the al aawveyad by d. I tothe aaid Ik. K.na tw William and Jaaaea atarlfht. I'aua K.l awellloa and outaonaea. - . K.T. a BHanlrt.lt. Sherte of Alaajaaee rouaty. Se4aiber J. IrT. Wneea, Crraantaeaiaaaa. DarhiatlofM and a l renrral eoaeetmn of rreanboa plant. i Ht Sower, eoral and f .1 . i Fxecutor's Notice. Wnta fr aur-Tr ran ho.. ... J,tJHnS ffnraSl ' wae and paanpfcirt oa -How ta imat aad 1 LUL.. ! ,Ti?TT7 .. . L? hartnaCimeaawlB theeetata M aaid da rrmr i to pre-aut Oweame taawoaor befora let. iiws or ni uouoa win 11 "a. !.: - . . . - navinx veweu 11 several years uie ueiore Uliying. Dax M. Walker, Graham, X. C. A Xew Shop. When in need of a Neat Hair Cut or a Smooth Share, in fart anything in uie nariwr line, you will do well to mil at my shop In tlie Vestal Building. orcrT. A. Albright's dniit stont. My sho is first class in every apjiointnienL HOP.KUFm. Slertd Irtahaaal Sweet Potatoea wanted at " J. D. Joiixaox', Graham, X. C. "M3' boy came home froni school one day with his hand badly lacerat ed and bleeding, and su fieri ng great pain," says Mr. K. J. tichall, with Meyer Bros.' Driig Co., St. - Louis, Ma 'I dresseil the wound, and applied Chamberlain's Pain Balm freely. All pain ceased and in a re markably short time it healed with out leaving a scar. For wounds, sprains, swelling and rheumatism, I know of no medicine or prescription equal to it. I consider it a house hold necessity." The 25 ami 50 cent sizes for sale by T. A. Albright KM. Annie Bot, a 12-year-old negro girl, was raaid by an unknown ne-jro in the woods near Hickory Sunday a week. An ex convict named Delhnger is suspected, but escs-cd. . Southern and Western stock men know a gmal thing when they see it therefore Cr scratches, sweeny, riiuc. liorn. strains, sprains, bruises, saddle ami hnriafts galls and ailments of h'nves. they ne Rice's (ioose I reaao Liniment,, it is cikmI for man as lieaxt. Sold and guar anteed by all druggists and general stores. dent, who thought it particularly occoming. J ho excellent portrait of Mr. McKinley in his office was taken in June. The other pictures in the series show the many changes in the arrangements and furnishings of the rooms and grounds, made by the President and Mrs. McKinley. ' a ... . Old Feaple. Old people who require medicine to regulate' the bowels ami kidneys will find the true remedy in Elec tric Bitters. This medicine docs not stimulate auu contains no whiskey or other intoxicant, but acts as a tonic and alterative. It acts mildly on the stomach and bowel, Mhling strength and giving tone to the organs, thereby aiding Nature in the performance of the functions. Electric Bitters is an excellent appe tizer and aids digestion. Old peo ple find it just exactly what thev need. Prim fifty cents and $1.00 ler bottle at T. A. Albright Co.'s. were burned Davidson Dispatch: Wo learn that John Buie, a Uy about 77 years old, who lived near Bringleav was ciimmng a tree after a squirrel List Saturday and fell and killed himself. The Heat far Waaat, . The telephone line from Elkin to Sparta has been completed, and the people of the two towns aro rwrw talking to each other. Elkin will soon lag able to "Mloto Bristol, Cliattanootpt and Morrutown, Tenn. When in need of a remedy to relieve inin you want the surest. quickest and liest, such a one is Rice's (him Grease liniment,-it relieves all pain at orv-e, it cures croup, couth and colds as atart as used. - i For sale and icuarantaud by all ilruz- Hon. TlKimas XL tlierk. of Orange J gist ami general stores. It relieves Ca I ft wutm aa Orotiard. OK pear enter to oor anaa aara aarearefnl attention. "tt ?T e faaeral UJ raa4tfwapt atteaUoa. I YAH LINDLBY. Pcmcna, Jf iCL ufc ad In her of their rami err. A II Iartel4ee to aakd d reawd are ButlSed taat prvau payarent rrooir-. JUBKuWxi.A, Reevnr. . Sept.J,r'jT.-:t av.Ua3iVli, .r.c count r, nut-le 223 bualtcls of wheat from 0 Irtisiiels sown, an arentee of about 2-) toI. He used Piamoxp Sou'U-K I.xk. Will use no other. MJMOXll aOf.lBUj BUXK Far Waaa. Siecial price to clul. Thk W. A. Mi era v Co. Mebane, X. C, Sejtt I . Say, have you seen the licauti ful new Spring Goods at Miss Lillian M oiityaiH-ry's t " - whooii)g cough. John Mozingo, a while man of Wayne county, agml Tt was run over by the Minithfield train near froblahoro Tubiy a week ami die-1 soon after. He was drunk and iell asleep alongside the rmih-oatl, with his head on the end of a matt-tie. Subscribe tor The (JLiiAXtR, only at vi . ;.. .1. . .VW fVM III KIIIIRV Cononrd will pttition the Fouth era tra uctt paii;erger d.jht. Salisbury World : The interest taken in void ininine by the citizens of lower Rowan,-Stanly and Mont gomery counties doe not seem to alsite in the least, and as a conse quence valuable nugvets re fotin 1 alsait wry week. It is tdainly evident now that Uie gold fit-Ids of this portion of the State are remark ably resourceful and with proper de velopment we have no doubt but thst the yHd .will co ntsire favor ably with' the mines of any region. Economy is something that every body tries to pnvtLe. and Vet jusi a little ever siuht will sometimes Mb the most frugal and thrifty family of a year's savings. You want to do as J. P. Hickmann, of Monti ndln, Ga, did. He writes. "For six-years I hare kept Simmons liver Regulator in my house, and Bead it In my family ami have bad no need for a doctor. I have fire as henl.hy children as you can find." Near Maplvbm, in Franklin, a few nights S;jn, Mr. W. K. Sleilge fireil his run in his yard to frighten sn intruder oft hia premises. The shot took effect in the Ualy of a colored woman, causing her death. The coroner's jury -exonerated Mr. Sledge. If we made ownmon pants we might sell more ( a little while, until peojde fisand out about them as it is, we nuke the beet loans pants made, and we've been mak ing them, and selling lonx enough lor Tho Sentiel sa vs 1 00 colored men have established a co-operative ttore in Winston by puttinif in $10 each. The members of the comtmny are not amweo credit to exceed tho amount of their stock. The trial of Riley Pate, charged with killinir Matt licnslev. wna eon. eluded in Yancey court week licfore last. Pate was found guilty and sentenced to hang October lo. An apjieal has been taken. Rev. Dr. Goo. W. Sandcrlin, fonnerly State Auditor and during f hfr last Cleveland administration an auditor in the Treasury Deiart ment at Washingtonjsjnn asyluiii iu Baltiuiore. . . At Evangelist I's meeting at Winston, the other night, somo jsMly put a t-bbJe in the collection basket, hut the evangelist said that was not a bad as at Martinsville. a., where son e one cbiniml In a t t ii uwr cocck. I-enoir Topic : On Friday night weea toe suingio and saw mills of Bowman Stamcs, near Mt Bethel iHwtoiiiee, in Alexamler county. were hurned dttwn, AU.ut 75,000 suingies were burned with the The Record savs Rii-llnr.1 ifnr. gndge, a fireensliom Uv of 15 years, went to sleep (he 4her day ami slept 50 hours without waking. A doctor was called to see him but found mailing the matter with him At Lincolntnn Monday Judge Hoke continued the sale of the Bre vard k- lIodrwm villa liailrtwtd. taking it out of the hands of Re ceiver W. E. 8huM.nl, and transfer ring it to the trustees or creditor wlio imnliascd tlw road sums time hi Griffin s lownshls Martin .boun ty, the achta J csiin-lttee employed a teacher, a coloml wanted by the nek-me. TlJ. .i. clared she sltouhl riot teach, and after leaching a few tUvs the achtad Jwrtise was found in aalic-s ooe roorn- The "Bicyclist ' Best Frh n.r' is a laninisr name lor ) Witt's WiU h Haz.1 Salve, always ready for emer-1 gencies. - While a aiarinc C "WATCH THE BASKET t BEHOLD tho fool saith "put not all thino eggi in the hio basket' which is but a . manner of saying, 'scatter j'our money and your- atten- ;, tion ' but the wise. man saith. nut all thine eggs in the one Iwisket and WATCH THAT BASKET. . . : Gates & Go.; hare the Bosket and in it you will " find a complete line of Drues. Sta- . tionery, Fine Perfumes, Trasses, Shoulder Braces, etc. Agents ibr Roystcrs' Fine Can dies. '-x.-r.. Injun Butter cures all kinds of sores. . : . , :'t. ' IIMD-MDE IIAIUESS At the I.vwet Price., ' ' D.C.703D.UL,'5.: Dcrh3ra, fi. C. When you want good Hand-Made Ilarnees don't bit to rail on nie when you come to Durlram. ' ; . JfciataOv rKcaocKArHY, i"' j T,. . --WILliU It. UMiilK LtXINCTCn. KY . I. a 1 . a .a If. e . . iimii fi m iiAVf iMiin in iiam ii ait irwfaitii .i: iTheBUCKSKlXBRUKCIiEiaTutr'rufs. Imi salt rheum, eiiam t longer, fit better, than any jesna and all sflct-tiiNia nf the skin U if3!! ''gSlllhLJer Cuk Simiao. ?, tie CrjgU t. baPi fa ttaAamawlai W - -a txm. Vo4 taa4 Wasr4 u mmt t - trtaUJfitm Wnw. - 1Tfay, $ t. aTTW aaarT i ) if wp4a. - ffAattw4 aaaa I taarary IVasirtaa) freap vmm. Carffarw. ir4mm ' w-aW fi - ro rVew- 4 M. - . WILSH'R R,:TH,ltjm5T,

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