VOL, XXIiL I GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY; OCTOBER7, 1897; to ll i.i .'NO. .35.; KEEP YOUR EVES pPEW! Surely it the word REGULATOR is not on a package it is not Nothing else is the same It cannot be and never has been put up by any one except ' ,ic:;::::J:-H. zEinrj a co. tiid ft can I easify rtoldby''ihefcLTRM JHark n is not - ';r.r.ions (Liver Regulator. r A Pension for a Barned Heel, . jj Washington Post - " v-. " I ' t. v '' A Kentucky mnn is to get a pen sion lor a burned heel, but from all the facts which surround tho case, it would seem that he is eutitlod-'to it. , . Stephen A. Harper enlisted early in the war in. Company, Ar Third Kentucky Infantry.' Sometime dur ing bin service he-was attacked with typhoid fever and - sent . to the hospital. While he lay in bed un ci what JOB FOR I PAINTER. Oeoire Explains to Hla aeto Fred the Ae . citteat That Caused the Oeoiand. Cleveland Plain Dealer. "1 Dear Ur.cle Fred : Paw painted Sirt of our stable day before yistady. e would a painted it all if it ItfcU nt ii Ben for accident. , When He pot about three Boards painted maw come out to see How he was gitten along and when -she looked at mm she says : "l thot you was acoin to naint :'4 THE RED 2. rPKOPESSIONAI, CAED8. 3 , Attorney-at-Law, ..XRAHAM,. .'- - - N. C ... . .Practice in the State and Federal courts. m"o of White, Moore & Co.'s store, Mala 8trot. 'I'dene No. H. , V li, , , . ' 5 " ' . jx.iK:i3iiroii-.ii:. - ATTORNEY AT LAJP CtRAHAM,. - ... - - N. C. ForSnle. " .. ' ' ' . . . -. One store house and lot in the town of Haw Ri ver. For particulars apply to , J, W. Gkecoky. , sept l-fit Y'VK::: ; f 1 1 c cuiiBLiuua ui vu was, going on f:ou"4 J:in?'. 8t,,n.ie f tteiiilant tho wsbt ,t tbe fti. : . 7 ""'.; -Paw. wa up on a ladder and ho ""'j"11' Bl Jurgc sione, anu stopped and looked at Her lilce if ri i ,i iii 3 i, . . ; 7 , , tie did't no What she uient. Then bed at the Sick man's feet. Ho had i ,;. ; :J milculatod the temperature of the ain.t f naintin it? Uvnn stone, ana it .wved so hot that it j do not like thigIere jometby s t the bed-clothes on fire, and lie- in i.n i, vi.i 'a 'e:.u f. '. : , , jwu tuiiiu tunc liuiu uu lllljf-u il fOHJT GtaAT BTKtTK, : W. P. BYXUM, Jit. Attorneys ancl Conneoloi'B at ljuw j i QBKEXSBOBO, If . O. Tracflce' reifulhrly" Id the conrtir of AU nance einiolr. " Aiitf. i, Wly. DR.;W. S. LONG, JR.. Restaurant meais at aH hours lrnrn, b a. m. to 10 p. m.. When you want a pood meal call on me. Southeast of tho court hone. - JOE A. GRAVES. Champion Grain Drill. ine cnampion iirain inil has been improved until it is one cf the best drills on the market. It is for sale by S. A. White. Sept. 6-lm Mebane, N. C". ' DENTIST, GUAHAXf, N. C. Officcjiri' Vestal' liuihHng. Office'thours : 8 a. rn. to 4 p .m. J'.llll. .j'gjl.l 'l.ll-l I .1 I. .Mill '.- I.I... ... .... I 'i,,., 1 feR. fil, R. STt)CKArD, '" '"'ii Dentist, " 6'RAltAM, N. C. Office at , residence, opposite Iluptist Cnureli. II st work ntri'annahle price. In office Mondays and Sutur ' ' DIAMOND 80L.UBLR DONE. The Best for Wheat. Hon. Thomas M. Cheek, of Orange county, made 223 bushels of.. wheat from 9 bushels sown, an average ot about 25 to I. lie used Diamond 1 Solubi.b BoNK. Will use no other. DIAMOXI) SOLUBLE BONE . For Wheat. Special price to clubs. i 1 HK . A. INIl'IiKAV CO. Mubane, N. C, .cejt. 1. fore tho lire' could be extincUwhed the loll .heel, of Mr. Harper" was burned to a crfspi The soldier got well of his fever and was afterwards honorably: dis charged. Alonii in 1891 it occurred to him that when pension were be ing granted so freely, he might just as well get pay for that heel, and nmde hi application in the regular way. The Commissioner ot Pen sions said they were not paying pen sions fof burned heels. Assistant Secretary Davis, of the Interior, De- dif- you yourself.'? 'Oh, you're all rite,", says maw, 'only it seems to me it would Bo a little Better if you'd git rnore paint oh the Barn and not quite so much on yourself." . ; - , "Hub!" paw growled." "Ia'poso you Think that Blame funny, don't your liy: 1 seen that gag in the li'innra iu'oivtv viuira ntrn guess she must a Ben pnritr full 1 of remorst. Thcy's a Job Here for 8oie painter now. . Gt:onaET.' Wise Men Know It is folly- to build uon a poor foundation, either in architecture or in health. A foundation of sand i insecure, and to deaden symptonts by narcotics or nerve compounds is equally dangerous and deceptive. Tho true" way to bulldnp health in to make your lilood pure, rich and nourishing by taking Hood'a Sarsa. parilla. ; , ; Hood's Pills ' act - easily and promptly on the liver aud bowels. Cure sick heaehache. -- "When Tn need-of a remedy- to relieve pain you want the surest. quickest and best, such a one is Rice's Goose Grease Liniment, it relieve" alKpnin at onee, it cures croup, cou"h and colds as soon as used. ' For sale and guaranteed by all drug gists and general stores. It relieve whooping cough. ...... ...v.., a. ....ma un- men," says maw. "it s only since icronuy ana wnen tne case was ap we Got marrie.i and I .want to Be lulled to him, reversed the decision ! sociablo or they's somethin you ot the CommisHioner, and Harper ougbt to Do around the House that will get his pension, with back pay ' VOu git so Bizzy readin papers you until 1891, the date 'when his np j Don't have no time for anything A dispatch from Bombay, India (eays: Recent advices from the seem Oh not . that Innv n.m ' nva 01 1,10 f" ne liungalore-My maw. I sore railroad near Maddur indicate "Why not?" Paw ast. f.llt P60!'0 were killed and ! "Becos you never read the papers ' "J"1; seventy persons succeed e plication was filed. Bucklen Arlc Salve. , The Best Salve in the World for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, - hillblains, orns. and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay requied. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis- jdide and Down she went with else. 'That's What thanks a Cellar gits," Paw says, "for trying to Do things. Il'yo'u told the truth, How does it G'11110 I'm Up here now?" Paw wa tickled by that shot and no Kinn 01 whirled around on one! foot to see mawwwas oil p.go in to I Take it. But the ladder cave ai in making their escape. Away With Baetard rill ties." . Lenoir Topic. ; v '. The Topic is as strong for free sil ver as anyone, but it has no fiii:h in any sort of combination outside : of' the Demoeratic party, and it expects to do its fighting for the white, metal nijiik 111 puny rnrnvH . py siriKlllg aoove ine neu. 11 it nevor wins a light till it does so br a combination with traitorous office-seekers, it would always prefer defeat. The man who does not Btaqd snuaro to his ponvietions but is alwayj schem ing for office by all m inner of com binations is an enemy to good gov ernment. The Democratic party has nothing to be ashamed of in its past history in this State, and if it cannot lie restored to power by a straightforward manlyight tlien letj it remain out ot power. There is nothing to be gained by a so-called conciliatory policy if that, means that the men who are responsible for the pitiable condition of politics at present are to be held to a strict accountability for the part they have taken in bringing about this 'condi tion. Away with bastard political Royal tM, iif-.W'J?" Fovnzn AJnolutcijr Pur OHrslt IWwfWIft O0L l4rW WMR tail jinj? '" b M 1 Livery, Sale Feed ; STABLES. A New Shop. When in need of a' Neat Hair Cut nr-n Smooth ShavcJin fact anything in tho Barber line, vou will tfo well j to call at my shop in the Vestal . ! Building, over T. A. Albright's drug .stun;. My shop is first class in 'fit" o 1 tl mi lift Wilt? HOP. RUFFINT. I iHcuoii or m0ney reiuiuied. l'nce 2-5 cenU per box. For sale at T. A. Albright & o.'s dru j stow. ' paw Croup Quickly Cared. Mountain Glkx, Ark. Our chil drcn were sunering with croup when we "eeeived a Imhuo of Cham berloin's Cough Remedy. It afford ed almost iustant relief. F. A. TiionxxoN. This celebrated remedy ,s for sale by T. A. Albright & Co. l no "liicyciist'suest nenu' is a familiar name for Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, always ready for emer gencies. While a 8eeinc for piles it also instantly relieves and curcr cuts, bruises, salt rheum, eczenu and; flll affoctions-of the skin. - p never fails. Simmons, the druggist (iilAII AM, N. O.. Haeksiae-tall trains, finod Klnelt- or doh I lains. Clmiv iiiodnruie. S-'iK-tlln T fiJent i 1 -wrnmi 4-ff n XACCUtUl D 11UUW( vi.ri.lv hee. tui i I lin. "ivlmt titr. notice it hereby 4htn -4 nil iwrtlns . l"" using Whiskey. cimiumifiiiii-i Hinexiare ot khiii ne- "Ym ir ' riiilii) tlio ),nrmr topre-enttUHguiiietomei.norfore , 1 , ,r' , ne nar Cr, Hlor. hollcrin tor Maw to ketch the Blame thing. Mw she jest yelled and run a w iy, nhil ll:liv ('i)llli' Ikitvn klrsmnl in The Pareon and the Barber. the paint Uueket. and upset it. and Jada-iy . I the stuff run all over hiM nm-lc mid The Rev. Mr. Morrill was cettinir neatly smoothered him before he shaved. The barber's band was could git untangled out of the liid-j that it could not find borrowers for hnky and his breath was laden with dcr. . . for its largo surplus which is lying the fumes ouiqUor. At last the ex- We was all pliny soaivd. But it ; idlo in its vaults. " preted hapiiened the blood flowed .didnt hurt linn much, so when we freely from a cut in tho parson's was leaden Him into the houso ,ho chin. He looked at the burner so-! says to maw 5 a y-r- I I ptrango condition of afTairs ex ists in Iowa. The State bank n DaveniKirt has closed its doors ami the reason assigned for this action is - Hvln n illfled exoeiitor of tlio estnte or w. Coll Imvlnir cinliilniiriiii-t tlw estate of hhIiI ile- -Ot8ll Noven.lwr 1st, ss, or thl notl-m will lm jilrad In hsrof tnelr recovery. All personn lii(l-inr(l t shI.I il-raise-l are' notlllud tlutt .prompt payircut Is ten itrvd. . J.C.1IUOWM -O, Bxecntor. -"-!. t. 3. lH;7.-:.t MuImiwvIIIh. v. c: comt "it lei makes the ckim verv - Subscribe tor'Tm: Glkankh. onlv ? . i - ' 1.50 a vear in advance: Well. I hone you are happv now. You couldn't a stayed in the house" where you Belonged Because they wasn't nobody iu thcro to make your tongue waggle. I s'pose the only thin you're sorry tibout "is that I did'nt git my neclc Broke." Maw she Didn't say a word. ,, Southern and Westorn . stock men know a good thing when they see it therefore for scratches, sweeny, ring-born, strains, sprains, bruises, saddle aitd harness galls anil ailments of horses, they use Rice's Goose ( reuse Liniment, it is good lor man as beast. Sold and guar anteed by all druggists and general store". -WATCH THE BASKET,'' )EHOLD the fool Vaith-,rput not all thine eg(js in the one bosket," vhich is but a manner of saying, 'scatter your money and your atten tion,' but the. wise man. faith, put II thine eggs in the one basket ant1 -WATCH THAT BASKET. Cates & Go. have the Basket and in it you will find a complete line of Drugs, Sta tionery, Fino Perfumes, Trusses, Shoulder Braces, etc. Agents for Roystcrs' Fine JCan dies. Injun Butter cures all kinds of sores. i T! te1 ' : " t -1 1 i vi n : t m j wk i 1 js4 -v i- i The Most Glorious, fclaDoratQ, txpensive mm-rm,Mi mii iw. u r Wkt 1 i7rd . And Comprehensive. ' :": '; 'Presentmjf JzzkJk )h 1 " ... : : -. ; .; : . morp 0oSS Pwl ffllp$ing In Jackson cennty there is a. new fndustry, the manufacture o( eiut-ry wheels and emery cloth' and 'paper, - ' ' . 5 Running, "sores, indolent ulcers and similar troubles, even though i.r many years standing, may be cured by ysiog De WittV Witch Haa-1 Salvo.' 'It soothes, strengthens arid heals." If - is the great pile .cure. Simmons, the druggist ' .,'.,' -By the foundering of a vessel off s . iiatteras the t ae Fear and Yadkin , j railway-' lost 1,000 tons of steel ra-L ... , - .-. i ' . . f. Tettnr, Balt-Rhenm ana ?tfj, The intense Itching- and smartinfr. Inci dent to IAee diseases, is instantly ailarad by armlytng Chamberlain's Eye od Skin CHntxnmt U.n. . have been permanently en red by hV It Is equally efficient for itching; piles and -a favorite remedy for sore nipple, chapped bands, chilblains, . frost Mtis nnu curonw sore eyes. 29 eta. er box. i Sr CondltUm Fsirer are jnst what a horse needs when in bad ' coudition. Tonic, blood purifier n TermifpfTB.. ; They are not food bnt medicine and the best In toe to pat horse in,prime condition. Price Si cents per package. ( ... For sale by T. JL Albright A Co, ( - - ' i - i r i, - , r : State Auditor Aver savs thiis lank of the State Board of Pensions in ascertaining whtf of the 1,200 new . applicants fiw (lensions are- worthy and who are not is a hard one. ' ' . When you want a nice hair-cut or shave, call on me. My hnp at the. southeast corner of Court ' House Square. - - - Ei.hfs HrarcaVk. .Wrien .you are in need of print ' Vf( call on. The Gleaxer, where you will find an assortment of first class stationery. Price reasonable ; -work first class, , -. t , . , IS. l.'-i! Oclobep i ' ; a . t I s t I . . . , Kvff Been."-C!iirlauiiig inoregrrilil new features, more sill iff riie sights, more horses, nlnre camels, more elephants, mora men and women, more rages, 'h. riots, tableau cars, .more lrt"'s wf inasir, more automatic miMic. more liutifal e Mtu:n'e than anv ither show osscsees, besides a mm. I.I r ..ll...rf Hl.l;,.ltl nllil tlWllMfT HfVT ltd flritMltfll UllUlt'Ul ll t Ul winm is ihiivi ru".i..i-. ...... .-.u....- ...... - luus h crander. xtrT.-slij-rtI-"H4U--wriUiriiii-than any otlnT osewsses. tluit ortitiii xi.itir-Iy pab ot the thoiigl.r of tliring to drwin of atlemptinii evi n the weiki-si imit.tin of all this frrrshsdir irJ introduction of a new and mighty gala d-iy" proccssiiaial ahiaiu-nieht The Grandest, Richest, Rarest Street' Parade Ever Beheld Defying All CorttDetitlori. -... Every Morning at 10 d'clock. 2 GompTcte Performances Daily at " 2 and 8 P. M. " L . A - .- - -. . iving Pictures, ; Er Complete CiVcusesT'. 300 Performers, Two Separate -Menageries Acres of Tents, 2 Roman Hippo- dromes, 3 Circus Rings. rr-n 1 ' triN ' Doors opctl one hour earlier. One ticket afniiU tJfll, Bu7IIBILI5OT-,''"C (Spowrsds.

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