v Tf . i. IT1' i ill! if if... f vol. xxin. 1 1 KEEP j-) ifl -IAHAM, N. C, THURSDAYt-OCTOBER;i4, 1897. Gleaner. " ;: v ?-f - i.Vv.Us''. C-v:.-' ft.-.'r'C f- 1," .'-',' - .: -I.';"1.;"- ' . ' 1 'i 1 ' - .. . . .... ' . ''. Ilminl-Kl li.T Hi';, ,.- 3-A If 1---, 1 1 NO. 3 6. YES OPEN! Surety it the word REGULATOR is not on parage, aPOnslLrVER PEGULATDR. : Nothing else is the same? It cannot be and never na$ 4 v,: , , , , mrheehput'unby'nx J. H. ZEILKJ & CO. ' And it can ieasify told by their Trade Mark ft tat a A Graveyard With a History ..twwwwiwwwww j tfxlngton Dispatch. , , r t -v'issUiit3 has-H grejit r rcnonl - ris '' thc'Tarml ; ' .'-'-. , .i.. , .'. . . i . r.. I.. .1 ...I it.. 7'"t , f . by virtlcnco riipoi(lnt Ramnll Tote His Little I'ui. Charlotte (Mnerrer. , ,Th Vinstii Sentinel of yestcr Uhy feh 1W Wory a coming from !'nilnial CommiH8ioer' Otho Wil mhi Ihnt a ' few . tluys Hjto Governor Ittn-ell, Judge Hobinson and Stl icitor 1'ou not on a train at Kale igli, an! the ihrco n'orc engitgeii in an animutal ' conversation when the conductor ramc along. That ollicinl took Up (he tickets of the judge and aolicilor, Uut the. governor tinorted and asked him to go on. After wards he exhibited - Imb' transporta tion to the conductor and it turned out to he a p'i! It is tvell known thai Governor, Kuseelh went to the 4 Nanhrilfo E,rixHHion in.the iirivatc ear 01 an oincer 01 ine ocaooaru Air-Line, and as the guest of . that system. but who - wi:uM have ; he lie vl that ; tlti arch-encinv - of corjiorationa and monopolies would i i, uneem-frwiimi rct. 'Phone Nn. J " 'f'x'f I ; N- C by vicncoKrlicofient 4 t rcv rtorc.,iin fir Sinltn .wlis killed by (Tio, earth TI10 Great John Jloblnaon A Prank lin Broa. Hbows, OiiubliieU. ; Never in tlie hlbtory of tented amusements lias the world known so vast an enterprise as the"one triade I . .1 1 - . At. - . - A .' A IrSgr -I? enioiu! theatriking miners circus neld into , Thd Oldmt Jadse la tha Ooantrjr, Baltimore Sun. ' ' . .;; - . ! i Judge John Jar Jackson. ' of the United estates District Court for the western district of Virginia, who re- a new era, and placed circus exhibition upon a oasis that has never before even been attempted. Two separate and distinct representative cin:us com panies, culled from the best thutoho world, atfords have been joined to- , 1 V .'I" !,,e,m'f:r coin in : 18C3, iihyu uut-ii iiieiiui!i into one ami ine from tnarching on the public high way, is in years of service the oldest jinlgf in this country. He was ap pointed to I lie lcnch ' by President Lincoln on August 8, 18(31. Jus tice Field,, nf the Supreme Court, lioldrtheTTioxtroldest commbsion, having been appointed br Mr. Lin- Judge Jackson, we believe, is not the oldest . . i.t i "vikvio, in hi tup Aiuciivaii two magnificent parades have-been jud now ,ivng bnt no ther o arranred that & double parade is :...i 1 ....' u: . . 1 .1 . . i-wviiu juuuQ ucusiu mill nun cvirr KMn..i.j ... ufuW w m n, i" for m im ix term hn the bench; combined snows are to exhibit t.i.. r..-Ji...it ... . 1 u , Tl . 1 . . . , . 1 w itMKo fiiiti nnn ; uu iuu uriiuii V IU1JUI1CO lll7 11117V blltlV has served for thirty-six . tuimt.. r..... . 1 I. ..I.... t..l. ... 1 I - 1 t a 1 I"WIJS1!I MJI'Ltf UK71 HwvlVIIV11 have ever , been constructetl to no- i,ni,.i c .1.!-....!. ... .1 Ullll comni'vlato this big amusement in stitution, and so enormous have p ? ,v - - ,. I nine lKTsons Who hrtve ncen ' 'X. V TTORNEY AT LAW drowned or oiherwise killed. cavinsr in at tne ore Knoo mine. i this gravevard ,is the burial place q. CliUb. i. I . f--m)ttAT BrweH. V. l. BrMWH, Ju. 4 n VJJJ U3I&BY.VU3I. Altoin a nni.Coanlor at Iau-vt .-a OBEBNHB)RO, N. C - .' y.- - Id . Trartlce recalarly narrHMnr. i rr thu -coiirtu of -'Atu-Auf. . a Iv. 2 ,7. N. C. hollowing is the list ot name? with tho iManricr uf thci tlcatht.sr H. Smith, killed by the earth caving in at Ore Knob. Robert Reck. 611 t -ahaft-a4- ITonvor Hill mine and was killed, n .Cirrah4liinHe)t jtotir David Beck, was leaning on hi gun when it went oil, killing '.hin instantly.. , t. .-. ; , -imi'.'. D.n-i.j Miller," ,!ini!fi.H on Inn and caused hisdciitlu ' . , i . Sandy Sysiivjrer. was killed, by his ftepsiin shnotingJliiiu , Frank Cras was murdered by 1 -Jbiiw BroadinvV,twfl!r,lroH-rie(l; Georiie Smith, killwl in a mine 53RAHAM,'. N.--C . - ',at Holl.iay's. Person count', and "NiffliK! at nwliltiicc, epimKite was Diirieti nunciiir:'-; . , -., . , IlHtlt ' hureh. - - j v ij . m nUl,ftr n,,iui,lm.ri Ti: atur Siniitli was' killed in 187(5. the I first person buried! in llolloway's ( have come to toting- an ordinary been the crowds attendine. that it 4. r DR. W. S. LONG, JR. j Office in Vestul liuilding. LOflice hours 8 a. m. to -1 p .m. r t can .miiiorts. ktKntfl (?,(mix)(r rufisiieis. iiuia, where II I? STOGKAieDr, JK21 11191, II t work tit rpimnnahle iH-a. Ill office Monday and sa . ly. - . 4Tfr., aieeeiyvva4m4'9fe lto orrone-oftiislimhs.fc Atil cc 1 brothers. . . Scene II. Mr. Johnso That Rise in Wheat. C Tho average wheat pniduetions in Juirope ifor .the last six yairs, uid (his includes nil tho Rufinn trop, has lnjen per year, 1,428.000, 000 bushels. This com pel led the imjHirtation iof about 8()0,000,OfJO nushels eaeii year. ' 1 he crop for 18U7 falls lt.1,000,000 bushels be- W l he average so that the Euro must amount to Neither lere is a iamme, nor iustralia, where an extended lrnui;ht at planting time decreased he area nor Argentine, which Us ually; supplies a large quota, can XMirt much wheat. ; So the United States, from which the average nn uuul exxirtatiiMi fur the precetdiirg six years have been 10o,(XX),0(X) liHshels.tiHcladmgnour.i' is called upon to'-supply at" liiast double that amount to make up for the wheat shortage.' s . ,. . . " E : A ComnxHi KMrlrnre. Scene I. Mr. Johnson is obliged to give up work, ahd remain in the house and take care of himself on t. ... V . : ' l ft- '' p t strroiuia sore years ho is now seventy-six years of age. Ho has made many most important decisions of constitutional questions, and it is said that the Supreme Court has never reversed one of them. One of his most famous do cisions was that declaring the test oath unconstitutional. has been necessary to augment the seating cameity, for it is not the policy of these shows lo so "limit their seating capacity as to make those who desire to see anil enjoy the wonderful performances procure IVfVMVU OV'tUi'! 41 14 ltllllU IIIVIO llUIVt 4i.a,K Tnlaa VIaw been reserved opera chairs placed Cleveland Puia Daaier. around -the arena for the mora- "There's altogether too much lib modafion of those desiring : them, erty nllovrerl in this country, t Look fully eight-tenths of the ; scuts iiro'ntnur public streets. There's no free to the patrons. Their day of w,t,.tv them fivr n mnn nr l-n-t . . . . ... 1 " . . - - ' A Bemedy flir Eiphtherla. ,' SdcnOHo American. ' - " r . ' " At the first indication of diphlKeria in the throat of r' child make the room close, then take a tin cup and pour into it an eoual ouantitv nf tar , and furjicnline, then hold the-cup-ver 11 fire s as to fill the room with fumes. 1 The patient in inhaling the fumes will cough and spit up the membranous matter, and the diph theria will pass off. The fumis of the tar and turpentine les.en the trouble in the throat' and thus afford ' the relief that has baffled the skill ; of physicians. .' ' , , - ,' ! ; Wilkesboro Chroncile : Old Uncle ; Recce Lyon, of Dockery. is having his own coffin made. He is be tween 70 and 80 years old, and says'1, he does not known when the nm. . ruons may come, but he expects to f f, Royal aiakaa the toad pan, , 4 .,(,. '1';. (i tr& : l L.I- I.....-M, FuaVi-Zn Abselutel fitr ;.1. itS., Ij ready for it. exhibition in JriiLisoTtN is Monday, Ot-r. 18th, and it will surely be a gala day. . ' " 1 thought the streets were full of safeties. But what's the matter now Molansea Aa a Fnel. ladles' Home JoumaL The lower grades of molasses have proved unsalable qt any pay ing price. ' Many Lousiana planters 1 11 iai 1 nA irij-kliiaitaia i ttin li 11 itn i til I until the authorities fori a do it. It ' "nipu- "Our pet dog went put into the roadway, where ho has a ierfect right to le, and because he wouldn't gel out of the way quick enough to obligo a desperate wheelman he was ran over and h id his tail half It's an outrage and M-"r I rii rmt a 1 Aoucd, 1 I ' - . Am. a I Tf i 7 tf yftii rrTirt doubt' whehdr our troul'do is Indigestion or l)yspesia, jrt tMke a , few tloses of Siinmoiis I.iver Heaulator it will settle the iliiwoii reads a t testimonial viJiiclj tcJls of scrofii loiiVitnblea 'cured 1 by Hood's narsnparilla. He resolves to trv It, sends for a bof lo and begins Inking it. Ekl 0810' W---bave,. trielJj!ceii JII.-r.Mr Johnson has taken rpiiuions 1iver Kegulator tor Dyspepsia7!!!!!! fiiVd it just the thing ; ... . .1 ' ' . a a 1110. A small ( ise. aner sure t prevent imiiges- JC, W. C. Moork, Prop A,. , ;i;aiiam, N. f. - - . ak meit all train. Oiml l4li nr l it 1-am, ITIuirKro iiMHlKralP. . i-H-in tiou." S. S. Perkins, Sharon. (-i . ' "It is the best meilieiite to aid i igest ii 11 1 .' J.i i. . Bluek, ' D unci n, r Arizona. ' ' ' six bottles of Hood's Sarsnparilla. ins si-mruia sore is curwi. lie is feeling stronger, has a good up petite and is able to atte..d to his work. He writes a testimonial telling of his e.tpeiieiiee with Hood's Sarsaparilla. ami reeoni meiids it to others. is now used as a fuel, being sprin kled by n machine over the bagasse, or the sugar cano from which the juice has been extracted,- This whi n put into the fire, burns with a stromr heat. Its'eoa! value is greater than its value for any other us,1, and over a hundred thousand tons were so use 1 last year. The BUCKSKIN BREECHES are nice comfortable looking pants so much for appcarnco. fhey .'are strong in seams, pocKets and buttons. The best help money will him isn't too good for us to employ in our factory, The .result' is the best working pants made at the same price as common goods- Col. C. Houk, a prominent citizen of Burke, died at his home five miles from Morgnnton Sunday niuht a week. He had represented Burke in the Legislature. - At the time of his death he was aliout 70 years old. nomebo ly will have to pay for it." "What are vou going to do aliout it?" . "I'm going to sue the fellow who rati over him?". "Where is he?" "He's still in the hospital." Croup Qnlc-kly Cured. '' Mountain Glkx, Ark. Our chil dren were suffering with ' croup when we received a bottle of Clmni berloin's Cough Rcmetly. ItafTord etl almost instant relief. F. A. Thornton. ; This celebrated remedy is lor suie ny 1, a., Albright & Co. In Sampson crtunty Sunday" a ween airs, iuary Kavner. hii years 0111, who uvea atone, Jell into tho fire and was burned so badly that . .... sne uieu in a short time. Southern and Western stock men know a good thing when they see- it therefore for scratches, sweeny, ring-born, strains, sprains, hruisi s. saddle and harness galls and ailments of horse", they use Rice's Goose rouse Liniment, it is good for man as beast. Sold and guar anteed by all druggists and gcncml stores. The Wilkesltoro Chronicle mvt a. 10-year-old negro girl, was shot and killed at Jefferson Monday a week.' She and her little brother were m the house' alone at the time ami it U not known whether she shot herself ' or was shot by the boy, or whether the shooting was intentional or ae-: cidental.' ' . . A Cure for Dillpua Colc. ' Resourcb, Rcreyen'i'Co.'.J' Ga.- I have been- subject' -tot attacks of bilious colic : tor several ; yean. Clinnilierlnin's Colic, tboera. and Diarrha-a Remedy is tbe(ojily sure relief. It sets like"a charm. One dose of it gives refiet wlien all other remedies fail.'-Gj D. 'Shasp. For sale by T, A., Albright & 2a Didn't Adrrtl sad the Rdltor Coalda't Annwer, Southarn Tobacco Journal, WlnUon. An inquiry eame to this office 0 few days ago for the names of somi leaf dealers on a certain market. Our reply was we didn't know and never heard nor saw the names of a single one of them. They never ad vertised in this or any other paper. How can they expect to be known ? Mr. Lawson Armstrong, of Gaston county, was in his com mill when it caught or. tiro and Mr. Armstrong droppod dead. Heart disease. This is one of the incidents of the new regime in Aorth Carolina. A lot of white convicts, in. charge of a negro guard, were taken through tho town of Halifax a few days ago. It is said that most nf the field, guards on thd penitentiaay farms are ne groes. - -' " ' "" ( You can't cure consumption but you can avoid it and cure every oth er form of throat or Ring trouble by the ust of One Minute Cough Cure. When in need of a remedy to relieve pain you want the surest. quickest and beat, such a one is ice's siuirn0n8 the j),, Goose Greaso Liniment, it relieves ill pain at once, it cures croup, .nugh and colds as son i as used. For sale and guaranteed by all drug gists and general stores. It relieves whooping cough. 4 - - .. - : Disfigurement foTlifo by burns of scalds may bo avoided by using De- U iU'u itcli Hii7j'l SilI v thn oreiit remedy for piles and for all kinds of Hood's Sarsaparilla are genuine he- sores and skin troubles. Simmons, cause the people themselves write the Druggist, , auout them. Henry Leraly, who lives near China lroviJ.B'asJhriittnJrontJiis horse Wednesday 0f last week and killed. ... ; , , . We know the great cures by The grand jury, of the.. Federal Court at Greensboro found true bills ngainst the officers of the wm ked c-:.i --.: 1 i,--.t."A.r k .4 l'.n' . .. riri naiii'iiui ouiik 111 AMievine lor conspiracy and embezzlcirient, and Judge iTirneit fixed the , bond at 30tooo, 1'?;.; , . ir - 1 ou can't aflfH-d to risk 'j'our life by allowing a cold to develop into pneumonia or consumption. ' In stant relief and a certain cure are af forded by One Minute Couijh Cure. Simmons, the Druggist'. ', 1 And Comprehonstve J 7;7: 7;; : .. ... - -..' - m jm Jii. m y ' - . ..... . . , , - 1 r"..rn frontninfii!? more cirnd new features, more sublime sights. Dhm htirses, more oinicls. more elephants, nitwe m and women, morn races, (-priiiU, tableau trs, more - uu ma i im" ( n.. ... laiuaie. more liutiful ctstuim-s tluta any taher aliow iosie-ses, besides wtwld of other suUiine and startling, ntrw and original innovation so ...1... ...i.r .tYimr ami trto.ru liwritoTrirtl time any tshif . tha1opwsitioiiiHiiivt ly Mtk at the ihrtiigl.t of daring t - dnM aaiieinptini ev.n theikesi iinitatMMi t.f all this wetsl.l.W in introduction of a w and mighty gU df prosfcisioaaJ euiaxemetit The Grandest, Richest.' Rarest Street Parade 7-'. Ever Beheld Defying All Comoetition. Every Morning at 1 0 o'clock. ' -S1 GompIetePcr f'rmanccs , Dai ly at 2 and. 8 P. M. , 1jpimctAt,n. I . . A, P ' teproducm: ir m 0$ f open-one hour earlier. .. ' Ode ticket admits to all. . J- m - - -a ' r m CT ' r mm- WMWh !X!H&J?lcMJi Statuary, . Two Complete Circuses. 300 Performers, wo Separate Menageries, Acres t ...... oi Tents, 2 Roman Hippo- - ' i. . dromes, 3 Circus Rings. . nSUIffilLiritR.T!, I. C, CTODBSEDB At the Wait Grounds. r

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