..J - ftp. jpj' t-ye" j ; - 3- iJTJy"X :!'.!! y 4. 5. i f ... !::l:jiliilIMiaA .jir sin :vrf n Ai -i it v-t ! GRAHAM, N. C THURSDAYy NOVEMBER 1 1, 1 897. VOLuXXIil. U" "' i. . 1. 1 . i -j ti . , i r-' 1 ',' '.' ;" " ' y-jy a w m " a at em m a a, m. -a, a r w usa. r- .. ' . i Serves Sye df aaa ama body. , . tier xtenl from Um brala te erery jpM of th bwhr uMel Mcrrvrtaa. rvM Uk r-gM mhmU bat tori NTVM araMbrtkcMM4aBdaNtlWnfr UkCltlBCkMMtMW - arVM will to weak mA txhauste II Vx4 It thin. Ml M4 Impure. tlarvM n mrely b throng Ma MeadyX th MMd b rich, red aa4 Tt(MWk1 larvM atraa DM la Had' Sanaa. rllia brcauM K bIui rich, red Moot bAtrvaa aa thalr work aaturaDjr ana weB, . - tte brala It aadaaata, Iheraare par nettralcte pain, appttfte aaa dliet- '- - tlea art oaa when yaa lakt , . Inld? Garsaparilla TTbe One TroBloo4 Purifier. AUaratiMa. tL aly ltd M Cm, Lnratl, MaM. kl a-kiia tba'bcatlainTrcathartle tlOOd M PiliS aaaJKar ithaa hat Mo. PROFESSIONAL CARPS. jaco I A., taorvt, i Attorncy-at-Law. Hi C ' ..... -i. i .l. tuHiai nArai nnrlf, WacVevn "white. MoOWo.Hatora.Maln JT. lK KEKNODl-K, XTTORJfET MT LAW CHAHAM, - - - " N. C maT Btirp.' W.f.BriioM.Ja. iA.Tro4-r.ey" tm&'Ooxttumtoirm at I Jw ' OBJEBN8BOEO, N. C "' ractlc ruttlarljr In a e"rtt 1DR. ,J. R. STOCK AHO Je-qftist, Ofllre W rellenKV 'opppaa laptlfOhurPb. !.- wrtrV at rrwnnl pnra. n nffloe Moudays awl Hatur baya. . STABLES. W. C. Moore, i'ROPli, T-. 4MIAHAM..N. C; , k,.'v kaatetall Iralaa. Good alafla or it a a w Uttaraea mooeraie. . -wvm . THE OUAMrrB Nobth CAmoLrtaA'A - ; d"0IMOST KewsrAPEB. OA IXY A . InttqierMlcnt and fiwrlcs bigger (and mora ttra-tiv t hanger, it will lie an iBAhraWc tWMt to the home, 'Eire office, the club Of ;trork roowi Ti Daily Obserrer. : All the new T Ht world CVww . .. plete (hiHy reimrtu from tliaStafc ' . 7 . . . n iiMTSaiiomi vapiiois. ep jef The Weekly Observer. A perfect fiuniivjMrMat Allrtie . . , of tlie week, tlcinemfoef the Weekly Obrwer. - Only One Dollar .a Tear. SeiadaWaaunjilacQimaL Addk&m THE OBSEKVEK r XCHARLOTTK, Kt3 j ARE YOU VP' . : TO DATE : lljommre sot the News ako Obekter is. ' Snbatribe lor it at ' occ and it will keep yo a abrr&vt of the time. . ; Poll AtwoeUted Pnew d MpatcB c.' AH the new foreign, do mestic aational. state and local ail Ube time. , Daily News and Obscrrer $7 per year, $30 for 6 moa. : V Weekly North- Carolinian $1 per year, 50c lor 6 not. NEWS & OBSERVES PUB. CO., RAuaciT, N. C '"' Tbe North Csrotinbiit and Tn Xlamascs Glkae will W sent Irtrwne year Cw Two Dollar, ' Cash nMnuw. Apply at TuiUleaxeb oCce, Graham, N. C 0 BSE RVE 8 WEEKLY WASHINGTON LETTER. Froai Oar Besnlar Correaponaeiit. V Washwgtom, P. C., Nor. 5 r, To-day's Cabinet meeting was a tomewbati gloomy gathering and Mr; McKinley wan chief moumer. Secretary Sherman looked aa mourn ful as the mt of them, but if he felt ao it was probably because he feared that the official count in Ohio would not meet democratic expecta tions by making Biss Hanna's 1 re turn to the Senate impossible, and not because of the general rebuke administered to the administration by the increase in the , democratic Tuteand the decrease in the. ropub lfcan te;ereritil4 In I WhH an election was held. lien rpoak ing for publication, the republicans try to make light of the results and to claim that such is always the case at the first of! year eleetions held nnder a new adhiimstratioM, but they do not talk that sort of rot among themselves. They, know the extraordinary eU'orts made by their National; CoQimfttee to . bold to gether the rote &ven to McKinley last year and tltc enormous amount of money speut in those efforts, and they see the fesults for what they are a popular rebuke to Mr. Mc kinley nd his administration. They see, to. that it Is a Tore-ruri-r of tlte election of a democraUe majority of the House of Kcpresen mures uexc year, which will m tarn pnve fbe way for the ' election of a Democratic President in 19QQL U'ith tliexception of New York, wliere ifiupBat with the alVgwd "re ormers" of the republiuin .munici ia( NJnmfstratfoii brought about the " cyatme wbich" restored Tam mrtny jwwwr by an unexicctedly large plurnrity, and Maryland, where the sih'or question was dog- d4ind the anti-Gorman democrat, liendt il hy the Baltimore Sun, acted With the wrratylunnfl, the democrats wade thetr largest gains' in those States whifo thejr MtsTte4 the free ooiiwgfl'o elh'fT t the front ns tire iurffing ltwue of the cammign. This fact shows very plainly that IhfbJe who imMoawwl ' the "titivr ow'se" dwA last year wer not well- informed. It also shows that a few of tbc wpuMit-nns who rotctl to put .'The licKinley administration in power resent the continuation of the Clcreland-Carlule financial policy by the wescnt aduffnistratfon. ' DeifMOrats in Washington are dis jmsed to$re Bryan a large h:ire of tfce wretht for the splendid showing niale by tlie"rty in Ohio, and the "remark has been made many times, that if (he entire campaign in t.iat State had been made along tbe same aggressive line as the epecchca made in tbe closing days by Mr. Bryan, tbc democrats would hare elected their entire state ticket as well hare awurvd the 4 dtteat of Boss Hanna. Of course these who make thew remarks know that it is much easier to Way after a ' amiiah(ii i ever what would hare been tbe win feing poKcy than it Is to make the choice hi the Midst of a campaign, wit tbe k nowledge may he sef! all the same, as it may be uced to prerent stttMatr statafces in the futuro. Ttte only depressing featr re bout the elections, from a detiiocratic Itnint t rwa was the electro of a nsbfem m.ijorhy of tKe Maryland legisktnre, Which means that Sena tor Gorman's succersor will be a re publican. ' Delegations of gentlemen, ' repre- aeatating eoauiiaeBS which would like to hare that proposed goreni ment armor plate factory, continue to present themschres and thir able argoaMate before the Brd ofNaral Officers baring charge of the iaresti- gatiod to ascertain the best location Uw swh a plant, which indicates either a lack of knowledge of the at titude of the administration towards tbe ppject or a beliuf that Congress wiU act ia the 'matter regard low of the', opposition of the administra tion. Hon. tlannis Taylor, who was U. 8. Minister to Spain mider the last administration and until the arriral of Gen. JVandmrdjjIie presmt min ister, at Madrid, sereral months ago, and who is at present staying in W aahmgton. fails In perceim how occnjtying a poaUon as a dijdouiat should operate to deprive him of the right to hare and express an opin ion of his own after his return to private, life, and is therefore not , in clined to bother his heaxl about; the absurd talk that some of the friends of Spain and of. the administration hare indulged in since the publica tion of a very strong and truthful magazine article written by Mr. Taylor and dealing with Spain and its i relations ' with , Cuba; These' critics charge that Mk -"Taylor's article was published for its effect upon Congress, but,' unless those' who are in positions to know the sentiment of Congress are much mistaken, nothing of the "sort will he needed, to bring about prompt ac tion by the House on that joint re solution, already adopted - by the Senate, directing the recognition of the belligerency of the Cubans. - ; 7 Let TJ Stop t Think. " hk us stop to think of the good bye kiss. Better miss a car than leave a heartache. -y Let us stop to think of tlie. chil dren." Mi to6,werrchitd ren once and loved to be remembered. Let us stop to think of the aged. For us, ton, the evening shadows will close at length and we shall, perchance, tie left at desolate" liear stqnes;"' Ve shall need to be re membered then. Let - us " stop to think ' of tte strangers. We, too, hare been alone and have needed the touch of the kindly hand apon our lives and many a life . has gwte oat in the blackness of darkness Air the lack of such a touch as awy one f us might hate- U' . Dct us stop and think of God ami the future. , At jicst the time is slrort awl (be 'end is mwr. And when nt shall come, blessed will lie to whom the entrance nwn another life will be but the realaatioa ; denr and familiar dreams, the coh- sntnalion of a Hie time of longings. Let us stop to think. If there be any virtue, iftMieTe is any praise, let us stop to think UKn these things. Outlook. ' TawOcorgla ItMtniaater, ''laanttosee the post master." Tiu trte portmnstah, mh look out. Mighty close shave that, sah... "'.."-i "Who in thunder is that fool fir fegatf" "At me, suh?' "What for?" Doesn't like my color, ah. Take rare there, sab. You're right in range. Kip ! Dat's the feller out dar behind the tree, sab. Pom boys takes a shot at raw every time dey goes l.y." jto Jk ., "Well, but doesnl )i.m warn to throw up yrorjoo ana get out ofTnwf "Me, sah ? I guess not. I dont throw up no government snap for sucn trifling no account fellows like dem. BaTfg I Dat's Lige Bros firing through the back door. Well, br gracious 1 ef he ata't done shot a hole through the mail bag ? - Fust thing dat pusson knows he'll beget tnln troulde- wW the Unitcl State, yes. Bah.' 'Well, you're a pnilosopirer.'' "No; aah. - Pro a Republican, and dar's only foah moah "of vis in de tcwrk ''Cleveland Trader. The three-year-old toy et J. A. Johnson, of Lynn Center,- III., is subject to attacks f r-mn. Mr. ohason Bays he ia sAtisfiorl that the timely use of (liamerlain s Cough Remedy, during a severe attack. saved his little boy's life. He is in the drag business, a member of the firm of Johnson Bros, of thai fdaee and they handle a grtmt many latent medicine tt throat and lung diseases. , He had all these to choose from, and skilled . phy sicians ready to respond to his call, but selected this renieHy for use in his own family at a time when his. child's life was in danger, because he knew it to be superioi to anr other. 41 famous tlie country orer for It cures of croup. !r Johnson says this 1 the best selling cough medi- cinejher handle, and that it give p lend 1 (I mtutartuai iu all casus. told by T. A. Albright k Co. Mr. Watson, the voung wife of A! Watson, who at IUIeirh killed himself after sltopting her. is getting well of the wound, though she will las paralysed for lite. The hall struck her spinal column and sbe will Cover be able to wa!k sg iia. CUATEI Kf TOSL Sataad City ha aha With , ABaattUr. Haw Tork Barald. 'London Was a city 1,600 years before the Dutch bought Manhattan Island for a song, and today London with more than fix million people and 688 square 'miles of territory has scarcely twice the population of the American metropolis 3,200,000. 'New "York increases faster in popa lation, . too; in fact at the rate of 315 day, while the Increase daily in London is 250. Third in popu lation among the cities of the world id ! Paris, f with a population of 2,600,000; and Beriin is fonrtl with but 25 square miles of territory. The area of Paris is 173 square miles.- Chicagopressing Berlin close in populatioivcompnses more than 180 square miles. By ' making Hne comparisons from statistics compiled concerning the great city, one find .many curious results. For instance the Dutch inirchased Manhattan Island for $24 in 1626 from the Indians and the surrounding country was not considered worth baring. Today land in the enlarged city is worth on an average of $125,000 an acre, and 50 cents a square foot for the entire 360 square miles. Of course there are sections in lower Broadway and Wall street which are worth nearly a thousand times as much, and some one has said that the wages of a womngman tor twemy years would not buy six feet of earth ia some parts of Greater New York. r The number of men on the city pay roll will be greater than the regular army of the United States, tho polrce contributing nearly 7,000 and tbe "white " winged" street cleaners 4,000. The population of tho city is equal to the combined potHilaUon new states and territorir. 11 . whose area is 3,000 times greater than that of the city and ahmrt two filths of that of the entire republic. The men, women and children of Greater New. York drawn .up in single rank would form a rank 1,000 iiii'es long. A child is born every six wlnutet in Greater New York, which means about 90,000 a year, and aliHough tbe death Tate is comparatively low 70.000 persons die annually, or one about every seven minutes, day and night. New York is unique in the character of its population. It is the largest Irish city in the world, its 850,000 Irish being twice numerous as the imputation of 1 Dublin. The GcvwHues are the most nu merous, though, there being 900,000 her. Thus, with the ex ception of Berlin, New York is the largest German city in - the world. The foreign born population num bers 1 ,250,000. and with its children numbers 5,500,000, or about two thirds of the city's entire pa)ttbtv The drafts and checks passing through the charing house of Great er New York make aa aggregate of $36,000,000 a day, which is twice as much a- the clearings of all lhe other cities of-the nation combined. In its manufactures the greater city employs 635,000 workmen and paps $40000,000 a year in wages. The city Will h ire an area of 360 square miles, maVIn; it second in size to London. Its greatest length will be almost 35 miles that is from Mt St. Vincent to Toilenrilhj. There will be more than ten sa loons for each church. Thi assessed value of the Teal estate of' New York, Kings, and Richmond and part of Queans coun ty included in the greater city is $2i64,lU96S. The indebtedness of tbe combined cities and towns is about $170,000,000. Tbs lotanae ReaJnar sad t ReaJns; sad ssiarrisaytaei dianaaaa, Itlnia try aUayee r CbaeaWViia'S fcr aa4 float to raoao die ty avorythsr C Skta OtutBaaad. ataay Tarr M bare beaai ji aaaally ewnel by H. It is aaalty tfflcM for ttoaUatc xllaaaa4 a fafettla rseatOKT for aora attselas. ebarpeat hsaaW. eauT0sia. trosk Mta aa4 csueaie sore eyas. N eta. sr box. Hr. faaV GaaatMlew tna what a horas aaads wikra ra eosdltioe, Toais, blood pariflcr sa4 Termirara. They are not food bat medicine a4 Um bast ta was t pet a ras te prhae eokvliuoa. Prfae eats par package. . For b!e by T, A. Albright & Co. A rwaa-ltta Kkawatad M.KIala? Maea ' pM a CatUa.ii!i::,.fXK W iii. Sallttmry Worid, Oet STta. : There was . an irate agriculturist in Salisbury Monday. He brought two bales of cotton to Salisliury and was fully confident he would get eight cents for it . He first took his sample to Mr. J. Frank McCubbins and was --offered fi re and one-half cents. He spurned this offer and went out to look for other buyers. In about an hour Mr. McCubbins observed the bid man standing on the corner in deep meditation. He approached the old fellow and asked him If hie bid had. been bettered. The old than said : "No,' I can't get any more than you hare offered me for the cotton. Now, tell me where I will find this young roan Klutti, who clerks at the postoffice. ni..na; c.era u ujeu- in-the-wool Republican.) I had always voted the Democratic ticket up to the last election, but on elec- Ltion day when I waa preiiaring to rote Kluttx said to me: "If Me Kinley is elected I will eat every bale of cotton in the United States that doesn't bring over six cents.' I voted for McKinley, "Now, I know that one bale would kill him, but I'll be d-d If he won't have to eat this,", and the old fellow held up a two pound sample which lie had been carrying around. He didn't find Klutti. A boat Onat'Ofthe Fealtenttarr, Ex-guperlntendent Leazar writes an. interesting letter regarding the penitentiary. It is a reply and a complete confutation of fusionist statements like that by Auditor Ayer, that during the past two years the jicnitentiary drew $60,000 from the State and left it at the end of 1896, $19,000 in debt. Gar. Ras- DC" r- Prt that during the post fiir years ' k. l..u. . .i.a. .. aisnrvt the loss or shortage was $125,000. But Chairman Dcvkcry has never given out these reports ; why, no one to know. The Democrats nev er claimed daring 1895, 1804 d 1S05, ths penitentiary had- been self-supporting, but, says Mr. Leaur, that condition was attained in 1896. In 1893 there was used of State funds $12 500 ; 1894, 1 1 2,500 ; and also 1895, $14,158 to pay a debt of 1894. For 1896, $30,000 was ap propriated, but only $5,000 was drawn and used in the summer, but on December 21, 1896, when the ! penitentiary fiscal year Hosed, it had $5,800 to its credit in the treasure, besides $1,600 in its own safe: more .. .... .. than enougn w uaiance ine d,uuu drawn. ' rtertoM Drlaltloae, Haw. P. 6. TT business end of a woman's letter. ' Divorce--An epitaph frequently carved upon love's tombstone. Wife A rend nt who 'lets her services for life without wage. Scrape Something a ' man rah avoid by letting his whiskers grow. Ambition A toting thai makes man want to do something he can't. JU'edding-The Jijdtueed to con Urrt thoughts of lor with thoughts of war. , . ttgamhrtA crasy man who thinks he can manage more than one woman at a time. Hcorchet A fellow who JWl duty . . 1 . 1 . i 1 ? . iMiaira ro dicsk nis rocora, bicycle or his neck. his BraleCaMMaaaiOaHo. I sufrered for Weeks with colic and pains i my elemacli eaued by biliousness and had to take medi cines air the Awhile until- I-used Chamber lain a Colic, 'Cholera and DMrrhrea Retuedjr which eu red me. t have since' reconfmended It' lo h good ' many people. ' Mrs. - P. Bcvrru,' Fairharen, Conn. Per sons Who are su ject to iHlious cotie MR ward off the attack 4y taking this remedy ss sona as the' first srmptoms appeal; Sold by -T. Wk Albright tk Co. - '. r - . r Ti Mtarlnta Kaara aan th tm. rToction of gold In North Camiii.t this yr will hardly eiceed $50,000. Southetn r ami .Western . stock men know a good tbmg when tiw? ste ' it therefore . for . . scraichea, iweetiy, ring-burn, strains, .sprarns. bruisrs. sexblki and harness gall and ailments eX hrwsea, they use Rice' (;anse-4ease. liniment, it is gnnd ts msnss beWSold 'and .iruar nleed by all druggists attdgencral stores. Broth Worth's Krra Paaaes. '" MawaaadOtiaerrar.irtfr.Sta. " - " v' Treasurer Worth, . somamed William Henry, Js ' in Grt-ensboro, rery likely .stranded. Ilia money and liis; railroad, passes are both gone. A pickpocket reliered bim of them on the train :Thursday after? noon while the treasurer was on hi way from this city -to Jreenslom. After his victim had got off the train at Greensboro ' the sharper threw William Henry's purse down in the train, of course first taking out the money. When the trainmen found it it bore in letters of gold the name 'W. H.' Worth"- and in it was a check for $30 and 4 bunch of rail rood, passes. i 1 'H f Now, William Henry ought to te more careful than this. .He Is ex posing state secrets. : Tins is a time tw.mon. even if you are a private citizen and not a Populist.;''', j. " : ' Byb here i an officeholuer a state officer, and a Populist ftate officer, at that-- an original Alliance man, too, caught with his pocket full of railroad paws. . Who would hare imagined it ? Shade of Marion Butler defend the Honorable Wil liam Henry in this terrible crisis I ' But the batch of passes was not the worst that this fatal poeket-book revealed. There is a degradation lower than . tliat The .Honorable William Henry's name was printed on it in large, gold letters gold, mind you. Not a silver letter in the kit, and yet our State Treasurer has been masquerading as a jrilrer man. No longer will he le able to hurl back the foul aspersion that he has not been chasing the festive ( plutocrat with' zeal and vigor that nil true anti-pas-Populiats should. The handwriting on the pocket- hu4&hi In Jrtters of gold and thou, William Henry, art doomed. v BatlerHaa a Paaa, Too. CHntan Deaaerrat. ,, i )." t Senator Marion Butler, an apos tle of reform who- goes about screeching aga:nst the use of passes by public ofltcials,' rides on a pass oyer the A tlatiUc Coast iAn and has been doing so for some time. This matter is simply mentioned in the interest of consistency for which virtue Governor Russell and Senator Butler hare absolutely no respect Who cau have fitith in their . sincer ity or their honesty when they are attempting to hound down other people tor a thing which they do themselves f ,. J C, Berry, one of the lwst known:, citizens of Spencer, Mo., testifies that he cured, himself of the worst kind of piles by using a few boxes of DeWitfa Witch Haetl Salve.' He had been troubled with lales for over thirty years and had used manv different kinds of so-call ed cures ; but De Witt's was the one that did the work ami he win rertty this statement if any one wishes to write him, ttiwuioas, the Druc- gbjt v. . . : . It Is proponed . to build a hsnd seme memorial hall at Trinity Col lege in honor of Ker. Dr. BraxUa Craven, its first preiujmV It will be large enough to seat ,JW peo- piu. - "rr i . - "The worst cold I ever had in my life Was cured , by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,? watt W, 11. Norton, of Sutter Creek, Cal. "This cotl left me with a cough and I was exictorating all the time. The Remedy cured me, and l want all of my friend when trou Itlnd with a cough or cold to use it, for it will do thenf good." Sold by T. A. Albright & Co. , . , ': . ' The average dally consumption of the 185 cotton mill ia ibis state is reiierted by the commissioner of labor statistics to 1 nine and three quarter bales each. ' ' r - a-aaaaaaaaaiaaab s You can't afford to risk your life by allowing a told to develop into pneumonia of cntummption. ' In stant relief and a certain cure are af forded by One Minute Couh Cure. Simmon, the Druggist i:. --Attdltor- Ayer says . there, were almut 1,200 new applicants for yy ion this year, of which something like 300 passed. But quhe a num ber wtre dropped from the rolL owing mainly ( to deaths. This is particularly,. the rase as to widows. There is no need of little chihiien! being tortured by akl-heal, eesenta J and skin . eruption. LVWiit'sl Witch llaxd iahs instant rahVanel , feures ermant otly. jdmnKsis, the iJt;i r.ii.iutr.jriit M . ,r....,.... . .1. ,1 ,. ' ..I .. .'.i . I d -.W .. 1 - : 'i.m 1 ' ' . . 1, K ..- P - 1 n rj f. r ' v r.'a lrLfct- lJ-'M.-ridf 4 AeeelMtsfrtHtrf . ' l:-'.'ii'i'fc ' '::''-' ': t-:. . ..:? l : ', ,.."-'.1 t ..1 r-nui',1 .1 twnaa.iww.a.w. j Htrtr DM I Hv mm tfeetie. . Baawthlaeantaoroa taeatnwti .. . ' MawMaWla :"-'' M r door aaaaataa watted tbeta -'f Cautll Ifo took tlMbaadlerroai air aaad, ; 1 ., Aaa, waaa I drappa mj , ,.a Ha araatoa4ok teaa (oraaa, , -. TMaaaatlaaaaaof taa. "p' Hedoaa not paat tbe erowd ilmitiJ i Mia vulee la eailr art (had . f: ... ,.f; ,21 He dnea ant Sia hit bmkeabnat At If be ware bewUeaod. He ataa aa aaldi ao let y vaM I ! Ha alwajra ahuU tbe door i , Heraaoaenaadearinteclr'' v xi . hi IS Toforaaaad atftl aadi He taluk of rot. before I f. H aenraa roa ffh eaa For la whafrer aompaay ' Tbe aiaaaart aaaymrSaa-aaai At tenor forty. tla tbe aaaae, Tbe naaner telU the tale j Aad 1 dlat-ani t hr ar rail laaa By alcaa that aarrar fail. "-Setaeted, j -; Do not depend Uoni:sotuTa, liaw haiantsor Hher local-apdicationa. , Catarrh ia a constitutional, dieasr,; and can be successftilly treatnl on- ly by means 'Of a' conatitotbinal remetly like Hood's rsapstilbt, i which thorntighly nurifi' toe bUtM. aid removes thtr scrofulous .taint. wuicn causa raumu i ne great, numlier of testimonial 'from1 those' who bare been cured tf catarrh ' by Hood's Sarsa4irilla prove the un iualled fiower ufOhis msdicine to conquer this tfiscase, If. tnsaUW4( with Catarrh give flood's arta parilla a fair trial at awice," ttmtfl - i . , aaajaJBaaaBaasBhsaaaaaaBaBdV - V J ' " ' Otho Wilson mysi the 'ffayeeVr may not be warm enough for soma peojile, but that H ia aewmplirilMibzj its purpose ami ss tidies those wh7 My for k. : Otho state that bar -U in receipt ef letters oailv fcrmf Populisu all over the state wWra.,' dorse his course and denounce But- ' ' CaSanh taa'l U'rWil u. WTuch requires a" con4iia4lonaj. rernedy. . It earn he cured , - ' forwl applications. Hood's - Sarsa imrilla is wonderfuflr aueruul in', earing catarrh laratwe it eradicates front tbe blood the scrofulous taints : which cause IC tStiffrrer ynik catarrh Gad a care ia lfoodls:4rsa- paril'a, even after other Vetaedie. .iriv'j,"! nTt TJUs are'promjsl, efSeieni, always reljable, easy, to take, ,ear. toerrrain.., .. , Snpermtendent John R. mith of thn pwiitentiary says his ana, D.. Kirlty Smith, will return from New' York In about s5week Ji there ' is nothing In'. the ntaletnrmV that Gnr. Russell will make requisi tion for Kirby. Smith, as he.emil.L not do so until the. latter bad Ueo. indicted. ' ; - r An important case was heard le fore Justkv Montgrint try in Raleik-hS at chaml-ers Thurstlay a week. A" young lady of Jfendersor, ws .r. re4ted for selling pianos torfU folk firm witbtsjt license. . UnoVr. naneaa corpus proceeturya the ease was token liefore JuUice MiMitgonu. ery, who discharged her, aaring !. provision of the revenue art" was un ennetitutional so far as it applied to rrsone outside the state selling hV sample or catalogue, in that ft rfo; hi ted the interstate commerce hw,'' ., .: .... i I . j- ;!'., . a Img experience; easeful factory methods and the href help QMner, will hire, explain why ste can sett the BUCKSKIN BREECH E3.Vib liest Jeans Pants made, for as tUtle money ae other makers eharte common gooda. We attend to the little de-ail and gettina; Utfle thing right makes the whole job, gnstl. Ak yopr clothing maa toahow yinjr a ur. ... Ralt-igh cor-sprmoVnt Mevenger? The ant- Butler Populists believe ht has hist his grip,i the rajotJe. The reports front the counties where he has spokest show this, t Tbe next meeting of the Itopelist eommith will Iw a lively one The "amis': mrrd Cbainnan Fountain a aanl tbe terniiorarr ehairuiaa and ma elect anoiher. Omgrea-man hkiil. ner. b ctaitinues the irenVr nf tl.a "amis." tlors twit giveiV4 Bu leriind over eight of the twenty oo uv;a.' K

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