GRAHAM, N. C.THURSDAY, NO V EMBER 18, 1897; I ; VOL. XXIII. " lich fed fclood li absolutely tssential to health. It la Moored easily and naturally by '. taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, bat is fan .' .v- possible to get it from so-called " nerve 4 -tonics,'' and opiate -compounds, ab ' 'aurdly advertised as " blood pari. 1 '-rlers.,, They have temporary, sleeping effect, but do not CURE. To have para GBIood -And good health, take Hood 'a Sarsaparilla, which baa first, last, d all' the time, been advertised as just what it is the beet medicine tor the blood ever pro duced. Its success in curing Bcftof ular : BaH . Bheum,' Eheumatism, r Catarrh, V Dyspepsia, Nervous Prostration and 'That Tited Feeling, have made-r Sarsaparilla TbeOne True Blood Purifier. An druggists. $L t. . are rnirely vegetable, fe HOOd S FllIS liable and beneficial, toe. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. TJRA&AM, Iraettees In the Stnte awl Federal courts. OHioe over White, Moore & Co.'S'Storo, Main Btreet. 'Phone No. B. , vJ. D. KERNODLE. ATTORNEY. AT M W GRAHAM, - - - : Tf. 'C. Job Gbat Bvku. W. f. nvNtM,'J. BYNUM & BYSTJM, r Attorneys and Counselors tit l.uw GREENSBORO, .N. C. -Prect1reiruIarly 'Id the fcWirfs of Ala mance county. Auif. 2, 94ly. DR. J. I. STOCKAFiD, jDeritist, GRAHAM, N. 0. Office a"t reniaento, 'fippofiftS Bst irork at res wnsble iirlcos. In nfflee Holidays mid oatur Jlnptfst ( hureii, Xivery, Sale 11 Veed STABLES. W. C. MOORE, PBOP'lt, v GitAHAM. N. O. rks meet aflTrnlns. Good sloile or 4 1 a 'eim4. Charge moderate. -2S-am Tft'E CHARLOTTE - Noirt'H Carolina's , , -taeiMOST NEWSPAPER. : and WEEKLY. JACl) if "A- lo rvu;-, f s Attorney-at-Law, II S 1 J . Independent and fearless; "bigger . and more attractive than ever, it will - ?"bean invaluable visitor to the home,- The omoe, rue ciuu or wort room. Nriie Dnily Observer. " '- ' Xl the news of the world.- Com'- pleto daily reports from tho State y - -and Natfonal Capitols. $3 year , The weekly Observer. A rmrflnM familv iniima.1 A ll Itm i"" j-... . - f . 'news of the week. Remember the Veeklj Obnencr. vv. . Only Owe Dollar a Year. Settd for samide conic. Adclrcwi t'lIE OBSEKYElt ' CMS RIAOTTE, . c" ARE YOU U P I- TO DATE If yon are not the News and Orerter U. Subscribe fof it at once and it willkeepyoB abreast of the time. . Full Associated frens dispatch es. All the nvs foreign, do pieftic, national, state, and local bll the time. . . Dail News and Obrvr$74 per year, $3.50 for 6 mos. Weekly North Carolinian 1 per vear, 50c lor 6 mos. ;xv;s & OBSERVER PUB. CO., .: RxLEion, N. C. - The North Carolinian And A lam ock Gleaser will be r ... i. The sent r oiit1 Xttx lor l wo ixtiiarn. Cah .c Craham. N. C I WEEKLY WASHINGTON LETTER. From Our Bearular Correspondent. Washington, D. C, Nov. 12, '97. Mr.McKinley has taken a hand in that Hannaiaaddle by personnfly takins Senator Foraker to task lorwJitical prouhet of the dav. was at the attitude that 6ome of the prom- inent Foraker men in Ohio have taken against the election of Hanna to the Senate. Whether by so do ing he hurt or helped Hanna is as yet a matter of doubt. ' There was no quarrel between Mr. McKinley and Senator Foraker, but there was plain talk on both fides. : Mr. Mc Kinley 'said that ho knew Foraker could stop the fight on Hanna that some of his personal followers were showing at-disjiosition to make, hot actually making, if he desired to do so. Mr. Foraker did not deny his power to do so, but retorted by saying that Hanna had brought it all on himself by his treatment of the Forakor and Bushnell republi cans, and intimating that he thought it would serve him good and right if he failed to get elected to the Sen ate, Mr. -McKinley did not defend Hanna's 'methods in dealing with Foraker's friends, but he made it Vecy plain that the whole power of the administration would be used to secure Hanna'j election, and that it would be useless for any republican who took any part in an attempt to prevent his election to -expect the slighlett favor from him in the way of patronage. Notwithstanding ell this the 'most that Mr. McKinley coma -cet out or jomner was a .promise that he Avould not personal ly do tuiything against the election of Honnar Foraker is still in Waslnngton and Mr. McKinley has not abandoned hope of being able to bvingisiiuicient pressure to bear upon him to get him to ngn.-e .to call his followers off and to allow Hamw, to' be. elected. Secretary Gage now openly ad nfifs that he is in. sympathy with the gdld-bug, sf lf-appoinlcd mone tacy conference which assumes the right 'to ;pcrfoim the duties properly 4n-loni;ing to Congress in connection nFiih 'financial legislation, and to cinihasize that sympathy he !bvci 3innr this week attended only by the-membt-rs of the so called con ference and Mr. H. H. llama, of livlianapolii, who is generally regarded us the creator of the Indianapolis convention nnl of this conference. At this dinner the of the conference, as far as it hs gone, and the financial rceomraeda--tions in the annual n-port of Secre tary Gage were dn-cussed. If these ien have time to waste they hare" 'as much right to was:e it in this Way as in any other. The only igood purpose that will be served cither by the recommendations of Secretary Gage or of this conference, composed of his side-pa ftners, will be the increase in the silversenti ment of the country. Senator Chandler has not nltfays been wise in his predictions, but lie hits the nail square on the Lead in his latest, inado putilicthi3week"1'if the republi can party permanently acquiesces in the existing goldstandard ijMsill be defeated in the Congressional elec tions of 1893 and in the Presiden tial electron of 1900." . .. John Wedderburn and John Wed derburn & Co. who were recently disbarred froni pVactice before the Patent Ofiice, were this week placed on the fraud list by the Post Ofiice Department, and will hot be allow ed further use of the mails. Their paper, the National Recorder, was included in the fraud order, and any letters addressed to them will be sUinptd ."fraudulent'' and re turned to writer, if address is on en velope ; otherwise they will be rent to the writer through the Id Let ter Office. Ncwspers which Con tinue to carry W'cdderburn & Co.V advertisement after knowing of this fraud ordvr may find themselves in trouble with the postal authorities. Senator Wolcolt arrived id Wash ington this week and bad a eon-' ferene with", Mr. McKinley about the fizile trip of himself and col- leafrurs to Europe, in search of that latter-day "Holy Grail" known as international- bimetallism. Hie Senator used to be almost a 1 rays 1 .... . - . be now decline ail invitations fo I discuss the failure in which heplfiy ed mch a conspicious part. ' Imuel Eli Quigg, who was Boss Piatt's mouthpiece in the recent New York municipal campaign and who is abont the most discredited ite this week. His interview with Mr. McKiuley may or may not have included Cuban af fairftrbtit, when " it is remembered bow he shouted for free Cuba dur ing the last session of Congress, the following languege used by him after he left the White House is considered significant : "s "I hope that Congress will : not attempt to conduct our foreign relations. They are much better left to the admin istration, ; There was a lime, per haps, when a resolution conferring belligerent rights upon the Cubans might have been passed without bringing on a war with Spain, but ihattime has gone. If the Spanish people have a spark of manhood left there could be but one result of any Congressional declaration favor ing Culxu Our people do not want a war with any one., There is no possible compensation for it. We are not in a proper condition of de fense, and it is absurd to invite a war until we are ready for, one." That is about as complete a flipflop as any man in public life has taken on the Cuban "question, and it in dicates that (he do-nothing policy is to be continued by Mr. , McKinley. A Uood Day's Work. "A scrofulous sore on one of my limbs trniibiud me four years. I was told it mu.-t be cut out as my only chance of recovery. I begun taking Hood's Sarsaparilla and this medicine purified my bloods I nm sound and well and able to 'do a good's day's work." Nathaxiel r exxingtox, Domino, ngima. Hood's Pills cure nausea, sick headache, indigestion, biliousness. 11 druggists. 25c. Two men, Johnson and Edwards, confined in Alleghany jail for mur der, have been sent to 'Winston' for safe keepinyr. There have bom threats of lynching Johnson, "who killed two brothers named Murphy. The breaking points in a pair of iianfs arc the strongest oints in tlio 1UCKSK .N BREECHES. 1 f you cxH!Ct them to rip in the scat oi at the pK:kets, you 11 be aere - aMy disappointed. We folihd out all about rips and tears long ago. Oar jxtnts are rip and tear proof. They (it, too. All th's is warrant ed guarantee in every pocket. Tobo Rouse, a fusion magistrate of Lenoir county, was convicted at the recent term of (lie United States Court at New Berne of aiding nioon hiner4 aiiil Sdnte.tlced to three months in jail. If you feel weak, dull and dis ioumged you will find a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla to do -you won deiful good. . - . Tho now sheil of the Elizabeth City Shingle -Mills, with 2-50,000 cedar shingles it contiiuicdwiiajlfc strayed "by fire Tuesday night a weeK. i he losr ts about o,UUU partially covered by insurance. Small pill, safe pill, best ill DeWiit'- Little-Early- RiaeBusnru biliouHncESi const ijintion, sick head ache. Simmons, the Druggist. Only two life certificates for ttach- era were cranted in "North Carolina this year. One of these was to A. M Garwood, vl Davie county, a graduate of WhiUett - Institute, Wbitsctt, N. C. ' Wbr will too bar bitter nnuncatlns (nnJ plaiuantBSLemia SyriMh Tour arucvlf auilMrl)ie4 Ui nmud IIM: rocuey In every a wbere It bills t-r-ur. . I'mxHoOeeats. ySSt The Cititcn says J. M. Ramsey, sheriff ot Malison comity, was ar rested in Aslieviile Saturday night a week for drunkenness, lie was drunk and lying iu the streets When found. Tho Journal says that it is report ed that a inau and his eon went way from Monroe with the .Wal lace show. ' Each was trying to slip off from the other, and they met after the tiain started. You can't care consumption but you can avoid it and cure every oth er form of throat or luixr trouble by the uc. of One Minute Cough Care. Simmons, (he Druggist. - A uditor Ayer is the latest member of the "reform" atlmini&tration to admit tbat he has a pass on the rail- ruads. ; ' At CreswilL in Tyrrell county, Tuesday, night a weer, - Jerry . .- . ll led i oh a l J ones. A drunken m row. ELLIs. SELLS ONLY 3.8. How is This ? A16xi6top Table that a 200-pound man can sit on, only 64c. Organs $24.00 up. Sewing Machines 50c Up. Hunt up "CT T TQ the Sewing Ma chine Man,-'"J"just in front of the bank, BURLINGTON, N. C. ELLIS FURNITURE C. B. ELLIS, ManaAi. SHE MUST SAY. Sweet Hosbanits, Intloed, Some of These Men Do Make. "Where you goingf" asked Mrs. Nagg the other evening when her husband took Ids bat from the rack in the hall and began flecking the dust from it with bis handkerchief. "Oh, I'm just going out for a lit tle while!", "Where?" "Nowhere in particular.' "Oh, any place oranythingto get away from homo, I suppose! It eeems to be an actual trial for you to stay ten minutes under your own roof. It's a compliment to a wife, I must say, when her husband takes his hat and Btreaks off anywhere and everywhere in the evening in stead of staying nt home with her, and hero-1 work and slavo from morning until night trying to make homo a cheerful, pleasant place for you, but I might as well" "My dear, I" "Don't be guilty of tho Bin of per jury by calling me yOur 'dear !' You afct nft if I were vory, very dear to you, I must say I Racing and run ning on all over the couhtfy and leaving me alone with my children. If it was tiot for them, I'd be only too glad to die, and" "I wish, my dear, that" "Oh yes, of course you dol You would be only too glud if I did diet If you do. fuel so, I'd try to have the decency and the manl.ness to keep k fc , brickwork ,t to myself I Much rea mourning ten(ling up . to the lin.g. 'Th& you d do for me if I did diet It's . . . f ew courses pleasant for a wife, I must say, to 1 , A .i Vf courses f . . ; : above the top of the fireplace, form have her own husband, that she's , . . i ..,.. .A fil anil unviul anil hull frtii children for, stand up and tell her to her fueohat he Wishes she would die ! I suitpose if I did you'd up and marry again in six months, and" "Not by a sight, I wouldn't!" "There, swear at m61 1 suppose you'll be knockina me down next and dragging me around the honed! by the hair of my bead) It's a com-! I" T , 1 ' .1 ,r.I tnarry again if she died I It's pleas ant for her to be made to feel tbat she has made married life so un pleasant that he'd rather die than marry again I That's my reward for years and rears of patient self sacrifice and true devotion I If yoit had married a woman who hud not cared anything about your comfort ! and happiness and who had not tried to make your.booi a cheerful, har py. r tfuLace, yon might have. been ilsTifleil in the conduct yotl nave rxsen guilty or for so many years, but I muHt gny that" "You've been saying it for 20 years, B(1 Go on J Revile met Abuse mo to everything yon can lay your tougne tot . The time will coma, Joe Nagg, when youll know Just how nice and cliteerful and plcaaant your borne was as compared to what it will be when your open cruelty baa made you a widower, and there, he's gone and banged the door hard enough to break tbe binges t Well, I mutt aay, if these men am t bard to get along with, I don't know who ial Bwcot hus bands tbey make, I must sayl" New Yoik World. A Battle laaMaaW- A man who had teen a private in an Illinois cavalry regiment told cf as incident of tbe battle of Jones boro. He and bic comrade bad been ditfmounted in tbe edge of thick Wood, and dismounted cavalry areUbo manufacture obtain a footing on tbe hardest of troops to rout la front of tbern was an open corn field a quarter of a mile wide with woods Upon its fart bet vide. Re-enforced by a half dozen eoiopeniee of infantry, possibly 1.5C0 federals lay perdu. In blunder, a company of LOOK! I I This $6.00 Fine White and Pea Gree.n Trimmed ROCKER For lO Days, Only $3.98. CO., OiXiiV Mc. CpnfederaJtes,.hot more than 00 men arj told, was ordered to attack. With a Veil, the handful swept out of the oppemite weeds and charged across tlie fiohl. At o distance of 100 yards a fingle volley disposed of them. Those that were left on their feet wheeled end scampered back to their poeition: One, however, re mained. He was the captain in com mand find hod been fur in advance of his then. When be found himself deserted, he stopped and folded his arms. Sixty yards away, alone in the wide field, the summer sun pouring down upon the silver gray of bis uniform, he stared stanchly hrio tbe oys of 1,500 foetnen. He was only a beardless boy, and the newness of his clothing showed that ho was but n few days from homo. All down the long line of Federals ran a cry: "won't shoot him I Don't shoot him t" He gavo the military salute and marched steadily back to his inen. Not a gun wua fired. Chicajro Times-Herald. - - - - An Artl.tlo fireplace. A fireplace invites cozy lounging with book or magazine and agreeable- conversation that has an accom paniment of crackling flames. An artistic fireplace carries with it an air of coziness and comfort beyond the power of word to express. It is set in the back of a recess, out of tno room, una Has on ei trier Riae an 1. a rnu .1,.1 A 0 1 i bo disposed handsome bits of china as a decoration. - . The bricks used Way be the red pressed bricks sold everywhere or some of ..the handsome bricks that are now made in soft colors, such as gray, yellow, brown and cream. Bricks of the same color, but vary ing in tone, some being a deeper shado than others, may bo used with excellent result lUO VKUtnuo 19 n iiniu, Diiuiuc piece of dark maroon plush and the pattern a continuous border of ti- gcr lilies and loll age, treated con ventionally and worked solidly in couching stitch With vhadpd silks in yariqus warm tones of blue, crimson, gold and olivo grocn. The edge is trimmed with festoons of many rows of narrow silk cords in tho colors of the embroidery, each festoon ending in a Ions bilk tassel, . n. a colJ threc!L w !,,.,, " d Ketle-.. , Needles wero first made of bono j or ivory, and specimens of tbesa"- 4 titles have been found m many parts of the world. Bronze, ivory and bone needles havo been discov ered in the tombs of Egypt and on the monument are rejrrewntations of ladies engaged in sewing, and, it is possible also, in chatting at the same time. It is known that the Chinese, Hindoos and Hebrews used needles from a great antiquity. Steel needles were known to the Romans, but none has been discov ered, the metal not being able to result the corroding influence of the atmosphere. Tbe making of fine needles was introduced Into Spain by. tbe Moors, and frout- tbat coun try was brought to England in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. The for eigners who inado tbe needles, how ever, refused to teach their trade to tbe natives, and not until ICZO did English soil. Tbe noodle making machines of tbe present have been brought to Kochastateof perfection that tbe work of managing a rca cbine is largely intrusted to boys LancLgirla, and the jnsebuvs. turn out tlicacnn-Js cf needin per Lour. Parmer Vinderbllt. - George Vandcrbilt has been ex ploited for years as a' bookworm, as a connoisseur of the fine arts, as an intelligent traveler, as a millionaire bachelor, and as the greatest matri monial catch in America. With such versatility and so many encomiums called forth by it. any plain ordinary chappie would have been content. . Not sa ith George VandcrLilt. It was not enough that lie should know the value of the different ' .edi tions of tho classics ; that he sh iuld have devoted himself to ma-dc, to painting and to sculpture until he was familiar with all the products of genius in each field f or tint he should ' have-traveled-the' whole world around in search of knowl edge and pleasure. " Not thes.o, ' nor the adulation of society, nor the sweet seductivm "hh 01 love, nor any other thing that wo dudes do most desire and that mon ey can obtain was satislj mg to George Vanderbilt, ; tie tat ill rmU a longing lor somo hing else. And so ho turnel far mer and bred cattle and pigs and poultry, and took his exhibits to Jtaleigh, N. and earned off all tho premiums. . - Think of his taking sixfy-two prizes on poultry alone. ( And they do tell me that bis ag gregation of mild eyed cows and squealing pigs and baso profundo bulls is the finest to be found south of the Mason and Dixon line. lie also obtained $100 as the prizo for the best agricultural dis play, and, all in all, it looks a though Farmer Vanderbilt had struck his gait at last. . ,5 Just keen your eyes open now and see if the chappisettcs aren't studying the intricate subjects of ag riculture and stock and poultry raising. I am willing to make a small wa gnf that when Farmer Aanderinlt comes on to New York again he will find the young ladies of the four hundred with such a knowledge f all those things that he will be amazed. Cliolly Knickerbocker in th5 New York Journal. "'The wor. t cold I ever bad i:i my life was cured "by Chamberlain's Cough Rencdy," writes " 11. Norton, of Sutter Creek, Gal. "This cold left mo with a cough and t was expectorating all the timo. The Remedy cured me, and 1 want II of my friends when trou bled with a vugh or cold to u) it, for it will do them good." Sold by T. A. Albright & Co.' Sam Wright, colored, who on the 2d of Oi-tobcr murdered V A. Kerr, a merchant of Wayne county, Was hanged nt Goldslioro Wednesday. Tho. execution was private. Ac cording to hU confession he had previously killed two men one In South Carolina and another in Georgia. J. C. Horry,- one of tho best known citfaens of Spencer, x Mo., testifies that he cured himself of th Worst kind of piles by using a- few boxes wf De ill's Witch Hazel Salvo. He had been troubled with piles for over thirty yrar and had used many difren-nt kinds of so-called cures ; but DuWitt's was the one that did the work and he will verify this statement if any one wishes to write him. Simmons, the Drug gist. The EwiuinT says that a Woman, apparently abi-ut 23 yi-ars of age, was seen on the streets of Monroe last Friday a weckrfrralrrfiMt beastly slate of intoxication. Sad dest of all, she bad a buhy nlxwt ten months old in her arms. Those who saw the baby's face say th it it was n lcautiful i-fiild "and was coo ing and laughing in its innocence. Southern and Western stock men know a good thing when they s'e it tlicrvforo f.r scraU-bcs. sweenvrriHg-Unv.-t rains, sprains, bruises, saddle and harneiej gnlls and ailments of horses, .theyi ae Rice's Goose C reose Liniment, it is good for man as beast." Sold and guar anteed by all druggists and general stores. Tho Elkin correstoiident of. the Charlotte Observer learn i that Estes Absher shot and kille I Norman Richardson, mar Traphill, Wilkes county, Monday night a ae-a. Richardson was drunk and al Almh r. Tiie latter c-eajxd after the shooting. There is no nwd of little childicn king tortnre.1 by s.l.l head .w;.ymptom8 appear. Sold by T. A. u w'" "u!,tI.OIW- . "'V" ? Albright 4 Co. Witch Hazel ralve iustant relief and cures ermanently. Siinmons, tbe Druggist ' - The commissioner of Ilertie coun ty have lccn arnwti-d for refusing to (erforiti a public duty, to-nit: to iuu liquor license to an applicant Tbe warrant - i-tued by it iiMgis trate. 1 hey waived exaiuiiuition and w ere bouaJ lo court Royal saakae the taoS para, , R.SJI1 rar' Absolutely Pur W0VM. WOTB PMfQVtt OO., MfWTORMa EDISON'S UTBT SUCCESS. " To Recorer by Kl.irtrlrtty from Ceaealae In fjow QiBoeOica. Dover, N. J, Oct 30. Thoma A. Edison's Bucccss in recoverina bv electrical means the iron contained in low grade ores is demonstrated at the old Ogdeii mines, a few mile from here: His' plant is capable of producing 1,110 to l,fr0U tons' daily' of almost chemically pure iron.. There are 200,000,000 tons of , this low grade, ore, on I ho land imme- outiouiHMijg iiu iiiii infill which can be produced 50,000,00(1 tons of iron. The ore is blasteil from the mountain sides, and theft by means of steam shovels and miniature railroad cars conveyed to, inassivo crushers where it is broken np and passed oa to ther mills;' whero it is pulverized. The powder is then allowed to fall in close pmx iroity. to. electro magnets, which de ilects the iron to .one side and the non metallic matter falls to the other side by gravity. The process is entirely automatic. - ' The three-year-old Imy of J. Ai Johnson, of Lynn Center, lib, is subject to attacks of c-oup. Mr.: Johnson says he is satisfied that the timely use of t bamerlain's Cough Remedy, during a severe attack, saved his little boy's life. He is in the drug bui new, a member tC the firm of Johnson Bros, of that pbn-e and they handle a mvat man pstcnt medicines for throat ; anl lung diseases. He hal all -these to choose from, and skilled . phy sician! ready to respond to his call; but selected this remedy for uae Jn his own family at a time when his child's life was in danger, because be knew it to be suiierioi to anVollier. Uiill Ifttnmisl tliaa rviil ri I Bt rim Hata alaa ...... ....... ,MU IIV VVUIIMI ' v IUi IM cim-s of croup, Mr. says, this is the best selling cough medi cine they handle, and that it givw . splrirdid satisfaction iit all cases, fJd by T, A. Albright & On. The Sentinel says Prof. Iimady, of Khuirft. N. Y., has bought itf $10,000 the Mftrienld Spxinja jw. icrty, three miles from , Winston, lie will put in extensive improve mcnis with a view to making the place a popular re.ort , Toticr Suit-Rheum and Eeterna. The latentie Itching and smartinr lnci dent to thoxedixeaseS, is instAbtlv allayed by applying Chamtjerlala's fere awl Skin Ointment. Alsny very bad caaes have bepn pprmftnenTly cured by It. It is eqnslly nfficient for itching piles and favrtrite rmuedy tnt Ho re ntrmW. chnprl hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. 23 eta; er boa. Pt. rily'4 Caaditlon Powarn, era jast win t a horse weds when is bad condition. .Ton tef blood purifier and verrntfrtitB. They are not food bat medicine Sad the best In use to pat a horse In prime eotnlirionr-Prfca tS -cents per package. i Fr sale by T. A. Albright JLCai Sparger Urns., tobacco manufac turers of MtAiry, fliade ait align ment Saturday a week. R. L Iay more and It, McCargo were nam ed ns trusti es. 'J he liabilities of the firm are about $(X),tKX). It , U unit miimiew ' can lie made nm fha business will lie coiilinticd. The failure involved other parties and other assignment nitty follow. '.' ' How to Care nilloas Colic I snrTerwl for weeks with m!in and mins in my stomach rauwl ljr biliousness and bad to take mcilw rines all the whilo until I used ( hambrrlaiii's Culic, Cholera ami Diarrhoea Remedy which cured mt I have rinco recoinmemled it to W ' goHl many o'pIe. Mrs. F. Kl'i.t:r, Foirbaven, rortn. rer sons a ho are subj-t to bilious rolin i ran WdM off (he attack by taking mis roiie.iv as anon na iha sta sW M a Cliainnan Manly has called the Democratic State Cuinmittee to meet iu the Raleigh on the 30th. - . ' You can't afford to risk your; life by allowing a cold to develop into pneumonia or , consumption. In stant relief ami a certain cure srr af. fiMsled by Ono Minute Couh Cure, SiuimoiM, the Druist I