5 ,'V. '"1 1 I i ft'- HE St W - V VOKXXI1I. GRAHAM. N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1897: ? NO; 43. : ; A: k 'A: M : A MifTEl I '4 1 HI u I heeded by poor, tired mothers, over worked and bardeiied with care, debili - lated anil ran down because of poor, thin fcn d Impoverished blood. Help ia needed . by the, nervous, safteren, the men and 'women tortured with rheumatism, neu ' ralgla, dygjtepsla, scrofula, catarrh. Help 'Comes Quickly "When Hood's' Sarsaparilla begins to en rich, parity and vitalize the bloM, and iaends it in a"heftlinrnt)orlshin)'inrig . orating stream to the nerves', imiKJa and . "organs ot the body. Hood's Sarsaparilla i builds an the weak and broken down sys tern, and cures all blood diseases, because llll(D(DlS' THE OLD HUMORISTS. MRS. CAUDLE DELIVERS THE SECOND - L OF, HER FAMOUS LECTURES. 1 Sarsaparilla I?tlieX)ne'rrue Blood PurlHer. AHdniitRistaw 44. " iPrepared only by C. I. Howl & Co., Lowell Mm ' HOOd 5 PUIS wi4ioo4-8 Sarsaparilla. That Filthy Tobacco Smoke Is the la. citing' Cause of the Lady'a talkative in somnia Ell Perkins Describes sta Old . Time Courting Scene In Texaat ' . : ' "I'm sure I don't know who'dTbd a poor woman! I don't know who'd tie themselves np to A man, i they only knew half they'd have to bear. A wife must stay nt home and be a drudge, white a 'man con go anywhere. It's enough for a wife to Bit like Cinderella by the ashes while her husband can go drinking and ringing at a tavern. ' You never sing? How do I know yon never sing? It's very well for yon to say so, bnt if I could hear you I dare say you're among tho worst of 'em. . v "And now, I RnppoKe, it will be the tavern every night? If yon think I'm 'going to sit; np for you, ilr. Candle, ;-t S i rHOfESSIONAF, CARI8. J A C O li Aw rl SS"jS , " Attoraay-at-Lati?', PRAJIAM, c : Priit.leiln'tlie State rikI Feilersl courts. ' Oimnw White, Moore. Co.' store, Main Street. 'Phone No. K. . . . 1. KEBNODI jK. ATTORNEY AT LAW t-RAHAM, - - - - N. C. OH 9AT BVKCJC. W.'I'.HyKUM.JK. Att)rney and Gonriertows tit Xmvt ' :.;!,v , oaKExanoao, n. 0. . Id tliu I I ; Vrsctlre reu1(rly "riHnieci'unty. C"nrt of Als Aiiir. 2. 1H l.v. JDR.' J. I?. STOCKAD, GRAHAM, N. C "wiiKwaii'l that filthv TonACfco smoke!" yon'ro very much mistaken. No, and I'm not going to get out of fey worm bed to let yon i 'either. No, n5r Bnwin sha u it sit np for yon. No, nor yon shan't buvc a latchkey. I'ln not going to sleep with the door npon the latch to bo murdered before tho nlotniug. "Faugh! PahfWhewgh! That filthy obnoco miioko I It's enough to kill any decent w'Otnoa. You know I hate tobac co, and yet you will do it You don't smoke yonrrelf? What of that? If you W.. 1 1. . .1 Sj. Otn.; at rtrtdenco, opposite . Ku uetijuo in no no smoKe, you ro jiHi'tist nmiVh. Just 'as bad or worse. You might ns well J!,rerVo.taar.n:n.r Ctef i better: Better smoko -days. yonrstlf Ihua conic homo wiu oth'T ' i. ' "' people's smoke all in your knir and whiskers. "I nover knew n;iy good coma to a man who went to a tarn-it. Nice com HtoUH he' picks up there? Yes; pooplo j who make it u boast to treat their wivci like slaves and ruin theif families. I There' fcat wtfetch Hafry PrettyinaiL j t?eO what lie's como to I lie doesn't now fcet home till 2 "in tho morning, and i then in what a Etafel He begius qcnr- ' VeliDg wilh the doormnt, that hit poor wife may be afraid to spen!: to him. A mean wretch I Eat don't you think I'll be like Mrs. Pw ttyinan. No J I wouldn't put up With it from tno best niau that ever tro(L Ynn'll not ni.ilrn mn nfniiH MOORE, l'KOP'lt, 1 to speakto you, however you may swear And I'm not talking 6f what's Impossi ble. - I know it will all happen-every bit of it If it wasn't for the dear chil dren, you ; might be ruined nd I wouldn't so much as speak about it, but oh, dear, dear, at least you might go where they smoke good tobacco bat I can't forget that I'm their mother. At least they slinll have one parent ' ''Taverns T Never did a man go to a tavern who didn't die a beggar. ' And how your pot companions Will laugh at you when they see jour name in The Gazette! For it must happen: Your business is sure to fall off, for what re spectable people will buy toys for their children of a drunkard? You're not a drunkard t No, but you will be it's all the sanio. ,- s' - : "You've, begun by staying out 'till midnight By and by 'twill be all night But don't yon think, Mr. Candle, you shall' ever have a. key. I know yon. Yes, you'd do exactly like that Pretty man, and what did he do only last Wednesday? Why, ho let himself in about 4 in the morning and brought home' with . hint his pot companion, Puffy. His dear wifo woke at 8 and saw Prettyman's 'dirty boots at her bedside And where was the wretch, her hus band? Why, he was drinking down ' Stairs swilling. Yes, worse than a I midnight robber, he'd taken tho keys ont of bis dear wife's pockets ha! what that poor creature has to bear I and had got at tho brandy. A pretty ! thing for a wifo to wake nt 0 in the morning and instead of her husband to j see his dirty boots 1 ' '" ' "You'll bo ruined, but if I can heln ' It you shall ruin nobody but yourself. "Oh, that hor-hor-hor-i-blo tob-ac-co!" ' To this lecturo Candle affixes no com ment a certain proof, we think, that tho man had nothing to soy for himself. Douglas Jerrold. , 11 SELLS C '"HOMER, ROLL-OUT" EXTENSION . r" TABLE, SOID FOR 4 FEET IN make it ONE IN. H OR 3 CALL AND SEE HOW MANY DOLLARS ELLlS KNOCKS OFF. THE MIDDLK you 1 'JfitT JiUMil'JIL null on either end 1 nc ory ri e 922.2a, How is This P a 200-pound man " STABLES. . W.C. " ;kauam, n. c. 1 a rawt all train.' f)vxl nr dou ' "14.; Jlinrie iiioUeraio. t-SA-'iwx THK CIIAltl.OTrB nmw. 1 ; i FOREMOST NEWgrAPER. Daily ;. Weekly. ? -liMlcpcntlcni and fenrlcss; liiprper !Tnd more attraetivo than over, it will . - be an invalnaWerirtitoT to tlie home, - -Uteflieef the club or work room. 'Th Daily Observer. 1 ' " the.news of the world. Com . ' ; .lete diily rpfiortH fmttt thcState Jam! Nahonul (Tapitou. $3 year ' tneVccklrObBerrerF A perfect family journal. All the ' . View of the week. Rtinenibtr tho ; . M'eckly'QhxenxT. t ' f Onlv On ' Dollar a Year. . S.'nl for samite coj)iea. Address tit E OIISEK VEi - . CHARLOTTE, NcIL at tho doormat No. Mr. Candle, that you won't. I "You don't intend to stay out till 2 j in tho uinrtaiug? How do you know j what you'll do when yon get anions' such people? Men can't answer, for . themselves when they get to boozing one with another. They never think of Iheir poor wtves, who are grieving and wearing themselves out at home. A nieo headache you'll have tomorrow morn ing, or rather this morning, for it nrot bo past 12. You won't have headache? It's very well for you to say so, but I know you will, and then you may nnrse vM.wirf,. nr.. I (n...m . , ngamr no; l shall not go to sleep like good souL . How'm people to go to sleep when they're Suffocated? - "Yes, Mr. Candle, you'll be nice and ill in the morning! Ent don't you think I'm going to let you have your break fast in bod, like Mrs. Pretfyman, Til toot be such a fooL No, nor I won't bavo discredit brought upon the bouse by ending for soda water early, fur all tho toeignbotliood to say, "Caudle was drunk lust night' No; I'ro some regard for the dear children, if yon haven't No, i- yun shan't have broth for dinner. Not a neck of mntton croeiea my thresh-1 old. I can tell you. . " You won't want soda and you won't want - broth? , All the better. You wouldn't get 'em if you did, I can as sure yon. Dear, dear, dear! That filthy tobacco! I'm sure it's enoagh to mako me as bad as ym are. Talking about Rotting divorced, I'marre tolaoro ought to be good grounds. IIow little does a ConrtlUk In Texan. They both snt in big hickory rot-king chairs, both rocking incessantly. Sho holds a sewing bsiskct in her lap nud Bews. He holds his bnt in his lap and sighs lovingly and heavily, looking straight in her face. . At lust he speaks ( "Hoy, Miiryl" "What, John?" 'Tze teen a-thinkiu.' "Thinkiu. what, John?" both rocking violently. - ' ' Oh ah pshaw " ( gets confused and looks suddenly down at the dog with a igh). "What's your dog's name, Mary?" "Coouy, John." Then both sigh.) "What is ho good fur?" "What in who good for?" (Abstract- cdly.) "Your dog, Oriouy?" "Fur ketehin pusKunM. " (Silence of two minutes. ) .."He looks' like a deer dog." "Who looks like a doer dog?" "Cocny." "He is, bnt bo's kinder bcllowscd nn pcttiu old an slow now. Auhoaiu' iio 'count cn a cold truiL " ( Mr.ro wleut. ) "Your ma raisin many chickings?" "Forty odd." -. (Moro silence, more violent rocking, when the chairs roe!: up side ly side) "How many has ycur ma got?" "How many what?" "Cliicklugs." aVNigh on to a hundred. " (Chairs so close together that they can't rock. ) "Tho minks has eat most all ours. " (Morn silence. ) "Making bedqnilts?" "Yes" (brightening up). "I've Just fnb-hed a 'Rtnrin EkoJ of Crazeel. ' a A 16x16 top Table that can sit on, only 64c. Organs $24.00 up. Sewing Machines 50c up. Hunt "pTpT T TC2 the Sewing Ma chine Man " -Qjust in lrout of the bank, BURLINGTON, N. C. ELLIS FURNITURE CO., C. B. LLIS, Managei. Frightened to Death. . Chica(io, Nov. 20. Hello 'Mur ray nged 17, n daughter of Gordon Murray, a prominent leader among frcotehnien in tho 1'nited States, died early this morning I'rotn iriirht. A liurnliif entered her. room nt mid night and pointed n pintol nt Iter, Shu hecaine unconscious and died tliia inominp. Police ure now guarding llie houe. Yellow Fevoe Cab: a. According to tho weekly report is3Uod,hy tho Surgeon General of the rehinu up to the l'Jth ult., there had then appeared during the yel low ferer epidi'inic in the couth n total of 4,289 wc, of which 446 had proved fatal. Of tho total num- j her of ciMo-t, 1,817 were reported 1 from Ixniwiann. 1G23 frmu MtaMM- Stock a;,,,,' 1Jffr,,m Alilnnn K-2 fr.mi i Tennesioe, 16 from Texas, 4 from i Illinois, 3 from Georgi.i, and ono Florida and Kentucky. The Caldwell-Wilson Case. Raleigh Cor. Charlotte Observer, Kov.Mtb. I C. Cnl dwell to-day docketed U the Supremo Court the appeal in lite case agmnst 'J.AV7;W'hjoiv involv ing title to the chairmanship of the railroad commission,: R. 0. Bur ton, counsel forjWilson, spoke oft his as nn unusual proceeding. ; Wilson has never filed his copy of the ense on appeal. Tlie question is, hns a winner of a suit (as Caldwell is) the right to bring ono to the next term if he thinks proper? One of Ca-d-well's counsel to-day made a mo tion before tho court for the ad vancement of the ctisc. 'Tetter, Salt-rheum and Eczema. The intense itching and smarting, iuci dent to these diseases, is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye aud Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanently cared by it. It is eqnally efficient for itching piles and favorite remedy for sore nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes, 23 cts. )er box. Dr. fsdys Condition Powders, are jnst whr.t a horse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but medicine and the best in rise to put a horse in prime condition. Price 23 cents per package. For sale by T. A. Albright & Co. Antl-Clgarrtte ICosolatlon. Ahevllle Citizen, Southern anil Western men known good thing when they see it therefore for scratches, sweeny, ring-horn, strains, sprains, bruises, saddle and harness galls nnd ; ench from ailments of horses, thoy use Rice's all but ten of the cases reported Goose raise liniment, it is good , from j0ui,ji.,na are cwXv to New tor man as benst. SHd and tusr- n . . . . , . mitral by all druggu-ts and general ' OAmn.. These ea.es in Kentucky tttrc- ' Illinois and Georgia were con lined j to r..'fuce. A coinpubition sho.-s Hr. J Henry Smi'h, pnstor of that about 10V per cent, of the cae.i the First 1'rwbytorian , church in ; fllt;1 dn (inslioro fur about '5!) years, i 1 dicd onnd inst., ngetl about 77 1 ' ...JL ,. iyiMrs. - I l IT ' ft , ".I I . ? , I "i suiicrcii wnn rncuinnusin in Why will yon buy bitter nmMftntlna fnnl i ! V lacK 1111(1 ShoUlilufS. My lleat nched nnd I was very wenk. I con cludcd to take Hold's Sar.narilla. In a short time I fi-lt better. I have taken seven Ixtttles and the hcadhchc. rheumatism and thnt llie nnti-cigarette resolution which passed.! he conference yesterday was signed by Dr. C, W. Byrd, Dr. J. II. AVeaver, W. R. Ware and T. F. Marr, clerical, nnd J. G. Staples, lay, members of the Conference, strongly opposed both the manu- fnclure and snlc of cigarettes, upon the ground that their use is a curse, nnd it was passed by a practically unanimous vote. But the most re markable thing in connection with ft was tho disposition on tho part of some members of the Conference to suppress the fact that it had been Mt.-scd by thnt body. ' Royal winkr tho lood pare, JIM inept, Absolutely Puro ' PffHtL IMtfWI 09t MVWflt LAUGHTER. wheu Jrov!' TiMtvlnw Chill Toni.- . . plen-ant n Luniiui Myrnp. Voiir iiriiavlt hi unihnrt.o'l tti loluntl tin- mciieyln nery m wlieru It fuil tj i-utv. I'l loe, U) eenta. JoM Bui-glnrs tracked tho safe of C. D. CI tost ..4 U'll.rt!...!.... .... 1 . a. cash. TI.ev nlso eatried off a lt ; '.ru'1 lw:I,M8 hvo n" dis.ippeaVed iml as ! I 'M l J C PL . ' o; cigars, oysters and whiskey. rrosncrity comes quickest to tho man whoso liver is in good mndi t:on. DcWitt's Little Early Risers are famous little pills for constipa tion. biliousnnH, indigestion ami ull stomach and liver trouble. Sim mons the Druggist. Tho comer stone of the Vance nionuni'-nt in Ashevillo, will be laid in December. A committee of the Grand Lodge of Mason.) will as sist in the ceremonies. Mits. Ya. Ida C. Cum, Wadesyille, Hood's Pills in t nasi promptly on the liver nnd Cuiesick headache. y nnd bowels. A correspondent of the Xewltern Journal is n-lialdy infnriied that a man in I'umlico county made this j'esr 12 bales of cotton on four acres of land. ARE YOU UP 7 TO DATE -'' If you are not the Nfcws aKd OnFRVEK is. Subscribe for it at Once and it will kecpyou abreast of the times." --v: Full Associated Press dispatch , I es. All pi neMrs-foreign. do ' . ntslicj national, state and local all the time. v Daily New and ObserreT $7 o per year, $3.50 or 6 nu)s. - i -Weekly.North Carolinian 1 ' per year. 50c lor 6 mos. r NEWS & OBSERVER PUB. CO., " ' RALfcicrr, X.C. woman think when she inarriea that sho I give herself np t be poisoned! Yon ' men contrive to have it all of your own Mde, you da Now, if 1 was to go and leave yon and the children, a pretty teoiae there 'd be ! Yon, however, can go and smoke no end of pipes and you didn't snicker it's all the annie. lit Uaudle, U yon go among mnoking peo ple, i o4sj ar known liy tiieir ootiipnuy. Yoa'd better smoke yourself than bring home the pi pre of all the world. "Yea. I see how it will be. Now you've ones gone to a tavern youll al ways be going. YonH be coming home tipsy every nigbt, and rnmbiing down and breaking your leg. and putting oat yowr shoulder, and bringing all aorta of iltagraee a-nd exprnae npoo. us. And then yvn'U be getting into a stm-t fight oh I 1 know yonr temper too well to doubt It, Mr. Candle end be knocking down antne of the police. And tbm I know what will follow. It UMl follow. Yea, Ton 11 be ant for a month or aia weeks ' to the treadmill. Pretty thing that for rnpctebi tradesman, Mr. Cnndlr, to be put upon the treadmill with all aorta of thlrvre and vacabr-mH and there. again, that horrfWe tobaw and riff- "INI roc LIKK CABDACEf" Sittin Sun' and a 'Nation' Pride. Have you ever saw the ' cllow Cose tn the Parary?' " "Na" . (Moro alienee. ) - "Do yoa Uko cabbagcr' "I do that" " (Puts bis arm aroftnd her.) "lie a great a mind to bite yon. " "What you great a Cllud to bite m farT' . - . "Kase yon won't have mo " "Kase yon ain't axed ma" "Well, uowlas jroa." 'Then. now. 1 Imayou." 'Oh. Maryl"(lvingIyL "Oh. John!" (more lovingly). Ell Perkina. Mrs. M. B. Ford. Ruddell's. . . ... - i suneroi lor eight years Irom tlys jieifiii"anl chronic constipation and finally cured by using DeWitt's Little ICiirly Risers, tho famous little pills for nil stomach and liver troubles. Fimmnns the Druggist. Ex-Congressman .Sell l and hi bride who were married in il inin'ton Thurlav, arrived in Other makers turn out Jeans Punt, some good, some bad some ehenn; s me- hiuh nrieed. We 111., make the Bl'CK.SKIX BRKKCH- fA IneV'ro tliC ln-st Jcsns I'ants made. The price is as low as that of common goods. We save bv system in the factory, by jwyingtlie ttst price for skilled jielp. llio pants are never slighted, they're al ways the fame in goodness. llow to Prevent Pneumonia, At this timu of tho year a cold very easily contracted, and if Jet run, its course without the niil some reliable cough medicine liable to result in that dread dis ease, pneumonia. We know of no better remedy to cure n cough or cold than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. We have used it quite extensively nnd it has always given entero satisfaction. Ol.igali, Ind. Ter. Chief. This is the only remedy thnt is known to he a certain preventive of pneumonia. Among the many thousand who have used it for colds and in grippe we have never yet learned of a single case having resulied in pneumonia. Persons who have weak lungs or have rea son to lair nn attack of pneu monia, should keen tho remedy nt hand. The 25 and 50 runt sizes for sale by T. A. Albright & Co. S. II. FishUate, cl.ithier, of Wil mington his nxsixned. Assets es timated nt S2-1.000 and said to ex ceed liabilit'es. - After he t ring some friends con tinually praising .ChamlH-rlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhou Re medy, -Curtis Fleck, of Anaheim. Cnlifiirnia, pun-hnsed a liottlo of it The contract for building Drs. UT.: .1 i I t t....:. . WflslHuglrPtr.b.vMneJU IT ' r ' . . 1. ' V n- " , V, 7 is very ill nnd it is fenrod that she ' :77T. . . rrvzzi . . . . , f iv win i if iiiritt auirifi in nni'H nnii rateiic.l with aiK'tidicilis. I ...... i ls," ' is thrcatein One Minute Cough quickly. That's ulmt bimmons the Druggist. Cure cures vou want ! ior nis oa-ii uc ami is now ns anyone (tui Is?. The 25 nnd ccnLsizn for sale Ly T. A. Alt.ri &Co. From tbo Daby Merry Crow to tho XTa ' alae Terriiyiaa Sereaea. '. vi llas laughter gone out! Are wo never again to have the bonett guff aw the loud laugh, which, as tho poet says, bespeaks the vacant mindJ Is this really a true account of the rationale of cachinnationf If co, probably it has gone out, at any rate in polite circles, because wo are nothing now if we are uot cul tured and refined, and to be vulgar and to be ignorant are worse offenses than any more explicitly forbidden in the Decalogue. And yet it aluioet 9i- pity too. It is not well, surely, to lose any innocent and. happily, infectious expression of pleasure in a world so bedeviled us ours. Alas I I foar there is no doubt that the power of irrepressible lung h tor is the gift of youth nnd . youth only, whether in nations or in individuals. Passimr the draw ing room door the other afternoon, f could bear inside peal after peal of -silvery, girlbth r laughter. . It was Miss Ethel, who was entertatninav her school friends with tea and bread aud butter and jokes. . That isthetiiuoof life for, laughter. I dare any the jokes would not have made mo sniila But when tho spriogtide is blossoming, and the sop is running upward in tho trees, and the vernal woods aro bursting luto (eat and echoing with ong.w and. wherever yon look, uli is ver dure and joy, almost anything can move quick laughter. Or there is an earlier stage, when baby is being tickled by Euamir.u and crows with delight Or, though this, it is true, is often silent, Ibero is (but most beautiful of all sights ' the little bluo eyed boy or girl who lies in tbo white cot at dawn and smiles nud ripples with laugh ter at soino innocent, child it h thought. It is good to hear hnppy ' laughter it hi good to watch these baby smiles. But laughter can be not only gro tesque, but very dreadful as welL To bear a maniac laugh is one of (he most terrible experiences. To hear a hundred laugh, as one does in neuring the Isolu dei Paxzi at , Venice, is a foretaste of the lower " regions. , j Farther on in the downward path of lifo, when the end is very near, -the failure of the miud is often pro- ( claimed by violent In lighter. , The old man is back again in the scene 4 of boyhood and is going over in a ' . dream the days of long ago. 1 re member well, lying awake in Lon don lodging'throusb an otherwb-e still June night, unable to sleep for the loud, incessant laughter eal)ng v as well ! from tbo room' above, where the oH - no :ht Acting on the advice of the At torney General, the Railway Coni tnisoon lias derided that it has no authoiity to fix Ihe cliiirgwfi ihei'oilU'ilc rcnicly, Miss Allie Hughes, Norfolk, Va., was frightfully burmtl on the faco and i.eck. I'nin wis Insfantlv re- !ievel by De Witt's Witch fls2cl w..l. - l.:..!. I ...i .1. . f-Mi.v, Bim ii iit.-it-i iiiu injury i ft , , aitho.it Urin a ,r It J ib '? Cretsk, Simmons the J. M. Gudger, Jr., tells the Ashe ville Citizen thnt ho raised 9.765 .hiishcls of corn jm his farm in Md Ison count)'." 1 Tim statements of those who have lcen cured by Hmnl's hnrsniari'U prove the great menl of this medi cine. Get onlv Hood's. rental of telephones. It can only fix the charges foi the tran-mu-ioii of mc&fSge. Druggist. Tho grand jury last week returned of Itownn court I went v true bills Tho dwelling of Sam Lewis, in Wilkes count v. was . . i . . - . . . . oilmen week iieiore List With all iU con lout. Fire was aecid jntal. 7 i troubles. It is pleasure to take, Tfco Haekrel. Tbe nackrcl is a game Bsh. They ongDi tew be well edoluted, for tbey Tbry ate vrrr easy to bite and are " raugbt with a piece or old red flannel moru the Drugyist, tMStyroat tied onto a book. . 1 , ... . . Tiny ain't the only kind ov flb that ' Pn house and raw null or J. are eesaht by the aame kind or bait. 1 M. AlcAdams, at Siier city. Hut MacLrel Inhabit the sra. bnt thoaa ' liam count r. were burned resterdav -Itiscasy to mttb a cold and just ns ncainsl cigarette deilcrs for selling easy to get rid of it if you commence cigmetUs to boys under 17 years to ue One Minute Coogh Cure. Itfage. cures coughs, ' colds, bronchitis, f v ," . , . , , . - 1 11 .1 ' . Den t lc icfsuadcd Into having mu-iiinnnm ntid nil thrnat and Ion? .. . . . - ,, . .. Iinuneuts without repulstiim or limit- t hanilierluin's Pain Balm Which inhabit tb giocmys alwns taste to dm as though tbey bad been born and fatted on aalt They want s good deal ev fresh 'ning before they are eatea and want a good deal cv fmb'ning afterward. a week wilh a lot ol cston. Total htn estimated at 12,000 with 110 in sumutv Mrs. Mnrv BinL llarrislmnr, I's cash and $70 in sininps. Dynaniito was use. I and the building was wrecked con.-iJcrally Ly the txphi eion. - i The Xorth Carolinian and The "Alamasci! Gleaxf.b w:!1 be acnt i.w one year lor 1 wo l)tUarV d-h ' raff of ererr kind, f should like to taww In al vanre. Apply at Tue Gucaxeb bow yiarr children are to hold n rhmr oHk-C, G.-u!iam, X. C Imda after their father has beeo nptnx .. ' . ...'- 4 . i . ' the treadmill! No, 1 won't go to fle-p. laars. "Mrthild is worth millions Mac am Tor !,. . . t 11 1 1.. 1 1 , .. . brekfaart I ea generally Bake the other 1 ,ne 'J, . ' J . 7 1 i.- If I ran hav plenty or markrel for 1 , two meals oot or cold water. Macktrl are rouaidrred by Bteuny folks tbe beat fish that swims and are called "the salt cf the earth. "Josh Eil.'ingt. croup n.-Hl 1 not iiitddiii twenty- five et its in a Uwtle (d One Minute' Cough thin-." It cuies chil-Iis, ' olds and all thnwt and long tn.u- , Lies. Simmons, the Drw?; costs no more, and its merits have I cn proven by. a. test of many years. Hin-h leiters ns the following fnm I (5. Bnglcy, Huencmc, Cat., are eorrtnntly ling received : "Hie Uft remedy for aiii I have ever nsnl is L'ba ulxrlsin'M l'uin Balm, nnd I say so alter hm ing us Istoffice at Msxtnn, Rid. e.1 it inllly-ttll;lyfl.ral,,,),, ft,u",.,r. enteml MtMnlay vcars." It cures rbeumntism, Tanie 1 Tdjitrra week br- i.Hrslsr atul tli lsh-k. siwaihs sn-l sarellmg-. l or mown opwi and roblied of its Albright & Co. n-gist man of the bouse lay dying. When it ended, just before dawn, tbe old life ended with it, and in the morn, ing his daughter came br to an nounce tbo fact and to express tbe hope that 1 had not been much dis turbed Tbe old man, she assured ine. bad been in no pain, but - bud been going over bis boyish days again; the old brothers, long years dead and forgotten, were with him, a nil tbey were cricketing or gather ing apples or swinging orawimmina; together across tbe old brook ail that aleeplnm night One was glad it was so. but tbe laughter bad an awful sound. Sir LewU Morris in Forum. - - " In ci vine an oitinmti in ro.-nrd 16 .1 . - .a . . . .. I i . 1 me isx levied by l lie iat Iini-Ia-1 "unlV mo past year Were was lure 011 dealers in horses and mules . raised throughout the Wrsu ru Attorney General Walser says that I rth Carolina Onf-rcncc$!,037..S-; the ayment of the $25 8lle license ) w,r. Church extension. Una whs u nlith-s them to s-II in every coun-'.P1'" over hist year ot $.115.9;!. ly in the ytate upon the ai) ment in j Durii g the seyen years the Wcsb rn inch county of tho $10 w uuty tax. North Carolina CiHiference has Ihv.i I in existence the Chun h extension The safe in the po-tofTice at J I o ml has help (,. I,il, 78 vhHn.h. Ixsiksnllc was Mow n niarn Tuesilsy , cs within the bounds of die Coi.fw mght a week and nibbed of $150 in ! cnoo. - .-or.""'' ,, ,ra, aim n ,w 1 1 m na . ciniieiru nUnit $11-0 in cash, $2ti0 , in staiuiM ami three resist ered 1.4- I)r. Rufus K. Sitecl. of ElixaMh Mers. Ibe burcl irs secured tho City, Mice a prominent m tn in Si:ito bads from a blsckuiitb bnt nivl aff.urs, d:tl a lew Urs ago 111 the n)l!,C'l the Idarksmith of $14, which jlliey km. id 111 bis tool cIh-s:. in.anc avluui at Raicih IjisI wik' msyor of Salisbury s- nt W. L. Wistley, a white unit, of Richmond; Va, to the chain g: for swearing. - Arr red at (he rk-t camp Wist ley refusetl to wyrk and soon thereafter attemted to oo, whereuKn he was shot by the guard iainfully tlnmn iv seriHis!y wouixlcd. 1 W i s t e I v's wounds were di-essel anl hj w.is disch.-tig d frojn custody but be n-ft orcatn r.x irtrcsrcnin-r and hlui"!it. - a . t a - . cr a-H iih in ! au n.Miiie. Me s 1 h, s:JI jue for ei.OOJ daimi i)M I V. r

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