.:- ....' r HE ANCE EANER. ;r VOL;. XXI1L, GRAHAM, N. C; THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13. 1897, no. ;4o: Alam Stakes "life misery to thousand hnn.J. VA MMtMA-' I. U -iirf ki v w.m C . 6 Vanning sores, boils, salt lm tttmnlfla saml r41ra aanntlAM. C ill rail Iy a man is wholly free' from H, la , .uu "T" , . -some form.- it cling tenaciously Until -..'the last vestige of sorofulous poison is eradicated by Hood's SarsapariDa, the On True Blood SHirlfler. . e - "Thousands ol Voluntary testimonials 'tell of suffering from scrofula, often Inherited and most tenacious, positive '4y, perfectly and permanently cured by 'ilnl.6(dlf , VSarsaparilla '.Prepared only Tjr C. I. Hood & Co, Lowe n, Mass. , , Be snre to get Boon's and only Hood's. are the best arter-dnmaf :100a S PlIlS pills aid. dlgestfen. SM - PROFESSIONAL CARDS. j AC ;ii-a.LjOjvg n Atttorncyat-Law, GRAHAM. n. c ' Practloe In the State and Federal courts. ' Offloe over White, Moore 4 Co.'t etore, Main .Street. 'Phone Mo. a. :i . o.'XCisKisroiiaK. v ATTORNEY AT LAW GRAHAM, - - - - N. C. - Tohk Omat BYKorr W. Btkcm, In. .TJYUiUAI & BYNUM, . Attorneys ana Cotmelor t XAtyr GREENSBOIIO, S. O. " 'Prtcllce retcnlarly Id the conrte of Ala Tiance cons IT. , ' An. 2, W IT. (DR. j. I?. STxrCKARD, ' . Deritisft, . , , , GRAHAM, U.'t!., flfflce at TexIdencOi opposite Itapttet Chureh. B-iit work nw unliable nrti-ea. In offloe MoTntayi and Batur day. Xivery, Hale !iri? Peed ; 1 STABLES. ; i.HTnfrrT-lin, W.O. Moore, Teop'k, tiKAHAM. N. ( v - ameetall trains. Good alalia or doo ma. 'Charges iiiudenue. 2-2S-(n IHE CHARLOTTE DM If f E II ! Kobth Carolina's , FOREMOST KEW6PAPEB. f DAILY ami . " , "' -Weekly. Independent and fearless ; bigger nd moro attractive than ever, it will be an invaluable visitor to the home, he office, the club or work room. The Daily Observer.: '.. all tho news of the world. Com v plete daily-reports from the State and Manorial tJarntoMLg year The Weekly Observer. . A perfect family journaL All the ' - news of the week. Hcmember the Weekly Obwrver. - : , ,; ' Only One Dollar a Tenri r Send for sample copies.' Address i THE OBSERVE 11 " ; . j-: V CHARLOTTE, K. C ' ARE YOU UP! TO DATE ? Ifyoaare not the News akd Obsrvkr is. Subscribe for it at 7 once and it will keep you abreast of the times. Fall Associated Prwsdispa tch- f:t. All the news foreign, do mestic, national, state and local all the time. Daily News aud Obserrer $7 Weekly North Carolinian 1 per year, 50c (or 6 mot. - NEWS & OBSERVER PCR. CO., .- v Ralugti, M. C . The Korth Carolinian and The AtAVASCE Cl-EAXEB will btt sent for ne year r Two DitOara, Cash in adrxnre. Aptly at Tuk Glea.;b ; oScc, CT am .'. C KOLES FOR CUDT IAKING, In. toifi T Beeetpt for Horn Made .Clutataaae iM ettoaa. , : v:. t - Mrs. e. i., nortr tells how to I make candies at norne lor the noli ln Christmas Ladies' Home ? Journal, and give the following , rules, which iniuM the success oi 1 . a i te worn '.'tever stir -the sugar solved. Wipe down -constantly, the granules forming on the side of the saucepan, uo not snake nor more the saucepan while the; syrup is boiling. As soon as the sugar be gins to boil Wwtch it carefully, ha v ing in your hand a bowl of ice water. so that you may try the svrup al most constantly. Hare everything in readiness before beginning, ' If the sugar grains use it for old fashioned cream candy or sugar tafly. it cannot be used for fond ant. Use only the best granulated sugar boiling, and confectioner' XXX for kneading.' If your fond ant grains without Apparent cause you may nave uoueu n a iuue ion long. A lew drops of lemon juice of s little cream of tartar Will pre vent this, fondant is the son mix ture which forms both the inside of the French candies and the material 4 a . a in which they are dippet, and it 'is to obtain this that the sugar ia boil ed.. : v..U..,; "After the sugar has reached . the 'soft ball,1 a semi-hard condition, a. .a' . it must be poured carefully into a large meat plate or on a marble slab. Do not scrape the saucepcan or you will granulate the syrup. Make your ibndant one day and make it up into candy the next. Xvever melt by placing the saucepean im mediately on ; the stove. Prevent the danger of scorching by standing the pan containing it in a basin - of water. If the melted fondant is too thick add water most cautioUHly, a drop at a time. A half teflxpoonful tnore than ne.essnry will ruin the whole. - lo cool candy place it in a cool, dry p'aoo. To keej) Qandy put it between layers of waxed pa per in tin boxe?. - If the days are b rich 1 and clear the sugar loses its stickinefs quickly, therefore select a fine day for your candy" making. " Tatter, SaU-Rbeum and Entema. Tlis iutense Itching alid 8rartinR, Inci dent to these disetvaes, is instantly allayed by applyino; Chamberlalu's Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very baa cafes have been permanently cured by it. it is eqnally efficient for itching piles and a lavonte. remedy for sore nippies. chsTiped hands, chilblain,. frost bitus and chronic sore eyes. 23 cts. per box. Dr. Csdj's Condition Towden, are jdst vlut horae nwiti when in bad condition. Tonic, ' blood purifier and veruiifncre. Thev are not food , bat medicine and the best in nee to put a 1 . ! I'll W1 AIT horse in prin-.e condition. rrice cu cents per package. For safe by . T. A. Albright & Co. The Ix?noir Topic says the Grand- father mountain was covered with snow last week. Mrs. Mary Bin), Harrisbur?, Pa, says. "My child is worth millions to me j yet I would have lost her by croup bad I not invested twenty five cents in a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure." . It cuies coughs, colds and all throat and lung trou bles. Simmons, the Druggist Smallpox is epidemic it) Atlanta ami Charlotte city authorities are talking about compulisory vaccina tion. Chai lotto being connected by rail with Atlanta might possibly be in danger, Alter bearing some friends con tinually - praising Cbamherlain's Colic, Cliolera and Diarrhoea Re- medy, Curtis Fleclr, of Anaheim, California, purchased a bottle of it for his own use and is now as well an anyone can be. The 25 and 50 centaizes for sale Ly T. A. Albright ACo. ' . J.J. Thornton, the Greensboro roan who 'reads the stars and by this token foretells future events, gives it out that the planets indi cate lower prices for cotton in Jan uary. - - , ' Miss AUTe HughcaTkwfolk, Va, was frightfully burned on the face and neck. Pain was instantly re lieved by fWitt's Witch Hasel Hake, which healed the injury without leaving I scar. It is the famous pile remedy, biinmons the Druggist. .- Solicitor Mott is making it warm lor - Winston niercliants who have leen violating the law prohibiting the sale of cigarettes to hoys under 17 years of age. A large number hare been indicted. One Minute Cough Cure cures quickly. That's what you wautl bmuMons the Druggist. The Supreme conrt decided in the case of the State vs. Jones, from Rockingham, that it is not the duty of the Sbenff to make report of de linquent taxyera to the court until alter the day ot levying ami selling has passed. This fully sustains the Attorney General's oj-iuion. - y Koae, is the Correct Answeri rharlottle Neaa. The Chatham Becfird aks f I , ' "How much 'relief hiis been given the tax-pnvers of North Caro lina by the so-called 'reformers ?' . "How many useless offices have been abolished ? - t . "How many fees and salaries of officers have been reduced ? ' 1 "How much have they reduced the public expenses ? "Jriow much have they reduced taxes?" - Let every voter take these ques tions and- answer them according to Lis own Knowledge and belief. .The number of offices has not on ly been increased,'; but are la reel y filled by men who are not nearly so competent as those they displaced, Taxes have been raised, and a Jaw passed permitted the imprisonment of citizens who cannot pay ', thtir taxes. There hare been more scan dal connected with the management of the penitentiary than have ever been found in any other institution in the State's history. The administrationNJias--fft only been incompetent, but i in many cases, venal. - Extreme Weakness. . "I was so weak I could hardly walk across my room. I had no appetite. I began taking Hood's Saroaparilla and before I had taken it many days mv appetite was im proving and I felt stronger. I con tinned its use until I ' was able to work. , Hood's Snrsaparilla has al so relieved me of asthma." S."A Mourns, Mosie, N. C ; . 1 l Hood's Pills are tbo bent luetlicino. family Gen- cathartic, and liver tie," 'reliable, sure. Raleigh . correspond ciit Messenger Republican State office holder said to-day : What fools our peo ple have been before we have been in office a year, to raise all this row about passes. We have killed the goose that laid the golden egg. Just at a time when passes would do us the mrxt good we have cut them off. At Shnw University hero there ia an AfrioanTrinco Ho is a erand- on of King Khnnin, oFSoulh Africa, now dead. J be present King is King William. "The Prince's name isAltredJmpcy His father was mpey. Kahma, his mother was Iinlisc. He sn' oks quite stood Engj IWi. and is a .Metlini int as " is nlsp King William'. Alfreil is studying theology and medicine. If we used broadcloth instead of good jeans in making the BUCK HK1N BREECHES we would im prove the quality of tho cloth, that would be all. Couldn't have any better fit or more careful stitches, and tho broadcloth wouldn't wc.ir so well. , We guarantee them to be the best pants made. In production of tobaico North Carolina stand second in the Union, Kentucky alone precedingber. For the year 1896 the State produced $65,620,170 pounds, against 42, 044,620 pounds pounds for the year ending January 1st, 1895. The product for 189(1 was valued at 3,783,92fl.' ? ForOrfborne limbeth, the white tramp, whomurdere dengineer Bum ganlner near Hendersonville no less than t800 reward is offered, $200 being by Mrs. Bumgardner. It is believed that the murderer is in hiding near the scene of the mur der. ' Engineer Bumgarncr, who was shot near Fletcher's. , Henderson county, last week by Ans. famhert,. who was trying to steal a riile on Bnmgamer's train, died Sunday night a week. Lambert is still at large. . -- . ' ; - ; ' . William Brierly, of L"eds, Eng land, has bought the spoke making plant of the Mills wngnn factory at Haleigh. - He will double it and make sokes for the English trade. When in need of alwly lo relieve pain you .want the . n'rest. quickest and (jest, such a one is Rice's Goose Grease Liniment, it relieves all pain at once, it cures croup, cough and colds a sno-i as ncd. For sale and guaranteed brail drus- gists and general stores. It relieves whooping ough. ' . , ' A Republican savs there are now six parties in this Stale go'd Dem ocrats, silver Democrats, RepuMi cans, Russell' Republicans, Butler ropuJwts, Skinner Populists. Wbjr wm jam tr Wffi-r nawrarfnir trmf i aha tkrmrm' TiMfln, Oittl Im mm pwuMiHuaxanna roar aranrlis M autanrlard tn reluae lb" tomry laerrras wltarattlaUttaieun. 1'rtce. tM eaola, im3m At Gray's saw mill a few miles from Scotland Neck, a rwyro was caught in the shafting of the ma chinery and literally broken to pieces, ) , ! - . : TOXUA. Vatrw- fa ai 1 . SI Can You Elis 1 Bureau 20x12 glass at 1 Bed, light or dark, at ,1 Wash-stand light or dark at Whole suit at. .' WGther uites $7.50, $8.50, $9.00, and op to $60.00. - Nearly everybody has bought some Furniture, Organs or Sewing Ma chines from ELLIS, because "Ellis Sells Cheapest", so they all say. ELUS FHli CO, Next Door to 3atee Drug Store, C. B. ELLIS, Manager. armers GREENSBORO, N. C. We feel our labor and 8ecial pile of your tobacco has not been in vain. , , But we still want your trade, and we recognize the fact that the farmers' interest is our interest, and we will always put forth our best efforts to please you with accommodations and O satisfy you with prices. - " ';;V - . -Thanking all those who havo sold with us in the past and $ hP'ntncy w'" continue to Civor ua with their patronage, Lfj and respectfully asking any farmer who has never yet sold witn us, to give us a trial, we CKEENSBOUO, N. C. lt Sale Monday, Wednesday and Friday S2nd Tuesday, Tlmxdy and Saturday' a o mm For Eifj Continue to sell your tobacco at th" Banner Warehouse, GREENSBORO. N. C. How is doubling last season, a we predicted that we would do, we, up to November 15, have , ' " as we did in the same time last just passed was a little more ttan Oar customers are getting to be Banner Warehouse drummers and we are glad to be able to send them home rejoicing. While the price are not fancy, still good bright and mahogany wrappers are going at from $25 Come on and brine your neighbors to the Banner Warehouse. we all appreciate your selling with as and will pall hard for yon. - Your friends, . Smith, Blackburn & Co.' Greensboro, N. C, Nov. 16, 1897. : ---- - ------. Southern and Western .stock men know good thing when tney see it therefore fcr scratches, sweeny, ring-bom. strains, sprains, bruises, s-iddle and harness galls and ailments of horxe. they us Rice's Goose rcase I-inimcnt, it is good for roan as beaut. Sold and guar anteed by all druggist and general stores. The l-nionth.-old son of A, C. Drinson, of Baird's ( n-ek, says the New heme Journal, was burned to destli, it clothing catching fire whiki i's mother was away (or a short time. PrrreritT cornea auickrst to thei man whoe liver is in good condi tion. DeWitt's little Early Risers are famous little pills for conj4iiav tion. biliousness, indigestion and all stomach and liver troubles. Sim uivmi3 the DruH'at. - , Beat This? $3 49 1 65 I 00 ' - $6 14 attention to the sale of every remain, very respecuuiiy, ware Prices this for the banner f Instead of t Warehouse 95? house year, and oar average for October $8.50 on everything offered. to $40 per hundred. It is easy to catch a cold and just as easy to get rid of it if you commence to we One Minute Cough Cur. It cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, pbeurnonia and all throat and lung troubles. It is pleasure lo take, safe to use and sure to cure. Sim inons the Druggist Raleigh correspondent of the Mewenger: Republicans are now saying thst next year they expect to nominate Congressmen iu each dis trict in the State. They think they can do without Populist help. Mrs. M. a Ford, Rud.UI's, HL, suffered for eight years from dys pepsia and chrome coniiitiin and finally cured by using DeWitt's little Early Risers, tle famous little pills for all stomach and liver trouble, fc'iuiiumia the Druziit. WEEKLY WASHINGTON LETTER. Prom Oar Eecaiar uomponaenr. ' Washixoton, D. C, Dec. 10, '97. : Secretary Gage is about the only member of the administra tion who would really like to see his recommendations for cinching the ; hold of the gold stand ard on this country become the law. Mr. McKinley .'did not dare to endorse the recommendations of his Secretary of the Treasury, and he has no real desire for. the finan cial legislature he half-heartedly suggested. He ' knows that 1 his. roundabout suggestion of getting rid of the greenbacks by turning them into gold certificates could not get through Congress, even if only the republicans voted upon it. He was afraid that the recommenda tions for amending the National hanking laws, so as to reduce taxa tion on National bank currency, to allow currency to be issued to the face value of the bonds deposited with the government, and to allow the establishment of National banks with $25,000 capital in small places, might get through, so he added proviso that he knew would kill the whole to make all National bank notes redeemable in gold. The ad ministration is simply- trying to bluff a portion of its own narly and the country, it doesn't want sn financial legislation. This has al ready been made plain in the House by the grab-game engineered by Mr. Dingley by which his commit teeWays and Means will take charge of all financial bills and smother them. Republicans - Lave also plainly indicated by their talk that they bad received intimations trom the administration that no financial - legislation was wanted. If public criticism of its attitude makes it necessary to strengthen its bluff, the administration will, through Mr. Dingley, fix up a bill and jam through the House, know- ng that the Senate would not ect upon it. Ofcouise, the people of this country sro foots enough not to know the difference between this sort of thing and real statesmanship, and they will be so sorry that the administration isn't able to get what it , doesn't want so sorry that they'll elect a democratic Congress next year. : ' ; The administration doesn't wish the Nicaragua Canal question to be acted upon by this Congress, and when Mr. McKinley , said in his message that he would have some thing further to say-on the subject when he submitted the rejort of the Commission which has just started for Nicaragua to make a new survey and estimate of cost, under an act of Congress, he was fully aware that the commission was not likely-to make a report before the death of the Fifty-fifth Congress. In fact, it is known that members of the com mission were given a broad hint be fore their departure that their re port wst not exitected before March 4, 1809, . One Nebraska republican Mr. Winfleld 8. Slrawn, an Omaha lawyer has turned op in Washing ton who is honest enough to nuli lidy say that the republicans nave no chance to carry that State, either at the Congressional elections next year or lb National, election of 1900, Mr. 8trawn says the repub lican have not been able to get back the avrmer votes tiny lost un lhe silver question is unsettled. . With the exception of Senators Morgan' of Abu, and Gorman, of Md., every democratic Senator is now lined up against the annexa tion of Hawaii, and the opiiosition among the republicans alfoilr in cludes Senators Hoar. Morrill and Petthrrew. This makes it impos sible to procure the two-thirds vole needed to ratify the treaiy provid ing (br annexation, and lbs repub licans are already seriously think inn of abandoning the tnaty and trying to secure annexation by ma jority legislation. It looks a little though the annexation ques tion was going to be ued by 1 e Reed machine to whack McKinley over the head. The Czar is under stood to hare privately announced himself to be oppoacd to annexa tion. In fact, present indications are that before tnis session has grown very old the lino between McKinley reiHiblicans and Reed re publicans will le sharply drawn. If bpain isn t entirely pleaded with the situation at the Washing ton end of the line she must be hard to please. It was a new thing for a President of the I nited fc tales to de rote nearly half of his message to Congress to an argument iu fa vol of allowing a foreign nation-more time in which to try to squeeze the life out of a people residing in sight of our coast, and the innovation was nauseous lo many. A dose equal ly nauseous followed, when tSeere tary Gag presented several columns of solid newsiapcr matter, giviig in I detail the extraordinary efforts of j this country to aid r?jin 1y sui-j pres-flng filibustering. Fefiabr Al,-) lot utTcrcd a xeulaiiju in lbs t.a-. tfca taaS paaa. r.; ;i ,,r II f ,t aGPu Absolutely Htra N0VsX Wltl)p9 WMffrcTtt CO. (W VOSksV ate for the recognition of Cuban in dependence, but it is feared that the' Committee on Foreign Relations; to which it was referred, will pigeon hole it.'-yV;: ''-Uiiii ! The first skirn lib in the war .on the civil service law was pulled off in the House this week, and it wa lively while it lasted.' A conference of all members of the' House who desire change in this law is to 1 1 held, in order to arrange for an or ganized attack;-,1 i r..-ry'W $1 '- Don't bo persuaded into buying liniments without reputation or met it Chamberlain's Pain Balm costs no more, and it merit havn been proven by a test of many years. Such letters as the following from J G. Baglcy, Haeneme, Cl, are constantly , being received : "The best remedy for pain I have" ever used is Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and I say so after having us ed it in my . family,: fin several venrs." It cures rheumatism, lame back, sprains and swellings. For sale by T. A. Albright & Co. ' ; l' in - out '" ";''-''' "'. ' ' j?'i:nl !'"' :',V'- In accordance with the. provis ions of section 713 of the Code, , I. P. A. Mitchell, Clerk1 to the Baeid of Commissioners of ' , A Is mam e county, N; C, do certify that tl following is a.true "statement"? year ending November 30th, , 1897, of the amount of compensation aud ited y the Kpurd to the member thereof,, revcrally, the number of ' days the board was in session, the distance traveled, also the days served as committee. i-; Wr HARDEN, Chairman. T 27 days as county com'r," M 00 20 00 74 60 w nays as committee, 12 miles at 5c, J. C GARRETT.. 2G days as county omn' 5 days as committee, 52 00 10 00 16 00 320 luilesAtoc, 00 I. N. WALKER, 23 dsys as county rora'r, 2 days as committee, 46 00 4 00 3 80 tQ miles at 6c, ... 'v 63 80 The Boanl of Commisioners was in K-ssion 27 days during the year ending Nov. 30, 1897. 1. A. MITCIIELU Dec 1, Clerk to Board. '?-:- rrMntr Largest and - finest IFwe'VV CaiKlies ever shown Irf Atl mancc county. Prettieet-displiy otT Extracts, P-3T Perfumery aud Atoxu'ucrs, C skjr metici. ... .; Will soon open out stock of Christmas gMW . which we will tell you about later. CATES&CO.. Buriiiifirtoii, X. C. t9- 1838 Salem Almanacs 5c. Subscribe for Tux Gi.easek.- Reyai Annual Siawiit! 97.

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