-GHXlgNC,-.TriUBSiyAtr:PECEg3;g&.?. .J. ?' MI5 VSf V r the biVanae frtij onto - IJrvM roUkeBreri:etJ'4(uaHI - - , "ma-tar. rX . - KfW : WrvM-rt m thebio tod4tarrto f like it Is eluumctei1, . ,. . ; . . .,.- aiervaa wtu be weak i Mhawte tfcV V - - Mood ti tw;rtl tarn"'?:-4r " Nerve wm -ureiy- bo itwng and steady it j rrH werve- ltobeeau)ltmakMr,ch(redbk04. - Nerves their work naturaiy andeii?- ... , .the brain I- unclouded, tiier ant nf peimwe .pmm. pphw .w-j i -vi A . 4 oo ara good, wIjor jrou mio. it v. j-1 w -' ji S Garsarilla tto One True Blood Portlier. AS druggists. 91. Tiniirl i -T br . Co., Ixwrall. Hm, tlOOd 8 PUIS aud Urer stimulant. ,ss nyfEss;oNAri cards. iruuirintn iri 1 ---' " JAG 5 Attorney-at GRAHAM, N-Oi Oflloo over White, Moors & Co.'i store. Main J ' lret. ' Phono No, X. v ill jr. 1. KEBNOUll. GfttAHAif, - . : N. C t BtfNlJM & BYNUM, ' jifttoi-nv and Codtuelo rtl OttBEMSBOBO, X. A . ; t . -T Im fl, MMTH ITT " ' ouceeounlr. llL; .-. OR J. rj. STOCK ARD, " Dentist, GRAHAMt.JJ. A oppaMe', Otnee at reldenco, fftSt i HiiWe ! In -olBeo jtMuiaysiuM wr ; ;.dy . - ..-;.? '". .V. '.-Jf' JjiverV Sal GPU 'lprti 1 .fw-iH -A M-;i r STA B ILES.W? H --4 0 .u4M(:ffr ri v. w . i- 1 ' ' MOM m 2 ; f W. O. Moore, Pkoj'k, G it All Kit. ci- C S i : - ' M meta trmbuL md aloiUot di ; - ?t)KEMOST KEU'SPAI'EB. DAILY and Weekly. . Independeniand frarlcss; bigger mad more attractive than ever, It will be an invmluaMe tlaitof to thi1iorn6 Um ofikefhe club'or work ronntV ThtJ Dally QbserveT. A ?' -Ml tne new or tie woriiim- - : - let daily reports from the State - nd jS'atieiUl pjtols. $8 year A .TIm Weekly Olwterirer. : A peVfort tUmily journal All the - fiews of the trcfclc ttcJatfmbcT the . Weekly ObHcn-er: - Clr OiMjDoUir Tear. ' t Send for aamjl cujiius. Addrov TUEO KVE1C - CTIARLOTTE, N. T. ARE YOU i 5) - TO DATE At ran armor the 'KEWti awn OaKKTItv is. Sabscribc tor it at once and it will keep you abreast, of the limes. -:r Foil Associated Preaidiftpatch . cs. All the , new-a foreign. 4 ntestic. atioaal, atate and local all th time. 1 Dail Newa and Obsenrer $t ter rear. $3.50 for 6 rno. r : WeekJv North Carolinian Jl per rear, 50c for 6 11101. " NEWS & OBSERVED PUB. CO., The Xorth Can4imi"in The Alaxascc (;lf.afi W;:i. wnt tr ne vear f.r Two Dollar, Caih iaalvanra. Api'lr atThJE UlJtAJEB 4 THE CHARLOTTBl TFJ )VEXASHIKGTOLETTERi Wmm tut Hmtrntmr rVtrnDAndAffit. . ihe'Telert , WAiftl'NV D. CV,'Dec.'17, W. best and Wing ofteneet when it is ag- gressive is well . known.-! Therefore the Action of the, democratic caucus f jOUM ia running by the party ... , , . . r. 1 ' flag with declarations, writ so - large that even be who-; runs. may;;read, against the retirement of tine green tockeither directly or Indlyj against any extension of privileges enjoyed by Rational banks, and. for ne recognition of the belligerency nf P., WaTahd ihe enactment of a lust and, wise bankruptcy kw, was wise aawell.asgood, politics.;, It shows the country; that if the republicans in Congress were afraid to announce, a policy for the session in advauce of the Christmas recess, which ex tends from , to-morrew. until Jan, 5th, the democrats were not. ' . sit has been often denied on - the floors of Congress that the logical outcome of the present civil servito law would be"a civil' pension list, but' noW Secretary Gage has actual ly started civil pension list, tinder the alias of a 'roll of honor,'' to which alt Treasury Department em ployes more than 70 years . old are to be transferred for, life, at a un iform annual salary of $900 ' each that is, thej areC tb be,' unless Congress apsejta this programme, which it is more than likely to do. Nothing has occurred since the civil a service act Was "placed upon the etatute books that will do more to open theeyes of the. people to the L. ti-iu- :Lti.!L KrHic!ent to nay ail demand obliga- democrats who &vor the reDel of i that la". . Tba country is. to-day fltAggering onder the burden of its military pensiqn list, and will . not carry civil pension list. ; ,. O ' Those-snide- patent ! attorneys, mi.I irk Ka zinilA numpmiifl U'hfl make a'practice of getting the ciahirf"; inventors under trie pretense oi pro curing and selling foreign patent that is not worth the paper upon which it ia written can be gotten for Urem, and that no sale can be uuiue, ' are in a liad way.: Acting Commission' er of Patents Greeley, who earned his spu:s by his conduct of the In vc igation that resulted in reform ing- number of glaring abuses ii Patent Ofia practice, is on thci in thcif train, and detertuined to break up auch' 'criminal methods," and his ' .1 Av:i:.. ..! u.ki., jillfth A. I. brand. An attempt is to" be made to have the House and SenaUi Indian corn mittees agree on legislation for In dian Territory but inasmuch as the Senate Committee has alivady agieed to a bill' for .apportionment of the lands of the five civilized tribes, it looks as though that means "merely an attempt to get the -HouM' Com mittee to accept the UU cf the Sen ate Committee, which is supported by the Dawes Omsmisfion and op- posed by, the representatives of H ine Indians. . Although the National Board of Trade, which held its annual session ia Washington this week, clwnged the time -for Iwlding its annual meetings from January or February to December for the avowed purpose of influencing Congress, its members must be fully convinced of the im possibility of getting the gold legis lation they, io common with Secre tary Gage and li' side part aera of the "monetary conference,' are try ing to assure from the pteseijt -Cunj greaa. a ' . - ' .. This has been a red-letter Week, in the cornet of Bt notor Daniel, of Va., who has been chosen to suc ceed the late Senator - Harriv of Tenn., as a merater of the Senate committee on Finance, and un animeusly reelected to the Senate by the a, legislature. Two audi faoaora acklom come to any man - i a single week, and it Is not furpris- mg that Svnavir Daniel should .bt overwhelmed with - congratulation on Ids good fortune. - " - lu. repnulkana Of tne Jlouxe should belield respbifble"for "theif failure to save the 11,000,000 or $1,600,000 a'yeaf which Bepresen tatire BiOgham asserted could, i the 01 udon af bilnaelf and his col-, leagues on the Approriation coin niittee ba saved by the reduction of extravagant salaries paid to ck-rka in the deirtmenU. If - ttat com aiiltee haa aoch ea apUaoa, it tailed to rform it4 tfuty when it report ed the I-egWative, Ezicntive and Judicial afpropriatioii bill, now be fore the House, without j to ruling iot lho-e reductions. There are reasons for believing that there are a sufficient number o' republican Senatora wbo will refuse - .Annni rntf iu against the riglit of a governor to appoint a Senatir after a legislature has failed to eWct wht-n it hd an (,.portunilyto make it certain thai Mr. Corhett will not le given that UTrn vacancy, even if a majority of the ctHnmiltee ofl""et5.o ajid fvmlefM reports is hu fart as U pfoUtlf wilb ' Ji, . ISlr. Jiiclwrd Ooker, Hie wWelv known Tammany democrat, was iKt of ixiiator Jlurj4,y thia week. He said that he' only ran over to Washington for a rest and 4-'hsnge, but there. was ' probably" pnnsuler able New York politics in the' long talks he had with Senator, Murphy. 1 o'f ' ' t'" ' The' Concord Journal 'says that Mrs,'- Catherine" Riflenhour,; 'of tbe St. John v neighborhood, ' Clarrus county; never saw -a! train She' iet 87 yenrs old,,Jremarkably spry for that age, and has read many books, all Of them' belonging' to the choice literature of the language. In her day she has spent considerable time in . visiting her brother, ex-Sheriff Propst, who lives n Coricord,", but somehow Bhe never got to the pas senger station. She expects to visit Concord in a few days, and one of the sights she expects to see ia a real train of steam cars; , ' ' ,- ;':';t'-i! i.itC' St;'""? '-.:;,,. Tetter, SaItRhem anaEcxema. 'The intense Itching and smarting. Inci dent to these diseases, is instantly alia jed by applying Chamberlain ' Eye and Skin Ointment.. Many very bad eases have been permanently cored by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and favorite remedy for sore nipple, chapped hftndschilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes.'. 23 cts. jer box. ' f Dr. fady's Condittoa PewOers,' are just -whr.t a home needs when in bad Condition. , Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge.- They are not food bnt medicine and the best in use to pnt a horse in prime . condition. Price 25 cents per package. - -r For sale byT. A. Albright & Co. The shnreholdors of the National Jlank of Ashoville, which failed in OcUiber. having , b irrowed moni y on their , individual guarantee suu tions, the Comptroller of, the- Cur tency has . permitted the ; baiik. to close up its affairs "by f yolun ary liquidation ins'eaj of through a re ceiver. The plan was outlined by Deputy .'Comptroller', Coffin,' who visited Asheville fr tlie 'purpose, lh after the failure. The dubur.-emehC of about $60,000 cash trf depobitors will tend, it is'said, to n l,ieve the haHships resulting from threijbunk fiiil urea i HA that city, f ' - v Mrs. Mary Bird, IlanlsGurff, ' savs. 'Mv child is: wortn million to tne ; yet I would have lost her by J croup hid 4 QTJi;esteatventy five cents in ti bottle, (if One . Minute Cough Cure; ; It ,uies. coushs, colds and all throat' and lung , trou- bjes. Simnions, the Druggist. : : T . 1 ' The commissioners of Mecklen burg county ha ye entered suit agai nst the Jell Telephone Company ' fof olwtructiiig the high ways by putting up lines of jk)le -along tj.e roads leading out of Charltrfto. " " ',' ' ' After ' hearing some friends- con tinually - -praising - ChambeTlain'sf Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Re medy, Curtis FJeck, of Anaheim, California, purchased a bottle- of it for his own ue and is .now , as. well ! airAnyOiio va,n bo, ji The 25f and 60 ccntsizos for sale Ly T., A. AilirigUt w' The horse of Rev. 8.- D.'. Steffeyi of Cabarrus, threw. its head to. one vide and stfauk Mr. Stcffcy in the fiice. The force -ofthe blow was suchihatalLofj Mr. Steffey's ieeth were iiRwencd arrd his face' severely bruueiL'-ii ..;'..?'' v.-'Z. JMiss AJlJe Huahei. Norfolk'. Va wa frightfully burned, op Uetfwe and r,eck, . Pain Vhs InstAoUy . re lieved by ' DeAVitt's Vitch Ilnwil Palve, which ' healed the" Injury without leaving a scat. It is tne famous pile remedy. : Simmons the Druggist. ;-. " , ' - One night week before laat, ac cording to the Greenville Reflector. J, It. Perkins, of Pitt. W hone mind is unbalanced, moved out all of Iim furniture and burned thft house. . " (.P" j . , in ... ...1 . . One Minota 'jCough Cdr cifw qakkly That' what - yoit waut I Suumoa thADu,gist. ; Tba Borke County Bank opened for business at Morganton MiMiday. Hickory partien are interested in it Mr. A. A Shufird, 'of that town, will U preaklenU :' 1 " " ' .1 . . v : - Whew ynu arain need 0 print ing rail on The Glraxer, where you will find an axaortment of flint claae atationery. Prices leasonable wwtk first cfasi . -..j. 1 Mrs. Suaatv Covingtoi, mother of AMWtant Distret AUorner I). A. Covington, divd at her borne in Monroe last Weduesday aged 77 years. Illlef ! Bfa Ham. tmvrm Iiiikii Kipcit Clue. iimii ir io treat aurprta lmii f Ha xerarflas fooipOai la r(imTfmt pmlm la Um bUdiV-r. kVtnr. bamk tai rwrry part mt bo rloary M'T Mia aaa Iraaio. It rtntrrm wtcoUoa f valcr anS ala w M 1 . 1 It a IK Da C oil! Mitel: . -o- SOLID OAK ROCKING GIIAIR 75C, , , Large Oaik : Rockers; with arms, :99c; , Bureaux $3.49 mils Furniture Co.. NEEDLES. OIL. PARTS. ATTACH MTS j for all; kinds of sewing machines. ; mwvm Farmers' Warehouse ! GBEENSB0E0, N. C. . '3Vr feel our labor and special pile of your tobacco1 has not been .in vain. , jn , v ':. u ' ; But We still want your trade, and we recogidae the fact that the fHrmcrsinteresi is our iiitereat," and we yill alwayy put rXf.forlhiur beet efforts to please you with accommodations and ' eritisf ypu with vricM.tjfif , I' TIuinkine; all those who' liave sold with us lii ine? past arid Jhoping they will continue ,to i "and rduectfully asking any farmer who; haa neves jret,old 1 :L y J i : -,!. V . ti-Afr' wiln us, to give; us a inaii, we :JQU::.Uti antic ; , ; GREENSBORO, N. C. . lst Salert jvronday; We(lne(lay niid Priday. Snd Toevlay Xlaiirwday.aiia ratiiraay r frt Mil ,: W SI 3 ?tfntwi2)!i0jtti &cco ait the Banner Warehouse, r.upr?vRnRn. N. C . llow ia' this for the bunner i Jnstcad of doubling Iaat aeaton. a we predicted that we would. do, we, to November 16, hat . ... . M we lid ti the' iame time last just pasaedTwaajt little morefcar8.50:oo:tmngnereu. Uuf customers are getting w oe t r y j,s k. Banner "Warehouse ; drummer and weire g2d to be While the pncea atrrrot vocy, Tappe are going at tirajMOuieT nunur. . Come on and bring jour neighbor to the Banner Warehrmse, wattppOattrwielliiig with us and wMfriMfTtUot jron. , Your friends, d t i Smith, Blackburn & Co. Greenaboro, N. C, Nor 16. feuThent 1 and VTestern ' stock men know a good thing when they see It tuereiora r icniioiw, .t,v rfbm bnilaiaiukllfl aad harness gal ailihents of horsen." they twe Rite Goose rease liniment, it ia good for roan as beaat. Sold and guar anteed by all druggiata and general stores. , . Jodge Hoke and Miss McHee, of fjncolnbrj, were" married la it Thursday r ; Prrperif r cornea e,uicket to the man WhoN "liver Is In good ffnidt IWU'iU'a Lkila Larlr Rwert r. fan it ia tittl 4.111s for COTv4I lion. biousiHs, jrKligrstion and all stomach and liver trvuUe bim nions the I'rtijjlrt. - ' ' J' r,-'l J" -up. -Burlington, AT.-& I attention to the sale of every fUvpf ua i'with'tnoir. patfojwg, . '.ti -I 'J remain, very resjjoqiiunj, a.U ' up year, and'our average for October able to send themlrttmerejoidflg: tiu goou ;hsm "6j It iseasv to eafcha ftJd and just as ea-y to cet rid tif it if you oominenoe to uim une aiinuie uuxu vui cutacontd, c-Ms. . bro.Khitis, Jrmihlea. It is tIeaaure to take. afe to use and sure to cure. Sim noon Ihe Druggist. Mr. Frank UndliC'of Oxford. ml Mis Came Waia ...jMrisery. 4uichter of Hon. aJIs Pkenr, of Ktcjimond county, were nn J at m IVtfi' KpwHXp4 rhurch, Char- Uk1, Wedneaday efening oi win. ilr. M. It. Foni; tfuddell's, I1L, - rwa,) , ,ic- ;i.-!ii.l . .. a "Si -,a t- saw - j &ra . t . ir sufrml fcr-tKU yeajte- ?Tru: TwrPelleTS.-Bnd -1 on.v .-.-, and Xlltlinw COIl"!' """! aii-ii . k. . a,wl.finllycur.FrpTng iffH LitUe fc-rly "".ri v.n, Ametcruam, Va. For sale l-jr mtlepilUt5rW""ch " M,.5 C.&ilUmo.w. trouUvw. fcimiuoiis lb iv- ' The Delineator for Janaary.'! ,; 'A The ' January" Somber of The Deliiieator is called the ' Winter Holiday Nunfbr and begins the New Year with such' an attractive fashion and literary-' mat will easily main its place man's Favorite Magazine. ter styles are ' exceedingly becoming and are handsomely il lustrated in colors and black. Lady Jeunie's review of London Society is at once a picture of its salient fea tures and a defence of its essentia) kindliness. ' Mrs. Alice Meynell, the eminent writer, begins a series on 4 "The Ways of Children ' , with an analysis of "The Naughty Child,'' full of sympathetic, insight. The first of several papers on ''The Com mon Ills' is by Dr. Grace Peckham Murray,;' author of the ; popular "Health and Beauty" papers. ' De votees of the camera wul be delight ed with Sharlot M. Hall's explana tion of ' Blue-Printed Photography as a ; money-making occupation. Emma Churchman Hewitt begins her contributions on Domestic Sub jects with a bright , paper -assailing f aise iuwnomy in tne uouwnoiu. The wise and experienced advice to those perplexed as to points of be havioria continued by Mrs. Cad w'alader Jones. The fiction includes "Dawn J!' a story of French life, in which notencies of traced v melt in to a happy finale, by Helon Choate Prince,' author of. A' Transatantic Chatelaine, In "The Yacht Syrinx" Martin Orde continues the account of the Adventures of Give Raner. Iteplacing the "Seasonable Cook er v" panes is a paper " giving formula) for Inexpensive Entertain ment, ' such as the ' Afternoon i ea and the Stand-Up Supper. The an nual review of the Honday Display in the Shops will be of special inter' est to those considering the question of Christmas ' presents, and Mrs. Witherspoon's Tea-Table Chat and the notices of the Holidoy Books af ford other information ;on - its ab sorbing topic. ; Of like timeliness is Emma' Haywood's explanation of How to Make Ornamental Texts, for Churches, and the , suggestions . for Children's - Pffilies.- Mr, - Vfck's Flower Garden' '.and the, depart ments devoted ' to 'Knitting, Lace- Jinking, etc., complete .a capnai number.- Published ? by The But teriek Publishing i Co. (Limited), 7 to '17 Thirteenth Street, New York, at f l.QPf Year, or 15 Cents per uiny.., ;! t . ;fi;::,: Ur,'lL.L (s4,Mnt1a Jim TnVm net' dog. up in the Miller's Creek neighborhood, bas broken tne re- cowlrABW days ago a hawk dip ped dow a into toe yard to tackle a chicken., , Theigbt was lively. The door saw it. went to the rescue of tne chicken' and killed the hawk. . ThU TaOa" Whin Health May W-WMtMl 4 And that limore (mporfant than making money. Jf youf; blood Is impure, Hood's earsapanlla is tne medicine lor you. . it cures scroiuia, salt . rheum, rheumatism, catarrh and all other diseases originating in or promoted by impure blood and low state of the system. " Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to operate. Cure- indigestion, headacne. .. , ; . A pretty girl baby, apparently noHnore than two monthj old, was left in the hall of the residence of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wade, of Win ston, Wednesday morning a week. Who it parents are is not Known. Mr. and Mrs. Wado have no chil dren and will keep the child and rear it.- - ' . ' - r The, beat test to nut a pair of pants to Is to put them over busy legs, all kinds of legs, and if trrty" laud l,he test of public .approval theyirfu-t be good. The BUCK SKI BREECHES dont sell upon what we think they would do under favorable cmdiiionvbut upon what we know tbey have done under hard wear, the seams are right, wear right, buttons right, and we guarantee them to be the best work ing pants that money will buy. Aahevifle is talking of qoarantin- In aninrt AtlanU on account of the smallpox.'. ;,' A Car"f ar It That burning sensation - In the stomach, the pains and suffering which I experienced for five long years, brought on by continued onn HiiAiion and biliouahws, are al most indescrihab:, I tried every known remedy without " effect. Finally I tried Ramon'a liver Pills t Ton e Pellets, IJlowirgthe direc tions carefully. After taking a few doses I began to improve. I have m used more than three boxes and feel as well as I ever klti - My res toration to perfect health I attribute a, ...-It to the use of Earaon's liver . r u ...UaiIuu. In. '" " - 1 cord.-In M. display of ter that ii lurthEVi The Wih gayal wmUl thataa pmH -, If ' Absolutely fwn M5 awt aMwM ww an.. m There are 937,800 Hebrews !nth United States; V of which number 12,000 reside In North Carolina: t. . . ..... i i. 'r t f r:?t ; : r- " "' ' " ' :'.-fh j "hit. Josh T. James will revive the Wilmington Keyiew theafternooh patter which; he published for.:.so many.year8.-v.-v,..u..,-:v.-;--''' Don' t be "persuaded into buying liniments without' reputation or mt-iit1- Chamberlain's Pain ; Balri costs no more'; and Its merits have beeri proven by "a test of many yVtllB .DUUI tCHVIO IIO IIIPH'liiiTliiift from LM O. Biigley,' Huerieme, 'Cal are constantly ; -bt-ing receive t,. "The best remedy for pain I have ever used ; is ; Chamberlain's, Pain Balm, and I iy iw after having us ed it' iff my family for several years." It cures rheumatism, liiriib back, sprains 'and swellings; '.'For. sbib ov x. n. Aiunuuii i- ilu. - - In accordance with the provis ions of section 713 of the' Code, f P. A. Mitchell, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners - if . Alainanca county, N.. C, do xrify; the the following is a.true ?'sfatemeni! frn: year.ending NoBemberSQtba ,Wht of the .amount of compensation a,udr ited y the Board, to, we. ruetnuors thereof,, severally,? the, number,, -.of days the board was in, sesaiov the distance traveled, also friheayii suryed' m committee;,) frpt ' Jj W; HARDEN," CBirrnaoV-y 1 days sreountrebm; '"54 00 woays as commuvee,- . ,v : - ' .r!Tj-7'74 'W ; v , . J. C GARRETS.'-,:, f- 26 day m coafer eom'tf T-M S2'o0 , 5. days as comraitteevM $10W. 820 uiilea.at.6cU ;?.it 4.-6; CO 78 00 23 days as county com rl days as county 'coin'ri: 4d-- 4dvOO 9. lnva aa inmtnilff ;' ti ' 76 miles at 5c, , 1". 3 80 '' " a js. w - ' A :. The Uoard or commisioncrs ,wa.s in season 27 days during the '.yetr ending Nov,' 30, lr-07..' ' '.' 'r ' P. A. MITCnELU . Dec. 1, '97. , . ;Cl.erk to Boart 1 Rnj'stes can1y in one-half) one, two and three pound pack- ( aires 40c per oniid. . j - Brittle and - Buttercups 10c-j per box.- . f . Oranges,' Apples, Nuts, etc. Examine our stocky of per fumes aad- extracts before you Uiy. : "v . - ' Vt are youra for -a Merry X-niia. - - A GATES & CO., BL'RLLSOTOM. 9 n Subscribe for The 'GIkaxr. m - -"e, i;rU.wi, .V G-

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