-.-rvm at i4' 1-r Tt i 'fi ih 4 I Ji -a.t J'rfA ;d t1. :- t J" " ! 1 ',, l.T eWuuHx;-! erf ti. 1'" G3HA:N:iC.;URi)A;;DEqEMBEE,30.,1897:;i . ',( . '-M rT i iuaW r "5n'( Hit v i r i . NO. 47. , ,-V. 'HI .fr (i SELECTION Of BREED,, r ii CRIQIN OF LACE. -i -1 , 1 he 1 6absbury!rorrcdejrt 'i4 I MM1 Myall ItilliilHH, ,Af b. me . innsruUiUNKten ays.6iw ...... ... !-' v vt irr . n ,.. . ' r -f v - .. J t -I - --- . , ii ecMCk1I$rrtif Jtatnralty by :U ..WtJoR.Wood'tJtoUdpw'lifc, bat to Im -.. -v-oHJeteget HieU bW1!ed"iiarr .' 'tonles.'-'Ub.d dpftfe Compounds-, ab - " 1 wtrmj-artriiKia blob . paw ecf' wantabataobcttjoKB' $b have jmse Bdgbo4ibMdth,tak Hooti'.SWttpirUUi doccd. - V" H&ySpepafc,' P1 n -That barninc'-MOM'don pin'' the .1 u KM I Hi I i ill m 1 1 HI WW itww ' Pr.atlo.1n tlM 8tte and 1 State mid Federal court. , , "JlmofovfT H4r Co.' Cf ra, 1 rrr . mrc!e at rciaonwT op pofii (iKAHAII, a meall Ir.lrt. Orl ilafta iff da ata ua.rf oirtAerate. -2.em.-. r(Jl;EttW,Crt NEWPAPEI ' 4 If V V f ; 'I'M tw fi-.t"' - : nr 0 BSS RsWffiH '4 ' lnd"crdcnt'ind!(fflflessf l)!er ' 6WlnnM'ittt!iremhrrcf! lltill I riie office, Jhttcla'b okfdflt ri me aniiy uubciikii. V . ; Alt the news jjf the world.l 0m ' 1 Willi' akI.V 5-. 1 a ,i lie iiwai) iunertcf, i, ( v I . ; hew f f M fk, th Weekly UOHcrrcr. . ' j r v4nW Pre Dollar Ytir, ,VriIEOB8ERVBiC ARE YOU UP TO DATE -lltXBW AKD ; tJiXi iV JillkljpfJd ai"rra raat m the ti ne ' Foil satrd Preadjpatch J.'lre"ticVritionaJ. tite.and local all the tune. t - - - .. prr year. J3i0 for 0 mo. T " WecU ,Nor.tV'Cr?h'niao l s rcarSOc for 6 rooe.; - - ' ' N-EWS-()BSERVERPU.CO.r 1 Rai mch, M. C f . rhe SorthTarolinan and Tint La'c iivr.ksw.rn w.ll h tnnl -o-e rear for Two Dullara, Cah :nii-iw AppltatTiiEGLSASEg r :, 0,-skn. X. C geiifmi hgje that tie,; cnpturca,. S4ilor Vreek ttie ;IlaK ( ine 1 1 went ana, o, rinnaqi, Oi, i mu rvgi meni, ; nlfil fr9 fit Aw. ther EroBiuunts j W.Jjaa w ro over .IUM. ffieoirs. respond vuksmae .rf tbt.tTwentyt 6rL .' This letter- writer lires , tt stoiHirch, itbft'pnins .ndV suffering trhtvbt A .wfcerwiMaW long yearsyi brought o by'tnllmied con Ml htion-Anl fAiilioushtisfi.; fare fll- nxMtiijesdr9biIi trieJ eferf kmwtt -mwedy without eftml nikS9 1 Mefl-RS.'hlrfa Liver PllW .,' . 1 1 1 A A; i r . . . --r irons careniiiy.' .Aner iixmng s iew noruiieil more tlian tlifee boxes' arid wish t couH persuade others 1 Col., Fred Oid,-bi bis Wttr to the Ctarlttfr::0brrr .8undii3r enfii f.'Stata Trwtsiirei! AV orth decided th:(t tobacco wftrcboUiMrflr j JUblc to' ft tax jof mir,?MHwis8iori, hfar'rulina,lieinsc4bat they .art. coni-. intssion trjercbsiMiv ;Thiere,ac' pev tfe )6i tbi fetaie w tbintsthe ei Dcilff f inaintttiriin an AMorhfej Gcneralla usVtt'Ss; ami tb'it 'Fartier 'orthJcitft wnfe'th'e' aeci'siohs 1 and ruliora is Snjije.,Ei a-:,Iitller further. and hint lhafcbjS SBtMrge)jf4ly tbe.'.Biacti -of .lhe SuprpniA .foort. H iH Cptfauii aw au-aquna. ma IfoonH WHtjCrt(Uaded friW ,btiv Aolfclv tbe'W of- ttamonts 'XiXtitA hhitnents Withou1i"''rciUtH6h ftOrwiKrnni He"nrow.2 O 2 onsta ho nwre;' wn'd itrJ nierita' Jflave en " proven ' by a ; test of mipf i-enrs.;' Such letters VH'fUj8g '.The bwrt remedy fof pain 1 1 ntfye wet Used ChKinberlnio's Pain !nlin, and 1 iny so rffte r'havlhjr a itt itT" in mV -faniiltr, ' fot several teftrrf." if cures 'rheumatism,' liimo iMuk sivmirta; ail ; aWfllinirt. roH to by ArjAfbry.t & tV 'f' 'f4 The "GoveroAf has'tihtbheil Pres- tdfl Andrews, cnvfeted; of Juan & a iirHtpr nt the shrihff terrh': "18SM5. w inrce rara in uie npnnrifiiarj j and Robert Pautfherly, tohiiited 6f mansiauglilcr nt June term, Iayly of'BaiItfihbe.-fffvirinal''euri. aiil' wiiteiiteS'to 20 jeaxa InfliWienitcV- ;v-", "I1- tin '-tT"V-h",--:(:.: Aft ntedy. Cuftia ;FbJck of Anahiirf,4 r - - r - i t i . . . . i - Culitw,: purchased a .hottl of for hLs.f!n .fMe:id is now ,aa jwell asahyojleVah In. The 25 and 40 centsizes for sale Ly I.-A. -Altngnlr-, .in'- " iiVi i i - -l "" !: ' r-t ' ffcntt er' ' rarfilT 1 lb onebaT.' .OTetwoadUivWUuack- aa-ea 4(k? pw-ponhd. -" ; - " nrrltle and Uuttercapa 10c "Examine onf stork ' 6T per-' funtes ana .exiracrs dpiqtoo J'U.t. V are yoon fcr - Merry A'rn". . '.4 iv" .Ti. After hcannt! Jsoooe, fiipnd.con tiimaUy . praising., Chajuherfairia fiilic I'lioliTa, and , DiarrbiB-.i i llOr v a i w w l nil i i a " Tffi ,' ' MLe. ImM r 111 Ir 1) lilifl li ! : U..; PUDWS AND PLOWING. 1 Hnvlflg (iecored good plojr and tnuo, k riter in"the,Ohl6..Fannei advtoet you to tjfw' ttfull;,'bf"rwirk tflwfeonnoeril Walkiatf ploj - -s, ' Oiero-k tUaTemmr! tat 'b hUfai rf,4bf vpqntoktbaiaothak one jrtll.-wtik (a tb funro. , On loubIetree, about, three feat lotto, ao u Ittf allow the borsea to walk oloae togetft' LL H1I 'LJ i: J ll . rr. iuo inigB or naowuioaiq pv,capnis of being lengtbeaed and BhotteueaV Aft- the tun; i 'booked trB there ar ondr-it aB-ran lerel and iteady; third, it .mrttteMlica draff a J:, lT)er' (lg'omr, polflt In the plow fhab to at the center wr riUse, Uall ttrnflmifct A Kgr)r hlMt the,! imtet abodfwhielii tke power applied bnlcodcH ;ia fiie ooDdtttoB nor sideratiAa tbl polit Jiiwidway bw the jiriDcn ends of the twoiiuaide traoea nee ft fifr.V whre they Join heht. thert la Heiible counoPtlon between these twofathtal A tad RFIg.,i)thitt ik, ither. ls'ai join 'iwrtrel at 4h Urrifr-tha triceH,'-the doable tree and the point iff anil B will be iia th: mum traiffbt . M U rtown O, O, B Buddosb we bare onr devia too niah. ai" at, D, 'then the nointa A, BD-ai not lfl'the' sanw stniiKht line, pot D ia te tB pnll1 on the trace will tend to brinjr the pointa AD. B into a ttraiaht jUuetbat ia: eriiir' the point D dowa LU A theraby flopyoatana; the nad of the 7 ilTT--i n rBOPKntr aUIfstiko alo t beara and making, tha Wdw roa too Oeepor-Jf the ground, i tcry.bard it Anln; If wo place the clevis too low. as aP.E'fhe onbletree lw"J. bebelotw the jpuinta A and B, and the-pulT of the tam will lift the end of the beam and make, the- ploaf run toe. shallow Tbe fliHurrut holoin the pjow elevtt niuat be tried until the plow runs lerej, J Suppose 'next day we have i taller team. . We most either raiKO the.clovia or lengthen tbe traces. Lot tb' point B be jniscd to H by the taller team. !Hn line of draft win be A, D, H, so Ve un-st ralai tbe tsleris, bat by length eniug tbn tmoea the oleria saty remain at C Let.Ube the hflttbtfOl:D, yet smaller beau,, then the cleris must ba Jo'ered. toEor thelaw will run tod (WfV4i aaows fjotrthef flow may be nade to run a t .ib . Proper depth la hard grouhd,sinoer tbe, longer the : traces ard f ho )&w does; the' teani tend to lift tacploVoot of the ground, bnt in aoft araaiid li it' better to' hitch as close as IKMaible t fli I1f: 1) to pftfrenttbe alow faoni. ainking inio tan soft boftom bf the i (drrpwi Jf wa aaa a whee) on the beam r. tnepiow w jiiten, me cioru an it is a lirnoaboVe the O,' sd the J wheel will jnot hng the, gromif. snngryThta will cMolade 'the adjasrtheat as to depth."' . v tor natanring to TiiV the eeoond - tstmeut jUl'bwleo'..g, ?;' Sl V represent the- upper ends of .the traces. The lino el draft la from the point PtFbM) to the point AHg. .1). ' passing thrrragh O. The direction of the furrow will be parallel to the land side .is the plbw.i'j5ow'M opr plow is tak tug too ron ladd, " and we : ihotAd more the cud of the plow' beam to4be rialirt BlH (r., it caa easily tvti: tbaias jdba as the train starts th cad of- the baam wflf be phlfed orer to thft position and the plow- ill bave the- potrinabown by the dotted linca . Cnsequently it must cot a- naa roWti furrow, sad we will grt theop- . nimr rrmii dt u. i i 11117 kbb Bin w. inn Tbe firegaiairpclac1pla apply to the riding plow (W&J), with, this diltrr enoet If there is a farrow whfid,' as ftiownlring sf Vr.ihe whole jwdirht 1 of'tbe jpUnc.ifiyQiA . baearried, eavthis in! kHf.imn i ill nit l. nrm wheel that' K tb berl. of. the land aide should not quite touch tbe bottom of tbe reTr.- Tet the' plow moat be rarrand less ta o tbe beat work. .We hsjre aacd a rrVlmg "plow fbe several ' j x. . thaa wtrb rhawtlMng -ptow;'erpt m the hands of Thrttpert plowman, and j rrra.tbea (be grotxad arast an be a hard m the ridiag alvw will do the eetsar wore.... it-...'f , ,i - -. ' . .,- vi;,. aiiig-aaiiihaa-. " While 'rhrre at gansalfy a atarbrt fnr ell the lanra, rip aaaipkiae as atora thaa Shotr- sVrfiae? vaJaa aVre are al ways grerw sasf hiiiBa tha are aot aUa bis; wigcf are nrailj a tnud t 1W4--Ing frpoaaa. t.Bcpifrre rae seeds aad mil Ihmi Alt rwir4slm4M fm rri. ThMi'wtH' ba made svt It am meaL - I i ' ' 'mi II I aw. I t. if '!. 9- arhW4i wiiT be better ditratcd thaw if R.Ttai wJthpat the onked pamptma. If aVf fiBMt&cn, Us mfcri- taT ithalpuiapaia willae hnvly aearraliard. aa taa seeds bare a ssiuag inrfll cffscV. Uahn Iwarstaat to rrnKna the sreds iraa peaipkiee fed rs w tn cows, jfrcq t-)e aroca punrpaiaa fey t krr4 rill Juror rv if rntfertnd , r" -t u - B ! t r m r ' If iMs decid'ed to. teen tmt one breed for all perpoetc, 'aaya k writer In an exchange, the old' reliafcle1 Ply month Bock will fill the bill with more aatia- factiort. than any other breed. ood tayv era,-) good mothers and Rood table tarda,' they coinbiue-all the money' tnaklag 4 qnalitie... Tbef arehardjr, Mtnralr bealthy, easily Jcep' ood fofagera and equally' happy in confinement; or on range. u Beaidea,"they are thannltoraany poppbtf breeds t Joey araMCter nowhV more .generally,, kept afltt aaore adTet tiajed than any other Jbrcc4u.Tb4a attkM them an additional aonrce of ponflt, as it is borer a great effort tdaell tbemU Tbe demand. (or (henv hM-nerer dtmia-. iahed since their intxodnctlou to the American public. On tho contrary, )the hare mad atrong nogressire march into . jpaUio ifaTor. and 'today they are more soaght lot than any ataeryarlety. As utility fowls they are placed 'M the ere tnkatiy tlle'mdsj importaiit breed In the exhibUioa hall' u.si.v. Now, If the. boginncr hoi settled on the' Plytnoutb ttockftt becomes aeces sary that he proceed at' once to study, their -aaturel Id the ferst "pfaoa, ,lcy. like all other breeds, should save com fortable quartern. Jfi is poor aooaomy td house any fowls lb ' slimsy. abed like structures, which are acitaer wiad ao weather 'prdot', Warm, avbtrantial haaJ bouses mean a - saving in reea aua.au ..Increase in .eggs, aviw ; Bnt artificially heated honses lsad. po pampered stock, .which Will destroy, t a areat degree, their natural hardiness and Vigor. Brsry precaution should be taken to oonstrttc homes aa wsnh boards, paper,, lath and plaStyt can make .tnen), also to locate them n,a snetierea spot,-where . bank of carta, , hiu or bunch 'r trees' win act as a wlndtoeak. 4 They shouldr be kept psrfsefly dry and free, from dampness;, taerefore. a syghl rise bfground which, ooo-tiiutoaaatnr-al drainage Ir the beat site, .. The front should tat the' south t aontheast, thus to patch the warm aa In artafer. WbA dows snMrsently.larg to admit, plenty of light, at not too jarge, are, vary 4nv Prtai,.'' "'r,t-- .'.-' .-!... .'.t ??' The 'second CDnstdcrafloU , 'should be L breed, somewhat sloweS rin their" mora- nientfl uian toe spngntiy vegnorns, ior example, they can be very easily over fed. To guard against thia tehttalby they should b kept vnajparatlvely ban gry, In order to iadaee. tbatetto,inwtia' and huut4p otber-wordv taaaercias... It pays best to.giye thsnj.thlafixerciss ohtdoors at ail seasons of the year, whether' the treather - fa cold 'or wamv, If snow la on. the ground, it should be went awava oertaia aUstaaee ia their rhns. that they may take advaatage rX the outer air and not be continually con- Sued to their coops. . They are a wen feathered breed and caa stand any quan tity of coH weather. v, .;. ,v j If tbe brqeding stock Is cared for thus With a view of mawtHiaiag atrong, healtbv. vioorons' soecimena'4ha baas will be round to hatch well and the., ebkks . will, live ; w ban ; latched and thrive aocordlpgly.i As like -Ikignu like: we fannot.-espest-'.stroug cbkks, from Weak and debilltsted stork,,, u ' v Whether one SaeS the narBral or arti- fldal method of batching matters not. provided be understands) tne-syteai be adopts.1.. There js quite ah mWch for the begipner toearn pf the boa as. el -.tbe other, . Tbe idea that the ben will do it alt is not a safe on Hrnamast bjprop- ly set and propwiy carta tor ir a good hatch is dcaireeV The Plymouth. Bocks are excellent tnothera, ,bbt they can become as nnaattstactory as anr other breed if npt IBorobjrhly understood. The young stock should have,' now evr, .let either case, plenty of ( range to ; inouce growin ann aevnopnieuc ion bid stock do mdoU Itotfcr generally aad nrodnce more eras - If kebt . rarded the year round, bnt the" yonugstcrs sl)onld have perfect f rceddm until they reach taiaturity. - .As Hymonth Rbcb cbfcU are -rather slow growrs'tf Is best to hatch them by the kalddle or last of March, and if bent are aot broody then tbe machine should be called toto use. This early hatching will give- us layers surely by Nov. I, rea if the are has aot beett part cct , .yr : . Carly eggs ia November- coanaasd A , bfsh market prioa, and it Wltttbn4 ray i well to make your pullets iprodaccrs at onceV - A . rree .one of raw, meat three tunes a week, will be toniM a great brie In todaring early waturitt.' Thia' bow lever, avast aot he asctf eotit ibe. steetf is two-thirds grown and after the Begs, graadiopfiers, eta., have bio rue aessre. f green food fa hSnf to' Bnd 'oa law range, aa' ft bmaly b ia eVptnaber, It should be snfpMext, aa vt ft ety He' sary. -beisM tWaaaaval tood of all ptsal-try.-i- ajyijza rx.r-L . ' i ' The keeping aad raising of pouttrr, if success is dcajiW. are not what assy be eoasidered eaay. 'it mUlri Aral a lot for the parsult end then a natural la' eliaarioa.to study sad k-arn by nisuaal experieDce bow aaoona may be attained. Ignoraaotaadaafaaaa)ct3sartat deal of time and awet-y yet eaprrieaMe ia the beat leachnr.- What ane araadef does is ao criterion of what aa nhii caw dm' tMilh'twa-advice 'Of "soceewful breeder ta-VgTMtvbelii ia the kaataaet tf ha will AdktwnV TIK Ttrmontk ock Is a veV -Jbardy.ietl aad will stand abaaa-aMd ftjegteeT pn.taMy brttef thaa kny other vaiVty, aad . lairs it a brw-i taa will ' rerv ta a fitter rrftara iur gum on aau iwimj i little daef s hr-taa. biaaease bftea reap ''.. m A little attention to a droopy fowf wilfalt--a 4 i ttar4rfadi at.lawW to aa tamSUBe'bra.ds qbotera, ' . ;- A littVs awani Ira ! Ite-waole Both Wil) kr p them la roadttioa. A.;ittV mantrre la la B-wHo-Zrld-if to a luiiai Iht ar.-t- l t,V'4aLxa 1! Jf'J i -t .i - L: In a (itarfatiag .artkla on tbe BUDjeciox juacav in -ana monian a ..v ...v.. ...... ...vV v HooM Owaaaioar Orient L. Bhao.'8 AKind. v Dlfferejif beraoiw jkleford, afte giriag tha hiatory of tnamnllllUi' mitafal ilaoav goeaea toMyt"M'w V ue ing: nun oun- .' "Handmade lace has a bistonr far more, fascinating. . Soma Jiare sup- posed that it , originated la Egypt, the an4 that ga re birth, t nearly Te arts, bat aearcb diligently as yen may nd.yo will never ccyer in mammy ' tomb, on acoln. tured .or pointed wall or v. in any, 1 , at ft . 1 A L ' a. nrciwoitrgiciu . uuu wnaiarvr ine 'picioriaV pr actttal .rematiM of thia 'poetic (issoe. Keitber to there doctK pentary eTblence of. Jta preaence there." .Ganzes and nets, fine mna Una, lad V exquisite , ainbroideries, fringe' knotted an. plaited you iiiay meet wUbfj-eqneatly, bnt this fabric' without a foundation. . tbii ethereal textile, named by tbe Ital lana'pbatb liario (stitch ia -air). joa will never chance upon. Why I BecauHe i did et zhit before the jUteeWU oejitnry, because i waa to .reoted, by JLhe ; jEuropean -woman, fprmtag.her coptributioa to tbe ra tmissance. and aa unknown toorien- tl wbo jtave even oowao Jovw for Tbi pale rierfertitaa'and do apt nae it fa, their coatumea" or u .household Hnyriinou, fm uica 01 wiw maaes u.nnioveiy to their eye. ,ft, f , "Fanciful stories have been woven to aceoun For the iayentioa of tbe art, knd the hooo-f baa been claimed by both' Venice and Flanders. Tet it did .wot aAM, spring into being 4a . full perfection, but . waa ratber an evolution and cam b nesTcee. v 'ta puntp agUato (cut point) we rat perceive g groping in. iu airec Uohrbj with the piercings of white embroider wf baTe a lighter eBect fa drawn- work rniinto th-ntoi an. other atep w'aa gained, and Ja retic- aiated grounds ur bet work we bave a decided advance. UDon thii set tb, pattern waa ' darned in. and in France it was called lads, tbe near eat word we have td lace. ? After these efforts Came a totat emahdrm- lm trbai all foundntiona, aaid the panto tn aria waa aa awured fact. , ; Aw with' tbe beedla point), tbe pattero being traced upon parch Went .' ot ' paper,'' and the outlines marked by thread caught now an then to tbe ftanet- to keen it (a wlaee Upon law avoiding the alight bu- prt-rrWcrttre was '' built, ' and tbe Bfetllod u artfll tbe'aame. ' Booa aft rward'tfte Mbbfnr oame la as fkctor.'and tb beedld aad the bob. bin retoata to Hhia day the only Ibeaaa'empioi-etr td proUvnre band haathi tara. Md thai all of it resolves' Itsetr ' Into tea tWo generic kinds tanat, wbtea ia tnade by the needlis said ptlljW, by the bobbtaa, or there asay be) i eoupuMte article, made by totfe."- :-; - .'V' aW Tt-e Ate Itthet gMatt.. The totpartaae of wtde Mtre for vt aiclre Is aot aiKackntly reallced. i They )sar Bxpebstrt stcae rbattB from being , worn into ruts, cut tp and ruined by traffic, aad they fanprovo dirt roads by Weatibg then down to a smooth Bur face, ErptHmehtt tboW thht h loaded wairohWith two Inch tire will soon forat bad and area rata la a dirt ' road, while the same load oa a wagon with fear nr btrb tHw will roll h Pom MiltarfaCC' Tho bower required to haul the. Joed ia IbeJattcr case is r iTircc by one balf . ... TetlF. aait'Bheaat had IfcaNaa. The mbshMhcbbf bM smarting dttdt(!waiscaUlnstaiitlBjUyed by armlymg Cbamberlara'l Bye and SkteUMt-aeat atatf vtrry bad ease hava been perrakbnU aured by it. Ji It equally effldrntfor itching piles aad a favorite remedy for Bore BlppV-e, ctvped bands. fchrrblarHa, frost bttes aadi-aatmaiatwe aye i ia eta e bna Jnst what kWa needs Whstt la b eandMoa.' Crontci blobtl arinv aad anmfage.i iThey saw Obt toed bol nadicioa aad the beat id-tsM ta pot a aarae ia prime eondjiioa, , Pnca K eente per package. ' ' , ''Tot silo f it.W. "xM&i k Ca i TIie jjrtSoflfce at Spring f tilt, near Scotland Seek: wiis nbfed f 110 in money and staaipa Friday night The drain was taken frnn the buildup at. rcarried tn the raiload tank Dear by sad riled. ' !iai AJIle HtihearSorfiMk,' Vd friii frhrhtfoily burned on 'the 'face and neck. Psin was' Irwtaiittjr re Dered by IWKt't "Wftrh Hatrl KaKe,' whk-h" healed the 'Injury without bartttg a soar. " It U the tWuone pile remedy, fiimmotis the nruggi-t. - ;" ' " M'ilmin-ftt-n Miweertg f : The buckets tbnmgtrnttt the sectkat afSrimd W ilmhtgton bsae barn busy ptoatwaV at in a ben ku, and we learn the acreage will be snore than dimUe that Tf laid year. -? sa a i - - - . U bra you are ta aeea at rnm . btr-aM t-n- TMgMh.rasrB.-'whcie: yotr wm Wifl an -.rrm(-ftt of find Wurk first rlaaa v . r - . , """J" .V""" J"nng; ,01 taa puoie WBniy,clal -Tear: 1 !nJV No reason for. herTOjstarious di8apearances known. ' V Mrt. Iftf Wa'rrlstut ! Pa! says, My child is"- worth millions to gae; yet I would bare Joet berby croup bod : I not inverted ikenty fire cents in a bottle of One , Minute lllltfK ,PftrA I' . Tf 'm.BAi M,1.kB colds and all throat and lung trou-ble.-' Himmona. tbeTtrnoviaL." 1 , .-. i i -aatni i ii?t-w..ja.' Tlie tobacco., fixtures and stock of riparger Bros. ; wb,o- failed , .fit ft$t Arry a few week ago; was' sold last week for 117,000. It is fiot thought that the court wtll. ,crmlrh1 theahki r:;.:'a-f Relief InTlx Hoars.' '"-a rsietrvaeiaf KMnea aad aiadaa ' dissasss ralleved la sla boan by hr -giw Chwu Soota anaatdaw Kmsav' Ccaa" This aaw lentaey lea sveet aararaa aa of Its xoeedinr prwatneai la, relieving at tbe bladder, kKiaarl. baoa aaa Je.'jr mllevas ntsntioa of water an pale, ia Bear ing ttahnest (rataematatr. ' If ra aaat aalek mief arm ear. tbta Is year wan flyj i Bote eg T.A.AlbrlaW,niflrt,OmlaiB..C. . . :- ;' .'.V.1 tie. " ; '' ' 'i Willie ftolnnta ww'drotrned nehH Ed en ton list' week. ..r,itm j t os. 7?S i if. "'"iV--. e-ja"' r I .i it 'iMa-,U'rS'v'-? jat-'-Hrrrw if "... I tJ5 UT 1 1 We feel our kbpr and special attention to the said of erery '$ I wr been Intufn. . y ' ' "" $ , ui. wj ouii' tvui ypur irnoe, ana we rt-crgi,iae me incv mat v jlM faA'nif'ottr interest, 'and We wlO always put forth oar best efortg to ploasd roil trith 'Accommodations and p rsaltafy youith Thanking all those wha hare sold; wlrh u in the past and g :hopingthey willcontinue'tb'faVir us with -their patronage, K art4jrep5!ciifdlly Mklng any farmer who haver ret sold with .na.'jriye'Us s i trtal, we iwiain, TeryVtwpe-Hfuliy : ' If W.-f. ; 0REEN8DORO, N, C. i ; 1st &Um ioiidtiyt Jnd " TUesMlttyThursjdny and Oatardaj- - gfcjj-g-tfc aBBaBBat aaft "aaa : Pop.:BiIn'Pi?2OD, ....-,-.v. v. .. .. -"TT" . , . Continue to , sell your . tobacco at, the Banner Wanhousc; GREENSBORO, N. C.. liovr i this lot the bunncr ? , instead, of douMinjj Uat season, as we predicted tbat-we ' would do, wt,: up to Kovembcr I5re'-;"w f " r . ' ' I, . as we did in thf? alltae' last year," and duciaverage for October jnst passed Weti a Hf lie more than J 8 SO"1 dn , CTcrvtbina- oficred. Our custoniet arevrtlubartb.be ' 1 Bannerisarettpuse drummers arid we re glad to be While tbe prkres arc not fancy.- stilt; rood brifkt wrapMnf are sttme at frorrj $25 to Come on and bring; your, newborn to tbe Daattarr Warebmtsc, we all appreciate your selling with as and will pull bard for you. ' ; Your friends, ' ': : - :. : r: ; ; Smith; Blsciburii &XS6. Girensboro, N. ot. 16, J897. i,, 7 i'imimi" ' ' aaBaaaaaaaaaaar-4a rtoulhnrn ami ' U'eatem men know a good things whew thej see i thejTsl.air 7.Boatebea, sweeny, ring horn, strains, arwains, bruise, satblle and harness galb knl ailments of horses, ihey use- RiceVl (rooxe I reaao Iiiujaentrit ia fooT tut man aa. beaut. jkM and gma antcrd lry all diuggistg and frrtaraJ stores.. , - . ' Prilrbard arxl Iianwy have w doraed Lybrsok ,-lwr poalmaaier at Winston, fgynahy f.s) psarmaster at r'aJeni and MeBmrrr f r faatmaster at fhelby,and they will be kppnint- Pmrt-eritv ixwnr auickest to lhe nan wliie liver is n gomi condi tWin. DeWht's UttJe Earit'RUera i IV tattwMa bttle bills Aa wrtstfpa- on, uliouancas ind si-atiAi and all sLmtacli and li v-1 trouNirv iin-iinjii- t!i- l'r.gM. Kin' f 1 br ?!i " ti vY- fir r - 4 rtM )tt'- b- 1- aHgrBBBs) uBaeaaa ra. Il a jffsr-.li''.ir:'vV'ii''. nr. ajBea-CB. f l enelV ,fctruiltj, 111(1" .ray s week Perrv Bmftli killed A lei- ader Bbrwart with an : axe. lloth oibred, The trouble was about a woman. ..... ,-f , V One Minute Couch 'Curs' cures e?.3iVfcMj.' "That what jou want! ; i i 1 i-, i 1 1 i, ... j iLi f M''r ''"--., " ' The big bog season is on:' The 8a)isliury 8tm learns that Mr. Moses Measinset, of Rewan, killed one a rfwi;.days isgovthat weighed. 633 Wilt Y'il'l - . - ' ' ' f ednmd&y'atkd ATriday-. i - it .- . , able to said tbcansaemokmr. saaaozAi a ojjanj S40 vtr bjitadret! ftaieaaytofatcnaeulciajiiljuat as taay to get rid of it if yeu e-auuesira to Ore One Minute t ougb (lira. It tureg eougha, colds, bmnchkai, PMumoaia and all throat and lung tnmhJoC If ia jileasure to take, afe 6 u and sure tt cure. rJiru luons lbs Dragskt.' ; .-. j t a --H- J. - -i - ' .- ' - ' .. In Anson county -a ak-gro inauit was left sieeputg in tbe cradle in front of the fire. . A anal of fire non ped into tbe cotdla. set the ehikf's ckKbing oaum anai arnad it a jeeveA ly that jA died in a lew koura. :;Mrfc MlXFida'aluaVUris 1IL, tuffered fax eight yera from dra pepeU aa4 , curve I riit at n sud tnJ!y cured by mi'z .Viti s UtUe tny -Kiat-rx. . the htthr MiU her all atotnach and Tver trou'rfej. b'l-Min'Vfc l'.u IVv -;-r . t - 7 . ' it i 4 f . r