c, - 1 1' i r y j ,1. All Use i i'..o I' 'jjiftnlier the . 'y C vt r. i..H , 1 Ii -r Ji year. I " - - ! !. a. AdJrc T ' ' ' ' ' ' CM. LOTTE, N.C 77 If 3 jr-e r. --t the News and ' 0 a e k v e h is. I - b ?cri! e for it at once ana 11 v a fcet,-j uu aunasi of the times Fall Associated Prfssdi1? 'itch es. All t' z news forei.. do mestic, cr.i ?nal, state aod local all t' e tir.:e. , ' .Daily News an 1 Ob?rver "$7 per year, SS.GOfor C r: s. Y.Vc'Jy North Crrc'iniaa ,l rcr ":.-r,E0c(3r Or-. - Nnv;sfi crrnsvnsrrn.co., nAu'-,r, N.C. . ' " . i - '1 v-1 An:: you UP TO DATH y i i .: t s. J 1 1 t i i ! : i t if I a, if t. r ' -1 to 1.....1 ICO i:i r d of' c t i" c II- . i f I i .al '. ; 3 - t i . ..t . j r -i t'..r-n U- evryj-.r t ;h Ltil ttlali.I ! 1 1 "t n t . triner, Lut cut v. ? . 1 : 1 i i j y experience that w.e ' i t c... Tt thing! which tbe i rf r - I road have to d i. .e who live ia the ' -. ,1 t) j - vo to the firmfrs tbat t i. . t i i g xxl r U ia the conn t y U r" .1 ad a pern '. al one. Tbe X.ntic-r Las paid the tax of . tad roe ' end has nTred from it fur so long that he fiat! H diiBctut to I t!...t be U to receive aid front people whom he ha formerly believed bed rery litUe real interest la t' ta." ' la MkHdl Tbe Missouri pood road convention t it eion la EL Looiji adcpud reeo lalums asking that the CO counties ia t' t n'.'t eotboriAwl to lvy a tax of 03 c i:te 1st cunty purpc i be '.(-i to r t H le cme-t'.-ird t road ii' ve r ' i. r" ""' M' p .Tunfir t-j ul a i c if 1. . tj s c .te- .,i:tf ' f r r 1 t ; 4 . t a i .' ' J f r i . . i i it it j I. ' y t I., . i i ! ' t . X i J ! 1 . -i . . a ' I , ! i V t I 'it i r. I i v .... j ma, s t. r BKin .dlivn t! 11 o: y cf t i ( ii i cr5 alioiu ci to "11 ! t. '.1 i-aJ ftfe cot ouly rub lio m-. nro, but tho owiuiBof tiicra bm t .:s v . t tax dixlyt'rs -'f the at.it, railioad curporatioti not excepted. The f;rui( r io many parte. It the county cannot P' t iuto the city wlUioot being oompt-li.J to pay a toll or ele drive a lou;;. .distance cmt fcf their wy. The fsrmor'a "wife caanot (pt ih' - with 'maU In ' ft of e j niida of tu itbont j,,,. , , . 6.;.:ost aa much ahe rtocive fornha he hae td eell. " . Good ItoU Bracflta. " " ill claa f.tl the b'nefita. which re mntoal t tww.a rural and urban re.i.U-ut. The laviug ia time and moo tj to the farmer ia not rarpaased by tbe improvemfut bo aecoree in social and f Jucatioual advaatagea, doe to uniform ly eocy weane of iateroommnnlbatioa fcr hiiDM-lf and family with neighbors, school and cbnrch. The mercbaoU in towns aud cSIta w ich are good road cent'Ts f t increaacd trade, and the peo l',3 iiavs n w aTPtio- ir recreaUoa ojni t tL .0, " . . - . Bos4 Wia. ' " Iltad a.i-tii can te profitably kf-pt op tl ror; h tbe winter. Tbe TaJne of f J r-y '. to f-e rural d.ftrii-U can t'fil.'i'- Mo a i .'aDt:'?V, f: -! r ' , i r j and free I . I k .t i i . '.e wa::s. r .- ' f ' 1 le "( r'd 1 a 1 ' .t ; f ,n c'rt ,-e : - r i t- r . i '. r "f . t t 1 -H a . - 1 1 ,. ' a, u . . U l i isli.it ivo, tr. i . ,r-e r ? i- Jt Y , . Jt ! a v ' f ' 1 t ) t ' 'I ( ; I , . I .f - i i t' o 1 . i ; I y t . 1( r:, li. r t'lail Jji. '..,. 1 t' e yit-M is aiUJtoltjf y .-:ul t ) t'.e I'vllz. Itbassaperiur u.'.A t. q!it.'.,'..va, Amcrteaa M ottos. IYi uifily the ruglUhuian'a crltlcigm en Ami rlcau mnttoa was that it wasn't i t to cut; Ittaxtcd too atrouglycf wooL I'l-rba; i this criticism was merited, for the American shepherd bad been breed tag for wool -1 not for mntton. But with the depression in wool en- i m change, and those breeder! !to vere not frightened out of tL- um en tirely paid metro attentiou to ptuttoa Irett . i that av great improviiimt in this dutx.tion baa been manifest. It ia to be hoped that tbe improved ontlook for wool will not cause the neglect of the notion "ferieda, for tbrre will al be a Rood hoi detnaad for good mntton, while there is Jikely at almost any time to be a period of deprearrion in tbe weel market Ikx t give cp the mntton cheep is advice given by Koral New Yorker. ' BXtJIJog Pr Early. tj."" . ' . After severe cold weather begiaa,' thocgb tbt appetite of fattenfr-r bogs improves, t' y need so moch of tbe car bon in tbir food to f urnikh h -t that ft wocb swailer part cf it can go to make fat.. There if very rarely any froIt in keeping fat tuning bogs after tbe first of the new year. During tbe holidays there is 'a glut of freh meats ia maiket, so that irk does vot sell aflwf ll as it d.s e .-r earli'-r or later. L at. iris of;, ttl -eia tprinf before pork ns: ' rm rr.n. it auvaDce over what it vtas e Ti Wance tbe fisrmTC:. J gft S4 t ij: . x fci rtk ia t..e Urrt 1 U , i ? it c-i t - 1. t, ' : i.. ; j t i i j . 7ABM alCHUOACD. ! in large white letter on black back ground at the ton, and With its lower part painted with black paint and liquid slating fur oting crayons in advertising what yon want to bny, procure, or dis pose of. The accompanyiog sample sign board illustrate tbe idea better than column of verbal description." .... - 4 . u stew atad , ' V ; ; Poor bay is greatly in evidence with comparative scarcity of choice to fan- 7- :". - ' ' v i It i belUved that good sound seed po ts toe will be high priced by tbe time the planting season arrive. In northern Arizona tbe wild horse have become a noisanc to stockmen. They not 'only eat tbe food that should go to the cattle, but also chase tbe cat tle off tbe range. . Professor Bang at Denmark Is aaid to, bsve separated tbe germ' that cause certain forms cf abortion in cattle. The Varaden company, which Is ex ploiting corn pith in a large way, to be seed ia industrial capacity, is reported to be erecting a number of new facto ries in tbe wet and southwest. The winter wheat situation ia report ed a being more bopefaL Tbe old way cf cnttteg ioe with crowetit uw U res re, tut msiier slow, and mule hard work of it. Tbe ice plow is r i-i f- tif rsl f-iTor. U U t :i t! at t' 1 beet sugar boom ' t ' ; rn I'M" ' " ":t' eiecial- ; . v. - i ; - V it. C !.io, t ! if - S- 1 t i i 9 J1- ' 0 C i i ! ' 'v '. fi.r U : ! i. I 1 ) k l ' I . i i k . i it . ' ti r I . uij' . . ' I ', i iivtt li t in t.'O fcu .ill d.;M to close over t!.-: t i, v ' davs. - ' . The Samatra. One rarely kj Ibo I- li.'-l V Pumstra, even at a poultry 1 1 w know no tunre U autifnl fuw 1 nor one bettor suit. J to adorn t'.e f-pnl of the country gotitlomau tl.ua tue lus trous Samntra. But beauty is not all that these fowl are good for. They are most excellent layers and the best of mother If allowed their .liberty. An old Sumatra will take ber brood into tbe field, where her chicks win be as hardy a any breed and (rrowjlkj aail upon tbe- insecft and trader lea ts of grass. 8a ia i " jly and will cot break ber egRS. i outry Monthly. ' j ttrf VUkm PoltrT. : Dry picked poultry sella better if the picking is properly done, but it is more difficult to do well and take more tima To dry pick properly the work should be begun immediately after tbe bird is killed and while tbe blood i still flow ing, as after the body get cold it is al most impossible to avoid tearing the skin. In packing the bead may be placed under the wing, but the body and legs should be straightened oot. Packages holding from 100 to 100 pounds aull most readily. The bird should be packed tightly to avoid any slipping in the package., : lapnwan 7 Bateattoa. . To increase the egg prod oclrg car' ty of a flock require selection. " mistake made i not la the . . f tbe bens, bot of the mala, as 1 4 t... sir of all tbe cbick t-t.!,. ' T- a from tbe bert layer ol'j t ' : - 1 for batchicij, and tbe r ' i I - batcbt-d from an erg la! , ? I t ben ia the fltnk, m? c tr--i fowl and avoV 1 - ryw-i: ' , a i-mi:'. ' i ' I . in.-r, ,. ia fcci.r'vin. ,rifsi! 'i - i VXXtLU1 n ; 1 t . ceutis pt-r . For pale l v Zl..i!r EtL.McCVH: in the neh:alr 1 Ulll,a Davi ! n ihrou?;h tl ' l,..n , tlirtchnra of 1 '-J s was go tmd'jr tuiv. Hon was nec - iry. When n nei s relieve j-n-i y'i yui kc.-l a Ciootwj ( ' all pain ' l'- r COUgl coia.t as tUI - I ' a'-i' .illil e-OTHTTil wb'jojung ougn. ' Waller V " -. Jim C-r. . I. ' - y s . -v a , I. v m I - ' Iwn r.. 1