Tite Alamance Gleaner judicious alv.. AND "Keeping Everlawtingfy at it 1 Bncces8." JOS y,Jbt Oldest Newspaper in (be County. A' Established IntfSTfJ. ! $1.00 per YeMIi Advance. v Large. atid increasing circula- tion in Alamance i and adjoining counties a point for advertisers. TIT? EEXNERr - v VOL. XXIV. GRAHAM, N. C.7 THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 17, 1898. NO. 2. Job Printing:. ; All kinds Commercial Print ing, Pamphlets, Posters, &e., neatly and promptly executed at lowest prices. ,i ,; Do people buy Hood's San apar ilia in preference to any other, in tact almost to thejeaplusion of all others? t- They know from actual nae that Hood'i Is the best, i. e., it oarea when others fall. Hood'f Sarsaparilla is still made nnder the personal supervision of the educated . pharmacists who originated it. The qnestion of best Is just as positively decided In favor of Hood's as the qnestion of comparative sales. ' . Another thing: Every advertisement of Hood's Sarsaparilla is trne, is honest. C-Jood s Sarsaparilla Is the One True Wood PunAer. All (linguists, ft TreiKired only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. "ouprl bTUFF AS DREAMS ARE MADE 7 Or." Now all Ifce cloody shapes Ibat Kent and lie Wlthit this magie glebe wo call (lie brain Fold quite away, condense, withdraw, refrain And shut? It touitutloKgau empty sky. Return, O parting visions, pass not by Nor leave tue vacant still, with strivings vnln. Longing to grasp at your dim gmrtccm'i train - - And be drawn on to sleep's Immunity. 1 lie and pray for fancies hovering near. Oblivion's kindly troop, illusions blest, Dim, trailing phantoms in a world too clear, oft, downy, shadowy forme, my aptoif g nest. The warp and woof of slcepi tllli freed from fear, ... I drift in sweot enchantment buck to rest. -Thomas Wentworth Eiggluson in Century. CAUL BLUVEN. , r , r-,,,, ore th only pills to take II )0U S I'lIIS witji Hood's Sarsaparilla. I'RQFESSIOXAL CARDS. - JACOB A. LONG, 4- Attorney-at-JLavv, OR A HAM. N. C u..n.t,a. in tl,a aentn and Federal courts. Orilcn over White, Moore & Co.'a store. Main Street. 'Phone No. H. J. D. KERNODLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW ORAHAMp - - - - N- C 'UN QUAY BVNUM. W. P. BYKUM, Jll. BNUSI & BYNUM, Attornr-ys and Counselors nt Law GttEENrtBOUO, N. O. Practice regularly rmnce county. in the courts of Al;i Au. a, 4 iv. dr. j. rj. srocKArD, Dentist, GRAHAM, N. C. Olllee at residence, opposite mi'tisr t;nuren. Io nfflcc Mondays and aa.vs. IS Livery, Sale 2! Feed STABLES. W. C. Moore, PropX Gil All AM, N; Or - 1 , Team meet nil trains. Good single or dou ble teams, chances moderate. 2-28-Oin TUB CHAKI.pT IE 0 BSE RV ERI North Caboljna'b ' r-OUEMOSf NEW8PAPER. DAILY and Weekly. e- ' " . -" Independent and fearless; bigger and more attractive than ever, it will be an invaluable vmtor to the home, the office, the club or work room. Tlio Daily Observer. All the ncwITof the world. Com - plete daily reports from the State ' and National Capitol. year Tlie Weekly Observer. A perfect family journals A II the news of the wetk. Itemember the Weekly Observer. Only Ono nollar a Yea:. Address Scad for sample copies rilBOBSEItVER . CIIA RLOTTE, N. C ARE YOJJ. UP ' TO DATE If yon are not the News' and Obf.kyek i. bubscrioe lont at once and it will keep you abreast of the tunes. Full Associated Pre dispatch s.. AIT the-news foreignrdo' imestic; national, state and local all the time. Dalr News and Observer $7 per year, $3.50 for 6 trios. Weekly North Carolinian per rear, 50c for 6 tnos. NEWS & OBSERVER FUH.CO., , On that wild part of the coast of Nor way that stretches between Bergen and Stravanger there ouce lived a fiBlierntan called Carl Blnven. Carl was one of the poorest of all the fishermen that dwelt on that shore. Notwithstanding his poverty Carl was on the eve of marriage. His brido was the daughter of a woodcutter iu the neighboring forest, so that the match was pretty equal on both sides. He dared not lanncb his leaky boat in such a sea, and yet, if be caught no fish, there would be nothing for snpper when he should bring bis wife homo. Carl walked ont npon the shore and wander ed along, uncertain what to do. He at length sat down upon a sbelv liug rock and looked ont upon the cea toward tue great whirlpool called the maelstrom, of which so many fearful things were recorded. "What riohes are bnried there," said Carl to himself bnlf aloud. "What casks of hotter and bams to cay uolh ing of gold and silver and here am I, Carl Bluven, to te married tomorrow. and not a keg for the minister. If I had bnt one cask from the bottom of tl:e maelstrom, I would" Bnt Carl did not fl nish the sentence. Like, all the fifhermcn of that coufet, Carl had bis superstitious and his be liefs, and he looked round him rather uneasily, for ho well knew that all in the maelstrom belonged to Kahlbran nur, the tall old mariner of the whirl pool. He was just ubout to rctnrn to his solitary bnt, when a high crested wave, rnshing through tho channel beside him, bore a cask along with it and threw it among the great stones that lay between the rocks. It proved to bo tho very thing ho wanted a cask of as fluo butter as ever came ont of Bergen and as fresh as if it had been churned a month ago. Next morning betimes Carl Bluven was on his way to his wedding, rolling the cask before hiin, with the laigir half of the butter iu it for his inarriugo fee. For some little time all went well with Carl. What with tho provisions he bad brought borne, and tho remains of bis butter, the1 new married couple did not faro amiss, even although the fisherman rarely drew a net. At length, however, the sausage pots stood empty, and even the Uammel Orsk cheese was reduced to a c-hcll. As for the bntter, Carl cud his wife bud foond it so good that tho cask bud keen empty long since. Carl left his bnt, taking bis net and his oars over his choulders, leaving Ulricwalln picking cloud turics, and unmooring bis toat paddled out of the creek and began throwing his nets. But not a fish could be tuke. Tho snn set, and dusk begun to cietp over the chore. The tide bad retired, so that Carl's beat was left dry a long way within water mark, and he bad to walk a drcury mile or more among the black, dripping rocks that lay between him and his own dwelling. As Carl turned away be noticed at a little distance closo to the water o small beat that well ho knew belonged to no fisherman of tbut coast, It was the very least boat be had ever teen, such as no seaman of Bergenbuns cculd keep afloat on such a sea, and the build of it, toot was the queerest ho bad ever Ltl.ild. Raising his eyes from the pools of water, iu which bo hoped to find some floundering fish, be observed a full fig ure advancing frcin tbe (bore iu the di rection cf the little bout ho bud cecu aud nearly in tho same line which be was pursuing. "A dreary night this, Carl Blnven. said tbe ttrango mariner, "and likely for a storm. " t - "I bono not," said Carl, Dot a little surprised that be should bo addressed by bis name. "Yon hope nut," said tbe other, with an ugly sneer. "And who, I wonder, likes better than Carl Bluven to toll castaway tctk to bis caLiu doorr" " Why, " returned Cat! apologetically, 'what Prcvkiicco kindly studs 'tis not for a peer Gthermiu to refute. You liked tbe butter I tent yon, then?" (aid tbe slratge marintr. "Yoo sent we?" said Carl. But Carl's rejoinder remained with out further explanation. i "Aha!" said the tall marintr, point ing out to sea in the direction of tbe maelstrom. "be bears rigbt npon it the Fronrf Dronlheim, deeply laden I We'll meet again, Carl Bluven." And without further parley tha tall, strange mariner brushed part Carl and strode Uiastily toward tho sea. 9 AsC XI -UkVtixcn, N. C. The North Carolinian and The AliAMAXCfC (iLEASKI will be sent fur one year Two Dollar, Ch in advance. Apply at The Glsakeb office. Graham. X. C Carl walked toward bis own boots b felt Lext thing to sure that lbs tall mariner be bad encountered was no other thon Kablbraunar. He reached the vateiumrk opposite to bis own house, and at tbe same tin e bis foot struck spainst a cask lying bigb sad dry on tho very (put where the otbr kad drifted. Carl guessed where It came from, and. lolling tbcovk to bis own door, bo was soon busy staving it aud drawing out, cave after another, some of tbe choicest white puddings and dried bams thai twer left the barbae of Bergen. , Curl Bluven bad sfngolar dream that sight. He tbougbt that ha saw the tittle boat be bad noticed that evesinf lying bryoad tbe rocks at low tide, and that be walked ont to examlM It, and, brtng carious to know whether be could steer so very small a boat, be stepped Into ft, and, leaning forward, hoisted lbs little sail at lbs bow, tbe only one It bad, and wbea be tamed round to tabs the tela be saw Ike tail marines sittiaa as stwiiaan Hot a word was spoken tW after little wbils tbe stsjersmsn. pointing for ward, said: -There abs is, as I told row, tbe frou of Drootbeim, bearing rigbt upon tbs my news is Kahl bran- Car! now looked ont abend aud n fearful- sight; tho sea, a league acroM, was like a boiling caldron, whirling round aud round, and gradually,' as it were, shelving down to the center, where there appeared a huge hole, round which the water wheeled with an awful swirl. A gallant tbrce masted sbip was with' iu the whirlpool; she no longer answer ed the helm, but flew round and round the raldrcu, gradually uearing tbe cen ter, which she soon reached, and, stern foremost, rushed dowu the gulf that swallowed her nn. The little boat, piloted by tbe tall mariner, new directly across tbe whirl pool to its center, and tho next moment Carl found himself walking with bis companion ou the ribbed sea sand at the bottom of the males trom. What a sight met the eyes of Car I Mountains of wealth, wrecks of a thou sand vessels,, aud the white bones of mariners, thicker strewn than grave stones in a churchyard. But what main ly attracted tho eyes of Carl were tbe gold and silver that lay about, as plen tiful as pebble stones. "Now," said Eahlbrannar, after Carl had feasted bis eyes awhile upon all be saw, "what would you give, Carl Bin veu, to be master of all this?" "Faith," said Cars) "I am bnt a poor fltheru.uni ycu ask me what I would give for all I see here, and you know I have nothing to give." "There you're wrong again," said Rahlbruumir. "Sit down upcu that chest of gold, friend, and listen. Ycu shall be the richest butter merchant and ham merchant aud spirit merchant in all Bergeubnus and have more gold aud silver in your coffers than King Chris tian has in his treasure, and in return you shall marry your daughter to my sou." Carl, having no daughter and not knowing whether he might ever have one and half thinking the offer a jest, said, "A bargain be it then." It was the nicrniug after this that Carl, awakening just at daybreak, sprang out of bed, and, telling Dldewal la that ho was going to draw a net that morning, left his hnt and walked to wnrd the rocks. v- Uldewalla, feeling uueasy in ber mind, rose and looked through tbo small window and saw ber bust and iu tbe gray of tho morning walk ont among the black rocks (for the tide was back), and she could see him standing close to the low water line, and another of tall er stature stuudiug by him. Carl, however, -was not long absent. A terriflo storm soon after aroee, and in the midst of it he arrived, rolling a huge cask up to tbe door. Next day Carl told her be was dis contented with his manner of living that he was resolved to bo a rich man. and that the very next morning they should depart for Eergcn. . Next morning saw Carl and Ulde walla on their way to Bergen. Ulde walla proposed that they sboold tuko their provisions with them aud such lit- tllrarticlc as they possessed, lut Carl said there was no occasion for aucb strict economy, as he bad a well stored warehouse and everything comfortable at Bergen. Carl led Uldewalla to a good bouse, facing tbe harbor, where, as be bud said, everything was prepared for their reception. A neighbor who bad lived hard by brought tbe key, telling them that a good fire was lighted, for a tall gentleman, who engaged the bouse, bod ordered everything to te got ready that evening, and adding: "Tbe quantity of the good brought into tba warehouse this day is tbe won der of all Bergen. They've been carried iu as fast as boats could land them, and the boatmen, they say, were all as like to each other as one cask they carried was to another. ' Never indeed was warehouse better stored than Carl Bluven's. Ho was soon looked upon as the most considerable merchant and the most moneyed man In Bergenhnns. It is tree indeed that Carl bad de tractors. Some wondered where be came from and others where be bad got bis money. All bis payments were made in old coin or strange coin, aud not in tbe current Bibfief of Ibe coontry. L'oi prosperity always raises up enemies. and Carl's gold was good gold and none tbe worse for its age. To Uldewalla all this was a mighty agreeable cl cuge, aud iu gcod time Uldewalla Leccine tbe mother of a girl so beautiful that the was the admira tion of ber parents and the wonder of all Bergen. For tho first IS years of ter Carin tba was born Curl was uot only a thriving, but a rigbt intny merchant. His deal ings grew more and more extensive, and iu respect of wealth bo distanced all competition. But as Curiulha grew up Carl grew lcrs mmj, sud when tbe bsd passed ber sixteenth summer and when Ulde walla spoko to brr husband about set tling Cariutfaa in tbe world any one, to bare looked in Carl's face at Ibat lime. would have seen tbst somttbiog ex traordinary was passing wllbiu. IE was about year after Ibis that tba son of the governor of Bergenbaua, Hamel von Storgelven, cast bis eyes upon Carfnlha and berame enamored of ber. bbe on ber part did not rebuke bis advances,- except with that maidenly timidity that is becoming, and all Ber- sen said there would be n wedding. - Carl began to treat all that bad ones tamed as an old story, and, seeing bis nkiueyLag a boat bin and bis wa bouses full of goods, there was nothing to remind him of bis hnt on the sea- coast and what bad happened there, sad nothing bnt what might well breed e in bis face walked directly up to Curl : Blnven, wbo had uot falleu back liko tbe rest, but manfully stood bis ground. and was, therefore, a little apart from bis ocViauious. No t could distluotly bear what passed bV'Veen tbe tall.old, strange mar iner aud the chief magistrate. It wa evident, ' however, that angry word passed between the two. The mariner, darting a menacing scowl t his com panion, turned away and descended into 1 bis boat, which be paddlewbut of tbu harbor, while every one looked after it and asked of bis neighbor the same qnes tion as before, "Where does it como fromJ'- "I served bim right," said tbecblef magistrate as lie walked homeward. "Fulfill my bargain iudeedt No.no! If he waa such a simpleton as to fill my warehouse with goods and my coffers with cash upon a mere promise, I'm uot such a fool as to keep it. Let me' but keep ou dry laud and I may suap my fingers at bim, and by tho . ghost of King Kyree if I catch bim aguiu cu tho quay of Bergen I'll clap bim in the city jail." He now knew tbe worst Hi prouilEi could not bind Carin tha iu any way. who would be seenre eveu against treachery so soon as tbe wedding ring was placed upon ber finger. For- more than 90 years after tbo marriage, of Carintha Carl Bluven ecu tinned to enjoy hi prosperity aud to exercise at due intervals tbe office of chief magistrate, and be saw bis grand children grow about bim, and at length bnried bis wife Uldewalla. Bnt tbe penalty of the rash promise bad yet to be paid. It chanced that Carl Bluven wbo, by the bye, was now Carl von Bluven, hav ing long ago received that dignity was bidden to a feast at the honse of a rich citizen who lived just on tbe opposite side of the harbor. Although it was nearly half a league round the bead of tbe harbor and across tbe drawbridge Carl walked ronnd rath er than trust himself across in a boat, a conveyance which, ever siuco his inter view on tbo quay, be had stadionsly avoided. In the midst of their conviviality, aud when it uearly approached midnight, tbe merriment was suddenly interrupted by the bollow beat of the alarm dram, and all hastily arising, and running to the window, wblcb looked out npon the harbor, Carl saw that his own ware- bouse was in flames. It was, as has been said, half a league round by lbs drawbridge ; tbe merchant saw his well stored warehouse within a stone's throw of him, burning away- tbe fumes of wine were in bis bead and witbont further thought be leaped into a boat that lay just below and pushed across. ' Scarcely bad Carl Bluven done tbii when be recollected bis danger. Paddle as bo would, tbe boat made no way, Some seameu awoke at the loud cries for help, aud some, wbo jumped bnt of their hammocks, told bow they saw a boat drifting ont of tbe harbor, t Two or three days after this1 event tbe Tellemarke, free trader, arrived in Bergen from Iceland aud reported "that bnt for a strong northerly breeze she wonld have been sucked into tbe maelstrom; that a little before sunset, wben within two leagues of tbe whirl pool, a small boat was seen drifting empty, and tbat soon after another, tbe smallest and strangest built boat tbat ever was seen, passed close under their bows, to windward, paddling in tbe di notion of the maelstrom;, that two mariners were in it, be at the beiui of an exceeding tall stature and singular countenance; tbat the other cried ont for help, upon which the shin lay to and manned a boat with four rowers, but that with all tbeir exertions they were unable to gain upon tbe little boat, wblcb waa worked by a single paddle, aud tbat tbe boatmen, fearing they might be drawn into the whirlpool, re turned to tbe ship, and that, just at sunset, tbey could descry tbe smull boat. by the help of the ir glasses, steering rigbt across tbe maelstrom ss if it bad been a small pond. "Friendship's Offering. PENNSYLVANIA ROADS. lHCBLAeKRIN7CE'.3'ARMY. th Lat Ksllsa rM Evr Aass kiwi Teak Um Bolsters to STaan, Mr. W. O. Stoddard's serial,'"Witb tbe Black Prince," gives in St Nicho las an account of tbe splendid army tbat accompanied tbe prince to tba bat tle of Creoy. Mr. Btoddard says: A Plan For Thatr Imororomomt Vaster Kxtetlne Laws SaesjasssSi Professor John Hamilton, deputy sec retary of agriculture of Pennsylvania, has suggested a plan for tbe improve ment of country roads under existing law in tbe state which be believes will accomplish tbe desired result. His plan for the improvement of tbe roads is tbst in tbeir report tbe board of viewers should first of all state their conviction as to whether pnblio necessi ty demands snob a road; that tbey pre sent as part of tbeir report a map show ing tbe courses and distances and also profile msp showing tbe contour of tbe ground with tbe cuts and fills marked and also the degrees of elevation; tbat no road, except in extreme cases, shall bave over five degrees grade, and, possible, not over tbrce; that tbe right of way shall be at least 88 feet wide that all streams and ravines requiring bridges shall be properly marked upon' the map, together with the location, of crossroads, nearby bouses and property lines, through which tbe proposed road Is to run, and tbat there sball also be marked on tbe draft tbe character of the .soil over which tbe road is to be built; tbat all drawings shall be to scale, and tbat there shall accompany tbe report the engineer's estimate of the probable cost of construction. Mr. Hamilton also suggests tbat none but liberal minded, intelligent, public spirited citizens be placed upon these boards of viewers and that tbe engineer be thoroughly competent not only to run lines upon tbe ground, but also to take levels and give estimates of eruts aud fills, with tbe probable cost of con struotion. Mr. Hamilton believes if bis suggestions are carried into effect by tbe courts it will be but a question of a few years before a marked improvement shown in tbe condition of tbe public highways. COST OF MACADAM ROADS RED CLOVER. Cxemvatlov, Colverfa, Wmmnm mm awsrlasr Inelaood. In response to inquiries as to tbe coat of macadam roads we give tbe follow ing, wbich are tbe figures in Maasacfau setts, says Tbe L. A. W. Bulletin: Coon try bigbwsys sre maradamiTed to I width of 13 or 16 feet Tbero are but two of tbe narrower width in tbe state as yet In villages tbe width varies from 18 to 84 feet, and tbe depth is according- to traffic. On sandy, gravelly or porous soil tbe broken stone is mid to a depth of six inches, and on clay or wet soil telford is laid to a depth of eight inches and covered by four incites of broken stono, with a layer of gravel from two to fonr inches in depth on top of tbe clay and beneath tbe telford. Tbe cost includes excavations, drains, telford ing, gutters, culverts, fences. monuments and engineering in addi tion to the macadam. At the end of 1896 the average cost of tbe 107 miles completed was $10,869 macadam, 1 5, 8S, and miscellaneous, 4,864: Averse oust per snUe of trading; .11 Sl 0 Avoraaoeest per atlMof drabss US It Avarara eost per ssiie of teltord n al Lowest eost per lost of brokaa sioe. .. - 1 Bisbeat coat per toa of bmkca stoao.. M Arena qaantitr per aiW ol la usee stone, ton. S.SU1 Hiebast aaaautr par ailba of brosea lone, tons . Lowest eost par ssitoniaeadaa.... $1,009 IS Low sot cost per miss eosnpartnl rood. VSJS of Htfhcst sort per Mile eomptolad rood BU 0 DEPTH OF MACADAM. fideoce in any man. - h was a flue, sunshiny day the day, as baa been said, bef ore tbe eeJcbnuioa cf Carin tba 's nuptials and Carl Blarvra waa standing on the quay with tbe oth er merrbaata, looking at tbe cbeerfel sight of the ships passing la and ont tbe bales of goods landing chatting ebtsat pity putters and trade. wbea snddesly all eyes were directed toward tbe harbor. Carl's eyes follow ed tbe ratt, and, sore eir"Tgh, be saw biag that might well create won- oVer ia ethers and somaibiag more la him. . . , Where does it eosas from' said one. "What elsmlax bsild !" said an other. - "Sever was sorb a boat area la Ber gen harbor," mid a third. MAnd look at the halm aw aa." mid a fourth. "He's talk tbaa the meat." A for Carl, he mid nothing, hat re mained standing with tbe groan of Bier chaata. Meanwhile the boat toncbed lbs -Trm-M, .T ..JlT7.C: CT'rrr I landing place, and the tail Jots' bT" ' T J tttffei out, and with a singular It was tbe largest English fleet yet assembled, and tbe army going board wa also the best with which any English king had ever put to sea. It consisted of picked men only. Of these, 4,000 were men-at-arms, 6,000 Were Irish, 11,000 were Welsh, but tbe most carefully trained and. disciplined part of tbe force consisted of 10,000 men. During a whole year bad Edward and his son and bis geiierals toiled to select and prepare tbe men and the weap ons with which tbey were to meet tbe highly fa meid chivalry of the cwnrlnsnt An army selected from a nation of per haps 4,000,000 of people was to contend with aa army collected from' France with ber tO,000,000. and from sacb al lies of hers aa Germany and Dooemia, re-enforced by large numbers of paid nmrenarlia Aiaisig- them latter were the croasbownsea of Crane sold to Phil tp by the masters of that Italian oli garchy. Edward's adventure bad a seeming of great rsshnsat, for already It was re ported that the French king bad mas tered 100,000 men. Full many a gal lant cavalier in armor of proof may weu have wcoerei to hear, moreover, that Edward III. accounted tbe fore- of hie time, pcopoaed to numbers of the beat of Earope with lightly aiaaored men on foot Tbey kaww no yet of lbs new era that was dawning upoa tbf scieoos of war. Edward and bis bow men wars to teach tbe world more Uea one new lesson before that nnsnosabls was over. Before this hs whet AasrVi might be wroagbt the esa by ships prepared msansd sad led by himself. Ha bad so crippled the naval pewer ef hie miaa that Users was new I to prevent hie aadertakiag. aJthqagh Philip bad aged to sead ont some seune of si a lass I to do whatever ana they soaid. Taa Talekar the Area af tha Baas BasHlalssJ taa toa, -,. Many so called macadam roads ores siet of a few inches of broken stone laid on tbe surface of' tbe ground witboel any provision for preventing tbe stones from spreading under the pressure ef loads. There should be made a trench of tbe width and depth intended few the roadbed. For light traffic sis inches cf stone on a good foundation will answer. but for heavy trafflo this is not suffi cient Tbe pressure of a load passing over a compact road spreads out through the body beneath in conelike form, the apex being at tbe load on lbs surface. With a depth of but 6 inches tbe weight at tha bottom will be spread out ever 86 square inches; if it is inches deep, tbe weight on tbe foundation will over 81 square inches, and if It inches deep 11 spreads over 144 square tnchea Depth of roadbed means strenelh. The area of tbe base sustaining the weight of tbe load increases as tbe square of tbe depth. A road 11 inches deep is four times as strong as one six inches deep. sections la tba Swathem States Where This Important Crop Thrives. - Until recently it bas been thought tbat red clover could not be grown in tbe southern States; but according to a farmers' bulletin, in North Carolina it bas succeeded weland bas maintained a full stand longer tbaa iu most other sections, while on tbe sandy white soil of tbe Florida station it bas done but little. At tbe Louisiana station it bas made a vigorous growth, affording two large cuttings during the first season, bnt it soon succumbs to tbe encroachments of native grasses. At the Mississippi station on rich creek bottom and on black prairie soil it bss given excel lent results, making two tons of bay per acre iu May, another too in June and in favorable seasons another ton in Sep-' (ember, though tha last cutting baebeea unreliable on account of summer droughts ' Where such yields can be made it is one of the best crops wbich can be grown, but there are many localities in tbe south where it bas not been found profitable. It requires a soil wbich is rich and in fairly good condition to se cure a "catch" of tbe seed, and on many soils where it makes a promising start and yields two or three cuttings it soon becomes overrun with tbe native grasses and is choked put Ordinarily it will not pay to grow it more than two years on tbe same ground, as by the end of tbat time it will bave done its best work in fertilising tbe toil, and tbe land will give better returns if tbe last crop of clover is plowed under sad tbe field planted to some other crop. As the plant produce seed sbandantly here and are not infested with tbe insects which bave recently done so much damage to tbe crop in tbe northern states, there seems to be no reason why tbe seed crop' should not become of eosMMterabla im portance. Bed clover is a euiversally racognktett standard in estimating tbe valors ef ail other crops when grown either far hay or as a green man axe. sad we base i special efforts to test it ca as f great a variety of toils as possible ami do not hesitate to reruesmead it for ail rich soils which are in good aatcbaairai condition, bet it is asesess to sow H ea barren fields or oa roagh and poorly ltd lands of any kind. It seems best suited for growth en allodial and! black prairie aula and baa never been satisfactory oa sandy or white lima l August sowings have tjna the best satisfaction, as tbe plants from such sowings are sufficiently strong to keep clown any growth of wild ajaauts and weeds the next spring and will give a heavy catting cf hay ia May. If sowed ia February, the asore enasasoa time, the first catting will be prneipsJ ly of volunteer grasses, bat the clover wiU give two good cuttings later. Sow ing with cats in FcAreary is often suc cessful, bat the clover is often Sutured by cutting tbe cats, tbaa rcreeviag the t Jest at the beginning of the hot weather. Sow cue bashel cf the seed to each five acres, is the advice of the aai- letin here quoted. 80ME .FOWL: FIGURES. a. Ilaas Avara Mtaetv-ave Mggt Bach Tor Tee M oaths. . Our small breeding pen of Black Busi ness birds bas paid a square profit from tbe start Here is tbeir egg record to date: . - JTq , Emts. Bens. aa. starch Ul to 12.1 April .mmm-Kh W . V Mar MS 10 U June lit 10 14.1 Jul? 114 t 12 Ancuat.. ........ . ...... to S7 September. H S Z.I October 43 1 a Kovembsr 17 S Z.1 Dseesabsr si S SS Totals ttis it Thus in ten months these bens bave averaged about 95 eggs each. Here, as in larger flocks, some bens bave proved ranch better than others. I in satisfied tbat one old hen bas laid over 140 eggs thus far. She is tbe first one to begin this winter, and we are satisfied that our first laying pullet is ber daughter. Bbe is s big; clumsy bird, with a wry tail In buying live bene in tbe market I would never select saeJi a bird from her-appearance alone, yet she is the best layer on tbe farm. This is the best ill astral ion we bare bad of to superior ity of home bred Steele frees the best laying fowla, Hen vary asore tbaa most people realize, bfi.fr ia the a-amber of eggs tbey will hvy (taring the year and in their ability to anatoxe quickly arjol recover rarpnily frons their emit. Some hens seen to be lest fitted tj nature for proersciag egg ia eoiii wealn.r. Taey are gnoet apecinre.ua a. breed from. Hope farm Scites ia Baral New Yorker. TO PREVENT ROUP. I. have neea actively eanaectsedi with. the poultry baaiueas for mora- Kuant at eVcacH, says a writer m. The Sfatinnai Scocfcmaas and Farmer, amt uniiafliXaC' iagly ary the test way to ease map- in to keep clear of tha- fiiuX dinonlnn. That is. preveataaB practically chut sniy aatsaxaetory remedy.. It w whII enoughs to talk about smiting eases, bat most of tha to called cures leava lain birds-all aroksa tp cnascitationu.Qy' and pracfii csHt worthless. Wbea I first! begone do keep fowls, map wait a tfembia ftrndbiH to aev but uttwiy we da not have On worry much) about! the liiaortim- amf this. I think, is the- uueriunQU of ehtt awjnrity3f poultry tropera, A beginner ia almost sure to- gut m gnotl taste of ruuu the first faQ ami winner in wliinni he practices poultry eu&usa. It ia m assy to neglect ciiising- doors- audi wiminww sad Ktrmg tonkaa pauHSof gloss, wamli if uot done means- drafts of aixr upon the hiriie while at ronst, an of the most prolifis eoursss ef roupj ia sxiatnnce. Foul air ia almost! as bad at a dcaO. Have tftsfltive vaCLUitionk But dot no allow the aur 60 blow apua. the- mumta. Feed wisely anil be vigilant! and thereby avoid roup. THE CACKLING HEN. Quits aa Mach Truth as Foetry Ia This , ...... - - Utile Mmj. We bave read of Maud on a summer say wbo raked, barefooted, tho new mown bay; we bave read of tbe-maid In tbe early morn who milked the sow witb the crumpled born, and we've read tbe lays tbat tbe poets ting of the rustling corn and tbe flowers of spring, but of all tbe lay of tongue or pea there's naught like tba lays of the Iowa ben. Long, long before Maud raked her bay tbe Iowa ben bad begun to lay, and ere tbe milkmaid stirs a peg tba hen ia up and baa dropped ber egg. The corn must rustle and flowers mast spring if they bold their owa with tbe barnyard ring. If Maud is needing a hat and gown, tbe doesn't bustle her bay to town; tbe gnes to the store sod obtains ber rent with a teetfnl of fresh bea fruit If tbe milkmaid's beam makes Sunday call, she doesn't teed him en milk at aQ, but works an rgjrs be a esav terd pie and ttuffthias foil cfaeirjesea fry, and wheat the eld man wants a bora does he taka the diagist a load ef earn? Set maebv Be simply xoea neat and to town he goes yew know tbe rest. Be linger tnere and he talks ptsv euanee ef trae reform sett enrree ftaaace, while hie prior wife stay a home sari seswlav is is asews from ' wai ly lies mlfsaeaefoerS. forwhsl the kuofcaud fcagere toere ah watsehea the caeMnxg seat wcsfii care and gadThers tggsv asui eggs she'll aide tHl east gefes anoug& to seen ths tidev Hem aaoi. aQ audi, to the lowaieav the greatest siess-. mir ef all to meoL . Throw syrmsrhoca aad ffuu cnitt ariwi fi?r tltosersewtsv ' tog barayaed fowIC Cam srarf ha kattj. boa rtt plainly men tuns the lam hem n tlw Aiwa qnaaav Ciiiinnnati Tjatf-una-JonmaJ, DRI'IHUUIUG FOUNTAIN. NdtevOTy farmer wsttmIiwftvrie&ii aing' tCraaout whar She jauinrw eass gR arwaArwamttlhwaaCitsspstrmllw the. yuang; ahickaiut, turkey and gms- Unirst. 1 banghtt sevnuaJ galvaniod paiia fiur ST soma small pane nur Id'1 Vermoneiir so. In Quango JuiuiFai A smull kola was- moiietha tow aoenma Ia looking fur the Sua Jose seals meat tsobs will pass it by unnoticed' oa ac count of its very small siar-. The female le is only aboat one twenty if la of aa Inch ia diameter, while tbe asnie is only about orar-half thai rise. Tawahape of the female m nearly ctrcsssr, while tba mala is aaorv closured. The female is sharply convex or csmkal ia the iter. This last character will help to dittingnmh it from many ef the other te common suae it a, Itocoior is Mar ry like the hark an which it fat found. ither dmnnsrsisbiiig eaoxacser is found in the reddwe ducusuraliua of the bark imnwidi alsly v samwimting tbe scale, extending through both the eater and inner hark. These chaiaetera will enable one with aa ordmnrv pockat mag- ailying glass to readily dweret the pres- of the lamrt. Ptofeseut Targofty Indiana Experiment gmtiua. A Ores Usllsaal "A grtat national highway might te constructed, suggests Ueoeral Boy Stone, "called per ha pa 'the Ureal Bead of America,' which should first Join to gether the states along tbe Allan tie tea board, than strike serosa tbe country oa a ceii Li hi line, my from Washington to Sen Francisco, Joining there another line wbich oonnecta the states oa Pad Ac coast; this road to be built aot by tba general government aloae. hat by tbe stales, under such arrangtmesna as tbey may make within their owa borders, and by the govern meet through tha territories and its owa lands and reservations; built aot by taxation of the stoles or tbe people, hat practically out of its owa benefits. Here is a retort which a -dull era. to be vary dull. Whoa Aleneder the Great waa roar age. he bad already oon eaered the world. fMucnat WelL you tea, ae ana Arueoue tot a Foreigner! are said to describe oar turnpikes as "dag out bridle paths. ' Kbods Island Is lhonly stats to have S csjUege where the stance la la ad tioa to regalar brunches are taught the art of road build ing. Conway W. Bams, chief consul of the Maryland division U A. W.. states that $148,000 was nerd an the roads tn Bal- timore county last year almost without results. The snggtettit plaa of toad bnprove- ateat ia Ooaaertloal proposes the build ing of one great stale highway east sad west and an other north sad sooth across the state, with tew grades, and toajoh fatg. so far as poaeibla. the ytrpas of larger population. I hare siren Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a lair teat an-1 exn- aider it one of tba ret beet remedies for crou that I hare ever found. One dose has always been sufficient, although I um it freely. Any cold my cbikiren contract yields very readily this medkHna. I can con scieotionaly recommend it for croup and colds in children. Geo. E. Wert. re. Clerk of tha Circuit Court, Fernandina, Fla. gold hy T. A. Albright ft Co. i Many country homes are attuatvd npon elopes, with tbe well ea the higher land above the house. Bat with each aa advaatageoas aileatkm of the waste aa spry there see eN. - '- aarare'a wiLUag- la roa siranaiEw aemtosemp wa-wa-nrn. ter into the kitch en) sink fee these. Farm Journal liwLj.; Bat are eaa be hararsmd tone this wurft. A pipe ie hud from aaas the hottum ef the well to the front line of the ground aad eowa tte alope to the esikar ef tbe hoasa, where it tame epward to the kitchen etak. Where the bead of the pipe ta the well is higher thua the kitchen sink all aae needs to do ia to pat a faese oa the sad ef the .pipe and Winers hone are fed Iurgo amounts irf urwly huokadi and! not thoroughly tiwB? digestive appuraima becomus tfnordured. Tuls' to aflBtt 'temediBit by heatmg the corn, to the point of sconch tag Bene will sat this scorched cum quite nadiry, audi they will be batter for it ; but partly bornud, oats,, w tiara the hulls are burned oil and! only the klachmitd grmma m iutK are event bC uncgiua scare hud corn. Thin ie really the beat way ta ojd oaca to bens. The kails siake the food mure bulky than, ia aest for them, as thair crops ace limit ed, sail the light,, ebaify grain; dues ae give tunU'bm arunnCiou tee the bast egg productiun. Ammriaani CultivuCur. GIVE THEM LIGHT. It is a sack of tight during- the- abjure anyeef winesr quint- aemuoh. ae colli, that swrvents bene (ram laying a this msiiuSK x Wlula it is anpaiwibio to- make the uuvs luilfur it iaaeumpsnurively easy iieit to BiuJte uiw of all the duylight there ie by tteviug- pinntry uf window. But these,, it w aompittined, kit iu the cold, however ahnwly the suebes muy be fahns. . Glum te oa axmllunsNonduc ef sua, while wood uonductu sourly. Hence thure ace fur ... romiLua soasninxjrss. of each, gail wninli waa til am fQladl with- wacair audi sek hu ttomirldla-afF at shallow pom A bused) ossevwenv planed anj top, Ida aught Ixd hueut sseui boar mourn the chickens- aniii goslings enjoyed ttiiw gooil drinking- munoum. JDa ant get tha pan. too large.. spaus afi ananUiaua half inuliaa below the mull amfi ttoonv- sida of shu pant h suifiuumB. Thie ail lhwe pluuty of ' CQOmi finf ill'iiilrnn-1 butt the young birtla aannut get inox aba tec and funii itt Kara unii bs-aaiuflii o uuvm cuh liolu inutnui buaxnxiias tnetpaul qnitu small. The opening; nindu trjr- tll puinO at ouawtuu sxnulii nai ui large? enuugu. nil. onu afi tiuntt ewu.-a' day fioc SU grnlinga. windows in hunaonsea, antt- wealiher who thure are have, tor hVvAy buoaiw This breed! i nut A wH Knowan among- Gila ftinnurair ia atumliii Bss. Thoy ace an. uiaali m""tH" H wt larga cnongili txi pay n -ntiw as a mnafr ' bramli Thuy limAm&f ahead! at tile &eg homa in. mm.inil Jt ueliaue wilB Insratti many eggs ut a jaac and! t&iragg;ia,ai grnaa duailUrgaii. Uuo sUjmkaeptnr sayai tho Uirgc eggs he- gnaw vamu fSxnm at pMnxm Who has- Sin'utta ttMnav, Xheiw arsr pare wilitu,, anil: if kept aluaoi am muss; buudwima eggs, Anyone living; aeaa-m airy who huii. junurraur sad would: umk: n privacu mxumta and! aiSvurasaitn Ghum ultmu fresh aaa eouMaajuly-builUl up a trada ftic all he- aould prjoduoe- aft quite an advauuw oees- atnrekeenmaf' nrhwa.. Thmn ac slasm nlmev mht auliHar willing; to pay- a, goudi nrints ftnr aa arauia taiat tneyr aara dirpendi ant. amfi by fcost twnxtlwmoii9 m trossa agahut their panes thus thuy af- turd IietiK light, So toe frjwla mope un tbMuT ruusss when a colijiiuy sumus ixir stead of keeping tosmiwlvus worm by being ap and arounii, te bualcby fowla should du, Jiu winder the fuwW bucome tou fat to my under such, trwemunt, The tvmndj is to giv fowut more bgbt Jlase edditionttX windows sud . i u & .u ii. j pus cu bbl-sl ujuuuui uaui. w saoo. wuoi at will This principle T,..k. tk. h ir i, . . j ! at quito m good a eoououdujutue ef tbat i- T"" """" l fotwill form eaa tor and W the wsiL f doable window, aa toe moiaCare- ex- haisd by treath cannot reavh. taa eufr v sale glass, while the cuid will uot tvaob At haast em ot ihea wiu- Cesttp temp. K early all the hacoa tur tale ia Texas City sad t'hscagu. Mach of this pork is emits from hogs relsrd ia Texas and thipnwd to Ihuee atiaa to bt bsKaerrd. Tbe toswaau pay the freight buthaays. TvxasFarm sad Ranch. j A Georgia farmer mye that it mal pay to ass cotluaseed as a mrtiliarr fur oats bars am M aors not act quickly enough. The eel live! sua ef elivea is simple 4 easy, the draw back bring that the trees are stow of growth. Dirersined farming to hound to asore potmJar to Ik toath, last as It has none bv the wee) and eunkweat. all grain rahuag was rornmrly the aractloa. Aa aalhority ehUma that Georgia grows asore even than hUiae. Jiew Hampahira, Veraaoat, and Mew York, all told. Southern and Western stuck mea know a fooA thing when they it therefore fur arratcbcei. sweeny, ring-bom, tlraine, spraina, bruist-a, mdilie and ha races rails an ailments of hewsea, they ttse Rice's Goose ; rease liniment, it is good lor man as beast. Sold and guar anteed by all druggists and general etorrU. ws auoaul ttuat to the sasa so aa txi waken the fowle by sunlight as early as poesibea, Aftoe aa all aigh fan aeu the tharael snyuia thw-yuae tuwto will be ready toe a bearvy Awditig in the Cultivator. sir's fcmaerac. Jt welt ItouwnjNMuamjcaunatca pau tary bmettttr mye- fiv mure toane tern waacflk ha baa hutt fjcom fbmr to sue ones abaua bis- poulrry yurdsv, and awving; bcought up ajninig: chrrrlbme ehw a teoubuj thinnv but ac e ip in killing or driving away- but neon and mice- thatwonldi du maun dtuxtnge us tcuaiing the grain,' as wall as. stiwUinic the- ehuiksua thimialvas if thay kad a abaooe,. One f the di9f.-uliMM la tWduig fuwls te that, as given ky the. isntlaitsiv .hn tood to ia a ataaa aaci can be gobbk-d dowa tux toa qukkly. to its anracut state the tuwt beating kr loud ia obliged to eat aloaly. eas graia at a txsse. Usually after each saueihral the hea it ebbged to SKtatchj fur arure. So hagraiaed ia this tnstiar that a hea with ruhrkrue will seracvh and clack when she ties it toa piteef grainy One at the r linnet why eura ie a had feed for tow It is that the graia to btrge, and tf ahcUcd and thtvwa eat by handfuit the tow la cat i aeach toa fast toe their goat TV tree way to feed heua ta to mix their graia with chaff or straw, so that they mas scratch fur it Xf covered with amUow earth. U will be still Bet ter, at the east Una tnsted will rid the low ) of veraisa tstcrirus Cultivator uTVt eouatry editor. tars the Lock, hart (Miaa.) foacgrapK "is a reliable A subscriber teat kirn reery recently: 'What aila my Every morning I tad one or of them keeled ever to rue ao rvjjy wean "The fowls are It is aa old complaint and aoth- lag sea bt eoee except re bury tares, ' " tJmomna ruostay appwandamfaar ajdey every weak. Do aot give ie eolif water to your Suck early to the awning , Feed pluuty of whoha eacai at aigftt wbutt tha wWhaC txxwraaf; eouA Hena should sow be bsvmg watX. and tggs eommHitit a kigbj pnuev Ikirtu-yqur lhyerebwsy. A alia eua ia a fooe egg; fiodUGec. Feed plenty of grwew tued wtdkacp the etui, bea tUlad. Meat three tunes a weskwiU help to stimnhito yoest hena. to totter egg nwurds. This to a good bate to septaee theolUL woraout and filthy b ttwe wuuh ehmov fresh straw Wait tue h naUd. ptsmisn t esnny enyv and thaai hare a tossreal airiag and bnnetrhinnina CVaalimwa theaid he the tret easi J -craAsuav eneswach, an the tvwts hav beta housed tor many wevtes. ami tbvrv lorecreat case sheald ha taken to kwt coooa and houiwe free froaa vereua and effeasrre locs. focastry (seMseeaasv Tettesv SaH-Kheuaa and Kceeeacs. TVs mtease bx-hiag and tatartin?. . : -it; W I6eq.eisje. iainrTaallr o.., - ' by applying; Cnnmberjaia'a t- a iiia tAittsrut. Maay eery Ka-i en ixre fc-ea n i ifnaently cured br it. a eqraUy 3i-se for rtcnine y.' t -a favorite reusedr for sure f civprcd bauds. ckQUaian. frt : sal curoak- awe eyes. Si ct-s. rvr I Dr. ftiij' CcBdrtien ru iut whjLt a hora ma vk-n xm-.litK.a. Tsio, blvxJ pn .crraiir.sa. Tkev are ,.t i ue.?i.-rr an-1 the best in n t J-V ia priro cnU'.!-a. i ceoU per p.cka ;;.