AND "Keeping Everlaetingly at it brim -success." RATES FURNISHED OH APPUCATICIl. . Job Printing. All kinds Commercial Print ing, Pamphlets, ' Posters, &c, neatly and promptly executed at lowest prices. Tbe Oldest Newspaper In ike County. ,r Eetabliahed ln18T6. '.'' $1.0O per Year--In Advance. ; Large -and increasing circula tion in Alamance and adjoining counties a pointfor advertisers. LEANER. H VOL. XXI V. GRAHAM, , N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1898. NO. 16 TT K J" FACTORY to CONSUMER. SI.39 buTSthis.'sxaet) V Hattan Hooker, Bl the lsnreet mix WJ erer mad ; per down. (14.30. Our new 118-Al page catalogue wj ooutalnlDir Pur- a nltura. Drape- J lies, Crookery, aj Baby Carrlsges, Kef rlgerators. fm Stoves, Lamps, VW Pictures. Mir- am ."! 7. . " ' rors. Doling, etc.. la youra la your, for tb atii asking. Special supplements lust im J U0I .n. ,i Inn free. Writs tO-dar. 7 a CAUHKF CATAIXM3UB In lltbo- fla) V? irnniiod oolor la alao mailed free. TV aa) Wriie for It. If yon wisn sample, im : wj .anni fa. htitmR. Mattlne; ssmofos slso XT' ft hihIIm! forte. All atrMtaaewei akl lVrn. Iliia maath Mil frelrht TV I 1I oh $0 pnrcbam aad ever. fat $7.45 rre AH-Wool Cherlot Suit,' Dl expresaacre propaia to your ho for free oats- f A liC" and samples. Address juuirs HINKS&SOK, ( Dept. 909. BALTIMORE, MD. Flower and Garden Seeds. Large lot of Flower Bulbs . To arrive in a Few days. ! - School Books. -!! Don't fail to trv riuiinco rina. Drugs, fina candy, &c. OATES &CO., . JJiii-liiiStoiiylV. C. -Livery, Sale 1 Feed STABLES. W. C. Moore, Pbop'k, - -CltAHAM. N. C. , Team, meet sll tmlns. Good alnile or don- . tole taaina. Charge, moderate. . PROFESSIONAL CARPS. JACOB -A. LONG, ' Attorncyat-Law, GRAHAM. - - - - N. C 'PMirfinM In tlm State and Pedoral courts. Uinos ovrr Wb Ite, Moors A Uo.'s store. Main Btreel. 'Phous Ho. . . J. D. KEKNODLE, HrruKxrcr at law ORAHAXrr7 -N. C t - " ,j hi,- -aV ' 1'.H oav Btucm. W. P. Btkuh, J. ' .' y MfNUM & BYN0M, - A 1 t.n-nr-y ntl Ooina.-lor t la.w . . '. . UREBM8BQUO, M. C .. - "Wtlre-swntlsriy m tkm eonrla of Ala- - tsnra eaotr Xaf. t,9i. XN. J. I?. STl)CKAID, . Dentist, GRAHAM, N.VC. --trflioe at reaidenos, oppoaitA ' liaptlit unurea. lt work at reasonable prloas. In nffloe Mondays and Batur days. . C2.C3 PANTS None Better For the Money Very Few As Good. $2.68 Pants Exclusivity. We try a do bat owe Ul at, ttwe tbat Of. tblna bstlsf. As ssorsa ssieaJly aad aaors axpsdWoasly aybody das dors It Tbs oar price aad tbs fcbjb raise sot 2$ 63, JhAfsUL but yoaTS vftM paid 9iA9 (or rasas .Yog'H Always Q If you wear wear Noell's .IK3 them once. If fd f aJoorJ Bros. Panta Oa, an bora, I. X roe uu ST HOLT 4 WHARTOX, CUBAN FACTS IN BRIEF. Interesting Items About Pearl of the Antilles. the HUB PEOPLE AHD HEB PE0DU0T3. All About the Principal Cities, tho Bainy Beasoa, tha Deadly Machete, tbs fellow 7 Fevevr-iba, Revolutionists andThelr Ureat Straggle For Liberty. - ' Cuba from east to west is 760 miles long. Its width varies from 30 to 185 miles. The island, with its dependen cies, contains 47,278 square miles. The entire coast line ia 2, 200 miles in extent. The CubaDS are the planters of the is land, f The Spaniards, usually govern ment officials or traders, live in the' cit ies. win' the interior ell Spaniards are known as Catalans. 1 ' The rainy season in Onba begins in May or June and ends in November. Tbe most ralu falls in September and October. - Tbe average number of rainy days in a year is 102.' - Tbongfa tropical, the Cnban climate is an equable on& The tbermometei never rises so high as it sometimes does in New York, and. sunstrokes are un known. . -. ' , : Mountain chains extend from east to west tbronghont the whole length of the island. Between tho mountains and tbe coast low traotB nsnally intervene whieb in wet weather are overflowed and are almost impassable. ; Cuba has 260 rivers, oil small. In tbe low coast lands both north and south are extenslvo swamps. ili.JLi1 Yellow fever prevails eaob year in tbe seaport cities, cf Cuba, beginning to ward tbe end of June and disappearing in Soptember. Foreigners only are at tacked by tho disease. HAVANA'S FLOATING DOCK AND THE ALFONSO XII. ftTnole Sam need. Havana', great floating dry (took and will doubtlew got it. (The doflk was built la F""" and towed to Cuba. The enc tliovrn (bo Sranlub ornlaur Alfonso XH In the dock. . . Havana harbor, one at tbe finest in mJ h, Taiualje teaalt Jn these daya tbo world, s entered from the north- Ho u no IaDdibcer. bat bas bad prao west by a channel whloh is narrow for ,,.. .ln.rionn.nn th(. n.,nmpnt .hln. tbrao-eighths of a mile and then opens into a magnificent bay. For Havana to surrender before a boa- tile foroe is not a new expert enoe in lie msiory. uwwii uMrj i existence it was repeatedly sacked by pirates and buooanoera, and in 1762 an Eiiglisb squadron nnder Admiral Pooook bombarded tbe city and compelled it to caP1'n,ata , . " Tbe revolutionary government of Ctt- oa was orKBuneu a. vuuibkuo uu seps. iv, ibvo, wnen a preaiaoui ana vice president were elected and a cab inet formed. , Tbe general in chief of tbe revolu tionary army in tbe field ia Maximo Gome. Tbe lieutenant general if Calix to Garcia. ' ' :' - Tbe headquarters of tbe Cuban junta in New York are at No. 46 New street, Manhattan borough. . Onba contains many mineral springs wbiob are famed for their valuable healing properties. Despite its tropin! situation the oity of Havana is a comfortable place even for summer living. Tbe bouses and dress of tbe people are adapted to secure coolness, and the sea breesa by day and tbe land breeze by nigbt gratefully tem per tbe beat " Cuba bas not been generally kaovin as an iron producing country, yet IM several years before tbe outbreak of ber present civil war 500,000 tons of iron or and 40,000 tons of manganese, amounting to 18,000,000 in valoe, were annually produced for export at tbe San tiago de Cuba mines at tbe eastern end of tbe island. There an more than 200 excellent porta in Cuba, - - It is little wonder that tbs Cnban patriot handles tbe machete well, as be it trained to its use from his earliest boyhood. To tbe country man it is ax. Jackknife, reaper, cleaver ia abort, it fulfills every purpose, great and small, for which a cutting tool ia required. In bis private quarrels be usee it with deadly street, and faoa tb faoe with tbe Spanish enemy ha feels tbat ia bis ma ebeta be bas a weapon which be knows and which wUl not fail him. Tbe boxes In which tbe Cuban cigar asuiciacturcrs pack tbeir fragrant wares arc made from native cedar cot on the snocctaia slopes. r Havana. Matansaa, Santiago tnt as arc tbe three principal cities of Cuba ia the order of tbeir size and commercial tmpcetaoee. Tbe exports of SaatiafA tbe least of tbe three, amoant in times H peaea to fS. 000,000 annually. la tbe western part of I be Miana is raised tbe celebrated Veelta Abago to Ucco, which has so equal In tbe world, There hi bat littls profit in keping bens after tbey have passed thtoogh tbeir best year. Tb White and Brown Lefttorn fieuuenlly eootinae to lay veil when S or I years old, bat it ia aa exception and not tbe ral. Females of I all tbe heavy breeds deteriorate materi ally after thrir bea year. Of coons there Is erneaionally an exceptional bea, bat wc never find ber be lart flocks for tbs on thai Lreederlot Ibsas large Ducks bare no time to erady each od bea'e peculiarities. This Is Irft sJntoat entire ly to tb back yard fanriee THE NAVAL RESERVES. 2io Lubbers They, but Soemn ilold. Quick to Jump aa Dutra Call. Tbo readiness, good discipline and jenciansbip of the New York naval mi litia were well illustrated in tbo prompt ness with which a detaebmout of 80 men went to Philadelphia, manned tbe rjotitor Nabunt and brought ber to New York for the defense of tbo harbor. These qualities were again illustrated when tbo call was made for a ship's company for tbo auxiliary cruiser Yan kee. Tbo entire .contingent, from first liontenout to landsman, embracing 108 men, was. at once supplied from the New York reserve. 4 . Tho Louisiana naval reserve bas fur nished a crew of nine effloersand 95 men for (be monitor Passaic, which is to .do fend the harbor cf Port Royal, 8. O. The reserve bas been called on to sup ply 1,10(1 men for manning tbe 82 gun boats, patrol boats and torpedo boats employed in the gulf service, and it an nounces that it will be able to meet tbe requisition. .'' . Tbo first attempt made in tbe united states to establish a naval reserve was in 1850, when President Fillmore draft ed a bill providing for a reserve of CO,' 000 men. Nothing oamtfof tbe measure. As early as 1885 every country in Europe bad a naval reserve. Eupiand then bad its royal naval reserve of 20, 000 ofiloers and men and its royal naval artillery volunteers of over 2, 000 officers and men. It wat through the efforts of Lieu ten ant J. O. Coley, a retired offloer of the United States navy, tbat -tho naval re serve was first established In the United States. Under authority of tbe Massa chusetts legislature be organized a na val battalion in 1800. New York was the next state to organize a naval re. serve.'": There are naval reserve organizations in 16 states, with a membership of near, ly 6,000 men, which could readily bo in creased to 20,000. f -s Tbe trained naval reserve man la a ' jgued for tbe n.e of tbe uaval militia. n. nnotn,lo Muntnlirf na.ioatinn. ml,,,a, mnTy , - H ... hrMa. .rtillarv j,,,,,,, practice, the yfioz ol .nb. mBriDe mnes and the manning of tags .Bnd boats for coas defensor- Tbe ,.! reKtTe demonstrating ( tbat UJg prao,icai,aieeiod navy. Tbe ( drlI,irjg( p,,, and bat learning the ropes during tbe past (even years ,r9 ehow4llg ,her good fug Jn tbii time of need. THE NATIONAL GUARD. StMBCth and Equipment of tbe Soldlars of Oar First Reserve. There are 10,000,000 men liable to military service in tbe United States. Tbo actual strongtb cf all tbe state soldiers com posing tbe national guard previous to tbe recent call by tbe preai dent for troops was 118,460 men and of' fleers. A special feature of the national guard of New York ia the efficiency it has at tained in the military sictual and tele graph service. Tbe signal corps attached to a brigade is furnished with all tbs improved United States army signal kits, Held telegraph instruments, field telephones,, flash lanterns and helio graphs, engineering and electrical In' atrumenta, - '- NTbe work of a signal corps in state camp includes betides signaling tbs study of engineering, including making road maps, field sketching and bridge and signal tower buildiac - Tbe normal strength of the national guard In New York state is 13,285. Tbe number of males in tbe state liable to military service is 942,760. Next to New York, Pennsylvania is strongest in Its national guard, with 1,547 men. Wyoming, with a roll of 145, bas tbe smallest enlistment, while Nevada, with! 143 men, goes It one bet tar. Alaska and tbe Indian Territory have no organised militia. Tbere were warm welcomes to New York city for the ap state militia as tbey passed through tbe town on tbeir way to Hempstead. Crowds cf people at tbo railway stations and on the streets cheered aad waved tbeir. hats and shoe ted words of enconragetaeat. As tbe men were ferried to Loag Island City tbe whistle of every tag captain ia sight salated them vigorously. A substantial, soldierly set arc these men frost ap tbe stale now qotrtered at Camp Black. 'There is lots of fight in tbeua. Many of there- eaw active service at Buffalo in the big strike, wbero tbey Iraraed to know what camp life really la and bow to make tbe best If it hardship. ef f-MUry. Tbere are about SOO, 0O0.000 chickens ia lb United States. Tbs increase ia this sort of live stork in this cuunUy bas been x stood. In 1880 tbere were only 101,000.000 cbW-keJa. Tb prod no tion of bens' eggs in tbe United States Is about 000,000,000 down annually, just a boat doable tbat of 180, Tb greatest egg prodorina; state I Ohio, which errtde to market 75,000,000 ; per annua. It it clearly followed by Il linois, lows. MisBoarl and Peoatylva- aia In tb order roentkord. 7 FACTS ABOUT THE NAVY The Speed, Armament and Han . dling of Sea Fighters. GEM, PO&DEBOUS BATTLESHIPS. Swift Armored Cruisers and Low Swim ming Monitors Which, With Foil Mas;, aslnes and Shotted Cnna, Watch tbs Cnban Forts or Seek Spanish Squadron. . The marines in tbe navy use the Lee rifle, which bas a magazine holding five cartridges. This arm is of .23 caliber. . , la naval warfare tbo sbell bas re-: plaoed the solid shot in all oalibers down to the 1 pounder gun, adding vastly to tbe destructive effect of a cannonade. AH modern guns on ships of war are breeobloadlng and rifled. - . 'j4 . From tbe highest calibers" down to a 4 inob diameter of bore guns are designated by their caliber. From a 4 FIBIMO TBOII A MOKlTon'S F10HTING TOP. inoh caliber down to tbe 1 ponndoi tbey take their name from tbe weight of the shot thoy throw. Everything bo low tbe 1 pounder is in tho machine gnn olass. ... Male applicants may enter tbe navy between tbe ages of 14 and 85 years. Boys between 14 and 17 years old can enlist only as apprentices. While in tbo army the private soldior may riso to a major generalship, id the navy tbe limit of tbe bluejaoket's possi ble promotion is tbe position of warrant officer, as gnnner, boatswain, carpenter. Tbe highest pay of a warrant officer if l,8t)0 a year. , Bluejackets are better paid than sol diers in tbo United States service, and when in active service bave wbat the soldier Is seldom sure of, tbe assurance of good food and comfortable quarters. A landsman in tbe navy receives in tbe beginning f 10 a month, and his pay in creases at eaob step of bis promotion to tbe rank of ordinary and of able seaman. From Key West to Havana is a dis tance of 00 miles measured in a direc tion almost doe south. To cruise on a warship in tbe Carib bean sea is a far more healthful and pleasant business than to campaign on land. It is cooler upon the wator, tbera are no venomous reptiles or Insects to make life a burden and but little lia- Dinty oi malarial or epiaemio aisoase. For fighting in warm climatot tbe United States seaman wears a uniform of white canvas jumper, canvas trou sers, knitted watch cap or white canvas bat, blaok necktie and lanyard with knife. For hoarding or repelling boarders in a naval engagement the united States sailor is provided with a sovolver and outlast. When Isnded as Infantry, he carries a Lee magazine rifle. Tbere is nothing cleaner than tbe decks and equipment of a warship. All woodwork is scrubbed and brass work polished daily, and tbere is no end to painting and scraping and to tbe chip ping of rust from auobors and cables. Every man-of-war s man knows bow to sew and does bis own mending. Many of tha old bands would rat ber buy tbe materials and make tbeir own clothes tbau draw a ready made uni form suit from tbe government. On warships to which a chaplain is assigned a small white pennant with a bine oross flying from tbe gaff gives no tice that divine service is being held on board. No punishment involving bodily suf fering, such' as tbs old time flogging, branding, tattooing of offenders, can be sdjudged by any oourt martial or In dieted upon any person in tbe navy. In modern naval flgbtatbe battleships sre ranged in tbe first line and bear tbs brunt of attack. With them are tbs monitors and armored cruisers which protect tbe flanks aud rear of the line of battle. Protected cruisers, torpedo boats, dispatch boata, hospital ships and torpedo boat destroyers form tbs second line. .i Torpedo boat destroyers are large tor pedo boats which sre equipped soibai tbey ssay launch torpedoes at tbs an amy or with guns aud ram sink bis torpedo boata. Tbe cost per day of maintaining In commisslua an ordinary . warship is 1,600. Tbo present outlay for tbs United Stales navy la S 50,000 per day A single charge of ammunition for a large caliber gun cost 1500. It coats from 17,000 to 110,000 to Oil the bankers of a man of-war with coal. - Until tbs recant naval fight off Ma nilla only oa a fight bad ouutused to pal" mudera war teasels and arma ments to tb test tbe battle of Yalo, in 18M, between tbe Chinese aad Jap ans, fleets. Our modern steel bnilt, araorclad avy had no exlutepce, eveo on paper, l year ago. At tbat time tb United States bad bat 17 war v esse La available for era isi oc of wbiob only on, tb buss sea, was a first rata this. Tb smooth bar mosaic loader wa tb pre vail log gaa in tb aervio than. Many of tb war craft of tbat period bar bees sine laid ap as soperaiinnaled. Tbs first class battleship Iowa I tb most powarfnl open asa fichter, aad tb protected cntatr Minneapolis, which laaraacaed speed of IS.T knot, I (L awlfuat sblp in lbs navy.- C.lrj Bwvaya. Tb trreatest benefits to be derived from good mads are lbs increased valoe of tb farming lands and tb mors as. peditiooa facilities provided for seeding farmer prod net to tb market. Statistic place tbe total length of tb common roads ia tb United State at from t. 00, 000 to 1.600,000 mllea. Tbere bas beta bo system in tb build in; of thus road. Tbey have been coo- atrayetrd In a haphazard way, and ia the majority of Basra sU priaciplea of civil eniaerriiig hava been doartsaroed. j F whang. FACTS ABOUT THE ARMY Items of Interest Carefully Culled - and Condensed. VtEIT," WEAPONS AND MUNITIONS. All About lb Bank and File and the Rea-ulaUoBs" That Govern Them flow - Ilea Are Examined For Enlistment Tha Balloon and Ita Dsa Ia War. ' The regular army is made up of 42 regiments 10 of cavalry, 25 of infan try and 7 of artillery. Gun ootton, as . the safort and most effeotive explosive for tbe purpose, is tbe material used in planting submarine mines. .' .. ' 7 It Is a severe examination, physical and moral, that the candidate tor en listment in the regular army bas to pass. In times of peace about one can didate in 25 is aooepted. --- - It is a good card for a new recruit to twain his term of service with little to say.' Offioers and privates dislike sol- j i u ... n. . . u i uum win km. MA uiuuw, fnt U.UUIM kj talkative recruits. A noncommissioned offloer is required to perform no labor with bis bauds be yond keeping bis kit olean.' Tbe president is by virtue of bit office commander in chief of tbe army and navy. .'Major general, next to commander in chief (always tbe president), is the highest rank in the army. The title lieutenant general, which ended with General Sheridan, will perhaps be re vived. Tbere are 10,000,000 men of fighting age In tbe United States; To enlist in tbe anny tbe applicant must be between 21 and 80 years old, of good character nnd habits, ablobod led, free from disease, not less than 5 feet 4 inches tall, and between 128 and 190 pounds in weight. BUGLE CALL AND Recruits measuring above 5 feet 10 inches in bnlgbt or weighing above 165 pounds are not aooepted in the oavalry service. Fat men do not mako as efficient sol diers at tbln men. Married moo and foreigners are not aooepted at recruit in times of peace. Tbe pay of a private is 9 18 a month. While many first battles bave been fongbt upon the sea, tbere are few great eonnlots In history tbat bave not been ended by land foroe. On tbeir caps infnntrymen wear cross ed rifles, artillerymen crossed cannon, cavalrymen crossed sabers, eagiueors a castle, signal oorps men crossed flags. Tbe facingi of tbe infantry uniforms are wuiie, oi tne ariuiory rea, or ine cavalry yellow, of tbe signal corps or ange and of tbe medical department green. "Eyes of tbe army" is tb term sp plied to tbs signal corps. Tb signal corps of tbe regular army consists of ten ofiloers, including Chief Groelyand 60 sergeanta Eacboompany of regolar soldiers must bave at least four men proficient in signaling wbo may be detailed for tbe work at any time. Troops wbo in recent years bave fought Indians In tho far west are usn-: ally experienced in beliographlo service. This method of tignaliug, by Dashing of mirrors, was much need in tb later A pcb campaign War balloon are now fitted with tele-1 rt ' ttsi,m ij ... iCgSWIihni'MyiT toopio cameras, by which photographs with Spain President McKinloy pro of a vast area ef country can bo obtain-1 olaimed tbat tbe neuttal flag covers ene ed. Tbe anchor cable contains telephone nr' goods with tbe exception of con wires by which the men shift may ooro- traband of war and that neotral good municate with tbe commander on land, not contraband of war are not liable to Tb best of ooffsa is served to Unol confiscation finder the enemy's flag. Barn's soldiers, and it is assumed tbat j Tbere are difference of opinion as to each man will drink a pint three times a day. . The regular Infantry arm I tbs Krag Jorgeosra six shot repeating rifle. Wilb It I ased tb sword bayonet. Smoksless powder and 80 caliber bal let are used in tbsarmy msgaxln rifi. An advantage in tb regulation sword bayonet la tbat when detached from tha rifi it can bt aaed as an ax, a knif or a an achat. Tha Missouri mala contlnoe to b tb draft and pack animal of tb army. AMI army borsr are bred aad raised fat tb west. Tb government boys tbaea onLrckto, and each boras it train ed by tb cavalryman to whom it ia sadgoad. . . . Tb weapons of a regular cavalryman tr a carbine, revolver and saber. Tbera are four regiment of colored troop In tb regular army, two of cav- llryaadtwtof infaotry. Tbey ar laooa ny wait omoers. Pont hern and Western stock men know a good thing when they so U therefore for scratches, sweeny, ring born, strains, sprains, bruises, saddle and harness puis and ailments of horses, tbey ns Rice's Goose : reas Liniment, it is good for man as beast. Sold and guar anteed by all druggists and grneral tores. O ith Us Las lai low awrw a - MINES AND -TORPEDOES. Snbmarin Agents ror Attack at Bea aad Defense In llarbors Torpedo warfare began during tbe American civil war. The early torpe does were erode affairs and were used in comparatively fow places, so tbat not many opportunities were afforded to test tbe possibilities of the new destructive i-Sgont in naval aud harbor warfare. Thirty-seven torpedo attacks have been inado thus far in modern naval warfare. Tbeir total results were 12 ships sunk and one ship damaged. Six assailant boats were lost. The Whitehead torpedo ia the only automobile torpedo wbiob bas ever been used in war aud is praotioally tbe only torpedo in use today. Tbe United States was the last leading nation to adopt tbe Whitehead, the navy department delay ing aotiou with tbe hope that an Amer loan engineer would produce tbe White head's equal Tbat the torpedo standi today at tbe most wonderful aud terrible of modern engines of war is not to be doubted, but it has had no real test of its power. Na val officers all over Europe have looked forward eagerly to a war between tbe J United States and Spain as an object lesson in torpedo warfare. , - Tbe three cylinders tbat compose tbe propelling engine within a Whitehead torpedo could be carried in oneTi over coat pooket, but they save a combined foroe of S0 horsepower. South American wars since 1877 .and tbe recent war between China and Ja pan bavesbown what could be done with torpedoes. Russia also successfully em ployed torpedoes in ber war with Tur key in 1877. i- A check to tbe torpedo boat is tbs tor j pedo boat destroyer. Of tbese vessels Spain has 10, England bas more tban 100, while all the other first class Eu- j ropeau powers have from 10 to 75 de stroyers caoh, Tbese craft are armed with rapid firo and machine guns, and j also are equipped to send torpedoes against an enemy's sblp. Tbe simplest form of an anchored CAVALRY CHARGE. torpedo or mine is tbe contact mine, which consists of an iron case contain ing tbe explosive obargo. If a ship bill ono of tbe several projecting firing pins, a percussion oap is exploded, which ex plodes tbe mine. Stationary torpedoes or buoyant mine are anchored near tbe bottom in i deep water by a dovioe which allows them to bo electrically released at tbo proper time to rise to tbe surface be noatb tbe hostile ship. In the observation mine two wire) lead to the shore. Tho coming of a ves sel above tbe mine causes a bell to bo rung or an electrlo light to bo lighted on shore, which Informs tbe operator there that it i time to touch tbs button causing tbe mine to explode. ' LEGALIZED WARFARE. Aa-rssawBl by Whleb Civilised . IMmlBteh War's Horrors, Wbat Is called international law in respect of warfare ia a compact among nations aa to certain roles and forbear ances tbat shall be observed In conduct ing hostilities should war arise between any of tbe partiea to tbe agreement. It is agreed among tbe great nationi of Europe tbat in tb event of war aris ing, arraying any on of tbese pow ers agsinst another, tbere sball be no privateering on either side. Tbit limits tbe capturing or destruction of tb ene my's commerce to tb o Derations of res- nlarly commissioned warships. At tb beginning of tb present war whether oertaln article are contraband of war tbat it, whether tbey can be useful to tb enemy. Tfaot, while sul phur, from which powder might be made, I contraband, it it still aa unde cided i question whether tbe tame rule applies to ooal tbat might be need in steaming by the enemy' warship. . In all modern wars, even when aocb aavag forces a Spain and Turkey are to gsgd, tb Bed Cross flag bas been re spected be combatants on both side. . No pillaging is now allowed ia war, bat an army may take whatever It need for It asa la passing through a coon try food for men and horse, wagons aad animals for transportation, arms, moni tions and so pp lies of all kind. Ia tb pnwent war Spain clalmt a right to grant letter of marqo to priva teers, but baa intimakd tbat so will simply plao nndr naval aootrol tbe saarcbant sblp tbat ar to terv a aux iliaries In this conflict. Tbo Best Salve in tho world for Cuts, Bruises, 8ores, Ulcers, Sail Rbeum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chillblains, Coma, and all Skin Eruptions, and positirely cures Piles, or no pay requicd. It is guarantcrd to give perfect satis faction or money n-funded. Trice 25 cents per box. For sale at T. A. AlbrLjht Co.'s tlrog store. II 1 a .... KM Under One , SAMPLE BROWN MERCANTILE CO., of Greensboro, , want the people of Alamance to know tl&t they now f -have an immense stock of NEW SPRING GOODS, em- ' bracinff as niCC'stvlluh. cm in rlati stuff no. ia lrpnt hv antr V' . house m N. C. In their dry &t. you will nnd everything Dress Goods, Trimmings, Notions, Hosiery, Silks, Carpets, Mattings, etc. At 225 South Elm St. thev .j carried by any house in the State. You are earnestly re quested to call on us when in Greensboro or order what you want with the understanding that if goods and prices are not satisfactory money will be cheerfully refunded. Sample BroWr Mercantile Co. GREENSBORO, N. C. ! o IWSURiUXrCE ! I wish to call tho attention of insurers in Alamance county to tho fact that tho Burlington Insurance Agency, established in 1893 by tho late firm of Tate & Albright, is still in the ring. Thoro is no insurance agency in North Carolina with better facilities for placing large lines of insurance, that can give low er rales or better indemnity. Only first-class companies, in every branch of the business, find a lodgement in my .office. - .With a practical experience of more than ten years, I feel warranted in soliciting a share of the local patronage. I guarantee full satisfaction in every instance. Correspondence solicited upon all matters pertaining to insurance. I am making a specialty of Life Insurance and will make it to the interest of all who desito protection for their families or their estates, or who wish to make absolutely safe and profit able investment, to confer with me before giving their applica tions to other ngents. Very respectfully, -.' JAMES P. ALBRIGHT, BURLINGTON, N. C. oooooooooooooooooocoooocoo h ii A iSSrii i Read description carefully bed Ctrman bcvrled, wnsh stand, 2 doors sck. Nicocciitro tablo, 24 in. square, all solid oak, -OM.Y flo.UU.I,? Olher suits $.9a up. - OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCCD 3" I Suppose you had a nicely displayed advertisement in this space, then what? Why the 2,500 eyes that scan these pages every week would see it and would know of your business, and whin something in your line was wanted they would naturally look you up. See? Had you ever thought of it? rORES !; s Management. eoods house. 234 South Elm Q o () o in have hv far the larrresr stock o -7 Oak Suits U Fvirrxitured - ' j! $i5.oo Cft. high, bureau glass 24x20, jl and drawer, and high splasherV? . O KI.LIfJ rLKMTLKK W., Burlington, N. CiTl gxxxsxsX? "N . C) ( ) (: 1