-Tlte&IuntaqceG leaner (UUtvilu j ' AND , "Keeping Everkstinjy at i success." , bates Fus::;sncD cur; . Job printing. AH kinds Commercial Ti ing, Pamphlets,' Posters, neatly and promptly execute ' lowest prices. V - The . v ; ! Oldest Hewspaper In tht County. - " EatalsHsned Inl876." .' , 81.00 iKi-Yoar la Advuhcf. : '';,,, vr Large, and increasing circula " " tion in Alamance and adjoining counties a point for advertisers. VOL.'XXI V. GRAHAM, mjC:, THURSDAY , J UNE, 2, 1898. NO, .1 7. i 4 ... r : -.V'. J Frost FACTORY t CONSUMER. SI.39 baysthlflt'exaot)" Uattan Hooker; a the laraest aiui ever mad ; per "tfOMD, $14. SO. Our new-118- Mire eatmlnffuA j oontainloff Fur- i niture. rape- rise. Crockery, . Baby Carrlagee, ' Heingeraiore.1 Stoves, Lamp, ' Picture. Mir t Vj rors, BwMins-, etc., to yours for the ' -A eekiiig. Speoial aupplement juet 4a-1 .ued area lao free. Write to-day. ' Ya CAIIPKT CATALOGUE in lltbo- Vf irranhod colors la also mailed -free. ' aY write for It If you wish samples, i fl send 80. stamp. Matting samples also ' faa. mulled for 8a. All Varpeta eewedl t aW frae thla mental and freia;ht (A ald ea 8)0 purebasea anal eve. 5 $7.45 ft) hoys made-to-yoor-meaa" AT um A 11-Wool Cheviot Suit, m cxpressaoe prepaid to your T' antlon.- write for free cats-' ' fe kxfuo and samples. Address (exactly as below), y . , tJ' JCUC8 HINTKS & SON, fe . 0Rt.a09. v BALTIMORE, ND. Flow(er and -. Garden Seeds, r Large lot of V 4 Flower Bulbs . To arrive in a Few days. School Books -II Don't fail to try I IIUIIIICO i IMO. Drugs, fine candy, &c. OATES&OO., : Burlingftoii, N, C. Liverjt5nl(? 1! Feed ' : - stables; ' i, W. C. Moore, Pbop'k ' GUAM AM. N. C Tmix maet alt t ruins. Good single of dan Die te.im. cunnies nioarate.. it-20-Mn . PROFESSIONAL CARPS. JACOB A. LONG, Attomey-at-Law, GRAHAM. ' - - - v k. c fraotlee In the Suite iIti.I Federal eourta. oiB.te orr White, Moorv 4 Co.'s store. Muin Street. . Pbons Ha.lt. J, D. KEKXQDIiE. graham; - - n. c tm our bko. w.r. bvhvk.jbj BYNUAI & BYNUM,; AtUrrnoya uritl fxiinwlorai at luw A OKKeNUUOUO, N. O. ' Prsrrlrt Xnlarly In the eonrts of 1a- a mm cm iisi r muf.t.w r. J "v i '..!.,. v. ) - DR. 1? STOCKAl?D ' GRAHAM.' N. C. Hllce at resldeaeav oppoalsk t XT" m M f) e) n Mr . I llaptt.l Cburrh. - Itcwork atMsoaablapneea. I ' :- . ln oiiiea Kon'kaya and Satua 1 f -X . ! 4lara. ; : . : r. V ... - 'I - . -' None ,i Better' (XT For the ' vvfTil i Money ' I Very 'idHH Few 4 ID) lGood.v' $2.68 Pants Excliiery.' W.try taaVaaxitoaU talas. batwad that one tains better, da asoas sesan--I C aaasliy aad asaa aaeaatltiaaarjr laaa 't " au;1i lj usti doss lit Issatas a . mar arte and la ale mlaa af aar ". , , Paats ara aoaTlnainc araots. - bat TOv ofM aaid IM tot raacs You'll Always M'fO If joa ear ww Knell's cL.vO. them ertc. MTd by MaaU Dm Pants t-ii. ftoxbora, roiu.,i- , HOLT A WHAUTOX. UN8UNa r ., ' mnet u the brent h that goas From the lips of the whito roue, ' As weird as the elfin hgliti ' " , That BUioiner of frosty nfghta, Aa wild aa tho winds that tear The curled rod loaf lu the air. Is the song 1 have noror auntf. t . ... . . In Blnmbor a handrvd times I've said the enchanted riijinoa But ere I open iny eyes This ehost of a poem files. : - Of the interfluent strains j vv ; . Not even a note rumahia. .' I know by my pulHca- beat It was something wild and sweet, And my. heart was ttrangoly stirred -By an nnromemberod woid. f j I strive, but I strive in vnln, To recall the lost refrain. ' On tome inirnealons.4!lay " . Perhaps It will come to stay. . In some nn imagined spring may And my voice and slnj . 1 The song I bave-ftever sung. 1 ? -T. B. Aldrieb. .THE NEdKLACE, ... . . . . , ' ' . ..--: ' i '. ..: tihewaaoueof those obarmiog' girls bcrn by a freak of destiny in a family of toilers. Sho had no fortnue, no ex peAatloDs, no means of satisfying ber ambitious except by a marriage with a rich and distinguished man, and, ns sbo knew uoDe, in order fo escape from ber snrronndingg she married n clerk in tho office of tbe minister cf publio instinc tion. . She dreamed of beontifnl balls, dia- oreetly lighted by caudles in great bronze oaudleeticks, whoso ribb carpels gave baok no sounds and whoso trails were covered ttttil silks from tbo ori ent, and of obseqnioDi footmen bait asleep in their large armchairs, ready to attend to yont etery want et a mo ment's notice ! of large salons draped in ancient silks, of "etngers" covered with priceless brio-a biao. Shd thongbt also of coqoettish small salons, made ex- presslyfor the "6 o'clock," when .one receives only one's intimates or distin guished men of letters, from wbom it. is every woman's ambition to receive at tentions. , - When she was seated at the table, wbose cloth bad already done dnty-for three days, or cpposlto her nosband. who evinced bis entire satisfaction with the evening repast by snob exolamations as, "Ob, tbe good 'pot-an-feoi . I know nothing better," be imagination ear ried ber away to stately bnuqnet balls, Wbose walls were covered with riob tap. estries, portray Ik g scenes.-' in wfaioh anoienl personage' and strange birds were pictared in the middle of a fairy like forest. he pictured the-glitteriug silver, strange dishes, exquisitely eerv ed on marvelous plate, and gnllautries whispered aud listened to with the anliiuxlike smile vVith which a woman of the world knows so well bow to con. oeal ber emotions, all tbe while eating rosy trput or dallying with a wing of lark. Eire bad no toilets, no jewels. and it was 'for tbesa things that she longed as tbe fleet Arabian longs for bis. native desert. Wbat pleasure to have olcosed. been envied, to be sednc tive aud sought niter I - fiLhs bad a rich friend, a comrade from the convent, whom she no longer Visited, becausa ibe suffered from ing tbo things sue eould not have, and on returning wcpt .wbcle days for grief, regret, despair and distress. One evecieg ber besband came bonte radiant, holding lu bis band largo anv.lnn. " ."Bee," said be, "here is something for you." She nervously tore open tbe envelops and drew oat a card on wbicb these words were printed "Tbe minister of public instruction and Mme. Georges ilampoueao beg tbe bonor of Ibe company of M. aud Mme. Loisel for the evening of Monday, Jan. 18. Instead of being wild with dcligbt, as he bad expected, she threw tbe invita tiou on tbe table, with an exclamation of disgnst saying sullenly i "What dp you wish me to do with that?" . ; - , "Bat, my deer, I thought yon would bo so pleased, Yon never go out, and this is an event, I only obtained it aft er lunnito trouble. Everybody wants ona Tboy are mnob songbt after, and tbey are not generally given to employ' eea. Yon will see there aU oi tbe omoial worm. - v She looked at him with supreai dis dain and said Impatiently - , " What would yooAiko mo to wear?' Tbe secret was out Manlike, be bad not thought of that i "But tbe dross that yon wear 4o tbe theater, statu roared be. "Yon aJ ways look beautiful to me IsTtbat" Be stopped speaking, stupefied and dismayed on seeing bis wile In tears. Two large tears trickled slowly down ber cbeekx. What is tbs matter? What is tbe matter?" asked bo tenderly. By Violent effort sba conquered ber grief snd calm ly said, while wiping ber bumld ebeeksi "Nothing only I have no toilet, and of course cannot go. Civs tbs card to i of your comrades wboaa wife is fortonat enoogb to have something suitable for (ba occasion. " Despairingly be said : "Bee. Mathilda, bow much will a to wear so tnis nan ooa wbicb cm also a ased for other oooa- sions; sotnatbing Very simpler' bm reflected few moments, flgnr- lug in her awa ssiad tbs want aba eonld ask itbi4 eange of immediate' re. faaal and frigbiaulDg ber eceoomical latiaaai. rtaaJlysbe hesitatingly said: 1 do aw4 know exactly, but it seams to see I might as sasga with about 400 frooos.''- . ' ' lie paled a little; because bs bad beta ving lest that son to boy a gsn fox Utm following aumnxr, wbea be wooid go witb sotae of bis-men ds to tbs puma of risntetre on eondays to aboot larks. StiOiog bis regrets, bowerer, be rspUedi ' i "Very well; I wiU give yoa 400 bet try to bave , baamUfal TM day of tbs fees Draw Dear, bat Mine. Ixiael saeaaed sad. aaxioos and aneawy. Her toilet was ready bat , eonld it be? Har hmbattd said' to bar one eveaitari ' ; I "Wbat is tbe matter? Ton have bees qoeer for tbe last few days. " . She 'replied: "It worries me that I ive not one jewel, ant a preeioas stqae wear. What a miserable lgms I' shall bal I think I wonld rather not an ' atalL" ' t t Itrromiard to take it itck at 14.000 Too aaa wee nalinal nowarav It b aU tbe rage at this season, and for 19 a yrja aaa bata two or three aoag- ; nifioant rosea." - S I Bot aba was ex eorrrlBoe& i "No, lune Ia cell lug mere homiliat- ing tbau to Lo pocrly dressed among so mauy rich woni-n." " "Bat how silly yon ktoI -Go to your friend Aln.a 1 crtMiir and Otk her to lend yen l.cr jtwilp. Vcu nro friendly enough with her to. do that" . tbe gave a cry of Joy. . - ' Yes, that is true. I bad not thought of 'it" . The follow ing day sho went to ber friend and .explained ber predicament Wmo. I'VireHtier wen, to a closet and took cct a laige (atktt, and tptuiup it said: ,.; :!-Z . w . "Choose, my dear, Tbey are ct your service." V . s ;. lT- ' She saw first bracelets, then a neck lace of pearls, a Vent tiau cross, gold au precious atones of exquisite work manship. She tried thejpi on before tbe glass, nuabloto decido whether to wear them or not . ' "Have yon nothing lnc?" said sho. "Ob, yes, look tb(m over., I don t know what might plea so you." k Suddenly sho opened u black satin oase, disclosing to view a superb riviero of diamonds, and ber heart beat furi ously with Ibe desire of possession. Sho took them in ber trembling bands and put them on over ber sitnplo high neck gown and stood lost in an ecstasy of ad miration of berself. Theu fearfully, hesitatingly, dreading tbe agony of o refusal, she said : : . V "Can yon lend me only that?" ''Why, certainly, if it pleases you." She fell cn ber friend's' tcek, em braced ber tempestuously, and then left hastily with ber treasure. ' The day of tbe ball arrived. Moid, Loisel was a soocees. Among all tbe beantiful women she was tbe moEt beau tiful, elegant, gracious and smiling with joy. ' 8he.attracted the attention of seme of the most distinguished men present, mnA nn all atria urn. hanvfl V and on all sides was beard : "Who is she?" Alt the attaches of tbe cabinet songbt ber dancing card eagerly, aud even tbo minister himself expressed bis approval. She danced with.pleasuio, thinking of nothing but' tbe triumph cf ber beauty and tbe glory of ber eurcess. Mitoxicat ed by all the admiration, ilio teemed float through. a cloud cf happiness, in tensified by her complete victory and tbe tribute paid to ber charms, -ro sweet to tbe hearts of women. She left about 4 o'clock in tbe morning. Her husband bad slept since midnight "in a small room, deserted except by two or three gentlemen wboolsoswaited their wives. . He threw over ber shoulders tbe mod .est cloak whicb she bad brought, whose sbabbiness seemed to mock the elegance of the ball toilet. Sbe felt the inccn grnity and walked7 swiftly away in or der not to be seen by those whose rich furs were mote in accordance with tbe occasion. "Wait,"' said her husband. "Yon will take cold. I will call a carrlaee, But she heeded hiqi not and rapidly descended the staircase, j When they reached tbe street, there was no carriago in sight, and tbey wero obliged to look for one, callings to tbe drivers who pass. ed by, tut in vain.-' Sbiveriugly they walked toward tbe Seine, and jpnally found on (be qoay one of tbosa noctnr nal coupes one finds only in -faris after dark, bovering about (be great city like grim birds of prey who conceartneir misery duiiug tbe dsy. It carried them to; their door (Hue de liartyrs), and they slowly and" sadly- entered their small apartments. It was ended for her, and bo only remembered that he would nave to ne at nis aess at 10 o'clock. Sbo took off ber cloak In front of the glass in order to admire hereulf'onoe more lu all bet bravery, but suddenly she cried oo I, "The diamonds are gouel' Her husband, already bulf asleep, start ed at tbe cry and askedi "What is tbe matter?" Sbe turned toward him witb a fright ened air. I I bave lost Mme. Forest Jer's pecklaoe." He rose dismayed. "Wbat bowl Ent it is not pots! ble. " Aud thev immediaielvv besan to search in tbe folds of the dress, tbs cloak, in tbe pockets .every where and fonnd nothing. Are you sure tbat yon bad it when yon loft tbe ball?" Yes, I felt it while still lu tbe ves tibule at tbs minister's. But if yon bad lost It in tbe street we should bave board it drop. It ought to be in tbe carriage. Yes, it Is postriblo. Did you tako tbe number?" "No, and you did cct lock ot it either?" "Ho." Tbey looked at rack otnrr fearfully, Finally Loisel dressed himself. I shall go. over tbo whole gronnd tbat we traveled on foot to ico whether I cannot find it." He went out Sbo sat still in ber brilliant ball toilet no desire to sleep, no power to Ibink sll swallowed op In tbe fear of ibe calamity wbicb bad fall en upon tbem. Her husband came In at 7 o'clock, Ha bad. found nothing. He bud teen to tbs prefecture of tbe police, lo the paJ pers offering a reward, lo sll small cab companies, snywbero, lu tbau where be could bnvs tbo shadow of facpe of re covery. 8 be waited all day iu tbe tame slate cf fear in the face of this frightful dit Wter. Loisel retarned in tbe evening lallid lid baggard. No news as ytt Yoo mnst write te year friend tbat Ton bave broken tbs clasp of tbe neck laos. and are having It repalrrd. Tbat will give ns time to look aroond." At tbs cod of tbe week tbey bad lost all hope, and LoitaL'to wbom it seem ed this oars and troabls bad added Hvs years to bis sge, aaid : . We most try and replace tbe jew els." Tbe folio-wins: dsy tbey went to tbe jeweler' wbos-aame was stamped In side tbe ease. "He consulted bis books: "I did net sell I bat necklace, madame; I only fornisbed tbe ease." - Tben tbey went from Jeweler to Jewel er, racking tbeir meroorws to find tbe same, botb of tbtm sick witb grief aad agony. At last, in a am tbe Palais Itoyal, tbey found raarsed to- tbeta like tbe on At last, in n small shop In wblob one tbey bad lost, wtib tbe price. beating hearts tbey aafced ( - ! yorty ' thousand franca, bot tbey eoald bave It for 18,000 fraoea! -Tbey ked tbe jeweler not to die- of It for three days, and be also .faanes if tbe first one vat foend before tbe sod of February, i - - Loiacl Lad lotv-rlted -18,000 franca froas bis father. lie borrowed tbe rest He tnrrowed 1,000 francs frota one. 600 from another,' 6 louis here, S loci there. He gave botes, mude ruinous en gagements, bad recourse to the usorcrt, ran tbe wholo gamut of monei louden He compromised bis wbole existenno risking bis signature without knowing that, it would be honored, terrified by tbe agony of. tbe future, by the black misery wbicb enveloped him, by tbe prospect of- all tbe physical privations aud moral tortures. He went for tho new necklace .and deposited on tho counter his 80,000 francs, ' ? When Mmo. Loisel returned tbe neck lace to Mme. 1'orostior, sbe coldly said " You should bavo returned it sooner, as I might bave needed it " Sbe did not open tbe case, tbe one thing Mmo. Loisel bad dreaded.;,: What if sbe bad discovered tbo change what would she bave thought? Would sbe nut be taken for.a thief? : From tbat time on Mme. Loisel knew .what life meant to tbe very poor in all its phases.. She took ber part heroically. I This frightful debt most be paid. Her share of privations was bravely borne, They discharged : tbeir one domestic, changed tbeir location and rented small er apartments near the roof. '. She knew now what meant tbe duties of tbe household, tbe heavy work of tbe kitchen. . Her pretty bands-soon lost all semblance, of tbe care ot bygone days. Sbe washed the. soiled linen aud dried it in ber room. She went every morning to tbo street witb Ibe refuse of the kitchen, carrying tbe water, stop ping at each flight of stairs to - take breath wearing tbe dress of tbe worn en of tbe people, sbe went each day to the grocer, tbe fruiterer, tbe butcber, carrying her basket on her arm, bar gaining, defending cent by cent ber miserable money. . . - Tbey were obliged each month to pay soma notes aud rqnew others in order to gain time. Hut husband worked in tbe evening balancing, tbe books of mer chants, aud often was busy oil nighj copying at 0 cents a page. And this life tbey endured for ten years. - At the end of this time tbey had paid all the tax of tbe usurers and compound interest. Mme. Loisel seemed an old woman now. Sbe had become strong and hardy as the women of tbs provinces, and with tousled head, short skirts and red hands the was foremost among tbe load voiced women of tbe neighborhood who passed their tims gossiping at their doorsteps. But sometimes when her husband was at his office sbe seated herself at tho window and thought of tbat even ing iu 'the past and that ball where sbe bad been so beautiful and so admired. WLut would bave happened if she bad not lost the necklace? Who knows? Life Is a singular aud changeable thing, full of vicissitudes. How little it takes to save or wreck utl -. One Sunday as sbe wsswalking in tbe Champs Elysees try divert herself from tbe cares aud duties of tbs week sbe suddenly perceived s lady witb little child coming toward her. It was Mme. Forestier, still young, besutiful and charming.. Mme. Loisel stopped short, too agitated to move. Should she speak to her?. Yes, certainly. And now that tbe necklace was 'paid for she would tell ber everything. Why not? Sbe walked up to ber and said, "Good day, Jeanne," ., Mme. Forestier did not recognize her and seemed astonished at being spoken to so familiarly by this woman of tbs people. ... 'But madame I do not I think you are mistaken. ". "No, I am Mathilda LoiseL", "Ob, my poor Mathilda, bow yon are cbanaed!" 1 . 'Yes, I hsve bad lots of trouble and misery since last I saw yon aud all for you." , . For mo? And bow was that?" Do yon remember tbo necklace of diamonds you lent me to wear to tbe minister's ball?" "Yes. Well?" "Well, I lost It" t. "Lost itt How oonld von. since yon returned it to tue?" ' yi 'I returned yon one just like It and for ten- years we have been paying for it Yon know it was not 'easy for ns, wbo had nothing i but it is finished and I am very bappy." Yon say that yon bought n neoUaos of diamonds to replaoe mlnal" aaid Mme. Forestier. Yes, aud yon never found It out; tbey wore so lunch alike." And sbe smiled proudly, Touched to tbe heart, Mme, Forestier took tbe poor, rough bauds in bora. drawing her tenderly toward ber, bee voice filled with tears. . . Ob, my poor Mathilda, bat mine were false 1 Tbey were not worth more than BOO francs at most I" Translated from tin FrUicb of Guy de Maopasasat I'or Bbart Stories. . GOOD ROADS IN NEW JERSEY, Tbajr Have last -an S Tteeal aad ; leaey I Clsaalallaa. ' Pennsylvania pays tribute to sis ter state through tbe columns of tbs Philadelphia Press when it says that New jersey "in some respects surpasses ail its sisters in scevntiiil civilisation. It was the first and is still tbe foremost in tbe good roods movement It baa tbt beat state road law and is jrotng abead converting auction after section of its forrmi-and and mod roads into smooth. bard.telford tbat dooblea snd quadra pies farmers none power without Inereas- ing bis stock snd makes tbe state at- tractivo and inviting as place of rets. denes." . It will also soon have aniver-a free roads, as tbe toll roads that still exist in tbe southern and western portions of tbo state are to be done away with. Tbe last leghuatnre passed a law pro viding star tne spprala-ment and con. demnatinn of toll turnpikes and their conversion into free rutae. Since tbe good roads of Vow Jorary bave come to form sncb network it has been intiswllng to note-bow many dormant country hotels bate come te Ufa, new roadhooaet built and wayside booths erected, while farmers aad others bave opened tbeir boears to dispense Iw DTabments to wboilioen and other tear- TTL.t. Z . ,U"T, n""'""1 districts tbat were formerly well nitrb deserted, and considerable money has been spent by travelers in localities where it was a boon to tbe tnhahltanta. Mrs. Bilkina Tbe girl broke bar plates tot lay. ill. Bilkina Did sbe assign any sto for not breaking the entire Ohio 8tate Journal. : IrlstfllW'lllJ BERRIES IN ORCHARDS. Growing Small Fratte Among Tree Fruits. , IMagr-un for Mixed Planting, ' - Differences of opinion prevail st to tbe possibility and desirability of grow ing small fruits In peach, plnm or ap pie orchards. A writer in The Burnl Now Yorker considers , tho question from several standpoints, giving a plan for mixed planting as follows: In general cultivation it Is not best to try to grow bush fruits or strawberries permanently in an orchard. There' are : - -..;' - " '- ". ! y. ..... . ij. . . . .. . ...j a vj j;-."-- . j. I-.-.... '.. ! i . .A-- -f fj-e? - ' LK.9ltg. life. .-..,..T MIXED FLAMTlKO" IM AM OIICU AIIO. no fruits tbat can be grown profitably where tbey are densely shaded by or chard trees. Tbs question of planting email-fruits in young orchard must be considered from two different points Of view. The man who makes a special ty of some one thing, as strawberries, and does not grow o succession of sll sosta of fruits has sn easier task than Ibe man wbo has no specialty aud grows all sorts of fruits iu a succession. Tbe first man can plant mnob more closely tbsn tbe second. In general, too, straw berries aro much better for tbe orchard than bush fruits, because tbey ars in tbs soil only one yeur, aud their annual removal gives a better chance for tbor oagh tilings. - . "' The cut shows a method of planting small fruits In an orchard which is ssntlally tbat praotioed some tims sgo by Mr. John Craig at the Central x perlment farm, Ottawa. Tbs trees ars planted in tbo hexagonal fashion, each tree being OS, feet from every other, Tbs bnsbes ure check rowed iu tbe reo. tangular fashion, tbo rows in one direa tion being 0 feet wido and in tbo oth er direction S feet 10 lnobes. As tbs trees incresse in slzo tbe busbes inside tbe circles are tbe first to be removed. ,' Mr. CrsignoW Ibluks this plan too complicated. Tbo square system of planting is simpler tbau the hexagonal system (which is also called tbe Irian, gulsr or qnincunx), and it is generally adopted ou cheap lands and in orchards on a vast scale. Tbe bexsgonsl system seems mors complicated at first, but it is more eco nomical of space, and is therefore tbs better system tot high priced lands. Tbs more yaloablo tbo land the more in gen loos and complicated tbe plans are like ly, to be, Ibe plan illustrated would seem wasteful to a raspberry specialist Itt Ibe figure tbs berry bashes ars 6 feel by 5 feet 10 iuobes. In general cultiva tion black raspberries are set 8 feet by 6 feet and reds B feet by 6 feet A spe cialist can plant closer. - Taanatoes to Trackers. ' Tbe Maryland station recommends' tbs following varieties to truckers, as tbey produce a good crop of smooth to matoes, snd if they should not bavs sals for tbem for immediate use tbey ars of a quality tbat can be disposed ot to tbe eanners to advantage, and these vsrieties will also continue to bear well for a considerable period t Habit of srerwth on aoaleofia ' Color. . Taker. ., Farpllih Perfection....,., Had Korld'a Pair Red Cliaaas ..... furiiUaa WatarlatT Apparatas far Meloaa. A bulletin of tbe Ueorgia station an watsrmslons describes a simple method of rendering concentrated fertiliser as similable or available and preventing tbe bill from firing. Tbls is by tbe ap plication of water artificially, when the rainfall proves insufficient For tbls purpose a joint of two inch terra cotta sewer pipe is perpendicularly sunk In jbmo.t.xo ths waTrawrxon. tbe bill before planting to tbe depth of sis or sight lnobes, bell upward, as tndl oa ted in the figure. Tbe seeds ars planted around the pipe and tbe stand subsequently thinned down to one vine, wbose roots will eventaally surround tbs bottom of tbe pipe for quite a distance in all dlreo tioos. anjs pipe Itself should be filled witb wsler lata in tbe afternoon every da?MlMwessjerig dry, or -far tea ss may be found listeaaai y. Tnooontln e supply of moisture trios afroMed wifl bare a sn oat ootineaUe' wfferJt by rendering every psrtiotar' ed, plant mod within srsv b caoatiki M sanralattion. Ordinary drain tile may be ustd In plaee s arwer aapa. yt V i Southern and AVwlcm " suVit men know s-ikiI thins; irhen thcr see u. wvrvHWQ. , nr ; seraxenes, sweeny, rinjr lxirn, strains, sprains. t-uist-t. suddlo and harneMi gnjli and llroentH of horse, ttiry uo Kioe's Goriiw 'reuse, Liniment, It Is good lor man as leat. bold suid cutr-J ante-si by all drugjnirts ana Anersi stores. p OJbssTOnXAsvi Ustsd tsi ire -w tarjt .QUEER SITTINff HENS. L80ME GOOD LAYERS NEVER HATCH A BROOD. :''''' Qanis Hens Among the Best of Motaeia. ' Row Two raitlifnl ' Sitters Gauged 4 Masts In a Storm Eccentric! ties Beyond ' ' Explanation..- v ' The White Minoroas those hens with great combs, which look exactly like roosters and ars called Catalans by the Spanltn will lay perhaps mors eggs in a year than any other sort of hen, but tbey will not lay them in cold weather, and It Is unlikely" that any one of tbem was ever known to baton a brood of chickens. The Minorcas will indeed sometimes begin, to sit bot tbey seem to be under the impression: tbat throe days ought to' be, in all conscience, a long enough time iu wbiob tq hatch out an egg, and at tbe expiration of about that time they will abandon tbe attempt with a great flutter and muob'dennnoia- tory oratory, if tbey sto fastened down on the nest with a board placed above tbeir backs, tbey will stand up as bigb ss they can umler tbe board and let the cold air addle their eggs, It is doubtful if any human being, male or female. wicked or pious, Christian or pagan, ever got a Minorca hen to sit Strange to say, nuotber kind of hen that makes a good mother is the game ben. She seems to be engaged in an at-. tempt to prove that a certain amount of I aroazonianism Is not inconsistent with a proper regard for the duties of moth- , SHOWN AMD IISU GAWK COCKEftKL. erbood. A very peaceful gentleman, not unconnected witb tbe work of the Hn mane society, moved into the country three or four years sgo. Having occa sion to purchase two or three sittings of eggs, be bought one of a good working woman wbo; lived on tbe outskirts of tbe town snd who happened to bavs male relatives of sporting proclivities, though tbegentlomau did not know that aud would hardly have cared if he had known. The sporting proclivities of those persons could hardly affect the bens' eggs raised ou tbo place. Tbs sit ting of eggs turned out besotlfully, and lu due time, some exquisite little red chickens wero running about with. the old gray lien wbo bad been their foster mother. The chickens were so pretty tbat tbey were admired above aU others ou tbe place. They grow apace, and be fore long tbeir owner discovered that tbey wero engaged in warfare most of the lime, either with one another or with otber little chickens, Redoubtable lighters they were, too, and while soy One of them would easily whip any chicken of any other brood, when tbey fuugbt witb one another it seemed to be fight to tho death. The peaceable gen tleman deprecated tbese contests very much, but be was powerless to prevent tbem. What could make tbem fluht so? Finally a light dswned on tbs humane gentleman's mind. The proclivities of I the men cf tbe household from which l- i . . i m . . i . . i . : uu unu yumjaiiu me sitting oi eggs hsd indeed lud them to a. partiality for game fowls, and by innocently buying baker's dozen of eggs from tbe woman of tbe honse and sitting them under a ben be bad unconsciously embarked In the bosiness.of keeping fighting cocks. A good story is told by a Mew Eng land woman. Out in a quiet corner of tbe garden. In two barrels lying on their sides, sat two expectant hens patiently awaiting tbs fasppy day when the joys of free dom, so dear to their hearts, should be enhanced through sharing it with a nestling, pooping brood of downy dar lings all tbeir own. Tbe hours of long, bright . spring days slowly ran tbeir course and half the sllotted time of waiting had been uncomplainingly en dured by one of tbs pslr, while ber neighbor ' bad Juat entered upon ber term .f enforced seclusion, when one night a fierce tempest swept down upon those two buroblo dwellings. Tbe wind snd rain came with such terrino force tbst it ae'etued nothing abort of moun tain could withstand It Tbe next morn ing ws hastened to tbe spot, prepared to find otter roin and dismay, instead of wbicb, to our great surprise, ws fonnd tbe frail habitations still standing. Moreoverr tboy were still tenanted, al though there were unmistakable, signs of hardship and suffering having been heroically met by those two stool hearts. On closer examination, however, we fonnd tbst singular thing bad happen ed. During tbe confusion, tbe paulo caused by tbe storm, the two bed lost tbeir beads not litorally, as ws bad at first feared and bad mistaken tbeir own nests; each was occupying tbe borne of tbe otber, rj that tbs ben wbo knew nothing of the fatigue of long watching became a usurper, while tbe otber was iu danger of becoming quite discouraged st finding ber hopes indefi nitely deferred. . One ran better Imagine than describe tbe evident surprise and delight of the esarper when at tbe end of only week aud a half sitting on ber part sight lit- lis, downy, fluffy balls of warmth and merriment briskly tapped their way in to Ibe sunlight and SNstled close to tbe Dialer nal besom. Whether tbe otber than receiver ber first intimation tbat somctbiug was smiss we never knew, feat after waiting little longer tbe XagUsb Sparla UnlKcnt le-aoves all Bard, toft er Oallooael laaips and Inesnlabas frota as, Btsed Spa-ma, CttrM, Bpltata, Saw ay.BlaaT-Boaa, fwines, Spralaa. aU 8-roUea Th-oata, Cbos-aa, ata. Sara tas by ass of oase tie. Warranted lbs avast v-owderrel DlssalaS care evar Snowa. SoMbyT. AV. At brigfttl, druffflst. O taaaisw ST. C rtliv and art! re spa aed TadlaS so travel for a reationitM- nariil4wd aouaeta lt-na e'r4tna. Mania-, ly a-sue and eanem-a. F-.itkl -a-awly. lUrM. Rnt-Vi-a art f -add rna-ed starujMxl enraiosa. Taa lJuailakieiJoaipmaT. Dapt. aU- (Atcago. fen Under One SAMPLE BROWN MERCANTILE CO., of Greensboro, want the people of Alamance to know thAt-tfie-v - t I I - a.a.., hV siiiun . S,J1 a i, - tvuvjr . 1UV have an immense stock of NBW SPRING GOODS, em- . bracing ns nice, stylish, up to date stuff as is kept by. any house in N. C. In their drv zoods house. 234 South Kim St. jou will find everything I)rc88 Goods, Trimmings Notions. Hosier, Silks, Carpets, - - Mattings, etc. - - - - . At 225 South Elm St. they have by far the largest stock C ) ' -' W-OF FINE SHOJES. . carried by any house in the; State. ; You are earnestly re- ( ) quested to call on us when in Greensboro or order what ( ) you want with the understanding that if goods and prices ( ) are not satisfactory money Sample BroWr MercartiIe Co., - , GREENSBORO, N. C. " INSURANCE ! I I wish to call tho attention of insurers in Alamance, county to tho fact that the Burlington Insurance Agency established in 1803 by tho late firm of Tate & Albright,- is Still in the ring. Thero is no Insurance agency . in North Carolina- with- belter, facilities fur placing large lines of insurance, that can give low er rales or better indemnity. Only first-class companies, in every branch of tho business, find a lodgement in my office. - With a practical experience of more than ten years I feel warranted in soliciting a share of the local patronage. ' I guarantee full satisfaction in every instance. ' Correspondence solicited upon all matters periaining to insurance,- . y- I am making a specialty of it to the interest of all who desire $ or their estates, or who wish to make absolutely safe and profit- r able Investment, to confer with me before giving their applica ) lions to other agents. " - ''. k.v- ' I , " . Very .respectfully ' '' ' ..,-;"-,v ' ; . JAMES P. AU-iilGHT, ' , ' ) ! BURLINGTON, C. - OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCCCCCJ f4 El I " fejS'Sl ' SM 'imml ' L r' - sj Read dexcription rnrefully bed iicrmnn velcl, wflsh irtanel. 2 doors back. Nicecemtro tiiblo, 24 in. siuare. all solid oak. ONLY fl5.fJ0.CJ lOthcr suits 80,99 up. - iCKKOOOOOOOOOOObOOOOOOOOCCU SXg)gi f Suppose-What OOO0OOO 1 Suppose you had a nicely displayed advertisement irvthisspace, then what? Why the 2.500 eyes that scan the 3 pages every weeK would know J)tyour business, and when something in your line was wanted they would naturally look See? Had you ever Management. in ( ) ( ) ( ) () ( ) Will be cheerfully refunded: Life Insurance, and will make J protection for their families' Oak Suits. Fvirritureo a o o a a a f Orxly $15.00 ...... . .. - f CA. high, bureau glass 24x2Q,zi and drawer, and high splasher ' i : : C ELMS FUKMTCKlt tU., tfS Burlington, N. C () () O C) 1 .would see it ana you up. thought of it? r X-a W -www- : .

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