YltcAlainance Gleaner I Tllfl Oldest Hevspapet In lie Coooty. vi . .. ' .i Establish! 11575. t r 91.UO per Year In Advance. 5 Large and jncreasingj circula tion in Alamance and adjoining counties a point for advertiser. ifi'- "4 TTi n ANER; VOL. XXIV. GRAHAM, N. G THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1898. Judicious fVdVciti 1. ' '- AND ! "Keeping Everlastingly at it brings success." SATES FURBISHED 01 APPLICATION. 1 Job Printing. . , - AH. kinds Commercial Print ing, Pamphlets, Posters, &c.f neatly and promptly executed at lowest prices.'4"' V Frwa FACTORY to CONSUMER. SI.39 tnvsthlt.'exaet) V Battan Booker, the largest size ever mat!" : iht doieo, (1 t.So. 1 ' ran, Boddlng;, etc. c IM-aV page catalogue w ooDtaiDiqff Fur- m niture. SraDa. V rlee. Crockery, Baby Carrlagee. Refrigerators, f-a Picture!. Mtr- Is your (or the . ail akln. Special supplements lut '- wy klicd tiro also free. Write to-OHT. fx -tJAUI'KT DATA LOO UK In UtbO- A Vf rrapbed colon ia also mailed free. T aY Write fur It. . If you wish samples, fm f A UMlled for 8c. All Carpets hwmI SV W44-Slrcba i and over. $7.45 A buys a mide-to-your-meM- expressage prepaid to your seiuou. w rite lor I roe oaca Address loguo and samples. T (exautlr aa below). - J) JCI.ITX8 HINRS & SON, ( Dept. SOS. ' BALTIMORE, MD. ' , ft- L-;-" "TeACH ME. T-nh me, O tr of night. With modoat, steady light. , Obodient, glad, to go the way From whiob God bids roe not to atrnyl Tcaoh me, O star o night I Teach mo; O flowers of night, To wait for summer bright And In the midst of earth's deep woe To uprout beneath tho winter's snowl Teach me, O flowers of night I Toach me, thoa verdsnt wood, To shelter if I oonld Caeh being, friend or foe, whose face I come serosa in lifo's great race I Teach me, thou verdant wood I Ye ocean waves no fair, Teach me my yoko to bear, 1 And, like yoa, when day's voices cease Reflect a thought of heavenly peace I Teach me, O waves so fair I O sun at cool of even, Direct my thoughts to heaven ' And teach me find In earth's dark night - The promise of eternal light! Toach me, O sun at event Translated From tho Danish of Bet. Chris tian uichorat. IOLANI'S LEAP. Flower and Garden Seeds. Large lot of Flower Bulbs To arrive in a Few days. School Books. Don't fail to try Holmes' Pills. Drugs, fine candy, &c. CATES&CO., Iiiirliiitflon, N. C. Livery, Sale i' Feed STABLES. W. C. Mooke, Pjior'it, i;AIIAM, N. V. TMmt in-it all triilns. Good Hlnglp or dou ble te:iinn. t'hmveM uiodoruln.. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JACOB A. LONG, 4-Attorncy-stt-Luvv, . GR.MIAM. - - - - N. C Practice In the Stnte awl Feilorul couHa. Oitloe over Whlto, Moore C.' store. Main Street; 'Plume No. X. J. D. KEIIXODLE, I rTt)llKV AT LAW -GRAHAM. - - . N. C. 1-tnaOBAT Dykun. W. . nycM,.lM. - By.NU3I 'ft J1YNUSI, - Attorny ami )unel"ri lit Jaimt oiieknmOoiw, n. Prarllce rerularly Id rtaiH-e owotr. th entirtii of Ala- An. ly. DK. Jr K7 STOCKAlD Dentist, GRAHAM. N. C. office at rsatdence, opnoif: It i ullat I'h ii rtK. n at work at rcaAonahlo prl wa in nmce Monuaya and Datur tiajra. r "" 22.68 PANTS: YH " Nne "SfiUtSP? Better il'fTii Money, ; I ' Very TMt) Few U f7l II As Good. $2.68 ParOs IxclusiVelxj. Wetry o butooetalac kwl w. An tka.1 aa tWav totter, 4 aoniMM Bleslly aad awtrt VBeeiltnoaly Ua aybody kwdar.st Tto Unra ma rrloa aat tto klxa yalae of MX nuataaraa 2$68. Jia fll. kut rea're ofVMi paid for PanU There wan intenee tribnlatioii amoiig tbe steerage officera of tbe Vandalia ag she lay at her moorings in the tranquil harbor cf Apia on tbe oocaeiou of one first visit to the Sainoon islands iu Jan. uary, 1880, for scarcely bad tfo lot go her bow and strtn anchors, as Is ens toruaiy in tboee" treacherous latitodea, when it was discovered that onr meit man during tbe commotion attendant therewith had unceremoniously ilippfed ove'r the side and swum to an outward bound merchantman with a view to ab ruptly severing his relations with the naval service in general and the mid ship mess of our vessel in particular. . The mess "striker, us be is nuoffl oially designated, of a man o'-war, is notwithstanding bis apparent inferior ity, from a standpoint of relative- rank, an important functionary, particularly when so thoroughly familiar with his dntios as was our lato incumbent, who, in spite of bis characteristic, barum scarnm propensities, which bad from time to time called forth corrections in. various degrees of severity from the members of our moss, was far above tbe average in his capacity.- True, bo had a penchant for thrashing every new cook who appeared for duty at tbe galley, but his saucepans and baking tins were in consequence always given, tbo point of precedence, thus insuring ua a hot cuisine at every meal, and if he did re strict himself to tbe best brands of to baooo ho could abstract from our private stores be daily bestowed upon our shoes a polisb.wblcu was nulmpeacuahle in tbo ryes of tbe inspecting officers, and,' thanks to bis industry, our sword hilts nnd trappings invariably bore a luster which awakened undisguised envy in the eyes cf our seniors. - But ho was gone now, and we bad to consclo our selves as best wo could with blaming each other for bis flight. The carpenter, v. ho alone appeared above reproach in tbe unair, acoused tbe sailmaker becauso of having reviled bim for appropriating a bolt of canvas. from tbe sail locker with which to man ufacture deck cloths for our quarters,, while the sailmaker iu turn censured tbe boatswain for having gone still fur ther in reporting him for creating some disturbance or other forward among tbe crew. The boatswain was equally con vinced that the fault lay with tbo gun ner,' who hud seen fit to impose extra duty upon bim for having slighted bis ordnance duties as set forth iu (be ship's station bill, though tbo gunner argued that tbe pay clerk, our caterer, was re sponsible for tbe catastrophe in having held back tbe "striker's" ration money to cover an overdraft in bis aooounta. Finally all but myself, tbe command er's secretary, agreed that I was amena ble to contributory negligenco in not having manipulated tbe conduct records in such a manner as to secure first, class liberty for him in' every port we bad visited, from which privilege bit turbu lent deportment bad always precluded him. However, such speculations were productive of no improvement in the i (nation, and after having endured tbe potty annoyance of being forced to ad minister to our individual wants for the space of three days, intensified by frequent criticisms on the part of the commanding officer daring bit rounds of inspection, we were not a little re lieved to hear our caterer announce that be had secured another meatman from the settlement on snore, the same being native islander who bad been recoro mended for tbe billet by one of the lo cal missionaries. We eutertained more or leas miagiv ings as to tbe suitability of this new ao qnisitioB, but under tbe oircumatanoes were ready to accept any one In the form of an attendant, so that when anb- sequent) f bo appeared on board and so tored upon tbo discbarge of bis duties no disparaging commente were forth coming. , i . Ilia name, In accordance with tbe customs of his people, was limited to one appellation, Wniloab, which, pro nounced in ' bla peculiar native accent, waa strangely pleasing to the ear. In appearance be was a strikingly 1 aome fellow, tbo comeliness of bia well prjportioued frame accentuated by Kgular cast of feature, fine eye and straight black bair. Nodoobt bis splen did physique, together with bia amiable dispoait'tu, went for toward reconciling us to bi nuaofihisticated manners and Inadaptability to bia duties, for as time progressed II became evident that wal loab would never make a brilliant sno- ceaa aa mesa striker. Ills taetaa, not ann (orally for a Stuaoao, were a to barmooy with tbe strictly MM feature, of lifo cu shipboard ibaa witb tna menial reqnlremeuta of bis ratio. and be would bare accaatomed bimaelf with vastly greater facility to tbe nes of marline spike or serving mallet tbaa to tbe aoooatenuenta' of galley Yon'H Alwaya (js) fO If you -rear rear Soslie "Ju.vJ th-ni once, UT4 ay Mortl Brea. Paata Ca, BoaHnra, . f. -roaaruiaT- liOLT A WHARTON. Oar stay at Apia oo this occasion was brief, and leae tbaa a fortnight found Is aeeia trader way, bound fox tbe Ha waiian Luanda, away to tbo aortbaast rd. It waa wbiie at Hoaojola that a chance became manifest la Wailoab'a character, wbatber tbo ootootna of bla aaaociaUaa with tbe anmiy eleeaanl of ear crew or of aa la bora tbirat ao preva lent among bis race ia problrmaUo, bat at all areata when at tbo arpsratioa of a month wa were again baadid (or tbe Samoaa jproop oar uiuasa bad de-rel- Ofsad aa ioaaUable appetite tor itrtoxi eaUag liqaar. Is the sh. nil of ordinary stiaiBlaata, whc it waa Impoawbie for bim to prorore at aaa, be would asak to alleviate bia tbirat with anything, froa WGWW V .WW .... W g --" I vihon thete stiU litutcs were placed be jruiid hia reach bis tmving was as iu. lento ns that cf a louflriijttl toper. I pitied tbo pcor fellow In lil.lauieutable afllictiou and freqccntly tcnk.cccutiou t9 rc-nsoa Witii him, iu which instances be would invariably bo seized, with re morse, bemoaning bis inability to over. coma bis failing and insisting upon bis unfitness to 11 va Ouo afternoon I entered tbo steerage unexpectedly and found him staudiug besido ouo of tbe deadlights iu the ves sel s side, nbstroctctlly gazhiu at a nho tograph held in his baud: Upon per- colviug mo be hntlily thrust it into tbe bosom of bis shirt, but my interest was aroused, and I insisted upon its being shown me. I was obliged to repeat my demand, however, before he would pro- duco it, and then in a shamefaced way be bunded over to mo I he pictqre of a beautiful Saiuoan girl, whoso features bore in softened . carves n striking ro semblance to bis own. Oa the lower margin of the card, in cbatoctcrs evi deutly formed by an untrained hand, was the brief legend, "Iolaul, " bat up on my appealing to bim for nu cxplaua tlon he answered never a word, oom mauds and entreaties nli.e being of no avail in drawing him out. Ordinarily tbe incident would bave seemed trivial enough, and had it not been for the sequel which transpired shortly after our return to Apia it prob ably would never have recurred to my memory. -It came about in the early morning hoars of tbe 10th day of February. Our ship was not alone in tbe littlo reef girt harbor, Besides a multitude of smaller craft which bad been driven to seek its scant protection from tbe storms that bod been sweeping the surface cf tbe surrounding ocean for a week past, a powerful fleet of war vessels, represent ing the navies of three great natioua, was assembled therein. , From tho 12th to tbe 14th tbe weather bad been squal ly and the barometers indicated an iui pending gale, bat Ly tbe morning of the 15th tbe conditions bad modified, and in tbe afternoon a perfect calm pre vailed.. No leave of absence- from the vessel was oxteuded to the crew, but a few of the caterers and messmcn, in cluding Wailoah, bad been allowed to go ashore for the night in tbo interest of tboir duties, with instructions to re. port at the landing should a signal of three, guns be Qred Until tbe hour of miduigbt was struck scarcely a breath of air bad disturbed tbo tranquillity of tbe waters, but tbe simultaneous clanging of tbe ship's bells seemed to awaken tbe storm (;( n from bis fitful sleep, tbe dying vibrations merging into a shivering sigh which arose from tbe deep to be hurled back in a stifled moan from tbe fast lowering skies. So rapidly did the change trans. pire that tbe barometers were all but caught nappicg, their indicators shift. ing from one to another extremo with startliug suddenness. Without a moment's delay tbe recall guns were fired and boats dispatched to tbe shore for the absentees, while on board extra anchors wore got out and everything made snug to meet the tin miuent tempest. By tbe time tbe boats had returned a fierce gale was raging about the island, the sea dashing in huge bellowing breakers over tbo coral reefs, which, affording us ub protection from tbe fury of the storm, were a con staut menace tp tho ships lying near them. Never sball I forget that awful experience and tbe dire calamities which from tbe beginning were portended. Enveloped alike iu darkness and swirling waves, not knowing what mo ment our vessel mlbl be dashed to pieces upon some treacherous rook or cent to tbe bottom in a collision with one of tbe many other ships in tbe bay, it was an ordeal to Inspire tbo stooteet hearts with dread. AH too lato it waa discovered that cur anchors were drag ging and we were drifting toward tbe reefs. The eugtnos were set to work steaming in the opposite direction, and for a time we appeared to bold our own, but moment by moment tbo gale in creased in violence, until it waa no lon ger a Kale, but a stupendous hurricane, and as tbe gtay dawn crept In arcund os wo were enabled to distinguish tbe reefs within a cable's length of onr starboard Quarter. Something must be done instantly I If a line could be got to tho shore, we migbt Le raved ; otherwise we were doomed. But bow was It to be accom. plfsbedf A smjll boat was oat of tbe question In such a tremendous sea, and an attempt to swim it woold be little abort of madoeaa. Yet It was tbe one remaining hope, and a volouteer waa called for. There was moment's best tation not of fear, bet of diffidence and a figure clad In oilekins glided from under the forecastle to tbo executive officer's sidei Tbe light was yet too un certain to cksrly distinguish faces, but 1 beard soma on say " Wailoab" and surged forward with tbe rett to make rare. As I drew near and made out the bronze face under Iba sou'wester, I mot tered vaguely to myself, "Yea, Wailoab but bow small of atatore be seams! Scarcely had I spoken when tbe vol on. teer mounted tbe bulwark close by (be gon against wbkcb I was steadying my self. A moment later tbe oilskin coal and sou'wester were tbrownaside, and I beheld above me, outlined against tbe white crested breaker, clad only In atari about tbe loins, and with a rnalj line passed around the waist Wai loab, bat tbe graceful figure eX a giiL I stood at If riveted to tbe deck I Where bad be face appeared to me beforer Eoddenty there Bashed into my recolleo- tbe teaMmbrano of tb picture and insert ptim which I had aeaa la Wailoab' poaarasioa, and invoiaatarily my Up framed tb syllables, lolaot" Tb axt aaataat aba had vaabaXL Wbene sb had com I did hot la that hour of peril aeefctoaaeerUia. but wbeaj tb Ua we stood watching wit mtogied hop and fear ceased to peas over the aide and we knew tb effort bad proved troUleae,! fait a bitter pane heart to think that toe devoted giri had aaori Sord her life ia trying to save oars. Botwlthatandlna that ab wa bat aa of aaaay, froa oar brave eomaaaader sow a, who failed to reach tbe ahor on that fatal day. a I dang tbrouab fa long, paiafal hoasa, together with my fast uimulabina abipmaiie. to glad ricsing of our gallant ship wblhj bar life wa batag cauaad oat aaoa sb cruel rocks, ary thought anailaatly re verted to tb inexplicable appearance of oaa girl cooafqaeoc of I is another iaatanl aa aeon of erief aeiaed apoa bias, aad amitiag hi tore- brad with bhj dincbtd bud h attered a cryof gngviah aad sprang u tb edge of the buffeting waters, i was too over come with exbau6tiou to detain bim, but two cf his fellow who bad stood near and listened to my words divined bis purposo and dabbed forward, Lardy iu time to prevent liltu from leupiug into the sea. Ho struggled fiercely to free himself, but finally permitted bis restruiuers to lead him buck to where I stood, and there cu tbo surf lashed strand, with tbe barricnuo still racing about ns, bo revealed to mo iu half nr tlculato sobs tbo mystery enshrouding tbe lout lolaui. tbo wua his wife, nnd on tbe night tbe storm arose bo lay In a drunken stupor, from which, at the booming of tbe recall gnus, sbe had vainly striven to arouse bim. At length, iu her fearf uluess cf his being punished, she had conceived tbe idea of donning bis uniform and reporting on board iu bis stead. No cue had questioned her identity as, mauled inis oilskins, she bad entered tbe boat at tho lauding, and it was pot strange tbat later, amid the confusion about tbo decks of tbe ship, she should have escaped notice. What became of Wallnab after w&Juf t tbe island I bovo never learuod, and doubtless wore it not for tho memory of his noblo wife be would long since have passed from my recollections, but when in my reveries I again livo through tbe appalling scenes at Samoa and view tbe familiar faces of those who perished iu our fierce Let tie with tbe elements there is always ouo which lingers in my fan cies when all other have fled. Tbat one to which my tbougbts must ever cling iu tendcrest admiration is tbo face of lolaui, tho brave Buimuui girl. Jose de Olivares In New Orleans Times- Democrat. Boat relating In the Val Sella. . The tall' bouses of Varallo aro hung with balconies, often cf florid, fnntas tio designs iu forged iron, worthy of a museum, "Which Are laden with flower pots and outlined with blossoming plants and swaying creepers, in rainy weather blue and yellow and green patches come out vividly on the stuc coed walls, among highly colored frag mentary advertisements of local fetes and dashing young ladies iu giddy bi cyole costumes, for the modern high art poster has found its way to Val Scsia, and often decorates a wall in tbe imme diate vicinity of some grave tJftoontb century Madonna. And there are tbo frescoed houses of renaissance arcbi tectnre, with the real and tho imitation indows sido by cidu. At tbe painted wiudow there is often a smiling paint ed lady, as elsewhere in Italy. Across tbe bridge, guarded by a mod. era warrior in white marble, over tho stream which comes down from tho rocky Val Mastallouo, tbcro is a villa painted to represent a Venetian palace, wltb a real garden in front mid a fres coed one seen in perspictive through a doorway. Here, nbcii a man is ambi tious for something better than a plas tered bonse front, he paints himself a Fitti palace of bewu stone or a facado of Venetian Oothic, which is often so well done that tho camera would fail to discriminate between tho real and tbe unreal portions of the edlflco. Edwiu Lord Weeks iu Harper's Magazine. FREE RURAL MAILS. iOOO ROADS WILL MAKE BETTER DELIVERY FACILITIES. tnothcr Strong: Induoement to tba Bet terment of Highways Plan by Which Country Dtatrlcta Wonld lie Greatly llcncOted Delivery at Schools, Iu prosecuting my work a speolal Igont and road expert, writes E. G. Harrison, I am frequently called upon In an advisory way to designate roads to bo macadamized or improved in other ways. In determining this I consider which will give the best results to the greatest number of people. I was pleased to sco in tbo reoeut re. port of tbo Hon. Perry S. Heath, first assistant postmaster general, bi ap proval of rural free delivery of mail and hi determination to extend it as far as tbe appropriation would permit In thi direction I bos an opportunity lor the road Inquiry to work in harmony with tbo postofneo department Tbe oh FODDER AND FORAGE. geedlnaT Onus In Fodder Corn Aooordrng to a Vermont rractloa. Tbo Winter of 180(-7 was a severe one for meadows, and especially tho newly seedod fields. The ground was frozen deeply and somo of tho time baru aud partly covered with ice. The young clover is largely killed, while on older meadows tbe grass is more or less In jured. Some of tbe field will have to be plowed and either sown with itrain or planted with fodder corn. Iu lull connection a Vermont eorrcsspondent of Tbo New England Homestead writes: Instead of planting the luud to corn this year aud seeding to grass, along with a grain crop next spring, it might bo better to try the following plun, which is being successfully followed iu many cases, riant to fodder corn in tbo nsuul way and just before tbe last cul tivation sow on the gross seed. Of courso tbe land should be properly fcrtilUixl either with mauure or phosphate and level Cultivation practiced. All of this work can be very well dona wiib tho implement known a tbo wcrder. By using this thoroughly tbe soil can bo made clean aud mellow. How tbe grass aeed previous to nslng this impleiui-iit tbe last time. When harvesting tbe corn crop, take care to cot as low as possible, so tbat tbo'itubble.wtll not be Jn the nay of tbe mowing macbiuo. Somo may think that arcdiiig in tbi way woold not bo oeoessful, but expe rieuc prove that it is. A neighbor last year seeded flv acre In thi man ner with good result. 1 have seen field Where a portion wa seeded to grasa With fodder cora tbe year be-fore and tb remainder with oat. Tbe part with tbo pom ia almost always decidedly sliead of tbe oebtx, a tt doe not winter kilt Where tbe ouU were aown tbe Seeding la poo and oueveu, wby there should BO -eocb a difference it might bedifll colt to determine, but such aro tbe foot iu tbe ease. Another advantage ia following this plan wherever dcairablo 1 tbat tbe corn crop properly cared for will be bettrr and leave tbe land In a desirable condi tion for a satUaclcry ctcy of hay. I have plowed- t U arrea, toeceeefallr daf last "year, but badly wiub-r killed, and will try tb plan oollinrd farm. Field and f iroalde originally tDaairaled tb 0oodal for farm ditch. as ant la by a Wyandotte'eoonty (O. ) farmer, and bar presented, follow tug are directioa for making lit Take a ptec of timber (XI 4 by 4 tacbea. Mar aaortiaea tbrooah tb 4 by A SMOOTH ROAD I.RSSXNS SPACE. jects of tbo poetoffiuo deportment nnd tho road inquiry of tbo department of agrlculturo aro similar In this: To promoto tbe busidess, social and educational interests of tho people. in selecting roads to be improved wo take those that will give these results as far as possible. Wo give prcfercuoo to roads loading to important centers, through vlllauos rtm thickly nettled portions of tbe oouu try. Koads upon which star routes or messenger servico to carry the mails bave been established. Roads passing by or near school houses, publio halls, churches and in dustrial establishments. Villages aro built up from tbo neces sities of rurul communities, and tbo in terests of both are promoted by closo in tercourse. On permanent roads those which nro bard, smooth aud (It for use at all seasons of tho year mail can be carried at much less cost and leas time than on other roads. Iiucal free delivery of mails may be substituted iu many oases on tbeso road for star routes aud mes senger servico with saving in cost and better servico. Tbe advantages of delivering letters tp factories aud other indostriul estab lishments, particularly where large numbers are employed,' need not be dwelt upon. Tbo mails left at publio schools can bo, distributed to a great number of families through tbo pupils living renioto from postofneo and carrier route. Letter brought to tbo uearost school for mulling can bo token by the rural letter carrier to tbe nearest postoflloa for mailing. Teachers can nso these lottera aa object lessons in giving suggestions aud instruction iu regard to proper, plain and neat addrossiug, eto. In school remote from poa tutrices tbo teachers might wltb advantage be mode stamp agent aud in tbi way famllio fur away from poatoffloo can be sup plied with stamps, stamped envelope and postal cards, Tbii will promote let ter writing and use of mails and will also insure, more regular attendance. 1 would respectfully recommend that iu tbo selection of roads in tbe future for improvement tbo above suggestion be considered and tbat tbo postoflloe de partment in establishing routes for ru ral free delivery use the Improved road whoocver poaaiblo. The carrier whenever practicable should be allowed to arrango witb the ofllcials having charge of the improved toads far himself to act a inspector or care taker of the road over wblob bis route run. In this way bo could many time prevent waste and damage to tbe road from ndiUti shower or thaw, and ha could also report promptly to tb road official all washout or other dam ago of importaue requiring immediate attention. He should be allowed to re ceive such compensation as be' and tbe road official may agree upon. Thi compensation would enable bim to equip himself for better service and need not interfere witb tb prompt delivery of malls, and at toe same time would help to aecare proper maintenance of tb road. I would respectfully aggeat that tb road inquiry of tbe department of agri culture aud tba postoflle department work In harmony on the line above mcntioued to sorure the beat poasibl advantage fur tba boalneaa, social and educational Interest of tb people. Royal inokcn the flood pare, wholeionte and delicious. SIM1 P07DER Absolutely Puro ROVAl BAKINO rOWDf 01., HfW VOBK, 1 TWO BIG STORES ii Under One Management" o aatatataaati ' O tM SAMPLE BROWN MERCANTILE CO., of Greensboro, want thef people of Alamance to knw that they now V have nn immense stock of NEW SPRING GOODS, em- 5 GAPES IN CHICKENS. CAUSE OF THE COMPLAINT METHODS OF TREATMENT. AND bracing as nice, stylish, up to date staff as is kept by any V 2 house in N. C. In their dry goods house, 234 South Elm J o St. you will find evervthinp; in " a U Dress Goods. Trlmminas. Notion. -r. ' . T How the Dlieajto Ifeeontes Established In Land wad Luftrtrra I -Worthies For Poultry IUUIhb Food and Drinking Water Are Means of Infection. In a roccnt bulletin of tbe agricultur al department H. Garmea discusses tbe subject of gapes 'in young poultry. Tho Immodiuto caaso of tho trouble i Ii cf courso tho prescuco of the well kuown gape worm in tbe trachea or ; , windpipe. These worms obstruct the ; ' passage tf air to and from tbo lungs, aud thus occasion tho cbaracteristio . gasping movements of the suffering ! chicks. Tbo commonly recommended practice of Introducing into the traohea ft nnrtlv strlnnpH fnnfhni1 n, a hlnn mwi. ! top, aud by a twisting motion dislodg-1 W Hosiery, Silks, Carpets, MattlHffs, etc. A t 225 South Elm St. they have by far the largest stock gf-OF FINE SIWESB carried by any house in the State. You are earnestly re quested to call on us when in Greensboro or order what you want with the understanding that if goods and prices arc not satisfactory money will be cheerfully refunded. '- - Sample BroWr Mercantile Go., GREENSBORO, N. C. a) INSURANCE ! M ,p? '"fit, ., O 0 , A O.id Maude Mlahuar. A progreaaiv Cantial minister on Long lalatui read a antic lately from bis, sol pit aouoonciug a good roads tnet-dng to ba bbJ tbat week and that good singing would be a featur of It He cxprawLd tb belief tbat better roads would make better Christian. Along poor road land sells aiowlr. There la a demand for farming laad and roral boose along good bigbwaya, Cade her pre suit road law 138 mile of good rcada bar bean batlt la Hew Jersey. Bard road make aecea to tb farms easy at all seaaoua; i rod oca aaa be ship ped in any weather if tb highways are taa l-chwio. and 1cbj a. tb. width J ;;-"r; at the aiata you wiaa to aaa. ttav ; cr. anuata. n your aUta about three feat long. Pet ar. a1ns ima, atinca. Ipnua, an fHrnnea Tbfoan, Cauawa, etc Hare ft ky wa nf oa antOo. Warraatad tbe aso-t wondcrfal- mrailfe cut ever kaowa. aoMbyT.dk. 4 bfiilt.rax(lat,t)rkM. Jf.C. . , weight (Wl ewouch below tbe harp tb perpaodWlar. frarn of tw post aad alU with roa ill, baviag lb post wall braead. Bora bole la pot to recrlva lb rouadad ead of lb toed gat beam Wbaa cntapiread. ateh tbe sill (g) ta I lb Mcaad aetua tb ditrh aa a krv I IU tb bo nf tb ditch. W.mm Ti laeitay a I'ranurf laaaM tutni.rt for a MUl.ilkwtiiKanklsrtlm. Munlk I fMan an iw.i rvMwm at.aer Surfemnep. tiw wfr aMn .i.l mmp4 mrtofw. Tee IioasialuatABWiuay, IMpC H, CMomcik CHICKKN WITH UAritS. ing and removing tbo worm doe not seem after considerable experience with the diseased fowls to be praotloable for very young chick. Tbo trachea Is so small and so easily injured thai it is impossible to dislodge and ronioveejl of tho worm by such means. It ba been my experience, ' say Mr. Oarmon, "that cbick generally recover without treatment when they uro attacked after they aro half grown, and houco fowl that might from their size be treated successfully witb a feath er do not rcquiro treatment of any sort is tbe very young cbicks tbat sudor most, and the only remedial treatment in their case tbat seems to mo to be suc cessful i, rubbing tbo nock from time to time witb lard or vaseline thorough ly mixed witb a little turpentine (three parts of tbe lard or vaseline, to ono part of turpentine). This treatment should begin before tho disease makes Its ap pearance. It will not help a chick In tho last stages of tho dlseaso. Pure tur pentine will very quickly kill a chick when rail bed on tbo neck over tbe tra chea, o fact whiob I havo several times demonstrated on badly effected individuals." Air. Carmen calls attention to tbe fact tbat tbe noted French naturalist Mug- nin asserts tbat powdered garlic witb food has been successfully nsed in tbo treatment of gapes in pheasants aud suggests tbat tbe aamu remedy might effective iu case of other kind of fowls. When tbe disease is under way among a brood cf chicks, it is beyond doubt conveyed by way of drinking wa ter and food from affected fowls to oth ers. Cbicks suffering from gapes may anmot lines bo observed todislodge worms and discharge thorn from their month during spoil of sneezing. According to Megnin' observation young batched from tbe eggs In the bodies of tbes dis charged worm may live fur aome time in the drinking water, where they swim about like vinegar eels, ready to be tak en-into the stoium h offowl. -TbcerH facta in the history of tbe worm show why dissolving copperas in the drinking water, isolating affected fowls and changing tbo quarter of tho other sometime bave tbe effect of checking tho spread of tbe disease, Bnt when tbo young gape worms are already abundant in tbo soil sucb treatment will not avail ; oulca tbe cbieki can be kept from tb ! ground. Mr. Uarroen has found by ex-! per intent that it Is poasibl to prevent : tbe trouble completely by keeping ebkk ', j on a beard floor from tbe time they are r bale bod until they are large enough to endure tbe a.ttack cf tbe worm. I wish to call thi! attention of insurers in Alamance county ,lo tho fact that tho Burlington Insurance Agency, established in ; 1893 by the lato firm of Tate & Albright, is still in the ring. There in no inxurance agency in North Carolina with better facilities for placing largo lines of insurance, that can give low-, cr rates or better indemnity. Only first-class companies, in every , branch of the business, find a loelgoment in my office. - With a pratJtical experience of more than ten years, 'I feci warranted in soliciting a uliare of the local patronage. I guarantee full satisfaction in every instance. Correspondence solicited upon j all matters pertaining to insurance. - . I am making a specialty of Life Insurance and will make '1 it to the interest of all who desiro protection 'for their families " J or their estates, or who wish to make absolutely safo and profit- ' 4 able investment, to confer with mo before giving their applies- tions to other agents. Very respectfully, ...--'"l - J JAMES 1 ALBltlGUT, 4 BURLINGTON, N. C. 6&OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOO i Qnnnncp-jWhsit 9 I I UUppuuU IHIUlri- , I '00000 . "1 - - . - - - I i Hill II Calling foaltry. On of tbe secret of successful breed ing is tb art of culling, says Kural World. In doing thi properly it ia es sential tbat you know your breed thor oughly (none bat standard breeds should be kept), alro tbat yoo bavo a good. clear coiupri huirion cf tb revolts to b obtained and bow to get them. Although ft takes Kan M-rva, too aboold coll your fowl down to tb best only. AH 7 Kh. I .mm .f mmm -I. .1.1 ft. sacrifiord. Yoa cannot afford to keep uij profitable aena, and tbi culling proo eas sboold t gco tb rough every year. tho bringing ap tb average of your fowls, aad ia time yoa will bar a choice flock.- Tb farmer should cull down jcsl a teach a tb town breeder; it i joat as mocb to bis advantage. If, however, on account of market or other good rrasona, it ebon Id bo Impraotioabl to kill ao many fowls, tboae selected for breeder ran be confined early la tba spring and egaa from them aaed only. This method, w are glad lose, U prao Uosd by many fanners. Suppose you had a nicely displayed advertisement in .this space, then what? Why the 2,500 . eyes that scan these pages every week would see it and would know of your business, and when something in your line was wanted they would naturally look you up. See? Had you ever thought of it? (6) !2S Wwww . f I fVmthcrn and W'cHtern stock men know a good Uibi when they ua it therefore f r arratebca, weeny, rin-horn, strain, sprains, bruiaea, aiiieiio and birness gall and ailment of borxe-, they tve Rice' Goo.e C rcaae linim -nt, it is good fur ron as leaM. 8 del and rur- antecd by all druggies and BeDerml store. , Th H.mmrr Mchool fbr Teacher. .Tha I'niversity Summer School for teacher will legin on June 21st, and l;tt one month in the Uit ittriiy buiMin'f at ChajK-l Hill. The inewt famous teachers in "The Wilmington Messenger says that 13,000 acre of land near that city has been selected and that 600 families from tbe North will build a town and settle there. Each family that is to come will hare from 1500 America have Iwen engaged to give to II,C00 the success of the settlers thorough iiixlruclion in method and .in Moore county, in Cliadbourn and siK-cial subject. ChajicI Hill is a tk-liiditful aumtner resort and many teacher are already there enjoying the campus ami library and rest in tho shade of tbe majestic oaks. One fi rxt-clasa fare for the round trip ha been authorized on all the railroads, tickets on sale from June 18 to July 12, good returning until July 21st. - ASTOnZA. Tb) Ual T Ibw tw, Iprjf other place has been such as to en courage others to come.. The Raleigh News and Observer says Miss Lena Powell, who has been stenographer at the Adjutant General's office since the war prep aration began, is, now that Col. Cow lee ia an invalid, discharging" most of tbe duties of the office. Sbe is so expert in1 mobilizing troops that only her aex prevents her pro motion at majot in the army. , ;

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