r fca : . Tbe Oldest Newspaper in lie County,'-'. ' ' ' . Establishad InlSTS., $1.00 i:rYenrIn Advance. ' 'S - . ' - Large and increasing circula tion in Alaniance and. adjoining counties--a point for advertisers. EANER VOL. XXIV; GRAHAM, ;N.C, THURSDAY. . JUNE23, 1898.: no: 20. Judicious ,dVrt: f AND '"Keeping Everlastingly at it b: ; success." , rates fube::"3 ca irrLKAc::. Job Printin All Ikinds Commercial Print ing,. Pamphlets, Posters, &c., neatlv and promptly executed nt lowest prices. , (3 fnm FACTORY ta CONSUMER.. 1 : J FTt..g -., -. s .or SI.39 taysthlt, 'exact) Katun Hooker Uiwegt die Our new II. aa? pa catalmnre cnntainJng Fur- fA arena- nlture. rlee, Crockery, ' Bab Garria neing-eratore, 'Stove. Lamps, Picture. Mir- a' ' MM. RmMfii: iv la vnMra ftw tha , apA taking-. Special supplement lust w iwii urn atso tree, w mm uhuv. ' 1 , - OAKPET CATALOGUE In litho- ( ' graphed colon la also mailed free, i Write or It. If tou wish samolea. I ' send Sfl. aiamn- ' Mattlna aamnle aian ' fm mailed fur 80.- All Carpeta awxl V VT free title month mm freight Wi aajj mu mm mw purcoaaca Mimr, $7.45 bar nade-to-Toar-meaa-nre All-Wooi Cheviot Suit, expreasage prepaid to your awtlon. Write for free oata- t logue and (ample. Addraa (exaouy a oeumt, -v . JULIUS St INKS & SON, T ( ' Bsat Mt. - BALTIMORE, MB. ) HELKFT'i !;!.i;ilJKCH AN ENGLISH CUnATt"Ti.t.L9 WHY HB ' 7 T0RNL3 AlTOtV . v l.'V - " --t. iitW Line of TrHHtrs, Shoulder Braces for . Ladies aiid ieytl&twni ..; Cofiibs, perfumes, 1 ' 'j4 rtist'9 Colors, " : . Scliool Supplies, . Fine Candies, ' ' ' -Brushes af all kinds, Full line of Drugs, Plenty of Cold Drinks. ' Come and see us- OATES&CO., Burlington, N. C. Livery, Sale 1 Fee STABLES. I W. C. Moore, Pkop'k, . OKAIIAM, N. C. .jOEja Team meat all tralni. Qood tingle or dou ble teama. Chargei moderate. ii-2-m PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ,-. ifWMrfMMMMMrfMMitlaiavWaTt JACOB A. . LONG, ' Attorney-at-Law, GRAHAM. J - - - - N. c ' rVantlaat In tha State and Federal court. OMoe over White, Moor A 0o.'t store. Main treat. 'Phone No. a. . - J. D. KEKIS'ODLE, . 1 TCQRNKT A T LA W : - GRAHAM, - ... Hf. C. loan Obat Bykdk. W. f. Btxbm.Jb. BYNU5I & BYNUM, .il4irnpyM and Coarutclorai nt ltw .- oaKKNBBOIlO, H. C. tVaetlr renlarl In ptanr eoaalv, tb eoarta-flT Ala- DR. JR. STOCKAKD, Dentist, GRAHAJJ, N. C. Ofllo at reeldenee,- oppoait HapUt Cbnrea. . . U mt arorfc at reaaonable prl In oOoe Muauara nod Bai day. CICIPWITS: aiv..- r None : WTJJI Better Ivfj j Mono. Very , (N40 I ; Few Good. 28 Pants rxc!usnK. We try t oa ha OM thlas, natjre ae that mm thi hrtlar. do taora liinat attaailr and bmk easedltloaary thaa MrbadretaeaWela. TW hjanuet ml i mt a lie Couldn't Make e 1,000 a Tear a Freaeher, anl thn Ktrucflo to Maintain ' a Family nail aa Appoornne an 01 J Small Stipend Tl'as Tod Great to Bens, Tbo odIod tetweif tbo'cbnrcb and tbo stage lias been etrooBtbefaed by clerk in boly order bcnouiiog an aotor, tbo flret InBtoocc on record: . - Tbe genllotnaa in .question id Ma, Lelgblon tlgb. ,Hontsarc nMall rep- reeentativo tbot bo very strongly object to be told be bag "forsaken" tbe cbaroh for the stage. The severance- of bis con poctioa With tbe establishment was not voluntary, bat compulsory. His orders ere still retained, wbioh is not tbe case if au Ordoiued priest deliberately qniti tbe cbaroh of bis own accord. Mr. Loigb, accordiug to biaowu state ment, was driven out of tbo church by the straggle to make a decant appear anoo and keep np a position in tbe parish, on an absardly iusaffioient sti pcud. ; "Aboat 14 years oro," said Mr. Lelgb, "I was ordained to the curacy of Horneld, Bristol, whore I was assistant chaplain to tbo barracks, and remained there two years. Etsforo I definitely de oided on a clerical career, however, bad successively tried tbe callings of auctioneer's clerk, tea merchant and schoolmaster. I was also private tntor for a short time before finally entering the Gloucester Theological college to read for orders. Being ordained, I threw my whole heart into my work and en deavored to forget tbe old love for tbe ctago which bail bean with me since childhood." "Did yoa ever, previous to taking or ders, endeavor to got upon ihe stage?" "Once only.'! was the reply, "and then I was actually offered an engagement, and, marvelous to relate, my heart fall ed me, and I refused it. I was 1? at tbe time, and lbad the .ooufidenoe to apply to Henry Irving (ad bo was tbeny for an engagement. He sent me to Mr. Block more, tbe Agent, who procured mo the offer of a part, in Clarence Holt a 'Now Babylon company. However, as I say, my coorago failed me, and I let tbe chance go by. "After staying at Horfleld for two years I became successively senior ou rate of Hammersmith parish cborob, curate in charge at 'Barley, Herts; sen ior curate of Cboshant, Herts, tbe vicar being chaplain to Lord Salisbury ; sen ior curate of Hitchin, Herts; senior cu rate of Brondeebory,. N. W., and final ly ktcain tenens at Hatfield, which po sition I held for niuo months. I have married, baptizod and buried hundreds of people and preached -to many thou sands, it was not from choice, but from sheer necessity, that 1 gave up my cler ical work. . I was saddouly and unex pected ly deprived of tbe private income I bod hitherto enjoyed, being at tbe time in receipt of a net salary of 140 year. This ia tbo overage salary of ca rats la tbo charcb of England, and thus gives a man 3 13s. lOd. a week to maintain as a goutleman ouu of tbe most prominent and important positions in a parish. I bad a wife and foar chil dren, and I say that oat of this nto a man cannot keep birr. self and family. I pay rent and taxes, to say nothing of tbe expenses of children's education, tbe little parochial subscription (bat are always cropping np and tbe occa sional doles while visiting tbe poor of tbe parish. It cannot be done. Tbe lifo of n father of a family under such con ditions is a harden which becsunot support with soooess. - Un discovering that I was in tbe predicament I mentioned I wrote to bifbop in whose diocese I had worked for eight years, bat to uo practical avail Of coarse bis lordship's letter was kind and courteous, bat bo found It impose! ble to offer me living. I fooud oat, too. that most of tbe so called 'cood liv ing' In England require an inoumbont with large private mean. - All the men under whom I bsvs worked bavs been rioh men, whose positions cost them far more than their livings produced. -"At the time of which I (peak wanted 200 a year not an extravagant turn aud for soma time I applied for numerous chaplaincies and appoint' ment and answered advertisement aft er advertisement. Tbs reply was always tbe same: 'Are yon a married man and bsvs yoa say private means?' After my 1 answer to tbe effect .that I bad a wife and four children, bat no private meaoa, tbs oorrespondenbs erased. Matters be came worse aud worse. Debt and diffl calty encore passed ma on every side, sod wben things were at their gloomi- rst I met Mr. P. A. Bandamors, who bad been a fallow passenger with me on a trip to Norway soma years before. .Uo that occasion 1 bad told hltn of my early looglog for tbs stage, and when he learned that these aspirations still ex isted be offered me an engagement la bis tooting company. I lamped at it who' would not under oca oircom- id left tbe church. "Louden HISTORY CF.TKK-BOVERY. Orlaluolly an Indian Trail and the Coo ad of -Many Madeaeros. , It is prcbnule that tbo Bowery was orieinully part rf an Indian trc:l wbicb extended from tbo region CfJhg Uuttcry to the northern limit of Manhattan and eonnretcdttpip.tcrislunl village on tbo Hurlem, Cats aud Spuytcn Ocyvil crooJt.wllh tboso tola cf City Hull park and east cf tbe present Greenwich Bvcnoo. A row years after tbe tocud ttig of Nieuw Amsterdam the represent atives if tbo West India. company laid cat six farms cr boowcrics alcog tbe vast side of tbo present Bowery and leased them to tenants. - fn 1048 Director Kleft, In spite of the protestor Do Vrles and other In flucutlal men, ordered tbo innesucre of 40 Indians at Corlears Ilcok, and that of a still larger number of men, women and children at Pavonio, In retaliation for these brotal.morders, for they wcro nothing elsn, the oatlyiug furms at Harlem, Ktateu Inland, tbo Bcwery and ctbor places were-laid waste. When peace was restored, it was found im possible to rent tbe' farms, so they were eventually sold. ; .Prior to tbo sale of these farms, bow. ever, a frontier colony of manumitted negro slaves was established west of the Bowery. With reference to this colony Ibo minates of tbo Dnich coun cil, 1044, recite tbe fact that Manuel do Groot, tbo giant, and ten cibor nn groes and their wives wcro rclvased from slavery on condition that ' eaun man, daring bis life, pay tbe govern ment an annual rental of S3 bushel of grain and a fat bog, their children be ing still held as slaves. Tbeir planta tions extended from tbe Bowery to old Jans' land, now tbe property of Trftiity chnrcb. Two hundred and fifty years ago Fctrus Stuyresant lauded cu tbe island of Manhattan, and four years later bo purchased, tbrougb bis representative. Juu Damen, the "Great Bowery," or bowery Ma 1, tbo most northern of the six original farms, wbicb were num bered frcm ono to six. No. 0 being cast of Chatham square, at tbo timoof which we write tbe property cf Augustine Hermanns, tbe amateur draftsman, to whom nro indebted for ancient sketches of Mew Amsterdam. At tbo beginning of tbe Ccvbiutioo try war this farm was the property of the Bulgers, tbo bomo cf tbo patriot Uarmauns Rutgers, killed in tbe battle at Long Island. In August, IOCS, Gov rnor Btayvoeant led his forces against the Swedes on tbo Delaware. Sept. 10, during bis absence, ex-Sberiff Henry Van Dyke discovered nn Indian woman stealing peoebca from bis orchard, nita atcd on tbe west side of Broadway, aoath of Trinity charcb, and shot ber dead. Tbe news cf tbo rash and cruel act spread to tbo neighboring tribes, and before peace was renewed 28 plantations wcro laid waste, ICO men, women and cbildreu murdered, and as many carried Into captivity. Van Dyke being among tbe first sluin. Several of tbe occupants tbe farms along tbs Bowery were killed and tbeir wive and obildren carried into captivity. ' Un tbe return of Governor Stay vernal order was restored and many of tbs captives returned to tbeir friends, among tberu s daughter cf tbe celebrated Wol- fort Webber, who at this data kept tavern on toe present unatnom square (then of course a country road), aboat alott street. Independent , WIDE TIRE BENEFITS. . Bella la Jurnaaliss. Turk and Jews as well as Christians, according to tits Koiaiacae Volksset- bavs bean mock excited by tbs of too three brl Is of tbe new Prot estant charcb la Jerusalem. For sever al centuries tb us of bells by tbs Chris tians in Palest ins or elaewber within tbe Ottoman empire bad been prohibit sd by tbs great Turk, who kas conceded M now, bow ever, to bis friend and ally. tbs evangelical desman kaiser, la tbs Theatre de la Torqaa, pobliabed ta Idea, it Is said: "Tbs Turk bats bells as i symbol of Christianity sod do not per il rraa tbs Christian to net lastm. Only la a few remote moantala ooo- sots -or ia lonely ialaod where tner no tsstdcD MohawnwdaDS Is tbs as of ball tolerated.'' WaatraiasSar 26 That's JUL -- . hat rewV artaei mmU HM tot raa You'll AlwsTt p o If yon wear . wear Nnell's $wVa3 tbetn once. MT T Hoaffl Broa. Peat OJutatera.sT.CL ..t . JIOLT k -WHARTON. WkSe TIms f tmm Many a eooaty road, today a typical akma-b of deapood." vrooM to so tav proved try tbs ans of wida firry prrpctv ly arraaaed tbat XririDg it to Brat etaaa- soaditiosi woo id rcqoir nrnper drainasj only, by abapina; ibm aarfacs sad femSatj tbs atae sUtebes etoar. Iravlasj tbe toliinf of Wid Bres ts a .... . A Ths roadway of lbs Sas Lafsyetta U tm ton np sa4 will to salsasl HhbJock of real Braxi lias tasbrarssrs of Saw laztBts aa4 solos. ... Queer Calllnca, In a great city like Paris there Is a largo nam ber cf per sons who gain tbeir living bonoratly ucoch, bat ia oxcrcis log professions tbe moat extraordinary. rune seeing tbcm at work wqald not think tbry coald do well end wonders why tbey do it A little etteniian will explain tbs mystery. ' There is tbe searcher for gold or jew els; be lives by sewers. Yen will bim wailing near tbeir openings, net In baud, snapping up and selecting from all that comes out of tbcm. Sometimes bo finds object of gold or liver, wbicb, alter many turn of for tune, eotue to bo lost, or rstber found, there.. ' inen mere is tbs crow cnoaer. Ibis I tbs-Wonder is is a little girl or boy who aids bis per j iDa0g sots by gaining 8 or 4 cents a day. Tbey set off early in tbs owtning and glvs tboir services to tnekitcben garden srs in tbe sobarbsr Sometimes tbey so ssversl miles before arriving at tbeir employer's place. Tbeir work is to j stand among tbe vegetable beds and cbato sway tbs sparrows, crows and other pilfering birds by waving a black slotb. ilia a fatiguing task, and we bavs said above bow tbey are paid. Bat tbs obildren perform tbalr work with seal and at nightfall return on foot to tbeir homes, Sometimes tbeir employ glvS Ibem the ktocs from their tor- bles. London Echo. - Oar Oaaatlaaed W "l Mprws that all of ot," said Mr. Billtops "bsvs soma pet ambiticn or soma with tbat ws never realize; tbat ws carry throogb life, perhaps quite unknown to onr friends, and down with as to tbs srsvo, onsssiafkd. boms of those nccs and fancies cn tbo part of oar frknds woald seem straugs sooogb to ns if wo knew them, Lot no mors strange to -as than oars mibt i m to tbcm. Tbers era tionly of I steady going, bardwet king people tbat j oem foil of toaincae ooly tbat really I cberisn, wllb all tbeir occopatiens, tbe j moat romautio ideas, tbcogb tbry tucy to Indeed about tbs siaplesl tbiugs la tbs world. 'rJometinxs ws bear of tbetn, lotos. tbing gives oocasioo for tbs sxpn-taica of tbetn, and then tbey corns to os liks rsvelation. Ws had never drtomtd tbat So-and-so bad tbat (train of fancy to bim. But for tbs most part tosae ideas srs prnonal goats bkb .w sa trrtaia within oar own aslls. in wboss company ws Bad pleaenra, and watrsi vsa takswIUi as acDottced wben we a." Sew fork Boa. - Poor Bond Are Improved by Thorn and Qood Ones rnsorved. . It bas required much demonstration to convince tbs farmers" that good roods are a profitable investment. The work ot tbe agricultural experiment stations In this regard bas been invaluable, says the Washington Star. Experiments witb broad and narrow tires conducted un der tbe eyes of tha farmers have definite ly shown the folly of maintaining the present system of small tired wheels as long as the roads are indifferent or posi tively bad In quality. , There are two points from whlob to view the relationship between tbe tires and tbe quality of tbe road. Tbe experi ments bave shown first that as long as tbe roods are in poor oondition, subject to much moisture and thereby liable to beoomo heavy and muddy at short no tice, tbe use of the narrow tiro is a pos itive hindrance. It require more power to haul a wagonscueqniped, for tbo tire sinks doep Into the material of tbe toad, and thus forms for itself a con stant obstruction that most boovoroomo. But tbe broad tire has n nse other and indeed better tban that of minimiz ing tbe labor and therefore tbo cost ot hauling. It "cures tbe bad conditions tbat bave been largely caused by tbe narrow tiro, serving as a oom pressor and gradually compacting tbe material and greatly improving Its condition. Thus tbe use of the broad tire means a double gain. It saves in tbe cost of baoliug by permitting heavier loads to bo hauled by tbe same agencies and in less time, aud it-eaves, too, in tbo cost of roadmakiug and In repairing. It is believed that ft all road users could be persuaded to change tbo tires of their draft vehicles, especially in tbe districts where bad roads are tbe rulo rather than the exception, tbo ulti mate cost of bringing the country thor ougbfurcs up to a modern standard would within a very short time be so low tbat tbe most comprehensive road improvement laws could be passed with out difficulty. In some states muob bas been done by granting exemptions from road taxes to tboso rood users wbo novo adopted the broad tires and likewise to those wbo have adjusted tboir vehicles to tbat tbe front and rear wheels will not "track," thus minimizing the chances of wearing tbe surface of tbo rood. It has been found tbat witb broad tires in nse tbe amount ot surfacing material needed is comparatively small. POULTliY NEEDS CARE WARMTH AND VENTILATION TIAL TO HEALTH. ESSEN ' 'i r., Ercry Poultry Vard Should Have Shade 'During Hot Weather How to Utilise Carrels For Meat to Good Advantage. Food and Drink For flitter. Fowls will pay best, says Farm and Home, if yon will caro for them and give them the littlo attention which tbey require. In tbo first place, yoa need a person to caro for tbem, ono who noes not want to see dumb animals suf fer, and wbo is willing to be tied down a little, for tbo fowlsneed to be fed reg ularly. Select some member of the fam ily who is in sympathy withJJie poul try, aud wbo will take pride in seeing tbom thrive under bis caro. Have a building separate from tbe regular farm buildings, placed in a sbcltured, sunny spot, well drained, In a corner ot tbe orchard if not too far from tho house. This may vary according to tho number of fowls to be accommodated and tbo tpacb or funds available, bnt no matter bow yoa boild yoa mast keep certain things in view from tbe beginning. You want warmth, dryness, ample spaoe and simplicity of inside arrangements that tboy may bo easily cleaned and kept freo from lice. Hens will lay more eggs if divided Into pens of not more tban 10 or la, and in building make tbo bouse 10 feet by 18 feet for each 13 hens to bo housed. This allows for a four foot alloy on tbe north side. hove found that in tha long run a uouse maae witn a goo a souci balloon frame, with matched or novelty siding on the cutside, witb. tarred paper bo tweeu tbe boards and studs 'and on the inside nnotbor thickness of tarred pa per, covered with matched ceiling, best, for tbe roof I uso what is known as clear butt ebiugle and for tho Inside partitions planed hemlock boards for tbo first tbreo feet from the floor and two inch mesh wire netting from that up to tho roof. In tbe south aido put a 13 light window for each eight feet Many people make a great mistake by pntting too much glass In their poultry houses, forgettlug tbat it is as good a conductor of cold as of beat A writer in Tbo Country Gentleman soya it Is of tbo greatest importance tbat there he shade in tbe poultry yard. Poultry will not do well without it Many poullrymcn plant plum trees in Royal make the food pure, v - : :: wholesome and dallcleuc pip, ' ill- PQVDZfl Absolutely Puro aovAt BAKitm iwwnpa en., wrw mmt. GERMAN PROFESSORS. they- Are. Very Loarned, but Tbey Are - -'. . . AUo Very namesu -. STATE AID FOR ROADS. A Beeognltlon That This Is the -Solution of the Good floods Problem. The strongest impetus wbioh tbo good roads movement has received in many years past was tho passage by tbe Now York legislature of the Higbio-Arm strong good roads bill, says tbe Chioago Times-Herald. . It Is significant, of tbe rapid growth of publio Bcittimcut in favor of stuto aid to highway construction tbat tbe oppo sition to the measure could muster only 80 votes. Under tbi bill, which bos beoomo a law, the state appropriation for this year to expend for highway im provement Will be ISO, 000, wbicb, it la estimated, will amount to 1 cout per 11,000 af assessed valuation, or U oents on tbe averago $3,000 farm. Tbo size of each year s appropriation is fixed by tbo legislature, and as tbe good results of tbe law bcoome more discernible and more genorally recog nised it i not Improbable tbat publio sentiment will demand in o few years a much larger appropriation, Under the provisions by wbicb a county is author ized to apply for a portion of tbs good roads appropriation the law become a borne rale measure. If tbo appropriation should be increased to f 1,000,000 in any year, tbe average tor on ouch $3,600 farm would be only CO oonts, wbicb seems a trifling expenditure considering tbs Immeasurable benefits tbat accrue to agriculturist through good high to tbe markets. Witb each anotablo examplo of what tbe itate cau do In tbe way of encour aging tbs construction of good highways afforded ty ber neighbor. New Jersey, tbat New York did not inaugurate tbs State aid system long ago. Under tbo New Jersey law tbe stats bears one-third tbs expense, tbs sine of tbe appropriation being deter mined by ths legislature. Under the stimulus of state aid nearly every ooan- road, while there srs already so many miles of stono road la tbo stats that it can to traversed ia every direction without leaving tbem. Nineteen of tbs II oouutlo of tbo state have tbi year made application for their shares of tbs appropriation. Tbs action of tbs New York legisla tors is gratifying recognition of tbe fact tbat state aid i tbs ultimate solution of tbo good roads problem. nusiir UCKS. the runs, but it takes time for those to produce any great amount of abode. The aooompanylng cat shows a plan , that gives both profit and sbado at once aud both witb but little waitiifg. A row of raspberry bushes is set lengthwise along ono side of tbo run. Snob a row does net Interfere with the running of a cul tivator lengthwise through the long yard, while tbe bushes will give a de lightful thado for tbs fowls or chicks In hot weather. The poultry will hardly cat a berry, either ripe or green, and will keep all weeds down a fast as t appear. Tbe fruit thu produced 1 al most clear gain, while aorvlng several beucOuiai purpose not only supplying sbadu; but preventing hens flyiug over tbe wire netting. Tbey will rarely fly bosbee end a wire fenoe beyond tbe bushes. Where there is trouble in keeping tho fowl from going over tbs fence a row of bushes can to Set oom plotely around tbe Inside, ; Teats made from barrels are roobm- mcoded by a contributor to Tbs Stock man and Farmer. "Tbe barrels are di vided by sawing into two parts, sod for sitting bens we have found tbem most excellont Ws prt In soil sufficient tbat ws can round out good nests In it. and in tbs center of tbe barrel neat or half barrel nest wo pines a handful of The fact tbat tbe Gorman professors as a rnlo do nut pay much attention to tbeir personal appoarauoo does not by auy moans imlicnta that tboy are in sensiblo to tbeir high' social position. Indeed, ono of tboir marked characteris tics, wbioh tboy share witb their coun try mon of all grades, Is tboir keen sense of rank and station. Appointments to university positions' are ougerly sought, and to obtain tbom often involves n bard strugglo and years of tedious waiting. - When a man bus worked bis way up I SI Under One Management. v SAM PLE BROWN MERCANTILE CO., of Greensboro, y want the people of Alamance to know that they now)i haye an immense stock of NEW SPRING - GOODS, em- V bracing as nice; stylish up to date stuff as is kept by any J house in N. C. In their drv goods house, 234 South Elm ' St. ou will find everything in f - r ( ) Dress Goods, Trimmings, Notions, n Hosier, Slllcs, Carpets, o v Mattings, etc. - At 225 South Elm St. they have by far the largest stock ( ) carried Ly any house in the State. You are earnestly re-' O ' quested to call on us when in Greensboro or order what O you want with the understanding that if goods and prices are not satisfactory money will be cheerfully refunded. I Samole BroWrx Merr.Artilf7. fin' . GREENSBORO. NT. C. When a man bus worked bis way up ff gradually through the various grades of CCC3 doctor, lebror, obcrlobrer, privat do-! M ty ia the state I now building macadamff traw litter imd tbcrcon ths eggs Ported mt HendniaMn)! In an Interesting article on "Ancient and Modern Highways," byGL L. Wblt tie, la Tbe New England Magaxine, tbs writer divides tbs history of ruatd build ing, a affected Ly vsrioos naaa, Into three periods: First, during tbs reign of tbs Egyptian and Assyrian kings; second, beginning with tho rise of flarthemi aiwl enntlnninap thmnjrti tha I riasandfallofttofinsaaaniplret third, j 100 'f' 'bem to tip over.1 raarlnnlnff In Pranoa with 1 ha sinayla When chicks srs batched snd batching, wo bavs never any fear tbat tbey may fall out of tbe neat snd become chilled. When strong enough- to want to corns from underneath tho mother wing and begin Invest igatlon of tbs world, tbey bsvs plenty cf tcom to trot around la and are safe from barm. A trusty sit ting ben will never leave ber neat after tbe eggs begin to pip until tbe batch is fJuisbed. And yet ws know that in summer especially, bs meat grow hun gry sod thirsty ia tbs extreme if ans is coo fined without food snd drink for any length of time. At 'snob time, wben bsvlug bens I bat srs hatching ia barrel or other couimodlons ants, ws plsosa fruit can of water and band fa la of corn befors ber and Bud ber very thankful for sorb cars sod rrnvmbranoa. Tbs fruit can containing tbs wsb-r Is so tall that chicks can Dot get Into it and it is Tha 189T earaiiiatt lal stop of la estianatea by Aanerlcaa Ajriooltaritt at 100,000 tmsnela. After much saperieoo with various wraps and waatnaj to protect tress from rabUM aiafassiiiiliail of taitriraa Ajnricaltariat Bads wrapptnar wilh tnjr- lap Is tbs aaoat efleotlva. - Irrigation at tbo west baa bad a Uf rota tbs recent trrigatlcsi eoav graaa at Lincoln, lies. Thirteen were ri pr omtod v onnoBivad bv atanolena and auwwtad by Treeagoet, tbea by Macadam and' Sometimes a pott mortem examlna Telford la England, afterward on tbs lk ' lb eo'7 thing that will reveal continent and now ia tbs United ritatea. I tbo cause of sickness and death in tbs - Dock, and, though onplvsasat, It may to j m iseniy in orarr to prevent toe spreaa TnsOIWaaascciaUoobaailorii,"0; . nsierrr tim lamuy, wwsa ed IT branch sections of tbat organnm- elcna ajw.y. 00 person In it wbo tkxs on Loos Island alone. knows how to dissect a fowl, lfnooaw naTtTTs ti-hv. .111 , tl nas lbs sojaistrs knowledge, tbs Z. mZ nritlTErs? U appealed to, either 161,000 on Its streets daring tbs com- ( fct u,, Wulk )Ut., (or Instruction as V ' ! to lis details. This aocirnaltini ia 'rarthar- Eoglaad bas 184,000 miles of rood wbicb bare east tbs govern meol 10, 000,000 la tbs past 100 years. A Dock of turkeys assy to fatreoedoa alone and will become wry fat i and t-lev rf fad all tnrr will eat tbrva few days befors tboyarsaral to market Tbey ars great luaiict banter and will ifceep a farm clear of graaahopperl wheal all other anaans faiL Wt bava knowa on aasui to aril trrrt (00 worth of tus key ia one acaaoo w bk b bad bora reared priuripally 00 gr jmlsnpptrs oa bat owa and bis arigl:tor f ainaa. Cue yrar wbea tbe bnipiT vrrrs partW-alarly bad lbs eicbbuT aers vrry g'sd 14 have balf a tbooaand lorVt 1 j crr tbeir tx jaiows aud tbfo ctt,Btra. raoefltof LbeoocasVoaJ novice wbo falls kito IncatricaUa difficulty at tbi puts. a-American Gardening. - cent, ansHerordontlichor professor, or dentlloher professor, gebeimrat and ox- 1 collonz, his conception of his own im- portnnce is not likely to decrease, espe cially in a couutry where groat defer-I euoe is paid to rank. Ho is likely to ro- sent anything, ' therefore, tbot sbows I opporont iudlfferenoe or contempt for bis social importance. An illustration of tbis was an oxperionco of an Ameri can lady of my ocqnuintanoo. She went to call on a professor in ordor to get bis signature to ber university book. Either from thoughtlessness or ignoranos she made no special toilet fur tbe occa sion, and, worst of all, appeared with not only ber gloves, but also a small package in ber band. Tbe learned man was not only exceedingly cool, but posi tively rode in his manner, yet the next day, on meeting ber under other oir oumstanoes, be was almost overpower ingly gracious and polite. A call upon a professor, whatever may be tbe occasion, Is a very formal matter, and an examination is sachp solemn ooromony tbat the prescribed rules for dross and conduct are almost as numerous and strict ss those for a presentation at tbe court of St. James. No student would dare 'endanger his success by not driving around to tbe professor's house In a carriuge of a cer tain class, snd arrayed In full evening dress, with high bat and white gloves. As an illustration of tbe type of pro fessor wbo fully appreciates his own learning and importance take this in stance: A certain learned man whoso nomo Is familiar on both continents was recently lecturing on tbe history of philosophy. Wben bo caiuo to oonsidur tbo state of philosophy at the present day, be onnoladud bis luctaro witb tbo remark, "At present there are really only two philosophers of any note iu Germany tbe other ono live in Ber lin. " . Now this same distinguished Scholar ba received tlie titly of exoelluns, wbicb Is very rarely Conferred ou a pro fessor. Ho laffinnocfavl witb nna nf tha smaller ublvorsltle, and ouoe rooeived 1 tiering invitation to go to Berlin, bat bl own university snd townspeople made acb strenuous effort to retain tbeir celebrity tbst, in bl own mind at least, tbe question of bis going or staying bad become ono of national Im portaaoe. One day some workmen were repairing tbs street near bl homo, and bo was naturally much disturbed by tbs uoisa. nanny turowing open toe win dow, be called out angrily to tbe work .men, "If yon don't go away aud stop that noise, I sball go to Berlin af tor all. Ths fact tbat tbe German professor i not merely a pure Intelligence, nor yot always asoboeno seels (beautiful soul), as bis ooautrymon say, might bo Illus trated in uomerous other wsys. Among bis many human frailties nous i urn ally mors pronounced than bis frequent tendency to belittle and discredit tbs work of other man In bl own partlo olar department It Is well known, for lnttsnce, tbat of tbo specialists In a cer tain branch of theological learning in Germany no two aro ou speaking terms Mutual envy as well as the)' odium Iboo log team may serve to oxplaln tbis state of affairs liosnoke Collegian. ' . 1 I witih to call the attention of insurers in Alamance county to tho fact that tho Burlington Insurance Agency, established in 1893 by tho late firm of Tate Si Albright, is still in the ring.- Thcro is no insurance agency in North Carolina with better facilities for placing large lines of insurance, that can give low- -er ratos or better indemnity. Only first-class companies, in every branch of tho business, find a lodgement in my office. . With feel warranted I guarantee full solicited 'upon - a practical experience of more than ten years, in soliciting a share of the local patronage. t 1 satisfaction in every instance. Correspondence nil matters pertaining to insurance. " " - "r" -. r- I am making a specialty of. Lifo Insurance and will moke it to the interest of all who desire protection for their families or their estates, or who wish to make absolutely safe and profit- rcstmcnt, to confer with me beforefeivinit their anplica- tk 11010 111 Q tions to other ogents. or 5 aha t t t 1 V cry respectfully, . ; 1 JAMES P. ALBRIGHT, . i BURLINGTON, N. C 4 OOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOCO xoxoxoxpxq; EngMah Spavaa Ualaaeot leutove all Uard, Soft or tl In as iid lamps aad Blusnlaha from hnre, fDnod Srla, Cmt., MpMarta. Swee- ar. Utnai Hoaa. Mataa. Sprsloa. aU Throats, Couasa. etc. Hare SW bv use of bnufcv Wanantad Ow am rarmtaheurrevertaewa. MiKyT, A- A larieht.dnaiaisi.Vrahaat.X-t.. W armor TrnatwottJiy aad artti n- .. ,tkt kna-la SoMS ttf-Mtia. Moanh-i fr aaau eat ataa a. nwiwa aiwr B,,nM,, rlrkMa il Un im 1 aaa,d nrr'ntm. The Itoaalatva Catenas). It-t- Tbe Clreaw In aa Odd Ourae of Italy. Tto admission fee to any port of tbs tent wss only 8 oums, reserved loots ex empted, and tbis did not ot first mm an exorbitant to in, bat it ws quits suffi oient wbea otts-ootwider tbs hardship of sitting npon rough planks, town by unskillful band from .tbe trunk of trees, snd tbs odors from tbs closely packed crowd. Oos eaaily forgot these trifling die- eomforts In witnessing the genuine de light of lbs. a pec tutors snd tbo bound entbaaiaam with Whits they ap plauded tbs yoong lady wbo did tbs bareback act snd tbe other wbo walked tbs tight rops sod tbs sal lie of Agoato. Wben each artlat bad a benefit and It was tbo turn of oos or soother of tbetn every performing sight, tbo villagers children, wbo were not, soy of tbem, overbleseed wllb ooln. contributed gsneroosly. ' Tbs Illumination ooodatad of sis aerotone lamps, two of tbem fastened to tbe central tent polo, and tbe pry. forroeoc bad to to interroptod, often st Its moat tbrilllug point while tto lain pa wars being trimmed. No s showed tbs lxt Impatlenoa, aad tbs rvsd neat were ragalarly filled by tbs arlatocracy from tbs hotel, lnclad Ing tbs reigning beauty, wbo never missed aa evening. "Varatlo and tbs Val rksia." try Edwin lord fVevks, ta Harrier's MnitariB. Southern and Western stock oicn know a rood thinij when they fse U therviore ir scraicnes, t weeny, ring lorn, strains, rprains, brains. Mddle and harness galls and ailments of horw. ibey use Rice's (loose rouse Lir.iment, it is good . , . i , i U man as i-enxt rxiia ana Knar an toed by all druggists and general store. Suppose hat ) () () Suppose you had a nicely displayed advertisementjn thisspace, then what? Why the 2,500 eyes that scan these pages every week would see it and would know of your business, and when something in your line was wanted they would naturally look you up. I See? Had you ever thought of It? It ia said that firo companies of tho negro regiment will bo st Fort Macon and fire nt a jKiint on the water some inilu this siIo of the fort. It is thought these troois will be quickly sent from there to Florida. V.". 8, Brown, of Durham, who was arrested upon the charge of set ting fire to the building in which he conducted a grocery business, was Ik id in $0,000 boil Wednesday fur hi ap-iearance at the next term of tho su-ierior court. CAMTOnZAt " ltM j) In laS tw taw iT-t Isars Lightning struck - and burned down m four residences -at North Wilkeiboro Tuesday of met week. - At Wilmington Wednesday of last week lightning struck the residence of K. F. Rising snd killed (he cook, a colored woman. Before day Thursday morning at Wilmington four houses occupied by colored people, were destroyed by a fire, believed to be incendiary. The Athevills Citizen says Ja.tc Norwood's resignation has been ac cepted j that Got. Russell tcnoVn 1 the judgeship to V. 8. Lusk, who declined the appointment ?ul scribe for Tmt Guumb.