Judicious 21Yil. AND- . , "Keeping Everlastingly at it biiitr:i success." "''," HmS FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. '1 - I te I n 1 1 in pee G I -'" 1 1 e i . Tiia Oltot He-4'3i!a(";ur fu the Omity. - . Established In 1073. EANER.' 1 SI.OO in r Year In Advance. ' . Larfe and increasing circula- tot in Alamance and adjoining counties a. point lor advertisers. L . Job Printing:. All kinds Commercial Print ing, Pamphlets,- Posters, &c, neatly and promptly executed at lowest prices. VOL. XXI V. GRAHAM, N. C", THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1898. NO. 29. From FACTORY to CONSUMER. . , buysthla, 'exact) ' Rattan Hooker . the largest size ' ever maflp i per i dozen, (I4.SO. 1 Our new fl page catalogue containing Fur niture, Drape ries, Crockery, - Baby Carriages, . Heirigeratora, f Stoves, Lamps, V Pictures. Mir- Al rors. UoMtnx. etc., la yours for the usktnir. Special supplements just 'a- ttik ' sued ant sifto tree. Wrlto to-day. -T 10k - UAKI'KT UATAIAIUUK m ntno- ni y rranlioil colors- la also mailed f roo. V gh Write for It. If you wish sampkM, (A " eonij So, stamp. Matting samples also V" ( mailed fur sc. AH Carpet sewed a :-' V,y rre I 111 month una freight gj paid on $0 uurcoasee and over. fj "buys a ' msde-to-your-mess- V i.n, AII.Ww.1 f!hAvlnt. Suit ' ffi) oxprestago propald to your j station. Wrlto for froe cata . A Iokuo and aamploa. , Addrosa VT (exactly as ueloir), fJ JULIUS HINKS & SON, "(9 Dopl. 809. BALTIMORE, MO. - ' Wii.1.1 Jinn nf Tftt ftSfS . Bhoiddcr Braces fur i Ladies, a n a sctu iwi-n- Jlrtist's (JoMs, v it n I 1 n a W fjfl ' . Tl :TI 7.' ft.-.. ;. V lentil of voiae ana ace us- W JLJt. . JUJ W W 1 - ' PTiOIi-ESSfoNAh CA UDS. .V Attorney-at-Luvvj ' GKAUAM, : - - - - n. omtoovT Whlto, Mour& Oo.'b sm), Main J. 1. KEKWODLE, ATTORNEY AT LA W CUAIIAM. - -'-- vX.: C, . jViik Ouat uvictur. w. F.Ilvmm. Jh. 1JYNUM & liYNUM, r oukknhiioho, y. . - . Pnr-llrn .rnmlafl Ih the. cmirts of Aln Sance eoDiiir. Au. , B4 ly, Dti, ' J. I. s rOCKARD ' r 1 Kiritist, ; GRAHAM, N. C.. - oince oi rcsldonoc oppO'lt': Ibti.ttat Chun h U at work t rijanonnlilp prtw In office Monday ant Batur . day. . . , , Mothers! TnR diacom fort and dannra of child-birth can be almost en tirely avoided., WioeofCardui relieve ex pectant moth era. Jt glvea tonetothegea . italorgsns.and einta them in condition to do tbeif perfectly. That makea preav - nancy tern pain'nl, ihorvrna lahor and hasten recorerr after child-birth. It help woman bear atroog healthy children. ha also brought b-arplnaaa to ' thonaandaof home barren for Tearc A tVw doeeaofteti brinjrs toy to lortna; heart that long tor darling baby. Ko woman bonld nefrlect to try it tor thi trouble. It enreanine caaeeont of ten. All dnurgiat ell Win ; ofCardui. $1jOO per bottle, ' "LjAh' AttrUort iHBMtlwa.4 1m CUitKiiap MtiiUnaa Cat. Oam fa, LMBSA BU, td aMVVMtaj CtLaj VI When' I fM k4 wtne r Caraot we had ma memae ana ftm a, ta wtj wl kn anf ehiutnwt, I .A ina muc 1 kad a m tin at. 2ZEEZHIII3II OABTbniA. SL39J B) I ) (a ) V A GREAT JOKER Paris Tliona;ht ttiu AuDouneement of Maa aon't Tcath Another Trick. -' Wlien Paul Mutiaun died in Puris, tho news Epread rapidly nil over th gay capital.. Bnt nobodyboliewd tt. They Faid In the cafes, "It's only another of hib tricks.' And Pari lnugbed loudly, as she had been lfl'ughing for years at the pranks ol the harebrained joker, who was al ways gravoly before tho public with some plan, scheme or practical Joke, not at nil funny in itself, but al ways so idiotic us to oxcito laughter. This time, however , it. was not one of Masaon's jokes. IIo was really dead. - Musson . was a, mystifler. " Some thought ho Was crazy, but hewne not - Others, and they were more nearly right, regarded him merely as a lover of notoriety. He was ai heart, however, ti joker, often a innlicious.ono at that, and none en. joyed his pranks half so much as he did himself. His idiocies jvore be- :,,reft of intrinsic humor, and In near ly every caBeJnflicted pain Upon his victims orcaused them no end of trotjblcC: People laughed because tboy'wero so im possible. . None but Masson could contrive such, situa tions.:. : - l- Ho -was originally 'a judge 'jit C3inndernagor. and proved to be a judicial mountebank of the most ob noxious sort. He first came into gen eral notoriety by denouncing in he Fignro, in a letter signed "Rosario,'.' an imaginary expulsion of Jesuits. Hih object was. to get from tho gov Hrnmont a commission to make an investigation into the identity oi "Ilosario." - -"., ., He returned to Puris with his name in tho publio mouth', and im mediately announced that ho was tc be forthwith married to a young negrcss from: Dahomey, then in the Jul din d'Acclimatation. Ho gaveoul that thoobremony was to be per formed at a Hindoo temple and thot-M. Maurice Burros was to pro nounce a discourse. All Paris was straightway in a hubbub of curiosi ty and excitement. ' ? ' v He it was who sent to the press n lottor of resignation with tho forged signature of ffWell know'rF Eadical deputy, M. Maujan, making thereby another sennntion ; but this was noth ing to his prank of forging the sig. nature of the well known art ainu teur Osiris to M promimory note f oj 50,000 francs for the now fcallon and sending it to Moissonier. Onca he issued invitation cards in the name of the Duo d 'Orleans to all the besi known men of Paris, The prince was confined in the Con ciergorie at the time, and the com motion and general misunderstand ing "that followed were a nine days talk, and after the terrible railway accident at Burnt Mande, in which . so many passongors were burned to death, this indefatigable clown conceived the idea of present ing the Academy of Sciences with a scheme for preventing fatal railway accidents in future. Engines-were to be provided with inclined: planesof wood in front and behind,, fitted with rails, enabling tho col!ling trains to slide one over the other." The institute submitted tho RUggostion to its railroad com, mittee, and M. Masson was over joyed. -. J Ho issued in tho name of General Doulangor a volume of "Political Thoughts" which had the merit of being 'characteristic,, and on tho strength of this and other works, including - "The Diary of My Youth, " by Prince Bismarck, be be came a candidate to the i Tench academy. . r--- . . V These are only the more notable of his pranks. nis whole life, al most over y act of it, was a practical Joke. New York Herald. : r ? . B4Maottr What an extraordinary menagerie was that which Bossetti kept in the large garden of bis bouse in Cheyne walk I Peacocks, whose acreauimg so disturbed the neighborhood that Lord Ciidogon had a clause iasertod rn all new lnoses whereby tho ten ants undertook not to keep pea cocks; a fallow deer, whose -princi' pal delight it was to pull the feath er, out of the peacock's tail, by stamping on them with its fore feet; couple of kangaroos, mother and Aon, one of which lulled tho others; two unnodilroe which uxl to burrow into the adjoining gardens, to the great annoy anoo of the owners, and. to crown nil, raccoon, which wa continually getting kit and which wa on one occasion dinoovored in cabinet; where it had gnawed in pioooa a quantity of tho poet-paint er' mutitMHirtpt versa. . Taa Japan mm Blew r7aav The Jopam-M b tern II y '.'turn over n new fcf " on New Year's day; the boone is rh-nneu and swept, new gurmwits are made, the family abritvw are !rigbtend up. All dclt re paid, and rvn tlie street are eluboraU-ly decorated with bamboo, pine and other native plant and festoon' of tiny orangen. The tuv tional flag the rising sun on white ground float from every boose front; the girls, in thWr best clotbm, ptrwdered and iminted, play battltsdoor and sbotthvork ; the boy fly kite greet mormtrrs painted on pcrr rtiTiTM'd by Uumbno strtiat and the vt-ry suuiir ch: with pretty bulls Diade of cotton and wpand nith rarioo colored silk Uircadn. ..- All work stops, and for three day pi i kU nrf exchanged. TbeNenre rj-rihlly swnHroeat pot op in deoo raled bttxv ut wood or paper. Chi cago Ilrxxird. ; roo good an i m itation . Morr of a -StaOed Santa Claoa and tha Vato That Ut li-U Hlin. . Miss Eliaibcth Allerton and her sister Augusta had for years lived all alone in a big house not a thou sand miles from Boston. It had been their pleasure on each successive Christmas to gather a company of children iu the great, handsome par lors and join with them in having a gay time. But finally they planned to depart n bit from thoir usual cus tom of planting the Christinas tree in a cambric' covered tub. and here they wcro on Christmas eve, but rounded by a lot of old garments that they had found among the trunks and boxos "up garret, mak; ing a figure to represent Santa ClauH that should stand in the jog by the fireplace and clasp the well filled tree in his strong right arm, Hiss Elizabeth was skilled in the use of paints, and upon the surface of an apoplectio looking bunch cov ered with light ' flannel she wus busily engaged in tracing sundry dubs and streaks to represent hu man features. ' Augusta, meantime, was brushing up the copper colored vest thickly bestrewn with green roses that was to appear from be neath the dressing gown, covering tho deficiencies in the shape ' o( broomsticks and shawls that com posed the form. A gray squirrel muff that had not seen the light of day for many a year had been shaped into a hut and was the crowning point, in evory sense, of this home made Kriss Kringlo, "Dear mel" said Miss Elizabeth when the sticks had -been adjusted and the curled hair pulled over tho drossing gown collar, "ho looks ninazingly like a real man. I do hope the children will not be fright ened when they see him..". "I was thinking of that myself," said Miss Augusta. "I wish you had not mude his eyes so staring and his cheeks so red. Let's set him down and put some flour on his face. " This was dono after considerable troublo. By that tlmo it was 10 o'clock, and the tired spinsters lifted the result of their Inborn, stood it up in the corner, then withdrew and shiit the door. Before they wore half way up stairs they heard some thing falL "I s'pose thut's one of the broomsticks," said the elder Miss Allerton. They returned to the parlor and started to repair the damage. It was true. Ono of the supports dad slipped, and there was tho figure tilted tipsily forward, with those awful eyes looking straight at tho door. Each waited for the other to straighten the thing np, and finally it was done. . - Again the sistors started for their room above. Miss Augusta pulled the door so closely after her that sho shut half of her sleeve in. Her sister noted that sho locked the door and put the key in her pocket. Tboy both sat down in their room and said nothing for a few minutes, when the scurrying of a mouso be tween tho walls made them each give a little nervous scream. Mies Elizabeth started up. "Augusta,' sho said, "I can'! sloop a wink to night with that man in the bouse, I'm just going down and take him to pieces." "I was Just going to suggest that very thing myself,' said tho younger one, echoing, as sho" generally did, her elder sister. They tiptoed down once more, keep ing very close to each other, and, creeping behind the rosy cheokod effigy, they reduced him once more to a heap of old clothes, which tboy thrust into the closet, putting the howl into a bandbox on the top sbelf. Then they retired to peaceful slumbers. -Boston Transcript Ancient HlnWty. " ;,'Pa,"rsaid the schoolboy, were tho Angles!" 'who 'They wore tribes that inhabited England several centuries ago, and from which the country derived it name. "Your father has been reading up on ancient history lately, I guess, said the maternal aunt, with an al most imperceptible spoer. "Well, as I was not alivo at that period, it ir nocewary for me to read to know something about it replied the father with "emphasis on tho I and meaning glance at the spinster. And the; boy wondered why hi aunt flow out of the room as if she were mad. Detroit Free Pros.. Tfca lirat Kai jnlnairlla. The- first encyclopedia was, com- nilod by Abnlpharagius in the thir- tetfuth century. Tho famous French encyclopedia, by Diderot, DAlfm bert and many other noted scien tists, was compiled between 1791 and 17H0. The Chinese have an encyclo- podia in 6,109 volanies, comprising all the book of value in the Chinese literature. It was compiled by com mand of the Emperor Kang Ho in ieL India rubier, in urate of its BowinaT nnrcfty and axpwmdvfniwa, is nteetins; with favor as paring for atnwta. It was first tried on s Lriilifft in Hanover little mors than a rear ssjo and ha proved so antlaf actory that experiments with It for ordinary roadways are beirur made In Berlin sod Jiaanbnrg. It la said to be perfectly noiarjess, nnaff anted by Beat or eold and lea eJlppory and mora dnrahVs than ssphalt supervisors should b advised Interacted to sn-afe all roads hi Uxor respnetiv townships at leas tfrres a rear aprioc, trimmer and as- tamn. partienlarly tns latter Unto -then roll down hard the sorfao of road after arh ar-rspioc by heavy rolless. This Will protect the roadbed at all time and givs st very little ezpanss ost what w want. Good Bond. , , a Circular ltalnnw. A circular rainbow was onoe ob served in " India, by Lieutenant Wheolock about the middle of Au gust Mr, Wheelook was climbing mountain spur atsunrisa The at mosphere was clear, but thore was a heavy fog hanging over the val leys. . As tho sun ro m a rainbow, round as a circus ring, was seen In tho fog which all but -obneured one of the beautiful lakes which ore so common in India. Mr. Wheolock is a trained meteorologist and was not at all astonished to see u circular rainbow, knowing, as ho did, -the conditions under which it was found. But what attractod his atten tion in particular was the presence of a bright spot in the exact center of tho beautiful, variegated band composing tho circular "bow. " This spot was so intensely luminous that the observer thought that it might be a bosh fire some distance away, but this supposition was soon dis pelled by further developments. Slowjy ..and regularly and from all sides at'onoe the bright center spot became surrounded by circles of ra diating light, each containing all of the primary colors in fact, each was a perfect miniature circular rainbow. This wonderful phenome non lasted for about two hours, or until the sun had arisen to such height that the reflection sank back against . the mountain side. - -Mr, Wheelook watched it until it faded away, pronouncing it the most beau tiful and wonderful sight no had ev er beheld. St Louis Itopublia. Dono at tmmt, ' A village innkeeper in tho mid land counties tolls how ho wus clov erly tricked by one of his customers, Ono day ho was talking to a bar full of people, and saying- that no one had over been able to get the better of him, when a strange mim onto: od, and, hearing the remark, said to a neighbor: I'll bet you a sovereign I will do him." "You won't," said the landlord. ''I will," Hftid tho man. "If you'll put a sovorcign under thiit mug and place it on that tnWo, I will take the money without touohing the mug." "jfou won't trick mo," said the master. "And to let you seo 1 am not afraid, I will put two in fact, will place threo sovereigns under it. Thero you are, " ho nddod. "All is rendy. " And ho stood with a smilo on-bit) fae6 ; while tho others looked on, vory eager to see how the scene would end. Leaning under tho tablo, the man extended his hand, and prosontly withdrew it with 3 sovereigns in his pulm. He showed them air uround, amid much wonder. ' ' Tho landlord, getting rather warm in his excitement, caught up the mug, whereupon tho man picked up tho money beneath it and walked out, amid much laughter, as the landlord shouted, "Done at lust I" Of oourso, tho man had not touch ed the mug. The landlord lifted it and so lost the bet London Tit- Bits. r Xuvuuj a Vaetory at Work. A- remarkable feat .was accom plishedmoving a fuctory In which the machinery was maintained in operation. - The shop referred to is situated in Boston and was moved to muko room for tho work being dono in the elevation of the tracks of tho New York, New Haven and Hartford railroad. The movement of. the shop was about 800 feet in ono. direction and 50 feet in another and was effected without suspending work, the shop being operated just as II nothing unusual was going on. The building is of brick, 3IK by 60 foot About one-half its length is three stories high and the rest two stories. - Electrlo motors are attach ed to the shafting to supply the power, they receiving their power by wires running from a generating plant put np for that purpose. The shop was thus moved bodily a dis tance of SCO foot and keit in, opera tion during the transition, which was particularly destrablo on ac count of rush of busfneMn. Ameri can Machinist. ; - A dis "So," said tho woman with the rod flowers in her bonuct "you eon template getting married. " . ' ' ' Yes, was the ui-muro answer. 'I thought it over. He said that if I rofOHed him it would break bis heart And I couldn't think of a- naming any auch responsibility.' "I suppose yon have thought riouid y of what yurt are about to do." "Of counts. I realize perfectly that marringo is a lottery, "My door, it worse. When you try your luck in a lottery and fail to draw a prise, roo cart tear np the ticket and try it over again. Washington Star. Some oaetoM the yoangnst the ii ti, mi..,Ii, a In winnW .V t .V " ". . " .. "Oh, no, indeed," replied tb yoruH gent, whoae notion of eel otitis! illu mination oro npon strictly terres trial irriiirinlas, "It'a un lit" New York Hun. ' Te Cnra A CaM tn Una lajr. Take Laxative- Bromo Quinine Tablet. All drurgwts refund the money if it fails to cure. - 3oc - CASTOR I A Tot IaiaaU sad CHldx. Tli Kind Yea Em torn E::t Uigixatnrs of L,LfYZ7UcJu4. Mademoiselle thebmombter, .' " 1 i I know of a restless young loss, .' Who Uvea In a hoaso made of glass, -j' . nd from ber location , tlnrka each vibration - Of hot and cold wave as thoy uasa. When heat la announced, alio will spring To quickly inako note of the thing. . , 'Tie very anrprlslng . . - '" That slmplj by rising Bo tma s report sho can bring. To aelf elevation inclined Sao baa such a volatlla mind That In every season A suitable reason For frequent depression suo'll nod. - Ilor temper inoronrlat I hns ' Oreatos every where such u fnaa That In conversation ' Affairs of tho nation Are allfihted, this initld to dlsnoss. r-Ju)la M. Oulton la Mow YorU Chrbrtlao Ad- Tuonto. A MORNING GLORY CULT. This Flower Taking the Place of Chrjrs . anihemnma In Japaa. ' . Mis Eliza Bubamah Soldmorohos an article on "The Wondorful Morning Glories of Japan" in ThoOentory. Miss Soldtnore says: As a floral sensation the ohryauthe munre may be said to have hod its day, the carnation is going, going, and Boult ers after novelty among flower fanciers are sighing for a new flower to conquer. It is hardly known, even to foreign res idents in Japan, that that laud, which has given na so much of art and boanty, has lutely revived the culture of its most remarkable flower, tho axaguo, ear morning glory. For size, beauty, ranee of color and illimitable variety thore attained this sunrise flower preoedus all others until its cultivation bus beooine croze, which is likely to spread to other countries, and who knows per haps there introdaoo the current Jap anese e OH torn of 5 o'clock in the morn ing tea and garden parties. Asagao, the morning flower, is more especially Japan's own blomjom than tho chrysanthemum, which, iiko it, came from China as a primitive sort of weed, afterward to be evolved by Jap anese art or magio into a floral wonder of a hundred varying forms. We who know and grow tho morn ing alory ns a humble back yard vino on a string a vine with leaves like tbose of the sweet potato ami pony little plus or pnrple flowers ure as far in the floral darkness as tho Chiueso, who know it chiefly as a wild thing of flel and bodge rows, the vino of the litth trumpets" or tho "dawn flower, " that is entau(lod with briers and bashes for miles alouK the top of Peking's walls. The old poetry and the old art do not sod in to. be permeated with it, Japan, whore tho forms of vases, bowls and cup, the desliras and palutliiKH the greatest masters, repeat the graceful lines of vine and flower, and scores of famous poems celebrate the asugno in written characters as beautiful to the eye as is their sound to the car. The asagao was brouubt to Jupan with tho Buddhist religion, that pnrtio- nlur oult of early rising. Scholars, and priests who wont over to study too now religion brought back the seeds of many Chinese plants. - The too plant came then, and Eisal brought tho seeds of the sacrod bo tree, and Tul Kwan, tho Obi nose priest at the Obaka temple in Uli, who may have Introduoed the flower to Japan, was one of tbo first to ting of the asagao in graonful oatus, olassio poems which scholarly brashes repeat today. "Asugoos bloom and fade quickly, only to preparo for the mor row's glory-," isTai Kwan's best known versa. Mew Faaah and J ad)? Came to England. The heyday of the poppet show in England was during the last century. Long before then strolling showmen bad exhibited "drolls" or "motions" as tbo English puppets were known in the early day to crowds of gaping rustic, bat it was not until the time of Steele and Addison that the poppet show been me a fashionable amusement, pat ronized by upper tondora. Pulolnolht came to London in 1066, when an Italian poppet player ant up hi booth at (Jharing Cross and paid I small rental to the overseers of St Mar tin parish. His namo was at onoe Englished Into Punchinello, which was soon to be completely Anglicised Punch. Harper's Magosina. A Contingent Vaana. The Syracuse Pnat says that girl baby was recently brought to a clergy man of the city to be baptised. The lat ter asked the name of the baby. 'Dinah M.," the father respotidud. 'Bat what doe the 'M stand for?" mterroanted the minister. "Well. I do not know yet. It all de pends npon bow she tarns eat " liow she tarn oat? Why, I do not understand you, said toe dominie. 'Oh, if she tarn out nice and sweet and handy about the bouse, like her mother, I shall call her Dinah May, trot if she ha a fiery temper and display a bombshell dbrpoaition. Ilk mluo, I shall eall ber Dinah Might " At Ibf st.aey. BO the teU-pbone girl 1 taking ber revenge, WhlrlyT' "If awful. Every time I ring up she connects me with three or four wrong n ambers in suoorssioa, and then sweotlr inform ma that the number which I really want la busy now. ' Detroit Kroe Preae, Aa Ka4taa. The danirer of naing prarcelnla letter on turn baton is llloatraied in a village cemetery not far from KL Loola Th tnacrlption rend! OLord. The final "" bad been knoiked off In thunderstorm H. Loai Htnr. . - 7 V. "- - ItwoJaasefh While or vTn Her ff, who nrast all b marrieil, and the Mack Mergy, or monks, who are vowed celibacy. Th higher durolUtrtas of tb efasroh are invariably chosen front this Brett 1 never saw snh a dieaoa la my Ufa Uhl LHdn't they wan sp a Wtf Dretta Well, whoa they spoke-of teingtug oat th author I believe torn th aadiano got hot Yoakan A eontempurary mentions that tber are schools In Helgiom where tb girls ar not only taught booaekerplng la ail I Us branch, bat th tnanamnest of aiMraa as well. ieE Kojral aiakot the loot! urs, . . wbulei mo and delicious. Absolutely Puro nrrfu aVurttM rmmrft so., nvw vrww. MAKING AN ICEHOUSE. An Ornamental Structure That Motto Mod ern Requirement. How to Fill It. The whole secret of keeping 'lee lies in tho building of a suitable place for its storage and Harronuding it on all sides, top and botton; with some dry, nonconducting "muteriuL A writer in American Gardening, who has had to do with muuy icehouses, gives tho fol lowing details, with illustrations, of a houso that will meet all modern require ments. Ho huvh: An icohonso ought to bo bnilt ulxivo gronud and near two large tree. Tho sito should bo high and dry. To insure perfect dryuntis at. !hu bottom it will be well to flint of all mark out on tho . r. yxTKmon VIKW tir icsnocsE. ' ground tho size of the building thaJ is, its ground spaco. Then remove tho soil to the deptli of two foot, filling iu again with sumo good drainage, snuh as rock or largo gravel. From tho bottom of this pit loud a drain to mime lower part of tbu ground, so any water ac cumulating tuny bo carried off. Procuro some pouts 4 by 8 inches aofbs and 10 or 11 foot long of good lasting wood, and put into the ground so as, to stand ti feet above. Make a double row of pouts opposite piujIi other, as shown on tho ground plan at cut 2, patting tho rows at, Intervals of about SI feet and tho posts of each row at about 8 foot dixtitneo. Wei) (Inn the posts iuto tho ground ami line them oiT squarely ut the top, spiking on the top of each row a plato of wood 0 by H, staying those plates so itx to fonn n doable frame. Now plunk up tlie insides of each linn of posts with 2 inch boards, fitting tbo piece chicly uud carrying the work np to tho wall plate. The spnon thus formivl tsit wefii 4hu boards pw:k with tan burk or Hawdust, which will make (lie sides of the house both snnproof and Birp'",,f. Mattersof prime iiuKrtaimi in reKorviiig tho ice. Iay across the iusido and upon tho ground some Joists, iqxiu which put lissw plunks as a floor. vcr the whole with a luyer of dry straw a foot in depth and tho loe reoiitaido is roady. For the roof use 8 by 4 inch Joists' and have them long enough to form a pitch of full JIS dogreuM mid also to ex tend oyer tho ontr wall far enough to carry tlin rcsif qnito 4 feet layoml tho wall plato. Hhort struts as shown iu tho first illustration may also be add ed to bethsr supisirt tho overhuuging roof. , To th; rafU-ra, thus made secure, noil chssdy fitting boards. Muko s sn perstro'tnr beru 6 inches in height, and board op as before lo form a boa roof and park sawdust into it. Cut doorway through the nsif, through .Which to put in and tuko out the U, At.thn top of thd-witule lui-rt a plfl of stovepipe Ut afford ventilation, covering it by erecting four shtn-t poets 1 fuet high, on which' is to bo flfil a' pointed cap. Thebonse is Wrw eoniphtOi Take the k-e frotn the pup-et water pfswible. Tho blocks are best cat about 1 fuet squam, and while they are be- m n . FOR SMWST TJ" -XT p ict house A -exa. -J onooKD ft, or iccnocts. ina thrown in have a man on the floor to spread them Over evenly and with a heavy haruuv-r break enough l" to fill fa the spar-) hi twem the large blocks. Th whole rules may be rr-ndered com pact by I hmwtmr w(T over the layer of im When the howa U filled to tb level of the wait pbttaw, put Joists aeross, reatirigTuetn on The Wall plates, cover ing fnrer by a floor of lofsw tswrda, s-v- Ing space for a trapdoar, and npon this fUmr a layer of tan bark or sawdust iachMa in Ihk-knna. ' Taawlma fta raaa. For thawing out pump, that are over looked and allowed to free up during cold weather Anterieaa. Agrioaltarist advise as follows: Take a thrwt-quartec inch iraa or other pine feet ion;, re move the top of the pump, mah the pips down beside the lifting rod until it sets oa the ton, then insert a funnel in the tad of th pipe and pour la boiling wa- , The pipe will drop as tb to 1 melted, and when a hole ha been thawed the hot watnr soon melt tb tea, and th pump Is opened. - This may be done la from 14 to to minute. mmm Look At This 1 ; For 80 days we will sell you this Orpin DELIVERED AT YOUll IIOrSE, with nice stool and hook lor only $55,00 gcncnillv. cold at 875.00 We have Hecured throe counties : for tht'ptiebfntcd standard Rotary Sewing Machine the lightest running and most ii'ii.sylcss machine made. We have sold ALT, KINDS (now have all kinds in stock) but the 'standard' downs them all. 75u a week buys one from Ellis. I ELLIS FURNITURE CO., ' I IJtiiliiigton, N. 0. ('. U. ELLIS. Manager. IIXTSURAIMCE ! 1 wifh to call the uttcntion of insurers in Alamance county to the fact that the Burlington InBurance Agency, established in 181)3 liy the late linn of Tate A Albright, is still in the ring. There "is no insurance agency in North Carolina with better facilities for placing large lines of insurance, that can give low er ratcH or better indemnity. Only first-class companies, in every branch of the business, find a lodgement in my office. With a practical experience of more than ten years, I feel warranted in soliciting a share of the local pattonsge. I guarantee full satisfaction in every instance. Correspondence solicited upon all matters pertaining to insurance. I uni making a specialty of Life Insurance and will make it to the interest of all who desire protection for their families or their estates, or who wish to make obsolutely safe and profit able investment, to confer with me before giving their applica tions to other agents. Very respectfully, . JAMESP. ALBRIGHT, BURLINGTON, C. joooooooooooooooooooooooco Suppose What ? oooooo Suppose you had a nicely displayed advertisement in thisspace, then what? Why the 2,500 eyes that scan these pages every week would see it and would know of your business, and when something in your line was wanted they would naturally look you up. See? Had ytou ever thought of it? )() As long ago as 1834 the fountain jsms were in nee, for in that year Thomas Jefferson saw a contrivance of this aort tried it and wrote to (femoral Bernard Peyton of Ricb Uiond, aitking him to get one of them. The m was of gold and the ink tube of silver, and, according to JelTersou' Icttv, the maker was a Biebmond watch repairer named Cowan. The price, be understood, was fivepence. The first American patent for a fountain pen was grant ed in 1830 to one Dougbwts Hydo, but the earliest Englixb patent Was) issued II yirs before. Philadel phia Ledger. A irte. Farmer Hocy I hear yoor wife took a prim at the county fair for an iced cake. Farmer Rakea Hare. "Did they eat it t" "Cut it I Thy couldn't break It with an ax If they tried. That same cake ha been taking prises for the last eight yoara." Yonker States man, Tw rn la Waster. The Milwaukee Wisconsin report, aa a nortJ. delicacy in the Milwaukee mar kK, new potatoes, trader and in every sense as eV-Urioos a the ordinary July production. Mew potatoes in midwinter, 4 issr OlaaatfisrWa ? -ffBssttarsreV 4ltt VSaW asnV erst proaeas distxrrered aad practiced by aa extensive potato grower at Q pastes. Wis. J'tv so Southern Railway THE . Htandard Railway of THE SOUTH. : ' f The direct Line to all polntd - Texas, California, -W. - Florida, - Cubaand (tssx" ' Porto Rico.' Strictly first-class equipment oa all'v" Through and local trains; Pull man Palace Sleeping Can on all -night trains; fast and safe sched- . ules. travel by the Southern and you are assured a safo, comfortable nd espedicions journey. t Apply to ticket agents for time ta- ' ties, rates aud general informa tion, or address. t R L. Vebso5, F. R Dahbv, T. P. A C.P.4T.A. Charlotte, N. C. i Asheville, N. C No-trouble to answer questions. Frank 8. Gannon, 3rd V, P. and -Gefli-Mafty-Ji-Mr Culp, Tralia Man, W. A. Turk, G. P. A., Washington, D. C.

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