Tl(e Alamance Gleaner 1 Gleaner. TLa Oldest Newspaper in the County. - Establiahed lit 1878. :r 51.00 per Year In Advance. "Keeping Evoi'- : .. success." , ' lira Fun:;;::::D( Job Print. r. All kinds Commercial 1 ing, A Pamphlets, roster.;, neatly and promptly execut lowest prices. . HE ( Large "and increasing" circula ton in Alamance and adjoining counties a point for advertisers. VOL.-XXIV. .GRAHAM, N. C., ' THURSDAY, .OCTOBER 27, 1898. NO. 38. Alamance j , WE PAY TMi FREIGHT AND tlft.M It ALL IT COSTS. - , Tom -pMee puior ait, rocKaraivma, aa of a, and to ptrw chain, hitrntr Dotiitt ny, pa upnot iMfra ia relonr or UpeMry, larg use. sad ttrit mU for 4wit pai-tor iathataad, is m aad freight paw rth. probably, ll you - :n tns century ; nurk, Wnick , w kope yos will. Further coastal I unnecessary, except that If yon want to know of Ikontands of such bargains, tend far our 160-page furniture catalogue, and if you want carpet at Mich prices as moat Sealers can't buy for, (end for our ten-color UihoFraphed carpet caul ague, and what you'll and in these two books wiH teach you something that you'll want to remember for Stacy a day. Remember Ckristnus ll costing, and sensible people gin sensible gifts which sensible peopln Boat ap preciate. Something for the home Is the best of all presents, and our catalogues win suggest to you what is best. Address (ejudy as bikVw) JULIUS HIKBH & SON, Dept. . BAITIMOU D.' 0000OX)0OO00O0O000O000OOO on - Such m hut-MlB M ihU ms bcfoi, bo yt-af Mtw avow old I ffkfif M you r, ud I rTiV-l. MVtfwUi tfla cam. I txl Full Line of Trusses, , -r Shoulder Braces for Ladies and gentlemen, Combs, per fames, " Artist's Colors, ' School Supplies, tFine'Candies, Brushes of all kinds, 'Full line of Drugs, Plenty of '" .; xCold Drinks-" ' k Come and see us-. CATES&CO. Burlington, N. C. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ' 3ACOB A. LONG, . Attorncy-at-Law, GRAHAM, ...... n. c iturJnfM In the State and Federal courts, Ollioe over White, Moore Oo.'s store, Main Btroet, -mono no. . . J. D. KERTTODLE, A TJO RSKY AT LA ' GRAHAM. - - - - N. C. IiB GHAT BvitOK. W. rVBVBDU, Jb. BVNUM & liYNUM, i Attorneys) and Counselors at. Jh w - - . ORBKNSBORO. VJP. ; Prsrllre rrmlarly Id the eonrt of Ala piaure ommly. . Ans;. 4, W ljr, GRAHAM, N. C. Offlca at residence, opposite raptist mutun. II -at work at n-amnable prloos. In nnice Mondays and Satur days. -"V" ; ' ' ' j 5?AltlVG:3 rhWfMTMS of I al tb pata , adak&)efrora which vo ro a n ufiar Is caused -Irr wastesn. , tWraot; hms4 to . tha organa ( naastruatlOB. Maarlr swst iwhsa wsjtnaa la not assB Itwaa wTwaa) ars aflacMoV - Bui wban -ftew art atroof aad haakfay " itowswwasjdomsiak. brafursr pretlssoai far fte "tarsV tsiioa of tha Bssisstiual roncrioa. It cores aS -ieanala trsublaa.' tt i la squalljr aBecttva tor lh fkrl to Itar tssris, tba yeans; wis wua do. ha sriaisia approai' liana; aHs partoe known as tba "Oisnrs a Uts." lacy sM aead k. Tbey ara al tuilsul by k. Aarbnrr Oenattroeaa." Tstar STirceoana. iMsaicssatA. banma- anras am Cni,l f Law. A0TOnXA' r a- i i i in v snrscttoan, soori the UoW i Tss O aasai sArMa ' - v !. L eosyw. Tssats. snssassaj swtjof sJslaOe'OaJ Osar (s saYOrtasnr SbmI seieaal wm,m naSn a aasl Skim aewaet I iStil aa. aisas at C si Sat awaiati ees-ea) see m4 stas hHsee) as) SHE WAS A PHANTOM OF DEUGHT. She was a pliant orn of delight , i When first she gleamed upon ay sighs A lovely apparition, sent : To be a moment's ornament. Her eye aa stars of twilight fair) ' Like twilight's, too, ber dusky iielr, Bat all things else a boat ber drawn -. . From Maytime and toe cheerful dawn ' t A danolng shape, an linage gay, j To haunt, to startle and waylay. I saw her, upon nearer view, . A spirit, yet a woman, too; Ber household motions light and (re And steps of vlrgiu liberty, A countenance in which did meet . v Sweet records, promises as sweet A oreatnra not too bright or good For human nature's dally food. For transient sorrows, Simula wiles. Praise, blame, lore, kiaaee, toars and smiles. And now 1 ass with eye serene -Tho very poise of the machine, A being breathing thoughtful breath, ' A traveler between life and death, The reason .firm, the temperate will. Endurance, foresight, strength and skill, A perfect woman, nobly planned .- . To warn, to comfort and command. And yet n spirit still and bright With something of an angel light. , ...r Wordsworth. MY MANAGEMENT. I began my plana m soon aa Oncle Hank's fnoeral was fairly over. Per bapa It might have been a little before. Certain it was that I did not care to go away out west for that ooension and reflected that be would not at. this time fbe able to take umbrage at the sight Tbe very tboogotof bla great barnllie old booee standing In tbe midst of great bleak pastures filled witb ferociooa oat tle and bounded by "wind twisted draws gave me a spell of tbe horrors. How Unole Henry (I ongbt to call him bf that name now be'a dead) ever made anoh a great fortune out there I never oonld nnderstand, ezoept that it was by stock raising. Well, be was gone now, and all of bis thousands oonld oome into civilized nse. -They were all left to my eonsin Charlie, bla only child. Onole Henry bad been a widower for so many years that I cannot picture any time when he could have been nnder a woman's inflnenoe. No need to say that life for Charlie bad been barren of any thing like pleasure unless helping aa cumulate money could be called pleas ure. I believe mankind does oousider it snob, but womankind takes another view af tbe matter. Charlie was a most oomfor table sort of boy, and for bis sake I bad spent some little time every other year in tbe far west in order that tbe boy might have an idea of what woman is like. Now be was in full pos session of that immense fortune, and I must see to it that be bad a future that, should reoompensofor saoh a past. Just 29 be was and not a bad looking fel low after I bad . helped bun into the right sort of clothes. The thing was, of oourse, to marry him to one of my friends and so put the money where we all might have a little comfort from it. If I have one trait of wbicb I am Just ly proud, it is my ability to manage. and I determined that this country oousin of mine ehould marry one of our most attractive girls. " We'll go into tbe country this sum' mar, Alfred," t said to my una nan a. and take a few people for Charlie to meet. Be will be all right In tae oouo try. but I must confess be must serve a full probation before I undertake a town witb bim. I bope I may marry Mm before then." J "To some one' else. I Dresome. Mot t ask whomr'-o ,.v- . "I shall invite Mae HatbereU." Alfred drew a long breath. "Yoa aim high for tbe young galoot.' 4" Well, I would love to bavo Mae fog cousin.! 6 be is the sweetest girl I know No doubt Charlie will think so, too, but Miss Mae is one of the handsomest young ladies in the city, aside from ber music. . JJbe thinks she could go on the stage, if she wanted to, and stagestntck girls are bard to catob." No money could hire Mae to go on the stage," I responded, all. tbe more emphatically because I fear I am not in tne ngnc Of oourse not, since she baa, money enough anyway, but there are other eonsideTatiooa. Any one elsef That pretty little Carroll Chnrch Vnrl M tall, fioh Mum. Rha -srlll have to marry money. anaVCbiaVlie will have a ohaooe, if rtfoesn't fall in love with Mae, wbicb be is certain to do. Will yoa take Alio and Frankr The lost named are an engaged oonple who go with ss everywhere; so, of oourse, that is understood. Now comes tbe question I am expecting from my worthy h us band Will there be any one I oan anloy myself with?" I know well enough whom be wants, and since it is going to be a little more expensive before I am through witb it than be now knows, ana also because I am wise enough to know that only foolish woman will attempt to avoid tbe lady ber busbamjj openly admires, I humor bim and say t - ... i . , "I shall surely ask Coustaooa. "Will as came, do yoa tbinkr' His Interest is lively tnoaga now, I happen to know that abe wants Just such m quiet little time this sum- . She is tired of going places." I'd ask bar right, away before any one else does, if I were you," and I know very wall Alfred won't let the matter rest until it Is settled. - - Constance Merrick was a friend of mine wban I was a girl, but If one bas svery reason to suspect that she iwfueed tbe very mast I raarrtsd ll la not a pleas ant raOectfcn, even after I bare been married to bim nine years and over and she la still free. (ITrae is a better word than single as applied to ber. tboeck 1 wrote that first) If ever any eoa sv foys fraedosn. it la Oonstanee. No one evtar thinks of now far ktje to past 0, if tbey knew of it, allnntuh year aftor year abe has besa tbe prinolpai par sua age in oar social circle. There to aotb- ing sstndentiie about her. exorrpt that wc-ndarful ysUow red hair of bare. Bat she to youog wiU a Ueopatra kind of foota and Intut sating beyond any aa I ever saw. Bbe bee ao eosnpUshrastita. only that kasncat of Isv poa wbora abe cares toepeod ber ties Bbe Ukas larrlii aseav Sbe aaya M to tbey enn't take It taAO their to foarry k-ar, aod I baliewe her wbesj abe eaye it, tor she baa r-ifaasd wary snaa who ever did aaptrw a snob thiiia. and I dna't dooU that tbeyaew Vrtfoa. I asy all this of ber ivneatl;, aad yet IsVas't Uke ber. evwa tbaii I like bar eogopany. I like young (ins who are not so smart, who eooAde 1 me and tell me I ara'lhe dearest littl women on earth, girls like Mae, Alice , and Carroll. . y : i My management is always perfect Therefore we bad just the people I want ed and lust tbe charming little country place. (Charlie helped witb tbe rent) Charlie was indeed qnitr superior to what I bad expected of bim. They con. sidesxM bis loud way of laughing so realistic. His ruddy features were pleasant change from tbe other -young men. He was just bashful enoogh to give bim an IrrerrrWoality. That is, be oonld talk well enough to tho entire lot of ladies, but witb one alone be was tougno tied, and be would rather that Alfred turned Mae's music for ber. Before two, week! passed Mae said to me,' "I think young men from tbe west are far more Interesting than those one meets here. " In the excess of my joy put both bands on her shoulders and looked right into hor eyes. "Do yon really mean that, dear?" and she pushed me away in a playfully vexed manner, but admitted that of oourse she did. My path was clear. I must help that inexperienced youth to draw in the prize be bad booked, It waa two day before I got a chance to do it. I noticed in the meantime that in his bashfulness be dared not attach himself to any of the ladies exoept Oooetanoe. This bad escaped my attention before, but abe oould no doubt draw out tbe best there was in bim and surely she was very. patient with him, allowing bim to usurp Alfred on several occasions, which I felt to be self denial on ber part. - ' "Are yon going to drive to tbevil lage witb Constance?" I balled that worthy on bis way to tbe Btables. "Guess not," be replied shortly. She and Charlie are going ou their wheels. He's gone in now to put on bis suit." Up to Charlie's room I rushed, catob. ing sight of his ooattailaaa I turned tbe stairs. Calling bim to wait a moment I hurried into bis room before he had time to repress me. , , There, now, I have never a obanoe to see you a moment unless I sobeme for it I want to talk to yoa. You (ion1 want to obange your suit anyway. I've something better on band for you this evening than cycling witb Miss Mer rick." - j . . . i . - " ''Couldn't possibly have anything better, ooz," he said, diving into the closet and bringing out bis salt " Yes I have too. Now put those things down and don't hurry ine." "But Miss Merirck will be waiting. "Ob, no, Constance, won't oare. . She would much rather ride witb Alfred, and I have something lovely to tell yon about Mae." ,.. Bother Maet What do I want to know about ber?" Why, Charlie, I am surprised at you." I don't know why yoa should be, when I have an engagement with an other young lady.. I don't core any thing about Mae, anyway. " . , , , You don't?" .... Certainly not if there is a obanoe for spending an hour with Miss Mer rick," and Charlie actually kicked off his. shoes and went into theoloset again after bis tana, - "Cousin Charles," I raid in alarm, "what do yoa mean? Constance Merrick is older than I am, a good ten years older than you." Charlie dropped bis shoes. "This Is the first time I ever beard yon allude to your age in such way. Mate, I supposed yoa were about two years younger than myself. r "You are making fun, of course. She Is, though.", "IT she were one of Noah's daugb ten, I must still say I prefer a bicycle ride In her company to anything that yon may batata up for this evening, and yoa really must excuse me while I get ready." , , "I will not go one step until yoa tell me. Are you in-love with Oonstanos Merrick?" lie bent down and tied bis shoestring and looked np witb blushes enough for a girl and said gently: ' ' "Don't aak so many questions, Mat- tie. " And than be went into tbe closet and shut tbe door. I knew If I didn't want bim to smother In there I must give up and go down stairs again, r lAtte that night I took Alfred to task in words fu)L of meaning: "Why haven't yoa kept Constanoe out of Char lie's way? Tbe young greenhorn Is In love with ber." "Good enough. Suppose it'll make a match?" I cannot bear Alfred when be talks like that - "As If Oonstanee wou)d marry the king and all bis co-mienl" : "I should bope not," ssid that pro voking man, "though I doubt not she sings better in a oborus choir than a duet" - - . There is nothing to do with soob a stupid man bat let bim go to sleep, bat In tbe morning my mind was made np. I would send for Lauranos Kadmora. It waa tbe only way out of tbe difficulty, Mtv-fiadmore was tbe one man that It was thought poasibla Constanoe might marry. The two were jut mads for rach other. Every one realised it He ths grandest looking man lever saw, although his features were post. lively fcgiy, witn that great rtuenat and. sharp gray eyes. It was bla sbovMers and the way be carried bis head that made yoa think be was soma great fanrsosage, aad when yoa listened to bim talk yoa knew at once that bis was a greater intellect than any otber la tbe asssmbly, bo matter of whom It was composed. Mr. Badmore and Ooav aes had profound adtniratton for eaob othsr and umm willingly missed an opportunity lo enjoy each ot&er's sampaoy. , I knew be would accept asy Invitation, and wban hedid solloita tittle toaob of eonsri-soa, A r-staoavof my sagacity would hardly be expected to toviu a man like Ma. Radmore koto -a company of girls like Mae, Alio and Oarroll. Indeed I did not know What sxae I should avake to their mammas. bat hi apiis of tbe t)t rwcord of lata. raoos Badmo-ra, eoiwtblne; most b doa to save Char Ua from bis pending fat. Oossstaoos, of soars, was above; re proach, bo matter whose' record was ia BHttOB. " The morTifac that Mr. Badracte ar- rfsed CSnariie aad CVssstsaos bad (on ever to a neighboring sbeea farm to geS a pet tomb for ber. It sssmsd to me that she might aav found Cbariia lattnb aoockgh, if ber taste was fur pets of that L She looked very witching witb tbe white little bit of a thing coddled to bar arms asinet a trim black gow-s and the sounaolne oa ber yellow bair. To bear ber laugb yoa would not bare believed bat she eould bos atntT a Bote or that she waa' an hoar oveVSiT Mr. Radmore was a surprise to ber, and she gave me a look that said very plainly, "Oh, I understand I". But she deter mined to keep Charlie at beok and oalL Yet even for the pleasure of Spiting me she oould not keep to ber resolution and devote ber time to him-Tho fasclna tiod Mr. Badmore possessed for ber waa too great, aud be had not been there two days till I saw with delight that Charlie Was left to bis own devioea. ; The dear boy was .not very good no- tared over it He suspected my tnaneu ver and at once turned to Alfred for sympathy. I suppose tbey bad a mutual cause against Mr. Badmore, and for that reason they were drawn toward eaob other. At any rate, Charlie refrained from giving me any confidences. Conse quently muoh that I relate from this on is gathered from Alfred's obaerva tion and subsequent oonfldenoes. Alfred is not one of those perfect husbands that for tbe most part belong to widows but, thank fortune, he will sooner or later tell bis wife all matters of inter est that come to bis knowledge. Constance and Mr. Badmore glided easily into their familiar relations, and Charlie showed all bis early bringing up by becoming at once tbe most unlnter esting of farmers. Lauranoe Badmore used to look at him with those quizzical gray eyes aud smile knowingly. One day be said to Constanoe, "It's a pity that country boy bas fallen in love with you." "Indeed yoa oomplhnent me, but your surmise is not correct " Then Mr. Badmore .assumed his lu dioial air and mid, "Yon would not try to tell me that you are not oognlcant of an affair of this nature, with all your experience?" "The boy bas been too bashful to pay attention to any one else, and I have helped him out .1 have not done a bit of mischief. I may have bothered Mae a little, as she wants to marry him to one or tbe other of tbe girls. " , "And you have made that an impos siblllty for bim." , "Well, no, though I fanoy be is not in love witb either of them." "Which he would be bad yon allow. edhim." Mr. Badmore, you are exasperat ing." "No. I am exasperated." "By me?" "Tboo sayest it Tbe boy has the making of a fine fellow, but bis expe rience with yoa will ruin bim." Nonsense. Tbe little attention 1 have shown him will give him an in sight into woman's ways, and 11 will be easier for him to soooeed when be really falls In love." "He will not fall in love again. " "Bash statement He is but 89. VjL "Men never love but onoe." "Yon are Increasing in rashness. Wbo most has loved tbe best oan love again.' " w . That applies only to women. A woman's first love affair paves tbe way for all others. Its only value to ber Is by way of experience and to eentimen tallze over, like ber first ball." " Yoa dare assert that men have but one love?" Only one In wbicb tbey take tb leading rola. In all others tbe woman leads. Thai is, tbey do tbe loving, and men delight In the flattery of being loved. Thai's why men marry." "Do tbey never marry for love?" ''The ustances are rare. Every story turns out that way, but in real life it takes a detective to find such a oasa "And tbe result when tbey dor "You must draw on your most rose colored imagination. " - "Yoa intend I should sooopt this as your candid observation" As tbe truth itself. 1 speak aa a man wbo knows, and I respect your intellect too highly to iry to deceive yon." Well," she mid, rising, with a pretty gesture of sonvlotlon, "I believe I'll marry Charlie, and then I'll know as much about It as yod do." He was on bis feet as if aided by elec tricity. "No, yoa will not," and then be qualified bis statement, "because in ten years yoa will have outgrown bim. He is still in Infancy, while yoa are 81 years wo. "Do yoa know," she smiled sweetly, that jny mother Is 67 years old and a few weeks ago an insurance agont want ed to write ber a policy at ?" "And yoa expect to discount your age SB years likewise?" Not just yet but I never mean to be any older than I wish, and a love such aa yoa nave fainted al ought to prove an elixir of youth." Bbe married Charlie before tbe win ter season oommenoed, and I have tbe bitter certainty thai Constance Marrick will get to spend all that money witb' eat availing herself in the slightest of my management . Aa to Mae, Charlie ys if be and bis wife want musio tbey n enjoy It at tb Grand Opera, Well, t course tbey can afford it E. ' D. 3 ar loch In Omaha World-Herald. - Aerrleallaral Brevities. Fashion bas much to do In tbe oou sumption of cigars. Just al present the demand is for light wrappers and mild smoking eigars. - . - f. - Tbe small yellow tbrlps nave caused much darsag to onions Ibis sua em. White mustard as a maanriasarop may be plowed nnder In November or allowed to die down and remain until spring to prevent washing. Grapes may bs started from euttings wbicb nearly every grower has to trim off .and .throw away In tb fall and wbicb b would give away. Beotalmed boge seam to be well sdntitarf to celery and noioaa, and it Is said that in Europe sugar beets are grown witb good revolts os) such soils. Ilea wbe harv bad long Mraariene witb lions giv them a very bad cshar- r. There to said to be bo art in so called lion taming but tbe art of terror lata, and bo role bat keeping tbe lions' stomejcb full and tbwtr mind cowed. Thaw sever has bean, and there aerer will be, my soma, an appeal aaade to the Mosi's toteUiarmoa, because the lim- amoaat of that qaaiity which he saw to entirety domtnstsrl by his ssrucity. For roken sarisooa, son, insect bite", burns, skin disowca, and es pecially plica, there tojriei jcliabte remedy, UeWiUs Witch Hatel Salve. When yon call tor DeWiU's lon't accetrt counterfeits or frauds. ou will not I disappointed with DeWitt s Witch Haxcl Salre. J.C. Simmons. VOUNG TURKEYS. Tbey Ara Creatures of Habit, Both Good sadBsd, , Of one thing there must beafertainty and that is, that tbey are kept free from lice and mites. . Then it Is equally certain that if not careful in the nse of remedies for these tbe poults maybe killed. A little pure lard on the head, around vent and on the wings where the flight feathers oome out may be used to advantage, but .too much is absolute ly fatal - Feed nothing for 24 boars. When you take them off the nest take all the pip off the bill, and give a grain of black pepper crooked witb the, teeth. Now, this may not do one particle of good, but from childhood I bave seen it practiced, and so do it If possible, put them out where there is short grass, for there is nothing, a poult likes better than grass. Milk curd is the best food I ever need for young turkeys. Where this is scarce table scraps are very fine Wtawiff iu . : . ritlZS BRONZE T0RKKT. I know a lady who batched and raised 25 tnrkeys without the loas of one until tbey were grown, and she simply sup plied tbeir food from the table, giving lettuce and onions as green food, and buttermilk or sweet milk was used in mixing feed. . I do not know what I shall do for wheat this year. It will be pretty bard to pay 1 a bushel for wheat but the turkeys must be fed, so I shall only try to raise a small flock at home. I will not have to buy a great dool until tbe new crop comes on, and if we do not raise It we oan buy it cheap. I like a little wbolo wheat put in the feed from tbe first Tbe poult do not got it at first but the old mother does, and by the time they are old enough to eat it tbey will bave learned how. It is very bard to got young turkeys to change their habits of eating. If yoa commence feeding them in a plate, it is bard .to change to a pan or on tbe ground. Tbo some holds true of tbe diet Whatever they learn to eat at first Is wbat they want nntil they are grown. I ase cracked corn fed raw is highly recommended for young turkeys after tbey are a few weeks old. The great trouble Is In feeding too much. If thoy are fed only a little while, when very young, still not allowed to get hungry, it will save much trouble. If the feed -could be scattered and tbe turkeys allowed to bunt for it It would be muoh better for tbem. Do not let tbe poults get wot I am trying to plan a way to bave tbe roost on a dirt floor, yet not on damp earth. think the dampness of tbe ground gives them rheumatism, or makes tbem delicate, but tbe ben mashes the poult on a plank floor. I think If thedirt can- be thrown up around tbe coop, so aa to keep the ground dry, It will bs better. Sellable Poultry Journal Sensible Suggestions. Chickens, in fact fowls of any kind, will fatten rapidly If fed conked pota toes. Give plenty of oool water and grit a little corn, with lettuce and onion for green food, keep tbe coop clean, and in ten day the fowls should be plenty fat and in good bealtb. The water vessels these hot days need cleans ing very frequently. There is no quick er way to sproad disease in a flock of chicken than by neglect of tbe water supply. Hens that are i years old ar ordinarily not worth tbeir keep. Bom Individual are snob good layers or ex oellent mothers that it pays to keep them to twice that ago, but th rank and file ongbt to be fattened and dis posed of so soon a buyer begin "to banker af ter potple, whiob I as soon ss oool weather sets in. One breed of fowls is all that tbe ordinary farmer or villager can raise with profit Of cours where suitable arrangements oan be made to keep breeds apart it is all very well, but wbon White Lraborns sod Brown Leghorn and Plymouth Bock and just plain chickens get mixed np tbe result 1 a lot of feathered creature not worth tbeir corn. At least that bas been my observation. Mrs. t Pantile White in Land and a Living. ' Salewtlsg Chicks fa Neat Veer. IWaose Vou batch a large number oT young pullets is no reason why yon should lieep all of thorn. It ia correct to batch aa many aa possible, a it permit better opportnnitles for . securing good ones, bnt II is usually the temptation not to part wiib any, the oonseqnetK-s being that the poultry boom beoorne crowded as tb pullet reach maturity. Observe tbem from lbs start and note those that ar nearty and strong. Select pallets that are uniform in color and sis and sail tbe Kmaindor as soon as it oaa be done, ao as so giv thoe retained more attention and care. Farm and Fireside. ' re la Almost any breed will produce satis factory returns if properly oared for. Tb man wbo stays awake night try Ing to solve tb question of tbe beet breed would got ahead a great deal tast er if be would spewd leas time oa tb question of brawl and question of oars and feeding. 'nasi Vsartety. j Cblrkati as well a other stork tin if mmesrcm of diet Warn tbey snow a iistaato for food. It shod Id be changed, T Cars A Cats la Oasa stay. Take Laxative Promo Quinine Tablet.- AD ttroggifda refund tb money if it tail to core. 25c. ' WsJrvtiBt Tnsst sot tay aad aetivw s twassa aad Is diss to travel for a roepcet4 ewtat.ttet4 ksasan la earth traltswloe)tb ly ea us and sspwnera, Fuwtkm samiy. Mllimt, Bnrlnea arlf-syMn ins sUtansed ewMore, The Uosslntoa Company, iMnykk aheessT. OABTOniAs ' jm IBB sjat TSI srej m m Baking Powder . s Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum. Alum bating powders arc the greatest manacin to health of the pracntday. ' SOVSL BAKIM S0W01N OQ., Nfw VOSK. A NEW SCALE REMEDY. A Gasoline Blast Usefal When Soalss 2 Aft svtrsl Layers Thlek, During tbe season of 1887 an appa ratus was devised at the Michigan ex periment station for burning scale In sects on the tree. An ordlifory gasoline blast lamp or soldering torch, such a ia used by plumbers, was fitted witb five parallel burners so arranged that a broad sheet of flame about ten inches wide could be directed on the tree. A torch of this sort was made for Professor Barrows In the fall of 1897, and daring the winter several test were made. Of these it Is reported i When tho flame I passed over the body of a scale coated tree, tbe scales instantly change color, and many drop off. ' If rubbed, the scale I seen to bo -loosened and on examination witb a lens shews minnto lines resembling cracks running in all directions over tbe surface. Now, the trunk and larger limbs of trees are often covered several layers deep witb the sea tea, and in such cases this method of treatment seems useful. It destroys most of tbe insects and so loosens the mass (bat it is possible aft erward to penotrato to tbe bottom with a spray. The heat produced by this lamp is very Intense, and groat care must be ob served not to allow the flame to remain at any one point long enough to Injure the tree. In tho experiments tried tbe best results were obtained when the flame was steadily moved so that it cov ered a spooe of a yard in length In from five to ten seconds. The trials' were made on peach and pear tree badly af' footed witb tbo Hun Jose scale and dur ing tbe winter months, while tbe trees were dormant Tbe results seemed to show that the blast will kill the soale Insects with little or no injury to tbe tree. Tbe trees were scorched In places where the flame bad moved too slowly, and tbe care necessary to avoid tbe seorohlng appears to bo I be most serious drawback to tbe nse of the blast lamp. In careless bands muoh injury may b done in a very abort time, while tbe skillful handling necessary for success would be rather expensive under ordi nary circumstances. Good judgment must be exercised al ways and the rapidity and effectiveness of tbe work will be raaob modified by t be temperature of tbe air, tbefjlrection and foroe of tho wind, the ago of the tree and tbe thickness of tbe Inorusting scales. Under favorable conditions we boilers the blast lamp can be used to good purpose aud economically in de stroying soalo insects, but we sre not prepared to reoommeud it for general nse as superior or even equal to treat' mont by spraying. A liny Derrick StseklnsT Alfalfa, ' A bay derrick stacking alfalfa is tbo subject of the socoropauying illustra tiou as, seen on the Biverview farm of Joseph E. Painter, Kersey , Colo. In de scribing Its work Mr. Painter my: ! "I as a derrick for stacking alfalfa with slings. Tbe staok nearly oompleted la 83 feet high. Tbe frame of tbe der- ii-, Tt -a) AT PXUBJCX ADD SUSO. rick Is securely fastened al saoh oorner with 4 foot inch iron pins driven Into tbe ground. Tbe upright pule is SS feet and tbe cross top pole SO feet with Inch trass rods on top and wooden trusses be low, tb who! being securely bolted together and ironed. Tbl derrick and iling I consider tbe only way of putting up alfalfa hay where wagons ar used.'' Waeal red Hears. - A wheat 1 now obeap again, more or less of it is likely to be fed to bogs. It does not make a nice looking pork a doe corn, a tbe latter shows more fat and therefore take tb eye of tbe pore baser. But if tome wheat to fed witb tbe corn tbe pork will be aa fat a If wholly oorn fed and will be much better In quality. Tbe bog will eat mor and digest better when wheat and corn ar fed together, bee as tbe com bination of tbem two grains make a better balanced ration tnaa either alone, ays ah exchange. . Bra aa a CaSefc Owsi sat ssv redSw. According to Professor W. P. Brooks, rye to on of tb most useful of tb catch nop, ai though ft does not absorb atmospberie nitrogen. As a fodder erop II may be pastured in tbe fall early ia tbe spring, end its saxllneaa is La strong twcomraMuuon, but it is low I , "- . , . i l a . 1 1 i j a in sbuiutv vninw miu u. wei . rauiauw by slock, axorpting when quit young. It ia wall suited to light sandy soils and may be sown ia tb latitude of Massachusetts from Aug. It Jo Nov. 1, sating from two to sis boabels of seed to lb You invite disappointment when yoa experiment. DeWitt's Little Early Risers sre pleat-ant, easy, thorough tittle pillaw They cure constipation and sick headache just as sure as you take them. J. C. fiimmons. FISH B U T B - High Art Clothiers. -OPPOSITE McADOO HOTEL, -GREENSBORO, N. C. Sole Agents For this line of Pants And Overalls. I I fil l I 1 hi Fishblate-Katz Company, GliEEXSBOUO, N. C. - arSalcsnien : Dolnh Moore, C. V. Lindsay, W. L. Cranford, T. D. Ocburn, L. C. Howlctt. I wish to call the attention of insurers in Alamance county to the fact that tho Burlington Insurance Agency, established in 1893 by tho late firm of Tate A Albright, is still in the ring. There i no insurance agency in North Carolina jvith better - facilities for placing large lines of insurance, that can give low er rates or bettor indchmity. Only first-class companies, in every branch of the business, find a lodgement in my office. With a practical experience of more than ten years, I feel warranted in soliciting a share of the local patronage. I guarantee full satisfaction in every instance. Correspondence solicited upon , all matters pertaining to insurance. ' I am making a specialty of Life Insurance and will make it to the interest of all who desire protection for their lumilics or their estates, or who wish to make absolutely safe and profit ablo investment, to confer with me before giving their applica tions to other sgenU. " " ' 1 . . . . Very respectfully, j "' , JAMES I ALBKIGI1T, - r-.---, BURLINGTON,; N. C. ooooooooooocoooccococccc Suppose you had a nicety displayed advertisement in this space, then what? Why the . 2,500 eyes that scan these pages every week would see it. and would know of your business, and when something in your line was wanted they would naturally look you up. - See? Had you ever thought of it? -rta 1 llllrtXJl All Clotliiiif? Bayers Travel Towards . The, 19 All the Leading Clothing Lines -' Are confined to ; Our House. Our guarantee is "Your Money Back If You want it" mm. . i '.. j Dtttcness TtC3:rs FOR ( MM::: Fit and Workmanship Perfect i The Appearance without the Cost sear in tws wcwtav , sso. ssm a svttow. i c m i ma. . sv ana a am "

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