THE GLEANER j Tr-vjggpgu j5VBRlr mXRSDAV. GRAHAM, ;N.C.; Nov. 10, If 8CB8CIPT1UN.0A8M IX ADVANCE: One year S1.00. , J. D. KEItNODLE, Editor, : IwThe editor will not be responsible for .the views expreMfd by corimltondcntH. AliVKBTISINO HATES: Oneaijuare (1 In.) 1 time (1.00, fur carta sub eocjuent Insertion 60 cent. For more simcc and loniror time, mid furnished on atH-u- iton. Loral notice 10 cts. a line for first Insertion ; subsequent Insurtloria 6 eta. a line. Transient advertisements must be paid for In advance. V i .. II ; i ni: .It .I il The State not less than 25,000 Demo cratic. Over four- fifths of Senate and House Democratic. Seven Democratic Congressmen. Rus- sellism, fusionism and negroism buried. . -This girl won In Ala mance. Alamafice Redeemed! A Sketch of MIm France Willard her Memorial Volume with s few Uriijliiai Observations by MiM Tillie How- lure on; "J. no new niivniry - was written. :.; : Who could have prophesied in 1874 that Frances Wizard was to lead the Temperance raovemeni in America 7 God bad larger pur poses for her than she . knew. The wave of the Crusade struck Chicago in March when a board of women visited the city counsel to petition for the enforcement of the law. They were Official Returns Qf the Vote of Alamance Co. GIVEN NOV. 8. 1898. H C . , . l r - ra w e c A 2 N K 3 3 a ft 5 r. e S 75 S- S 99 1,3 " - ) iuisoooeiO'ici' M IO M to tii 5; oi o co co e fc ii 1 1- O p c c io c c i n ec oi oo p O I c 4- O O ii K - i; O l - I OCiiwCnMK CTi -j MMH - I. V- IX V- W ' tJ J LV S3 IA. . -1 C. I H7. i'4.5 0f.M'jeM-Mi-IO.(!ita65IOlCl. !.-.- - M ... lA ;jaowC-i! li lw -I -I Iw -5 W -I IO Oi f. i( 'I W !D - 1 li - I 00 f- -1 CO tS -I ii. CO - OS CO . p ii s: 15 i - li 55 tc oc 50 u bi i Ci .,-.. I-. 1 k. UUL. -1 i: U - li -I ill li M -1 ii -I o Oi 5o o Let the good people rejoice. Fusionists quit the field. ' , IlKMOCHACY VKTOIUOI'H I uemiity wn agrrnt day for Dem ocracy in jinlion, olato and county 1 he Htiito is redefined from negro domination:-Tlw rwhite'nien of the went heard the pleadings oftho men inid prayer of the women of the iMt arii! extended thorn flic helping nmiu, iiiMi hi a rodU'i not over twenty countit wire carried ly the IUpubliean fuiioi)ii8. Uoth branch e oftho Ix'gi.Hlnturo are overwhelin ingly Democratic, and almoHt every whero the iniquitons were muted. - Mate Chairman Hiininoim fotmht n r' great fight and is duo (ho everhiHt ing thanka of the -good cople of the entire State, v.. Alamance covered heinelf with fclory and ruvemed a majority of two ; earn ago ranging from-400 to 700 and turned it into a victory of from " 10 iW taut 1 llexihiy. (ur peo- plo went to the polls like men going I iMWio wtify fuccH Mem and hnath ing determination. County Chair man E. 8. Tarker, Jr., ha; workctl hravely and incenantly,giving hia time for the cauw of goini govern ment and white auprvmacv. H has won the gratitude of the arty ..And Ihe good jieojtle of thejounty lor tna xirewwugjorta in In-half o: his county andHtate. In aacribiitg uie praise to the chairman we would not detract an iota from tho credit due bis co-laborer Tin whatever caoa - I S. O W C m W OM O H M O CO OS ti C X w a- CT; cc ti i so a i-- . J '. li O S h 5s CO M to CC li tit ti JS--I ti 35H I 4.0CHOW100MOMIOOI 4C)!U3-ll-likMIl UJ f Ul Utf ca Cl3 CT!1 ct: r I 28ai3SSS2!E82SS35S!.t3888g; tii-i !i - ICM M M M M MM kl -i li to 1' li I (O -1 O Cr. cr. -1 CO I -ioxc5S-ii7icocnii 1Cf50C03jCi-C( w a bi m ( fc-- fy - - "J1- Q co-j-ioat05Soo.icoii--i5flQoo- M W M 4. -I 0 5S CO 53 C0 ! (O C. -I c(fl ffi . !co 8 k Cf. IC -1 ; -1 5S tl 'When McAuay was shown the vast clustering vines' in Hampton cour with trunk like unto a tree he expressed wish to AC the mother root in Spain from which the scion was cat, and we confess to a desire to trace the ancestral forces of the Sunday dosing sons and daughters of eenius."; No ttefttea wun '"deness-but busy as irrfiftt ami! anddflnlT I Th e Was MISS U lllard was r0Urd ? .'- 1 ,. foot hilla aloDe onward to the moon- a saia "ireai any woman wun tain-minded man. - ; J contumely "and every iothei' woman Plato savs that the child is a char- wortn anything wdl feel as if she were ioteer driving two steeds up i long njin' n' " n'y were free-r- hilL One steed is white, represent- " 1 only aad time ne exclaimed. ing our beat impulses. One steed is Boon she was free to wort on the dark, staoding for our worst "pass-1 new temperance lines and she went ions. 1 ''J": I East to study the '.question more Bact of Harriot BeeoherStowe was carefully : Miss AVfllard vas .offfer- a father who was at onoe a moral H 1h.e presidency of the" Chicago hero and an intellectual iriant and Woman's Christian " Temperance a mother who gave to the strong Umon and the story of her work Beecher type iu rich. warm. eIow- there is so remarkable w to read inirtcncs. ' - : u a romance., in-187 she was Raloh Waldo Emerson had hack cnosen lor a Droaoer heid-Hliat cM Of him sevenenerations of scholars. H-Orresponding aecretary of the In every soul, howeveT, there 'i8.'Hn Illinois Woman's Christiarr Temper unexplored remainder that niust be ance , Union. ..-Her history in this referred to God alone. The secret place made itself with startling of greatness is in part ancestral but rapidity. Two years later in 1879 God breathes it l8"e was elected president of the Ma lt 18 He who hanttxpa thfl rinrn nr tional Union. W W Kitchin, d heroina with a diin afflahia o-ira J As an organizer Miss Willard Congress thfl woman ' fa ; ife possessed rare powers of discerm-j S B Adams, r task and sends them torth with men ttna magnetism. - l ne larger ' I - .... .i - . ' 1 !:.-.' Conaress faci it es like unto the nronheta mem Ders oi staie unions in tne v I . - x x I . ... p sword -"all dinrwid in TTAnvon " '; South call ner mother. She was In Miss Millard's father and ftarmonizeri l0Dg Peace and sacn mother we find the best . qualities fioin8 everything but principle to WDMerritt,r that have ripened upon the .rich ma,nmn - BolicitorrNew Eneland soil and thev in turn oome oi ner weu-fcnown woric at 1 ..... . .. . .. beaueathed to the r dauifhler their " "me was tne iiome rrotection united treasure whom they trained Petition, the "Home Protection Ad for her career as teacher, author, dress' and other valuable petitions fT M Cheek, d orator, philanthropist and social re- ; Wore than any other organization Senate I former, ' - 1 si.:, r wie woman's Chnstian lemperance I Ti nr. a . ;ni,i .nj.- i,.... i.. I Union is the exnonent of alf that in v r . " n ...UW ruUVITOU UVD1D ill" I . u xi naraen, r . wMnh Tranva . D!ii.r,ntk best in this latter-day civilization ooiiate i . . . . ... 1 Ti. t,, : j .: v- i. oorn oepi. zn, loay, in unurcnvuie, rr a " uio wo uigu Dev. Turner, r New York. A ' richlv nurtured and , Its Jilstory is heroic. Miss G H Brown, Jr, d Judge sup court A M Moore, r Judge Sup court J chiefly divine. A L Brooks, d solicitor I M Satterfield, d, , Senate 10 J. ! u ftiiftwo-jloowiiticMSEJsinSiH city they contribute.! U) the splendid result. It was a grand and glorious vic tory for the honor of the Hute. and the protection of the white woninn Ku.1 .r v. ...I. . . ..uuu ui .luiui varounn. ji was a righteous cause for which the people 1 1, , .. muiusuu rroTiucnce vcrny seems to have approved their determined cfibrts. Gen. Gret-lyv Chief Signal officer of the army, ia very ixirticular in all bis public utterance to speak in high terms of Secretary Alger, and other officials who had anything to ao with the direction of the war, but in a speech to a church club he kt the cat out of, the bag by saying that one of the principal .reasons why the Signal Corps operated so puccesxfully dunng the war with j ain was that it bad a ship of its uw n, chartered in the name of 2 -;va!e jndiviJual, and not subject !rol of the army or navy. ; ' Am turn WaaJit -,m nunirnoa bvlf ia th laai of n sr,d arliicr bwa. The blood ia t . ; art . .1 r -tii. ilonr ia ! A"1 : oi Rrnvne' ' ?n in t in. ' . t T-tor yor -?r T'r -. rtiii ffmr - li to t k k i - w w w o oi Cii gj o o ti 2lSS82S83SS38Sa638S8oa i22iL3igi'22 CO O li li .$!S2gje8S83$25.88ftJS28B s a s: 2 s s a n s s s sgirss; SS:iSll5sil82 Sss-a2i8r288SS88 Te&sonfflA(-) 'OCO-tilCBCCMCSCW Senalel child-garden where the sturdy small "Uard aspired to a world-wide or- I Denization oT the Woman's Chris. ... -. - I f-aaww wv WVB MVVU awv BUU DL1UU I 0 r . T w ii. Carroll, d A if., n5 a-m. ,;m. tian Temperance Union-. She work UAttaA n- - W I UVIUW ft as, at if i lavl -nrl Aw siai-An vaam : TIia luujr wie lamijy removea K) uoriin. I w nw,wu v ovioujwwpr uo U K Stockard. r JOhio, where five yeara of atudent I foiygiot Petition Is an Instance of I - la . . . House hfe were invested by, these discern- ner power to pierce the mture and I iiur nnrAiita viui K.i Untv. k. ..., . to plan lor ffenerationa vet to come. I w K . . I -.f f-MW.OT .1 ..V UIM WVU VWI. DUl' I . U r u K-ernodle, d -n.-,,! t pv M. It is to be prized because it has been vjorai., . . ... . .l. ... . - . tne Deioved sister Alary was bornl U1 F wurou UB oeen nung B D Vincent, t and the older children, Frances and paragraphs and presentation ; ' Clerk I OH ver. in lov nnd nooi vaA speeches sermons and sones in every I tha imiiiua it t.a Mi. I Dart of ChiiitGndom. and tha end Ln . , - . I -"w iiuuim v. uv 1UW Uiv-I. - . - BMcAdams,d ,. . all . is not vet. - - -J- Sheriff I wv -w. ,. While living at Oberlia the fath; Io tbn one million men sign- R T Kernodle, r er's health gave way and in he the petition, many personally. House spring of 1846 we find them, at jn07 alter thi Miss Willard lost I rn tt . i jii: I her mother "Saint CourapfiniiH" as Cn il,.,.. J wivw iwiuc, iw uuiyii unciiiiiK I ' o CThompson, d Tm ... w:. Jl..: ,-.1: she called her and the ereat' heart MWH W (MS SOD T tlAli 11 USWUOllAj nilvlv I . " , for twelve happy years these three J which knew no limitation' of creed P A Mitchell, t children lived an idyllic life -of love 0,888 or nation,, beating only with Register and labor, play and study and tno pulsations of humanity, was torn l... -i:.. . I with the severance of an earthlv tin' fT B Thompson, d niinnlj .j -.v- I the strongest vet tendereet 'of her al VKU Ul UUVU MMU DIOIf VI UWU AAA V(J V I ' W much in th Willard home. -' ,lXe- Tnrea weok8 aOerward she R C Dickey, r Frances once said that "a boy whose ""'M for England to be the guest of. Treasurer Ulster knows everything he does will lM7 tienry Bomerset and the re- Ik- . .i . " :.i .' a I maininir six Veara of hnr Ufa ww r Tf Hnll A t : .. l:jai'Uiw uiwioji,'. gguau auui " . - I i j i w u . I Ul video between tbia and the mnth. Surveyor I " I , "All her life lone this woman's country. Cordial was her recep- tf C McAdams, r heart and mind were going . out to- "on t6 ai 7 Henr7 and she Burveyor ward the labors, the thoughts, the accoropusnea i mucn lor lemperance l.: vf uu in - Enaland. On her retnnf to W Patterson, d I . . America for the hut tima hr w-t. Coroner I r" '' 'lulvi mwiunmiw uu Hirgei : - helpfulness. . ' " ' l,MB lowenj- aeemea never, more A. Pickett, r At fourfeen Frances went to the creative. ' Editorials, articles for Coroner little Lrown achooUhouse about aheW8PaPere plans for celebrating mile from her home, ft : was a Neal Do"'8 wrthday, eager gym simple structure, but V real, lite pathy for Armenia, were subjects for graduate from Yale was teacher and her ladle pen. , : v . :' in this school the chUdren had ten But with 8pring'a coming , she montlm of bright, inspiring work. drooPd tho' she afterward made an In Frances fifteenth year the girls address in Brooklyn Tabernacle, al- entered a select school in Janes- 80 at Cambridge.- Then a visit to vUle, where Frances awakened JChurchyllle, her birth place, after-. astonishment by the way she edited to Janesville, Wis:the wo-j her public address which she dosed thug "Good by, dear friends of my loved childhood's home, good-byo perhaps forever and if forever may we meet in that Home in Heaven.; On returning, tdu Xew sYoik the light of life seemed burning d'mly and she felt that the end was hot Ux away.;, for three weeks she grew steadily - weaker and on Feb. 17, "the dew of Heaven was fallings on her brow." "On waking from a short sleep she pointed upward and with face illumined said in tones of con tent "How beautiful it is to bo with God.!l7 At midnight, Feb.- I7th, 1898 Frances ViIlard was "iiorn into beauty, and born into bfoom; victor immortal o'er death, and the tomb." In' the family vault 1 at Evahston in "a tiny while box, the ashes of Fiances Elizabeth Wiiiard rent on the heart of her mother with whom as she . desired ehe has "crept in at iastV?.;;'5':' Frances Willard had fove with out selnsbnesfrjustice' without per version, beauty, which was beyond superflcialgess, virtue which was no mere outward negation nor artificial merits Temperance which was . the equilibrium of.thfl soul. She in eluded them all-and she has her home and country in that world 'here they are indigenous' and perennial."' - - - Statb o Ohio, Cttv or Toudo, T . - LUOIB OODUTT, I Frak J. Crihit makes oath that he la tbe senior partner of the firm of P. J. CaiNKY & aj., aoiuK ousiness id tne viiy or Toledo. County and State aforesaid, and that said it unit urn and , iia enAd CAIARBB Cdbb. HUNDBKO or Cat a of HaW Ira will ia? tbe sum of i not. LA KB tor eauh and every e, bh that oancot be eured by the.i FBAN JT. HRNKV A Cft. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, Uiettth day of Deoember, A. D., Uei. I . ' 1 i . A. W. QIjBASOn, . : jwtAb f : X; 1," v ; Notary Publje. ' Ball's Catarrh Cure Is taken" Internally and facts directly on the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Hand for testimonials, free. F.8.CHBNKY CO., Toledo, O. Sold br drnavlsts. I8c ' ball's family Pills are the bost. Buggies, wagons; harness, plows,' harrows, frills, ete to ' select from. My stock is now larger than ever Deiore. isay I sales are increasing each year. Don t buy plows, barrows or 1 i drills until von see tnv stock and tret mr prices. A Look out for i nerldlera. The coontv ia full of these Deddlers right HOW. ilami I to- busy W eet out to sec voa all and besides it jcosts money. , I cati save von 65 to 10 on each drill too buT,.as ,it, costs at ( . least that to peddle the county. Big stock repairs for drills j .and mowers. ) . c . ' - , . z.tuu aaera oi p-nano ana acta pcosuaaic hi untra wmtu uc- . 1 fy competitiQa. YOK can afford to drive ?0 , to 23 miles to ; buy guano from me. - , , , , 1 ' ".- , r . " . "- Jl-S. CARDWELL, 1 Townsend & Co,'s old stand; V t " BviuwroO, N. C. . Farm lljQ, Q GREENSBORO, N. C. J. -till: I A Owners'and Profii. A Word of Information for ' the '-Bpdders of j - Every farmer who will bring his tobacco to' the Fafmers' Ware 1 T.l: - ..... , rs I 1 . II . : ... .- ' I I . .. . I . :-. . . nouse,- urccnsDoro, Bnaii nave tne very nigncst mara-ei: pnee ior- each an4 eretyipile on tte floor -of our boose Z . , We.thankil customers for past favors and patronage and will appreciate any tradethey may favor us with in the future. - . - .. We also promise that we will nat neglect, anything that will en- r able us. in getting the highest p'rices at each and every sale. We expect to buy tobacco more largely this year than ever. We ex pect our purchases to reach nearly one half million pounds, so if you sell with us you get the benefit of one more straight out buyer as we shall confine bur purchases entirely -to. our own floor' We invite every farmer; who visits our market to attend our sales and they will be convinced of the above statements, and we believe af tet seeing ior themselves by attending our sales front day to day wnen on our marKet, tney win tavor us wun tneir trade. . -, To those who" have never sold with us, we will say : If you will y brine us or ship us Some of vouf croo this season, we will nrove'to you that it will be to your interest to patronize us in the future'as ;LThings should not be . done by halves. ' If it be right, do it'lboldly if it be wrong leave it qndone. 4'.' ': A Trade Oettei. We have lost trade by beinjr out of Ramon's JLiver Pills and Tonic fellels. We can seldom ever induce a customer to take any other as a substitute for them when they, have once tried Ramonrs.-Ju8tice " & Fletcher, Crossville, Ala. For sale by J. C. bimmons. , . . ? The General Convention of the Episcopal Church, which has been in session in Washington, 7 adjourn ed weekr--The next meeting will be held in San Francisco. - ' No dure No Pay,'i-:'-f.(.-v' That Is ehewar all dminrtsta seU OROVKM TABTELE.H8 CHILL ToMlO for Chills and Malaria. Hie simply Iron and Quinine In a tasteless form. Children love It Adults pre fer it to bitter nauseating toalea. PrioeDOo. pur efforts to Obtain for you the very highest prices shall not bo surpassed by any one on this or any other market. " ' . Again thanking all for past favors, hoping in he future "We may be favored wit your custom and support, we remain, "r'ZL i'v "Truly yourfriends' . i r A FEW MOIHlOg p P Albright, d Co. com tf A Turrentine, d . . . Co. com' iGaston Love, d Ca com" TFMcVey.r . 'r IJ W Bason, r Co. com'r I N Walker, r Co com'r In the yoto tabulated above only the names of the first Jodgs on the Democratic ticket and the first Judge on the Republican fusion tlrk.t ar a . . v u - uu8c run wun mese with not over three variation in The votes for Uie candidates for anlinitara J .i..t. .nt. o Cirnrt t...rkMl th... . 1111 "... .l i " . WV w uu'luf , 7, ; ' ' . Vu wrns nrom Hebane. but are estimated from the votes ofjthe other candidates and verbal information; i j miuiuana ior cierx irom itoon station marked J was not properly filled out, but the total vote of these candidates n. uu isijmunj uiau inree euner way Trorn the totals given in the table For broken surfaces, sorea. inaect bite, burns, skin diseases, and es iecially piles, there ia one reliable remedy, DeWilt's Witch Hase! ialve. When you call for DeWilt's don t accept countcrfeiU or frauds. l ou will not be disappointed with DeWilt's Witch Hazel Salve. J. C. Simmons. Nothing tends so much to pervert the healhful development of the moral sense as the infliction of punishment which the child feels to be unjuat, and nothing retards the acquirements of the power of direct- uig uk intellectual processes so much as the emotional disturbance which the feeling of injustice pro vokes. , Yon invite disappointment when yoa experiment DeWilt's Little Early Risers are pleasant, easy, a V V aA tuurougu iiuie puis. They curt constipation and sick headache just as sure as you take them. J. C 8immona. More than twenty million free samples of DeW itt's- Witch Haiel Salve have been distributed by the manufacturer. bat better proof oi tnrir connuence in its menu do you want? It cures pile, burn. v-aMs, sores, in the shortm space of lime. i. C Simmons. WIS! jwdiomic Pellets Car an fcraai of diaeae mill by eiatxua Uver an Tk e rink pat Cleanses Tbe Took p-uet Invigorates S.Slatiia.afOiaiass)ais. Ky.aaya: "I aa ry We-a far a taa tlaaa: M aJIn aT n4 ttia to bad baefth. I bad 4r-a-ia aad wpn a say too. 1 a-aa aass Kaana-s Ur Mia aad Vaadc lyuata aa caratai Um Baiari ank. sad aa a to sn i latnama la w4fM SI aw like a aw aarsoai.- TW tltlla ttortor-. Soak - t-Tls sJI a rm. aaa a wik . TmiaM ric , f wota traa. caaap. asowa avaccai. aaai We want to tell you that our buver lias been on the Nnrtlipirn markets twice this season and has exercised his skill. eYneriAnra - and ability to Its utmost capacity, in bnyinff our fall stock. - All of our-aepartments are complete and full. Filled with the biggest values ever 'offered on thi&market before. You will have to see our Immense stock to appreciate its magnitude and value to you. " ; IIS" We have the largest Department store4n-the county andi can sell you goods cheaper than you can buy any where else'in the State. These are broad assertions but If you will come and'exam Ine each department you? will be convuiced of the truth of the' statement. . -f-,i x--.,v;:..;:..:-;iV---.'-----:v x:.,,,-. , LDess goods complete line 10c, the school paper when it became her I maa of pe years, gtand achieve- j 12Jc,"16Vto 11.50 per yard. Silks, Biliousness la aaaaed by torpM Irer, wklck U dlaea- ttoaand perasKa tood k sst-mos and pirtrtfy Brf UMstoaaaea. Tana tnnnw sirTtnass. aaanirna. MM - " ar Mood ruia stianilata S turn. She was wonderfuUv fond of mems ana genue, perrectea woman Shakespeare and at this time had P00 had seen Tier forth a mere roaxl and commented on all hk clava maiaen jong ago. uera sue maae In 1857 Frances was a student in the Milwaukee "Female College. On examination day she read an essay on "Originality of , thai gat ; and acUori to ihe applause of the au dience. The sisters hoped to re turn to Milwaukee but their Method ist lather desired mora sectarian school and selected the Northwest ern Female Collect at Evanston. Illinois. She was chosen valedic torian of hor class and says "I was glad, of course. To tome others it might not mean much. - It was not so to me." Miss Willard 's school life was brave and merry, winsome and gentle. generous and good, .gracious in dignity, dainty in attire, superb in friendliness and remarkable in scholarship. She gave her heart to God in ber twentieth year and the! following one began ber career as teacher In Harlem, III Two tears of teaching in Tittaborg opened a1 wider circle of hie to her. On St. Valentine's day aha was elected stinsU-a, eta. at svata. Sold by aa laeeaOjfteBtMwttiiW'asamtruav big stock 25c to 11.50. Velvets, 25c, 50e to 11.75. Ladies' sailors 15c to $1.75, trimmed hats 40e to $6. Checks and plaids 3Jc to 5c. Sbeetihglfo (o"5a """"Ladies' : Union suits 40c to 95c. LadW -vests 15c up. Children's underwear lOe up. Children's caps the prettiest line you eier saw 25c up. Complete line boys hats and" caps. Men's, boy's -and children's suits, a full lint, bought under; the . market Children's suits 75o up to 15.50. Boy's suits, long pants, S2 and ' up. Men's suits 12.25 op to f 15 La dies' Capes and Jackets a great line capes 50c to t7, jack eta 12.60 to 110.00. - Carpeting 10or to r75c. i Matting 10c to 30o. Rugs 85c to 3.00. - Lion coffeev roasted, lOo ' per pound. Grftnulated sugar 6c. Arbuckle coflee vllo per pound. Candy, French i tnlxed , 6c pound.' Big stock groceries; . Large lineof hardware,-prices low.- . Full line of furniture uprtairg prices wDl In- tereet yon and save you money, ? . . Don't forget. Come to see our store. We Ii-lva ivfin t Our prices will interest you. Why tell the tale. Yours to serve. IS mm o a alio president of the Evanston Collegt for young lad tea, the first woman to whom such a title was ever accord ed. Ths new President threw herself! with great test into this endeavor. At this place her theories of self-go--1 eminent were proven and met with wonderful success. For good reaa-1 ons she resigned the presidency of the Oman's College and a season of) travel ensiled during which the W- ARE NOW READY TO WEAR. , . - ' W , V - TaiBBalllllBMBSBaSaiiS Take any of our suits and overcoats at $10.00 and they have the set and style of merchant tailors' work. " ' ; They have what is lacking in ordinary ready-made clothing the workmanship that keeps the garment shapely the proper act to th collar ; every part right. aVOnr suits and overcoats at $750 receive the same care and thought in tailonn .. grades." Every thread of warp and woof is of pure wool iaIf it is a black, blue or colored suit you -want, we have thn ij. from beautifully finished Clay Worsteds, Cheviots, and Cassimeres-' Prices ranee from $5.00 to $18 00 There is no other store that can clothe yoa as stylishly and serviceably as we can and at so little price. 100 Men's and Boys Mackintoshes at 01-50--worth 2,50.: A great line of boys' clothing: at bargain prices. . BURLINGTON, N. C. uvi O

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