A ! i : ... Ll .) ; rYcar--Ia Advance. Large anrl increasing circula tor! in Alamance and adjoining counties a point for advertisers., All 1 . ins. Tar ' neatly and pro. lowest prices. VOL. XXIV. GRAHAM, N. C, THURSDAY, DEECMBER 29, 1898 NO. 47. ThE NELSON IF day aftcr'-today V made on nature's hev last For gents is to-day a little ahead of the ' Latest colors, latest toes, best fit and : - Price $3 00 to $5 00 , I THE UNION SHOE tor ladies nas already. knocked tbe bottom from under all other ladies' shoes. Best fit, best style, , most durable. "'!. Warr onte-d to give satisfaction $1.50. $1.75, 2.00, 2 50. 3.00, an 3.50. We also have an extensive line of cheaper shoes for misses, little gents," children and working people. " : We buy often and try to be able to suit every customer in price and style.,: Give ns one trial and we hope to merit your potron nge. V - ..'v DAVIS & DAVIS! BIG SHOE STORE, ftarReniemWr e fere closing out all 'dry goods And notions AT COST to rnake room $ new lino. , . - , J t ' ALL IT COSTS. s. i J vThh-'s-p(ec 'prlor- , ,.r' i :- ' aa.lt, rocK(diTto, and V--f A?v-v $' off, und .w parlor jr-rft 1 chair, highly polnhod lfey frj fTSvHP ! frasM, finished mahog " J".V L ll V fry, nnd uphol- fML. 111''' M V nred !q velour of LZZI?1I S ' upMry, -Urg t (LT TVtJ ! and suit- V": IS Ma foranmrlor Ir4111... " ul iatb htnd, , J'T-'rl J and freight paid Ln- -n-LJ C1 aajrvhera on ' I C earth. Such .;", v..-. 1 baifain u this ' jQEa you hart) never Vr&Wl WT'TfjfSi m krf,r. no ??T?jj " W.f$ AN UNPUBLISHED POEM BY THOMAS , . MQORE.. . , iea, 1 did soy on lh pine barren view, "V As weary I Journeyed the wild road along, Virginia's rode aou 1 would glad bid adieu And never remember Virginia In aong. I had passed through her towns snd nooon verae liad met. ' . Though in eonTorae my heart knew Ita fond' eat delight. And eo firm In my breast had dear friendship been aot . That of friendship I thought I might chal lenge the right, But aooa waa the change when to Richmond I came,. . , . Cor the atranger hers met with ft heart like me own, century mark. whltS! hope yon will. Further comment I 1 aaeceiury, except that if you want to know I of Ihouwnde of such bargains, send for our loa-paga lurnltura catalogue, and if you want 1 carpet at luch prices as meet dealers can't buy 1 for, send far our ten-color lithographed carpet I catilogue. and what you'll nnd In thw two l books will teach you something that you'll l want to remember for many a day. Remember I Christmas is coming, and sensible people give I emlblsNglfts which sensible people most ap- I prsciara.- oomecning lor tne nome Is the best I of all presents, and our catalogues will suggest I vr jvm wna, u oqs Aoorcss teaacuy as DUOWJ JULIUS HINHS & 80TV. Dept. Wu. fit LTlnOKE. HD. And he aighg that hi yene will ne'er equal Ita xame . And give It for friend ship the highest renew a. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JACOB A. LONG, Atorncy-aJ-Law,; : v . GRAHAM,'. - .-i ', k. c 'i-f-'- '-''.v - ; . t.fht-t i . ' irtvotloea In the State and federal courts. Omse over White, Moore 4 Co.'i store, Main Street. 2PboneNo.il. ... ,. : fOHll GBAT BTKIDC. W. F. BTHOK, JH. t BFNUM & BYNUM, Attorney and Counselor tit Law GREENSBORO, K. C. Practice reirnlarly In the courts of Ala mance ooanlr. , Anu. 8, 94 ly. DR. J. I?. STOCKAlD ' y ' Der,tlst, v GRAHAM, N.'o. ' Offlce at resldenoo, oppoeit Baptist Church. B it work at reasonable prloee. In offloe Mondays and Batuf . dayi. lua demon stvmted ten thousand ttnaUiatttlaioatinialllhMi found The welcome' that told him Ita friendship waa truo And long shall the praise of Ita mast or resound, While gratitude claim from bia heart the I jUSt dUe. '; ,r ; . .' Oh, woman, here, too, both In beauty and sense Thou art blest with the boon which art can not Improve I f Thy looks and thy smiles such sweet favors dispense That the beart of the atranger la tempted to love. Then, filch mond, accept a stranger's farewell. JI tne tear of rearet of his love be the proof. Long, long In his heart shall thy memory -dwell, , And in age be the theme of the days of Ml youth. Bookman. died ilowly iiut tit LI.uT as I be Sato die slowly 1u (be latup wheu the oil is nearly flubbed. .The Frier bad used acb. tVill tu lierbs as lie bad, bat to no purpose. Ouo day be atd to Robin: ' "Have yoa board nofe'bt of tbe prioress bt Kirkleotr-tbe that vral danshter of tbe old gberifT?" : ' . -- "Mauy yean ago, " said ltoblo belt dreamily, "hbo came to the forest by night Sbo would have ' tbe featber of tbo golden eagle tbot 1 wore in my cap doubtless a wager, and ong tbat I wag trilling eucngb tbat ibe should win. She wag a slip of a girl tben, and, to ray thinking, recked little of -the rellr gious life. But with women" ,' i ; He broke off, gasping for breath, ana tben resumed with fnryi ( ?! ;i Vj - "A onrse upon me tbat 1 canpeithet live nor die and lie thus betwixt and between 1 What of tbe prioress? Sew iboold she harm me or help mef " '; . . "Her fame is great in these parts," said tbe friar, "and daily grows greater. In surgery and physio, sbo bas snob knowledge as God seldom gives to man Tbe lame go then and oast away tbeir crotches, and tbe blind see, and the old become yoong again. There is not a bouse in Nottingham or Mansfield where tbey shall not tell yon some great story of the wonders which ibe has worked.'! "What avails it?" niked Kobin. "Klrkleea is far away, in Yorkshire. I have neither tbe strength of limb to walk thither nor to sit my horse. If yon loved me, yon would take of tbe night shade in the forest and mix toe a draft which ghonld end all this!" - "That would I and speedily," said tbe Friar, "if tbe band of death, were indeed upon yon, but it is not so. Hap pily, in tbe letting of blood alone would yon find relief, and were I a snrgeon we would make a trial of it Bay, Little John, are we already so snnken and en feebled that we cannot bear onr master to the priory of Kirklees in order tbat be may march back again with his ar rows in bis belt and ourselves behind bim, ns in tbe old flmesTT ROBIN HOOD'S END. - p fPR VYQMlU't tnefularmss and . It has become the leading. remedy " tor this class of troubles, it exerts a wonderfully healing, atrength suing and soothing influence upon tbe menstrual organs. . It corse whttee" and falling of the womb. It stone ooodlng and relieves soy- 1 and painful menstruation, saaae l Life it Is the beet saediciae made. It Is ben.de) at Vfsjeead Wot Chi deling pregnancy, and helps to vrug emigres) um name vmnvm let rears. It Invii latas, strengtaens i whole a vs. ' Tb la rreei resnedr Is offered teaO afflicted womea. Whrvrllt ai, tenia eaffer aaothec asinote with eertaia relief wlthla reacbt w ine of Cental only eoeis HM yer aottlea joesrdnigatore. . SW sitsfas, ai ewase usiiMay insalal aVreerlons, address, eleiite stpsnvaa, -Ldim- AdHtarf f.ou.laiinl,'' M Oiattan mm Jslsdfaas Caw the tm. . m. tmrm, C as, sea, f serat - e'te seed Wiee et Cerdef at kease far fc '-.t ft the wees sea M eaures; ares fcer. i Bigamlata la Hungary are eompened to submit to a qoeer punlahiXKUt. . The aaaaa who ba been fooliab aoovgb, to aoarry two wive is obliged by law to live with both of tbeta in tbe .About 600 a a tbales Botes tbe fact tbat amber, Wheat rubbed, attracts light and dry bodies, Dot the aoiaooe of aiaa trknty date properly from A. IX 1900, Wheat UUbert of tAttooesteg, Enghvut, mbliabed book. rrofesu Arnold oa Tillaaova la tbe foinrtasnta oao tarry mada a panaoea of tbe "wates of Ufa," which was said to bare the virtue of "giving tweet breath, fortify tog tb aaeavory, bas. das being good for sore eyea, tatetootbstobe, goaV" to. . . Dinrnsiasj of tbe capita! at Wask tsgtoai Length, TSt laat 4 loch or, fcraadth, frota lit to 134 feat; it eorerg 151,11 sqnsre feet; front base lias) of feuud.i g to the tip of atatua, I8T feet 11 Ux lbeei,-bt uf tbe dosae hove u baas line oei the east front at tiT fee incbaa. The new sheriff waa a younger and more vigorous man, and Kobin Hood preferred a foe of courage and reaonroe. To ontwit tbe old dotard who bad re ceutly died bad ever been sufficiently easy. The newcomer wag more worthy pf bis steel, Many a time and oft Kobin and bia men were only saved by tbeir knowl edge of the Sherwood caves; none other held that secret. Indeed tbe fear these secret caves was widely spread throughout tbe neighborhood, and many on old Wife's story told of tbe snre and horrible death tbat awaited any man that entered tbem witbont having olew. Gradually, as time wore on, those of the old band who Were still left rallied about tbeir leader. In spite of tbe sheriff tbeir numbers increased, and from tbeir uiftiaudicg - expeditions - tbey seldom oame back empty banded. Children in Nottingham said that when tbey grew np tbey alto wonld live in tbe forest like Bobin Hood, and eat of tbe king' i venison and be served with enps and plates of gold and nave many to follow ..tbem. I Bat Bobln bad not forgotten tbe ill omen. Outwardly bia mirth was boisterous as ever. He played rough jests witb bis own men or with travel era wbo fell into bis hands. It was not , enough tbat be should take tbeir treas ure; be must also send tbem on their t way in some purely ridiculous and fan tastic attire or position, even as, many i years before, be bad sent tbe old sheriff back into Nottingham with bis bands and feet tied and bis faoe to big bone's tail. His presence of mind in tbe moment of peril was as great as il bad ever been. One never found him at a loss, ncr did he seem to be thinking of any thing beyond tbe present moment Yet if by chance any spoke to bim of wbat be should dd in years to come Bis an' gwer was always "There are no years to coma ' This year eodsslL" . . Almost nncooecioosly his two most able and faithful followers Little John and tne Friar came to have tbe same mind on tbls matter. Tbey bad no doubt tbat tbe end Would coma, but 'Only of the manner of its eomfrjg. Tbey bnsw bow -that-tbey weal in greater peril thaa ever before, and tbeir terror was lest Bobin should be taken by tbe sheriff. Had tbey spoken to bim of it be might have laughed at tbeir fears, Ev ery night and day be kept bis dagger by trU side, and bis mind was fixed thai be would never be taken aliva. As it waa, every morning tbey asked themaslvas, "Will It be today r and every Bight tbat tbey slept in the opes, "tiball we be taken while we sleep?" Tbe autumn came, and already tbe trees of tbe forest were changing color. Now and again a party of young nobles wonld come down to tbe river with hawk oat fist. Sometimes ia tbe early anarning tbe Bon would sound prise, bat ere fus eater ot keeper eould reach the spot tbe fat bock bad borne away. Tbe berries were ripening oei tbe bt amble and wood Was bes gathered against Jibe eqtaing winter. A rich knight, bearing great treasure la bia train, passel through tna forest an scathed aye, evea without sight of Kobin and hie men. Others folkrwad, and were also left nmoleatad. It would Indeed have baaa said tbat Bobin. as was bia wont st timaa, bad left fiber wood and was banting alaswhere bat for the shrill call of the bora la the early aaorainf and for tbe goiasiog aVtar. It was as ttMogb so long as tbeyeooid wrest a scant livelihood frota tbe vert and venison of tbe barest, tbey 'Were aoav tant to giro ap tbeir war oa tneav And sals was beeaase Bobia lay sick la lb eaves, every day saying, To tnnrrow It will be well witb no, and we will lake the rand agsla, and ml trav sling prrlaie shall nay for bis aiaa." 'It shall be done," said Little John. And Bobin, lying witb eyes olosed, said no word for or against - So that night a litter was made ready and Bobin was laid upon it, witb bis bead on a pile of rnabes and bis body oovered wiUi the skins of wolves, for bis natural beat bad gone, and even in the day, when tbe sun was warm, be shivered. , And every one of .bis men went With him. For, by reason of the activity of the new sheriff, the danger of the journey was great, aspd it was needful to have scoots out far ahead to be sure that all was clear. Even so, and though tbey journeyed only by night, not once' or twice was tbe alarm given, and only by a long de tour did the band get through in safety. And when tbey drew near to the priory of Kirklees it was agreed tbat Little John and tbe Friar alone should bear tbe Jitter to the gate. He would have strength enough him self to enter the presence of tbe prioress. Bat lest he should be recognised and some barm should befall bjm, he car ried bis ,born bidden under bis cloak. OnebIait upon It Would bring the whole of bis men onto bis succor. ''The prioress' lodge at Kirklees was not one of tbe buildings tbat surround ed tbe cloister court It stood apart on the right bsnd side, having a walled garden. . , And there in tbe beat pf tbe day tbe prioress walked, holding an illuminated book in ber bands She went slowly np and down tbe straight gravel walk un der the tress. The bands that held tbe book were wbite and very thin; the face still kept somewhat of its old beau ty, but changed. There bad been a long struggle and tbe enemy was vanquish ed, but be was not dead and might yet arise again. - As she walked there one of ber maid ens brought ber word tbat a traveler; sore spent, bad been brought to the porter's lodge and front thence bad been carried Into tbe gnest ball, and be beg ged tbe prioress would go to bim and work a cure upon bim tbst bis strength might return and be might go on bit way. - ..:. Even as sbd entered tbe gnest ball she knew wbo it was that lay there, and yet not by one sign did she betray tbat the knew it . Bobin lay witb closed eyes end breath ing heavily. He was consoions vaguely of women's voices speaking near bim. Tben bis position was changed some what Through eyes tbst slowly opened be saw tbe glint of sunlight fall on pol ished brass and on a snowy napkin. He felt that some one waa rolling back tbe loose sleeve of his tunic. Tben be caught tbe sound of footsteps passing away in tbe distance. ' There was a deep silence, and when be opened bis eyea all bad gone save the prioress, wbo looked at bim intently. - , "Do yon know mef" she said. ' "Aye,4 said Bobin feebly. "I pray yon to open my vein and let blood that I may recover tne from tbe sudden weak- hlch iss fsllrTO npon m. " She bent down beside bim and said oo word. He felt tbe sharp prick ka (rank and went forth on some errand that was thought to mean certain death and returned from it unscathed. And lastly, be waa back again in tbe forest, and. down Ibe moonlit road came tbe torches with tbe funeral procession. His lips moved even in the swoon In which he lay. . .,v . ,' PA bad dweny'rbe whliperedT; But in all these-changing dreams' there was one that never; appeared to alia 'tbo woman of . whom be bad thought so little, wbo now, witb white face and set teeth, bent by bis side as be lay there unoonsoioua. , : a ..-,.'-; .J.,- .i st;;, e rj': e - After tbe dreams there seemed to fol low a long wave of darkness, and when this bad passed and be bad opened - bis eyes be knew tbat be was dying. f : A vague wonder went ' through hit mind whether it waa by aooident tbat she bad taken so much blood from bis arm, now tightly bandaged, or whether it was of intention, knowing bim tb be one deserving of dan tb and thinking that in so doing she acted as tbe servauk of God and tbe king. -. - - ,-, . " It oame into his mind a so much idle guesswork. It did not matter. It might be dismissed. His restless eyes gazed round the room. Close by bim on tbe floor there seemed what looked like shapeless blotch of green light As he gazed at it it-slowly took shape, and be remembered. It was bis green cloak, which bad been flung down there and lay there in the sun light, and under it be knew was bidden bis bunting born. ; Hard by tbe oloak was tbe narrow open window. In the distance from the chapel be could bear the sweet voioes of tbe nuns singing. Suddenly the thought oame to bim that be could not die like this, like rat in a trap a man that had fallen into tbe bands of a woman. "-With great pain and exertion be managed to crawl -from bis bed and once more bang the born about bis neck. Then alowly he climbed Into tbe win- ned bis faoe and seemed to revive bim somewhat For a few momenta be knelt there, panting heavily, and tben, bring ing bis born to bis lips, be blew a call Faintly the sounds floated away into the distance. Then be fell baok, and once more tbe swoon came back over bim. , . '.. , ' i Tbe first thing of which b extras con aoious was a oonf used sound. There was tbe scrooming of women snd the benvy tramp of feet When he fully came to himself and opened bis eyes; the great gnest hall was silent,, but there were msny in It Tbe friar held bim np. Little John stood by bis side. At the farther end of the ball, In front of tbe heavy oaken door, stood Ibe men of bis band, ranged olosely together and wait ing bia order. ..-,.' "Give me water," said Bobin. . It was brought bim, and be drank. And tben, after a pause. Little John spoke.'-.-.-.-. , . "'Master, since it is by tbe foulest treachery that you are now brought to tbia pass, I prsy yon to grant the last request that ever I shall make of yon." "Speak on." , ' "Firstly, tbat we may bear you faenef to some safe place where baply yon may yet recover, and tben that we may born out tbie nest of singing birds, so tbat not one of tbem is left alive, and not one stone oi all tbeir buildings shall stand upon another. " Bobln smiled. "Nay, Little John, "be said. "When did we make war on women? When have we broken down tbe bouse thai was dedicated to Onr Lady? II is my command and since I die and shall not recover, il is verily tbe last com mand that I shall give you tbat yon leave these women In peaoe-and all their bona standing even as II is now, taking nothing from tbem and: doing tbem no barm, and that yon carry me forth and bury me In tbe greenwood. where my life has been spent Tben, at bit bidding, tbey gave bim bis bow, and be wonld bave strung it bnt strength failed bim, Tbey bore bim to tbe window and held bim there up right Tben Little Jobn strung bis bow and gave W to bim and pat an arrow Into bis bsnd. "See," said ebln Hood; "where this my lest arrow falls there shall my last resting plsoe be. There bury me. : Tben witb all bis strength be drew back tbe arrow and loosed it -And It sped far away in tbe sunlit air of tbe evening, farther than eye could follow. And so be fell back Into tbeir-arms and died. Barry Pain in New York Evening Post : '.j. i Vr AsssoimtBt Pure -vw, Moms the food more delicious And wholesome ROVfel VUtlM WMMII OO. . MW VOMe APOTHECARY'S QARDENl ! X lleiaSw Maa n.JInl.u 1L..I Wkl.a I - Yoa Profcablr Kssw Little. n Tbe money a man especially a fam ily man spends on bottle of nasty medioines In a lifetime would take bim on a holiday trip once or twice around tbe world or start one of bis children in life. And all tbe time he bas nature's own simple remedies, better than any chemist's concoctions, outside bit door. - In tbe lily of tbe valley, for instance, has one of the best enraenown for pay. Most often dropsy resultsirom a weak heart), and tbe medicinal prop erties of lily of the valley brace np Ibis organ to a pitch of the highest efficiency. ' In tbe odorous coltsfoot we have an other splendid remedy. , Nothing can beat it ia curing a oougb, and even con sumption sometimes yields to It The Germans-who know more of medicine than any other people on earth say that a pipeful of ooltafoot smoked occa sionally will inevitably kill tbe con sumption bacllluau ;, ; Foxglove la one of those old remedies which have stood tbe test of competition with the most modern remedies. It bas never been tux passed a a. beart tonio and ia tbe sheet anchor of the physician in all oases of flabby and enlarged beart mnsole. ', , ... .. " t Then, in horse chestnuts, we bave a remedy . for both rheumatism and whooping oougb. One seldom bears of tbeir use, no doubt but tbat is because I wkesi tbe tDorrew earns, always bis ' tared. weaU-te tT.BTBf J Zi was as If tke life tbe Bash of bis bared arm, and then il seemed to bim that be fell into da llgbtfnl sleep. a '" e l . - je . His sleep wee foil of the happiest dreams, melting vaguely into one an other. And tbey were all di earns of things -tbat were past and over, as though tbe sleeping brain knew aneoa cionaly tbat aftetward there wonld be nothing. -. Ifaid Marian stood by bint, yoong and beautiful, la tbe days of ber willful youth, and whatsoever she bade bia do tor ber be did, though be knew tbat it at to hi rain and undoing. He rode bis great wbite bora through the forest oa a very bright and fanny morning. All tbe birds were singing to- getber aad a feeling of well being was deep ia bt beart - Ills ma were beside bim talking and laughing totally, gaddenly oat front tbeir am bnt b sprang tb sheriff's men. aad Bobia and bis band fell upoa tbeta. Tbat, too, passe 1 J - And now it was a clear coooallgbt Bight sod kisld Marias stood by the rained chapel and looked at bias wlat- rany wits last ganUeoea la bar eyes which cants to bar wbesj at tost she loved. - - -, Aad now, again try aigbt bw swaia be cold water of tbe asoat'et tbe Baron D Trolley's castl. and tbe bar- en's arcacr snot afar or wide of bins. ' Now be was wit tbe king'e array. tmm isnisi sssnai ig bus was ruses . i y iad raved aad A faasaae Ctaejaar. 'bey say tbat Gartner, wbo was dl of tb claque at tb famous Oentobee Volkeslbeater, Vianna, died of b broken beart, but be left a lorton of 50,000. This yarn bas been deliberate ly and eobsily printed about bim;.: He oame to tb theater algbl after aigbt in different characters and cos tume and was never rnoognlsed a a etaqoer, by those around bim. : Some- tiuios be eosnpled a boa. sometimes a seat ia tbe stalls, sometime be Dotted blmseif In the seller, bat al wsys where b could Indicate to bis subordinate by a code of signal previ onsly arrabged now and when toapplaad without ' attracting undo attention. Gertoer bas been seen sitting la S box. for wblcb be himself paid, la an elegant dress salt with wbits lis sod gloves. and looking so distingue tbst bo c wo Id save dreamed that as was a clan oar. Whoa be raised bis aandkar chief to ai do, a roaod of applense followed. When be replaced lbs band kerchief la bie pocket, tb clapping gradually subsided. - Gartner came to grief la a curious way. He wss sitting ia tbe stalls si aa Important Brat aigbt and fall asleep during tbe play. A particularly tragic passage bad beast reacbsd when Gertoer aoddesly awoke witb a start and eo to applaad vigorously. Tb roared witb laughter and tbe Bieee was rained. Gartner was dismissed ia diagro.-Vieona Utter. T Cans CesS fa Oa Bay Take Laxative Bnwio Quinine fib lei. AH drnjcieia refund the a-. on er if it fail to cure 2-5o. The genuine bas L. IX Q. on each tslilct tbe high sounding titlea of new disoov erles. . Dandelion, however, holds its own in popular favor as a tonic for children, and a most effectual liver medloine for tbeir parents. Hops are also oomlng to the fore again. For dyspeptioand general weak ness they are a splendid onre. And if people who cannot sleep used them In stead of ofaloral hydrate, snlphonal and other dangerous drugs, there wonld be considerably fewer mysteriously sudden a earns. For a reliever of pain one need look for nothing better than ordinary poppy' beads, and, in fact, they are extensive ly need for tbis purpose. The expensive bark for which we go all tbe way to Fern is said to be not a wblt better aa a tdnio than tbe wood' bine tbat grows outside onr own win' dows. And oelery Is, aa moat people are aware, a splendid nerve tonio. Horse radish Is one of those few things wblcb doctors themselves take for tbeir health. It ia a safeguard against dyspepsia, as well a a highly stimulant brain drug, Tbe root of tbe bumble blackberry, taken when cholera la a boot, acts like a obarm In keeping off that terrible dis ease. Many doctors of even the modern school pin tbeir faith to parsley root in preference to the expensive uninine, and mistletoe helps the tired beart to do Its work, as well a acting a a sur preventive Of bleeding. The modest violet has Its own medl dual properties It cannot be surpassed as a lung healer, and it ia also of great servioe in many skin diseases. Wild cherry has msny good quail ti If yon are greatly exoited, it calms yoo like magic; if your nerve are shaky, it tones tbem up, aod if yon are afraid of eoniamptlon you could not use anything better as a propbylaotia Sage Is nut much used now, but it le an excellent thing for pain in the otomaoh, acting somewhat like ginger. Bed rose leaves, principally used to make medicine look and small nice, are tbemaalves a tonio M bo mean power, and elder flowers. ban-is and bark bave a great variety of uses. Tbey are said to be good for rheumatism and epilepsy. When fever ish, tbey make yon perspire, and tbey are a pleasant substitute for seidllls powders and things of thai sort ' Belladonna, or tbe wall-known dead ly nightshade," Is still- recognized by doctors all over tne world as a plant of many medicinal effects It it a terrible poison, but In a plaster II cure tbe cramp of cholera ; it reduces bolls wbea used in tbe form of a liniment; It strengthens the bjart wban taken la- jernally, and tb leaves, when smoked. effectually relieve both asthma and con sumption. London Tit-Bite. y '-A Raman Peace Jabllea. ' Probably the most gorgeous peace labile tbat the world hat ever seen was thai colabrntUig at Borne the four triumphs of tbe flrat Ocesar. So mag nificent were these triumphs tbat tbey were celebrated at Intervals of several days leal tbe populace should be oloyed by very splendor. Tbey commemorated the final conquest of all Gaul, tbe de feat of Ptolemaoa, the subjection of Pharnaoe and the victory over Juha. Never bad tbe Eternal City, then stand ing upon the threshold of empire, ever seen tbe like. Tbe Egyptian Princes Arsihoe and the son of tbe king of Nu midia walked oaptivea behind the car of the conqueror. - - Costly figures and portraits of tbe slain enemies of tbe republic, represent, ing tbe manner ot their death, were borne by Gallio slaves or carried In lit ters by the men who bad fongbt under tbe originals. Soipio, too, wag shown plunging into the sea; Oato, burying bis sword in his own bosom, and Deme trius, wonnded In the baok in token of his flight Nor did tbe celebration stop witb tbe processions The most sumptu ous banquets were served in tbe public sfjfiares, in one of wblob citisens re clined before 19,000 tables groaning euder the accumulated weight of tbe most luxurious delloaoles. . Pnblk) games were given and gladia tors reoruited from the mostoourageoas prisoners fought with wild beattl from tbe ends of tbe earth and tbe oirons was hung with hnge a wnings ofailk brought lOpffi Travel . Toward ;-s fii - m : .. - 5 High Art Clothiers, OPPOSITE MqADOQ.IIOTEL, L - , . GREENSBORO, K. C. Tava DaaS steals?. The following Interesting account of animal sympathy Is extracted from James Forbes' "Oriental Memories!" One of a shooting psrty, under a ban yan tree, killed a female monkey and earried It to bi tent wblcb was soon surrounded by 40 or 60 of tb trig, Wbo mad a great noise and seemed dis posed to attack tbeir aggressor. Tbey retreated when be presented bis fowling trieoc, tbe dreadful effect of which tbey bad witnessed and appeared perfectly to BUderstand. The bead of tb troop, however, stood bis ground, chattering furiously. Tb sport rma b, who perhaps fall some little degree of oompunctioo for having killed one of tne family, did act like to Are el tbe ere turn, aad nothing toot l of firing would suffice to drive bim oft At length became to tbe door of tbe teat sad finding threats of no avail began a lameutnbl mossing, and try tb naost express! vgatur see dto beg for tb dead body. It was given to bim, H took il Borrow folly bt bis arms and bote il awsy to bis expect ing companions Tbey wbo were wit- saatof this scene resolved never agaia to fire at one of the Bsookey race. f rom India at a time when a queen ooutd not afford tbat material for ber corona tion robes. Philadelphia Press. A Daaseroae Boaaaet. A abort time ago a man and bit two sisters were alone In a compartment on a German railway, AI a station an ele gantly dressed, thickly veiled woman entered tbe carriage, carrying a superb bouquet of roses. When tbe train start ed, she asked ber fellow travelers if tbey wonld object to ber closing tb window. The man hastened to close II for ber, and, In moving to get out of bis way, tbe stranger dropped ber roses, He picked tbem np for ber, and, than ing bim charmingly, she asked bim to keep one. Then, turning to bis oora panions, she graoiooaly offered eaob of them a few of the flowers Naturally tbe courtesy waa accepted, and the next thing of which tbe travelers were con aoioue was that tbe train bad arrived in Berlin; that tbeir veilod companion bad disappeared, and tbat all of their money and valuables bad gone wilb ber. Of coarse the roses bad been drug' ged. Thepolloe bave discovered tbat tbe criminal is a yonng man, and that be bas conducted a number of daring rob beries In similar faauion. One must ad mil that it ia tbe refinement of robbery, and, if one most be robbed al all, tbe roee method it preferable to sand bagging or garrotlng; but, after all, one may as well figbt shy of veiled women With roses, Exchange. - Wesaaa la laala. The present position of women cannot be better shown than by tbe following extract from a government prise 'book for Ibe girls' schools in tbe Bombay Presidency i ."If tbe bnsband of a virtu ous woman be ugly, of good or bad dis position, diseased, fiendish, irasoible, a drunkard, old, stupid, dumb, blind, deaf, bot tempered, poor, extremely covetous, a slanderer, cowardly, perfid ious and immoral, nevertheless sb ought to worship bim as a god, witb mind, speech and person. "Tbe wife wbo gives aa angry an swer to ber bnsband will become a vil lage pariah dog. She will also become a female Jackal and live in an nnlnbab- i la ted desert Tbe woman wbo eats sweetmeats without snaring tbem with ber bnaband will become a ben owl, living in a bollow Ire. Tbe woman wbo walks slooe witbool bar hatband ill become a filth eating village sow. Tbe woman wbo speaks disrespectfully to ber bnsband will be domb in tbe nest Incarnation. Tbe woman wbo bates ber husband's relative will become from birth to birth a moakrat, living in filth." Church Oesette. Sole Agents For this line of Pants Mt3 Ll And Overalls. i i , jU"C0 i i.l IV oU - . ,1;! I -';-C0 Ml II W ' ' ftfat-iS fcm (i ,". Fit add Workmanship Perfect, 5 The Appearance without the Cost. aacr in vm weaio. too. roa button. rtptn, .. ks air. ) All the Leading Clothing Lines Are confined to Our House. Our guarantee is "Your Money Ba If You want it." cl: Fishblate-Katz Company, GIIEEXSBOKO, N. C. - le-Salesmen : Dolph Moore. C. W. Lindaar. W. L. Cranio.- T, B. Ocburn, L. C. Howlett. Greensboro Tobacco IIarI:c ROR HIGH PRICES. Sold over 5,000,000 pound last Tear for an a vera ire of fi7.B7 r.pr 1 pounds. - This is the hiehewt average mode bv anv market In Tjiedmnnt K. , Carolina, " . ' Over $1,200.00 paid out daily to farmers for tobacco during the i year. ' ,. v. It is the bent market in tbe State for the farmer. Our Warehouses are lane, commodious and uo-to date, whose nro ' etors stand without a peer as slcsmen of the weed. --; , Every larae firm in the United States and a number of foreign firms c represented by our buyers. Tobacco centre, manufacturing centre, trade centre, rsilmail r- educational centre. Our own manufacturers have a larsre eanacilv and are fiwreaiitiD t' trade daily and must bave tobacco. - " hare Ibe strongest corps of buyers Jn the world for tbe warehoi capacity. We want more tobacco and must bare it if high averages will bring i Try us with your next load and be convinced of our merit. Greensboro Tobacco Association. A Ball at Balaam!, ISaM. V arHJWa UsiooPiriG Ong of tbe mcst diati assng signta le to scniW aJmoatcboeauf with ths drwautful WBOortnr-eoua-h. Give tbe) child LrrJona W. Ball' Coach Bttttd, ml lea will be ebtsi nod at once and the smftnrer Will soon be evred. I , A well dressed, refined looking woman committed suicide in a boUl after destroying due to ber identity. . " . COUCH SYRUP Cure YVTtooping-Cov.lt quickry. Ml es4 ) t e tek. lav rrscesscsa, sU Nobod wss in' mourning. a blrtbdar, tbe queen In wbits, with a Boating ansa of royal Stuart tartan from shoulders; about half tbe men in kilts Tbe qneen nd a clrcla, aad tben w went into b ballroom, where bout ISO of tb tenants, servants, etc., witb tbeir wives sad ttaegbtsra, were ajjaerahled,., Bests tben began, wblcb were danced witb great energy and also Jls very drolL Prince Arthur danced like mad, and Prinosss Alice ws "weal ta'en oat" br tbe gamktepr. I stood In a corner talking witb Ibe Dake of Argyll, to. At last tne prioc oam roaod snd conversed very courteously for tea minutes. Be bad beard I bad been la Germany lately, eo we aooa got Into tbe beart of German and Austrian qaeatloaa All this lasted two bouja, aad tnea tbe queen withdrew into Ibe sapper room, wbere there were aodwlcbe and caampagn. boe weat round again and talked to Lai Ifeivilla. behind whom I was standing, and tben made me a very gracious bow, bat wit boat earing anything to myself. "Memoir of Henry Hears " A Straasa Starr! Starr While a woman, aged 16, aa iron by trade, was beJag charged before tbe Hsrlesrlen maistnttea with bigamy a enrioBs soeo took place. Tb mother was lb efaief witneasagaiBst bar daagn ter aod told bow abe aad tb husband bad tat in a pew la lb eh arch while marriag want on. Tbe ab bad told tr sob in law be bad better (top tb proceedings, bat be ejsrwereds "1 don't want la I hope be'U be a better kasband to be I n baea.' TM eeeoad bnacand. sb mid, knew it was a bigamoae aaar riaga. Wasa abe bad flniabed, tbe Bnt forward to corroborate La strsagestory.--Ixasdoa ABwra, liXTSURilluG: V De Witt's Little Early RUers, TW liaisal Stat? atlaw I wish to call tbe attention of insurers in ALunance county to the fact that tbe Burlington Intwance Agency, established in 1803 by tbe late firm of Tate & Albright, is still in the ring. There is no insurance agency in North Carolina with belter facilities for placing large lines of imurance, that can give low er rales or better indemnity. Only first-class companies, in every -branch of the bunnees, find a lodgement in my office. With a practical experience of more than ten years, I feel warren til in soliciting a share of the local patronage. I guarantee fu'! satisfaction in every tafrfanoe. Corre-jpondence solicited C i all matters pertaining to insurance I am making a specialty of Life Insurance and will r ' it to the uterest of all wbo desire protection for tbeir L::.'" or their estates, or wbo wisb to make absolutely safe and - able investment, to confer with me before giving their e; , '" ' . , tions to other agents. Very respectfully, JAMES P.ALEI7IC ' ... ' BURLIXGTC . ", 2". C )wvv Wvwwwv vww w w SUBSCRIBE FOR THE GLI3. $1.00 per Year In Ad v..