I 7 iT 1-7 3. J . 1 4 r--ln Advance. Large and increasing circula ton in Alamance and adjoining counties a point for advertisers. kJ it All kinds Co ing, PampLlcls, neatly and proi . lowest prices. VOL. XXIV, GRAHAM,, N. C. THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, .1899. NO. 4. R WE PAY THE FREIGHT AND $10.96 IS ALL IT COS! ft. U Thta s-piectt parlor ' fuit, rocker, ill ran, na ') sofa, and . w a parlor i chair, highly polished J frame, (limned outhog- t' any, nu upHot v tee red mvelouror . 1 tapestry, largest R size, and suit . 1 able for any parlor 3 ia tbe huid. iuo and freight paid aaywher4 earth. Such a bargain as this you have never wen Uef ra. na matter how old you are, od never ill agiln, Cc-o'i t-ly f yon rush c'ia cs ttii.-y narv wtu:h ws hope yoa will." Farther coitiment Is unnecessary, except that if you want to know of thousands of such bargains, send for our xeo-pige furniture catalogue, and if you want carpet at such prices as moat dealers can't buy for, send for our ten-color iiihographcd carpet catalogue, and what you'll find in these two books will teach you something that you'U want to rememlwr for many a day.. Remember Christmas is com In, and sensible people give semtble gifts which sensible people most ap preciate. Something? for the borne It. the best ) of all presents, and our catalogues will suggest i to you wn u one. Aaaress (exactly as octow; JULIUS; HINKH & 80Nr HtLTinOBC, Bo. if jjepr. WW. sooooooooocoooooooooooooo -' 1 PROFESSIONAL CA RDS. ; ' i JACOB" A. LONG, : Attorney-at-Law, GRAHAM, - -n. c Practices In the State and Federal courts. Oftloe over White, Moore Co.'i store, Main i Street 'Phone No. H. . i Pihh Obat Whom, i W. f. Bykdm, Jit. BYJVUM & BY SUM, tor ti' GREENSBORO, N. C. - Practice regularly Id tbe cnnrls rf la m fine county. Aug. aw ii DR. J. I?. STOCKAIJD Dentist, "r. - - GRAHAM, N. C. Office at resldenoo, opposite , Baptist Ghureh. V ' B-st work at reaiionable piiooa. In nffloe Mondays and Batur - days. . '. ' . TI2 HEIV WAY. tTOMEN used : to think "(e-. mala diseases" could only be' treated after "lo eat -sxamlna-ttona"by phvst" clans. Dread of such treatment kept thousands of ' 'modest women Silent about their suiferlng. The In troduction of Ulna of Cordul has bow demon strated that nlne-tonths of all th e. cases of menstrual disorders 00 "not require a physician's attention ; at ail. The simple, pur taken in fhe privacy of a woman' own home Insures quick relief and , speedy cure. Women need not hesitate now. Wine of Cardul re- -quire no humlllatine; examina tions for Its adoption. It cures any disease that comes under the head of "lemalo troubles" disordered menses, falling of the womb, "whites," change of fife. It make women beautiful by making them " well.: It keeps them young by keeping them healthy. $1.00 at the drug store, r- i , t .. for advloe la eases rsowtrliig spedst direct km. ,iV1r,M, glTlag aymptoras. the ''UdW Advtaory fpiitmen." TheCbittsnaofaliKUcineCOH Chatta. aooaa.Tas. W. L iEDOOI, BT.B Csry, Blis-., ssyn I ate Wine of Cardul estentrnly tat mj praetise and And II a most eisslMat . prenaratloa for female trilbies.1 "! l - 111 f.l 3 TaTTfff j '! r (tyiVlIlM LiSCALLfRv IiTTERIISHL : hune BETTU AT ANY PRICE ftyTlteee stanctws are ae44) fa mwf nnrtrvcitv fuasl Um as tb UsittW luf. U yoer eaier oa aM as laeai seavi THE McCALL COMPANY. jg US Is 14 W. I4tk Street. eYtt S tnuscaoriHas ; S iPHtk Ave., Ckkasw, aad . j- teal atarfcat X.. i riisizniEW : bna-aisas siagaiass - I Ceatame Beaatllal Colend Flues. Iilli butt nnrraa, Faafe- ; ThC McCALL CO, j : u e 14 V. I4 -. Ysrfc ; Mr. Frank a Alvord of Glovrvill. V. Y., has a Whit Creve-Coror cock. Two year ago this bird wa as black as eoaJ. On year ago fa molted Into a mottled bird, and at bis last molt b tjui on a cowl cm sotia vdiis. vuij m i.w year 0 we knew of a Whit Faos Mack bpaoiati ben that went tbrongb the same change and ia a similar man ner. Both of these bird were confined In small city yards, and w think tb i cuatipe was brought about by not being provided with proper food. Tb system iK-comcs weakened by too elos confine ment, improper food, lack of ebang l i snrtrmndiniTS, all of which affect t ba!tb, and tb blood lack color j i.ent. We do not b lieve there would I v ba any t-x-b cbsnms bad the Linls beca allowed tbair liberty on a ' 'n or bei properly provided for hey were. Poultry kloutlily. m p8 -. ARTISTIC . I , tresss.iai by Leadlag - S Draasaukera. a) S They Always Pkass.-v S 3 - Aadrsse yoejr assgT4 a-!. s air-et to . 3 i . kmm. nacy won. . fi AfwH. I? lorlki, .mail mmarf - - kriar. BMttf .1 p i am tm a Hal. y . ver. Writ. lo. m, mnd mW ani ! . i.li iillai A TOAST. -A To toe crystal of desire, To the wheel of mTHtln MMh. Li.CtfM of the mine mid Are : v the hum of tbe whirring wire " In the rush of the air distorted: ' ' To the par of tbe apnrning ttre ' And the .peed or the steed anearbedt To the stroke of the oorded maeele , ' ' And the rise of the warming thigh; To the life and drop of the hills we top And tbe woodlands rolling by. To the deep exhilaration. - ' .. , . To the bra wn and thetouch that go Ides, i tie xreeaom or creation The world is his who rides; To the spindrift mists of morning, To noon of the colden Usui. To tbe tints that fade and the myitis shads, TO the moon and the mottled night. To the to the winds that buffet And tbe will to which they bend; To life and the way we rough it . .. To tbe roads that nerer end. :fo the Tiles and the velvet, ' - I To the wind flans learas we toss. Ana tue btra that aarts To a Joy beyond dimensions, ;x; y - To a pleasure never old, . V To the prince of all InTentkma, To the steel worth more than gold. We, heirs of an age of aolence, Vith leaping life ahall ride ' " Prom the purple dawn of manhood on , To the ebbing eventide. . ' A toast to the ehild of fire, V To the wheel of mystio birth. To the end of all desire . : OrlnB. riders of the earthl -Franals James Uacbeeth in Earner's Hags' Bine. ;r' - ' r THE DEUMMER BOY. On the S4th of Joly, 1848, the first day of tbe battle of Onstoza, 60 soldiers belonutog to one of oar reglmenti of infantry," ordered to garrison a lonely house on a height near by, were sad denly attacked by two companies of Austrian, who, assaulting them on several sides, scarcely gave them time to take refuge within the house, and hastily barricaded the door, leaving their dead and wounded on the field. 'The door being well secured, onr soldiers hastened to the windows on the ground floor as well as to those on tbe upper floor and opened a deadly fire on tbe besiegers, who replied .vigorously as tbey slowly approached In the form of a semicircle. . The 60" Italian soldier were com manded by two subaltern officer and by tall, silent, grim old caotaiu with white hair and whiskers. With them was Utile Sardinian drummer, a boy scarcely more than 14 years old, bnt who did not look even 19, with bis dark, olive skin and black, deep set eyes that flashed fire. From a room on the- upper story tbe oaptain direoted the defense, every order sound lug like a pistol shot, bis iron countenance showing, not tbe slightest emotion. "-' i':':':r: -i'- . . The little drummer, pale, bnt with his feet firmly planted on tbe table, and holding fast to tbe walla, stretched oat bis head and neok to look from tbe window, and saw through tbe smoke the Anstrfains steadily advanoing over the fields. v v : The bonse was near the top of very steep' hillside, so that bnt one small, high window In the tipper story looked ont over tbe crest.' The Anstziana did not threatOD that side, nor was there anybody on tbe hilltop. Tbe. fire was directed against tbe front and tbe two She firing was Infernal a close, heavy bailstorm of balls rained upon tbe wall and through tbe broken roof. tearing oat tbe ceiling, shattering tbe beams, doors, furniture, filling tbe air wilb fragments, plastering and clonds of lime and dost, a tensile and broken glass wbizzing, clattering over their beads, rebounding from the walla witb noise and clash thai made tbe bair stand on .end. . Now and then a soldier stationed at tbe window fell Inward and waa posh ed one side. Others staggered from room to room, stanching their wound witb their bauds. In tbe kitchen lay on sol disr, pierced through tbe forehead. Tbe enemy was closing in. At last tbe oap tain, nntil then impassible, began to show sign of uneasiness, and hurriedly left tbe room, followed by a sergeant, In a few moment the sergeant came rasbisg bock and called the drummer, telling him to follow.. The boy raced np the stairs after him and entered a di lapidated garret, in which be saw the oaptain witb pencil and paper la band leaning on the window sill, and lying on tbe ground at bis feet was a rope be longing to the welL . -Tbe oaptain folded tbe paper, and, fixing on the boy those cold, gray eye before which every soldier trembled, said abruptly: -, ; ,. "Drummer I" "" ' The little drummer' band went np to bis oap. -The captain saidi "Thou art brave. Tbe boy s eyes flashed. "Ves, captain," hs answered. "Look down yonder," said tb cap tain, taking bim to tb window, "on tb ground, near tb bouse of Villa- franoa, wber those bayonet glisten. Tbeis is our regiment motionless. Take this paper, grasp tbl rope, let yourself down from tb window, cross tba hill like lightning, rush through the fields, reach oar men and give this paper to tb first officer yoa sea, Tak off your belt and knapsack." -- Tbe drumnM took off hi belt and knapsack and bid tb paper in his breast pocket Tb sergeant threw oat tb rope. Holding fas on sod. tb oaptain beJpsd the boy jump through tb wlnr dow, bis back toward tb field. - "Becarefol'aaidbe. "The salvation of Ibis detachment depend on thy valor and thy legs," "Trust me, captain." said tb dram mer, sliding down. . . "Croaob low wbsa yoa drop," again mid tb captaia, taking bdJ of tb roj too. r - . Have no fear. " t "God speed tbr la few moauent lb hoy was on tb rrroand, ib aargeant drew p tb top aad disappeatred. whil tb asptaia hastened to tb little window and saw tb drammer racing dow tb bilt H ow hoped b would soap n passu, bat i flv or six little clood of dost rising fromlb groond warned bim tbaftb boy bad bees) disco vied by to A triass, who wet thing dowa from tb top of tbebilL Those little oiood war tb sartb torn ap by tb balls, but tb drumnwr ooatinaed running st fall speed. Aftrr swblle tb captain ex claimed in eoo sterna tioo, "Deadr Bat era reel y ws the wnsd ont of his mouth when "ie sav? the Utile i" rummer rise. : "Ah, it was but a fall!" said he, and breathed again..- ' , ,J:-V'v-"'"' ..The drammer again ran on, but be limped." - "He has sprained his foot,", said tbe oaptain. - .' .. ' " " A little oloud of dost rose' here and there around tbe boy,' bnt always far ther from him. He wa beyond tbeir reach.' The cap tain uttered a cry of trinmpb, bnt bis eyes followed: bim tremblingly, for It was question of minutes. If be did not soon' reach tbe regiment witb the note asking for Immediate succor, all bis soldiers wonld--He killed, ' or be would be obliged to surrender and be come a prisoner of war with tbem. ' : Tbe boy ran for awhile rapidly, then be stopped tn limp; again be ran on, but every few minute be (lopped to limp. .. - ...;'''.: "Perhaps a ball has braised bis foot," thought the captain,' and be tremblingly noted all bis movements, and in bis excitement be talked to the drummer as if be could boar bim. Ev ery moment. bis eyes pleasured the dis tanoe between the boy and the bayonets that glistened below on tbe plain In tb midst of tbe golden wbeatnelds. ; Meantime be beard tbe whistling and tbe crash of the balls in tb room below, the voice of command, tbe sbonts of rase of tbe officers and sergeants, tbe sharp pries of the wounded and tbe noise of broken , furniture and crumbling plaster. Oonragel Valor 1" be cried, his eyes following tbe drammer in tbe distanoe. Forwordl Bun I Malediction I He stops! Ab, be is op againl Forward 1" An officer, ont of breath, come to tell bim that tbe enemy, without oeasing tbe fire, wave a white handkerchief. demanding tbeir surrender. "Let no one answer I" sbonts tbe cap tain, without taking bis eyes from tbe boy, who was now in the valley, bat who no longer ran and who seemedrEbpeless of reaching tbe regiment Forward I Rani" cried tbe oaptain, witb teeth and fists olinobed. "Bleed to death, die, unfortunate boy, bat reach your destination 1" Then be ottered horrible oath. "Ah, tbe infamous idler bns sat down K' In fact, op to that moment the boy's beatl, that could be seen above the tzjhajt. tin a, rtlaflnnAftrnd ma it hm had "- " " r t . - - fallen. After a moment bis bead waa again seen. Then be was lost behind tbe wbeatfleld, and tbe captain saw bim no more. Then ' be hastened down. Tbe balls rained. The rooms were fall of wounded, some of whom rolled ever like drunken men! catching at tbe furniture. Tbe walls and floors were covered witb blood. Dead bodies . lay? aoros tbe threshold. Tbe lieutenant' arm was broken by a ball Smoke and powder filled tbe rooms. Courage!" shouted the captain. "Stand to your post I Buocor is coming I Courage a little longer 1" Tbe Austrian bad approached closer, Tbeir disfigured faces could be seen through the smoke.-Through tbs crash of balls conld be beard the savage cries insulting them, demanding tbeir sur render and threatening to out their throats. A soldier, terrified, withdrew from tbe window, and tbe sergeants again pnsbed btm forward. The fire of tbe besieged slacked. Dis couragement (bowed on every face. Re sistance was no longer possible. . Tbe moment came when tbe Anstrians re doubled tbeir efforts, and a voloo thun dered, at first In German, then In Ital ian: "Sarrendert" 1 '";.'" "No!" shouted tbe captain from a window. Tbe fire became more deadly, more furious on both side. Other sol dier fell. There was more than one window without defenders. Tbe fatal moment was Imminent. Tb captain's voice died away in bis throat as he s claimed: , f r -"Tbey do not -come I Tbey. do not cornel" And be ran forlornly from side to side, brandishing bis tsber convulsive ly, ready to die. Then a sergeant, rush ing down from tb garret, shouted witb stentorian voice: "Tbey cornel" "Ah, tbey cornel" joyfully (boated tbe captain. On bearing that cry all tb well, tb wounded, sergeant and officers crowded lo tbe windows and again tb fierceness of tbe defense was redoubled. In a abort while there were noticed among tb enemy a species of vacilla tion and a beginning of disorder. Sud denly tb oaptain gathered a few sol diers together on tb lower floor to re sist wilb fixed bayonets tb impetuous attack on tb outside. Then be went op stairs. Scarcely bad he mounted when bo beard tb sound of bnrrleotfoQtstepa, accompanied by a formidabl "Hurrah I" and tb pointed bat of tb Italian oar bineersfppered tbrongb tb smoke, sqnaaron at oouois quica. a nnniaoi Bash of swords whirled tbrongb tb air above tbeir beads, tbeir shoulders, tbeir backs. Tbea oat charged tb little da tacliment, witb Died bayonets, led by tb captain. Tbo enemy wavered, ral lied, and at last- began to retreat lbs field wis evacuated, tb boos was saved, and shortly after two battalions of Italian infantry and two cannon os- capiedtb height Tb captain and tb surviving ol dlera were woorporated witb tbeir regi ment foegbt again, and lb captain wa slightly wounded In b band by a pent ball during tb last bayonet charge. Tb victory on that day wa won by tb Italians. Bnt tb following day tb battw ob tinned. Tb Italian war conquered la spit of tbeir heroic resists do by peri or numbers, and on tb morning of tb 16th tbey war la fall retreat to ward tb Mincio. Tb captain, tboogh wounded, march ed at tb bad of at company, weary nd silent arriving at sunset at Got to on tb Mindo. Hs immediately sought Dts I leo tenant who, witb hi ana bro ken, bad bean picked np by tb am ba le oca, aed wbo mast bv arrived before b did. Tbey pointed oat to bim a church la which tb field hospital bad beea installed. Hs went there. Tb church was filled with tb wounded ly ing ia two row of ot aad mattmaae laid oa tb floor. Two physician aad several praotitioorra were busily eom Ing and going, aad nothing wa board bat groan aad stifled sxiee. Scarcely bad tb captain entered wbea be (topped and glanced around in search cf bis ssbordinata. At that monMot he heard Bear by bis Baosed celled faintly: . - . I HQepttiar - He furhed. It wa tb little drnm mer. He was stretohed upon a wooden ot covered np to tbe neck with oooTse old. red and white obeck window curtain, bis arms lying outside, 'pale nd tbin, but witb bis eye burning like two coals of fire. "What I Is It thou?" asked tb cap tain in a surprised, abrupt manner, "Bravo I Thou ba fulfilled thy duty I" "I did all that was possible." replied tbe drummer, v.; ; . - . ' "Art thou woandedr" asked tbe cap tain, glancing around at- the-beds in search of bia lieutenant, ' "What oonld yoa expectf" replied tbe boy, who was eager to apeak of tbe honor of' being wounded for the first time; otherwise fa would not bave dared to open bis lips before bisoaptain. "I ran. as long as I could witb my , bead down; lint, though I crouched, the Anstrians saw me - Immediately would bave arrived SO minutes earlier had tbey not wounded me. Fortunately I met oaptain of tbe general's staff, to .whom I gave tbe note, but it was witb great i effort I got along , after tbat wound. I was dying with thirst I was afraid I could not arrive in time. I cried witb rage, thinking tbat every minute' delay tent one of oars to tbe other world, bnt at last I did all I eon Id. J am content But look, captain, and ar ouse me yoa are bleeding!" In' fact from tb palm of tb badly bandaged band tbe blood wa flowing. "Do yoa wish me to tighten the bandage, captalnf Let me bave it for a moment." Tbe captain gave bim hi left band and stretched out bis right band to help tie tbe knot, but scarcely bad the little fellow risen from the pillow wben he tamed pale and aad to He back again. ".Enough, enough I" said tbe captain, looking at him and withdrawing his bandaged .band, which tb drummer wished to retain. "Take oar of your self Instead of thinking of others, for aligbt wounds, if neglected, may bave grave consequences." -Tbe little drammer (book bis bead. "Bat thou," said tb captain, look ing attentively at bim, "thou must have lost niocb blood to be so weak. "Lost much bloodf" repeated tbe boy, smiling. "Something more tban blood. Look!" and he tbrew down tba coverlet The captain recoiled In horror. Tbe boy bad bat one leg tb left leg bad been amputated above tbe knee. The stnmp was wrapped In bloody Cloths. Just then small, fat army pbyslolan In shirt sleeves passed. ' "Ah, captain I" said be rapidly, pointing out tbe little drammer. "There Is an unfortunate rase. Tbat leg oonld bave been easily saved bad b not forced it to much ; caused inflam mation It was necessary to amputate it But he is brave, 1 assure, you. He shed not a tear nor uttered a plaint 1 was proud while operating to think be waa an Italian boy, my word of honor Faitb, be oomes of good stock I" And be wout on bis way. The oaptain wrinkled bis bushy white eyebrows and looked fixedly at tba lit tle drummer, while covering bim op witb tb coverlet Then slowly, almost nncousoiously, yet still looking at him, his band went to bis kepi, which be took off. "Captain I" exolalmed the astonished boy. " What captain, forme?" Then tbat rough soldier, wbo had never spoken a gentle word to an in ferior, replied in a soft and exceedingly affeotionatevoios: - "I am bnt a oaptain. Thou art a hero." Then be tbrew hi arm about tb little drummer and kissed him with all his heart From tba Italian For Short Stories. : Baalish Bleed oa Bribe. " Parliamentary candidate will find something to Interest tbem tn tbe recent publication of tb hiatorioal manu scripts commission. Among tb A lies- burr papers we read tbat at Marlbor ough in 1718 tba Duke of Somerset offered an elector for bis vote, on behalf of a nominee, a pension of 30 per aunnm for life and to makabim porter of Sion Hons, To another be offered a pension of 40, With a post worth so other 40 a year, and to other be gave ram of money varying from 20 even op to 950. Again be promised to eda est tb son of a barges and present bim to a good living soon b wss old enough. Strange to say, -the dnke'i candidate wa nnsocoessfol. Ha ws a Whig, and it I suggested tbat tb To ries must bar been more liberal. Lea don Mail. r Brahms, the Waauta Baler. Bom "Reminiscence bf Brahms" ar contributed to tb Deutsche Bevn by Mm. Horovits-Barnay, tb wlf of tb famous German ' actor. Tb lady was tent to Brahms, tbe" woman hater,' t Vienna, with a letter of Introduction by a friend of tb oomposer. Tb letter ran tbo: "Mma-IL B. is not to bav tb door sbot In borfsc without rhm or reason. 8b is to be taken seriously. Help ber all yon oan." And not only did Brabms help her ia her owa artistic career, bat h md s friend of her, and sb was allowed to e mors of hi lif aad work tban any olber woman. Brabms, abrupt and plain (peaking to a fault, bad no patlcno with flatter an and adminr. On day a yoang Hun garian violinist, macb puffed and llttl talented, overwhelmed tb com poser witb fulsome compliment. Brabm II- tooed for awbil and then replied, "Mora exercise, young man, and fewer phrases, " and tamed hi back upon bis admire. Have you made a 11 your prep aration? be asked a yoang lady who had reqoseted hi sdvlos as to w bet bar sb sboold (lv a public concert at Vienna. "Yea. maestro," she replied. "May I play aometbln to your' "Do, thai was not what I meant" ba weotl oa withowt pity, "I only meant bav yoa ordered your frock aad gloverf" "," tb astonish yoang lady Piled. "That's a pity," Brabm said. "beca dm otberwia I should bav ad. vised yoa Don't"" Ta Care a CM4 la Oae Day Take Laxative Bntmo Quinine Tab let. All drujgtisl refund the vr.no ey if it tails lo cuie. 25c Tbe genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet, ITOniA. - A 11 1SS 11 a I 1 1 la flbwfvn ImC nfA n ntMvuw.Mu Maaes the food more delicious and wholesome ' worHi awtiftfi aowota oo. new voan. FRANCIS JOSEPWAf SIXTEEN A Wonderful Btudent Witb a Prodi .'... srtoue Memory. Franois Joseph was only 18 when ha wa proclaimed emperor, bat the educa tion of the children of tbe Hapsbnrgs, ever since tb reign of Marls Theresa, ha been of a singularly austere and virile cbaraotor,. calculated to ripen them into manhood long before other boys have abandoned the toys of oh i Id hood. As soon as tbey left tbg nursery tbe young arphduke and fail brother, Maximilian and Charles Lonla, were subjected to an educational and military discipline of tbe severest kind, obliged to learn not only Frenob, English and tbe olassios, but tbe principal idiom of tbe polyglot monarchy, compelled to riae at. daybreak, live on tbe simplest food and spend whatever portion of tbeir time not taken np witb their (tndie In aoqoiring the mastery of tac tics and strategy. Wben Francis Joseph attained the age ox id, ne waa aireaay an accom plished linguist and fairly well ac quainted witb chemistry and natural history. Then he gave hi attention ex clusively to jurisprudence, philosophy and diplomacy, under the direction of the famous jurist Pllgrams, Cardinal Baoscberand Metternlcb.- Tbe long list of his studies' would appall tbe moat assimilation of so many scientific, Iln gulstlo and military subjects did ot oost him bis health was due to his pro digious memory tbat royal attribute which, it is said, enables bim to recog nise tb face of tb hamblest of bis subjects, tboagb only seen once, after the lapse of years. - The most important event In the em peror's reign was his coronation at Peat, whiob was tbs symbol and con secration of the reconciliation of the bouse of Hapsharg with tb Hungarian nation. Tbe Magyars, wbo hold to all mediseval tradition more closely tban any other European country, believe tbat the possession of legitimate heredi tary right -doss not snfllce to confer tb fullness of royalty on their sovereign, He must also be tbe custodian of tb crown of St. Stephen, tb contact of whloh oan alone invest him witb regal authority. It is worth noting tbat tb term "apostolic," one of tba official title of Francis Joseph, belongs to him only- in virtue of bis rank as king -of Hungary, on. account of tbe apostolate of St Stephen, the first Hungarian king. , Tb iieoullarltles of tb ceremony, every on of whloh bad to ba strictly observed if the king was to be consider ed tbe lawful ruler of tb Magyar, were singular. He was to pat aside tb crown before be bad ascended on horse back a mound composed of earth brought from tb different sections of tbs mon archy and lung witb bis sword st each of tbecardlnal points, thus symbolizing hi determination to defend 'the country. It wa strlotly enjoined tbat tb mag nate and bishop In attondano should all be in tbeir official robe and on horseback, and wa also essential tbat be should be crowned by tb prlno primal of Esztergam. Lastly, tb king nd queen were to din In public wait ed on by the great functionaries of tb (tat. Dons hoe S Magazine. BobllHy. Certain nobility is of blood and birth, nd he wbo would be immortal mnst bav cars for bia posterity. Nothing esq be more absurd tbsn tb fuss our gentry make concerning title and place of preosdeno. Tbey ar of a mind witb tboi foolish olif-oourtlersof Louis XIV nd tbink tbat nobility consist in "L droit da mooter dan lec roses duroi Tbey forgot tbat what I called bio blood I oil en very bad blood. I know a family of long descent and high com' mnnion which has been "decorated" In almost all possible way. Nothing can cnoble it Nearly every member of It I marked by some coarseness of phy sique, com lawdnes of conduct and tbl notwithstanding ' intermarriage and tb Introduction of new blood. This stock may ssfely be backed to produce In every generation on or mor profligate of dishonorable lif. Every member of it ba a certain lia bility of (ham. Tb poison In tb blood hi had it inlet through vie and mast bav Its oollet In suffering. Ultimately it will bring about tb ex Unction of lb no. Tb wicked, Plato MS truly said, ar wicked because of tbeir orgs aeration tbeir parent and not tbey tboold b punished. Humani tarian. Klst Wllh Hfeha Bow do king come by tbe curious nickname tbat have been beatowed Upon tbem I would bean interesting subject for some one to writ about We know fairly well bow England begot it Lion Hearted, it Great, its Confeaaor audi its Conqueror kings. But bow about those of other land I Thus France baa bad its monarcr wbo was termed tho Little, tbe Bold, tbe Stammerer, tbe blmple, tbe In dolent and tbe Fair, In addition to tbe Long, Uaadsoma, Beloved, Ax- able, Fortunate, Good, Wie, eta German history tells u of one wbo wa culled tba Ft end another tb Mothers, wbea your children are a, tackad by tba dreadul croup, yoa weed not despair LV. Bull 'a Cough Syrap will relieve and ear them at oooa. YoaoasJwayopsdontbi msj-retoo resnxly ( it alway ear, SlwasMass' feaanB) S aawxBar SMWJwXsa IksstflMaBaal fraajJaW COUCH CYRUP Will ear Croup without fait, rMrs rr mrnti r4 p't t Portonj rnceajeis. Mmiun One Minute Cough Core, cure. Tka Is afaat M was mmmt far. srvsu. V; , , The Iklpplua Ross Car. v . 1 An eminent physician says tbat some of bis patients bave rid themselves of many pounds of superfluous flesh by the use of the skipping rope - . One woman who, after a aeriotn Ill ness which terminated in nervous pros tration, found herself tbe possessor of 40 pounds of flesh in addition to. her usual weight, asked the physician how she oonld safely dispose of them, 8b wa not strong enough to ride a wheel or take long walks, and day by day she gained flesh In her enforced laziness. "Buy a skipping rope and begin witb five minntee' exercise twice a day," said tbe doctor. "Gradually Increase tbe ,'dose, think of what yoa are doing and of nothing else. Take tbe exeroiae alow ly and without violence. Yoa nerve will be quieted, and wben yon an tired yon can drop at once into a comfortable ebalr.'f v ..-;:v.- -:v Tbe patient tried tbo prescription. Awkward at first, sbs soon aoqalred skill and tuucb agility a wa needed for ber new exercise.- At tbe end of a month tlie scales showed tbat ten of tb superfluous pounds bad vanished, and tbe next few weeks showed a atlll greater decrease in weight, witboul tb least onpleasant resolt ( ' At tbe end of six months thef'sklpplng rope was no longer needed as a prescrip tion, but the dootor's patient' seldom let day go by without donning her gymnasium suit and taking a few i ntes' exerolso, as she finds 'that it ex bilaratos her body and rest ber nerve. Youth' Companion. The ladlaa Waodpeeker. A correspondent of Tb Time of In dia, writing on tb bird of Bombay. ays: "I bava met witb only one speoios of woodpecker, but It I fairly common, To give description of its color by wblah one wbo did not know it would be lure to recognise It I not easy, bnt anybody who- has one seen a wood pecker wll know It again, for there 1 no other bird l&e It It doe not perch among tb branches of a tree, like tb other fowl of tbe air, bnt ran np tb trank aud boughs ilk quire, ollng Ing with its strong claw and propping Itself np witb its short tiff tall. Its head, set crosswise on tbe tbin, suppls neon, iooks line in namnier or a gun, and it atop at interval to hammer fiercely at the trunk of tb tree. - "It blows are delivered with extraor dinary rapidity and energy indeed all it action are Impulsive and basty. Tbe woodpecker' trade 1 a onrloua one Wbile otbor birds are bunting for all oris of Insect tbat fly in the air or crawl on tbe ground or bid among the leaves of trees, It Isys (lege to those whiob fancy tbay bave defied tbeir ene mies by burrowing Into the wild trunk. It beak I a regular oblsel, squsrs at tbe point, with an edge bent alway sbarn, on what grindstone I know not It tongus, wbicb oan b thrust oat for a distance of three or four Inches, Is armed at tb point witb strong and sharp hooks and also smeared, I think. witb bird lime, so tbat It form at onoe a very searching and a fast holding In' strument" Tba Old Jewish Haw Tear's. Tb Jew verily believed tbat on Bosh Hosbinna, or New Year' day, as Is proclaimed In the Uneaanab Tokef, tb man' fortune during tb ensuing year wa ordained by heavenly flat ; the books, not fictitious and Imaginary books, bot records substantial and real, ar opened. man' lif In tb past year Is recorded therein, read, and judgment rendered. Tb doom oonld b averted by "repent ance, prayer (nd charity, " And charity wa practiced mor during those day than at any other period. In thos day no preacher needed to xbort hi con gregatlon to do obsrity. Every Friday tb sincere, pioaa Jaw set aside soon part ot bis week's earn Ing as In hi loving heart be could pare, and by discreet band It wa dis tributed among tb poor. There wss no collector needed to gather in tb tithe. hot tb Jaw gave tbat part of hi am inga freely to tboe wbo bad to depend upon tb bounty of tbeir mor fortunate brethren for tbeir support Boat Y Israel raobmonlm hem, tb children nf Israel, ar compassionate, was s saying wbicb very tro Jaw wss anxlno to II v up to and did II v ap ta Minora h Mag sine. A CTalaesa Saleaaaav, - A recent number of tb North China Herald contained an aooonnt of tbe ad ministration of jostle by a Cbioeei magistrate which reminds one of Solo mon Two brothers, wsll advanced tn fags, qnarrsled over a piece of land wbiob tbey bad jointly Inherited from tbeir father and went, to law. Tba natlv magistrate beard tb testimony oa both aide and determined that both wi wrong and both right according to tbe different point of view. Therefore, In stead of rendering a jadgmeol In favor of either, b ordered tbat both be locked ap la a canno with tbeir bead fasten ed fao to faos and kept tber until they settled Ibelr qaarraL Tb oaogu I a sort of cage la wbicb prisoners ar plsoed with tbeir Deck locked into a hoi la a board. It rets blea somewhat tb stock wbicb war used for tb poalabmeat of malefactor ia oldea lime. Wbea the brother war placed In tb eango, tbey war be vary stubborn and Indignant bat to ward tb and of tb oond day tbay be gan to weaken and oa tb third day reached a satisfactory setUrmetit and war released. a Taiie trios Dtnra. "Why doe Mrs. Eversoa bav ber baptismal aames an graved epoa bar card fastead of tbea of ber baa band? Sb Isn't a widow, is aba?" "Ke, bat I anderstsad tbat sb bad a batch of cards engraved oae apoa wbicb sb styled herself 'Mrs. William Edgar Ereraoa, aad be was so puffed p over II for two or tbtee day that b actually rsetned to tbink ba waa tba bead at lb family. It is Barer aaf to liwa snej paopi too moeh laaway, ycai kaw." Cleveland Lead. DeWltt'a Little Early Riser. Tbs lianas a It!- aMa. Greensboro Tobacco 1 ROR HIGH PRICES. Sold over 6, 000, 000 pounds last year for ah average of $7.57 i r : pOUIlds. " , , ., , . This ia the highest average made by any market in piedmont ' Carolina. . Over $1,2G0,00 paid out daily to farmers for tobacco during tho year. It is the best market in the State for the farmer. Our Warehouses are large, commodious and up-to dato, whoso pro ! -etore stand without a peer as slcsmen of the weed. Efvery large firm in the United States and a number of foreign firn.ii ; represented oy our buyers. ." ' Tobacco centre, manufacturing centre, trade cegtre, railroad cn,i educational centre. ' Our own manufacturers have a large capacity and are increosing t!, : trade daily and must have tobacco. . , ; . , We have the strongest corps of buyers in the world for the warehou . ,:s capacity. , . We want more tobacco and must have it if high averages will bring it. Try us with your next load and be convinced- of our merit. Greensboro Tobacco Association. I wish to call the attention q to the fact that the Burlington Insurance Agency, established in O 1893 by the late firm of Tate & Albright, is still in the ring. X . There-ia no insurance agency-in- North Carolina with bettor g ' facilities for placing large lines of insurance, that can give low er rates or better indemnity. Only first-class companies, in every branch of the business, find a lodgement, in my office. With a practical experience of more than ten yean, I feel warranted in soliciting a share of the local patronage. I guarantee full satisfaction in every instance. Correspondence solicited upon all matters pertaining to insurance. v I am making a specialty of Life Insurance and will make it to the interest of all who desire protection for their families or their estates, or who wish to make absolutely safe and profit able investment, to confer with me before ' giving their applica tions toother agents. Very respectfully, . JAMES P. ALBRIGHT, 7 - BURLINGTON, N. C. )OOCCOOOOOOOOOCCCCCCCCC I SUBSCRIBE FOR THE GLEANER, $1.00 per Year in Advance. IWtry Faswsltaav. -f.. It may surprise tb general reade to know tbat four different spede of tape worm attack chicken, four other kind attack geese, sevsn attack dock and fiva attack pigeon. Tb remedy for tapeworms is one teaapoonfnl of absinth to 50 fowl, mised in warm bran mash one a day for three or four day. Clean op and sprinkle premises witb font fluid oonoe aolpburio acid mixed In on gal lon of water. For other intestinal worm giv a tablespoonful of tarpon tin to 15 bird, mixed in bran mash, For gap worm move all wsi fowls to new quarters, kill- all siok on, and thoroughly boil tbem, chop fin and feed to tb laying ban. Disinfect the old quarters yards, runs and hensas by sprinkling thoroughly with tb di luted (ulpburio acid. Feed turpentine nd aaafetlda In soft food of the fowls for a fswdays. Tb remedies and pre ventive for mite, lie and fteas are generally understood. "Cleanllne and the dust bath ar tn bast preventive. Whitewash, kerosene, eta, ppu4 to roosts, floor, Best boxes, etc., at fraqoanl Interval ar also efficient A little cormeras. hyposulphite of I half a teaspooof ul of nos vomica la thW drinking water of a doaen fowls once a week ar a good tooio and preventive of Internal parasites. Bur al World. .1 Weenea as aVallsy alssrs. Womau, a ruls, ar among most snocsssful poultry raisers. This ia from tb fact tbat tbey are' by ball born mothers and pcaaaased of the ad-. iui quaiiura un anauia taasar d giv tb careful, patient itUatton to det whiob is tb key to suaces in this boat ness. Tber ar a great number of wom an thai make a vary respeotabl living at poultry raising. Tber ar many di ontented, fratf al girl among oat farm ers' daogbtais, mad so, generally, from long log for amusement and pin money. To 'tech w would Ilka to nai poultry raising a a pursuit that will afford an infinite amount of heal thy. barm leas amomnt and quite a good sum of pia money, so desired by tb ambitious farmer's daaihter. Try it and yoa will no looter har a deatrs for tb city Ilia, witb Its hollow emptiness. attar vainglory aad onasamlnatliig la- , destroy Ing both Mail and soul tioutbera Farm. Egg for batching should b seleosed witb araat car. Us aon that ar lop sided or thai bav tb sppaaraac of ba- mg crack ad at on tim aad samaated together again, nor any tba bavsmau, tbin looking spot lb la of piabasd II over tbsa. Tbay oan b men by', liaar to tb llstbt aad w have' alway found il impoactbia to get good batchiaga from aballs tbat bad the ap aaraao of being vary thick. " J Paul Perry, of' Columbus, Ga., suflered sgony for thirty years, and then cured bis Piles by using De- R iU's Witch Ilaxel Salve. It heals injuries and skin diseases Lke magic. J. C Simmons, tbe drug-girt. of insurers in Alamance county Wheeler & Vils Sewing Macfcine Rtai7 1tla aad Ball Bearings, Purchasers say t " It runs as light as a feather.' " Great improvement over anything so far. , . " It turns drudgery Into a pastime. " " The magic S dent Sewer. " , AB tlzes and styles of sewing ma chines for Cloth and Leather. ataThe best machine on earth see it before yon buy, ONEIDA STORE CO. J. li. IlAtEs, Agent, .t $2.C8 PASTS $2.6S Pa at Caalaslvaly. we (ry to ao but oae thlnr. bnt eae ttalnc twttn-. 4a H w.m - -an uwre eipedltiu.)r tij.n . soeeie. The lowaaaaur our f. his valoe ot sur aanis ar. c aruafa. $2.68, That' All. Bwryao-veortea paM H-Oe tor aaarMsood. ToaTI siwsya 3jr net I'' wearMoelis $ZiUJ ITIjIodlBrw.h:::C3.,r FOBS.ALBPT Y. J. Hicnc.c. Z. T. HADI Practical - Watrfi IiTairfr. Cola and Flintom Cc r- , f .xIPUST BEST ,T,L ( EVER I E"U- NEW ?aw W0n iSW Cctt'" flQ&l For.ths VjSiir r.Tcncy, fjLjri Few U ill A3 One f'.lnate C Tkst Is ii

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