I 1 i 4 L 1 l 1 i - J& 'I'M, I i Ail vai Large and increasing circula ton in Alamance and adjoining counties a point for advertisers. All kinJi C ing, ram; I.! neatly and pro; lowest prices. VOL. XXIV. GRAHAM. N.C,. THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1899. NO. 49. i ' c COCOOOOOOOOOOOOOiOpppppQOO t ) By resolving to biiy Nelson's "custom fit" shoes for gents, t) Union "unexelled" shoes fr ladies,' "Messenger", sh'oes t ) for boys and youths, Mundell's 'Pansv" for children and CJ infants." ' . . - ' o CI o o o O t , Proof etors of the Bur Shoe avis s' rv them. ... Thev: in fact, carrv evervthirife in shoes and k house furnishings. ( 5a A few pftheir dry goods and notions are still left and ( being sold AT OST. - -7 ' " i - Aim Factory to FlmUe. - 2 $1.75 Bny thto Whit O Bounded Steel Bed ; , in cither 54, 48,4a or 36in.width, Length 4 75 inches. It has on i , Inch ftilUManrf k( 1 siller. Guars nta-wl the W Miwgcat bed nade, A wm Kim sawajengw waiui tvtis v uivw A sands of bargains in Furniture, Clothing. Bed- T JdMig, croc ice ry, biircnrare, sewing M memoes, Clocks, Upholstery Goods. Baby Carriages, RfriarmtAn. Pictures, allrrnra. Tin Wim. Stoves, etc.. and in buying: from us. von save 4 T from 40 to 60 per cent, on everything don't A forget this. -v. f Wo publish a lithographed catalogue of Car- pets, Kugs, Ait rrquar, Fortteres and Lace 6 painted colors selections can be made as satis- Jactoni as maugq man wire here at the mm a nere a mm oeicoraosa Hfnes Sewing Machine J none better made, liuar- anteed for so years. Cata lotrue tells vouallaboatiL Price (3 Drawer Style), S13.25 W "Why have w customer tin every part oi the Uni ted States, in Canada. Mexico, Bermuda, Cuba, (mr mm Australia mtut RraitK Wemakt an stales Africa? Send for our Frw OifacMnaa. - A C.uloguot. Tbejr will tell yoa. Addru. th way A f Julius Bines & Son, BALTIMORE, mO. Dept. 809. J PROFESSIONAL CARDS. JACOB A. LONG, v Attorney-at-Letw, GRAHAM.- . , - - - n. C 7 PnutloM In tha State And Federal courts, Omoe over White, Moore Co.'i atore, Main afreet. 'rboneNo,s.- - 1 roHic Ghat Bricow. , W. r Byim, Jb, ' BYNUM & BYNTJM," Attorney and Connvlor at Iaw GREENSBORO, N.C. : - '' . Pracllea reiralarlr Id the oonrta nf la mance couolr. - Aoc. t, 94 It, DR. J. I?. STOCK AIJD , - Dentist, '," . v - GRAHAM, K-C. ' Offloe at resldouoo, opponte Cat? iv uapuet Lauren. - - if fsi; won acreanonaDie pnc. In office Monday and Batur f daya.. I'll HWWZ Tci i:siv WAY. TT70MEN "to think "le male dtoeatet" , could only t treated after "lo oal examlna ttona" bjr phy' eta. Dread of inch treatment , kept thouaanda of ' modest women ' silent about then? ' sulferinr. The In troduction of Wine of Cardu! has now demon atrated that nine-tenth of all the cases of menstrual Olaoroers oo not require a physician's eitantiOM at ail. The siinple, pura taken In the privacy of n woman's own home insures quick relief and speedy cure. Women need not hesitate now. Win of Cerdut r, . quire no bumlliatlnr eiamlna-' tiorii (or its adaption. It cures any 6ixm that comes under the head -often! trsubits" liicarderrd menses, falUns; of th womb, -white. " change of Hie. It make women beautiiul by making them well. It keeps there young by . keeping (hern beskby. $1X0 at the druf store. erseVfas h essa MsaVkw apsetel 4trctlos, iarl. ftnif srPons. t . " LMr Adrtoorr DtmiUrm.' 1 nm Cbata 1. W. L ADWWm, IJl, Ci, Vtssv, ty ! Win f earttol etonstwery Is sr"r .r-i.oertd n sl tt a sneeu asMiteest TTT DewsMxk's RavST Bee An interesting featur of tbe Danish rty ig (bat it i entirely homemade. t ;ie tbe monitor Bolt Kraka. colli for t... iii at Glasgow in tbe early iitie, tbe Dene bar eoostroeted sll their. o a ships. Tory bars dm mors thaa t ;t they bare onos st least led its way in tbe evolatioai of a type. Their T r ieuakjold came before tb Italian Ij .uto and Italia and sm bodies axaot !r t tie Idesi tb foa heavily pro t . ' 1, s1tl iiilu, but lustrad a pro t re deck. Tbat Idea la, bowrrrr, ?. v madb exploded si tb pre at day. . . fc.oeer. Wartk It, Rotneepoa (IndifrnetrUy) 1 an axtvie aey that la Formosa . :'e ert !. J r. liom-au! (UjoriCf;tfu!!v) I 1, s gooj if t wnia It t pr t mm Q Store at BU KLl.ii l u., car 0 THE CAVALRY pHAH(3fi.; Harkl Tbe nitiUng roll of the nitufSteers, And the rufllod drums, and the rallying cheers, And the rifle, burn wltu a keen desire. Like the crsckling whips of a. hemlock Are, And the staging shot, snd tha shrieking shell, And tne splintered lire on the shattered bell, And Ibe great white breaths of. the cannon amok. .. . ....... ... As the growing guns by batteries spoke, And tbe ragged gaps In the walls of blue Where the iron surge rolled heavily through. That tbe eolonel builds with a breath again As he clesves the din with, his "doss up, men I" And the groan torn out from the blackened' line. And the prayer doled slow with the crimsoned arts, .-. ,., . And the beaming look in the dying eye As under the clond the stars go by. But bis suul nisrausd our the captain ssid. For tbe boy in blue can never bo dead I And tbe troopers sit In their saddles sll Like ststnes carved la en ancient hall. And they wateli the whirl from their breath less ranks. And their spurs are close to the bones' flanks, And the angers work of tbe aaber hand- On, to bid them live and to make them grand And the bugle sounds to tbe charge st last. And away they plunge, and the front ' posted I : And the Jackets blue grow red as they ride. And the scabbards, too, that clank by their side. - . . And the dead soldiers deaden the strokes Iron shod , , As they gallop right on o'or the plaahy red Bight into tho cloud sll spectral and dim. Bight ud to the gone, black throated and grim, Right down on the hedges bordered with steel. Bight through the dense columns, then "Bight . about wheel). Burrahl A new swath through the harvest sgalnl . Hurrah for the flag! To the battle, amen I Benjamin V. Taylor, Mt ONE ADVENTURE. Ko donbt there are some people who iotually enjoy sttange experiences or anything tbat is itartling or different from tbe jog trot monotony of their ev eryday routine, -f may say st once that I am not one of these, iiy nearest ap proach to aa inoiderjt was having my life endangered by o dronken cabman in tbe Sayswater road, but on that ooca ion my shrieks- and geiajcnlatioiia at traded attention, and be drew np at last, whereupon I instantly got ont and walked away; Regarding what. I call 'my only adventure," tbif proceeding was unfortunately Impracticable. : It proved, as will be seen, diaastrons at fair for me, and I am now writing abort and tratbful statement in order to clear myself from tbe scandalons fan pn tat ions to whiob it bas given rise. idy bos band, Mr. Thomas JUoggina, Is a member of a well known firm to Minoing lana We have no family and bave lived for years at a pleasant wa tering place upon tba south coast. Thomas has not been an aotiv member of Podd Plants for a considerable time, but be generally goes np to business once or twice a week. Bis heart is in pods and plants of a different descrip tion. He is devoted to hi garden, where be works away as bard as any laborer for hoars, although we keep Scotch man wbo bas tbe gate lodge and 00, a year, not to speak of coal and vegetable. Oar nonse is a fine detached residence. standing In close upon two.. acres of ground, and I called tbe" Manor, and I may say without boasting tnatjpgone in oar cirole gives a better - dinner or la more generally respected and looked sp to than we are. Jdy bosband is one of tba churchwarden at Bf. Peter'a. I am chairwoman 01 tbe society rot Providing Old Women With Olotbe and secretsry to tbe Young Women's gnnday Ont association. , ' Sow I am really oomlng- to. my ad venture, which occurred last rummer. I bad been np in London 'for a day's shopping and was returning by a 'well known fast train, but discovered when I got to tb station tbat it was on tb point of starting. ' Aa I hurried along tba platform I . caught sight of eom people from my own neighborhood, Mrs. Uppingham and her stater. I not toed tbat they looked remarkably smart De flowered bats, white veils, white gloves; probably tbey were coming from San down races! I did bo get into their carriage, for Mrs. Uppingham is no body wbo bas recently coma to my road a dreadfully poshing persuo, fe verishly anxious to b visited by "tb resident."'. Bnt I am rstber fastidious, I did not lik faer looks, and J bave not called. 1 . I am a little stout, and I bat to be fnssed. I bate being bottled along by tba guard, saying. "How, ma'am, look harp, please look sharp I" Ob tb present coca at on, before 1 knew when 1 was, I found myself poshed bead fore moat into first class oarrisge, and I Or ataotly tb train began to aoov. ' It took aoa a eeaaiderabl time to ra eovcr my breath and my composvre, pot asid my bag and parasol, pull dowa my veil aod rearraeg ail my 111 U paresis. . I was aware tbat I had a fellow passenger, a man wbo aat at tb far corner, but all that J eould discern war a pair of gray trousers and a pair i of tsa gloves holding lb evening paper. I did not glvs bins a aeoood thought. I was moat deveoUy thankful tbat ( had not scraarblsd into tb Beit carriage by mistake. It might bav led to aa Bo qoslntano with thsl odioo Mrs. Up pingham and her sister. Tbey had a young man with tbem too. Airs. l , pingnam sivf oe. inat to iwni of as of wbo it quartered la Hong- krmg (bnt I my Jericho); six bat tekB a lm!s boos and doo It ap prettily (they tell Witb ait draperiea, la- j d sn rof;vrlond ebMp.fnrrJnrr.; uavis. aha keeps (wo servants, audi i nid bear, boys New Zealand muttou and Ameri can beef. Jura, lierrlug, our rector 1 Wife, flatted me to meet her at tea and introduced ber tome, bet I did not take to ber. nor bow whop I met ' ber next day in tho library.' To me she looks aus piciously like au adventuress. ; If she Is so poor,' why is cue always so very smartly dressed? For my party I don'i believe that she (aa the declares)-makes all ber own nowna. I know she bas al ways a pack cf men to tea on Sundays, and some people think tho sister pretty . At this moment I happened to glance toward my companion. I found him staring at uie over tbe edge of bia paper as lr 1 Had seven beads i am accusi ed to beiag stared' at, baring (though say it tbat should not) a more than allowauqe of good looks, bnt there no admiration in this man's black Tbey expressed a mixture of amazement and inorednllty. - For two or three soo ouds we continued to survey one another in frosen silence, and then I tamed my bead pointedly away and gazed oat of the window. ": We were now traveling at a high rata of speed. Tba fields, trees, hedges, seemed to be racing past. Tbe pace was about 46 miles on boor. Suddenly I was aware.of a slight movement in the car riage and received a distlnot shook wheu I turned my bead and discovered tbat tbe man bad changed bis seat.and was' now sitting exactly opposite me. tie bad every right to leave bis plaoa, bnt be bad no riant to ait there devour ing me witb bis great black eyes. I dlcf not like it. -I flatter myself tbat I am tenowned for my "look. " J bave found it most effective on several occasions. 80 1 drew myself np and gave him its full effect. lie was apparently about 88 years of age, clean shaven and sallow, and gave ma the impression of one wbo bad suf fered in health or mfnd. His faoe was haggard; bis hair was touched with gray. Otherwise he was rather good looking. He was dressed in a dark tweed nit and wore a red necktie, a gold locket and brown boots. I bad slowly surveyed bim from the crown of bis cap to tbe sole of bl boots witb deliberate Inspection and was about to survey bim aa carefully from the soles of his boots to tbe crown of bis cap when saddocly be bent for ward and spoke to me to me, be, an ntter stranger, wbo bad never been In trodaced to met And this is what be said in a strange, husky voice: 'Mary"' as it happened my name ia Sarah Hannah "bow could you?" "Sir!" I screamed at bim. "How could yoo fluA it in your heart to do HT Now, what is the use of pre tending when yon know as well do tbat I am your husband?" ' ' a I Aa I sat gasping and for the moment unable to artionlate he proceeded to up. braid me most bitterly. -. "How could you bring yourself to de sert me and yonr three poor unfortunate little children and tan away with tbat scoundrel?'' : At last I found my bieatb and an swered: - ,";'. Von are making a most oitraor dinary mistake, sir, I never saw you before In all my life." ' Never saw met" be repeated in a load, angry voice. "Von and I, tbat were man and wife for five years!" Never!"! answered. "You most be oat of your senses. Yon are mad." No, bat perfectly sane, though what I have suffered was enongb to turn my brain. Look at my gray bairs," remov ing his cap, "all owing to you, Mary." I never saw you before never I" -Oh, what it tbe use of this sort of Iblug?" he asked ' Impailenily. "You know you were always a born aotress. Yon recollect yonr sucoessei before we were married. It was always: easier for you to be another person than yourself. " "I've nerer been inside a theater and never acted since I was born," ' "If it was not too serious a moment, Wftnlrt fit.. In a 1 1 ,iu, 1 1 fa bad never acted as yoo are noting now; you have surpassed yourself! And yoo know how proud I was of yon and tb bit yon mad In 'Tba Pink Petticoat And, a to your dancing, Jackson declar ed, tbat In tbat grasshopper pa you eould not be equaled at tba Empire Itself." . . .. . Grasshopper pas Empire I If oar dear rector could bat bear my nam coupled with soon abominations I I rose, snstcbed np my bag and pant- sol and- hurriedly seated myself at tb far end of tb carriage, merely present ing my back to bis gaze. Bus, utterly undaunted, be immediately placed him self beside me and actually endeavored to insinuate bis arm around my waist. screamed and beat bim off witb my parasol, and then be seised any band and held it in a viselike grssp and saidi Mary, darling, why do yon to .on lik this a if yoo did sot know me? Don't you remember tb balls at (Jovsot Garden aad tbe jolly rappers and our dear little bouao In Avenue road and bow proud I was to be pointed oot aa tb husband of Polly Oantrippe? Think oar three fair baired children! Oh, bow 000 Id yoo bav It in your heart to desert poor little Esmeralda, only aa infant Is arms? Sb is bow 4 years old and tb imag of yoo. It' a terribla thing to bav a bandaom wife!" - "Let go my band!" I cried out hys terically. . i "To bav a hand torn wlfa,"b re peated, "wbo baa beo on tb board and bas thousands of admirer a terri bl thing for a man to bav to b in lb city and forced to leave ber aloe all day I It wss partly my owa fault, aad I've mvss divorced yoo I" I BOWBaad)'dparat kws fatll al tempt to tear away my hand. Ha still bald it tightly, U Iking all tb tiro is a loud, rsaolot voio. - "A pretty woman ha so many temp taUooa." Her at last I wrestcbed my self free and looked about for th cord of eotsurnniostiost. ' "Ko need to call th guard, Mary." a mid. "Your owa husband iaaaffl dent protectioa.M "Bat yoo are not my hoDaod,M I boated, "aad I will call tb guard if I aan I Sit down r b said ftercaly. "Ko ' of this acting aad liatsst to m I umtly." ' Awad by hi look. I sank back Into a seat. My mental sufferings wer saffl- etsotly acuta, bat I did not wis torn- - tag bim to tb point of murder. "I'v never takes any steps to dl varus yoa,'' b ootinoed enaUaned to ma, Mrs. MoTn of tba Manor, -for yoa mJ W1,t . ,,gb br,TM, yoo know tb j ,dnrrlS Jom ,oA u,,, j krnnr.hl ia er.lt of that Bg,y rt tboa, y0OJJg Lo-c, I J. Wi lhoo;i thnr v. as doom like von. no one so raaoy, so handsome, so smart. My own opinion bas always been tbat yoo were inveigled away against your better self and that yon are beartily sick of tbe brute.- I'm told that he drinks and tbat be beat you I I've searched for you- high and Jow. I've even advertised for yoo, and meanwhile I've always kept your place open. I'v told our friends (and some believe me) that the acting fever had got into yonr blood, yoo could not keep off the boards and bad accepted a splendid engage ment in America, but tbat you were coming back toon for certain. Think of the children I've no children I" I burst ont In- autly Tbey are tangbt to expect your re be continued as if be bad not card me. "Polly is like yon she was 1 on Thursday. Billy takes after me, tbey say, and, aa for Esmeralda, yoo shall judge for yourself. ; All I can say is that I forgive everything. Mary, come borne r As be spoke he looked most terribly in earnest, poor man. His voice shook; bia faoe was ashen: great beads of per' apiration stood upon bis forehead. I de clare 1 felt almost sorry for bim, "I regret, sir," I said, "tba yon have made a complete stranger so con versant with yonr private affair. My husband is a tea broker. I bave nofam ily. I bave never been and never will be inside a theater in my life; much lees bave I acted or danoed. ; "Ob, Mary, why do you torture me like this?" he exclaimed. "Are yon so happy witb bim married manf How can yon couaenl to live in sin?" "Silcnoe, sir I" I.abrieked, nearly be side myself. . "I will not be silent I" be stormed, "Had ever any woman so forgiving a, bosband? Bat then I love yon I love you I" and here tbe miserable wretch actually burst into tears and went and deDlT down Dd Mvleo at jpy kneea tiding Bis BeaIlma"Ei7rbeartrendiig sobs in my gown. I was certain bis loud voice, lamentations and argument must bave been beard by tbe Upping ham. What would they think? "I am really sorry for yoo, sir," I aid, drawing away my skirt. "How can I induce yon to believe that I am not yonr abandoned wife? See, here ii my handkerchief and my Initials, ,'S. H. M.' Sarab Hannab Mogglns." "What are initials?" he scoffed. Yon can cbango them aa easily as you bave changed your voice andtbecdior of your hair. I see yoo 've dyed it tbe now red ; but, all tbe same, my heart recognizes my own Polly ( Now that I've found yon I swear I aball never Jet yon go; tbe children are always ask ing when mother will be borne. They don't know tbe truth. God forgive me for tbe lies I have told tbem I" I shook my bead impatiently, for it was useless to attempt to apeak. . "How can you be so false," be cried., so bard hearted? Look at yourself as you were," and be suddenly opened a locket and jerked It at me. l Tbe painted photograph wblob I was tba compelled to examine was tbat of pretty woman wbo certainly did re semble me. There I saw my eyes, my nose, my month. 'It was like yoo, tbe image of you, before yon grew fat. Yon always bad a dread of growing fat. Tbesa three year bave aged yoa terribly. Yoa look very day of 40? yon know you always bad a horror of being elderly." I bav a great horrW of being taken for another woman!" 1 protested vigor ously. Mary," be said, suddenly inrnlng on me and apeaking in great excite ment, "after having treated me to orueiiy 1 wonder bow yon can be so callous. I declare yon are more lik some atony hearted monster than a wo. man of dean and blood I" surveying me witb a pair of angry eyes. - "How ever, yoa shall not escape m. for tb children' sake, I aball take yoa borne. I know best what Is for your good and theirs, and nothing yoa' can ay or do ball mov me. Yoa remember my will of old Her tb train began to slacken, and I snddenly let down lb window, " woai ar yon aooot:" n anaaaoM sharply, I opened tb door r fa discerned my purpose, precipitated myself upon tb platform and called lor lb station master. A burly official with a weather beaten faoe cam harrying up. - Ob, station master," I cried. throw myaalf on yonr protection I This pointing to my eom pan ion. wbo had hastily alighted, "bss annoy d m lb wbol way from Loudon : b ha mistaken m for some oo el and psrseccted m most cruelly. Find m another carriage and lock m In. 'Sb is my wife!" roared tbe stran ger. "I osa swear to her. Bbe ran away witb a French jockey three years ago and left her bom and children. I'v banted for ber everywhere, and by good lock so got into tb tarn car riage with bm at Victoria. I claim her, do yoa bear? "H is fnsao!" I shrieked. "J aw bim beforcl" I bow aotieed Mm Uppingham, bar sister and tba young man all (taring oat of tb window, watching lb scan With, every symptom of tb liveliest la tenst indeed every open window la tb train was f nil of beads. Tb porters, tb cabmen, tb vary newsboys, bad gathered together and mad a . ring round bc . "Sb say I'm a tranger, " ontlnud tho maa la hi load, strident voio. tbat was aadlbl vo aoov tb biasing of th ogiaa, "bat don't mind bar. 8b's bean aa actress. I took br off tb board. Acting 1 ber second Batur. I'm willing to tab her boos and giv i bar another cbanoa, Bow, Mary, yoa com along with at," aad b laid his hand apoa my arm. "Station master," I said, "her U ay eerd. I claim your protect lr ax Yoo aad tb ompany ar faspoaslbi for as to y lawful husband." TV a, a b amlied aad shook hi I appealed ia my depraUoa to Mr. Uppingham. "Tbat lady live close to ma. Eb knows wbo 1 aoa. Don't yoar' I W- aonabl of bar with treebd hand, ho tb dateatabi woman asarsty island ber rye brows snd snook bar baad, and I eould actually bear lb gld bok- Leg with laughter. "Do yoa know her, ne 'am?' A- anteaed tb pffldal. "Ko, thank rxdnmr'fatuwrd, witb great oora. Meanwhile wa tbat is to say, tb stranger jtnd J wra detaining tb VAn 0 W i IvtoKes the food more delicious and vrfwtesome "' ' - t - ' ten smqms eonwrs eo., ww von. 1 ' whole train, an J tne aUtlonrnastor sud denly said: v "Take yonr hand off tbe lady, sir. And you, missus, get Into the carriage, and I'll beep the gentleman until tbe next train. I'm going beyond my rights, bat there's no other plan, as I can see. I'll wire to the police and inquire about you," be added as be took my card. I did not wait to bear another word, but made a daab fox my compartment and sorambled in jnat as tbe train be gan to creak and move, atiil closely panned by tho stranger, and the last glimpse I caught of bim be was strug gling like a madman up and down the platform in tbe arms of four porters, have never seen bim since. . ' This terrible experience bas naturally made me extremely nervons. I never now travel alone. I feel a misgiving re tpecting every figure ensoonoed behind a newspaper, and tb first sight of man witb a sallow face and a red tie gives me a sort of chill. I related the whole story to Tbcma when I bad recovered from tbe shock and bad eaten my dinner, and be was immensely amused. So like a bosband Mrs. Dppingbam bas evidently im parted ber version of the occurrence to tbe neighborhood. I called upon ber to explain, but she was not at borne (though I taw faer in tbe wlqdow), and bat never returned my visit no, not even through the post, I am sorry to say tbat tome of my acquaintances bave evidently listened to her lies. A friend of mine Wfil solemnly aitnred that bad been a burlesque dancer and a di vorcee. Several nice people have drop ped me; no explanations, no matter bow ample, appear to avail mo, and believe tbat it will take years and years if not my whole lifetime to live down my only adventure. B. M. Oro ker in Sketch. Sharp Contrast In Dr. Trumbull's "War Memoriet of a Chaplain" it is wisely taid tbat courage it tbe standard in active army servtoe, and no man wbo fails in per sonal bravery can bare tbe least inflo ence upon hia men. If, on tbe other hand, a chaplain It ready to tbare every danger, bit men give bim full credit for murage and fidelity and are tbe more ready.to do tbeir doty under bit appeals. Two soldior were one day overheard speaking of tbe chaplain of another regiment and contrasting bim witb their own. 'He's always on picket witb bltregi ment," said tbey, "and he's alwayt ready to go with it into a fight. You don't oatcb our 'Holy John' np there!' "Yon don't mean our chaplaiu it a coward, do yon?" Baked tb other, in a scornful tone, "Ob, no! I don't say he't a coward, but wben tbere't any firing abead h bat to go for tba mail. " ' "Wall, bnt be'i got to go for tbe mail, von know." "Yea, bnt if tne firing It sudden, be can't stop to get bit raddle on. Tbey laughed together over the pic tofSTTBs ev SfciDBflni man bad luti fait influence. ; A Comical Cost am. Much amnsoment wat caused in country house at a recent English bouse party by tbe entry 'into tbe drawing room jutt before dinner of a guest witb ooattallt tightly rammed into bit troa ten pockets and tba trousers themselves rolled up almost to bit knees. Wben some on drew tb old gentleman' at tentloa to tb eocentrlo' arrangement of bit dress, everybody present nearly x- ploded, and tha viotim himself, whom all knew intimately, langbed at liearti ly hi anybody. lie then explained that be bad bicycled over from bit own bom, eom two mile distant, and, tbinklng tbat b wat lata, ba had, wben shown in, forgotten all about tb arrangement of fai olotbe. ' Wben subsequently tbe footman wbo admitted bim wat rebuked for not bav. Ing noticed tb condition of tb goeat's olotbe and told bim of It, tb saucy varlet calmly replied tbat certainly fa bad "observed tbat Colonel Blank's trousers wers turned up ratber bigb," hot tbat b bad refrained from drawing bis attention to tbem because be "thought perhaps tb oolonel war tbem tbat way." London Latter. . - thaaaba Wlaaeaa. Tb wisdom of tb venerable Sbao baa, tb Wayfarer, on of tb chief characters In Jam Jeffrey Rocba't laagbable akit. ' "Her Majesty tb King." is in great danger of bscomlng eUmic. "A bird oa toast," mya th vsnerabl tags, Is worth two on a boo Bet," wblob indeed Is a truth that aay child mlgfal comprehend, "if," quoth th Wayfarer, "I bar bo e maa oa earth wbo kaowath las tbaa all otbara, it I b wbo is tb husband of a wife, aad sb will b tb first to toll bim tb Wbll Allah preervetb ber, bit balo aball never b too small for bis bead. 1 No wan." be oootinutd, '.'know. Mb wbat tro bsppinees tt until fa get. tain mairied ; then is tb knowladg a swset memory tbaa a ar Excbanga. , f ' aVeyansl Bia Depth, U tbat frlaod of roar still dab bling ia politic-' ' Wall," answered tb eld cam pal gn witb a sympathetic sigh, "b dab bled for awbll, bat tb first thing b knew b aiipped over tb dg aad want la clean out of Bight." Waabugtoa Star. i onorjoniTio BrofvcbiU srenaraity twgin with B eosDmoocoki: if not en rrd it bacomen dangwmo aad thoaasnds) di from bronchitis annnaily. Pr. John W. Bull' Cough Bymn, trva beat remedy for thai rtiera.e, rare it ia a w days. r . r srv a v coucn cyrup; Wifl promptly cur BroftchilU. trar er emaQ sed pSaiat Se take. IVw-fflra race as a, aa aa arauata. i I A - . A FEROCIOUS PANTHER. it First flatties Witb a Bear aat ,.y .Than Taeklea Ma.,.?4,i,,.;:V.' "Tbe sportsman who bat a hankering for exciting bunting," said an Arizona man, after listening to the story of a friend wbo bad bad several thrilling encounters witb tigers in India, "may bave plenty of.- it anywhere among th mouu tains of eastern Arizona. Panther like tboaa one reads about in tales of frontier life are ttill to bo met there in all their pristine ugliness and strength. I recall a verr narrow escape whioh I I ' and another cowboy named Burke bad two year ago in one of tbe forests of tbat state. We were returning to camp after an absence of several days witb a large herd, of cattle, and late in the aft ernoon we misted two steers, wblob bad evidently entered and strayed away in the forest, along the edge of wbiob our journey homeward lay. Not wish ing to lose the animals in tb forest, where thousand of panthers wer known to abound, we allowed the boo oh of cattle; to go on ahead, and, urging onr bortea on, went In search of tbe beasts. .. ' t " Well, we bad oot gone very for Into tbe thick of the forest, wbiyb wat In placet covered witb a heavy under growth of bushes, wben we thought we beard noise resembling tbat mad by the hoofs of a tteer in walking through tbe brush. As we got a little nearer to tb bushes where we bad beard tb nolte Burke, wbo wat a little abead of me, suddenly reined np bit bone. Ha mutt bave teen something that atartled bim, for be waved me baok and then cocked bis gun. A moment later a big pantbet cama- into view, carrying a squealing cub bear In Its month, it car ried the cab aa a cat would a mouse. and as it did not appear to notice our presence fiurka tjook hit gun from bis shoulder, and we both tat there, look ing and wondering wbat tbs wild beast would do witb Its prey. "Our interett wat ttill more exoited wben a few moments later tb wailfng mother bear made ber appearance Sba was evidently afraid to taokle tb panther, and tbat beast appeared to know it. But presently tbe panther put tb cub on tb' ground, at if to get a better bold of itt nock, wben tbe beat plnnged at tbe panther and caught it round tbe body jutt In front of It bind legs. Lik a flash tba panther flung the onb Into tbe air, yanked itself loose, and, turning qulokly, jumped at tbe bear. Tbe bear knocked tbe panther to on tide and a second stroke of itt paw tent tb big cat flying into the bushes, But at this stage of tbe flgbt tbe cob squealed onoe more, and tba mother bear, teeming to forget every thing bnt ber young one, rntbed to it rescue. Bbe bad not, however, taken more than two or three step wben tbe pantber tprang at itt throat again. Its aim was true, for it settled the olaws of itt for feet in the beat's shoulder snd itt teeth in ber neck. Tb bear now straggled bard to tbake tbe panther off, f but tbe eouidn'tdo IL Boon tbe panther tore tbe bear's entrails out with its hind olaws, and then it leaped away andj went to smelting) after tb cab, wbiob bad crawled over to a tree near wber we bad boen watching tbe battle. "On cam tb pantber, tnllBna along the ground for tbe cob, which bad re treated until it waa within ten feet of us. Then tbe panther paused, and for tbe first time turned It attention to os. Itt attitude waa on of daflano. It croonbed and curled its lips up In a bldeont snarl, and Burke, realizing th danger w were in, raised bit Winches ter and fired. Bat bit aim was too hlgb, and tb savags beast sprang lor my back, tearing my cost into tbredt and leaving tb mark of it olaws on my iboolder. One again tb pantber waa about to jump for ma. Bat this time Barke pat a ballot In a vital spot and tb pantber fell dead. " W didn't atop to look around any longer tbat day fur oar steers, bat th nasi afternoon another cowboy belong' log to our camp ran i cross their remains In a gorg about half a mil away from wore w bad shot tbe panther. They bad been killed and partly devoured by panthers." Wash Ing tun Star. sweat at nn EartMaak. Tb ooart wblob an tarthqaak runs is aaually very rapid, From tb Instant wben tb first snook wat felt at Lisbon to tbe period when all wat over and many t boo sands of people killed not mora tbaa two minute bad lapsed. Usually from 10 to (0 aaconda alaps between tb Drat and last shocks of a vers earthquake. But tbi lightning spaed It not al ways tb artbqoaka's mod of travel ing. While Caracas, In Venezuela, "Wat almost totally deatr.-ryed aod 11,000 pao- pl war killed la leas tbaa 10 seconds by tb gnat shock tber many years back, tber ar caatt in wbiob eooatant- rasurring shocks bav lasted for weak. - j - No matter bow brief tba spaa, tbs frightful bavo oaa b wrought and th wav of d eat ruction propagated from th most distant region Th rambling earth Bound travel at tba rat about 10,000 to 11,000 fart per sao- ond aad tb nrth wav oa aa avcrag about J, 100 feet ia tb mm spec of lima. .--. O Baa lata Cnran. It waa formerly believed tbat epilepsy eoald b cured by wearing a silver ring mad from a coffin Bail. Brwo drop of blood from lb toil of a oal and blood front s raronlly executed criminal war aid ta ba valuable rem sd lea for epi lepsy. To sore t felon or run troond bold tba Sngtr ia a cat tar for half aa boar. For tootbaeb trim yoar gngar nailt oa Friday or aat bread that a I tnooe ha nibbled or carry ia yoar pocket tooth from a soldier killed ia battia. For raaala of to tonga spit oa frog. For loofaoliaas drown aa sat ia brandy and make tb drunkard drink tb braady. To cur warta rub tb wart witb a potato and land th potato to a p., DWitt a Littl Early R Iters, Tea tan .a Miti-4lU. Greensboro Tobacco ROR Sold over 5,000,000 pounds lost year for An average of $7.57 i pounds. '' - . This ia the' highest average made by any market in piedmont . Carolina. .. ' ' Over tl, 260.00 paid but daily to fanners for tobacco during llio ; year , . . . r. :- It ia the best market in fhe State for the farmer. Our Warehouse are large, commodious and up-to date, whose i rn etors stand without a peer as slesmen of the weed. EveryJarge firm in the United States and a number of foreign firms : represented by our buyers. Tobacco centre, manufacturing centre, trade centre, railroad con? educational centre. 't '. - Our own manufacturers have a large capacity and are increasing t! trade daily.and must have tobacco. We have the strongest corps of buyers in the world for the ward..,, capacity. , , . ;. , . ; - We want more tobacco and must nave it if high averages will brin Try us with your next load and be convinced of our merit. Greensboro Tobacco, Association. I wish to call the attention of insurers in Alamance county to the fact that the Burlington Insurance Agency, established in 1893 by the late firm of Tate & Albright, is still in the ring. There is no insurance agency in North Carolina with better facilities for placing large lines of insurance, that can give low er rates or better indemnity. Only first-class companies, in every branch of the business, find s lodgement in my office. With a practical experience of more than ten yean,' I feel warranted in soliciting a share of the local patronage. , '- :J guarantee full Mtiafaction in every instance. Corredpondence solicited upon all matters pertaining to insurance. . . . I am making a specialty of Life Insurance and will make it to the interest of all who desire protection for their families or theirestatee, or who wish to make absolutely safe and profit able investment, to confer with me before giving their applica tions to other agejits. M .... Very respectfully, JAMES P. ALBRIGHT, " f," , V ' b'urlington, k. c. 'OOOOOOOOOOOQOCOGQOCCCC Z ' SUBSCRIBE FOR THE GLEANER, ' ' ' . " " " ' I'-"'- , . i . $ 1 .00 per Year in Advance. DEPTH OF MACADAM. The Tklekev th Band th Aran of th Ba Many to called macadam roads con. slit of a few inobe of broken ttone laid on tb svrfao of tb ground without J any provision for preventing tb stones from spreading under tb pressure of loads. Tbr should b mad a trench of tb width and depth Intended for tb roadbed. For light traffic six inches of ton on a good foundation will answer, but for beavy traffic tbi is not suffi cient . Tbe praotur of a load passing over a compact road spreads out through lb body beneath in conelike form, tbe apex being at tb lot d on tb surface. Witb b depth of bnt I inches tba weight at the bottom will be spread ont over SS square Inobe; If it i 9 Inches deep, tb weight on tb foundation will spread over 81 square iqchea, and if Jl inches deep it spreads war 144 square inobe. Depth of rondbedTmeajis strength. Tb area of tba baa sustaining tba weight of th load increase a tbe square of tb depth. A road 1 1 Inches dorp is four time as strong as on six innbe deep. A era Matlaaal Blawwnr. . "A great national highway might b constructed," suggests Ueaeral Boy Stone, "oallod perhaps 'tb Great Bead of Anierics,' which should first join to gether tb states along tb Atlantic tea board, than striks aerons tb country oa a ceutial Una, aay from Washington to San Francisco, joining there another tin which oonneota' too Mate on tb Pacific coast; this road to b built no) by tb aoral government aloo, bat try tb etotoa. Bade snob arrangement a tbey may make within tbeir owa borders, and by tb govern meat throagh tx territorie and its own land aod sverrvations; built not by taxation of tb state or tb people, bat practically out of It owa benefit. Foreigner ar said to dussajlsj erg turnpikes a "dug ont brir'l paths." Bbod Island is tb only state to bav col leg wber tb students ia add! tiua to regular branches ar taught tba art of road bu tiding. Conway W. 8ama, chief ooaaol of tb Maryland division L. A. W., state tbat 141,000 waa aaed oa tb road ia Bal timore ooaary last year almost without raulta. Tb argnated plan of road improvo meat fat OoaaaeticBt proposes tb build ing of on great scat highway east and weal add another aortb aad south across th atato, witb low grades, aad toaob iDg. to tar a possiU, tba plnons of taiitr pofsalaatcav . raul Perry, of Columbus, Ga., suffered agony for thirty years, and Lbeo cured his Piles by using Do tViU's Witch naxcl Salve, It healt injuries and skin diseases like jiggle. J. C Simmons, the drug-gist.' One Mlnnte Cooj;fi Cure, cures. Tnat ka a Bat M eras smmM it. HIGH PRICES. f PEST j , .. THE '"" MEW Wheeler & Vil c r -1 lJJ it Sewing Mac!:!:, z RetaWMttlM aid Eaif Ecarls Easy RtunfoZt ,C--t H-;' -', Purchaser say i - " It ruru as light as a feather." ." Great improvement over anyth in our." . " It turn dnidgery Into a pastime " ' The magic Silent Sewer. " AU sizes and styles of sewing ma chines for Cloth and Leather. tofThe best machine on earth see it before yoa buy, ONEIDA 8TORE CO. J. M. Haves, Agent. , $2.68 P1STS $2.6S Pants CMlnaivnIy. We try Is do bat on thine, t v. oe thins bettrr. Co It a"r -. aa aaore eapedltioaaiy tn.n . . BoesB. Taa toaiMaaof our rm. Birkvaln of ear santa aj c. . nreofs. $2.68. That All, SMrvoa-v ortaa paid t4O0 for r-. nearsosDoa. TonTI amrs f r T' v waarKoaii't V.viO ; .. , IT4llMB.-8i.h-:'',- FOR tAf. F V V w.j. nicrtc.c Z.-T. IL" t Ilojalrf Col and Flintom ( , Ont Cctt2r For tho fjln I Very Jpy7 I Few I , t' 'nute C v aunt t. t tt